HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-3, Page 22
We will eel]. her Miss Glanooli. She
lives in afa,houable residence up town.
She !ht oue of the world's .favorite
tt•agedienues. WIIeleVee she goes ter -
tune seems to fellow ii her trail!, She
is admired and almost worshipped far
and near. Tae other clay when oho
(erne 110013 from rehearsal, a 111(411 was
Watiug i11 the parlor f. r au interview.
Sue etepped in, bvwcd graciously,
Laud he extended leis ()aril. '1'11ie is the
W. L'owas; oBaoKE Roeur.
1Vllile•she teeyed with it he said :
YOB have been •Beal inrly success•
ful with F,vudtte, I believe?
Yee,' sho replied, in bird -like ae•
conte, ' that is, pecnnitll'iiv.'
' That's what I meat. Nothing is a
accede that floes rot pay. 1 have
heard son made some thoneeudd out of
I have.'
'1 alae understand that you are the
owner of several fine estates, and that
you have evorythiag you desire. If
this the ca.e, t ani sure you have my
heartinot eougretulations.'
Oh, yes,' she said, as though her
vanity. had been tickled. ' I have
everythiug I went. 1 OW0 a residence
at Newport and anotder at Cape May
and I have plenty of money at the
back. 1 get a big salary wherever I
'That's good,' said Air. Roach, pleas-
antly. 'I always bawd you were well
off and furthermore you are amiable
and affectionate, mid'—
What paper do you repseeont ? she
inquired, ae she colored slightly.
'None, bliss; none. 1.a.m not a
newspaper tna.11. I ata a very poor
Ulan ; an uuploasautly poor man, and
I thought as you are wealthy I thought
I'd just step in laid see if yon would
like to support me. 1: atnjust the kind
of a man to marry it 1'1011 actress. Now,
if you would like to be at meed on
the bill as Madame Bache, just say the
11,-..; 1— •-:"i_?._t f !— ? 1!—
yelled Miss Glanooli, lee a lower tower-
ing rage, after which she rushed up
stair, for her smelling bottle.
Ten minutes later Mier. 13•)wlingbrolte
<1,oelle w..s. sttiutling at a bar giving
the free 100(1( at )cental criticism, and
and sampling it at the seine time.
'It's always the way,' he soliloquise(!
• The vapors say a wornan is rich aud
itineur•fled, and when a man g„ett die-
irlta:res:ably and offers to put her out
alter misery for her own sake, she gate
clad and snakes it fust:. 1 think the
next time 1 have two or three dollars
to buy to bouquet fur one of these his-
tri(oo1e feire1es 111 purahahe an umbrel-
la., iuste td.'
In. Jaunuary last a Central Society
for the study of eoutmercial geography
and for tate furtherance of (German in-
terests in foreigu parts was established
at Berlin. The object of this society
is to e:O.,ur'uge systematic oorrespon•
dense between Germans settled abroad
end the Fethc)rlaud, with a view to ob-
taining aid rendering readily acee.,sible
iufornlatiui which may be maul to poi-
sons about to emigrate or ougape lit
foreign commerce. By snob (neons the
society 110.0. to bo able t•) direct tate
stream of German emigrate )I1 to lILtule(
favorably eircurustanced for the settle-
ment of Germans, and oto lead gra(ivai-
ly to the establishment of Gentle')
trading stations aud colonies. :) lriug
the last ten years more t.hau 70J.000
Gammas have, It is elated, emigrated
to other than Europe .0 countries, In
the United states there were, when the
lite(oausud w•ut.+ tak•,n.'in 1870, 1,000,-
000 persons who had been b,ru in
Germany ; ill Brazil, in 1872, there
were 4481)0; iu Chili, in 1875, there
were 5,000 ; and ill the. Argentine
ILeunbila there were over 5,000 in 1869.
Altogether, it tuay be eetiwated that
there are in North Amelia:), in round
numbers 2.0:10,000, and its South
America 100,000 born Germans.
