HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-3, Page 11
It."' +o1n 37.,x„
Vol. VI.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, July 3, 1879.
• 111i')lli':1tTY
O1.14,1+ TO EENT.
Known ,to t..o It'd •1114 hotel, In1n edia.te
7+osuo•ii,o(, AI'ply to T p ,1Z ttt^eii 111f,, 1.x )t r,
'Glatt S \t,ll Oct iii) 1.[111\ t. tJ.4
n; tiler nest 1 I•)I eti'1 xt,tt d,( 033 Nan ^street,
1;xeter, 11L.0 largo 1)1) t c•'nn n..1itals store 1.ttoly
(10411d '•1' . ,+ t,.0)i'110),r, as+1 fo11) .311y 1,'y i)tr,
John 13;.,•kr1) •, (loot]. t t'11ao' ropier parr, of the
story,, For ,:'srtieularn a''; ly to •1 /JUN C11Z.NN1-
k1A::, 1 \(:tr't•.
' .TIAli?,t FOR.
t• ll : --1( �1 6 l ;lihl;�
• re la. tit:mown, 54 smros, 3(t nuns cl.tardd,12
go,).1 111 sok bougie, good. stable, well
glnood. I„et, I exctt3eot, uu !aka shore, 1 01 a
toile 11:01)1 ' , t iltllc•, where b.a•ts ran tilrt'r.
ulnen 4 1s )14 ji of a. man from (!rind iii lid,
(tnuv(,ul;ent • ,yl :g 4 4udcttu'cue'4, 011t!lhti
Pries a/. ,), t.r lti o•4iy; til:LIL tU DEISJ4137,
DINS, ,r..w,t.,rp o
}1�:11t•1t t�()ti, SALE. ee LOT 22. d,
<:ul:av•.10112 adjotnfngtlue oor-
pnrati0u of i4 37.4 r; mit avrus,9J 1:S&t0 1o)i,)4uii all in
gr.ula1;111.:s',:r.re,. 47 ;KITH teerdc'1 1111 ragsh4at
Spring. 91 xel'<'i4 t!t 0:%!;1 431 •I, a (.ad 11,)11H11, 11 1100(1
';11, brlvtt t. 13'1L31 'tort a never fulling
epilog of t •.a i1h itt w;tt'r, 9 tram° b;t lis, frau)e
ailed WI!!) 11t4b]d, 5I1 ')• ,.ln'd \m. It wOutd tna.ku
u grad i (try faint. t n'uti to xuit ptrcllasa',
'Tito farm .rill be ' +1Y '.1 if .1•4 x014.
it, ly to W .37.137.1>ILIN, Exeter.
Filt.;[ FOR SALtt.--L'.t 1, Oen. 1.
-111'1::11?t, 75' aortal, 00 ilnptavn<1, (lend
irons dwalitt4 bongo, ti'ititl'J barn, 14,41,IP,
li,)3 0utb•lii ,limo; two good
wells of wnror, ):cad ora :aid 0f 1 tl,1•tad fruit and
largo. °Meth 114 .1f c:1—da, '.1401 fr 1137;. I al a on
toWuli ie I ts00u Itt' 1'117):1 mud
utiles tro:a r,• a tr'r and ,1 Milo from Centralia.
Ter)1s0:1xy. YiTIM 1'0137 :li.laT,sr.,Oontraits..
41A.1t tl F(11t t4A fa t•„-- J4 •t. 14, CON
0•1,,dun 10, Stephen. c'u,taiuine, 100 acres 70
sores ('1'((1(..37 (10 .a 1 34 It ) ,4.1 and fru, ad barn
4 Ixl°. .:013.1 yo',ni ( 13.1 tt, )lrnfted fruit. 'Lie
11+W nu ,wed naw it, et good etatn 037ci.1ii•
ration. !lou 1' 13 1.1rd: ,p tntity of Utak ttsl,,
111)40 a I:, 4,•31 tuiihlp v;vil, For terms aptly to
I{k:R13YPri:(4,37 'I” . ` r.; i«,•,,.
