The Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 4The Molsons Bank ismoaronsvaP rax Aar or r Annmtnner, 1853. Capita, $2,QO0,QO(1. Relit, $400,000. READ OFFICE MONTREAL Taus 11IOLSON, Esq., 1'restdent, RoN. TuaecAs WoRStrAN - T'roce-Pres., 1' J CLAxTUN, Viee-Pres Stun Mtttu .1 lea ( o Heal) L 31aupliersow Senator, kt W ihupllerd, Pros Ottawa River Davin: Co lloratoNeisou,t1PP, ilileaWilliams, l~. Woii 1W AN T>aoatts, Esq., • C.:shier. D1. HxATON, ESQ, - - - In Hector, Exeter l3rarif i.. HENRY 0. BREWER - - MANAGER. LOANS TO FARSXETts. honey advanced to (armors on easy terms, on their ow.t prottliesury notes with one or more ;uot1 en- dorsers.. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS BANK D ,PARTAA NT 5 per cent, Interest a,llotee4 on deposits, Gold and currency drafts bo brit and s old, Ster a¢Laohangebought and sold, Collectious made iu all parts of the Dominion and rotates pcomptlyremitted at, lowest rates 0 exchange. Exeter, August loth 1578• 6-m 'Ile vel q c Chita. THUliSDAY, • JUNE 10, 1879 THE SILK FAU'lO.itY AGAIN, As our readers are no doubt aware, an application has been made for a bo- nus to start a silk factory in Exeter. The applioauLs are a family valued Steil,hardt, of Torouto, bnt recently of (stew York City. They represent that they have machinery to the value 1,f $25,000 or $80,000 which they are prepared to use upon condition of re- ceiving $15,000 of a bouuh from the vil sage, and exemption from taxation for five years. Councillors Drew o cid San- ders visited Toronto to interview Mrs. Steuiltardt aid ascertain if possible whether they were capable of fulfilling their part in the proposed contract. 'Noy eine setisfil►d that swell was the ease, 1'u fur at leant as their fivauuial poeitiuu was o'ucerned, The inti- chiuery, it has ifno3 been learned, ie ly- ing at Sitneoe, where they had been granted a bonus, but for some reason of whish we are not aware, they did not accept it. This machinery a Lis - to. of Councillor informs the public in a letter to tilt. D. Johne, is not worth twenty-seven hundrei dollars, and he further adds that the Steinhardt's are humb;lgtt and not worth powder to blew thein up. Tito Journal of Commerce next has a short paragraph attacking the reputation of the fawil1,but m'ikes no speeifiu elterge against them. It contents itself with indulgiug in Lunen - do, which, while it is flu fano sntisfrtc. toty or c')uolneive to the minds of those who 'aril tri kit ow cite truth, its we who are interested do, is yet sutii'sieut to ereat•e a feeliug of disltrust and arouse suspicion alnnllg those who ate favc.r- oble to the soheme. No one in Exeter we belive, wellies to be a party to bringing into the town a family of .elerl7ers, if troch they be. But that leas not yet been eho •tn to the sati4e,e- tion of taar•inin'ded pereous. (dere statements ought not to suffice. Tuere t;hoold be prf'of to back them. up. If they have been guilty of any di:+reput- ;gZable practices, either int Oenadri or the United States, no matter what pre. text they may advance as a plsa iu extsauue i•'n, we think the Council should cease uegotiatious with them. They laity have had gond rand enffioieut reasons *'stir refn..ing the bonuses .grant eti to other pieces, and if they have honorably onufor e.d t., the ennditioue upon wbiub they ,\fere greeted, e e do not see that their refusal to accept euoh b•runses ought of itself to tinter out triwu from ttiki,tt; hold of them if everything else is satiefaotory. Bet before any• thiug is di►ue further in the inattor, it wot►ld be welt to know, wittjont any doubt abnat the kniovledge, that the represontatious they nla;le oouoerniut; shed standing, the value at maehiiery, etc., are eorreet. Thou the Council would be ja•-tified, in view of the opiu• inns expt'es•fdat the two rneetings,, iti going (31 with the scheme, an 1 leaving the rlecle,i;rn in the betide 'of the free. hoidet'ts, who will eo eshier ii rte ttfs•, sod with Hit eye to the nilVeut:age of the tow's. • Abase. all, the Velde of the utaehinery ()tight to be asoertaimet. It aril( bo re• m inhered thee Mr. Steiilltarytat the tirat.tnteeting, ween aMkpd a question abrrtit the velli° of tea^Binary, stateii that, the people, wou,itl difta,abottt that, find abide sittpioi0t•1.hite heel( 'thrown ti ion his Itttide,uegtb. As to ilii tattle. is would be well to Icuowv the truth, Un- der the present oircunistanoes we think s dieotIse1.ot) of the benefits to be de- rived from the faotory would be use - THE SILE FACTORY AGAIN, A MEETING ON PRURSPAY MOUT LAST, Tu aceordanob with printed notices, e public tiaeetiug of the ratepayers of tlio village wee held le Drew's Hall on Thursday evening last, for the tturpuee of hearing the (.pillions of the people on the Hilt. question. The hell way packet( full. Mr. Glfon Elliot was ap- poiuted to the chair. Mr. Edred Drew, Counoillbr. being called vu, stated that he, with Mr. Julio Sluulere, visited Toronto nu the previous Monday' for the purpose of oaaf.tlitilhg with dir=t. Steinhardt and aseertltiniug if the family were reliable. They hili called at the Bank of Com - met co, and wine Hbown the Strinlhardts' bank tloc,tuut, wbiub showed that civet' $000 was ooileotec by them each mount from reut on property in New Yorlt. This property they valued at Dearly +200,000. T1'ey had also inquired at other plaoee where they were kuown, and heard a satiefaotory report. Councillor 4.endors corroborated the statements of C•uuloill.r Drew. Some one iu the antlieeee )caked him. if a brick builtiiug 82 x 170 fust, two stor- ies in height, and without plastering. could be erected for $2,700, the sum Mrd. Steinhardt proposed to put into the building. Mr. Sanders replied that he had not made an estimate, but pro - THE TIMES Mr,, ()ening spoke at some length on ate question. He didn't like the idea of the town running into debt nithont feeling sure that it was for some good Purpose. Many pia es had been very highly taxed aid almost ruined by bonuses. The peot'lo were driven out of the town instead of into tltetu. He advised caution on the part of ratepay- ers, It ho thought the inveettneut waa a safe one be would give it hie e.apport, but Ito did not feel sure about it. A couple of tllutjons were tirade, lint were withdrawn, without coming to any definite 00110111 lou, thus leaving tho rnalt'•r of Hnbtuitiiig the b 'nos to the discretion of the Ceencil, who, we feel eKHnr('d, will look after the interest of tihe village, If thryconelode to Huh trait the bonus, the pe',ple may rest as. enred that they have ateerteiued ,that he Steinhardt's are reliable People. If not, tli)t. 0i iia1 beturns' Below we give the complete returns of the late eiection iu 1.11e 5out111tiding of Huron, as given by the Returning officers : Bishop Jackson. Polliug Subdivision No, 14.3. 104 CI •' 2 5 t 90 98 194 Majority for Jackson 96 OAvrIltL ). Polling Subdivision No. 1 80 67 Majority for Jackson 37 SRAFnitTIr. 'Polling Subdivision No. 1 bnbly 11 Ir. Howard had, and he could tell them. C'tpt. Howard said he had been esti meth:;, the probable cost, of such it building, and o'niid assure theta that $2,700 wee not eutficient. i1'Ir. Carling was next celled on, but deuliued to speak until he bad beeltl what others hal to say, for he was very un 'voided in ilia opinions. Mr. ZYauless tiled took the floor, and adv,roa.ed the exteusion of the woollen business. He had to refuge an .lydei for 500 rairt of blenkete the other clay. If the Oorporetiou would give hint a b.)uus .of $5,000 he wo,tld enlarge his factory and employ 50 hands. Ile thought the people iu town shoeld bl' aided before stranger., nod would R114 - gest u.- gest that the $15,000 be divided among three home eutorprieee. Mane melt it, toe tt would furnish the money he would employ 50 men, laud guernntt-e the shareholders a dividiitd 1'f 10 pts. cent. after paying all running ex 'elates. Mr. D. Johns followed, and spite about an Dour. He made a ceeitai Protection speech. He ouusidered it un wile and absurd to bonus any ittdns- try whichelepeuded, as the t.ilh ituloe• try did, °reimported raw mfteriat. He thought that the mogey.deut to I'nrtl',hl countries ,for. .raw material would be 1 butter spent at home in working up the raw material Which we possess in abundance He' advocated giving $5,000 to;',01. verity Mid. $5,000 to Wenders lit,2 itI1n Mr. 'Verity rerun to thank )Sir. Johns for the kindly references to hitnse1f (Sir. verity); Re, however, uielled to flay to the 'gentlemen pret,ent, as he Tied previously tela depulation't tltnt whited on hire. that he would not ac- cept a cent of a bonus, but if he con eluded to extend hie business he would ar•,eept a buildiug site in a convenient loo %tity. Mr. Geo. Willis was of the opinion t.hnt we ueeded some mat'nfaeturiug to make tate place: grow. The town was already as large as the farming c"lrl- muuity cmuld sustain. The silk buei 1108a was somethieg new and would have a (urger find than alinntt any other iuduet•ry. He theta went into the cost of taxation. Taking the present asaessinent ire showed that ee would require alt extra taxation (tf 8. (sects ort the dollar to raise sit►lcing fnn(i and ii- terest, But he thought a good deal of this a nount eeuld be raisa•i ont of the silk factory. Thele wot'ild, he had iso doubt be leanly married melt anit,ng thew,,aud would require houses to live it.. It would snake the building busi nese aud.every other .busiriese brisker. lint if the satisfactory security could not be givtn, he would not advise the people to vote for. it. Mr. Fitton.• was ii favor of /unitising iioirtettling of thekind. It would erose a good deal of ecnpluytneut,• and be a great, benefit to the Lowe,. Ile also went into the gtle.ati• ti of taxation, Mr. Renton bon(((y Ittiow whether it w'uld be•p:Hid-for Laster to bunds 1110 factory or udi. "''They' had hearts err emelt ft(. II1 I8t thein 311111 he thought it. would pet haps be edvienble to snake thorough inquiry before granting abort. Atte. 110 though mole extensive (na1131• Cattery wee, hu but: kindly klieg' • 50 25 •• •' 2 45 65 a6 66 151 156 Majority for 7aol:son 5 et1DFRIL'ii T')WNBfIP. Polling Subdivision No: 6 14 45 " 4 • 91 57 .. 3 41 79 it u 9 79 181 Majority for Jackson .... 102 STANL13Y, Polling Subdivision No. 1 100 2 .1(3 " " " 3 3i 4. " 457 40 83 63 45 234 236 Majority for Jackson :l Trcl(t:nsnuxr'. Polling Subdivision No. 1.. 102 LC t, .1 3 8) 41 t1 .1 4 80 32) Majority for Bishop... ...... 141 UML•0MM Polling Subdivision No. 1 57 '• 3 101 , t ,. 4 74 380 Majority for Bishop . 94 FCAY. Polling Subdivision No. 1 ., 2 CL 11 •, 4 St • .t. 1, 5 Majority for Bishop S'r1:P1IEN. Polling Subdivision No. 1 14 2 „ 3 o n n 4 ,t t, 1' 5 93 33 26 47 188 101 29 85 41 256 64 86 67 45 93 45 59 22 70 80 353 178 175 44 78 81 76 82 71 40 41 57, 43 889 , 277 Majority for Bishop 62 ltEOerITULATION. Bishop Jackson Tuekersmith 339. 188 l Siauluy 23.4•', 286 ,haat 358 • 178 . 280 256 Stephen .277' (sod. rich Township 79 181 Sea: 'rill ... 151,. 1086 1•;xeter 98 194 •Baylield 30 67 1893 1733 1733 Majority for Bishop ....... ..160 ( U,boroe whet toee,y abuttt a silk factory. ------13IRT RS. U .wxsamv—Iu Blyth, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. N. Hawkshaw of a daughter. DBATHS. tl4cLaon.—In Exeter, on the 19t11 inst., James t:rordon McLeod, youngest son of G. A. McLeod, aged 30 years and nine mouths. '�' ()TICE. All eeoounts dao to he (loderioh Foundry and Manufaoturin3 (7olnpi,xy (limited) must be promptly settled to avoid costs. No persons aro authorized to leoefve payments or make settlements o'7behalf of the company except the undersigned. :HORACE HORTON, President. JOHN CHRISTIAN, Secretary. Godorieb, Juno 13, 1871. tf hp 19, 1879 .R h..i+. M C V A I J. .YN 6, ' %1 Tt .0 would remind his numerous see" Customers that ho bite removed to the shop formers occupied by Mr. Road, where he will be found -o1 over revolt' to atto.ld to all business in the BOOT dud 81101,1 fine. C. RAID, Crediton, DO NOT BEAD THIS. Eaving received a lot of new machinery, T would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding couture that I am prepared to Inman fautura all kinds of Horse flakes, BarleyForks, Grain Cradles, Swaths, ere, and having secured the services of a first-oiass Tinnor,1 alu prepared to do ALL KLN.C)S OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and )trice I defy oontpetftion. Ahvnys mt hnntl It 1i' t class stool: of Fork and Sltovil handler. 11111 hall a utile south of Bx.etor. A, CO1`T EL.L. HAY PUMP WORKS, O. BOLTON PROPRIETtn. Having added to my primp machinery, n cid pro. earn 1 a• large quauttty:t)f fl^•st.class pump logs, 1 am prepared to otl'or an article Superior to any Factory in the County, and at prices that defy oompotitton. Mulls and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing call at the Flay Pump Works. m3llon--Ono.(j•t'irtor mile north of Exeter r)0nona Roac3�Hav B. 0 aO Per Week. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE BOYOE RIi,APE.IIS AND MEADOW LARI MOWERS AND TIGER RAZES. CALL AND S.E]i THEM. O'BTRITI.1 as Co., Hardware Dealers, Main Street, Ex,tor, Ont. BUCKWHEAT FOR ..c_\... LJ Li EXETER, 0?tiT. $11112Q110 0:r Tea., 5,Qo., Tea., 50c., SUGARS, COMMIE, S, RAISIN S, •>: CURRANTS, • PRUNES, ORANGES: AND: • '.,.L1nlONS, TOBACCOS. AND CIGARS GREAT WEST ERN STE'M- SFI.rP COMPANY. Nrtw 'Yolk., ) To Bristol Mo�ltre 1, j direct. • :.*Ise agent for MORRIS' EUROP AN EXPRESS, Parcels forwarded to all parte of Great Britain at lot's rates HARVEST TOOLS! L.1AP.M FOE SAJJ1'5,—L'tt 1, Cun. 1, '^id(lnlph, 75 stores, 310 improved. tttoo& . r� �y frame dwelling house frame barn, stable, shed; Reapers/ driving bourse and other outbntloings; two good / wells of water, good nrolte.rd of grafted frult,aut{i large collection of ohotee small fruits. Y!'arin on• tcfwniiuo het'.vecn 1liddnlph and Usbol'uo, t4 ' miles teem f.;,ater,. end' }J� tulle from Centralia. Tonne easy. PHILIP O'iZ33LLI,i', sr., Centralia, arid GRIST MILL acing iu good working order gives every atone-• dation possitsle tri gristing and flouring.. l•'lou anti mill teed (Loluvered to parties In tviu,r'tli(1ir' utdurst before one o'clock at, J. Pi Ifalt.Ay, or 0)'111(teN L Fi CO'S, oras roil same day; T3 Its O13..8111. YV cilli . dil rte/ i`i �/ tile► 'lilt.,, titxrete R• 0. Mowers, 3t 0. , . 84,0.1. CH'E'AP AT B1SSETT EXETER 3; IIENSALL. 7 leR. COWEN. OFFICE --- MAIN 11 r Street, Exeter, ttjl.atn its, opposite Central lintel. (lido entranoo, on the south—street 1gu l'ead- raVt'o 1t, .Ohh, Olti4ln(1w 1 +fturoat X UJno'H shoo store will receive pr1111tt attention. 49.13'. [ Vt. HUTCHINSC)N, 1'lonihor of _tee the ('ulluge of t'ltyl l 111,0 and Surgeons of Uat trio, ,Xc $o„ OJlico next door to 1, t'trr2Iugs, Main Street 1 x tti'l'. \Il.1i 1 Nt MAN.—CORONET{ FOR tits (ouuty of 11 r tn. t'ffloo,tloxt door to a1r.X.. Carling'snlure, t , lttl•. 11f )yltOWNiN('r M. 11., U. b4. e o 1'. 