HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-5, Page 7irT?Jr•, 5, 1R79 THb TIMES 'iIt F., 0A.T EItP114LARS• TABLE. LtS"t', in v Hon," said a farmer one 1110t"linty, t*tlo oat(>rpillars h ive b' uti to 1)'111. a, nos" on tlie-branol) e'f. our #tis"l,r ;l as pl I) tree." '41'11 flit w st,.p to their walk to- morrow," said toe boy. A week went b3'. "My sou," said. the farmer again, "1 t1Otiee ►neat our frietols the caterpillar , draft's built an extension to 'liar lnu•te," "I'll burn thein down tin +very after - Won," a3' ' Ix boy's reply." Aooth• r 'week went by, and the farmer o tiled hi•, a lu ,an(1 showed him hoar t'•h(, utattari'illitrs had not only itl. clos+'d the 'n tiro limb but even begun `work on another bong '. "T iore'i1 be no ft nit on that branch. thin year, my trot," said the fernier calmly ; "Your ludurtrinas little friends have oaten every loaf," ,Acct ob'i1;!rv'l.'g that his s')U's Nee was reel with shame, the father that. continued: "I shall not regret this It)v6 of the beautiful: apples, my son, it you will Only henceforth bear in mute the les eau y'ru have learned. Each !lay has Its thaws,' U1 it is always tL tla!i3,roralit+ thin,; to mitt off attending to Oven the siltalltlist''1 theta until the next. ANECDOTES OF T.13E PI11NCESS ROYAL. The Crown Priuo(>ay of Gorman; iv crib (it tho most charming Persons liv- ing. E'!gliytitnen were pr. 'nit of the Princes, and Go r3naui feel at least 44 wltrul a 4st:tin:lent in re -!peva of their fut•nre Ertlltr-evs. Perhaps ut tetlenll epee of ailhit iv the most striking trait in tltr character of the Princess. A4 Lonipti.nt'nt to this fact, it ntwv bit aa Merl that a habit of spoils big wvi'at she a;(lusi(b.ra Lie ttnth in a remarkably viemt nn • man. ler is that one of Her Imperial klighltess' qualities which e3'• •er and anon inspires iter well-wishers With 30ukt utlriasillems. It is wt:ll" l(no.vn that the fate 'Lord Russell did hi -4 very best to make n rn- self di.lagreettble to his sovereign. aroma is + rye yon arra such a nasty roan,' quo: lt the little Pensees one day to ilin Mho teet Liherel statesmen of the age. Plea—tauter to r lute is the story of a ceratin distiogui+hail pltvsi disci, and now lie wtaniti !r, rloentl.' 0411 :at \Vind,,or oa$le, and h •w the P iu e•as won Id aIways familiarity address him 't4 '13rt> n,' for ba )Vat, A merry physician and she was a merry ('lila LLt.,t,t,:r• trances from a most unitu4t )ler-,'longi, failed to'ind'iet the 1',inoens 10 73a'b4.4 tljrown's' pallid (t itli some sort. 4-4t in, fix. At length Alin wa-r per- ° tnil)t+•iilq informed that. if she a.;aiu velltltrt+tt to make use of this uncer(i• nitt/l)t)11-3 -41vie Of ,0ldresi, the. paltH'h- 1'1'tlt NV inti be All ilistuait ll1 11118H)al (h0/90. littektia Off) to b4, -d. Toe pity' eiciat1 r('-.e.p neared in a day or two, au(1 wo greeted by the y•'uug lady with these words : 'Good morning. Brown, wn, s. d o.,f1 night., too, .13rowli, for I'm off t.. b 41.' 