HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 5RNIP S TURNIP'. SEE -D. VII IR ADITZ FRESH. . .., Cabbage plants, Tomato Plants received, daily. Buy your Turnip Seed where it is warrant- ed. Thorne & Farmer 'warrant theirs. The Star Grocery still leads in, Teas. A lot of Choice. Young Hyson just received. Try it. N E FA_ R M 1-1:4`1" :Re Sign, r� n r.1 k^ 4A 0'q., Ir'ALI, WIMA.P. \t'3llte tr heat ... 94 to 0 95 .mmol[ 94 to 0 99 S1.,ittl,0 w AT 1,: 0 90 to 0 05 And C'ila,f'+ It:�rutt00 d.I l'l �' 0 40 to . 1111) 0 . i., 0 t7 a.. 88 d'to Ver 800 1...... .. 0 40 to 0 75 Peas 0 10 te s5 Fags 0 Oi 10 . (8 song,:, 0 08 to t 11. I• ittur ettr 100 5 00 co ) 00 1'intoe•, p •r 1pl10 1 (0) to l 10. :April's, p•.r f.u:7 ... 70 to 1 75 1'11.1) 0.,•,..., )1 10 . 000 lott(,0 Hugo, dr.:(. t1Isl. Hie -. 6 00 to 5 r,0 ;[,tet 0 (00 6u 1; 00 little': 4 50 toto 5OS000 sileepsl:lu-,:tie, ., 50 . IIayl 1^• et800 to9tat t (1„i,1,.1•itusil .. .. ... 0 50 0' 0 50 to 0755 t,+a•4 • .,. 0 X10 an 010 MCta11,perlit 0 18 to n SO luriuv*p.rlu... ...... 007 to 007 i tees,.- ....... 0 .15 , 0 05 1 /Looks, [t.. 1• r 1 hi it . ' .. 0 to to n 60 L1Altl.1 i"('R SA.Gb1,--L•'t 14, CO.Ne •.i'n to, SOoi I eu, co.utainina 100 oases 70 acres ,l.'• •.• .1 Gantt 1 g house and f1'n a tarn, .texe•1. •la.••1 your,. 'robe (l, grafted fruit, The f u'nt is v.' Hi i :• tete°. a od in (1 good state of es,111- va•l1'n. 1'',:'re i+:,. large quantity of ] Licit esti, nlet t 114 vet' f,'it11)0 wall, For terms apply to 11ri`: t.0 P01ILLI t'.i.., Credtton, June 5. ()T iOli,--Thr+ Gomel' Of the (J r• y N,„'nti„•t of tl'o County of riuram will meet in th • t't•itrt IIc -..e iu the town of Roderick on Aneotty, t ,..1 of Juno next. PETER AI).1 ,t 1N COD.) Clork $t, t.i(tei 1 h. May 50, 1070. 1A1111 FOR SALE+,.—Lot 8, cnnei•a- Sit .1 15, tisborne.. Seventy aCre I110re er less,sf+.t:. tt71.e8 (geared and in to good c`ate of- cul- tivefi'>•"touuitrtme house n.',1 frame barn, log t•+',1b 1u i [vaunt irate), spring creek running aorozo rue 1, lace, good ergh.: r 1, € •05 enc -)s. For f .rtll r partieul'r.,,•.p)1y 011 1,10 premises er by l:•tf1 0;1 'IIK110I., ilkton P. 0.,Chttetri•-'. .1ta" 001, 0075. 00. 11 C y.Itit ki1 CATARRH 1 ! USE 1.1 1ho great Sierra Nevad: Smomirtg Compound. The oulypositive ccreior Catarrh yet discovered, Fort sari.: 197 0. r UTZ'S CENTRAL Il;t! G STORE. W.I, iiTli, Gonerni Agent.:Al,s(ne., ent,ly?8 OOlnfai0ttlt!nl4.. i . -.nos. Laud and Loan Adel:). °fOce— uest.tone umtliRoyal Hotel. 11 xc ts. Wilsons 31.1 o.t. i'icTtsal t, ovary 5Iondav Main Street. Exchanl'e lank '�f Canada• LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. HEAD $?II'F1 CE, MONTREAL. Capital ;paid iUJ1 - - $1,000,000 nut t flirts: If, H.GAUI'J rc•t1.It1t. s 0(')'1.1'+ .l\'1 :1:1IIIi,L, Vice•Presidenl. A. 1V,(1(3II,z P. :,C.I'.;t'., - is 10. Ni[;Gl0t;l•• 001100 )I0 i i .. tLE X., 1i1''\T11 ( i't1Ih103 CIvtTII',S,N• '1'IWIO1a t r \1ti - - • - Cashier, -3E011(31•. DU ii`t3 - - - 110p05t01 GENERAL, 11.ANRONG BUSINESS MAN. It T14D. Mow. loaurd On. f-lrmcrs nn their Own cotes witl 9000) endorsers, ilr; tit, issnod on Now York. S:iVINtzS SANK D1;PA 1TMENT. 