The Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 1al•. 5t • VoL Exeter, Ontario, 1.'Jteieela l 'HOUSE TO 1;1,N P. Iteiewit -' the tenet mill.• hotel, imtneetete nosbes,uon, Apply to 41' M t >1I;. I tLi., I'.xet TilUll SAL R t)li 1'0 It of tee lee t o l •iw sr,t.tt3 on Min greet, Baster, tit 1.1,11,1 r t n., 11i>tts store lately oconldocl by tiro t. 3)).:t.rl , 1,;•)„,,1n•: i 1 formerly by ,111, John Lt tri t . (loo1 t li.o• under part, of the ,,tor 1 ;p.te ktoutnr, a , ._ 1y t.p JU liN C1t17NNI. t».:.,l.Xi,ee,•. .lEts[ liOlt 51f•,tr ,-I,it j , , lathh Acne. lite pima,50 acres, 110 acres oleated,lZ . 3 011 . U, good. t>tielc Itott.,•>, good stable, well forma, 'eerie e,le shout cin hike shore,. }of a ,dile ttotll 1'cc t l3t.i:o, eclt,are boats run throe times a tr,•,,i and of a „tea front Grand i)eud, t:,lneoltlellt Cneo r oo1. mint eituretioe, on good road. 1'rt.t :3.511;1, t'erue cersy; S1;Dltr1O DLSJ.114, 1)INS,Ili, keterpo 1.11t\1 I OLt SAi,E. - !.AOT 221:d, c•)un 3.uton loris Stoplian, adjoiningthe cor- poration .,i i or; it30 •i:: 's,90 oleared,and till in grass but 9) )1. i s. 47 a 1t s /keened in grass last a >•e's of oven,t d, frt,•11a house, a good well, beki.;•.l, wltn 1,31:•1-+, :10 e never failing spring of excottent water, :3 !value banns, frame ailed wii , aide, line •i• lo:) &o. It would make e geed a try 174,1a. 1, to , to suit purchaser, The farm wilt be cuterd if +cot scdne l.- t•, \+ 1r IL1atLIIi•Exetev. 'f llrlltel t Jit Seee,E.-1'HJII SU13- t vii,. r 1'01 111 bis sarin, Lot 13 - Mu. 11, I "t1) 1:, of 1j .,,-nn County of Huron 80 mere tat 0.1, the rein in.le good bush, well footed t ''n ti: '31 •a tt e i oaltivation; under, drain') ;+, ,1 , r ar i d slid well of water, frame !t. „ .t, 1 _ 11 11 31:10,ing house, and eouveol e t t , , , : 1 0.1 throe churches For urthor > rt;t tl , r.) ! ) f ANS, Kirk, on, P.O.,or BMR.':. V. I,l) .., )ttoruoy,Exeter 1',O. D110I? EIt CY 1''{ t1 A.LE. T u •ire 1 e tlr' two lots enntai - log 1.5 u t • r t a', ••stn ttecl OD main street, roar Co.B; , l t. . NA :,,1 frame e cottage, eontl t 17" •, 1 1 . + it )Y I fp .111• stable, good woll n.,t.l',u tin. 'L1:: • 1 a ouantity of young beamt+,: >K + i *. i t 1) u , For terms at)1c1t' to JOHN NY:fer , Ti gee/)bice, Exeter. 11)R1)P,.tt 1'Y'FOR SALE. -'PEIE sellec,'ib e,efi r+t,n solottvnhouses and two nts,nno situ..tec1 on Huron east, in the vii. sago of '?x.at:ir, N -1111th , oilier on Simone st•cel, Beth:VT )1C•trlc 1),•w, and one rents for six anti `,.lt • ,ti, i for s, v :n dollars a month, Th•ly tvillbe''1.) t, •r:tll•'r, Ye .;...) • •Ito, a1111 nn nn,l:+r- ate terms, For no,ti.cnl,r-., applytoT, J, \VIL90\ H ans:I11, or to the 1 t::vie office. 1 Alt3IFOR `4AI.,A.--•CON'PAINlafi fifty /.01 es,1o4.li g eon 01 hall of lotO, (maces - 4.1.011.• 1)) ';3 aitie, 37 atr, • cleared, 9 cc' es fc 11 wont l:lir• :rou,!el. Oil th3 prolntses chore mr. a good he\rn log hoose, good frame stabs.', 93).3'), and a young beariog orchard;: also goo,! well, bricked. So fee cia••p, with hump web'_ fan00't ; Sehn .l ate ,, 1st-olho' within a f-ir rod,: S1 miles from Narktlfll, and ' on main road frrnii Pa+ bill to GrattaBand. or furtlltr particulilrs op. ply on - the pryulis•. s .r uy letter to DANIEL'I3ANSOA1.11:hues p, o, Fea.20, IMPORTANT NOTICJS. % U.ODCrSON, & J- Clip, CO. V • .iu'ttoneers. 