11 >J[CK SliNA1O11. Tito corpulency of a u•iited States Senator h.te hug been the batt of edi- torial wit and at'icy. bath mots from tete peau 01 tTwain:4ton O''rre+I)nolltn3s. .Flw per;uu.;i nava suspected that his u4uai y WAS i► di4oa-e, a it ht3b;e 3(3 prov.1 f133,31. Yut t.ltis is trio sal fan . Excessive fatnetls is 3101 only a disease in i shit, but ow -4 liable to generlta! oth- er 3133'.1 in,ire serions ones. Olieml,tty het, at l't;t revealed a safe, sure and re- iit,b1t, rot:tidy for this abrlorin'al coodi- ti .n of tuo systr'rn iu Alittn'e :teuti-fat. i).stiu.fllisned chemists n ave pronortno- .e3c1 it :1 •.t only ha,uilsss bit Very bel:e- iiei.t1 to the Hy tern, while remedying tho diseased. condition, Sold by drug- gists. USE OF t3LT iN P1tESEiiVING HAY. Editor of the American Cultivator :—I note in tt Intik number of your paper the full 'Ain.; quotation, with which I. 'feel constrained to dilftnr I 'Science tells rid that shalt is not a preservative Of hn.y, and hay would be much better without- it.' It appears to me the above f{uota'i•i11 i4 tot) sweeping an 'tsserti fur a fact, and needy stone i111w.lifioa ion as 3L fancy. ill vegetable organism re' tllliree an rsdoitton of salt to render it mole 1)OIall1:bte and, of coarse, more tiUtritiul4 to animal Orgattis'U. Sall renders to 1143 are mucic less linable to IilRdt hi3V. Salt preserves moisture to hay, which it would otherwise lose. Thede t take t0 be undeniable t,1.et- . Toon it follows that Bait iy fa preeerva. five of the best quality in, or of hay, prewcrVi3ig it from ntii.st mud duet. which in .L great :legree in clover is so Apt 30 give horses the heaves. Se, mnoli in tioirlt of fact. Now, as to fancy, it may be said that bay, when properly cured, 13 0814 cot 3 heforeign aid1 of 51113 3333 a preserver. Perhaps Hr), if the heaping ggtlnlitine aro the only requi,it; but if the forning duality is also (1on'id.'ioft, t11('31 salt i'9 fA tlt'Hlflertt- grind, '.1'he hay and the Balt Could by I fr'd eeparetelY', bat I think the *Omni economy would prefer it mixed. At any rate it ik the rale with bread mak•. ars and bread eaters, Aigain, if die hay la to be s rl(i,tllen salt is a pr'eservn- live of value. 1 think it would general. ly be allowed than salted flay Milds; its weight much better than unsalted that 100 lbs. of salt applied to pray will .'.'117+0' it to weigh out the next spring 2110 iba, more thou it would without 01. salt. This is my tb(•orv, and 1think there's science in it ; anti it it i s true 'that the bent informed farmers rise 130 'aa11, anti their hall i4 better than that, of those who 0 arlrlv.at,' thea I ata in that nowt undesirable category, the l'n i ^<l n f n rot.. d. Another writer, Of acknowle tired scientific ability, 18 reported as taring th't 'the belt hay is ont on the richest, ground.' This is very apt not to bel the ease. 1 yunp'eA thA hey iron lend ro•o(lti>ttl(I a1>'rat 3'ie and a IhILIf tuna t'• the 11,01-', 3.4 of Mil eh better finality than aha which will produce th ei' tons to the >ter•n. TIIA f ,r'ner will be sweeter and t►1411 wei•rbtier, hulk for ilnik ; and this tat er will not p"I)I3 the n 'hri-hin't (31nn34nt '31)i01) light Will Air trope t, and hate trl'r" of the (tll3tr- Actor of row n or '4013 1131 ornn of a later 4t's40Il, 'i'lir•il. tho Ail twain, whe, tiler of hiorhltuttl nr lowland, nia- hrutlly effects dt'allty ; anti SVP, 1('n'w tllttt mo(lerate]V 1313' .h3> 114 pr''1 nee more, bat 1 ,r b.tt.