The fluty way to cure oaterrb is by
.the use of a cleats iog and healing
ration. applied to the ;uflrtmed and
diseased membrane. i7ouffd and
futni eturs, while affording temporary
relief irritate the affected parte and
tetoite a more extended ittfitmrnation,
!insides Ho outward applications alone
cau art re (1 ttarrh. The diseeee origi.
!tares in a vitiated state of the blood,
and a thorough alterative uorrse) of
rrsat,neet is necessary to remove St,
from the Sytteltt. Dr. Sage's Catarrh
-tette .ay ,(tats tone b.+u•i ku,r wu its :til
oaswout ttttttalir'dremedy for this die•
ease, blit, to iitsit re n, rorliaal aria laer-
tIn1.Iient dere, it should be need in tell)-
-:u.octi'tl %l li 1)r. Pierce's at,lden
.,.,.cure.(! f)i•covi'te,, Lite best vegiri)Ib1'
......,retiveyet discovered. The Discovery
.....,,uses that vltt,tttel blood, while t11,:.
eoaetr. II It tttr,rly allrtys the iufla,tu:u.t•
,..ed /wale he dieetteed tiaaut,e.
Every dog has his day.
Eat no more than you Darn.
Every winter hath its spring.
liiarn money before you spend it.
Extrevagetioe often 1elede to villainy,
Endear yourself to all by worthy acts.
T soul hi whatever you may under-
Every 'wrong brings its own von.
gea n ee,
Every tnb must stand on its own
L+ vii commuuications corrupt good
Easy chairs sometimes hold un easy
Eveybody'e business is nobody's
Every man is the architect of his
own fortune.
Eaves droppers never hear any good
of themselves.
Effective preachere always hit peoule
who sit in other powe.
Every person should bo bliud courts.
one aud affable to alt
Experieuoe is a dear school; but fools
will learn lu 110 other.
Experieuctis are unite necessary to
some persons thou to others.
Every person is sure of at least one
good frieud if he will not abuse himself.
Every man is bound to telorate the
act of which he himself set the ex-
Embark ill no enterprise requiring
capital, nutil yon shall possess the cap.
ital necessary for anecesa.
Every aot of dissipation and every
spree of drunkenness robs the mental
part of scone portion of its growth.
Epideuhiea are not providential : but
they proceed from causes as natural as
ate those of tornados aud earthquakee,
Winnipeggers areenjoying new po-
tatoes, green peas. tnrnipe,
It is notimprtebnble that the Premier
of Ontario, Hon. Mr. i\lowat, will visit
!Manitoba this slimmer.
A. party of 228 arrived a few days
ago, under the directiuu of Jr.. R. W.
Prittie, of Toro Ito. Several of the
party brought with them large sums of
money, which they iutelld to invest.
The Errnereou Joni, ral says that a
cnulpal•y has purchased ton sections of
land east of St. Vinceut, and intends
ening into farming on li latrge scale.
The company cunni is of Messrs. Bar -
nee, Traill :tad McTavish.
Ninety Iowa editors visited Winni-
peg ou Sunday. The press entertaiu-
ud the guests to an excurtiou on a
.strainer to St. John's, where divine
service was attended. Afterwards the
party had dinner ou the boat. They
visited Selkirk on Monday, and left for
home on the following day.
All kiude of devices, extravagances
and diabolioatl practices are resorted to
to hold humesteaads, new that tue law
compels people to live on then!. One
man !hats brought his old mother almost
from the grave to take up aud hold a
'icicle -toad ; he being her only ultild
and heir, has brought her out on spec-
Two men, who were employed to
drive loge from the Riding 1.1' ountaius
to lt.apld City fur Dr. MoIutosh, got in-
to a quarrel, wheu one took au axe and
innso a boil attempt to c it the other's
head off. He cucaeeded in taking part
of the e+ir off, ontting his throat all
LratUld nie head, but dict DO happen
to hit the jugular vein. He, h')n ever,
carne wititiu at quarter of an inch of
that.. Time wound was dressed by Dr.
McIntosh, end the unto is now sup-
posed to bo out of danger.
