HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 2CURING CANCER.. A good method for curing cancer is to put a sticking pheeter over it with a circular phase cut oat of the centre a little lttirger than a cancer, and a entail circular ribs of healthy skin next to it is exposed. Thou a plaster made of chloride of zine, btootl root and wheat flour is spread on a piece of iuusliu or the size of tlw circular opening, and is Applied to the opt oar for tweutsefuur Moors. On relnovl•eg it the cancer will be f+'utld nes though burned into, itppet►ring of the Dolor and hardness of an old shoe, and the circular ritn out side of it will appear white and per - boiled AS i° Seattle(' by hot stein's. Tit wound is now dressed, and the outside rine suppurates, sad the tauter (tames out a hard lamp, and the place heels. HOW SOME ;1i1!;SS.IGES HAVE BEEN SENT. tandems list might be made of the strange methods employed in trans mittiug many important Wet t rici11 moitsages. The intelligence which en- abled Gyros to overthrow the J:It+di>nn in.anaroby was cot, 'eyed in the betty of a hare sent him as a i'e ent. The in- stigator of the I:)uiau revolt against Persia sent his agent, a trust s'orthy slave, with verbal orders to sh.+,vu his head, wh++u the neoeseary instructions aipeared traced on the skin beneath. During Mohammed's wars letters of this kited were frequently plaited in flit' long hair of female slaves, The Ma- direval fashion of writing in ink which ouly became visible wheu held to the fire is well known ; but Cardinal Rione he surpassed eveu this by his device of a dispatch whose alternate hues made an entirel; differeut sense trete that of the lever as a whole. One of the. French ohiefs of the Fronde war con - creedal a t important letter in a roasted Orals. \Verret' Hastings, when block- aded in Benares by Cht'yte Singh, ap- prised the English army of his situt►- tiou by dispatches written upon' rolled etp slips of parchment, which his ines- eengere carried in their ears, instead of the quina usually w''ru there. The letter which recalled General Keaf- mann to the relief of S'unercand, when besieged by the Pokhariotes in June, I 1868, was stitched up to the anodal .,f a royal native. 'It is even stated— though the story oertaiuly savers of a Ainncliansenisnl—that a French spy, in 1870, carried a photographic dispatch through the Gerrnau lines in the hol- low of one of his false teeth. AGRIUUL TUkt.Ui. If refuse fish can bo procured cheaply, feed it to your poultry ; they, are exceediugly fond of fish, and a lite tie give» to them at this season of the year is very beneficial. A Colorado farmer counsels the agri- culturists of his State to stink to theft farms, and out to be iuduced to leave their comfortable llotnes for the mining regions, where so lunch discomfort and uncertainty is iu store fur theta. The most effectual tnethod to pre- vent cows from kicking ie to have a strap buckled tight aruuud the body just forward of the hip boues auti close to the forward teats. They may dance a little ou first trial, but they soon give it up aud remaiu quiet. palter using it for a time it eau be dispensed with, as they will stand quiet without it. Young fowl are the best for laying eggs. It is not good to keep bend be- youd the seeoud year. Good authority uu such matters says :—"Feeding n)i1i do a great deal --a surprising work in- deed—in the production of eggs, but not when old Ileus are concerned ; they may put on fat, but They cannot put down eggs. Their tale is told, their work is over." A teamster in Maine says he can start the worst balky horse by taking him out of the shafts and making him go round in a circle till be is giddy. If the first dance of this kiud doesn't care him, the second will, '1'o cure a balky horse, simply place your hand over the horse's twee and shut off' his wind till he wants to go and then let him go. To keep r. lawn fresh and green, put on frequently a light sprinkling of salt, bone duet, enperpliosphate or anyg nod fertilizer. \Vireo the soil is soft, ruu the roller over it, it helps the appear - ;time greatly. The application of a little ground gypsum will also freshen up the grass. But, above all, never forget to ruu the mowing machiue over frequentiy. An exchange well says ;—"Many little farms well tilled, with many in- dustrious, sober fat Were to till thetie, ooustitate the highest degree of agri- eultrral prosperity, The greater the number of persons who own laud in any community, the more interest they will take in its improvement. People who rent land, as a rule, care nothing for the soil they stork Further tiitcn what it will yield thein." The Orevoliug grape is said to have one objection—the to iseness of its bunch ; but this is partly removed by the age of the viva. aud it appe.