4, l)r ulnare Vlr'rorin t'n'versity' (Mice Klld rosblunco. rant. doe Ln. horn tin v, l?xo ter, .' C. ;110011E. M. I1 U, M. 1.13) (reetiat' of .(42113 tTuiversitt,•, MontrealOilin„otltr0s,deucr, i;xetar,Ont. Office ours -- s to 10 a, in atm 7 to Ina. m R..1. A. ItOLIelNS, M, C'•, 1'. S. •./ 0., \ iutorin S', I;red3tou, Ont Rifloo hours iroa1 9 to 10 a.ut.; 2to1p.111. �e IX I'Z, M. It.. id • '.111'a a his resident -0, Exeter. 1"11. 11LGIlei;, _1'lt:luUA're, UN1- d Vt'11:tiit'I' Trinity (::Ache .• to. Lek ,'nituge• I'uvgleiaur ,n,l cordo 'tu (114,.. ;6.Cet lri(ton. li( 1'ELfi 11NTItAL HUTEia, C'1tI:.1)1T()N x ) --\Sul. tutor proprietor. 'Chin hotel hos horn 11etv1, tllruish':vla as lifted tip la Ill': t -Class style. Lt..rtle and coatienil',), t. how 110, las.tnr ('ouulorri;Q'3 rove ,l,ri'311' ..,uit'l'tet• :tun eionre it tIu' 11:1, Alteutirt13r1ticrs 411 a13 01: timid. 11 31 -.line, t1'11,1,1A31 11A1i1i1t, ..! itINUi Ole lb'ALl, ; 113)1'ie.I4 a Gl.f�r('8, (4. IS\V.t''1'.; having purchased tan trims„ 14(.101, on, 11111 el it three:te.'ut. now of - 1.01%.: lir (0'.010ltew,uiuu.1....ti•1111,, 1.1.0rrl' 11. (:1001.1. liquor and ci5al'.4 at the L,ar. :i.' 1 atclbiing null, ttte1,11',' Uustler 01i 11,1ut1. livery attollti,,u raid w guests. LEGAL, II. CAI)1)N:, T t•• t T }17� i ?t 7 't I):llillTl,rl'EIt kV. -�r1 rl�( li�TliJ3r 1 t Lala, Sollu.ltar, t ' , ulIluc•+, r u n.on's Block E s liter, AIZDINCI it U ()1Nrt 14. Zt t:IT1'�, ri.at•tern. ,ttoruv1 a.. nileitols. 5110. W (11er 8,11. 1t., tFe. li)k tvia—flu1212w .'Ht(XMap). .( ')Map)'vreOt., t if,t}'s. 1 (11:11+3,:LArt11INa• l:. 11'. 1 f,1 iii((Ito. Il.A.1,.'1i rtiVt rioDI�i�11.l�Il), T>..t,, • It t . i ftiS1'Uil,N t)'r.% ii C. C(PN;E''; AEC;.tt. L1TCAi ,oNT. � L+'SS1t.t3. •1(.)NEi ,Cr MUS ..111P ( 'i trr,s(0ra, .1'.rnrll4.tya•ut-law, 5('301110r4 Cita net: r:', 1.io1.1vovtlne•'1•N, rum In (1Filner,. in nit. u,. t(tinst'Itlitc,al..}Itint' C.3.•T:)', i:S. 11.17, tt')SI'RII' l.' "11---Uuttou's 11'••k.\e':,*..%t N1. Rr'11ar}'g T II E EXETER PlaningMiil' Sash DOOR AN D TUR ALL KIN DS OFrl f �J R N I N G' Done to order. liemembel tbeplace Iyer et Blovcrard 73'oltl#. $50,000.0OY Atauctiou. To commence on vM �orlclay, [) c. i(,. i S 8. W. D. M cGlough i n 01126 Muldas street, Loudon, will On the above date, offer hiswholo stook, amounting to over nifty Thcns:tnd Dollars, at auction, and continue the sale every day at two o'clook in. •the 'liftor- noon and at seven in the evfming during the bal- ance of the month,—from the 1Gtb to tho 31st of '"ocember Tis is the largest and best stook that 1u.s over born offered to the public at theireau prices; and, as everybody knows, the goods' oro of the hast manufacture nod every article. will he. war - ram ted the some us if bought in the ordiu rytray. This is a rare chance io 5 1 fine goat and'gtiver watches, gold jewelry, eloeks, platen ware ifp.d fancy goods et your own prices. ('atmos .never again will such au opportunity occur. 'Secure yourUhristmas and New !oar's presents at this sale. Save your money for dais auction—and ma('emOney. W. D. IfoGLOIIGIILIN, Dundas street. London., �T. M 1.I1Y'S L1M!WORKS. onrdrawnkilns bath gnow in full operation au turnillgoutdaily a. targe que,ntitl of . that for ail purposes, cannot be $nrpttesed ire the Dornin• ioh- . Partiesfrom 0 1istauee oan.itwaysben-.plltd either at the kilos of delivcrd by 011313 at low est roma neratlV0 rates. Ordorsfro tu a distance promptly attend ed'to. W H ITSON 86 SOLA'I'ivli. I Grocerles b Uronlectonary, Snl.o,fing Tobacco 26 Cents per ib' MICE TBOAOCOS AND CIDAIIS ; ttwaytinotock, . ' SPORTSMEN'S • ' DEPOT: •e .:y; .• School Books,Stationary,Magazine's WITII ALL THE LATEST news ti.l'J.-- 1ewing ltaohtt: Needio§•oioveer 1fJfld..I A. sun,