► h` s
In reply* to the query which appear-
ed in the Ladies' Olen Journal, of Ediu-
burgh, from olio noxious to be inform-
ed " if the members of that peculiar
tribe, the E allkinites, who are located
in the East of Glasgow, are deceudahts
of the lost ten tribes of Israel, and, if
so, are they of the House of Israel or
of the House of Judith ? " it cocrespon-
dent hays : " They are of the Maude of
Lintel, for we know from the Bible and
other history that the tribes of the
Ilouse of Judith wale never lost --
although they were ill E abyl0nt.a) cap•
tivity for 70 ,yearn --and aro the Jews
or the present day. But we read in
Genesis xxvuz. 14, that the .Howse of
Israel would be spread abr 'ad to tho
west, east, t*'orlh and anutl>, and we
also know by Bible history that the
House of Israel went into Assyrian
emotivity 7.25 yew's lr. O. ; then we have
ample proof from the chassis hietoritatle
--viz., Strains, Iierodotns, J)iodrrus,
Dine, and Ptoletny---that our antes•
tore o,rruo from the inure of the globe
were I11raed was lost. Edward Hine,
the living historian and lecturer, bas
pnl)lisheal in hi.1 little magazine Forty -
'don tilication
Idontilication5 of (he British
nation with the Loot Tin Tribes of
Israel, founded mem 800 Setiptnre
wolfs, null 120,001) e'griee of the ad-
lui,ablu thaw l.iaµgaziuu have already
been sold. Iletloe we have no reason
to doubt that the peculiar trite of
Ilankiuites which has boon for the last
40 years located ill the East End of
Glasgow, are lineal decendants of the
lost tribes of Israel, They keep them•
salve by themselves, asoeiating with no
others,. exeunt in a wont or business
oapauity ; and during the long period
of 40 years have held all their meet-
ings in their own club roans, No. 2,
Greenville street, Calton, Glasgow,
and any person acquainted with the
dootriuos of p> ysiguoll>y, ethnology
and anthropology will at once disoerll
there to be of Orieutal descent. There
is one among their number who oan
speak a little Ilebrew, and also sing a
lively Ilebrew song. They have a
king of their own who settles all little
disputes that may arise among them-
selves ; ho is a very. remarkable old
man, being well versed in i,lany of the
grand tarts and sciences, an d at all
times able and willing to amuse and
insrtrnet his fellow )nen ; a •d, like
King Solomon of old, there are many,
like the Queen of Sheba, who call ou
flim from many parts of the country to
see aud hear his wisdom, for he has at
all times exemplified the virtues of
friendship, courtesy, forgiveness, hos-
pitality, patience, forbearance, gentle-
entlenose, gratitude, and brotherly love, re-
lief and truth. He is considered to
be one of the best carvers ou wood in
the world, the Children of the Sun and
Moon net excepted --the only instru-
ment he uses being a pocket-knife of
Oriental make, for there is a stamp
on the blade, •' Syria, 22nd of the Ides
of IUttrcn soar of !(orae 788." frith
this knife he snakes some of tht baud•
sotnavt walking -sticks ever Been 1I1
Britain or ally other country. He has
made sticks for some of the most eta•
inert clergymen in the land, the device
on them being a serpout--eat lifelike
around the stick from one end to the
other, the head being at the handle --
emblematical of the primitive serpent
that deceived old !outlier Eve in the
Garden of Edon.
It is no exaggeration to say that health is 1.l
largo ingredient in what the world calls talent.
a luau without it may be a giant ill intellect,
bat his deeds will be the deeds of a dwarf.
weak mind in a sound frame is mucil batter
total a giant mint 111 a crazy cemstilutlrin.
Professional and business mon, who are always
thinking and whose habits aro sedentary,
should use l0TO1tIA 1ty101'nt,stliI1::s, tela
great brain anal nerve remedy. "'or Sole at
Central Drug More, Exeter.
�,. P.S. TMH 1.N HAS 003111E N CED
dresemakiug at her residence, on Huron
eta:et, Exeter. (hitting and fitting a specialty.
Two apprentices waste(! immediately.