81105 promptly s,tended to. pays of sales art anted at this o33 ee , 911 -Ile ULs'LE13BATED STALLION, • - CLEAR GRIT," will stand at Tike's hotel •every Monday night daring the season April 94, 1079 tf UT[CE.-ON THE SECOND OF 1 JULY lest u one-horse plow was taken from tbo pail/11 eS of tee subscriber. If said /plow is returned forthwith a reward of fivo dollars will b) given by Joerrtl AcUEs'•:1. J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- -l. . .• borne and itibbe'rt nuttlall! Ire Insurance Company,' Residence -Farquhar, Orders b4 mail promptly attended to. S.CAi11Y13.tiLL, R'ROV:INCIAL s Land Surveyor, stec., will le nt t11e 11 y•:1 motel, r'ixeter,en the first Tuesday in mach nlo,:th. ()tiers for work loft with !1r,Jobn pec ttman willr a coive prompt attontioll plvA 11'' SCHOOL FOR YOUNG. L\Dl':S.-Ctouree of Instruction -English, Prep•}:, ML,si.. fpia-o) and fancy wr.rk. Terms-- Por r] : rtr•i•, $1U, inclusive; $8 without music; $6, music 0017 t"iret quarter eommenoes 1st May Satinet -fit tin 5t., l,:teter. MISS lUlltr, • T'PEYTION --- TAKE NOTCE thaw' Elie appointment of Messrs. Mason & Hu.1, ,n,Hensall..as agents of the Mutual FrieInr s'lrettee Company of the County of Wellinatns, thi•' day eannelled,andHr. JOHN HYNI)MANwill in future act .as agent for Exeter and vicinity. By ordea , CHARLES DAVIDSON, , t4uelpi! ,December .tib, 1149. 15-tf. Sec.•T:eas PATENT GALVANIZED STEEL BARB FENCING ITS MERITS CHEAPNESS, UTILITY, EFFICIENCY, AND ECONOMY. NO SNOW DRIFTS, NO WASTE LANDS, ' U"rnaffected. by Wind or Flood, NO S.4IALLANIVALS CAN GO THROUGH. Senid for Ptintl`ilots with fell information as to cost, Eto. SOI -D BY •d Mb ,A.0M'y', Iron ngl•ILardlrare Merchant, • Clinton, 11):y 1, y ' ' Mates THE HANLAN-ELLIOTY BOAT RACE, HANLAN BEATS BY A DO$l.N BOAT LENGTHS. Newcastle-on.Tyne, June 10.--- Tho weather was good, though 311111, lend the water was exceeding 8111oot11 The tide was relining well, and the wind was in fav'er of the r,were. Indeed it was long since everyl.tliog wile in euoit good condition to euenl'8 a fair rate. The attenaltume far exceeded that at tiny previous oliempio3shlp race. A barge number of Cenfadia)s and Awel'i- cat11t were on beard the twenty steamer's which renewed the rmce. Prior to tie s ell. any amount of Money was .furth- oUlnieg 4133 Hanlen et 7 to 4. The race blas 0e'rlaiely been it great gambling cue, mill the Canadian•, will carry away • very large amount of looney. Both man rowed !dealt the river fort quart, r of an !lour before the talcillg up the/, positions at the atartiui'; point. El, lion stripped to the skin, retaliate: ()Lily his rowi,.g drawers, while Haul to Weerm a flannel vest. 13c:th appeared to be in splendid condition. Ail the epeotatore remarked 1103 great physic 11 strength of Elliott, . Ellio.t won the tees., moll chose the northern sh•'ro, A capital start was effected at 12.15 p. rn. Heiden got away at a, very .fast rate, ,with a teed of nearly a Tinker of to leegtll, but English hopes rose when they raw Elliott,. with a lielf.