HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 3J >al:Nr 19, 11.779
If you discover that a person has
swallowed poison by design or accident,
Live Mites to dliuk, cold or waren, as
beat its po860)10, a ga11m or loom at a
tithe, and as fast 8,1 vomited give more;.
tepid water ii best,as it opens the pours
of the skin arid promotes votniting,thus
;i;iviug the speediest .cure to the poison,
oils article.
If pains bogie to be felt in the bowels,
it sltut'.N that paw t, at least, of the poi.
tion has passed downw.tr(1 ; then large
and repeated injections of tepid water
should be given,. the object in bot
both cases being to dilute the poison as
quie:ltly 'G3 possible.
D., n11t wait for warm water; take
that a bleu is nearest at /DOA , euiti or
WarI(1 ; for every second of Utile saved
i3 of tuiulense ilnperla3 0,4; at that sante
time send for a plly4cian, and as soup
as he conies turn the Case" into I1i�
Hands, telling hien 1.v tat you have don('.
The si Milo foot eau not 1 u l,.o widety
published. It is not meant to ray that
dritlking a gailoai or twoof ritni•le water
'a ill out's ,'Very 011.80 of pOisoDI1 ... bit it
will cute many, Ana be t( benefit to all
by its rapidly diluting,quality.
Keepbusv. The man who has nothing
to tit i., the most wise' ably of being.( If
von have no 'eviler work, leech„les a�
fal'mot sdo when it 11tiUi 13)11 1383 (( L11w01k
lit the fleece. In occupation we f Irget
oto' troubles, Isnd ire-. a respite from
NOM; W. Tide 111811 W131)10
11aLlllls are hniy find4 11.1 tiInt) to we1'p
3(n(1 wail. it work is nlhek, 8pont1 CJI(
tient in re ',bell{. No mon ever knew' too
lunch. The beat harvest etmtlel•k in
aafld we the old men who knell
the most. if yon hick books, there are
flee or v ry cheap lib•lrie4; at leas,,
cities at your (13)1(1 1111. ((1. 'Elft) than
who does not acquire some item of
%ise'flt1 in formal •n bet ween clay -freak
and bed-timemustmournfully Kay, with
the Roman. E:nperur, "1 have lust a
In a city of Central 011in,a gentlemen
on returning 11,01141, thnnrltt as the air
was rather cold, he had better secure
some conal, so stepping into the Uiilce
,tear by, he asked if he could be accom-
'11741.11, sir,' was the reply, 'I will send
it if I cat'. O.tr orll•irn are many ;
enon•4I1, L think, to keep ns until twelve
'I3)lt,' replied the man, '1f you cannot
eetld it, I inn4t know it, for T shall S.') to
anal her yard.'
'Very well.' said the dealer, 'I will
send it.'
'All ritlht,' said the gentleman. He
returned home and waited CIO 111 it grew
(]Hitt- dark. No coal had come, and he
would b..rr"w from Pottle kind neighbor
during Sabbath. Finally all rotired.
An hour later a lou(1 knock was heard
at the /nor. Upon opening it there
was the load of coal, sure enough,
Sato rimy might.
,,aid the man, 'I cam depend
upon ,bust man. T will call there t.gitim.
Now, boys, loaru from this rite ale story.
`T'h'ough yon trust go through darkness.
and endure hardships, ,,.lake your word
as gond as gold. 'A good name is
rather to be eliosen then great riches.'
To be thoroughly happy, yon most be well.
'Po he' well, hi thoueatuis of ea•,es, you shnald
take the great medicine, whirl( relieves, regn-
lates and renovates diaurdetly systems-Vxc-
ronlA Bvouu and Uva TJnsI. For Bright's di -
settee of the kidneys, diabetes, and all distal -Ace
()f the urinary sysLeln, its timely use is very
4l3neticial. For sale at Central Drug Store, t
It is no exaggeration to say that health is a I
Inge ingredient in what the world calls talent.
r man withont it mar be a giant in intellect,
but his dards will be the deeds of a dwarf. A
weak mind in a sound Pram. is mach bettor 1
tllall a giant nine, in a crazy constitution.
Professional and business men, who are always
thinking and whose habits are sedentary,
l'hmild 090 VICTout& IIYroe oaMIITRs, file
great brain and nerve remedy. For sale at
Central Drug S4ore, Exeter.