►rs to do better in soma 1)1500, than iu oth- ers. In the article no grape ouliure ill the proceedings of the Montreal I lorti- cultural Society, Mr. Julnes I11orgeu states that with hiw it bias proved the most productive anti roiutiueretive sort. 'lege bunotbes were latge-shuuldered and ooinpaat, and in no case etrag• glia,. If you went the strawberry -bell that has borne v,ut a good crop °tie season to boar well the next year, you most work it cut thor.'ughly and inonure well as soon as it is through bearing. Dour pat it off until the bed is filled with weeds ata gr Ise. First plow 01 evade betweoa the rows, out,iiig the rows down narrower. T teen work the rows unt well with a fork p•etato digger, and -clutter in them a good quit tity of wall -rotted ooulpost, guano or pond retie. I,, is a got,d pion Li draw frueti earth in aint.ng the rheas. ►-riM-i HU MO Stnbborn things—Facts and inules. 1excelleut wash for the fires—\W:►ter. Marriage 15 no uueveli goule. It's it tie. The tuba000 ehewer's mnsio—spit. time. Ho v to mark table liuou—upset the gravy. Fee sitnple.-•:vlouey given to a quack dootur. It is murder to drown sorrow or kill titue. illutto for grocers—Honest tea is the best policy. \\guilt is the ugliest hood ever WW1 ? Falaelluod. A felou on the hand is worse than two in the penitentiary. What is it that causes a cold, aures a weld, and pays a doctor ? A draft. When is a small fish -pond like a bird wage ? Whet' there i., a perch in it. "A" is a go-ahead letter. Yon fi e queutly hear of "a leading industry." In patting "the best foot forward," always use the right or it will be left, Why is a troy weight like an uncou- seiuns man ? Beoattse ho has no scruples. A'nan who sat upon a paper of car- pet 1)111+ said they reminded him of an income tax. Which is the most wonderful animal in the farm -yard 2 A pig ; because it is killed first and cured afterwards. A. young man from Auburn, who went to Texas last spring, has tele- graphed hunle to his father ; "Fatted calf for one." A. pretty girt won a musket at a fair, When they delivered it to her, she asked, "Duu't they give a soldier with it 2' Dr. Bartel regrets that our national lawmakers give more attention to platform -building than to ship -build - lug. A young doctor who has just hong out his sigu saes that he finds medicine mach better iu theory than in "prac- tice." Music bath charms to soothe the savage. This is why we coot sionaily see a cross dug with a brass baud around his ueok, A Scotch lady hearing that it was de- sirable iu any danger to have "pres- euoe of miud," replied, "I would rather have absence of body." "I am astonished, my dear young lady, at your seatimeute ; you make nie start." "Well, I have beeu waut- iug you to start for the last hour." Waiting maid—"Good morning, doe - tor ; my gracious Indy sends me to beg you to cove to her h'asbaitd as quickly as possible ; slie does not wish him to die without your assistance." A youug married woman, having heard of the invention of a stove that 00,lsurnes its own smoke, hoped that something of the salve Lind would be couutructed to consume tobacco smoke. Otte of the brightest little sons resit'. ing in Syracuse saw his father fixing the billiard -table with a spirit level. After the old man had finished the job, he; remarked, "1Vow, pa, see ii my head's level" "What side of the street do you live on, &Ire. Kippel ?" asked a counsel, cross exatniuiug a witness. "On eith- er Hide, sir. If you go one way it's on the right side. If you go the other way it's ou the left." "Lawyer—"You