>a•di'z''n wut,ilerfel strokes, drety 11)) level. T li 1 ,las, {however, the only a.lvautrage EI• iiultr 1113'1 tiering the race. It was res !narked that, Haitian, at starting, did not dimple," the ,;eine unuch'alance l►a when etemeed t0 .Iiawtion; but as s' Olr tte lie noticed that Elliott wes ready b ill -tithed to his sculls with hearty go, ti will. N tiltingcould be cleaner anti more sae to lal,like than the way 11) e tfirh l):' obtained a len pri'limiltary • ip of the water, and pullets iris et•roke rielit through. Elliott al•o was ha lu":ii:alaiv at work with all his lni.t,lt• Mit buried his sculls too deeply, and W;tt+ cot,te)laoutly 113lwble to receiver Neatly sled pr' Inptl,y, 00, 111 tate course rf t.vteity 5x'rrls, Handal had obtained a- distinct-aelVRntage. B111 ft shine ditt•at:4)e was traversed when it becaune evident that Hoiden was destined to h11ve matters pretty well his own way. Ili sculled Willi g1'aco and finish, recov- ering like lighting, keeping his beat on an even keel and seeming to,wlmost life !r"1 '.ut of the wive). at every stoke. trocked slight.lysplashed freq'lent ly, and seemed 13 : be exerting his en'tr.- In0nsstrength to the fullest to little pur- pose. kit persist6litly demonstrated that he wive not master of the new style of rising the saulls. Soon after starting TIaniklt deviated somewhat bet recovering hirnself with a clear stroke of the right, dael.eil forward 1311th 42 etr•olccs per minute, Elliott ineanwhile. doing 40. Ile, 131111 w:t.s fully half a length Owed 1))' the time a hundred yards had been traversed. 0,;pooite the end of Skinner's Burn Iiautan was clear. 3111lint3 here' settled down into a better style. Haulaw sleckerted a mo- ment, lint in'tu0'tiately resume,/ hie stroke. 11 % heel drawn thi ee lengths ahead at Grindstone gums. After pur- sing Redhaugh bridge, Elliott spurted with ell hie power. It was.evideut he bend a tendency to: break into his old short, vigeroue strr+k°, and w is hampered by the new 3t,'le. and the spurt was un availing. Hanlau bad now fallen into a long telling 0110 of 833, and Elliott nnee more began to splash as he did at the mull eeceiu0ftt of the rage. He 'paused briefly off the lead works quay to discover his noted staying powers; bat the effort was unavailing, 114nlau having, oil Cooper's Stairs, rat110r increased his lead. At quay Corner .liilnlan was rowing at the late of 84 strokes to the minute, and looking a- round ttitli,gretat rang froid. After the first tnile mut passed, off Watterson'a `Yorke, Haddam, seeing he hail the race iti heed, slowed down to 32. Elliott, observing this.by a vigorous effort drew up to witlliu three yards, amide en- thusiastic applause. Hannan slightly increased this pace and kept just ahead, lent again eased at Artnsleong'8 Shear Legs, when Ii 1lint•t carne within two leogthe of 111111 'Harlem here alwo,t stopped rowing and tnrued around to look ahead, although; Elliott was still pizlting ga:nely at tthe rate of 84. The island of Icing's 111eadowe WAS covered by :1n excited crowd, who, seeingthe (cull3els puss in 0lnse proximity, and not being /aware of the preirinus