I For till pnrpesee of a. family medicine HAo-
[rARD9 T1LLOW OII, will be found invaluable.
linmediato relief will follow its neo. It re-
lieves pain, cures chilblains, frostbites, 1.cal,ls,
hems, corns, rheumatism, neual(;ia, &c., de.
For internal Use it is none the less wo,l.let'fnl.
One or two doses frequently cure sore throat.
It will cure croup in s few minutes. A. few
bottles itas often cured asthrna. Colic has
been cured in fifteen (minutes by -a teaspoonful
foe. It cure-. with tiro utmost rapidity. Itis
:really a wonderful medicine. For sale at Cen-
tral Drug Store. Exeter.
Enjoy Life.
What 4, truly beautiful world we livo in 1 Na-
ture gives 114 grandeur of 111ontitaif$, glens,
tool Means, and thousands of mane for en-
jnytnent. We eau desire no bolter when hi
perfecthealtll ; .but how often, do the majority
.of ueople fool like giving it up disheartened,
tliaeouraged and worried out with disea:'o,when
there is no occasion for this feeling, as every
snITerer can easily obtain satisfactory proof
that Green's Anguat ,Flower will make them as
free ft'cln disease as wh(0) bunt, • U,yspepsitt
and Liver Complaint is the direet canoe of
trvc.ntyfive per cent. of 3tto11 innladios as Bill -
'oneness, . indigestion, Sick Headache, coativt.•.
nose, . Nervous Prostration, i)i2Sialese of the
lTracl, Palpitation of the ,Fleart, and other die.
1te .sing symptoms': Throe doses •rf Ruguet
Viewer Will prole ite wnedorful,off'eet, Stl011e
:bottles•, 10 cents, Try it,
1'Olteo AL. --- llev. Jautes Brooks, Weston,
says s- "1 Have fouled nothing to give'ne more
pezu1,to .nt relief for shortness of breath of
asthma, tela,, HsOYAnDs Pku ronAL BAL$A3f,a111
oat* with colllidenou recommend it to all re.1
quiring a gond medicine for coughs and cold{:, I
and diseases of the the oat auill wigs, For sale
at (neutral .Drug Store, E iutttr, at 25 omits per
Ask Yourself tilt: e ttdt51dona.
Aro you a despondent sufferer from Sick
Headachy, Habitual OO:+tivellC 13, Falpitatiort
Of tho heart? Have you Dizziness of the
Heed? is your Nervous Systotn depressed ?
Does your 13k,w1 circulate badly? Ham you
a Cough./ Low Bpi' its ? Coming tip of the
food utter Dating? a;,r., ,wo. All of these and
much more 131e the di eat tesulteof Dyspepsia,
L iver Complaint and lutligestion. Uase is
Auons'r 1''L1wlen i4 now aoknolvlcdge,l by all
Druggists to be a positive carr, 2,400.000
bottles weru given away in the U. S. throug(1
Druggists to the people as a trial. Two doses
itlid aati$fy auv peewit of its wonderful goutlity
iu euriug all forms of Indigestion. Semple
bottles, 10 ciente. Tte„ubt size, 715 omits.
Sold po4iLivo by all first-class Druggists.
Cheap Cash Store.
lttoofS reforth;tasopeuedout inthe store recent-
lyuccnuitrluy llr..1.0. McIntyre, mixt dour to Dr,
tiutttlriuselefi t'eriae)lce, Ma,u et, Exeter, with a
now, largo Sud well as:urtr,l stock of
nlilil:rar in all it 3'.37.0 e,
Also Pane,. Goods, ladies' (Near and Cihildran's
I0l,tilos. Priers vory low -fur cash only. Lighr
Kl:1 leaves num Waite Oat,.ich Pluuteacloaned, A
call solicited
N 1f -:Lair Dr sSia ,Stamping, Velvet Painting,
t▪ tc A ,first -clads dreesnisker oil hand.
Apprentice, wn.utnd
1i ,iter, 1pr11 1s 1879.
T. 1I U 'S Llili1t11FORI.S.
•'nr.irawnIt;Ins Oslo anew (n lull operation 13U
ttuning out /tally n• Large quantity of
that for all pt,ruoses
Cad) 110t he surpassed in the Domin•
I'artiesfrom a 1labelcc. can1iwaysbee,-plied
idler at the kilns or doliverd by team$ at low
est remunerative rates. Or,lersfrem o distance
oro nptlyattoudrdto.