.Yngn 5
FARM Fent eekL1el. - fs •. 373, u•, c :,-
slot, 19, 1 bora,-, 5ovonty sorts more 1)r
l.exs, si: ty ,.'•r 3 01'ac.,4 and in 0. good skate of cul-
tivn.tin.:,go'.d i:aloe ho03.1 t1•)d frame harts, log
('Tables, go .4 w.•h'.t ward. Swim; cruel( ruuui'lg
ll,t)gxd tap' )4.C'„'.;3,x)(1 `reit 41:),g+ od f 'ueee, For
tarther 11 n 11+r•. not 04) tit) promises or b'
letter to 1)111 t I\'371X, Kirl.ton P. 0., Ontario.
.tis,y 3:1, !f374. tf.
17.4-1A1tAi i.''t)!t iALl;.IiU13-
s^:'iiwr .:[•31,•3 for axle his ;arm, Lot 19-
Cou.1.1, 1'0.iiship of 1?ab )ins County of Huron
1;1 acre,: rte 4 (3.t, tha rein 41440 good bush, wall
Nosed, 1.t a„cad 4) 4.30 •'t o•11)ivatinn1 under,
draiud0, •'1i 'u•ahart, •no'-nnc1i'1 well of water.frame b lr0 3730 c00, log x[.1)1-' 31'90, log house, and
csuv.'ui3'37 t:() 34.10ol .<z.-.1 hrac churches. i'or
urthor 4Arris-Mari.:.,);dr to
+'1'tligl.L^: 1, Nirk'on, P.Q.,or
'CB. B. V. r'; i,i,1• i'r. 1 t37)ruoy, bl xoter P.O.
X , ft t'.el•
.le+,bei 01 south h„37f of lot O. concos-
tlon 20, 'Step'vn, :1' Items olo•3red, 0 revolt 811
west it, t 1)1. Trail 447, Ou 37h1',ravages thorn ur:'
a good Roto log hoa.,41, go"'1 fruulest.<bie',20--i0,
and a y.'0n, boating mebat'd: al4o good well,
bricks t to coat de'•p, Wit), pump ; well fenced ;
:iC1lOJ:':.a ,1'it•:,:1141:'N 37.12 i; 371 futV rods: di miles
from 1 pail 1:11, and on ltuti'1 road from Park-
hill to.:swirl ii end. 37..r fuoth4r particulars ap-
ply on line 1'.'103"i3 or by 13ttar t;l DA'NILL
BANS) 1, il,lrllto, p, 0, Fel ,20,
3(0'SiiIOCD.�t�..«.A'X;RTt.:'GKS.w,_„s.+.!�.t.�•v �..CII
V%7' II.Jl)(}SON, 8s J. OICE, 00.
T • ,tt )1,00018. Silos promptly atten<led
t•i. ,Ita V 3 of solos arr'4nged at this office
iC "i1LI1.111 (1ILIT," will nta•Id 1)t <lke'a hotel
awry 1L0.alav nista; during the *mason
April ::k, I5 a1 tf
1 Jhl la,t 11 one -burse li..1ow was take':
370'•a,.,ixa, 0: tare ttubxcrilarl. If xuirl plow
is rmtle 1)e' t.n•t.IWitll a reward of live dollars will
b; given by Juetl'tr Ac1x14' 13.
J. C'L .1 X, Arent for the U4-
• borne and • 1i1111ert 71:utn(11 Fire Insurance
Company, ltadiderce-b'arti•xu<tr, Orders by
mail ,pr:,tai, 94' a•,toz.dcd to.
1'\ S. oCS i.lt'iti LL. PROVINCIAL
1,/ • l,aaa surveyor, rtic„ vein to at the
137 ,y'11 Hot. -l. i'lxetor,0u the ilratTltestlav in nevi.,
mouth. t),d,1rs for work I3.Ft with 71r. Joiin
tI 1.oknlan \o11;•'ecolve1o'o'npt 4tt0utiou
T l'1'.1” 1'1ON — 'TA1U 11OTaif,
1.. th-413' the a;tpointment of Messrs, Mason 3,7Mailsnn,.l113,1.1.ae i tents of ria? Mutual 17''7(8 ill•.