>r. "Still attain, la d' itlaV bo, 9n ri01) in t110 tlr•'dl tive (l0. men1 as to 66 0 ori"able of vieldina the hest h'tv, as 1t f,'33Rd 11. t0.' 6ne31lifilt' vroWth. lint it i- the r►tt.•ili n "f mind 11330 ! mind. thou -flit not',) trroimh', which shall resolve At1r enia3ion't 13,30 fee's. - Tr11rll•gePkel'' cannot ha ri'1o111ati0a1, but mint ibe a, t+'nthrnlata the All 0o -'nil von(, i,hinh will change to 31 et I'13)0 law. Tliny tnt'(1 to the '1v, Hie •rt lea'I4 to 3nitrinn, rrlti•llnn ci#vel•tps intrr f'Ict. and G''►at prop*reyaett to thinking surd do jot, well. Enjoy Life. What atruly beaatifai worn WO live in l Na- ture ).333'61 nt aran•leur of mountains. glens, awl Oc ails, and thuusaalds of moans for en- joyment.. iVe eau 31.rsir.>a0 better when in perfect health ; .tut how often do the majority Of eit.Oole foal like givin;; it up dish,•artene't, ilisco.uagail noel :v0rriet i out ,vi•11 disea-e,wli:•u tont l., no oco.astoa for t,is feeli 1,, at every ,�t��,,• + cam, "7 anti )er can e.tsily (bi:1 n at'slant,try pro.if ,o ''c .5 11:22=4.63,2,S.18�" ,ii, : 5�'to litre* 43x103. 's .l t,•(ust Flower ver :viii make thrid ae thertio • tba had 111 0'>ei.uoo,u n,7,, li11111..eloths, Broad -cloth n free fr ten tit vaso ata when b'u'. 1): spepsia ' an:l i.,ive, Lnlu hint i.- tho direot eau a of 1)(,e skins, W'iueey's, De11Unes, trial e1'e'r ti11ng seventy-five N.1 CL:lt, of sack inalaalie', as bili- onsne,s, Idtll r' e, tun, -tick Hee. i.,r3e, end ivt- miss, • \ 'rvun.. Prostration, Dizziness of the Ifs) 1. Palpitation of the Heart, au.t other dis. tre .=iu;; symptom:. Turtle don's of August Flower will prove its wnui143 ful effect. Sample battles, 10 cents. Try it. .11111.1010111011101140004101.11.010100 .....1110116,014111.401111101.1.1”, CLEA RING SA.1.E BEFORE TAKING STCCK fA� -/)- '���.^.tl�1�j Sc , .: +r!,M ,�,,,}nit} 1. .f Mme+,'.. � � �•1.�' Will offer for cash or 10 Days the balance of tlleir'lt'1111 and Winter Goods at Cost so as to make room fur their Spring Stook. All floods we shall offer are new goods bought for this Season's Trade et lower pricers, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost. MEN'S and BOIS' OVERCOATS, at cost. MINE SETS and lwlUFF'S, at cost. PUB OAFS, at oast. CLOUDS and SCAI1T'S, at cost. Also a full assortment of general DRY GOODS, BOOTS and t'3IIOES,. HATS CAPS, CHINA TDA SETS and C'EOOKE13Y which will be offered at bottom prices we are glad to say our stock is not large but fully assorted in all linea. Although this has been a very bard season we are happy to say our mode of doing business has been ap- preciated by the public as our sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, THE ASIA *laving triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CA P'OLICY LI "- Is prepared to give all lits customers the bar (Alta that will accrue from