5 per emit. interest allowed on deposits of or e ollar and upwards • OFFral; 1{OC.'ll8—brant l0 to 3: from 10 to 1 on Saturdays, A +TI.' G0),. Manager, Sseter,Augltst O00nd, 1878, 51-1v, Gni PIAr�itproiits on 80 days investmer,. of(1�1yi 1p,L,6,1 ''S •—,rlrli'+ial Deports fl'en.•-•-- •pAdd I'ruliurtional returns es ery n (1010 on stool option.a of -030 - •-50 - 3100, 0500, Address '1'.l'OT” POTTER W1ZI .t3 C .0 Jtl., Banners, 03 \Vali St N. Y :'4 EN TO :o'. G. RICH & ('C•, Portland, . D, j Jlltfue, for tho nest agency business in the world. 14xpcuaive outllt free. • +g i'lncy Ca:tis, Unroina, Se owe lice, &c., no 'e J alflcu, with name, lee. J. Kander at; Cu., Nas- sau, N. Y. 4f9Suowfnkt', its., or 00 transparent cards, whit k et0tne 100, ,. . doses d Jo.. Nassau, N. T. Mf'C:AItbB tiur.wnu, Gold 13ordee, .vc., 10c., or 10 Voil.aeo t and ,1,w.,J. 13, lit �PLll, A4assau, N.1 • $P9lga 1n lulu,mutt o+pwises our lranteed to agon is v9 (i outfit, free. Saar,* ti, co, ,1.ugt1atn. listing. , vt'9t"709 A YEAR, and expeaaes to agents hh d 6 C Outfit free. Address P. 0. Vickery, Augusta, \00'010. u'Ve1 USemen f. of 4 lilies inserted one wrek01810newspeper,. for $10. fiend 10 Cents fo ;1(10 page pamphlet. G. P. LOWELL & CO. N.Y. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! R1'COV. ,L! REMOVAL!°e REMOVAL! ') tIVATli, FUNDS to loan at 8 per 1 REMOVAL! . Cent. ;�r (.)IRTGAGES BeUori'!.'. L -J1..Money loaned on good 140Tl'.8, �.-1ONVEYA1 GING — Denis, Mort - \i g,ogea,Wills,tts,drawnonre soturl,1(twrms Wew York Mi?linor MRS. C. B. WILLIAMS has just oiet earl out in FAneou's Block with a I. rgo sled of sprint, Goods HAT`;, BONNETS AND SHAPES of the L.testlilow York and Philoi.it,11 fu styles. Also a. 1„rgo assortment of 0.it!1, 111). in all •sir Lad- ies' 1ei .s. Lac- ies'hats nicety trimmed roto 00 c Iiia u)'. Veils, false ties, cuffs, collars Magus and +tock frills. Also a large atock•of Isom Pr1 1.•5•1•14, infants' hats, hoods, and (laps. L4110%4' 1t 1 on . (to outln the latest Philadelphia styles. it, 11-1.:7 assort - mint of Parasols turd Parts gentles. Call ane examine. oar steak before p'nedtasing elsewhere as we sell. for pekes to s. ism- units; and deal liur berally with the lutist,. s in their way of trade. lilts. C. lr. WILLIAMS. Exeter. April17,187.9. LIVERPOOL, LONDOND1.RRV, GLASGOW ALLAN L I `'1 J, 0J ' Royal mail Steamships. file favorite rcute betwseu Canada and Great Britain. t1?Aidl!Edt SEIa.F'It. TJyR SARDINIAN will sail on 3-11010 58 Sh ,rteet sea passage. Por speed, comfort; economy and safety are equal 013 any other 0clantic Litre, and being a Ca_atlian Llne shoule hepatronizod by all Canadians, For particulars as to passage or parties sending Sot 'their f -i, . ds, moldy to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. NEW BUTCHE1 SHOP ij'lho tihdei•Aigned wouldinfori the inhahi- L tants ofE;oterand vicinity that ]sellas x� N t' W BUTOL oIE SiiOP one.innr south of Itis Blac,tet0ithshop antlhopes the vim abets.] patrona0O that , has bean 100 cQrr0e(1 to him in the T30AOr11M1 rn AND 10A00It MAt(I'too tltlewfllbesate tided tohim iuhis new branch of outlines[ Xis -moat wagon willoall at tho rod - dents of the village three tintoseacl wookand { i H M. 3-4::At T mit kliuIs kept 000111tant03 on band Yat his Lsltt,hershop. • - iilaek5rnit]zing and wagon makingoarried bU SA bitted in'h11'Ito brei. tt D ry rg P. Fi AYN. ' has rolnnvo to bis new shop, lately occupied by Perkins d: Co—two ,lours north of ,7. Grigg's book ^tore.:t91e0e yell 811 find everything usually kept it a ftivt-011[00 hnsuess ostablishtcent, which for lnailty of ntatoriul and style of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPAS''ED loan and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. PETER FRAYNE. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM PANY, OF LONDON. Jr)ct;P7x T..FI'F.IIY, President, . ALEX JOHNSTON, Vint: -President. SAYINGS BANK BRANCH.:. , a TOTICE TO DEPOSITORS. �-THE Ontario Lean and savings Company are prepared t4 receive deposits in tido sum ..f 5 and upwards, at 01 '0 rate of SIX pER C0'NT. per an num, FOIL fix, 1periode, or Five per cont. on de main'. Ail to •'stments of this company are se- c urecl by 1114, rtgages on Reel Estate, which a$orifs to,kposito s it:0 best possible security for the safety of their deposits. x'or further uarticnlars apply by letter, or at the office of the Cumuany. Jun. SO.3u'. W1f. F. B UL' LION, ,Mango. GRIP'S $PECIFC MEDICINE. The Gt.latDnglish TRADE MARK, -RAVE M'RK,I)eniedy,an entail ins cure for Semi- nal OVottknoe', Soormatorrh ea, Itnpoteuoy,andall Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self Abuse, an X; loss of Memory, Universal Lassi- $sfore Takiarude, Pain in the tel. Ttlltina, Beck, Dimness of vision, Premature Old age, and many other Diseases that load to insanity or Consumption and 1 Premature grave. fa -Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to seed free by mail t,, every one. f.a'The Specific Medicine in soldby all drrtgplsts at :tlper pft0100ge or SOX packages for $0. or will ho.sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY M.EDIclN1 Co., GREEN, JAPAN, WINDSOR. ONT., CANADA. IS -Sold in Exeterby till drng,;iats, and Canariaevery. YOUNG FIYSON� where in Canaria and the United States ',y whole• sale and retail druggists. �� 'ZIAT I 1 PESV'S STOCK OI+' RNITI1111 . 1)Be1rnam enol P11 lar 1 uru.tureFUss. ;,eoialty, and tiro ch 'attest west of Toronto. Lounges and all Upholstered [cork greatly re- Ueeddi,i priers, Spring 'netts from $5,75np; $Oven wire mattresses for airlines um) t41t'I:wens, to prevent bed -sores. at remark abiely low 1'rfars, Parties desiring to tarnish houses would oto well to 1(311 atbproe.w's, end examine the stock before purchasing else - we, Undertaking promptly attonclod to at low rates. A 1 1.1 ,.• • fuluningR, Shrouds, Gloves, Gaps. cbc., forniohea. P0110110ms of ail the different Rooiotie 11100 ke11t in stook for l unerals, The hos se is tate beet in the county. Penal rs ror sole at DI0I;1V'S Furniture tvaserooms Exeter, The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent tete 111050loiing of corpses and''offensive odors. RANTION BROTHERS HAVE RECEIVED SOME SPECIAL LINES T.. LIMB TM:AN COZT, P ICM, and will give their customers the benefit. Just look : Black