Groceries?, Uon/ectonary,
Sntoding tobacco 25 Cents per lb
Sallool Books, Stationery, Magazines
' .B, -Sewing 111 ache, Needles ofevery kind.
H •
Licentiate Of
the Dental
College of On
tario, 30 1y be
00nsalt'1 any
day. Office --
next door to
the Post Oi8oe, Exeter. Ont.
H• R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,1'1.it.C.D.S.
Graluate of lloyal Oollege of
Office oyez O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell
1A'r WIN- 014 F 1,8E A .
W.1.10C)71N(. .. HAM. 0 f
'Exeter, h c s : , coimn0nir d
husinesaittthe f ;v `� a:.'vohrano'1
atSVtuct(elsoa and is all do to ed 'we-
nt 1 -,-....,:".-:/r//:‘`,..- kin,l 04111:10 k
umttllingworkhorse shoo-
ing4po dully attended to, Promptness, cheapness
anlgood work,;uarantcod, Acal1 solicited.
IN'T-A•rclsr: g..CL OCl{a,.
�r�V 90aiug Machines.
1 rgans, Aecol11oon9, and
rmiwell1 to -paired Arent
for the Wanzer series sow -
Lig 1(aotlinea. Seet)nd-
hrindRewing Machines for
sale cheap. All kinds of
needles )tilt) $1,utt:es for sewing Ma chinos kept on
baud Shop -linin Stroor., Dashwood, JOHN (},
S' )LD0N, Proprietor. May 15, 1-y,
tional Policy (REMOVAL!
r \ii;, COW1±;N. OkTIO +1 — .VAIs
x kltroet 11xeti,m,. up•utttir$, nplio:lfto CleAtret
!lute!, 013111 antr,tllu0, oil 1110 south -street lout,
ion to 11, L Church..
1.:-t-Crders left at i hue's shoe store will recoil,
prole qt attoutiou. 49-1y.
nit. lIUTOI-iINSON, tiltlrnbel
Lho Ciollegeof Pilysiotau$ and Surgeons•'
1,utar10, ke., dto., 0111ae nest door to 1. Carling -
Alain Remit, eixesee.
the tlouuty al ,Snr.,n. .'1nee,next door t
•1r.1.:,ankle~ ssttl3e,l•;Xute1'..
1V 13ttOtVNLNCi M. 1)., 0. 11
Pi • P. r;, ;rt•l,t 410 Jietort'Ue'vot'4tty• Oifle
and roei'ieeno, I) in. dun 1,.,,tNmW11.1,+•, blxe:er.
IR 0. \IOU ti O. M. D. 0. 31
L�• (*raduatoof .c(,iliJai varsity, Montre,
Unice Anti ?U331,teuce, Ii xe ter, 1)01. 1)'l1c0 001..• •
s to 10 a, ill and 1 to 1(1.3. n1
R. J. A. ROLLiiNS, H. 0, P.
.3., Ve ltarin a`. Jru.liteu, Ont 0.11,3.3 boat
uJ,11 9 to 141 a. 1n.; 3 Lo 5 p. in.
LU t'Z, .11. D..
• • ,)121,)0 a his re(itl0uce, Exeter,
1' H. IRVING, xi.1AULJAi'1'1 IJN.
• JIg.1::iITY ertuityJotlegn ,ill •t.etu,),tc.
PivsiCiaxle •4'111 surts'eaur .1111(.. ' Sire (>,irhtn
110 i'1; LS.
11.1 ()REDID).
▪ ) -14in. 'faker proprietor. This hotel h
been newly tnruish,ll anti fitted up 1u 333341 3)1,1.
style. Large and ".onvouiOct "-how 11,ut ole 1'
t:ominereiai Jravellura ; beat of 114uor anti eiga.
at the Bar, ,itteutiveliestters el(val, oil it at
111 31-3cn. W1L L IA M BAEElt,
31tIt0h 01? Wt1Luo 110l. i.