its aclopton, and has on hair' a, largo stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Mil,iu. Street, :Deter, which will be sold at :which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade, The farmers of`the surrounding country will find it t3 their vintage to sell their produce without paying ml,rket fees, on the Exeter market,' hic•h is seeoui to none in the west, and then call at the. store of the subscriber and 7 MA2'HAN UA.S COMIIENCED. dressmaking ab her residence, en Jiuro'tt street, Exeter. Cutting and fittingn specialty. T1vu appreatlees wanted immediately. AG 13i NTS R WAD THIS Wo will pay Agents a salary of ;$10-0 per awn i;,'x and t3xp011s09, or allow a la rel 0003t1x18si043 to soli our new and wonderful inventions. Wenteara what WO say; Sample free A ((tress, IVO: iS AN & 00., Her ball, Mich. fRT E F ALLAiJ1)IN'L33i1 TRADE.. V. t$OLi•tho;tt cg‘ 02)1 TA111,Uttz, tutu' c1d,41'pt[1.;1tS, Take .pleasure to lr forum 111 inlltabituntt of Exot4r• add surrounding country, that they have jtitt Ope,ledout an eauoilontasaortmentof Tweeds, Ooalinye, Veoti?t1/s6(0., le the l'%toat 31yles and 4atter31,and 18e1 assur 431 thatintueln atter ofolot ti,lg, they can snit thct mostfastidioustasto3. DO NOT READ AI) T. IS. suing received a lot of new mcachinery,1 would inform the farmers of the ani. rounding cou.,tr;• that I am prepared to lnallt;- facture alt kiuds of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaitlhs, ittc, and having s6eure3 the sel•vioes of a first-class Turner,11 am prepared to do ALL KILv1)i1 OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and pride I defy oompoti;tion. Always on hand a firsa- e'ass stool: of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill *half a mile south of Exeter. 1. C l' i' - i f Tiff. ENGINES AND BOILERS'. From r to 13 Hersc Power, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Euttrr and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse power. 1,est and ripest hn the .market. Send for circular and price Iist. John Doty. Esplanade Street. TORe>NTO• anet. 3 OU LOS 1 '1II3>, or --NSE 0}", 1 all .1.1.:-'11. OR SMELL ? 1i so, it may be fro:ra ane 1,11.1M81- of the 111th Century, (1.Td1111.'S. TIE: ('o'r. TXTCT1OISAL ('ATAn1tn IZit11'IDY will restolt' 431110 ': jOyabie h intall, ituot Only enr'ea Cts• tart ll, but, nil other diseases at the salute time. Pxia:e ,t ).or ,•,ttle. rot sate by all druggists and Medicine dealers plata stamp for 46 pogo pum- p .3et con tabling treatise on Catarrh) and eurtiO- .t'8 of the ennui to T. I. li, HA,RDINTt4, D..xniv 0 gent, Ertteltville,t)"t. CONSTITUTIONAL OATA EMI REMEDY. Theo •iy certain, safe, and effectual cure tar Cana rrh, builds tip the -)Sudor and pros all other discuses atthc statue time. Asthma, Rt se Cold, Hay it ever, Nevous i„tobilfty, all leave t.lgether when the Coust,tutnti.0»1 Catarrh Rowed) is t .1143, a, directed Price bl per bottle. Ilor 8%10 by all.*, n:rgtate 33111311ldiOine denim S. ad - 1'1 aS 1:3AL. — BOY. L01108 3)101 Kaye 1 have fount[ notating to give no more OF THE e nant tit )(•lief for shortness of b well or ear with en11thielled toe... Cance 1d. tU u all re- Lana at 't "tl•. t¢�be ,..