The Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 60 TFi.E TIMES s STORY SUOOBSS ULLY MADE. [retry plump Mrs, Archibald Steele 'wrote the following pi>.r:tgraph in one of her letters to her hnsbathd the other etas 'John tenet come down Isere at once, whether you men spare hire or not. Oiu dear Nitta team is greatly taken t'ith a trill, thin young'' msn, with a hooked nose and thiu lips, called Stuy- vost>nt. It is whispered' about the ho- tel that 11,3 is a very good match, and has the veritable bluotl of the old Dutch fz teenier in hie veins. I mint aey Ulm it has cower way of sllenwiug itself, far the yeueg matt let as vele Its t>` speuter; told dre's(:t'd 19 that white ,eutet, With hie eutiketl eyes and bilii'tl^t !titin, i3 enough to frighten one. I have i«'L'owu to hate hen, while Laura is like a meteor a long black horse oho, growing quite the contrary, I ale bv, disappearing itt the mist, leaving (raid. All the evening he leans up for John the memory of tl ol>arnlillg head, drowned with blonde curling hair, two kind eyes bent upon his own, and e white waving hand exteuded in sale- tatiol. 'John,' said Mr. Steele, 'Did you 'ee the face of that man? Tot Donut twee 'Why, who would suppose you could be suet a coward ?' said Mr. Steele, iinpetuouely, You shall go down with the this very* day. All the way to the seashore Joint's fade wore the look of one who had re- solved to storm a deadly breaele but who did not, hope to survive the at - temp t, Lven the ocean, when it confronted diem, wore i% threateniug look. Up- on the horizon a pile of clouds formed a background wan and gloomy, a great black ,mist lay on the zonate and n dense red vapor almost touched the water. 'A very nasty sect,' said 1Zr. Steele. John snuffed it in, his eyes uilaltiug suit head high in the see -scented (Lir, A tramp on the hard, wet sand, at tl teettinst the wall, ut'vcr dancing or op- ening 111e ni'iuh, save to give vent to tome leveret, sere teaks criticism upon the sosees amen -al him, and yet little }aaara's eye.—art, indeed, all the other _.,• 1 t rive e'I About—are C r") at. e 1 ) 1 'a a. e r ett I1 b . y l i v f1 eeeltl2l� him foraattel'ttt n, In the acquaintance wa on snob an ocoatiion; he saved a lady from drowning. 'Why papa,' said Laura, 'he must be a aplenditl fellow.' '.1lagnifioent !' said Mr, Steele. You see, we had traveled over eoneiderable of the world together, yoix mother and I while you were a baby ; and we fonn it rather odd one moreing to ci tov-or that having missed 'the tweets and tlit' Alps, loitered in the Ilighlauds, travel ed tlteooe down the 'liississippi valley, across tiro American desert to Oalifor- nia, anti bath ltgaid by another route, your mother • had never been np the East river as far as 1'Jot vignette. It seemed so ab511rd to have neglected this ,!home excereioll, that we deter- milled upon it at nude. '1'I:e tnoreing trams wet, but we didn't mind it. Your soother looked prettier in a water-prnof and rubbers, with a shovel het ties down nutter iter elnn,than most woven would in It ball dress, S'le wasn't a bit afraid of rain or n rid. She w'le a little ton reoldees ; for, getting ashore to see the ittstitntittn of vagrant b 1ys, her foot slipped oil' tho plenit, and she disappeared. your sating Laura. Did you see his .jr.:Steele stopped a Min lite ; his day -time tie is always with a. Icing thin ernel lips and tetacllerou. eyed ?' voice faltered; the pinup hale bane of his wife sli 'peri into his otvu ; he clutched it, and went on again. 