pha8es ((f$he race, enthusiastically encouraged L+lllf',nt., Al.tho head of etlee Meadows Bolden passatl to tho.front and treated Elliott to the black wash of his boat, but Elliott worked away • b avoid this Thursday, June 19, 1879. .1 ••••••.,enormorvanarY•••1rM No.45 annoyance. lieulan reached the head of the tne1Ldows, two 11)11031 from the start, in twelve minutes and eight seconds, and Wits fiver lengths ahead of Elliott, who was still eptlrtine pluckily. t'he immense crowd along Scotswood houghs, waatel:ed the race in silence, but, ell Meilen pas*ing Scr'tawol'd leri;lge, eleven 1 meths ahead there was a, burst of °heel ing which tasted smile neinut09, The time of the race was 21 11310013031 1 sec Ind, which is 55 seeonde less than the time of the Lf+illi ,t.t-Hi„ gins snatch. A, tremendous concourse surronneled the b,>at•honse to welcome Halibut, but he returned aboard the nin.'ire'8 ba:at, where he collected twenty five pnn•'t1e for Bllint•,aud recefivedpresents to 313.. Ait1; ying delays were occ:asio•led at the -tura by the eccentric manoeuvres of the ste'tnlere, the p diet) 1l pat pertion- .I,erly favoring Haitian with its heavy wash, 1,lllutt also madeoneprternat.uee start. A new maetoh tarraeged. A t•ruttah 131ts been arranged between Elli'tt end R'bertB'y1 oil the Tyne f'rt,203 t aide, is take piece fear Incintee hence, After the ince H.anhtrt returned to Nee O't"tit', where be tees c >1'ili tlly Wet coined by It Marge onee0 1)1'.3)0. 111 res 34 0) 0 to repeated cello lit Ian appeer- 'd at tiere window, anti tutteke 1 the people Warmly. 11.3 Itieh1v d inti?li lnented .Elliott. Ile was 1•'ntily ol)•er- al, I.) the aver i.1', at it 0 encert, 1 yt'lendid 1103)13 :11(1 ring 1108 pre,1el'10d to 11:0:1)10, 110 1.181illf 0l a ntuuh"r of the belies and gentlemen of N veva:estle. Heiden "tvl30 re'ce'ived tl0 h cheers. H-, said 11e tied etcenetcred 1110 .•1 the: best 'cutlers he ever to t. Elliott said he was eatiefi"tt 'hitt 11,1 snail i)1 Roe land could beat Ha'1 u. He ) row any mall 1.11 th'1 03)1'1,b tit lteill an- 13th, for 8200 Iwn'oi_0 a side, - Domini netes. A heavy vhuok it ear'lieeeke, laet1ng 1113)o113 eleven 800') :d , O4t111rr.•tl at i110,:- treal last Ar"t1nestle, y, 'Pilo iit'>gst,e, Cabttl8'1 'neve. ewe., mooed the liverymen bef+,:'e the Police istrate for leltiug tint horse.; on Sunday ntrao' to14)W. Tho Light (3 dards of Detroit have re. (wive(' fermi sion fro,n the. ;t01ine iyiiwister of Militia to vioit Onath,tln, Out,. with their manna 011 1) .01111''11 Day. A series of papers criticising the. tneesnres to coma before the bInol of the Dtrleese of HnrUw at 13:• t,,13a10'0)- log meeting have b eft iderted 1113 L to• doll-- They occoslon 1t good dym nl talk;among the members of the .Episee,- peeChurch by the sharp way 01 %vibe'. theyrraare written. The Middlesex Gaiety Co:lucil have. petered a res.)Intioll reoornulendine the Domiuion Government tat cause' 11 snth• tient amnilllt. of D 1111111 •11 notes to 1b issued to meet fall its material oblige thole and make such mites 11 legal tee - der for all 310b38, public and priv11t0, except onetems tiers. A oeiztre was lately made in Galt bt