HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-3, Page 6THE TIMES NOT A. FAIR DigAII. Pe tol;Uarrison left his home atEtie, Pa., $o become a bank cushier in De- l A correspondent of the Foochow tr, it. Some one one is Erie tori tutu Herald sends the details of another that thirteen oashiers were wanted here at once, and he otttne ou e.S fast as con- ductors on freight trains would permit him. Disappointment isithe lot of man, or of lots of 'iaeu, and Peter reached Detroit to find all the Lest positions EXTE1tkfINATINGCHRISTIAN. ITY IN C1-.f.UNA. auti-missionary riot in the interior of the Province of 1 uhkien. In the pre- sent instance the mission property be- longs to Au erioau citizens. The nor-. reepoudeut writes: " Ou Saturday, the 10th of Febru- taken. One bans, offered to permit ary, a slob of over a hundred persons ilitn to ten bushels of coke, bub Ur. forcibly eutereti the :Methodist Chapel Harrison didn't oomo to this town to at Yunee'un, 140 miletl south of Foo - drudge. Ile was trying to obtain a chow, aril voileutly assulted the few hours sleep on the grass in the Christiaus who had gathered therein public park previous to a second strug- fur device worship. The catechist and 31s with the mad world, when an of- congregation escaped to the magistrates nor suggested the propriety of a wall[ °: ,Ineu, leaving the mob in possession to the station. of the chapel. The rabble immediate. 'You see' began Peter, when walk- ly set to work and destroyed the seats, eti before the Court, ' I struck this tables, and eto. Previous to this at - town with nothing but an empty to, tabic the people bad been Balled upon bacoo box in lay pooket, bat I ata de. by the gentry to sobsuribo $190 ctesb termined to work- up, Horaee Cyree!y —avowedly toward the extermination aorkod up, and all I want is a little of Christianity in their dietriot. Their time, You see, I haven't had any- nidus operandi was to tear down the thing except grass iinee I crossed De• Chapel in the first instance, and sub - trait river, and you can't expect we to s1•q)leutly to dhstroy the houses of the whoop tip riches in two days. Ctl,isticus, thus forcibly driving them Yee, I think you will work up,' nut of the place. But, i.n ppily, only quietly observed His honor as he look part of this programme was carried out. ed down on the prisoner. ' 1 think The sufferers by the riot tled to the you will work ap to the house of our magistrate's yaulen where they were reotion in about half an lhonr,' kindly received and promisaed ptrateo• That's mean, judge. Wil;tt would thou. A. few days later the .r agistrate George Washington have amount, d to went in person to inspect the wrecked if be had been sent up just as he was chapel. He immediately instituted ac trying to get a start in hie ? ' examination into the whole affair, and ' This court has nothing to du with , requited the offenders to pay all ex - George 'Washington, lir. If ho had penses attending the repair of the been brought before this bar with his chapel, to frlruisll medical aid to the shirt baud torn off, his nose thn color ,tonudsd men, and to find six )months' of oarmitle awl his breath slnallni ul secu ity for the lives of the persons as. 'whiskey, he wuuitl hate born s• ut at. s•tltetl, The man who .had been most for sixty days in the vi y best styli. severely beaten was ordered to receive Don't yon let:this case bother you any.' $30 as eonipansatit'u, but, a hip rare. Well I'll go up rather than have disinterestedness, he refused to receive any fins over it, but I hall .stick to it the money, in order that the purity of that it i:t not a fair ileal. It I am ever his motives in becoming a Christian tnade judge I'll give tho boys a chance, should not be doubted. 13y this prompt and don't yua forget it ?' lteti,,n of the Yunco'uu magistrate, His I-ion:ir put thirty days extra on and the oust-Ifi,h conduct of the native the prisuner'e t'entet et' its order that Christians, lint only has pace been re - ...either should forget it, and then Pt'ttat eture,i, but also a good state of fs.,•litis; cut into this corridor rind .at down un between the Christians and their heath 1:0 handle of till' c cul >c:tttle. '-n ueiglib••rs se=emed, the latter for es fully understanding that Chris. WHICH. P .Y BET? liens must not he persecuted for reins - it ta efns•iter to contribnle to idolatrous purposes, How often we hear formers ask chi. ,tilt! !so that the higher and nobler nle•tion : Which will stay me the best, iirineipt s whish they claim to ham,. ..tittle or sheep ? Now, tL«'le Is fano" tidnptl'd ere entitled to respect and legal difference of Upiuion on this subject; r•eongtiiti.on." chose who keep cattle claim that, thet Sre the host prutttilb , and rh•s•,e, that. harp FlheFt)thinit t1i•> s Lille ,if thceir look. I Blain) that' shoo) ,era tIlct me) a profit b e, and I w t: y atm Drove i to your read• rs. Take, kr instant•', a two rar alit steer, weighing 1,000 p,m,l,is, w :rib =,ur cents per round, nr $40. W las isthe east of ra'isin'g to til u a::o ? 1f.rat year to milk, grail[ and hay, $12 ; ou • summer's pasture, �,1J ; ix m-•))tlis feeding hay and i*'aiu.:3i15; nl'skist•r the total COS`- $32. !Flare s Jost estimate; everytl.ia g is tluwu t( the vacant saddle, ran down the wilt' the lowest t.otch• steer, threw her shawl over its head Now, yen see that it has cont $32 to just a- it was shoat to gore the child, raise. this sleet, and he has sold and, taking advantage of the confusics, NTEW BLACKSAIITIISHOP A't'Wfl4- CET>ar,t;Il A, W, 13.00RING , IitN.1atoof lsaxetet, has ,�' curumemced busineestntaso 51 a''»'vsbranllt at Wlucheleea c ' gull is pro- pa••edtodealt�, ,,, 1.a�-xa..,,,. kind ufblaok smithillgwork Horse shoe- fugspo•ttally attended to, Promptness, cheapness and good work auarauteed, A call solicited. 10•tiu W, 111TCICINGHAM. WATC1lI.A, °LOGES, Sewing Machines. organs, Aocord6ons, and 1,rtnbt•elis repaired, Agent for the • Wanner series sew- ing ttaettinos, Second- hand Sewing 3fae111nes for sale cheap. All kinds of needles ant, e,, ttesfor :sowing Idaehtneskept on itau(1 lihop-1,ain Street, I)asliwocd, .T0l1G. S' )L1)011, l'r'oprirtur. May 15, 1-y. ENGINES AND BOILERS From 1 to 73 Horse Power, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese Factorie.i, Printers and tilt parties using.hand or 1101 0 power. Rest and cheapest in the market. Send for circular and price list. John Doty. tAs Esplanade Street. y , 1'onosro, ,.51RR]SilikNirw�"l�P.itLiSlNi3L��C5i�t3:S'tibS'Si4.'S•s'Kiit'+d°i�s Wonderful Discovery. IPs 714 FRIFND,OF MANKIND. 'lAn Internal t External l9EM•ED Y, s• A BALM: F01 . EVERY WOUND. l I}t omens Phenmurrtisnl and C'eiu tlgia and till,n LT= '".'`titntl�'�• .11/oily -7;T:=7111 il.1 " it is the w13knottier"V t rninc lis itir iht an:a�"ti" ra ' on the Amoriean Continent., preveaby others,";' As -oou as 11pL111z11 itiso di'ntitant ease tom, the • uufortultate saitivrer, 1u rapfiuv absorbed, penetrates to tiii3'very bo no, enters the ciraul a' tiara, oentralizing ult •'Itltolnatio Poison' eti crusting in the blood, andexpels it fret; ttty" ystain tbytttlgll the natural outlets. IT CURES Tooth t t'be, Earache, Headache, lc enrolls Rheumatism, Sprairs. mailings, Iltflallnttitll,'<t, }turns, tuts, Bruises, Pain itt Side, Pain lu_ Iiaol. Pain in t.hoc+t, P 11u in shoulder, Coughs:, Cold h• tyrost13ites,l`i,il) nls,l)isislwea,i)ys-ti outey, ,;undue r Complaint, te.,.tc. ri It will acre the most agony/dog pitiin, inter; nal or este nal ill Ont ill L[alt.•1titref your 1.trci uauta• ico i ; 1311 1 trial ; tan rnvimt-1, Imolai to nut:11!ll,ntl rail if �t•14,tii"i_. :':1e greuti�th! ,„semi at of its success with tani:tnses is ow lag Liu, the Leet it19' safe atilt it.trmtes4, pleasant..• .. to take, giros instant 00se. and oat) be appuedt, iiI ithtt reaterider lt ucaea:iof tAtinStl e , than lulls p,repetration4 k whiehfresearch elan ua ` 1113 (ivul ticienee'4 yawtlutsyet protluet:ci. rlas _s a prom ,..i. 1y a grout If its great Anwar over diaa•ts0 T7113 person, no smatter who it may be, l ioi1 -'y Nor Poor, eild or 1 Bang, who is suifcritig1, •11', alty ,�1 the (wove unwed 1,„in' ui uonaplttiets,+) A. SAN DIEGO •!-IEBIZIi\ E •twill win at the t)llie „ in T sonto, env (a)• ofd; thu week, twill r • • pi:i<+iiiwl pi, yef "Fran of 4ehorg',' •lf its magical plower over punt lu , tie t� San Diego possesses a genuine heroineits a young lady 'lamed Miss MaryL`'ttvret,ee. 111 tett Tuesthy n baud of u.tttle ttere being driven throngtl til, streets, when one of them 8;14;1.d out, !t child at play and s;.arted for it. '2)11 vaquero, who was drunk, tusmbir'd flow tris horse est he attempted to turn tits furiousanimal. At this moment.11is- flttvreuco cause along, and, talciog the situation at a glance, sprang hitt, $4:0, Subtract. his ke, pin:; fr•.•fn what he sold Inc and you 1:Ett,'o the profit,. eight:dollars. This is ct,uotilig n..th- ;:ng for trouble, allowin- the manure to balanoe that. Now for the sheep, ft will east to raise and keep Fight lambs watt they ere one ,year old, for pasture, bay and grain $12; fm' one year more for hayar.d €era: n, $20 ; nlakin,l then' total cost front birth until two years old. X132. Now for the other side. Eight head 'of sheep weighing 125 ]bunds par dead, malting 1,0-00 pounds at four tents per ponud is $/0. Two milts of wool, eixtGQrl fleeces, weighingfive pounds per fleece, make SU pounds nc 'a-oa11 at tmoltshirty-two tlts per pound, $25 60.. h y• Now take the $40 that the F'ep sold foe, and you have $135.160 a- total re - Cr Subtrtset the cost from this end 3011 have $33.011 profit on eight sheep tg;rit,st eight dollars profit on tits ar;eet•, bath weighing the same sit the satn :tee, and both 0'sli?lg the stamp 1• r keepi'1.1, 1"avi'eg ;t 1) chase' of $2F,30 ill fame of sheep, 51t iwittg clrt:trly ttt,tt, it Eel b,1ttiter' t0 ifi'M.p siit•r+l) 1.11',11 0:(1111', ti.:prei't11;v 1r13rre test h ivc srn�lli forms I think that this OE;titt} tee i1 1(0(1001. taking I t•tet:'s ire 11,i i nrikiltbrsrhr'r'd lttiai.v, •sI. l:. B. fitPrattii•af lea rnier. Do 1dnyr Iii*,r, '1111,, 7'c:n:,a.•-•• "tttn�' gardeaert Iilelta.ly al)pioci'lt1 111, v:etr. a.oi(' services of the common toad, end toff ,rd tilt 111 "orolc:btion for tlit•ir lrlsecr destroying ;tt•npnitsiiies, while RS irloi.y tilt,r'P, pts 1)111•%1, etre 1. nrtl'atlkt itt' 111011 tt cftilttosfc,, s1'o 11111 I,trt•u' c�l:oaa it may iutc-reslirg 1714 knot. that toads live' fttMON t wholly Ingo) s1tlirt, av'(t't.Llhtrn, tlset)og nrII1 other Irl 1.1114,tytni.ing (heir 1•i`Eti1dg St ltngl,t trlean ro- hfirmer is- at+feep-•-harp. tics bird. tc•o.--anii the in- sects 1(r73 etlpposell to ha (lectin; it all their own Ivey, lecngfslr f,trrma's un- c1t rnt:t.nrl these f;,ots art coli tlutt toads aria prtrchattod stt'so irs:elt )t (l -'snit and telt ia,cl limo,a'u'l the 1 nst of it Irl rile f:'a, doctor iir not trouble t•1 u ii h baying Lis toads over ag,tiu [vel y few days, of the+ beast, rude up to the ehiid, sled, ,tilhuut leaving her saddle, reached t.t it and lifted it into her len, and then eatrri,d it off la safety This was no: only an act of heroism, but an exhibi - inn of horserllatit•hipsuch es few,if in this section could equal. Passox's. — lieu. James Brooks, Weston, says:- "I have found nothing to give mo lucre 1 p,urulantnt relief for shortness of breath or asthma, than Ii3.axnans P1:et•or,sL P7Leaat,an 1 car with confidant0 recommend it to all re- quiring a good medicine for coups and colds, autl diseases of thtt throat audl ;tugs. For sale at Central Drag Store, Exeter, at LG cents per brittle. For all purposes of a family Medicine Hao- W1D8 ys:r.ruty OIL will be found. invaluable. Immediate relief will follow its use. It ru• Heves pain, cures chiiblains, frostbites. scalds, burns. Come, rheu)naeien), neualgia &c.. tte. For internal use it f.- /tone the less wonderful. One or two dosesfrequelntty cure sore throat. It Nvill core croup iu s few minutes. A few betties has often. cured ustltma. Colic has been cared in. fifteen minutes by ateaspoonful dose. It cure" with the utmost rapidity, it is really a wonderful mcdicfae. Fur bale at Cen- tral Drug Store, Exeter. 'Po he thoroughly happy, yon must be well 7'o ha well, in tholtsauds of eat es, you should take the. great mudieine, which relieves, regu- lates ansi roue/rates disc:wiaaly systems --Vu)- I•oiva L'ucrtt; andTlva Thum For Bright's di.. s11,18e of tiro kidneys, dinbczos, and asp discatso;i of the urinary system, its thud!'” use is very beneficial. For sale at Central Drug chore, Exeter, w Ask Yoursef the e questions. Are you a dnspnndeut sufferer from Sic.': Ifet dbOhlC, Habit:ad C:rstivenu •s. Paipitatinit of the Heart? have you Di5ainess of the r? Is yourNervous System depressed 7 'es your ]:loo() 7irttllako hadlf ? .have you. tt CJo[ihal f,t,tt Spirits ? homing up of 'Ow food ,.iter eating;' .fie., late. All of those and luaelilucre aro ri.le 01 net Insults tit Dyspepsia, Liter „Complaint and .indigestion. (i•t1oaSx's Aurirsr lot.nwxu is now aoltuowiedgs'd by n,il Druggists to bu it positive cure, 2400.01)0 bottles were );iv,'u away in the T?, 8, through Druggists to the people as a trial. '1'wo doses chili Satisfy ativ pe •sm1 dike wonderful quality is miring til tonna of Lilrligtloticn. 8sttuplu brittle, 10 cents. 'rtegulo- size, 75 Cents. t3,310 positive by sal tltst•cletss Druggists. iaap'lii,cution. • Tentinlouielsfr, m all parts of the 11nlnln,ou"1 aro u nib 1 t1y corning to hand, giving. spre:l-.t, u,h t, the ]neat grateful gratitude for n4•?!