'One minute 1 sate her as neat and trice a lignre es even graced tL water, prnof and shovel hat, and the next she WAS amts,' 'Gone i' eiiecl Lanra, 'Gone where ?' 'Into the .rater child ; into this 11911 gry green waves that surged oil to take her away front the f eldest heart in the universe; end if it had not neon for rine of those very va;abottcl b y1,, wllo had been turkiug there for n clsttnee to escape from the island, you would huVa 1 t t 91'9 hath, my deer ; for I ni'ule au agonized pluthge after her, though lent aehemed to sev 1 cannot swim fL stroke, , blank horse, that covers more ground t'ith itt lags while it is going' than flue other animal 1 ever (taw. When Lan - ea gees out to drive behind it, and van- ishes out of eight with the both ores Lure, I tremble to think ,tow dreadfnl A': Wottid be if our dear little girl would over be part acid parcel of this wret(•h- od utas and his beast. So I thinly lotto had better uome down at (ante. I (juite long et see his haudeome ewe and hear hie !honest v lee, and I think it is about tinea that 'John Minute telt his little Story to Dora, and have things settled cerufortably,' lea Archibald Steele smiled when he put the letter •f hi. wife Lu his waist- coat pocket, and, picking up the morn• ing paper, scanned through his gold - 'Oh, papa, mamma, come directly ! rimmed spectacles the news c T the day. Mr. Stuyvesant ventured too far, and— fluffing n•ithiug thereiu to refine tate and--' (:xeesei'tgly sett eetotory condition of 'Was drowned ?' said Mr. St.'ele,with las affairs, he pa' it d'twn, smiling as n qneer eembluatiou in his voice of ouly a prospe(rots, contented down pity and relief. wee tnaretteut can smite. He was 'leo, no, how can von suppose Po one of thes.t happy ext'"ptione to the dreadful a thing ? He was rescued, textuary rule of mortals, with whom bit. is very we'ik and ill. He has :everytl ing we:ht well. His whole ex- asked for me and may I go ? Will yon pet:tontse was an exclamation feint co not ceras with use, mania? Oh, do, I t,het effet)t. If he ventured a little haz• beg of ,y'u. 0 Lift she, papa 1' tLrduu,ty in trade, fortnne triuline(1 her .Eter blue eyes filled with tears ; her eat, to favor hint. If he set hie heart upon anything relating to domestic felicity, all the eleineuts of ttrt ruin na- ture conspired to bring it abort. bo when he stepped to the door of his of - foe and bttckoiied to a pang g man with e strip of 0 enrcerciel paper in his hand and a. stencil behind this ear, with the general air of bri.••knoss and Laura raised her eyes proudly. t'hrewd'iass &bent hiin that betokened 'No danker of that, papa ; and be• e, suooeasfnl down -tows: merohteut em- 1 sides, everyone it; occupied now with LLryo, Mr. Steele smiled for the third the one that rescued him.' time, with the air of one who was not 'And what madman was that ?' said at all sfraid of any bilious, blue -bleed- poor Mr. Steele, who could not recon. c1I o asoo thet might be throwe in cite himself elt to the present cnnditiou of affairs. 