Mr. Bryan, Custom House Officer, of mix buggies, one open twit live covered, which it is alleged ate the remainder of 23 tied wore et.tered at Sarnia at $37,- 50 for open, and $50 for torp, whici, is mooh below their valve. it is under- stood that some have been peddled to fartuters eloug the road, and as 33000 )Iy the officers can find thetas they will al- so be seized. Friday night ;bent 10 o'clock, while a lady named Keuiiedy, Ilia wife of kir, Kennedy, a' letter carrier in Lru1d'ni, was ata garden party at Christ Church Rectory, she received a3rion8 10j'11"€es from a large stone which structs her iu the bead. The stone Was thrown, by tonne tleopioaable honed, probably from the street, and knocked the holy sense- less. S le wee carried into the bowie, and after con iderlable elapse of time weir removed to her home. .Slie is now almost recovered. Captain Lottie of the schooner I 1tti>a E. Stewart, teports that wheu off Wnitehead, inysboro' Co.,aaw a wnale about 50 feet long coining towards the Ve1,Sel. He threw billets of wood at it, which seemed to enrage it. The whale. dived under the schooner aud,o:_t.tn a np t>'.oilgsitle, blowfne water on the deck. fe wag struck by several - missiles, ,but diel not seen! afraid, Then bilge wtetar 31/11.3 pumped overboard. This drove the whole off for a few nlintnie3, bet et endue back and was evidently about to strike the vessel. when it Lvata struck near the blow hole by a large lump of coal. This seemed to take the courage omit of it, and it swans off in the direc- tion iu which it oame. . A Cloud Buret in Dakota. At Befftlo Gap, on Teuriday night, by the sodden mist; anti 0vorflow of Beaver Creek, 03nsed by a waterspout, eleven persons were drowned, Seven of theta, including three ci,ildren, were etni> r:wte 00 the way to the 1lills,from 1Rilis ()Aunty, Iowia, The others .wt -re 11)03) glutin from the Villa to the rail. road. I1) live minutes from the first the first alarm the whole couutry was firneded. The water subsided almost sndJ0)1ly. Fn-tl)er particulars of the cloudburst near 13uff al ' Gap on Tllursdiay evening show that, the w'tter commenced rising about 8 c'oloe'• in Beaver Creek, a mile tide Hide of Bu1f'1lo Gap station, On the Sicli3V stage road hear the batiks of the °seek, were camped a body of nine pereoua from '.ill 0,unty, I'lwa, font• from the Black .lulls, and Mout gotnel•y Bros. & 0113rk's freight outfits, keeled with forty thousand pounds r 13)03 iielly the 'tome Stake 'Mining C'lnlna•ly'a )0330120181'y, which was near - €y all 'lesk..y.•el a1, 1 +sc:altered for miles a,•wltlld. All. the wag:no, with elle Ox - 00I1) rens .e ere 131+4) 111;trnyed, and 00ly >3 few males Hayed, Nine persons were e1 owned. F tar bridles have so far been. reaut'ere4. The water covered a spade of 40 toile,, a )tl su1)0110d within Lien tuners nater the dies. Frltginetlts >f Wa')nne, etc., were three to five miles ficin the scree ;1t the disaster. A11 the clOeks ,arolutd the hills are unusually nigh. Daring Attempt at Burglary Newel has been received of a dating :3ttem• tat robbery and fir moat wanton ereye Of felonious (11,1')13 UL . which 000nr- rred its the village of Carlisle, between