N'mance t. noire'))' of tit:( ()e1t1:tV of Wellington, is
thi. (1,4y ea,. welled And 7Ir, JOHN 11YN 0.0AN will
ie future u);t as )gal,t for i1)(OIer mid vicinity.
By (weer ,
C1333o1pll,Deaoln)'er 4th, 1isr0. 15-tf. Sec. 'r:mus
+t, mit lip.ca)
• Un fffctecl by Wind . or :' two ,
Send for d :lzrlhitlt-ts with .['till information
us ;) Cosi, E'to. •
SC):T,r)D Y�� ttvv pigEr
• 1,s ew.'i'u1 .6..14,..f', C,r
'Iron and t.tdrd'vave I3lerchant,
Clinton, 141,'y 1, y C8[utura
THE .I±;N.i,T'Iali 11AO1.<la.
The track was lu gnarl o'otdicion
perhep1 a little tn')10 dnsl ilvi'+t4 thltu
the 4peotetora cared fru, het illi- did
1101 i Iterfele lu the slights,( with the
speed of the hur400, The Exeter 1))rn1
s►as o1) the ground, and .'1111\'0rle<t 111'•
snort with eheice 4tle3tl•)lls < f t1111`;1C,
played i)1 excellent style. The first
race was the
Q7t1()IN TROT.
There 0'01'0 five e),t' ie'<. --T. C,tvo't:
Little 13.,41311 ; T. A. Sharp's G1'l'r,,,'
rim '13 ; W. Bat ten 11..rr y'll L -i tel' • T.
1314sett's t1.1't•y llvily,
113 the fast heat. Big Fellow got array
11441, bel 1t30 snot' 001101 awl 371415•.1'11
by G.'ey 111,1Iy*, Who WAS c'on.'!r !'1.04
140.1 all the Way rou'<d by Li;•110 J44851(4,
Ttti4 mare made the egno•('r(t 110tli11;:.
Coining down the home ot)•et0371, George
Brown, alto had b••etl talcivg !!!loos
en1y. made a nice spurt, and p'37seed
under 1.110 shit) t!'cun(1 by a break.
titcc'1N1) Iiee.r.— Tlra ho1•s:s 4.11 got
:[way v)•ry ,13.371, with the e%001)110o of
Cnve'e tniu•1, Little J"8ste. At. the
quarter 11111'', Gres II'Iolly had the I: ad.
rotting nicer'. (&urge 13r Iwo now
4porre') trial shortened tile 1010a no
tweets himself and Molly vet y o'usi3ler-
ably. At the half -Intl'! t110
Jessie Ona G•'orgn Brown tvet'e neaPly
:trek a(i neck. At the three-qua/ter
turn George ]3rowp tont( toe (subs (11'
the tract(. Clumi„g down the home
-tretoh, he tool; too 0,088 a po.i
tiro) to the rail, tints preveottn!i bit -
ilo Jessie from doing her'Nlf jesli0P
Brown [mels s)•let'ditl time ht'rt'. and
f'ree'1 ahead of Molly, 3713737e1•t))'„f, tinder
the string sin 1137 a length. For tram('
((''vine, Brown w)w placer.! 4341.4)4.
Tr32RD I'IIIAT.—T110 11 O'ee3 g• 4 n las'
very well tege.ther, the grey ]e•ldin!t
eluahtly. Little Jessie noon cane ,annrg-
side and promi-ad well,bnt McFee kept
the grey well in her place. At the
tllre • quarter turn, D iter shot tt:' b'
ililnl the 1,''rey, a'Id it anl'eared nost.ibtt'
that he would wit,. But the grey held
out %tl:, and passed '111(41111' the string
by about two lengt('0 ahead.
F. Briar.—The horse's got, off
wr•11 !remitter. Little Jessie w.'nt tt'
the fr(n)t• and Rept h('.r piece easily un-
til at the thr('e•gnnrter turn, when
Grey Molly tarn,' ,tlong',ule and then
to •14 the lead. She was however, ert•
bac!( for so [numb r(3)nliog, and Littl
Jessie awarded first, after trotting a
very nice, bPAeet heat,
FITT.Ii IT> :.T. --The Heroes got away
tvell together, Little Jessie Ieadin. a
little. At the half -toile D •xter began
to 13371nty speed and came al'ing1itle Grey
dolly, ►14114 11(1.4 rneauwhile forged to
toe front. Little Jessie now fell be•
hind, and the horses Oath' it) 1118 fui•
toeing p0sjtion8 :—Dexter, Grey Mot..
ly, George Brown,
Six'rs 11.1mr,—The b03ses got away
pretty well together. '.!'here eas con
' itloribl.' rnnoiug, the only tot 0 which
kept well to tl'oir feet beiug Dexter and
George Brown.