'I don't know—a stranger; I believe, I was so interested in Mr. Stuyvesant L fzrgot to emit,' Bah i' Haul Mr. Steele,, getting upon his feet and walking to the door. 'I'll t o and 1IId out about it. Do yon stay her till I ileum.' Before he had gone far, Mr. Steele beard from the .excited guests several '1 outy saw Laura, sir,' said John, 811(11)ly, L:Iter on Mr. Arehibeld Steele and his damp, pretty wife were alone to- gether o;'et•h"t' 111 their private parlor. Her dimpled haul lay 1 vingly in his, Bald her shapely band, fresh from the hands date coiffeur, rested recklessly on his shoulder. Sndllt•nly the door opened, and there was heard the Tussle of silken drapery, A still silaalier litttle bead, aod fresher froth the hands of the coiffeur, all no- rnrupietl by the an(laclune hands of mortals, peeped in tit the door. Laura was plilo; her little white halide were clasped ttrgether and her musical voice iretnble 1. little feet seemed wanting to fly through the corridors.. 'Certainly not,' said bIr. Steele. Let hire whit till he is able to cone to yon or ate. Either the mon vat drowned er he lent. Becanee he was imbecile enough to risk his life, that i.5 nu reason for your being the talk of the hots!.' the path of a d.1,uestie happiness whish he firmly agreed heed been arranged by leu omnipotent hand. 'J' tz'I,' said Mr. Steel(', closing the door of his priva e office, and looking 411)0 II hid young clerk benevolently, Tye get an order from Mre. Steele winch 1 wish you would attend to.' 'Certainty, sir,' said J,ttin ; 'shall 1, go out and get the articles myself ?' 'Why, the fact is, John,' the mer-'difrnrc'ut versi ns of the affair ; bet one and ail llgrued that the rescuer could b(' nothiug•less than aehalnpiou swim- mer. 'A regular watetedngt' said one gen- tleman to Mr. Steele; and as the mer - client had heard this epithet bet once before in his life, stud that on an r.eoa- Lion of vital interest to hitneelf, he sought nut the hero of the h'tur, and found, to his unbounded astonishment, it was John Waters, himself I Ile was quite enveloped in the fioanees and fur- bufows of pretty and sympathetio wo- men, who insisted upon Istiowiree every half wooed if be was sure ho felt strong and well, and how in the world orluld Ise betted those dreadful waves in that grar.d,heroie SFay,ttud how did he man- age to drag pour Mr. Stuyvesant- iu to the shore 2 Jnhuttike any other hero of the hour, enjoyed this adnlaticll,but looked anxi- ously at air, Steele. when he approach - chant; enj�iytllg his joke more and more, 'it's only one article --a nether, lucky one. It wag bargained for a long time ago. I mini: you will have to go down with it John: 'Dawn to the beltellota l' said John. getting a Iittle hot and flustered ; 'is it a very enfeeble parcel, sir?' °Nell, perhaps sots lint ra1 rntldeety may depreciate it's worth, John. bars. leteele and I think et good deal of it and Laura, toe, I arn sure does. The cnuiliv dity is yourseif, John. pm nu Steele wte you to go down and take it little holiday stere.' When the name of Laura was men• tinned the young mien's face grew soma flustered and hotter than before. 