�1� . .t"+r °a+ i°r•'tl1 '`�1 a 11)etled iu the IDryGoods line. The Grocery Department very Colllplete. An in'pe tion hlvitc „d 7O trouble to show goons ISAAC CARLIi4 G . i t1 l i5 a :Tee tb.m 11 P'-- di il p0 quilut.; a t+oo,1 iuu(ioill0 for cattails Nuel curds, hemi diseases o. the OL.oat au.1111311s. For Kale • at Central Drag Store, H;xat r, at 25 cents per bottle. 11'ur all proposes of a fa 1lily medicine Hi.G- rarus Y3t,1.uw 0II, vc3i b' touuct incai.lauid. 13lne.linte ridiei will follow i:s usl. It re- tie' es pain, althea chilblains, fees blies, +11,31.01, burns, 0011 IS. drag:11i3. ism, tloltllhla etc., eke. For internal use It 1. none the less wenderf:11. ouu or two doses fretlatiu•.y cure sore throat. It will c,ire oro.ip lu s fele minutes. A few bottles has oft,al cured asthma. polio has beau cured iu lifte,-u initiates by a teaspoonful dose. It cure.. Whit the utmost ra)udity. It is really a wonderful, altldi0ine. For bale at Oen- Drug Store, Exeter. 1t is no exagge arin,1 tO say that health is a large ingredient iu what the thrid calls talent. a lean without It Ina be a (Gant 111 inns 11103, bat his deeds will ba the dotal- of a dwarf. t1. weak mind in a ',multi franc, is much bolter titan. a giant mind in a crazy consti utiin. Professional and. btu:Amiss men who are always thinking and whose habits are sedentary, $111011 id LISP 41CT01aI,. H1t70PIXOSPiXIT1(4, the great brain and neve rome.dy. For sale at Central Drug Satre, Exeter. To ho tho.'uughly haply, you !mist be well. To be well, in thousands of twos. you should tape the great medicine, which relieves,' regn- latO1 and renovates cli4urdetl•1' syste 131—Vie- TOIIIA 13IICirO tend UVA U134i For Bright's tri )ease of the kidneys, ' elan eves, and a.1 diseases of the urinary system, its tinnily use is very -beneficial. For sale at Central Drug Store, Exeter. I1Ii$T•CLAS6 NEW BUGGY FOR -.3713 Cil EA?. Apply at Trema Office. ti< kw�iai 'Iilltrt ,"-,41411 li'1 1'th 177 rflk 1 1 • l4R'.Ti ±i3aij wdt3.4�a9�raaw •. �� 111', s3'eft •.ti" 7-47+.s+ri+�•'.•xa. r',I� ,1!•.� 1.,1� :c'--.'- : awe, 4 '•M .r sa t i u Lhi r45 1ry �t 3 .0..71 i ' r`l.u ; ��fillItff II I I f " i C (�N�I II •j a4 att- r HE LA]ICES> AND BEST STOCK OF Silverware, Chilly and i)elf ever seen tit the West, at g{�it Le nil W'. d °add r�i'.t. 3atr.T)rewhes just received an 11X081183)t 31(3138 Silver Tea Sett,-, Rutter Cooltra,Double and Singh Pichia,'rtoets, Coke Baskets, Card lieCeivers, oto nluMon 80116,etc.,ofthe l3e'tQus41ruploand Ct11'1• Plato, awl is offering the sallies prices that cul AST)>:1IAIrtt YOU Fob'. tIMAPTiEsT, He hs,s lust opened out a now end complete as aortmeat of China, Glass and Stone -wares. A large stook of Lamps just arrived. (fall lradsatisl3 ourself as to quality and cheapness. Como au.. r3 1ur ill3tru'lil4nts. 3431)530 'Teacher still on ..ud. Se1•vicos at lowest figures. Special ,attention ealledto the 'Raymond O>ewin 0) Z ..chine. (.roans and Pianos unsurpassed fes' cs ee:autf of design, and quality of tone. PELLETS. O w0 ® 0 )IIy 1t,gr menti thorough blood -parleying Proper. tics D I tort (i, ltt,.,l lie^.l rat Dlscovt r• waren all )11u ucr, from tit.