►+-�•--�GE.CVIsss 't9.af'rag 9 gas:. mss••-•••-I-P-..2101
Street, Exeter, tip -stairs. opposite Central
Hotel. Side entrance, on the south --street lead-
igu to 13. U. Cinu•ch.
t s-Or3era left at Kline's shoe store will receive
promr.t attention. 40-ly.
the College of Phy1leis ns and Slime of
Ontario, d;c., etc.. OtItae next door to L Cu.tIings,
Main Street, Exeter.
the 00untyo(Miran. tlirloo,nextdoor to
alr.I. Carling'sstore, Exeter,
ULA: 3,1879
......,..-....-.. .. ._.., -.-. .$•i1M:.:R'4 4`, T1.4't't11q
'Marble W rk .
Dealer ill
Cemetery Work of all hinds neatly
u Doors North of Drew's Han, Main street,
TheGl.latI'1n'zlift iTRADE Mr. RK,
tuah ts carr
ing out e for Sulta-
na Weeimes', n Ott;
sparmato r r h e a
Diseases that fol -
J .low as a sequence
IISe0if alrnso us
loan of atelupt) �''�••t•v `
Before Ta do Universal Laaat- t� fter Taking,
'Universal iris( too
Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, and
many other Diseases that load to Insnntty or
Consmuptiou and te Premature grave. rsieran.
partietilura iu our pamphlet, which eve desire to
se ad free by mail to every one. l:ml"Tho Specific
Medicine is sold by all druggists at riporpacrlenge
or six packages for 55. or will be sent by Mail on
receipt of the money by adctveseiug
r: Sold In Exeter by all it -motets, and every-
where in (Janada Awl the United States by whole•
sale and retail druggists.
Nati nal ! iiev
constantly on hand en made to order.
11;MILL AN 1.S; McBRID i'
havt ug now greater facilities than ever, are pro -
pared to supply farmers with Iron Beam Pluwa
Steel Mould Oon.td, made by ourselves ; l
Plows, I(napper make ; Scotch Diamond harrows
Cultivators, Gang Plows.
Carriages and buggies on Land, and made to ol-
der, Horse slloeilig attends! to on the shortest
notice. Horses shod toproven t interfering.
MelfiLT AN & DIc VED:SE, ling Bt.,Etneon.
ICitch .ng
Wishes to inform the public that he is, better
prepared turepail all kinds 01
Sewing Machines, Watches
Clocks, Guns, &o., than ani.
('cher person in the country, as
his charges are moderate, and
he gcta,rantet s to give Satisfac-
C. t o'6 thootf Se=
Take pleasure to it formthe innabitantfofExeter
add saner whim country, that they have jnet
ope,ied out an exeellentassortment el
1'Yreeds, Coatings, Vesringselc.,
in the.1atost style!: and patterna,and feel assured
that intaeulattet of clothing, they eau snit the
tnestfastielioustaste a.
T W. D1tOWNIN(G M. 1)., C. M.
e. • P. 0, Graduate VtotoriaUniversity• Office
andrnvldrnoI. 1)nr.. nine .1a.bonito, v, T,xnter.
pA8 C. itIOOl1E. M. D. C. lI.
.16,• Graduate of cteGil'Unlversity,llfontreal
Ulllcetend residence , Exeter, Out. Office 1 ours -
to l0a. in and 7to111n.in
�R. J. A.ROLLINS, M. G. I'. S.
1V 0., victoria. Ste. Orediton, Out 011ie° how a
from 9tolea.u1.; Lto5p.m.
LU'1'Z, M. D..
kJ • Wilco at his residence, Exeter.
Peivslcians anal sur1euur Ont., °thee 0.S 1 t
VERSITY Trinity College 41 oro hereotlege
i \• D. McGiough in
hes remove to bis new shop, lately peen pic el by
Perkins et 0o -two 1101'8 nortb of J. Grigg a book
store, wb ere you will find everything nett ally kepi
1.t- u fit st eless harness establishment, whI('le for
xuulity of material and slyly of workmanship .