'Yee aro very kind, sir,' he said,sad Mrs. Steele is wore like an angel thea' 11. women.' 'Bather solid feud plamp, Inc Lhat, interposes bIr. Steele, but lilting the e a phrasevertlteiese, ed. 'But it is a temple madness,' pun- 'Hum,' gr-wled that worthy merch• seed Jolla, 'to dream of {'nether hrttlpl- ant ; 'a pretty g(a)d fellow, to inter- nees tltau I Wilt newly -your effete fere with other people's plans l Howdo Stone mutt Uyst of your wifee-my pear you know be wanted to be rescued ?' tion here ; I do l't dare, 1 cruet hope' 'He appenred seldom{ that way, sir,' for anything more. Olt, Mr. Steele, I said John. 'He wrapped himself about. cau't tel! Iter my story. She would e like a devil fish. I thought at one tern from rue with ltorr.or and, elver time we'd both go down together. t iter.. She in so young, ee besutifttl. There onght to be a echoed fir• teaohiug: feet Inc at lead enjoy the present,' j people haw to be salved. It's the ettsi- 'And le the rncatltime.sonee oahlavar- t:9ns, bilined, bine blotted scoundrel: will carry hot ol'f (rem. us ell. 'Then (lotto's iste grew peals end: f:tern, If stere i.i, the aiightest feeling rlpnu her part for-•-tos:• any one I hen, furies(, Ur. 4teste, Iny u.case ia. 't opeless.` ',be outntttereihl paper ltlttettet from his Ila;ltf,. the Ieueii. fell from his rand l teemed .'. l Ll i e {'ll bee1 4.ht,l t9(;t agM•u t trite litN4 tltuti ttcuxlr►r.(t,. and :tend only have gene to the bet - tom like it plutnmet of lead ; bnt,au nf• ficial standing by :aught and held mo, and cried not that Johnny Waters had her, safe as a trivet ; and presently their vetgaboul bey tante up with your sweet mother on the other side of the richt. and the officer cried out ; 'l'ic'e a reg m - ler water -due, that Jnhuny Waters ?' and theca were the very words a guest hero used in retati'n to Joint a minute or so ago.' 'John ! cried poor b'twil•led ,utero., 'our John, matnma ? Was John the b.3t ? And is it John, our John, that saved poor 141•r. Stnvvosent• 2' 'The very same dertii g John. our John ; lie is always on lntnd when there ie Any trouble or danger.' 'Olerneenmar mamma 1' cried Lsrrre, fewest tine, all the rears that had pits: sed Since the necident, and ernrnt)Trni both the coiffr'ured banes in the most reeldees manner. 'Preps.' she then said, 'we /mist go tend find John ; I want to telt him how mush—I—' 'Yes, detlar' ; said Mr. Archibald Steele, and ell the way tltrou0h the aer- tidnr and into the parlors of the betel, ^itlt his plump tend pretty wife nn olio arm and hie beautiful daughter on the other be Railed. Brit John nets stilled serrottntded by the pretty and ."ynpatttetio arenan,who had ernelly deserted the hlue•hle'tded descendant of the old Dutch goves'nnr, lying in hie mnat•grnceful mid latigni'I of attitudes on it neiglib.nrn v lhungP— the descendant, one 'and all, to the handsome and heroic founder of the new school for teaching people the way to be saved from drowning. .