Brecon and Ailsa Craig, Prides night. ft alienia that 11Ir. John Fisher, a wealthy farmer of that district, had cul- ltroteal a large auto of motley during the 41 te, and was etol ping tor,tlle.night 1)t 1110 tlottt;e of Mr. James Stewart. At de/nit eleven o'ol'•ck he was awakened by a lend noise,o•tu.oed by the breaking open of a door, a heave rasp being used for the pnrlpoee. Ile ru=Led out of his coo , eoarcely 1ealaztll'g what had hap- pened, whet, he came full upon the rob. bar, who Med by till, time gained ad- unttn nee. Ao Fisher appeared, the rob ber fired at than. the shot taking effect tinder tl:e shoot sibsarld embedding it. •elf In the b sly. At this p tint 1Ir. Stewart appeared, when the robber Ntur'a the pistol at, him and pulled the trig cr. The weapnu fortunately annp- oted when ;1Ir. Stewart's faithful watch :1.1„ made his appearance, and at sight of this addition to the 3trengtd1 of the +tarty ettack"ll the robber took to his !heels and disappeared. There eau taLruely be a doubt but that be was .Lei;mauled with UNH ueisihborhoot1 13(3(1 knew of the large sum of money Mi. Fisher had on hi'. person. and that it was a. wish til ea'ourethis that led to the aft Sok. Dr. Auderseou was called to attend the wounded man, who bled pro''ueely, and hen hopes of his recovery 111 ill >ugh the victim of the wanton act is at a roto settee. Poisoned by Eating Blom The poisoning case whioh came to light in Montreal on Saturday night, is the snL ect of interest at present. Two faniihee, that of James Fenton, labor- er, aged about 50 years, and Edward Felten, Lie sort in-law aged 25, on Thnisdaiy Fast were in usual health and vigor. let the evening Folan's wife trent tot grocery store and bought sev- ere', articles for consumption for next d:ay'3 use, including one and A half puede of bacon, She cooked a poli- tion of the latter for her own and chiidree's Hopper, and observed at the time site plaord it in the pen that it was alightly tined as though with mildew in a small spot bat one end. With tbie exception the meat Looked thoroughly fresh arid wholesome. She ate atonal' portion, as did also two little boys ; off the remainder 34110 cooked a portion for her husband's midday meal next dry, anti gave the remainder to her mother, residing next door, The latter, hap. pily was not noel, The next morning, aftet her huebal.d left for work, Mr . Folin was eeieed with illness, experi- encing every symptom of sickness at the etomaoh, Coe Of the b Is was 33)5:) talcelt aiOIC 131:11 suddenly bonnie worse, dying at 01013113 o'nlnek in the eveeitlg. Dolan himself is €u b'ni and the gl'atltl- fattller is Also ill. The meat 11118 been of benitted to a public analyst 011( ttu lITIOdt i$ WIN; held, — METHODIST CONFERENCE. THE APPO)INTMIENTS. THE LONDON DI8T1LICT, London Oity-(Queen's Avenue) P -w. i p, M.A.; Ephraim 13v t1 , D.D, W.11 liam Chapman, superlalliluat0tl; Jame, F. Latimer, supernumerary. London City-.