farmers are olte- gether teo stupid." Farmer-- "But you live by our stupidity ; were we not 80 sttinid we could get along without lawyers." An Irish housemaid who had been seat to call a geutbernau to dinner, foui,d him engaged in wing a tooth brush." "Well, is he coining ?" naked the lady. "Yes, ma'am, directly ; he is jutit sharpening his teeth." "Circumstances alter oases," said a lawyer to hie client, after toeing the footed) lawsuit." "Cases alter circnm- stencee," savagely replied the client. "By y.tur management of wy oases my circumstances have been nearly ruin- ed.'" TRH TIMES N)1' FALL GOODS, A , i(11 t.LY has jostreeeive`.1 a large stock of 5ralclirs, ('tots ;c, JezePll'r•y, i" o - lee, :vta'-j tp'', yt)rc't(fetes, Ladies) mut GestS.' Poet t600llt4'. A large stook of Fancy Goods con- stantly on haul). NEW BCTTCHER SHOP r the undersigned wouldi'iform the inllabi- j. • tants of l xeter and vicinity that ho has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP u+te toot south of has lilacasutithshop aildllopos the tame liberal patronage that has bean ae corded to ging- in the e GAOR8t41Tn aYn W8GO5 tiAF.IS�O tine will be.txtencieci to brim in his now branch of eueins8s, tits meat wagon e-inoal) at the rosi- duets of the village threebimosoaol weekend FRESH M EA T tit k,u to kept oan,tantl) )u broad at hie butcher shop. 'ilaoksmitlriug and wages tuakingoarrio8 ou as usual in all its brai.e1:ee R. DAVIS. Wonderful Discovery. EMP, ESS LI . THE FRIEND OE MANKIND. An Internal & External REMEDY, A BAL1l1 FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Eheumatism and Neuralgia and tllsall. Nein i^s 7.147.'Deny it who can." I1 is the only iaiowu remedy for Rheumatism tou the Amorican Continentlprovedby others." As Sona 118 8) )11 (1 it gives instant ease to the n1tfor0iu0.to sutreror, Itis rapidly absorbed, .ponettratesto the very bone, enters the cirenla 2` tier), nentraliaiug all `Bbem,ttic Poison" cir -;:'oulating inthe blood, and expelsib f'roau the < system th-ough the naturaloutlets. eeee.essee. IT CURES Tooth +ohs, Earache, Headache, Nonrttlia Ehomrratism, Sprairs, Stvo1Iings, Iuflamation, Burrs, thus, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in Back, Pain in Chosa,Pain in shoulder, Coughs, Coltis,rrost Bites, Chilblains, Diarrhoea,Dys- entery, Summer Complaint, &c., &c. It will cure the nroat a anixin� ain,iter nal or external in one instant of time. Pocket your prejudice and give it a trial ; the Invest- ment is small and relief eco rain. The groat secret Of itB success with all classes is owing to the fact it is safe and harmless, pleasant to take, gives instant case, and eau be applied to a tviderrange of disease iu every day life. with greater succors than any preparation which research skill and "Medica has vet mduecd. a aproo of its great power ovor disease any person, no mutter who it may bo, Eich, or Poor, 01d or Young, who is suffering from any of the above named v,.in`ul complaints will call at the Office iu'l costo, env day of the week, will getpractice proof "Free of char o:' of its magical power over pain in (me annhaation;���_ Tostrmonfalsfrom all ports of the Dominion are 0 lista tly cowing to hand, giving expres- sion to the most grateful gratitude for as• tenishing cures which it has performed, and we would be pleased to receive testimouiale from all others who into it successfully.� Phystclane of the highest respectability re, commend it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sud. den otuergenov ) Carry it to your homes, and it will preae a blots aint; to ourfamily and afllictodfriends. Druggists are selling enormous gnautittes7% it Iv,serovcr introduced. i ohallangee tllc worlii to produce its egoal. The Trade supplied through the wholesale Drug and Patent Medicine Houses of Montre- al, Toronto, Hamilton aud London,arez•mml••• , Price 25 Cents per Bottle! Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. Tho highPrico of Etc! does not etteat the ow prices at which M. 8c T. IBIS SETT areoffering their stook of TINWARE, STOVES. Eta., at Exeter & Hensall which eenetats of all the latest and improved etyles of Kitoben, Cook and 1)arlurstoves,Milk Glans, pans, and hails of rue most approved patter u, and everything in the line ; Also, a ooclseleatior.of handsome .i1..ave gout hind; as toned, reeelves everyattentioe, aid at the lowest figures. eatep Having opened onto branch sstablisllmont at fieuaall, our friener '1 that neighborhood eau be suouliccl uu Cue itllort0St notice, C. cC S. GI1)LEY Unc1ctrtri.kclr acid OULD SAY TO those who intend pirrohasi.n) to do so from the manufacturer. The dealer who boys to sell again Iriust noeoasaril0 hurt, a profit. 11'o 'mint to give the enroh:tsars the benefit, whish cannot toil to meet the views of the Grangers. Our ex )Olises are 1ees than those of cite mann 'tote rors oonseq..ont- iy we can selleboapor. ug- e 111, 1879 „r'nitlare:; 1\d- txl til lc.--vt:ver ArE WOUZcis call s1)ociti lattentiur, O our n dertukin . depart 111Ont.wll bolt is 141011+ Coni ( bot, than ever, 40 we have added ovoral hair designs of ate The host uoll7rt easkots shruiitls,:tuu every nnht,tl rethlihuie at 11!4' Int( est priest . Our 1x0)0 Ileus 1' 1s '10010t111(8 113' Cuwpt+tont jtttll,c,s to l•o second 00 110,•0 ill thse- provinces Embeins of all the Different Soclwties. ...I,.IPI POR, 1879) sP' b, E (1879 THE OLD .RELIABLE HO USTF., At all times, end partieelarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money Beare°. 11 is in the interest of every buyer to purchase wbere he eau get the arLich, he want* at the bowost rate. In ealltugyour attention to 01y pooeent stock, I do so With every oonficl; once; it being more carefully assorteu and selected than alai of any previous season.. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete wi`11 the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, Marked a prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. i'iiIi ORDEitilD CLOTIIINt, still has MR. W, IVES at it Head In Millinery Undarthemo..agementof ktiss McGloghton,we can suit the most fastidious. Our stock of Groce,.les, Booth and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of toe largest and bust assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will commit, their bestinterests by examining my stook before going elsewhere. JAMES PICNA RD THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT' 0 THS Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s rrouucling conn - try, that he has owned a TEN and S ICVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street, Exeter, where he is p. epai ed to fill all orde, 8 for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical workmen on the premises. Cave-Troughingdone to order, Carriage Plating- a Specialty Coal ell Chimneys, tile '<ery best and none Cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always find me at my pose, ready to attend to my own. busrue00 and prepared at all tunes to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good an(1 cheap artic o. Depend upon it that nowhere can yon get bettor value for your money. Tho very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins. E H. SPACEMAN. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. FACTS ! FACTS ! FACTS —0_ Leathorm fir. McCoubray Having a full assorted stock of DRY - GOODS and GROCERIES, Are determined to sell CHEAPER than the CHLAPE ST. ---.---- Call and examine our goods and prices and save money. Produce taken in exchange. LEATHORN & TVI' COTTBEY THE NATIONAL ' POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING )- Is Is prepared to give all his customers tuck beeetts that will scene from its adoption, and Ilea era band a largo stook of Dry Goods, G-roceries, Wines ane Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at. :Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Froo Trado.l The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vAtntage to sell their produce without laying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to 110n0 in the west, and then call at the store of the s11bscriher'sxlcl Secure Immense argai there to be had in Overcoat tit T�`11.11at;lotlls, Broad -cloth . Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Dolaines; and everytiling needed in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING.