HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-3, Page 31 :.1"1:LY :3, 1879 if (IRON COUNTY COVNOIL. • The ItutIni Comity Council convened GOd(0011 On MO loth int,, the War. ilen in the elinir. After the reading end confirming of minutes of Januory meeting, the Warden addressed the Council upon having to mill els Qom- mittee together in reference to the etettionery accontit being paeeed by the Audit board, the Grand Bend bridge, and the pestle), einem of the meetiug of the 001thoil. CoMITINICATIONS. A oolumnitieetien was read front Lieutenant-Colonel Otter, remiesting ao animal greet of $10 to .the Ontario Rifle Association. incl was referred to tne Finehee Cenituittee. From Mr. Langmuir, regniting the Council to en- large and repair the jail, which wes re. CA Veil and referred to the J:61. and Court House Oeninitte. A petition of Rielotrd Admits tine eight others, pray - Ting for a committee to investigate the by-law of the tewnship of Hallett, re. (hieing the limite of Lentlesborongh School Seetion, void reqeeetiog to have the section ettlerged.-Referred to the Scheel Coutiniteee. eqteeLIZATIe Moved by Mr. Gar ro w, seconded b7 ,1r. Webettr, and carried, that this Commit d now resolve itself lo to Com - mitten of the Whole to silicoses the equalizetion of the voile, wnich the Committee is ithant to procee1 with, exith the view of giving in advance au idea of this Council's approval or ob- jection to the pant evalize ion, for the guidance of this ceentnit tee. The Cenneil went into Oimmittee Of the 'Whole, 111r. Walker, Reeve of l'uolter- t0Iit h. iii elm chide, when the equitli• eetion of the sevotal munioipalities wits li onissed for some time, alum the e one 1011100 toteienteted and the Warden re '1P11 t•1" the cheir, and the Colman, on motion, teljenrued tin ti! Tuesday at 8 ondoclt p. Treeney, June 17th, 1879. /sifter opening preceedinge of Council, the petition of F. Campbell and 18 others, and the petition of Jtine at11-1 2 others, were referred to the School Committee. Petitions Of Peter Fries end ethers, reqrtesting aid fo a. bridge across tel Maitland between the townshipe of ELowick.and ( Mien), was rend arel referred to ,the Reed and Bridge Committee. Com. I inunictition from Reeve of Beltlulph to Reeve of Ii4ioree in reference to a cenety boundary htilge between Helmut and middie,,x was read and referred to the Reatl arta Bridge Committee. liepert of Mr. Dewar, Public School Inepeeter, was read told referred to the Soho. l Committee. Report of County .A &lit or was read atel referred to Finance Committee. Letter from the County Tieasurer, with eeliednles of collectinus on nen-riident lands Mid etetement ef (Irish on 1iii.iol, W act and referred to the Finance Committee; and 0 number of accounts were dispos- ol of. BOUNDARY I LIE APPROPRIATIONS. Moved by Mr. Kerr, si embed by Hat nal:, tieta toe erne of $100 be granted to improre thecomityboniulary nee between MeKillop end Legan, pro- vided tee ceunty of Porty grout an egniralent. Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by -efr. Hannah, that a new bridge be built on the botinclury line between inc ors,nitIi and Hi bbert, in the conety of Perth, on the Oth coneession, the old bridge being in a dangerteue state.- Beth these motions were re- terred to elle Road and Bridge Com- mittee. TOWN CLOCE FOR GODERICII. Permission wen wilted to alias the Corporation of the Town of Goderich to !dace a town clock in the cupola of tbe Court House, with right of ticcess. Re- fereed -to jail and Court House Com- mittee. cured for the t -tire; that leave bel granted the town of Goderieh to place, under the supervision of the Warden's Committee, a town clock in the impels, of the Court House, with right of way through the Gaut -room. With refer. slice to the communications of J, W. Langmuir liege Inspector of Prisons, relative to the improvement and en- largement of the jail, your •Committee recoin:ueud that the number bo in- ereesed in tne cell and corridor gates. Concerning the "Sae uctinavienm locks, your Committee have not sufficient in- formation as to their i tab Id m to warraut their recommending the pro- curing of the additional ones mentioned' in 511111 commuttioation. They reeorn- mond that the iron angle covering in the yards be pleocel from wall to wale Ti.ey sugnest that said iron coverings he eloped, itt an angle of forty-five de- grees, from the buildiug. Yon,: Com- mittee recututeetol that the n ardou'e o numittee scertain the cost of 5 hot air furtnice, suitable for heating the jail, awl that they report at 1 he next meeting Of this Connell; also that 5,01 Committee ase Twill the cost of to hot air fnriewe suitable for heating the Coma linuse, elm report at next meet - Mg of the Connell. Yonr Commit- tee reeorninetitt tuat no action be taken at present toward.4 the enlarge. moot of tee jell. All of which is re• pecan Ily ub1Ilittol1. J. C. DELTOR, Chairmen. The reporte of the eeveral Read, Oorn missioners were read and referred to the Pittance Omninittee. cremes re CONNI2OTION WITH GRATIAH'S Deleon. Moved by 11r. McDonald, eecended by Mr. Black, that the sum of $600 bo granted to Mr. Hutton and the other ratepayers affacted by the lose of Graliain's bridge, On emedition of all parties re-ig. ing any future claim upou the Comity Comma. The Council then adjourned until Thursday afternoou at three o'clock. TRUE ,DAY, JUNE 19 t h , 1879. AP.BIreliTorts' EXPENSES. Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that G. E. Cresswell, Esq., receive the sum af $20 for services as arbitrator in connection with dispute ou Grand Bend Bridge.-Oarried. The Council then adjourned until Wednesday afternoon. WEDNESDAY, June 181b, 1879. Th following report of the Jail and Court louse Committee was read and adopted : Your Committee beg leave to report that they visited the jail and found it clean and well kept. They found the dritinege defective, and recommended that it be attended to, also that a trap be placed on the pipe leading from the kitchen eink ; that a email cupbnerd be procured in which to lock up jail keys. There aro incarcerated at present two prisoners ---one of them insane -your Committee recommend that steps be taken to have him removed. to the asylnin. They recommend also that the old steps et the Court lInuee, facing Wee; street, be replaced with new ones; that the stonework on 'the Court House he repaired and peinted where neees. sary ; that 0 new floor be laid in the hall from the door facing South sheet to foot of stairs ; that Rhea two feet of new flonring be laid in Mt. M. MeDer. =Ws dace; that new matting be pro - Tin TIMES L001 -V1. IQfl GODEBICII. Moved by Mr, Mar, seconded by Mr. Olddley, that the sum of $t?,00 be granted to the Town a Goderieli to - mode building a lock-up in said tow0. BMIELD BRIDGE. Moved by 111'. Connor, seconded by Mr. Simpeon, that the Road and 13ridge Inspectors be anthorized to eXeruine the apt)} oach ab the north end of the new bridge M Rayfield, with the view of haviug the approaches fenced on each side. Refet red to the Road and Bridge Committee. HIGHWAY IN ASHFIELD. Blovect by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Grant, and carried, that this 00011. 011 grant liberty to the Council of Ash- field to conetruct a highway on road in said township of a lose width than four rods, namely two rods wide. HIGH sorrow, GRANTS. Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded by Mr. Chidley, that the statutory grant hi aid of the Goderich, Clinton and Seafnrth lath Schools be paid, aod that $600 be paid respectively to God. erieh and Olinton,ard $800 to Seaforth, as part paymeut (1) once, the same be - Mg required to pay the salaries of the teachers before the eninmer vecation. Referred to Finance Oomminee, The Council adjourned antil Friday after- uome at 3 o'clock. FaIDAY, June 20, 1879 PETITION FROM HOWICE. A petitiou from the trustees of school sectiou N. 17, Howlett, was read and referred to the Finanes Committee. WEST HURON TEACHERS' CONVENTION. A cornmnmeatiou from Mr, Miller, Public School Inspector, inviting mem- bers of the Council to attend a literary and musical eetntaniment in the Tem- perance Hall in the evenieg, under the auspices of the Ounveutiou theu in sea :lion nt Goderich, was read atid ordered to be filed. ROAD AND BRIDGE COHMITTEE. The following report of the Road and Bridge Committee was read aud adopt- ed: To the. Warden and County Council of Heron: On the following matters referred to ant consideration, your Committee would beg to report as follows : Petition of Peter Fries and 29 others, we would (Concluded ou page four.) AMENDNIENTS TO SCHOOL ).AW. A. oh en! tr from the Comity Council of Peel, revesting the corporation of this Council to have the school law emended so as to give power to County Cloancile to 00:101. fees not exceeding $15 in all for examination mud attendance at the County Model School, was road turd referred to the School Committee. ItEP,ItT OF FINANCE 005I2)ilTTFE. The report of tbe Finance Commit• tee, of which Mr. Clegg was chairman, was read and ati.,pted. It consisted mainly in reference to the payment of aneonote, funJ we givo fe,m the reports such as is of general importance, as fol- lows: The committee recommended 111)11 1110 grant of $100 to ettch of the Riding Agricultural Societies be grent. ed and diettibuted as the Government grant now is distributed amongst the several breech societies within said