-(Dnndlts Street)-G.N. A.F.T. Dioksnn; Joseph H. -.I>"r,biuser, Superannuated. London City (Wellington Street) -Gots R. Sanderson. D D.;Tliomite Htadwir.,, Reuben E. Tupper, Devid Ryan, eupel- aunnoted. London City (Pell Miall) -Joseph M. Hodson, B,A. London City -(Dundas Street East`' - Jae.S. Ross, B.A. London City -(Lindon East) -Thomas 13.Leith; Jahn II, Keppel, snperan- uuated. London City--(Petersv1110) Benjamin B. Keefer. London City -(New Brighton) -Thos Coiling, B,A, London S utli-Thos. Crews (Perva); one were ted. tngresalt-Daniel E. Bro en311; George Ken nedy, squire uutinted; W.K. Strom, t11,A., sapernnmerary. Ingersoll North --Wal. W. Sperling. Salford --Wm. Willoughby; Albert 0 Crews, Belmont -David Hunt; nne to be sent D':rehester-Wins Lind ; one wantoc.. 1V0sttnineter-Joseph Colliug;•Ebene- zer Lanceley. Lzeter-neo, A. Mitchell, B.A.; G.A. Schram, left without a station at his own request for one year, Ger:tralio-J3.riles Kennedy. Thoriulale--Daniel W. Thompeoi,:, Wm. H. Spence. 11lnnnt Brvclgos-Gen. Jackson. Appiu-Henry E. Hill. Glencoe -To be eu`?plied. • . le. 13. Stevenson, E. A.. Fear, J. 0. Foote, J. E. Hunter, Wen. Penilall, to et•teed College. Cr. R. S:eederson, U.D„ Chairman • 13. B. Keefer, Fin, ;Secr•etery. STRATFORD DISTRICT. Strctl ford—Balnjalnit: Clement, Sam- uel Seller), B. D. 1litebell-IT'til Chri'toohersun. HerLn<1y-Samuel Tucker. Fullartou--II,ubert I)1) hips, R. B. Mai tl and. ,Aloncton-Cliarlee nd- ,'1loncton-Charles Deacon, Bieissels--James liarris,nuo wanted, SYaltnll--\Vlllil3rn f3ongll. Seaf'u't11--Jamey Grahem. St. Mlarys--Saineel I). Rice, D. D. ; Joseph Shepley, sovomit nuMed. Iiirkton-• John L. Kerr, one emoted. Granton --Charles l3arltrop. Lllcau--Alfred L. R)1)fell, 13. D. Ailsa grain --Julio ltidlby. G. W. Eleudersuu, IL Treleaven, to attend College. S. D. R4oe, D. D., Chairman ; B. Clement, Fin. Secretary C;03)1(RI011 DI.TRI0T, Goderich--J. A. Williams, D. D. Clinton --D. G. Sutherland, B. D. Holmesvitle, Je>sepli Philip. Bayfield" --Jas. Little rstoi), W. ;s. Jamieson. It:ippen--Nathaniel Smith. Londesboro'-Janlec Caswell, Blyth --George/ Clark. Belgrave--Andrew Edwards. Wingham--Wm. Bryers, LllekTloty--Robert H. Wtddcll,B..13.: John Walker, supei',tnuated. Ashfield -Andrew :Milken (Locknote ,Teeswater-Charles E. Sta'fortl. Ulster --Richard C. Henderet (Tees. water).' Dangannon--Robert' Davy ; one wanted;fLuti 1 er 0. Rics,superauu uate.t. ttfeneral I+lews. On Fridley Net ` 150 persons took shelter in a lumber shed, in Boswel', Leal., from a storm. A thunderbc:3 struck the shed, killing instantly tot men, and fatally injuring two, w11:'> two were seriously ioja:red. A sad nese of poisoning occurred it. 12inneltpi'lio,on 'Thursday last. Eleve 'little girls, tour members of one family' and tine of another, engaged in strirg• ing castor beans for beads, were led 1,4 eat a quantity:. One of tele ilninbee fiudinethe taste pleasant, all of then., )ate more or less of the beans, and we.et s loii after taken with spasms x,111 4)1 dioatione Of poisoning, but all Ha•''1 three of the 11nil,her Ware out of dn.n ger befnro the ' nisi lit W'ia over, bee, Sarah, 13ertli34 end Addie tVooda.wale so badly poisoned that littie hope is e):• ler.aiue1 of their roc ever)', The Oaaee oreaete1 considerable 1)1t1)1'est ninon c physiciatr00, who have not encoenteree •aiilllil'ir results with the motor beau.