01.1N vox. G. SW4.0TS having parchan
tate above hotel, mud ('ltt,d it theougtl.lut, now O
furs air - (.o,a3d aOaurnlnudati',m to trttvelo' 9, lei,
liquor and(1igers atthe bat', livedst.tbli:,g 1:L
UtteotIve:testier on 111(11.11, Every att101(1 t (,a,
1.•a gtlu$te.
1 . H. CADDY,
At Law, Solicitor, ata 01$ce, I}ansou'a BID.
Bari,ters, sttnrneys, Solicitors. Co,
stoner,, FS. 1t., &c.
, 4,1, Lt'it-Iit.PrroN'e 13 Loon,, :Vat ei tract
1,IUN Is. (i:1. ItDI:NG, Fl. W. tiAttnnNo. A.A.L.WIIr,
13 3 .t itl$T'ER, NOTA atY, CON VEYAYC'1
1 01rr'Ator11, Attorneys -at -law, 140)8,,,
0,111 fmcry, 001113ev:tncera, nom ini9Piutters 1111'.
a ). \,,tltries l'ablic. 96. stair's
0. 5,.11NE(3. W.0, 1It)SC)111
�•.•'f011-tdutton's nlnck,Wat"est, St 3isr'
constantly 041 hand ant inado to order.
having now greater facilities than ever, en pro -
hared to supply fanners with Iron Beams Plows,
steel ldotitd .to6ld, ln3tde by ourselves ; (113111
Plows, Knapper make ; 9coteh Diamond Barrows
Cultivators, not ng Plows.
Carriages and buggies on luted, and made to or-
der, horse shoeing attenda1 to 041 the short„st
notice. horses shod to prevent interfering.
MOOtILT AN & slaBBIDE, King Bt.,I4cusnll,
P. PRA.YN.2,
hen remove to his IIOW 8131», lately occupied 1.
Perkins & Co -two ,lours aorto of 7. Grif;g's bo,
$tore,wi)ore you will find everything Oauails ice
it 11 tirst-oboeharees1 establishment, which 1•
Yuality of material and style of workmansilie
can and examine my stock beforepurohash.
E%AIt1INAT1ONS, 1879.
;��ILLINEI't rot First -(,lees -At Wu Normal Schools, Teton
1 to and Ottawa, on
4 l, MISS a..a K ir, IC' IC' S.
A full hue .tow in, of
Spring and Sumner ner Hats, an& Bonnets,
all tho very latest shape,.
Naw Flower: Feath34. aid Or,,,m3,34,
Trirnmiugs in groat variety.
iiicele trimmed. Everything will bo sal as cheap
as possible.
Facey floods, Bcolin Wool, Mottoes, 13141., la full
line always kept.
Jacketc irlail et or out in the latest styles.
April, 79• Mall{ St. le.oter.
Thursday, July 19, .;t 9 A. N,
For Seconal Class -Al the Town of 80811341011811•
align ?schools of (71,1,00 and SOafortlt, on
Tuesday, July 8, at 41 1'.31,
For Third Cissa -1( the Town of Godotirh en
Monday, Stay 14th, at 2 P.M.,
i'artns of notice to be previously given by th
candidates eau be obtained on applio,ttion to 111
Secretary, '
It is inliispouskble that candidates notify 31r
esereotry not tarot ,titin the lit 0f Tune of, 1hrt
itctentiuu to present thein$elvee for exatn inntim
Candidates for first fond $eco n c1-01 33,4 (artifice t
a.orequired to forw,lyd the n)one5ltryanrtif1oat.
of ouocol;s in resetting, and 11 are required t
furnish no) t Itletatta of Stored chs actor.
Claudidatee for sewed Mose mast tante wi,ethe
they intend t0 write in (4030ric11 or at one of the
otoor nailed high Sohnols. (;andldatas for third
elites meet furnish proper 1/0011 of nee,
May 5, 1870. Seo). 2)Aard Eno
1/ tug the ig23.
------OF THE
Piano rand Sewing Illaclaine
JL Sitvorwara, China and Deli ever $00U in
the West, at
mntit,v-s satonm..