•; .tonial.in,gceues whirl i1• has perforined,itud'-,: ',we would he pleased to receive testiteo+ti.'tla "hlo ,11 others woo ti t it successfully. MPhysicians of th0 7.47.ilest r..speottthllit r3 leum 11t1el It as a must t fl"0l'nal ",101111 47 1' :• -'remdy'• for the relief of Pain in cases of Slit1-1 Mom alecr)irrloy 5 •.i� Carry it to,'oor homes, 11110 It wilt prove a. bin44J n g to you e f.' suit van d afflicted 1 1w i ItrnsgietF: S.re 30111:15 enormous quantities or . -itw ,ereverIntlouluced.d I ohalhui tree trurl•1 ro hr;eein' ' it.: oq l.tl. . �,..,. ..l.,..•. ,.�.,ule.�.. thrcn:;;h t,a er,lute .:a le I)raeand Patent:tiodicino Houses of iIontro- al, Cor oto, if" ;uittnl,owl London. P1ice h5 Cents per Bottle! '4 Bond by all Enterprising Druggists. t' Sept. 10., ly. ttattcIE:�..kta.::°: z.se::lt a rzi.:tz;i,,..t s. • "ammriza C. a S. GIDI)TY Unde1'talzor ,i ea,11t1 evvouLD SAY TO those who intend purobeattig to do so from the Manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sett again must necessarily have a profit. We n 11171 to give the purchasers the benefit, w'hi'ch oauuut fall to moot the views of [110 Grangers. Our expenses are less than those of airy nleutu lecturer", euuseq"0nt• ly wo eau se11ol1eaper. June 3,• 187j :Aix+�lr,tati'�'aai•1seelltltre,xzafr ? iI'fl'Lt121`f'.0 NIfit 'tilt 1:3 G° t'.:i e r' r B w C> 11 f.l) callneelninttentivil to our ul,tisitukiag tirin.rt ntont,r}ticl it more emu rletc than (.5 er, as we hay ilial even 1 11.0y destgt., of lite The best co11in.. caskets: 8hrnw14.;411/t Oyt, y • .1051al t•e,lnlsltc at 11. Ina pat ,ries s)ur now Ileac 7 is prou•en tet el 1 omen tt011t 111(1501 • to lie s7cnnd to Imre in tl'e prorteceo mbe os a all (le D tie rea t Sool,e cs. 1879) SPE=t . (1879 (1 THE OTID RELIABLE 11O t SE At alltitues, (rad particularly at a period when Traell is universally depressed and monav scarce. 1t is in the interest of et'ory buyer to puruhaso where he can get the 171 t.ieiu 11e oculi at the lowest rate. Iu caliiugyuur attention to my present stink,1 du so with eve crucil. once; it beiug Mere carefully assorted and selected than tiltir ul any preritueseasult. In the Dry Goods Erniy department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, Marked a priceswhieh should Command the attention of Ilio vary nloseest buyers. `S 11,E O1' 3l.its:t) CLOTIllNL:r still has ;tilt, W..IVES ti at it. bead I,I:i11.1nery Undortho rna.-agomentof Miss 3Lotxloghton,we can aril the luoai fastidious, Our stook of • Cxrocetles, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English n•nd American. Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best aatsortod in the County. Intending purchasers will consul' their best iuterests by examining inystoukbefore going elsewhere. r �AMES PIC.1ZA .1) This grout household tfo,l1ehie ranks amongst the 'l. lain, necessaries of life. ileac famous Pills parity the linoon, and wet most powerlolly yutsurt d,,.;ly o0 too Liver, Sto.uacle, Kulneys, and 13 meals, 5ttitt•13 tune, energy, and. vigor to those gr., It tit in :r.,riu;.. of lite. 11,6y aro eou- litret,tly rc-ranlnl•'nd.,d as a Never fwilill>; "onleey in all eases ,ri,e)r.) 101 colt•:titnt in,frou1 1'11atavnr 0.015'4 1,76 1):s3,), 1 1,11,rai15(1 n1 wealienecl. Theyui'3 ttou,lerfully rfiacualnus in all ai,tnc111Aiuui. 