• ti orst. Scrofula to a e:....nron 13lnta , Pimple,or .5i-uptloa. Mercurial d1Ecasc, burr 1 i1 Poison., , turd their efrec1.. urn eradicated, and ,lgor.its ir • 1th rod a sound constitution estnh- nslle'1. Erysipelas, kalirh'cc+, Fever Maros ecat-v or Rough 111.13. 113 short, all LIt:•as• s (mead by bua T. loot!, ore ct,n.patrol by this powerful, ptrri eying, anti invittetratin„ met tent'. 1s:•irrotally h 3s it ruanif+atcd Its 3iotenc9in curing Tetter, Ito80 hash, Mae, fearbpnelrp Moro etres, 8croruloun ,antes aria swellinos, W"htto 11w0111308,, Goitre or Thick Nock, awl Enlarged Glands. 1f you feel dull, drowsy, dellittated, have sallow eater or skit, er yellowish -brown spots on face er bcaly, frequ'lat he r1 ehe or 1111ziness, bad taste ire nmtu internal he et er chills alternated 'with 1hot. 1tu•1 c low spirits, matt gleamy foreliotlinm irregular apat cue) toarit, "6.10",yon aro suffering Pro= ;torp(4 liver, c t 1) ,ina•ncca:' In many cases or Cllr c o, splab•t'" t 1.1y part of these symptoms are 07 pt rlent ed. 1•r a 1.131'. • for all such cases, Dr. Ph' (4016) 11 3TrefINII.1)100overy 11118 no coat, as it elute pt rni t 31 rr.•;iral cotta. 1n the care of I.eooelel hi. Severe Coughs, and the early 1311311,et' It 311 Cou ouwgt on, It.has astonished shed the Iu• feat ftgrisran1 tn'lt ut physicians pronounce:^ a1mooted discovery Om are. Whits ))cult411,seraest1cnithcnutles)sWu awl 3',m 'ie 8 the biped , r•ld by druggists. ctint I11, 1131,' IIut�.1, Iia: 31o,nN. Woods Dispenser, E. DREW. JUST RECEIVED AT TILE EXE ER GROC11ERI AND LIQUOR STORE, (� (JAK1+:. 1i0111111iasiollel, Cnxar- AP i .A:tl.• anee. Llama and Loan .tt;ent. Otnce— Gltl~;EN, J PAI' , next. 1001'uostitlavel idotol, Lxattt. Wilsons Rotel, Hemet t, %veryMolltlay. YOUNG ItYSON I)IIIVATJI> FUNDS to loan at 8 per Cont. ✓ t)irrGA.onS 13OUG[IT. L l.tonoy loaned an good NOTES, y(1UNVLY.AN(lINIY - 1)t>1(1s, Mort- ! :4;1,1;.es,:V111s.&r,.trawu Inrtiasonal) leb.iuns THE ONT111vIO 110 aN AN]) SAVINGS CONI PANY,'OF LONDON. JOSEPH 7 "PIM tiY, President. ALEX. JOHNSTON.Vice-Presiclont. A LARGE STOOK OF and BLACK TEAS, Itt11�[NS, CUEilt:ANT'S, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUtr, SA13,DINt S, LOBST 115, SALMON, S,:dl'l Nft !!3.tAll BIL,tNCtI, 1 ' '0 , t _ - , ]' , &t1C1 i Ail) lyir * T,ttIC3. ?'.12.A. r•11C'"fi. GINS. VMS AND SYRUPS, 11.Yi ,,MMAL'T • o�lfcl[",rf�DLrt:�llfol,t,. mlll� iDliT�rit9 L 1 Ontario Loan au 1 Saving. W t nein tr. Cn+,+,1ant° are S(1t7] CCt, IRISH AND TIl C01i?yft)ii FIISI?x*,S, 1308&000$ AND GILIGA]%S, primaeval to 1'9C0i111 clop03its 1' the 13013 , •1f G rind 1t`)'N,res, net' 9 rata of SIX PER 01,NT. per on, Whotesttla and Rote. num, POR fix 1perinns, or Five per cunt, on de '•nand :all in. esthrunt. of this 'company are so' anter) by to.,t•tlt,ag1K a1113n 1 1• state, which affor.ts, to d 1pnsitnrs t'.0 bust ptS3ri110 sOcurity for the safety of 3hoir deposits r'or furter 1,%r't1ONars apply br latter, or at the office of 1114 Coln navy. Jai: 811.813, V3 ,i. b'. 