Striped Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for -10 cents. Black Plaid Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 15 °tuts. Color- ed Grenadines, worth 35 cents, for 13 cents. Colored Striped Grenadines, worth 50 cents, for only 13 cents. Ladles' Black Lace Shawls, worth $1.35 up, for 50 cents. Good Butter and Eggs Wanted in large gautities at MAITTON ROZ, E=Gtere Piano and �,:�• the OF THIOL Sewing Machine •�''iw 1+ 0' Xt-t Viirr ilk HE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK ,OF Silverware, China and Delf ever.•sepn in the West, at . 1% t W' S7 ' TO21a . ilii. Drew has just received an excellent stack of Silver Tea detta,Butter Coolers,Doubleaut1 Sislgl6 Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers; Com- 0111110 3 Sot ts, etc.,of the B est.Quadrltple and1R11p1e. Plato, and is offering that 1 mad; YOU 1''t it 1 r • •o i''y 1 "1- Re has just opened Ont. a new and:comple0. 0'6 • sortureut of China, Glass and ,;Stlnewpr s. r,A large stock ofLalnpekes%arrived. Callan icittsfe yourself AR to quality and cheapness. 0Come 'Itua)' try our instruments. Musie Teaober stilt on laud. Services at lowest i'lgilres:l> 1.: •' Special attention called to the.Raymend pgyrinia S,tchino. Organs and Pianos uneurpe,as0t1 for, ueauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GrROCE.R.Y • 1 AND LIQUOR STAB',, 'THE GREAT O AUSE OF HUMAN MIS - Era. lust Published, in a sealed Dnvedope. 'Price six cents. Alecturo on the Nature, Treatment and Pauli - cal cure ofSetninalWeatine s, or1;per. •ator"bola, Induced by !golf Abuse. tnvoiuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, MAI Imitediments to marriage generally; Consumption 11pilt,psy, nen Fits ; gamed anti Physical Inoa,9acity, .ria. -- BY ROBERT R7' J. CULVER 0VELL;130 1)., )author of the "Gruen Boort," te. The ;valla renowned author in [1130 admirable Lecture, inanely proves aro rn his own experience that the a wful:crinsequettces of Self-Abuso Indy be effectually removed without meclicino,1ln” wish. out claugotuus surgieal,operatiolls, Itnngti:s,instrn- zueitts,rivas,er aordisls l lsointin;{ ofittt 1110(1e of (tare at once certain a1detf , tual, by which every ,. tilt rum be S. E .r AND Pt0 TIES BRANDIES:, GPT!, 'TINES STIOUPS, ItY 1 •;SIA T' atttfei«.r, tJrt mettcr nitntbiscondi n y i3ITI"F1ti,.,TJC 1.\� R , + , . _ may curnhimself oho aplt',prrVatelyftndrad really 800111011, IRISH AND COMMON WHISICF8S, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS,, t q,'t'his Lecture will prove a bOontO thousantln sea RonE neei tr seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- Wholcsaie and/ Rafe; r i. dross, on receipt 0,0 3ai1t cents, or two 'metedo • •stamps. •tddres A LARGE STOCK OF and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS. PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINE S, . LOBSTERS,' SALMON, AGENTSRLi'ADTHIS 'we will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow a low enn11n1^Ki0r, to sell our ueivandwaruc1erful111yt>litions. Wo 1)311.11311(30(10 te6 say. Sample free Ai dress, 01{E R yMAN & Co,. Mar hall. Mich.. i /r RS. 30IAH..N .CCAPIEINCED Jy� dressmaking at her residence, (di