HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-5, Page 5FUNT r, 1879 T H E TIMES J it TURNIP S EED, TURNIPSEEJJ. "AR AN' AD FRESH AND N WO Buy Cabbage plants, Tomato Planrecezv�d saily .Su your Turnip Seed where it is vvarrant, ed. Thorne 8c Farmer warrant thews, The Star Grocery still leacts in Teas. A lot of Choice Young Hyson just received. Try it. THOHNE & FARM Bed Sign, 1-4 J lain Street. 1879) � ;P I 'G (1879 THE OLD RELIABLE I-IOUSH At all times, and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money „curer, It is iu the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In palling your attention to my present stock, I do so with every confid„ euco; it being more carefully assortou and selected than that of any previous season. In the Dry Goods Ever y department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked a l•i,•es which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORDERAD CLOTHING still has r1IR. W, IVES at it,.head In Millinery Underthemanagement of Miss McGloghlon,we can snit the most fastidious. Our stock of Groceaes, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Iutonding purchasers will consult their bestinterests by examining mystock before going elsewhere, 3-AiiES PICKARD FACTS! FACTS! FACTS! Leathern McCoubrey Having a full a'ssorted stock of DRY - GOODS and GROCERIES, Are determined to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, -0- ' Call and examine our goods and prices and save money. .Produce taken in exchange. LEATHORN & 1`2' OOUBREY ICs AND TYLE. 11108 sale a largo quantity first•ealss hard 1Vhite Brick at $4 per tofhousand, also TILT1 all sizes. Brick deliversd where required at very reasonable rates. Those wanting a good article of either brick or tile (should call at the subscriber's yard and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Yard, 9th concossio of Pay. Post office address, Sarepta, ALONZO FOSTER. 3t. May 29, '79. 4.; 134 w N USBOI NE AUDITORS' REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1879. SOUTH-IVE5T WARD. 1878. . April 6, Wm. Woods, gravel, $ 3 30 May 5, Wm. Milne, cedar, plank 92 00 June 1, Win. Woods, repairing culvert 70 John Harwood, for ditch 2 00 Tiros Smale, " 1 95 Jonathan Cooper, drain 2 00 Wm. Perkins, chain ` 3 00 Ezra Harris, drain 2 00 Thomas Balmau, culvert 3 00 Thos. Vail, grading 5 69 Wm. Robeson, rail at bridge 14 75 C. Coates, for 2 culverts 1 75 July 6, John Hunter, stone at bridge 6 00 Thos, Vail, stone work and filling bridge 3 S. Hunter, for culvert 3 Thos. Vail grading sideline 15 S. Davis, fix culy and spikes I Patrick Brien, gravel 18 April 3, George Buswell, drain 2 Patrick Brien, gravel 1 Oct. 5, Geo. Powell, bridge 40 Nov. 2, James Walker, gravelling 22 John Hunter, gravel 19 W. Quinton,rep.bridge and cult'. 7 J. Cornish, emb. & stonework 20 Geo. Godbolt, uudcrdrain 2 James Walker, gravel 15 Mrs. E. Anderson, gravel 9 30, Chas. Kidd, repairing culvert 1 Nicholas Sprague, rep. culvert 2 John Hunter, gravelling 17 Fred Luxton, do 35 Charles Kidd, do 20 Dec. 30, George Rook, culvert 2 John Cornish, fixing bridge 2 13. Slade, damage's for gravel 1 •4 Henry Jones, fixing bridge Pratt Fisher, culvert Wm. Woods, gravel Robt. Mitchell, do Henry Jones, do Woods, do John Cornish, do Pratt Fisher, do 1879. Jan, 20, Johnston Smith, gravel 8 85 March 1,W. Worry; lumber for culvert 2'00 .35s. b;aterbro k,, gravel 1 6, 00 c .p $548 98 50 00 00 77 40 00 95 00 75 60 00 00 00 45 00 60 2 54 25 9 32 $328.30 60 00 GENERAL EXPENDITURE. '• 25 00 1878. 