` Jahn was almost hidden in ((ounces and la-ce'e ; but when his :'yes mot Laura's he plunged nut of those oo.tly bitlowe with his used ease and tteepid its. There was something in Tenure's eyes that he hxcl never seen there before --n tempting !angrier, a bewitching shyness. a bewildering splendnr that steeped bis soul in a mod, ,(west hope. Leera,supped one nlomentto whis- per to her mamma, and John. gasped out to bIr, Steele; 'If I dared --if I ouly dared to tell her—'That I ivtis a paa'por, without home nr frie'nds ?' 'I told the story in my own wtey, John,' onnt.inued Mr. Steele, 'and I flat- ter myself I tolyl it snc,^,spsfnllti ; do not -poil it, if you please.r have managed he rami and the present ; do you look nett for the fntnre. John.' And John did. Liuhrewalked through be parlor that night the envied of all tlae pretty and sympathetic women and brave and appreciative anon, that con• grega.ted there. Tgt, or1TARiOLogi AND SQLv1NO$"ro: eteettX, O,1' toNDO-V. t t '50,000.00 At 41011011. To COmIIIIIICC 00 Monday, Doc,. 0, 1878 W. D. Mc lough&kn Of 1:10 'landau; (greet, London, will (lel late above ditto, tntfrt' 14e lyhold stock, amounting to over Fit tyThousand Dollars, lit+motion, and aOLIIII ll• the solo every day at two o'ele,tlt 10 11)0 lifter. noun and at , even in the evening audio; the bal- mita of the mouth, --from the 16tH to the :list or,,0eelnher, Tis Is rho largest and best stook that liter ever boon oixrr„d to the marlin at their own prleos: and, as everybody knows, the t nods t. re of the boat manufacture mu/ uvtr. artirl., will be war- ranted the sa1510 as if bou^ltt hl the or. U. .r W11 y. This lea rare 010re00 10 got' (1110 gal'' itnd silo 1' wa10110',, goal jewelry, clocks, Out ed. wale end tit lazy goods at tour :rtvu gripes. 1'ur+la», 11.•rVI' 111(8111 Wlll Snt'll It it opportunity oeenr, Remi•„ yunrU0u'tutnrns and Now y our'+1 presents at this stale. Savo your money for tills 11tlellen--440i iii a?' emmmy. ly. 1). ATa!1L!lT)r;11I,ilY, • naatlas street, Loudon. THE' EXETER• Planing' Mill Bash DOOR AN l3 : h ALL Ill DS OF T U R N 1 N G I?one to order. Remember Mephitis. (( nvor HARVEST TOOLS ! Reapers, Mowers toe., &c., CHEAP AT Jos_ 19, ,ltdij B U 0 %WHEAT El A • :1:t' () 1 t A'-'• A..1 l t, •.1 .b9, i'. ti ami 1'.,1li,ri, tiitA)''i1i',t:I!t .,..•;1%lt1';'. T4r' AVE fl (It •11(1 a ,: , motel,, 11). •(0. 1 11 <' \ 1113.:•8,( t , 111• i 11111 1t I , 3 1 1111 11 • tti p( i''lint •rt, 1: :t b.l• nn• lee it gat( t,ItY cif .'• to a n,• ., 11.11 at 1rt t n .-,^ 4 n r, , .,t L ,t, .1++11 •1 t q Tere a }le 1 � s ,;Mutt 1 ,lit t.( It1W,,i nJtnzrrnttt-!•,] ri e1: 111 tutu r11, .r 1314,A1,40, i.. t 1,s...0 1 I111. ip nr G.n.rn e tl,nl uh t •Olivet 111 a t.• 6'ull pox ti.. 1. r: 111 our ,m1.111.13. 11:11 „t. ,1• ire 1.3 sued i.' •, 1,v ut.:it t, n•.v't on-. 1.-.,'1:'0 ,,noiftr llrrltcin•'t, anl,tby ,ti 1.rtt!t 1,;3et lper to: e,utge orr.'ixle; (11.::e.,t,r - a, t tt +14''1 ntn11011 1'eoeipt ,31 the moue, by ait 1.,•t• tin vY ai L1,>: 01 U':'P., i'.1tiA0i, t.5s°,401/1 In nseter11,1 n11 irr::,i;i , e.1:n ••yen'. where 1)10 (nada a110 ,.: 1.5 '• ,l ,.. ,, ,: .Lhuti'• ant„ 8,11 rch(i1 Ira "i:' ENGINES AND BilliERS. From T to i' 11. r'e rower, tl.r Parr, - eat:, U. aryl, t•n, Lott 1 and 1.'1%ces. Factor.: , Pr±ttteas and :al p.