1311LL1:14, Manger. ';r . A. YEA (1 li3 ai.It tStreet,E-&"ural". No use of taking the tore,repulslv",nnnseous8Ll$. Composed of cheap, 33133 30, anti bulky ing,'odients,. The. ePellets ere scarcely lurgerthen an;•tarenew* Being entirety vegetable,,no particular euro is qulredwhile n tog diem. They operatawithout dig turbunee to the t'onstltntion diet. or occupation, 1 or Jaundice, Headache, el''ott>tfpntlone m L'lood, Palo h, the Shoulders, 011181nces of the Oh DIzstncaeq Hour Eructations atom the Stomach, Ps Paste In the 1loutb,1lIloao a'tneliii, Joule in neaten et' Kidneys. Internal Fever, Pleated feeling sham Stomneb, Posh cf Blond to Maze, mite Dr. Pierces Pleasant Purgative Perla•. Lr c:planation of tie roundlet polrtr of these Purgative l'011336 a3', r sr ltetat !holt a,1lonupon nnlmi,l conouyatualho vemul, t attend or Ennio ctenpins their &motive iatprcos.- d; tots not !%:pair )rho properties of tote )(Mites, Th )ate su)F..r-eoatld aur fnclesed to 1.dust•31310) their vlrtuesbeing thc10)7protervedun utp.dradfat any length of tittle, in any alt 71ttc, st that they an always tre•sir and reliable. This is nos the ease wit:1l+±4113 3)113 up In cheap wooden or pasteboard 1103x31 For na diseases where a Luxative, Alta aati,,'t ve,ia Purgative, 18 indlented, those little Pellets 111" 11)0513 p'r43'etSatlEllLOt1011. Sala hydrous -haw dud Invalids' ote), IIuft lo,1,.'Y, olid°d Lt,llrrtsart 1;£3' 8YM chore&-.Preaucnt head, *,k ache,dlat,i.t.rt'ueel 6(31333')1 73013 313' stlnletlules 3.rn,tt e,wakry, Mkt; mucous, purulent, offal:AWL, ei In others, a dryness, dry, war ty, weak, or incanier eyes, stepping up, orOlstrueti0n, of the natal post 5agoe ringing to cors de.1131,68, 31aa,r1 ing acrd a et., in 185 to clear the WI root, ulcer' a t l0ns, sre&a (211331 t.1 .N.. Valu: atten-d nasal twang, oll:enslye breath, 3rmottlec33 or total deprivation or acne, of smell anti t13.; l., amass, mental depression, toss of app.' !t.', h Oro* don, enlarged tonsils, riesling colt a (1 i- n few of those symptoms arc likely to Lt. pre -t is Say aua0 at one time. �, 1 BR. SAGE'S CATARRH ><ilrly Ei'it produces radical con's or the worst caeca of Co tarl b no )natter of how long s"un'ireet Tire I1q l 1 re l3 mos' be' ernulreil or 11'teil applied by tbt 33.x1 nr Lit. P1111(133'81 )oucls•, This h, 3(10 Poly f h 0.' la _xl' mod yet Invented with whit), atrial nos 1c 1: c;umle4 faun c? and- t i lel (311113 411)'),):._, Darin of lite: a to toe* )rased p ss3n(.'3 tol,1 33' (13437 hersnrc,tvll1 (38111111111111111111( glt'nitif (n ,"t r. tors and 331014 'rgnnnr`fay, un) f ar l,, ! tit: la punt,lrrh1l scltar e generally! )'136 ex, is plenam>3 nuc •l'trfiy itmat1111•136() 1f ,313 (13811143616 aroenr anytntt t arh Inttta•ttr-!r^11, 41)) 'J' a •', t r:3' 3-•"111 1(81113111 nor 1,381)111)14)0114 rt '1CoZ,1 'a 6ht tired ")V I. s' u 433.1itr'%111, 1 31.(1(h ))' :.1 4t,.• tilt* 11. a,,6'1t,.lte,te nn afthely „t'e {3 S `t •, ¢{ r t ,n. ,(•n1trh33antit,t'c1,1ls't4)3 gess. 11, i t 1 i .'• .t .. . 1 x2br aanv (3at 1).1...1