Call nald examine lay stook beforepurchusine
at auction. To 000 11 5005 on
Monday, Dec. 16, 1878
i -Wei. Salter proprietor. This hotel has
boon newlylurnishod and fitted up in first-class
style. Large and convenient Show Bowes for
COMM ercial Travellers ; host of liquor, and cigars
at the Bar, Attentive }!ostlers allways ou Mucid,
2.L 11-3m. WILLIAM BAT(rlt.
C f,IN r(1N. G. SWA18TS having purchased
chs above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of-
fers 111.A -canes accommodation to travellers, Good
liquor and cigars at the bar. (owl stabling and
attentive) hustler on nand. Every attention paid
to ghosts.
It• i3. CADDY,
:1t Law, Sulieitor, Cc. Oft1ee, Fansun's Block
T3arieters, attorneys, Solicitors Co •
sioucre, l3. Il.. &u. y m
,Iu1 to e--IIUr'ru N•e BLOOR, Water treat, St
teal ,1LA:WIN0, NJ. W.ILAn2INO. H.A,L.Vr1TIT11
tr MoDIAI2MID, D.A.,
11,4 I:.i�y''3RS. JONES
1 13.trrlatot•s :it
3 Coin iuB i. '1ddres
a , '4+liar!
tmnoya-u1. w, suHertors
C w ace r c'onvotancers ':
eN Ptt111IC, lit, Mail's THD OtILw'11r.L etnnicee 50,.
of 136 Pandas street, Leiden, will on the abort -
date, offer his whole stook, amounting to owe
Fifty Thousand Dollars, et auction, and cantina
the sale every day at two O'clock in the after
noonand at seven in the evening dtuing the bal
oleo of the lnonth,-from the Nth to the $1t1
of 1.ocemher ,
Tia is the largest and hest stock that has ova
been offered to the public at their own prlees
aud, as everybody knows, the goods ere of tl.
beat t 1tUUttacture andevery article will be war
ranted the sumo us if bought in the orrllu..1.y we
This is 11 rare chance
to go, hue geld and silo,
w•ateLos, gold jewelry, clocks, plated 'ware an.
fancy goods at your own prices, Perhaps neve
again will such au opportunity Decor, Seem.
yugr0ltristmas andNew Year's presents at thi
sale. Save your moneyforthis auutiuu--aur'
W. D. lt5oGL0UGHLIN,
Uuntlaa street. London.
71.(111GREAT CAUSE OIs' IIU3IA:sT 1fiS-
Just Published, in a sealed Envelop!
Price six omits.
A.lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Bail
cad cure of Sens 1nalWoaane s. nr Sper: taxi-luxeinduced by Self -Aimee. Involuntary Enlisuien
Impotency, Nervous 1)+obilit)', and Intl;edinlnul
to marriage generally; Consumption. 241)1((1,8;
itna.l,'its; Monate stud 'PltysMal Inoal'acity, ttra.-
Trk ROB KILT J. OULVI;ls WILL, Si. D., author,
the "(!Econ Book," Mc
The ',yea Id renowned 00thor in this admh'altl
Lecture, clearly proves from 11#s mr0 expr'r#ene,
that the awful consoqurnoes of Self -Abase may
of?Orttndly removed without medicine, ono wt•1
out dauttu elate surgical Opc'raaimO8. hong) es, fast)
mcnts,rings, or cordials; pon,tinli oout e. tennie
cure tht encu eertaln and effent.nnl, by which ova'
totMoor, no matter what Ins (loud Ition may 1•.
may cern htluselfoJoap! ,privatel yand rardii:MIN
£,'Chia Lecture will prove a boon to II/munchata'd thotesa'ds.
Sent, ander seal, iu a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, on receipt of. Hix conte, of two ydbtltgt
Ft, JO o.ov
ltIOSCRIP. 11 Ann St. ye w Iork,
Vv a•lulu--lluttuu's Iilouk,Wstots (. bt ale.ryal')•'m i. U. IT x 4:80
fIATA't11ii ! CATAltltt', 11 ifSE
'�.,J '1110 groat
Sier'r'a Noyada Sltloni,V
The only positive curef,)r Catarrh ylit a','+ r', •ot•wl,
1'Jit JAL11 BY
('. L" Z
w. L, 6ASITrI,(1 ener (1 ,1>• :u ,t „y.,Il3
1_l AVI' 1t)tl1It11
1 1Awri r)I °,u, l•
the .tarn,tyofthloth , ntrl.r,
Comma [Mb tr.tlthli 1
11n(1.0 eaj ,vial! ce1Ut11 1
tet.rrll bat 'tell , 1 ter 11100;130S 1, t t
Lien K1 per po'tl.. Pot 1,11E h • Al 1
a OF
. ..44'1)1
edit#140 0e31 t(1+ hr cit tt MA f.: 1 , 1 111,.