SBVEN2•II 11i>AT.-•-This beat was well
Dexter 4 4 1 2 1 2 1
I itt , Jessie 8 1 4 1 6 4 4
('1(.••.rge B1'uwu 23 2 3 4 3 1 2
Grey Molly 1325288
Bi„L+'' 5 5 -5 8 4 ([''awn
7'i In P,
8.00; 3.00; 3.01 ; 3.02 ; 3.02;
0.01; 8.00.
There werO three ent)iea.--G" urge
Watson's Trouble ; Jo',n Avery's Little
!Jessie ; J'itu Boon's Sane. Wilhu d,
In the first heat Trouble took the
lead and tnnintbtieeit it through the
heat. \Vilhud 4374] t at get a very good
start, owing, however to 110 fault of the
jt, lges of the etert,ers. He ',reseed
his opponents well, end et Irmo i1'lle,i1,
was -tuna th37 he Would come it, whin
IIo was 6, gond lintel.
taa3.c"ND lht,LT.--After onlleirler41b1e
401)41413, the h11 sem got away wit1) it
s!lc')1*1>4 stert,T''oobl" 1iichlly 10>3741n;=.
In it fele rods hoot) Willard flew 370 itis
1s0, b 'ltlty pr0t'ee0 by Little Bessie.
' u n 3 rot ,
I r. s11P 0
) ' ) 4L 1 it 1)1
I't 1 } t
1, reit li
t f t
Jtls o
Tremble wgra(lo1L}ly drew ([Way from his
companions, awl won the heat by a11uu1
(ty(r lets ;11'4.
Ti)IRD IIrsAT.--'Phis Ives really a mag.
'lflol'ut heat, At the start, which ant,
Il, t174! 10'7.1111111'y fine ane, T'roeblt) And
;head like no arrow, He wee oang141
11 the gum ter -mile, and from thele to
im',owe tarot air the three Wer31 lyre34
'3711(1 tock. 411111 (1i)iii;, their beet. At the
urn \Vallr'l flew 137hea41 tied l:t'pt 11
all the t1 443r (1o;vn the borne 1(tr14cl),
Vr'onble. lllaiiil)g every effort. to tone
!daub hilt!. At the ]411)3 hnitul)37) 1tu
RU:\"NTNG BA01)1.
11[•1(10 )t 'tdiptuti0 41140)), ra11d. Ott'l18 ill
It Willard. 1)e d Hest,
F"ulnTu [i8:AT,--Thiel start Wn8 4111
[143437 u'111,1, tri 0. sired. Liam. 1Vilhgra
11)1 n!1''n(I 1371 the 11' 37 gnitrter•n37ile, but
the b .1t')Vr '•t 'Trouble stool] hint well,
and '-h, rtiv hefo't renelli";,g the 11011!1.
'tr••telt he forlt1d 116610,4 41 thuilg» the
other heist's mrul" a ae11)37ut stl'ngt;lt',
he ° 'mid 1"'t hde di 1111u:ed.
Tilne, 00 ; 57 ; 53 ; 533.