(rtir; u:.lug twat d , r a,/• e l os'n•. est set' th ape31 at, ,he n.arbet. Send Ira t ir,ulataand I ri. a t:: t, John ^ l ).rt Lsplanutle 'i'3t•iJ: (•.It. a) lentil ,rr1r:I: Tin•: 1 .1 .stare t ,; ros (31. t, • • : ti,am 31 ,.,taAnd papa- ' 1, t.C•rrti3- 1:\ ., ''1nIn. 1110 1.11 F-11. • s r r l , It. • 3 t•oNs3.7.1. trT•S( aratmir i. you to 0••.1 t',1) 1,1•„.11 tllrllt, lait s Price - I, 1 +,t t 3 Vtair, t i !:•r phiel.(• u1,; 1.••;t1 •• 1 nett'?S 1,1 til,' tit', •i t,. '1', r, , ton :13o.tt,:lc,:'ltrnl,. )••t act N;;•ri ; ,r,^Iii ,. , Tits lr eseen, •h.• Ceti: rill 1.3.1, Lilac Itp t .. 515(40,411114 ,11a, Hay .'a•zcr, 2 ry t*, ,.tr white t11,1 t i• r!.,,,, telco., let 0'1•, + . by ell 0 • i.v..3, • •.Coeur• t core tor d n5' 11 other .. 'til•., Itt• '• • +, [ll•.I,. 11 13: t, t..etth:r 1.(.. ray is . .r 31(0 EXETER & IIENSALL. This groat 'household.folioine ranks amongst the lea4111; tzocess arias of life. Those fatuous Pills purify t•:ta 01.0,5 ), tLi1(l a; t 117031 pnwerloily yes sort tingly o'1 the Ltvur, Sttr.attau, Iiutuoys, and Rowels. gale; toile, energy, 4101 vigor to t lose gra it to [tu 30rt•tl, ul lila. L'Iley tiro con- fidently reamnm )nod us a ,laver fuilsnb '•0111o,y in mit cases ,vuero the can$thtotiort,froul lvhnttover clause. 17.18 133,00•.0 (111 mired. Of wuukellc.t. T1103 are wonderfully efficacious in all aitillents ins(. d.La+li t., females of an 11.4 .1; 1 1.1 as a g_uut al Fa wily ,113(lioin,t, are unsurpassed Itssearchtngand Meiling properties aro known tnron:;hout the world. 'For rho owe of bad legs,bad breasts. old wound, ;(oresaIdir(cers, itis anl.lf:tllibl•t remedy. If effectually rutlbod on the nook toil chest, as salt into moat, 11 cures sore thros.t, firouehltis,rlongb' t:0lds,,aad even :tstttuna. y'or (ilaudnlar Swill lines, A_:10 asses, Pilsa, I•'i.ttul.ts. Coat Rllotunntistn and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been. known to hili' Tao Pills taut 'nutmeat are lean- utytaturet: Only at (isle OXFORD 31'EET, LONDON, ones not Initialit um proper;:ts of Huse .Pelt '. I T 1 y tau Bt1g•-ori•d unci hu•in,eta Sn�t r•Bhattits And ars sem ay alt. Von lora ot.ttfedtohet. thru'31,121 sledge,rrel,yin.,(a•cuit111i11l:11t 1f.1 throughout the etvilizat1-worlu; with directions Alt)' 1 1)ys 551) of th e.reliable.inYTl11' 'sc,5 t' thatrII,.�t' ra. (11 nhuu_t every language,! 71Itis put up iu uhenp Weeden cr p.t 1 1tttrA trait . •!h°l'rr•t.lo yinrlca of Cherie medicines are regr[ - I,'ni all diseases tvllarc a i uxnttac, Altertive, r., tared at Ottawa. lienee, anyone in the Brit • 3,, etatlVe, Is lndlrntod,1hese 11111(: h'ctots will Llrr UM .01310)410218, who may keep the American thrmost at'(brtsatisfactiotl. 3011 bydrn,t,,ri1ta3. O.,unrerleits for sale, will be l,r0F(100bou. 1 L V. I'�'L:li('E, SI.I).. i'tcul'1z, tv olld's i)lsprr.Ear) r." Purul,asor. should loop to the Label on the '. and 11V;VIllds' I•Iutu1, uumuto, 31.. %. 0 Pot. and hexes. If the address in not Sag, Oxford I atreett,o,.don; they are Spurious, aByit.ag^• rtan•: thnrnuch Mood -purl ring pr^pPr- tic.:. Ile. I^10*r•':. (.ori'21 32t-71,•;,1 3latio t r, -targe: ail Irautcrs. 1:•, nt 111,1 truest 8311•(nula re a et 3,a, cr Motet,' People, er Eruption. 