plth,ttunttiva I1'4.1, t.1.nn S c1.., 1 11 -
011,1es of thc cured to 1'..T, ;1, Il 11 e 1 nliu•
#on Agent. 13:•uc'Itt•ihe,,.),,t,
CONSTITrl'loN.tL G:t'r,+11111 1"::^.11313) ,
The attly certain, in safe, and eftte tit ,1 '. 410 for
Cate rrlt builds up tale'l1(t.nl );eel oth.,e
diseases at the .w, 3 1)1 , Ahfl tri '. • , r ,:o1 1,
Iia} 1 tial, 21,02110 1 r1 itW , all 1 t _ th..r
'when the ('outtIti inti, 1i 1 f (ta(i t . e:,1)- is
taken no su er(d 1 1Y(•e $11 per L t :.r Salc'
01' all dri tr(i,a , tut! M.,iiluult tle,llt ,.
■{/, \�$5 i ••y■�Per
A M\ E. N Y S MM �
i� r,h h
MEADOW LARD 'c ,',r, 'a RS
a " '. 11. Cl.
Uardware :114 (bars, 2.11.1 n il: t ; ,: ('. : Ont.
treats Of 1.. .4'
Nervous,• ,1 I'.:.
eon2nu:i(al:' . u
therrfl'uln, o:. 't'rae,1.41.) •
er(1 tions, 1. .7 1c L.••.0
ale -look. T1.,'t.. (,!'a" 831
len1120Ixnd;. ol; d the 10 t , .,
Su Amens t. 1 u1 ,m t:.1011n1 e :
elled ined'd a y ih^ P nth) ad :1,',}.r 1
Steel t , t• -1) 2.,u•. v
v11 (1 al 1 14 ,',1y- t ,y ,
sent Fr... , 1. 1d - .. ...
Du* it a e 111
1NSTI•! . t 1 ,:-
Nate,`. -•
ties, Dil l'ierr 's thorough
Isle blood-purifying
i 141 1eov 13. ca s
all )Humors, from 1110 wont &curiae to a O'amen
Blutoly Pimple, rr Eruption. M1rem'ltll (ure111e,
Mineral I'uleenu, 111111 their effect8, are t-rn11• "sled,
and vlgornn'11,•8itll and a 41)011(1 canstlttltlonl .stab -
1114)&1. Erysipelas, Salt rbcum, 0rever Soren. Scaly
or 3101111 Bach,, in short. all dlsrnsl' ca0=eri try bad
Lionel, are sou ,noes by this powerful; purifying, and
ire• 11o1a flog madicln ).
!specially hatit manifested Its potency in 61111111
Tetter, 'tomo hash, BoiL", 4)arbuuehs, Coro Eno.Scrofulous Hares and SinSSing-s, Whtto Strenings,
Gottro or Thick Neek, and Enlarged Glands.
If you feel dull, drowsy, r 0hilltated, have Fallow
color (1 41011, (1r yellowi1h-1rol,n spots on fire or
body, frequent headache or Jia zln(308, bad toile in
mouth, Internal Lent or chills Otero:dot with hot
flu5110,.law rpn'}14 (1(11.g100myibr(l0J311gs.irregalar
t)Il1 110. nd trllrlt.• 12,018•!. 1.1.0 mt1 sita'rring (min
Torpid L ver, Or 2•Biliolu•n0m4: r In many 0)408 Of
L1va•r t•ontplutnt" only 0:11, f (hese 4)-1ut,tnuls 1310
experrrntrvi. ,14 a r(•ulrav for an surd awes, Dr.