Huron street, Exeter. Cutting and 2ittn,I; a specialty. Two apprentices tvant3tl iInlneii;•ittcly. THE 1{ ALL AND WINTER TRADE , C. Soutiszotz rS4 Ob'9. TAIL°It' and CLOTHE1os, Take pleasvrttoitform theintt bitantlofExeter aria surroaunilig country, that they bare just op0.10d 011t an 0wce11e ut'lssortment of Tweeds, Coatings, Vesihet/.s500., in the IAtest styles and pitttelnls,and feel aseurerl thatintnein atter of clot ring, they can suit ti'11 tnostfnstf(liens t..stes. T11tt 0r1L;WVrira• pfIYDICAL 50. - (4. "• MA. 0 41 #flitst.NewYor1(. • 0.Ilo 434 , , Marble 'Works. W. 0. WEEKES Dealer' in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &e. Cemetery Work of ail kinds neatly execntr'd. 5.Donrs North o; Drew's Hall, Hain street, NEW 11AC1111Nii SHOP. V�1'iliam Ditching Wishes to inform the public that he is•''uetter prepared tureoah all kinds el Sewing Machines, Watches IJloohs, Guns., t o., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderato», 'and he gol.trantees to give Satlsf'cte- tion. 1'IAIM STREET, EXETER. 4 s W 1 �.r'.1+ei 0)04 j 1010 sale a large enantity of'first.calss hard` JJ White Brick at $4 per thousand, also D-�ti_<3T TILE all sires. Brick delivered where• reg0trel at very reasonable rates. Those wanting a good - article of either brick or tile 'should call at tho subscriber's yard and examinehis stock before purchasing elsewhere. Yard, 9th coucessio of Hay. Pust office address, Sarepts. • ALONZO FOSTER. May 29, 'i9. 3t, Cheap Cash Store. MSS LEACH e• • lute of Sen forth,ba s elicited out in the store reoent- lyoecupied by Mr. J.Y. McIntyre, next floor to Dz. iiutehiuson's residence, Minn St, Exeter, with, a new,.large and well assorted stock of • Mrltltint;r in ail it Branc'1.9, tlso.11'anev Goa(101,',miles' Wear min Children's Clothes. Prieesvel•y low—for cash only. Light 1,fdGloves and White Ost,iclaPlumes cleaned. A call solicited N 13-1i sir Pressing, Stamping, Velvet Painting. &c, &c 0. first-class dressmaker on home. 1II5811 3313. Apprentices wanted. .6...oter. Apr.1 13 18711. vl Nation x% 1 PcI1c r%' PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND . HARROWS constantly on hand ani made to order. 11;JMILLAN 1'0IcBRIDE lzavi ng now greater facilities then ever, aro pro-. pared to supply farmers with Iron Roam Plows, Steel Mould board, made by orrsol vas iChili Plows, linapPer make ; Scotch Diamond Narrows Cultivators, Gang flows. Carriages andlbeggiOB on hand, and made to or - dor, Horse.s0oeing atteudr5 to ue the shortcs.t notice. 77000es shod to proventlnterfering. Mc,K;ILP AN & Mc7311ID10, Bing St.,lttneall. j� ILIANE 3C �,y:L .� r .Al), ,% c G..Q R'1I, I C K ' s. A 1011 line ow in, of Siring fnd1'Sanuut ' Hats, and Banuetea ail.the voty Iatest shapes. kV. 'Flowers' Fe;ithai's. a,1r I .»;'man • Trimmiuge in great variety. GIRLS HATS ` ; x$0M' $1,00 1:19 picot; trimmed, Everythin will be doll as clients . , . r sepessillle. Etnc7 000db..13elltn ,Sypgl, Mgttees, et0,,t`fcl line alw1ye heltt, ' Jnckote`teaetayyor,,cu$ in' the lnttest styles., blain' Streat,Etaete;ti, l' Aurfl,78, ` • ', 1' • 1'l$61#l'rit; 11'ceter.. 1. [i t, '(.r:1i .^, • 1 ,1 0s1r 0,1 .194..11' .