3lrmte•Irl 3,1,1 1•311 P. is m, 3,m! lh( Ir (fit , .rr 1rar11rated earl e iter,at • 11 •,nh ret•' a senior (' 11''linft• 0 t3t:.1'- 1111,1, 41 ,0,dprla-, halt.o:unnat, raver Sorts,Scaly ft or Ileng331.11,, In 5 ,11.411'.11••33. ' t'irr:•1 ••; b.^... 1010, ar,' callaalatemal 1.y MI5 vont rna1,141r1 i'hlgnu, luvlrrra 111 •1 I. 0. 1(110•. l :l,••rrt1:1l, holo toant1••(ted its potcncvbt raring. 'rater, Nene istt•t:. 3.c`.L'3 i :u,huur-i• s, Oc•:e t'sta, (k,o1'a aan S',014 und. 64•0117nrz.,. C:'ll.to Cofirc. or Thick llrc•ly:01Eatargtd t amale lr 3,4111 1 < tn .l0oy rot•r r P ,, I'- r n opottr on t' rr or body, n(nn th5.r rI t.rt{;lts, bat 1 's riot,(• Lit r al 1 at . r this 1ltorltutul wt th hit 1111Gc-1 t 0., 11,, Irlra:.tf•1v1.0.lio s.illt,^tela' •rip u: tit 1 '1 (•.,r' )�ItIOo110tuingn)om Torpid 1,:ver. ,a• L n eta I11 1)1:.11)' (11:•00 of Liv' r t oa•:plulnt) • 1T' (1V11, t'4 n -t: a 35 f r 1 7 331011 cuor , lir. 1'ir••..' ( 1 n :it • :11T1I;ilsrovr ry his no equal, se Itt:a•rtll. to 11• 1 1t 71+ In the el! t i rouc» v'. f s ro ewers, t,r',, a8d law. envie y r t t r I L'( u,, oto . eat 11 l.c 11..t,.nte.leat tit'. 11a•.;hr; t t u( r t a ,i . t 311)00)311 preac.ttnh' 11 ria. gr3, 1 3 ,.u• i tl ct•r t•o13' of 9h,• at'.'. 'white 11t.,, a,.1. ,. r, t( or ,.. I t St(4llttilrns the system 151'0r 11c r1* blc,, l t. 1 l 1,y t tt •eats, 13.11.'.11 I t . ,'. 1 r,,rr, `' ci(rs T11apcnsary and 11:9 tit .. 11,1 1,1 t i ..1M. SIZE OF PELLETS. 00CI R ktiS Tile 4T t :seas flet Nouse oftnl:ing the atrge,repn181V0, neascn1aplfie composed of cheap, era a', total belay ingrr0rntg, Those Pell, . s ere soarer/1y larger then mustard often Tieing eut,rcrq r c0-el1ble, no partttitlar care lams 11110311'trhlt3 It tug turn. They opperata without 311-3 urban^c to the eonstttttlloll Blot, nr nectll:rlt:hut. for Jaundice, licndachc, 4owtlp'etien, l,npvat flood, l>uln !n the Shoulders, Tigkrauts of the Matt 1>taztue111, Sour Eructations from the etc/attach, IIA. Piste In the Ilouih, 3.3:oleo wrecks, l'atw In sog(o; or Kidneys. Interna! Fevor, Limited forth,g shots' Stomach, I:lash of Mood to Urea, tale Dr. Piave', Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In oxpl:nlath'n of the remedial power of thr.,1' 1.1n;'nttt', Pellets ov'r m great a varlets: °NH, may 1)3 raid that tuft nathon upon the animal economy 11 universal, not c ghutd or donne escaping theirsnnutive Impress. Art 'TIRE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIM-: JiUtx. JustPubiishod, in a sealed Envelope.' Price six omits. A lecture on the Nature, Treatment andILltrti- cal cure of 1eminalWeattne ., or Sport. atm -ham, induced by Self -Abase, "En voluntary L111188iena, Impote)ley, Nervous .Ability. and Impediments to marriage geuerul y• O0ntlnnfl,tion Nplsce,sy, nen Pita • Slmnsn.l and 1'llveical $lle(iE!aait BT3IPTOXIS.