Mr. Drew has just reoeiv331 an oxenlltnt stock of
Silver Tea Sotto, esu tter Coolers, Double anal Single
t' meta, Cake Baskets, (:aril I ecUiver9, COni-
ulu„lou Sot ts, ute.,ot thu Dost Quadruple antd'L'liple
Plate, anti i, offering the smut: a 1 prices that ou1d
As TU: L—iH YOU !l;It 11f3AP11ESS
IL, hurt j gat opened out a. neer and complete as-
surCut:lt of 0hil,a, Ulnas and Ston0weree. A
large ~tool' of La:n(,sj•ant arrived. Call trttlsatisfy
it 6.1 ;ourself as to tlu:tlitl and t.lteaptica9. Colne and
et r,; ,ur u13tr1111341'1t8. Music Teu.e tel still on
id, Sv.vicu.l at lowest figures.
1.t t't1 attention eaiiud to ase liayttoucl Sewing
4.11.110, 11rtttne and Pianos uusuetetssed ft'r
Jeaut :If laaig,t, 411t1 gaality of tone.
.acme,w.O..,a.v.+,mil.0...e..,.,e..e.rnsr.47.1,..a,e ., ...,,.•.,.o,.M,.z•,,......
2.1117 CLEM CI:7
'1..10t1 1 UG., Mea., 50c.,
a Ud•A.13,S,
CO-Fli'141 S,
.rREA <' 1VESTERN ST E'111
NHw York,To Bristol
1)' pru/hs 011 30. lays ifweet10•101 of
$100 ltl wid�VJ—•,Lil,',al .a0/10,T9 tree.-- l yyl�
' jru3JUrtluaal re33U34U. attrV „0411{ etl'lt.)Ul eptlen$
,f 1430, -:i), - $110, 3151). Address,
T. YO 1 Peat %VAL i ie & •:O., Batiaers, 1)41 Wail
St NI. 1'
i1T TO. R. G. 1t,iCil ;.% 1.1()•,'1.'urtiand,
�sV 111,u.re, fur 33..1 033( ttpd.lcy business
v) Gnu tvO)']d. 11;x1MI$ive nu tot f reg.
• al,a(troy 0aeos, 0aro.nl, 3,1 ):v is ce, J c., no 3
hae,vltnataut.1,lJu, J,.tI,.lJ:tJrse tJu.,.Van-
e .., .,. t., .
i3uuwli.,ke, 4 s., ur 3) trtaspatenit card,,, wit ll
At et .ua .u1, 41.).,1'.( 34 ;J,. 1.
),1)11) 3 11 t • ):.d:. aG.., hlu., Orae
v, I :.1s , ...4,1. , 34Is ,4. 13, .iJ , i,iJ, ,.45.1.41, 1V. Y'
r7r'v,;u,+t+t till1 wt •.'„a )tld
1 1 ” eta (,J1. i13AW u'. 1 ), 1,14 ls3(t,'stage.
•*Y')' 1.'i r'J ;1 '1'.:,.ift '4;1.1 •)-i ,•,:1 ,,3 to at:eats.
i' d ti a 0 13,1)311 ;34.341. Adar:•as 0. •,. V ikery,
4 411 4 1110. ,n,erted one
,f,.Lt,. V 10.1. 4,1 „ 0./.14t15.1 4awseapers
1 , : if G, O lo i p 1.41 9 L.a.).ulat. 0.
.14 1.r t 1.t.:. Y.
r 1.it1. aLi. AND 1.,'l ri�i.G PRAL)i:t
Also agent for
treats forwarded to all parts of threat Britain at C.
lu •V fates.
15 Tiy 1(it (1n,p, a 1'.l1 3 1(33l.
CFpa tell, !u't:(m.t utlt� en;c•
tarn: din tete r. Medical
bona ever SHAG .., 4111(1114
rT (tg0 tv,(� I'? 11 t•v1 311)N
ffiW S41f (Sk'� raj n, ,)r mail
'3 nn leo it t of lni; It
treats ofEchnn.tc d','enditr, Premolar,. . l ,'lac,
Nervous end r'lyr,eai Dc(n)ay, and 11• 1•' ill 04
eunronlilnd tact sold (late)/ mt0el11 t that r ,tilt
then from, 0,1(310,1113118111'.r0 thin (r)ori:;;,:u 11 rt•
eeriations, env nt of trhleh1'4,a1th tin• pile.• of
the honk. This lit 'k ))'aa written t 1 the 1..,',t 3431
trnc)voand probably Oa, nlnttsltilfull rite lili, 'l
h Amerieu, 3 Owhom ws8 awar,•rd a _oul.'3115 rr•
011o4alaeaI b711141 Nat tot Nrdir.1 As•nci:
A Pamphlet, il)ostrat•d 'with the very flues)
ntrel )•:uermi fg -a nmr- Iv,
vt1 Oi ort and kraut)' - 10
Seat TIME to all Steal
for 13 at once. A1ldress
,NSTIT074., 1`0 4 13111- •
%irk Jt.. Boston. Alrtss•
I ewers
and Reapers
of our celebrated
et •
.31 ng
a all kindtnf Grassand Grein,andon all col.