1(0134 1 to females of :all a; t: it 11 115 a g;tnelal T uluily •1luniciva, aro 1in91171 1?51d I s s0,ixabiu'i (n0 1 71 111 11 properties aro known t1,r'Yt•dtoet the world. t ur 11 0 71110 f 1,n d 1 54,1111 hr••ar•ts, old 770110(18 rl,.,,17 11770tlle,sl e, 177 is uu tufn.11ih It 1 71) 'dy, If 11 aatually rttbt,ad nu tie 17131• n l 134141, (74 salt into inept, it 377001 sora throat, Bronchi ti:a,rlonglis 1`e)1.13, still (Vail .l+t.tot7. - l'ln' (ilrtll(11rha1'•:iwa1- lln;n, sses, i'tls+, 1. 1.111as, (,na t linen/nil limn nmi over' kiwi of S1ial Disease, it hag mover boon 10100n t.n f.tii. 'i'ltul'llts 71111(11111710717 ado )0,111- utacittlrn•. olily at 00:104h O1'L11 3•i'i;i/T, I,ON1)0N, Anr1 ars 4111 ,)y •tli Van lora of tvintliaiun8 t it , t t0 3017 10 81vilt1..1 1 wort,' ; with directions 11stns n,5 usL.ryLattgttt o, •ih'1 rr:la 3t•t ks [1111030 me(itahlan erre roils• tenni at Ott•twa, .113nc7, anyone ,,1 the Tint. Lsh Posses: inlsS, who may konp tho America' 0..untnrfe'its .for sale. will he pi:omit:at((1, f-seParch 1so1•s should loop to the 131181 On the Pots and i'.0378, ff the address rs 110 533, Oxford stryati,o,.dou, they are 1pari(us THE EXETER, t R, grzrat Aram, Tr r" "",;".4 ' ",;" 4 ' y sl t 0 91H 1 Subscriber begs to mr.nnnnee to tho inhabiter ti of notes. and Ilse c rronud111r coa•e- JL try, that he has opened a TIN and 13l'O'Vz 1)3 Pt)'l' in the store nearly eipnsite yr, 1.. A. :Maces Grocery and itiquor store, Main street. Exeter, whore he is p>optitedta fill allur,le,:: for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, clearer than the cheapest, and made up by pert e f ic'il workmen on the premises. t are• T ronghing,douo to order. Car'riOcte Plating a Sheeta1ty. Coal 011 i:hi:nue: s, the Very best and none Cheaper. u Intending purchasers tvi11 always find me at my pt:,, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat custolucrs courteously and 503017- them with a good anti cheap 1Lrtic e. Depend upon it that now11110 t',%11 you get better value for your uluney. The very highest price in C:lsh plaid fol Hides and Sher•p skincz. E 11. SPACEMAN. 1i voter P 0, October 151877. . MM FACTS! Enm CMS! Leathorn Having a full assorted stock of DRY a GOODS and GROCly f ES, Are determined to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. Call and examine our goods and prices and save moneys, Produce taken in exchange. L.EATTHOR & M'COITB 311 THE NATIONAL !ICY Having triumphed at tee pulls, .. SAAC CARLING R- I; �, n•• t h� t t• •t . tv'1 1 •r , • 7 •, allhis customers toe -r ,1. ,h. t will .ciao train its adoption, - . I prepared to give li, e 1 ,and l:� eu baud ty htl^as, stink of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ane. Liquors, Crockery, Etc,., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at 1whlo)1 will he sold at prices unheard. of under Free Trado.p The farmers of the surrounding Country will find it to thoir ad– vrtntll ;n to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter 21iarket,wllich is sec•ol.Itl: to none in the west, and then ea.1l' at the store of tho subscriber and `''i fie, Immense a,`' =f c' , i , _,< r Ili t r Broad -cloth. .1 there to be hlt(3. in Overoo�,l,ira„ L lll..ulol;lls,, l,I.oll.cl c Ic,tl,l. Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and cvcryttling wooded in. the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invif(d Nf, trouble to show goods . ISAAC CARLING. 4