Trl 111)4... 1 1 0 1
S. Wit111,113 2 0 2
Little B, s••ie , 2 .8 3 8
2:40 TROT,
There were twee tntri3'q.--SI. L
01P11 s Bien Cr '1(hln8t ; 'Ch"s, Ii••l1
Factory B sy ; Thos. tiellu014" 0,itlfel-
The fi.:4t heat wets A e37'l0)ldi•l r.ne.,ex-
o'1)'t that 0 Jdfelloe' left his feet vert'
often, and threw himself se far b hied
111141 111 .re Wa411'' chaec8of his gettnl1
up. G •1:1.11144 all ' we very lino tut
SRO /ND iir:AT.—Ti1P 11040.'4 aXtti)t got
)tw'ty i':)'; "„1 r'ylet, O'l.ifellow fell be
hind, and appeared to have n') show
moil wit hitt forty rn,111 of the home
ret ch. when by a )neeitifieent spread,
the h't('C'{ d•'4 j'. W)I11'Ir)3L hs 1,.11,'1![ 11
length ; Godlu1't 2•'d, and Factory 130y
THIRD fT1•'.,•r.—G'14,171 t 4,:11 at itll"a(1
at the -tar:, tt"'I trent it easy t1,•ondli•
ollt. $1)4'.1'1 ,,t li',r' 374111)Ite of speed. At
111. half -mil.', 01.1(01' 14 roiled a3( 41411
toot( s"''' o') 1;1)(18. er 1.!4~37 tion thy.
hest[ with 041.41 hi 4th nit a (cozen Iangth4.
F 1,113T13 IIB.•r.=l'h” horsey! 3037 away
w•ll log'•Ilter, ho: G')iddn+t grad:telly
took h” leotl and kept it With ease, j );.r
3rine, pa. t of the war roil 111. 13 r' h
1'',4ct'))y 13.)31 anri 0'1.1fehow distau0e4.
Elsa Uol'1'in•.t 1 2 1 1
Factory B.'y 2 3 8 Dia
0ldfellnw 8 1 2 1)1•37
Time, 2.431; 2 481; 241} ;
1 0"n'1)ne"cell rnnniog, and °mild ,'olLrcely
1)tce 'nut for the preseuoe of a I'ergle ami
thriving village Of sev'•1'x1 Iln'rdee:l
inlotbitltlts where, When the load woe
1 being 1) .11), there was not, a. burse to he
4ean, Elite. 1rise and '3741378>tni 1at100,
booked by alpha!, 4 r the w-'rk.
HACK. --Mr. Goo, Cottle svltn left
dere it) the spring, for 1118 P)'Itiri0
Province, r•etnreed home on F. i'llly
la'.t. Ge"rite 1)144u't r'3cnlved ver y
favorable impres+i0u4 of the country en
the whole. Toe land he aousitle,ts too
.0W and too long Ander Writer lifter
4t)ri11g 443(134)14. Tile [incl Ila) des0ribe4
3738 smoothing fearful. . \Villritleg i,, nn8
vain !!lila hide, these"eels turd <gate1
in abinidatice not sllffluieg to drain it
thoroughly, il[any of tilt) back streets
hare to be closet! lel 0•') [)tin seasons t0
to event 11300*s from 8291137i)371t out of eight.
There is a great, immigration b1l fines''
'lone, but little fanning trade. The
hotels, 1)'37rdu)g senses tale 113 -fact.
to 1st people who have any steady "43
Ot1))ati•us are 0 ,1!137[1$ 1124(+31 in the C`It•;
hilt ►1'01'1( i•' 1*Oar0e Co•)-irt1ring 11113 nitttl
bey of people V%11 ' are \vi ling to do j1.
'C4,e lana 1, of 371 ,11(1 quality, and excel-
lent °)'() 11 411 a x11144)1, but they here to
he di•po •e -I of at very low prices.
P airi(• la P )surge he believes, will le-
tt plc.(( of o 1":Hidelltble itn3 Ortu(1014. the
hand nrent 11 there b''i.,g the best 111 the
Provisos"; it is celled the garden of
;•hili[ he. The fern -tote settled thele
are thriving well. Tilt. .L1t11e S,1sekatoh-
''t Disiriet. Il d (10113411114 pita tar'))'•
ab4y, the cep t trails pili 01'))4 4114°,[ hrt-
pas4(tbl' and ev01Y 14twee ,.'f laud d'4 tell
esi'h r:n7all ewitinps, C,lpitali4ts •au,1
shrewd 4pecelat':rs can Inn lie money i"
;lltt)itote i, bet G•'urge think4 137 working
man, if he has arty lend(; i4 better off
in O.ltario, for the press r't at least.