—F'rcr�lent 1 r::t2• a� sometimes prorate, e bee toe tlnatalynto trt 12.1 2 6d Duteous, p trident, Otccn lvn, (5,' in others, a dryness, dry, Iva , ry, wean or in6: n".,' eyes, stopping up, or obstrnc5Ien, of the nasal pci• sages, lingo/43M eters, deafees.s, hawking and eingo• Mg 'tocies rthe tllt'oltt,nloerittlntl9,eenit.fror'it:lcrrs voice altered nasal twang, mfrnsivebreattt,impair •• or total deprivation of sena/sof smell and test% .1.3. • Y. einem, mental depression,loss of appetite, in at :'•s' riY 1t013MIi1' 1. r'VLV1;ILtV} l;134.3)., author' 01 tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, (t Only a rho "Greco Book," rice. Amor these s mptom1 aro likely to be }ler -titian) The :v:: id renowned author in this attuitltbl„ : case at etre deme. Lecture, ohesrly proves /rain 1111: own experience that tho awful canseeptences oC 5"4t-Abti'e:riav be ('(l!uetuallyreuloved witbout lnctllc.lt/e, 3013' with, onttaur101tO $81113 130,1 npuratiau/1, I1u11Kius,instrn- est thing in the world,' the water itself iwan accessory, if you manage it right. ser t;Ptl I,rr'rl:rt rYt 'Oh, 'do tell us how, Mr. Waters, plsase,' chorused the pretty and symga- tbetio woman; and es..T,oltu began hie lesson Mr. Steele slipped sway. 'Olt Papa,' all ' be g those is Mx'. Z3 L it's ki , Mr, Sftljtvesatut ?'•'• 1 �Z( tlett't know -I didn't aslt, ,,e replied qq '1 WaS i;,xtettestet in the, Genote {it t,Mt to dopc3einr4 .,IF. boat BAIL, aoanrlty for tit: Atjl13t .10U1431t031 .'Vit 4/Y0811100 t. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. meats,rt.00, or, coral .1.1liointiu; Oust. 14 u,:1do of en re at onus certain .and etroctunl, by wh c11 every MOTtICaE To DEPOSITORS. TEE. loiterer, no matte what his Cputlltion may ble 11": t°1)8bIlnselfohentily /rivittelanutTri1teeily. �' Ontario Lean 11, :1 5itvan ,s tlotn ,arty rd s:11":Y t ,t r t prepared to receive deposi i1 the Atm f iii and (1139,10 th°s't,oaoLta tru WiII prove a •boon to thCttsnntlb apwarS1l; alit! 3 7,213 4f SI Y•011 0113. per am (4, ear nut . 1: r num, L 0E1 �+x i sotiodn, o L'ivo tet cent. 00 de: $ t u1 net f, In a plain enV111Ope, 6131 any ad. • 111an(t. 'At11rL.ratniersts of this companyy taro so. 1.150an,'011 h'p4ottt1 p# si;t Oeitlsy oft 112'0. P464,4tta anted r,y taoin:, egos an 1Z3a1 I.stata,lviltch ariur,ly Pttilnps. hated drimggod With, He'soh% friteettl, safety oe thoittet►posits. eat rentor uar3G:ulnre Tun nttt.wzr.1,'l2Rrirat t0, tt It ttt i all Lc A { r , k r ttnpll 113' lettdll, of at the cities, ppf 103 Ontnnany. l of ones, iiib,Cj. Way, .+re made 1,113 Jsa.g•Stz1, tVni.l:':,13 133llr;, oiplr, P 0,ftoy,:I--as 1 ,tan st,,, .101V Yo t'k, 0 DR. SAGE'S CATARRI EELS 1r3X produces radical cures et' ten worst cases of Catarrh no mutter of ,tow Ion stateliest. Tt1131101151 reyeas ,nay bo mtulred or bt iter applied by the use 10 Irl° 1°rlttecls'6110unlle. Tats la eta' only 114,1% er tutee• tient yet ltivented whit 11•ideh (111(1 m,sarlun( 0't carried Mint (1r and valtk1C'•r1.1' .1101 ,1,17213 to :d truth of 01c attested tinsel passages, sem,' t1'c tla.tt,0 been or cavities eottlmnnirntlalr tetirew•lt'q 01 whict sores anti ulcers ''4intently /attic, 1nu1 ft< 1 tt'1;,.1 t11e catarrhal (:,Behar c generally ljlronra< n.' iKc 111 is plentent Soil nems a11(lel.,tt0ocl from diode ions llecoinp anying', eget. instt11110ntt. 'i)t, 'sit _r tnrnh rtnmod • etre,., reeei11 attache 01''ti'old N 1b( r. pious* n 1- n a u lrttrti. u, I 3 u few t lieu[ tr 1 1 mil 1 t ad n h ant to tine enutntgnlnit no strml n • r:1n31 t a:• , •a robs, 11 t+s,{'nl3)T1 8y11,111i 3 tt, t,o tet t !.y. drag kusnr l t•v' 0:; 1 it,L L t. o 0 JD