Pierre's Gulden 315113 of Ufscovrry has n,, thud, its
it effects perfect tort rodleol rates.
I1t the care of irroncbil (0. Severe Coughs, and the
early) Magas of Consumption, It has atk.oni,41ed the
medical 12 1111), and et:d lout physicians pronounce
it the greatc:a i:a'4i••al discovery of the ago. "Pirhile
it cure) 1.h- ar2err.';t Cougg114.11 strengthens the system
mut por1r.es the hood. S, 14 by rlrlllgist$.
11.. A V. 1'1i:Y.t'l1, .li. 11.. Prop JA tti crld's Dllpmnsary
end Invalids' hotel, Buffalo, Ir. I.
. lz =war. °°
?V 'aa,
0 0 0
Nouse of taking the f artje, repulsive, nauseous pins
composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients•
These relicts are scarcely larger that mustard seeds,
Being entirely vegetable,no particular care. is re'
(mired while e. mg them. Theyo crate without Ws.
turbanro to the constitution diet. or occupation
Per S,utndlce, Iteadaehe, .bonstiputio,m w
Blood, Pain in tho Shoutde-•rm, Tightncns of the Chest,
Dizziness, Sour Eructations from the Stomach, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Bltloul Minolta, Pain ht reglar
or Kidneys. Internal Fever, bloated fceling 'Mote
Stomach, Mesh of blood to Iiead, take Dr. Plcree'i
Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of tht
remedial power of these Purgative) Pellets over sr
action upu tike ay of niroulecono eit conomy I. uhe niversal, not id that e
(Hund or tissue escaping their sanative impress. Act
does not impair the properties of these fillets
They are sugar-coated and inclosed in gloss bottle.
their virtues beteg thereby preserved unimpaired fol
any length of time, In any climate, so that they are
always fresh and reliable. This is not the tease ,vitt
11,1116 put up in cheap wonder or pasteboard boxes
10 or all diseases where a Laxative. A1t01•ativu, of
Purgative, le indicated, these Little P(lets will give
the most Pperfect satisfaction. Sold by raggbt,o,
I1.V.P10111111: M. B..Pltor'n iVori. aDispenser)
and Invalids' Hotel, Bahlo, E. Y. O
SYMPTOMS.-Freg9sent head•
ache, discharge falling into tin oat
sometimes profuse, watery, t tick
mucous, purulent, offensive, 0141
In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or inflamed
eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pas.
sages, ringing Mears, deafness, hawking and cough.
lug to clear the throat ulcera ltons,seabsfromu1crrs.
voce altered nasal twang, offensive breath, lnasalise:
or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste dir..
einem, mental depression loss of appetite, !mem.
tion, enlarged tonsils, tlelding.g cough, ear. Only e
few of these symptoms aro likely to be present In uu)
case at ono time.
produces radical cures of the worst cases of Catarrh
no matter of how lout standing. The 1113uld remelt)
may be snuffed or be for applied by the use of r
Pllt0C11'8 Douche. This Is the only form: of htsOlt
meat yet invented with 2211121) Yuan mvdiehle eau he
earrled Mon UP aud ('ltl:b•.1CTIY Am'ruu u tri at
parts of the affected nasal passages, and the eltene
hers or cavities cOnlmtnlh:ntln5 therewith, fn 22)1,t.t
sores anti Mears ^;e inently exist, and from whirr.
the catarrhal (iiseltnrito generally proceeds. he use
Is pleasant and easily nntletstood (lam directions
aocnmtt,,anying each Instrument `11)•. SAsaa'S Ca-
tarrh ]leaned cures rmont attacks of (tools ht tlu
sired 1 rr 11141.1 to t,
t ud b Remedy r liratinns. 71. 10 una{
ant. to 1110 cnntolnpy tut no strong or ca11211' dr)iira• al
poison& b,ttn'rt) 1Znmrdyand Omaha sold bydm.
uta Pt. 1. Prance, \r, T), Pr,,p'r,Wmift's'D1ss.
kuar'v tui:! Imvalida' hotel, lluffalo.1 , k. 1.1