Tlv, e (serP tiro e•ltrie-.—Neit'4 Lady
(!rev : Iii:1,1'4 p,.4. ; B. siren''[ G'' op
D•1rliue ; Bale's Wait a -while ; \Veb
8ter'u Nelly Grev.
(3,004. 5 5 1 1 1
Wait A0hile ..1 2 2 8 3 8
1'tide 388443
Lily (ire 2 1 1 2 2 dr.
N by G ey5 4 4 ft-.
Titne, 67 ; 5373 ; 57 ; 57 ; 56} ; 1.00.
BUNNING. Rktirt.
TltrPe Petrie.. J. j3 ant's Sam Wil
lard ; Ci. W1tsom's 1'rnuhie ; J. Avery's
Little Bessie.
Tito ti st bent W,1,4 run in 0.'001 style,
ear))) berg,, geite.t ill to ).Vi').bet Tr'r)'lblev
KB 4134 4.nicip't('cl, pr'tvo•{ ciotol•iene,
Ben). Willard 2 2
I3e84..,........, ... 8 8
Time, 1.51 ; 1.49
2:80 'rune%
F'nr eltterie —111 L Cll,:ll'31 Elan
GnIthlust ; W. F. Dnlmu)ge s �r.nnt3'Z'1•
n1,t ; T. 13 3711 elc's (Many G.)rdott ; pit.
Hunt's Lottie.
The 51'4 beat wets trotted in 4p1el11-
difl tyle, L,Itie lo -'k first Wale, toxin.
[Lining the 43714 )i0437 rirl)nnt difficulty.
SEoo140 HEAT was well tr )t ted, Lottie
getting off her f' et lit:l h(• lea mile, and
losing, but elle i"1)k th,, lead nn the
ilntne stretch, 11"d won by 41bn1t
length. The t11i a feet wee but a rep-
etition of the 8011':11(1.
jilt t;P................... 1 1 1
Johnny Go"don 22
Time, 245;243;2.441•
lien all.
Dula. H,iw.--^1.311[,", every ot1113)' Village
'tee ;tri- eeneon of the year. Ile'14a11 i.,
.'tt'1i4r :lull, the farrier, being btl,v
tilling the "(3137.
13UXtD1NG.—Mr. 8.I1:tnnie,(ur enter.
et'i,,i!lg toWr141114n, i)q 0' 0!i))g tt block
of brick building, Wh'el1. whs.) o nnpl'1-
ed, grill 0ninp41re fovnrnhty with 3N)y
', r malty ., 31•)1, 1)e
' s s greater C
t ie s 1) In t l 11°13 f
37 1 1 1 1
b I s
- 4 ' )\i
tPnsiorts themIlan rill, 1~I'o a ll he
assn stores j11 the bloc!( whi4h are to bel
neellpiod 1)y Mr, J•37inee Piul:ora (4.nd
M04(L'4. J4•0k4011 I3:I'oa, Tho 1)149 41
Will certaj0ls be sett ornnrn''11t and 11
,1)'0(111, to 1I0'14a11, and MO. 11.137),)113
deserves 07f11it for ninlatldtinl3 thy,
1311ternrie4, hall 1Jo3srn, Pi11;uta 411 11
dac37iss(n for tanking such extemilye prem-
r'' rUlri'r.l•4T1",.--Erle Ot [110 Orrn1r4Otrn'e
who b lilt. the Loudon, Bar. n tied
Br 1100 11337417311) y 4+ 137 ; 141 1101)44 3711 (41 T11.0,1 •
31:ty last NT 43113) first time since the road
thned'•r storm on T'nursd'ty Iast a rail
ou the fence npno-it: M”. Win“ Deer.