itione ofaoilauilseirfnee,.
Olt NO S.ILL''
Vo also neer a Trial of )1l, Wrought I,on
ift��'�gg�(� f1�
Two flioCCllttd� 6', �a G1.
,1Ohi81.8Tt 1'S CttietillEIGgEr' REVII.
Muuhittcsdupllied with
Cwo Pitmans,
Two .t)rag•b,u'•e,
Two Finger•bare,
onr Enlve::,
It'orkea and Iieyed.
Self -oileret
9te., tc.i
an be, char ed f con Mower.'
oo Reaioer •
ayromovaluffourboitk, an'tnte$8 v11tutLfteee)
• wawa tes'time.
'lease call at 0111' %'Gi els aril mallet
our ;11ite11ines heforn pnrehaloI)g,
Send for Olitengmile.
Io.n41'aelml•aaagll,lo,, S,t,ra,tfo.td,
1 . ).1and
' n. a foie 33(4 Jet:eh:tat:tl ofFxet(i•
mento).., t..:;1. ti,oy llnve jurt
:t 111, 0 *cell rt:t assortment of
4 ',)Iflllli'• 11'..417
• , r. 1130) .49c11.1%,1
•:1, dn)t tl.e
(Sueeessors to E. T-: PLEI)CE, M. D.)
Det. R.'4'. FIERCE. having acquired a world-wide
repuraticn in the treatment of Chronic Diseases,
resulting In a professional business Jar exceeding
his huliv(dull ability to eonduet, sonic years ago
induced several tnAllr(l ren airmen to associate them-
selves with hit, as the Vs rutty of the World's Dls-
)31l4in'y, the Consulting Dopar"Orn( of whirl) has
since Leen merger, with the. INVALInw HOTEL
The organization lias been complete 1 cn' laeorpo-
rntrti ntel»e the noon and style orWerld•aAtepen-
1e17 Medical Association, with the following chatters:
Eon. R. Y. PIERC I, rtes. F. T). i'trncrt, V. Pres.
div). E. 0111(1, See. L1WT1lt 11, Snur)t, Yreka
NINE I'i1TSIC1Al(S ANI) 34UIWEOVS of enil-
aenet. ?1 ''1 lt• , noted rtosen Its uta Vocally.
O11R(I1hIO 1ItsEA"EA of all forms come within the
prm•inerfmo'=em,•t'a1 specialties.
LUNO AISEASE'4.=I'his division of practice is
✓ ery ably' managed by a Koatlelmnl of mature Judg
met., and sltt11. Brunrillnl, Threat. and Lung Dis-
eases tr.-t^•1 with 1'"' most snccesal'el results.
DISEASES OF WOMEN. -Especially are our facili-
ties of a stip, nor ()mu for the cure or all those
elm. elle d1-1.841.8 perullsr t.. females.
NEI13'OCS 1119nASE.o.-P:u'aivsts,'Nervons Debil-
ity,1:pliepny, (sits), 4.m„rca (St.V1u1s's Dance), Neu-
ralgia, and otter nervous ant'ctions, receive the
nAnnii nu o1 nn errn11rrt in 31114 sp, rinity.
NOT NltiKNSA1tY TO SEE 1'.►TIk1CTA.-By our
original system of dl.gue.i'•, we eau treat tunny
chronic diseases as suecr.sruny without as with a
personal cousuttat1nn. For particulars see” People's
Common Sense Medical Advise,'„ 11,000pages, sent
post -pub 1 for $1,6U)or0invalids' awl Tourists' Guide'
9l0nlc' (100 page+. 1H i emits pod -pled).