ritliugs ; that the reqneet in De. W. I). Otter's oonatunnicatiou be net greeted that tile ltntlitor's report be printed in the minntes, 05 also the Canute Treas- nrer'e letter ana ,t,terneut; that the accornt of DALIN Gordon for office furniture and for registry ofilee and Oortrt Honee be pahl, but in futnre nn account for ()Nee supplies for the vari- ous County officiels be paid unless previous applioation has beau made for the sante 011(1 ordered by tdo CJouncil. Regarding accounts of Messrs. Me Donald, Cnrrie and Clegg, for letting and inepeoting guard fence on gravel read, the committee recommended that it be not peid, as it was the opinion of Domini tee the local municipalities ahould pay their Reeves for superio- teuclieg work on their boundaries and bridges. It was recommended that the communicetion from the Deputy Min- ister of Educetiou be printed in the minutes; thet the motion of Alexan- der Kerr, Deputy Reeve of McKillop, asking for grant of $100 to improve bomolary bateau McKillop awl Lugar, bo granted, ou couditiou that the County of Perth orant an equal amonut. Motion of Mr. McDonald, Reeve of Wingham, asking a grant of $600 to Mr. lItitton and others affected by tbe loss of Graham's bridge, recommend that it be not granted. Motion of Mr. Deltor for grout of $200 to Towu of Godericle to aid in httilnig a lock- up, recommended that it be'granted, as also the iegnest of Mr. Garrow, askiug that a portion uf tbe statu- tory grant to Goderich, Olintou and Seaforth High Schools be paid over at once to pay salaries before sum- mer viteation. Tho committee reported that tbe estimates for the current year arnonnt to $51,155.08, exclusive of le• gislative school equivalent reviling a rate of one mill and eisty•four hun- dredths of a mill on the equalized MI• sesement of the comity,end recommend that a by-law be passed imposing the above amount; ,also a bylaw to raise o sum equal tothelegisletive equivalent. The Comity Treesurer's security was laid before the committee, examined by thorn and found satiefeetory. EVALIZATION COIDVIITT The report of the Equalization Com- mittee was read and ordered to lay on the table until Friday afternoon. MIMMIIVOMIN AGENTS BEAD THIS Wo will pay Agents a Salary of $10.00 per nioliti• and expenses, or allow a WIC, OginlatHaInn to dell our new and wouderful inventions. We moan vault toe say. Banaplo free. A..1dross, FIREMAN kt 00.. xe, tor N ortil FLOUR and GRIST MILL Being in good working order giros Avery aeourn- dation possible in gristiug and (Wiring. Film and olid feed aolivertal to :parties leavinkt their orders before one o'olook at .I.I3NLEIS Helm, or 11 &CO'S, or ni101il same day; U --- TERMS CA_SH, WL :tNWICJIt, EXETER P 0. DO NOT READ THIS. g Taving received a lot of new machlnery, I LI would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture nil kinds of Horse Balm, Barley Porks, Grain Cradles, Snaithe, etc, and having secured the services of a first-olass Turner, I ate prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and prier I defy competition. Always on hand a first. Wass stool: of Fork and Shovel handles. Mil) half a mile south of Exeter, A. COTTELL. SIZIP allOCZP:7 Tea, 50c., Tea, 50c., SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GREA T TVESTERN STEW - SHIP COMPANY. New York,' To Bristol Montreal,i direct. Also agent for MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS, Pareelslorwardod to all parts of Great Britain at low rates THE EXETER TIMES Cheap KIN 11111 grmirewreeteke "15.1...11,114l, A1.721 1 7ernmerrpeemerivarremne... 14.11kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch. Order you -work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work aSpecialty ! The TIMES OFFICE has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, OIROUL &RS Sec; 4430 .0 0.0 A 43.11 L,.., tti i 2 H CCI co va i 4 4411 .4 CO 11, ..--1 1... e, -.1124 c1 m *", ...4 0,..7. gz, C:thil1,54, 0 CO 1.,. 'C 0 1 I A CZ L4J A ,1 *4 cz I2 d .e. ... '54 co ,'. .... 144 10 p "1, tee '4, ,tn. ei i. jNDERT 3 z g " 03.,O 11.0 34 '1 n Z. E I++ E Cl' 1-1 ,cttj :3 4 t -64 0. 430 cn 4ig .Gr) ••1 cy40 C) D-41 it>.a 181 4 0 z HENsALL, PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business kr tee Fall andWinte r T rade We aro prepared to pnrchase any quantity...,f Pork. subject to the following regulatione: We will take off two pounds hundred 11 dry, and,throo pound if soft. Shoulder Stuck, twenty-five cents. If any of the hong gut ie loft in, 25 cents extra will Is: deducted. No por to bought at an price i; warm, S A US.AGES ----AND-- - Pork Cuttings CM hand at reasonable rates. Wo want all Hoge Cntting aright tbreuelt breast to head, and Rams opened out to tall. G. ez j. PETTY. • •