1111?'[( residence, 111 the 2.t.1 cot 0"1hi'4)
of S'ephou,wtt+ struck by li2ilining and
split into a number of pieces, sterna of
which were th' own several rods. A
'lrttlylirer of .lir. Detritlg wee so stun-
ned by the shock that she felt the ef-
tects of it. ror hours afterwards.1�
A trims FoUNn 1»4A1 ON TBS BOAR.—
Q'ul4tab:e Gill of Exeter received a
telegram from 0.e1itnn t0,terda1,
that a matt was lou .d dead on the 121h
concees37on "f Stephen, and nn making
further inquiry sve learn that it wits n
logo /monad John Berry, about 21
veers of aga, who had been engaged
ara'tiuR eravel, and while coming; wetil
the first load, about cisht (l'(11 'Tic, in
company' with two °ther!e, he 4it•(1 very
ou'lcleenly. Ono of the te)37tnetertt lntp•
pelted to look arone)'1, 111:4 not n1)
1401 Vi 1)13 hist) an the toed thought be !lad
,pot off for 801110 purpr :.>, and paid 110
more uttant.i to to hint, 1113 his team was
woes behind. Ab rut ten or fifteen
minutes liter a couple 1)f (7100 0)1)ne
along and f )371)1(1 the dead body 00 the
yowl without Rey marks or bruises, ex
cent nil one aria Which appealed OR if
the4 wagon wheel lead ;peered over the
limb. 137 is hn41104r,t1 tll)Lt he died nn
the Ined, from heart `dixtaBP, breugght
by iufl 37tmgtnry r11eti11l2uistn,fl'atrl which
10 had been oiling only 137 spurt t)11Ie
A public examination of the pupil1
'41' ;3. S. No. 1 U•burn4, \31:18 held en
Friday 27411 in..t. °I'lte examination
437(48 O'aldn0led by;Wesel's. J. T. Suther-
land and A. (Jt,ie, the t40cilers'of schen!,
assisted by Mn -ate. [I. E. Iiust(m, 11.
,Westlake, Geo. 9.. Moir atut Miss
%VI-11telord. td14011e341 of the )l.ijrlinnit;
:-o ,00378, '.Cho pupils acquitted theta -
;elves 7137 a manner alike (1redttable t'
them'elves end to their teachers. Two
lindidso,rle .'riz''e were kindly given by
the Rev. 8, J. 3 I.ie, B. 0. minister—
elle f1)' the best reading in the schen)
end the other fir the bent cetn]'0s111nu.
The prizes for r4,nd111( was awarded t0
Aquilla Maturing, th•'t for cern position
to Agnes \Joie. A prize for pr'lfioienry
ie lir Fol t, spellix 1371 th.' �. lel d 1 til, was
awarded to Etta 14IoT,37lcart. At the
of •s1) ('f the examination. Mr. James
41'1°, With ottli.'t1 to the ohllir, and a(1•
dresse8 were delivered by the trustees,
tear:here, and Rev. gr. Alleu, all of
'1)01n 1xPi•eerea tlo'111*1•!14[.'4 1113lily
pleased at the slate of the sehord, )'13-
).Trot1l'(1 tile $0110111 wits shortly to lose
its pre43nt ten0hery., isir. Sutherland
guars to l'oro..rto to fit himself for the
Itediuttl pr.'l3741 4iert end Mr. 0.3780 gone
101111 137n important pe itl3n in the
county t,i Bruce.
FATA3, &CCIDENT.--O0 Ivinarlay after.
stool) 148t, elute to boy uhout 14 or 16
years of age, sou of Mr. I1ebt. Morrison
of the 4r11 cot ce.1,inu of U:horoe was
tegage(1 4; >37(4 iog tuarm, Erten tire barn
yard, he lost [371)11 a 31ty melancholy
a04137eleut. It appears (me of the horses
Which he watt driving was struck by a
board belougiog to the box that had
becotno loose s+oils the hor4es were
bei'ig driven pretty fast, time oant.ing
them to run 'away. Tile wagon upset
su'ikiog the 1'13(1 on the head, breeding
hie skull and llilliug hint almost jl31tltnt-
Murder in Montreal.
A frightful murder waw committed
on Saturday ata tumble-down house,
in Gritlintown rented by a dissolute
family named 'Moyers, but frequnte(1
by ntheta of the !'aloe character: ''The
police, arriving at the scene, [routed
lying on the fluor the body of a w0(11ati,
too Heat{ o'nnpletely severed from the
b'nly, and !!heed 7371 41 bucket 01080 by,
in which it wax 1111eke'1 in a horrible
n)alner,('vi(1.30tly with au ase. The
blood [°Tested in a large portion of the
El ,o''. The ('intents of the beeltet, the
mutilated face and matted !tray hair.