BUFtG17UAL 8h8.-Auloi,g the operations which
t si'1lltaorm, are
oefurusaPolypus, Helip, Tutently tomors, Fistula
in Ano, Plies, Hernia (Rupture), klvdrocele
of the Scrotum),Varirw•e•le, Ov,uhtn nr11 Uterine
Tumors, Calculi (Stone in the plessor), Stricture,
64'1 i[iiout surgical ao(K•ri tine "C Lill' I3,new
Club -feet,
Ammo Curvature and other' tletformities. (See pant.
hha entitled "Motion as a Curative Agent,' scut
in dress, o'W�1a'otDignitaary Modioal Aasooiatioa.
Sly an Immense practice at the World's Diepcn-
sury and Invalids' 'Hotel, having treated ahoy thou-
sand Cates o1' those (118ta8es peculiar to woman, I
have been enabled to perfect a most potent stud posi-
tive remedy for these Moo/tore.
To designate this natural speelfc, I have named It
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptic'n
The term, however, is het n treble expression of
toy high appreciation of it9 V,111e, bused upon per-
sonal nbtiervnt101u I have. while witnessing its ped-
al ,
4151 -aloe r Naito in the special directors int•Ident to the
orlranlsn) of woman, singled it eat us the elinin, or
crowning pent or my 'medical vomer. On its Iuerlts,
21$ a 3)0113301, safe, Sud enLrtualremedy for this clans
,of(18ea508, and one 1)311) will, at all tlnu•s nnrt under
till circumstances, act Ic1olly, 1 111)3 willing to stake
ppay re3'Ihalmt 119 1111111'ell'.at11 and 91) cnntidcmtant
I amt It '3 (11 not dlsappo(llt 3311u 1)141st tin11s9dlw ex-
9ectutbus 03 n single lnvalml lady who 1180811 fnraay
of the 11111utsntn for wltl •h Ir„e•oinninn4 tr, tt1, t 1 ober
and sett It under A POSITIVE GUAIIANTEI3, (For
oendition1, see p.lmphlet wr:(p313g bottle.) ;
The fill ,wen - are aninuu ,host diseases to :vtdell
n1y Fovorlto Prenvriptltm 111(9 wen (cod cures, as if by
magic, .111.1 Will tcta"tclhay never brti,'. aatuchted try
one nil3Hclni L, ncor llO'l),, Excessive Tlotvinl4
Palafol ITOnthli Periods, Sit pressjlnls when term
master:L' causes, li'reg,tnnlarltl,,5, tiSeillt harit, Pre,
1,1311,, or Palling of t11c' *Cirrus. Anteversion arid
t e,ruvrr91On, 13r,iring-,10wt •tSensations, Internal
il,at, Nervitl9 Depression 13ehhity, Drapnnrlcnry,
19u'tatennel MIseurrin.aa,', l'brmrio f'ongestlen, 3n-
Aamnuttienand The( rational thel;terns,mA
I(,u•renness, or Sterility,. mei Venetic. %eal:ne
310 not extol 11118 1Lu1llel.`it 99 )t " rhrr-1111,^ but it
adIn] rab1" bulb%4 a sivalceetts of pitrpMle,'titing a
iuost)0314et epltrtfv" h1 1111 obr011ln Itiie1191'3 orale
1311.1(111 s1. stem o1 w0nlan.''twin tint disappoint, not
will It list Intent, )n m)V'st ata or enn,lttlen.
Tlulsn u'1innostri) Y11'3(1er tetormatlfn tin idose snit-
1. Cts can 01,1,1in It 1,1 Tun l'eoa'L''', Cn1tmost S n,Y't
3(33)10,11. ,1.Mla),t1. 1.l il1n11 •N' ntmr 990 pars. soul;
1 pont-,al•l, all rbeetpr n 5161. It 1rw1113 mHn'►y of
1(441934 '1(ieas; p.'33,11 n' to chlira} ntt rivestouch
l,d3 th(e :Welts! 111 regard to 11,e alldla3eni0nt of
GltA" a9tMtimis. 11r..
Min' 11 i1Ni$
19 ttnn Nee Y
-•ext p
es t
s may,
1,G V. PFr:lit`1s. 11. 1) I ttlp!•r, 11'nrltt'M 1116Yw66r1
1 W'1. Ln?i4918f Nutt). Retinal., N. 3.