1lo0d besmeared 114i.d1, made up
a xtl .oking sight. The name of the
viotitu of this horrible butchery is sa7.,
o be Conway, alias McCormiolc, alias
Troy. 'i'he women 1leyer8 wart found
io bed, Just sec vt ring from a d.'btiuch.
;119 made ettetemente but lioatieg g
strange roan who ltl(ct 0410(1 tit the
h n4e.4 1'ft'yera her husband, td ta1=eult,
end is suspected. The aro was found
in the women 14ltyer8 trunk. She was
then exauliued,,Urtd though exterttally
demi, the i')n.er clothing was complete-
ly worsted tiith blood. She has been
arrested. A 1110.1. hatred Finnegan,
'ell known as u (1luuken loafer, has
also deer) arrested as having visited the
deceased the day of tha wieder.
--,—_ ••._13.—" ---
Dominion News.
The Tenth Division Court,a'1ewore,
had boeu established:. Its territory
will COt111)riee the township of 1 -Hay,
with ao r'lflce at Z'uielt.
Frank W. Kitner the Toronto forger,
wee purse. el and captured by a COrt-
418,11te tLU4 taken to Thunder Bay,
where he is now it, prison. He is itt
prime °•,edition.
A by law [;ranting a bonus of $60,-
0037) to the St. Mary's, Credit Valley
& Huron I1:►ilsvay, Walt passed in the
toy,*:ts.,ip of West Zurrr, to -day by es
majority Of 80.
On Friday eceuing of last weir, a
young ltd fell into the Maitland liver
at the b.idgo above. I100ieey's 'dut11 at
\Viugh.tm. The little fellow [lung on
to rile of the triers until he was resort-
ed by a passing boat. At this place
the water is very (imp, and It was lueky
for tie boy t1114L be received nothing
)Verde than tc stood dac1injl.
O1 Friday 'met, while hauling gravel,
1t r(luth named 0004,37:[ (3oderiell town-
ship was 4O nuf:'r t;ttle,l.e AS to gat his
leg broken. Fie svae sit,iug t'1) t[10
!runt of tate box sli'1) his legs heut;ing
Idown, and to (1r17e the hote(13, gars one
of then, ;t shove with hie foot, w11041 It
kicked ap, the corps of the altos badly
134ttln1 the leg, anti the blase breaking
;he bine.
Saturday was the seems of another
earl drot3uing aceideat at the Falls,
about 5 u. tn., resulting in the untimely
loss of 13,gt'jel llatgt'tte, of alis' place.
who, with two companions, went bath-
ing clear the foot of tiro ferry road, in
front of the Clifton House. Ile was
suddenly carried out bar) the river try
one of the over V'sryirlg eddies for
eider tete river in this locality is !toted.
Becoming exhausted in the vasa en-
deavlr'to regain the (311'1.8, iter ..stink
bl'f.•re tits eyes of his (snl1t'ttner;, who
were nimble to sultan(' !hill, ('xol),ittliltg,
Boys, I'nl gene.” Deceased watt about
25 years o11' '37re, highly esteemed.
A 4pacj,et front NebraskaNebraskatt.y, days;
On the 7,1i-s<'uri River, at 5 o'clock
yestla:d>ty after0nrn, the [''odor of the
Gnvern37nen,� b •1)t C`ll'li' 1pe�Tgalllild0(l 1c 371••
let; Jarnoe 373:4[((11 of i 4441 ,.�:'1lites1it. and
tt»down B. Dee), arid [3111[13: (Hee' fmgi-
!t('eN-1.41371370 11e1:11u1ed• awl fireman '1V,
ivleKinneyg, of St. ,I' 'lis. Both the
letter eel it will probably clic. 1.1. 1?'.
ii)ittele, Captain of the Clytie.y� 3747
d4n37';(1nuoly i 1f tared. 1)tiltltete .Pi111i1,
ie 1'orril:ly 1434371(13.4. Thu Clytie wart
1)1034'11 3741' 1)37011714, Tito cause of tl".((e
aiecident• 214 (t!:i:i3i:111;,