442 2 5 March 9, A .t3ishbp, auditor 7 00 NORTH WEST WARD. 1878. May 4, T. J. Wilson, lumber, bridge W. Milne, cedar plank, Jrtno 1, Gavin Moss, gravel Wm. Perkins, drain Ourrolley & Go., nails, G. & J. Brooks, lumber John Kidd, culvert Thos. Vail, grading July 0, W. Westlake, 2 culv,& drains Oct, 6, C. Kidd, underdrain W. Westlake, for draining Nov. 2, John Kidd, bridge 5. & 5. Brooks,lu,nber&plank 30, C. Kidd, gravelling Robt. Anderson, gravelling John Allison, do Alex. McDonald, do henry Perkins, culverts W. Westlake, repairing culvert Dec, 30, John Tucker, gravelling 1'. Fisher, gravelling R. Vail, for 3 chains J Kidd, bridge and rep. culvert R Anderson, culvert G Sinallacombe,app to bridge G & J Brooks, lumber Wm Oke, grading &gravelling John McDonald, gravel James Moir, gravel D. Millar, do Robt Cam, do W Bell, do Gavin Ross, do Thos Cudmore, do Thos Nairn, do 33 56 22 13 3 1 75 16 60 4 50 6 69 15 75 2 00 7 50 42 60 24 26 20 00 10 00 40 00 52 50 1 50 1 00 60 00 10 00 7 00 7 50 3 00 7 00 18 61 11 60 3 00 12 40 6 60 10 00 2 10 7 08 9 45 8 55 1879. Jan. 20, James Garland, gravelling 21 00 Wm Oke, do 8 50 D Remick, repairing bridge 4 00 John Ryckman, for bridge 11 25 J Johns, draining and ditch 3 50 $519 05 NORTH-EAST WARD. 1478. May 4, Wm Milne, cedar plank 22 00 June 1, John Kidd, bridge on T road 36 00 July 6, John Francis, repairing culvert 1 76 W Earl, gravelling cons 8 & 9 2 00 W Poland, grading 5 70 Baker & Co., lumber for bridge 4 14 James Sills, for lumber 3 68 S McCurdy, nails for bridge 32 A Duncan, stone & plank 30 00 Oct. 3, John Kay, finishing bridge 5 00 Nov. 2, John Kidd, bridging culvert 47 50 J Poland, bridging ancieulvert 10 00 W Brown, gravelling 10 00 Joseph Armstrong, rep. scraper 6 25 Alex McKenzie, ditch 8 00 Mrs E Andrews, gravel 4 00 Jacob Betz, lumber 10 12 Richard Anderson, gravelling 10 00 W Poland, grading 5 70 Anthony Allen, stone 22 50 Archibald Hogart, grading 10 00 John Bentley, grading 10 00 Mark Ellerington, culvert 4 00 Nov. 30, T Cameron, cult'.&underdrain 9 50 T Ellerington do do • 2 00 R Alexander, rep. ap. to bridge 1 60 A McCurdy, do do 3 00 C Coates, building bridge 45 00 W Werry, material for bridge 43 85 A Allen, 2 loads stoneforbridge 2 00 T McLaughlin, stone work for bridge 30 00 Jarues Guillett, gravelling 50 00 D McGinnis, gravelling 25 00 Robt Gardner, do 50 00 Robt Gardner, sr., do 5 00 Geo Hackney, for gravel 2 95 A Duncan, grading& rep. culvert 6 00 G Smallcornb, app. to bridge 7 00 R Anderson, culverts 3 00 S Isaac, for stone 8 00 S McCurdy, bridge • 14 50 Fred Cole, underdrain 2 00 J Huukin, underdrain & bridge 7 00 D Mclunis, grading 5 00 1879. Jan 20, Mar. 1, John Hackney, gravel J Pickard, nails and spikes Joseph Dinniu, gravel 20 00 2 30 8 60 SOUTH-EAST WARD. $621 86 1878. May 4, Abray&Kdwards, culvert plank 5 93 J McCurdy, repairing bridge 50 May5, Wm Milne, cedar planks July 6, W Kirk, gravel S Ford, mending scraper J Larkin, repairing bridge Abray & Edwards, lumber W Brock, culvert 1 75 Oct. 5, Thos Elliott, bridge 25 00 Nov. 2, J Lankin, grading 8s gravelling 40 00 J Sample do do 10 50 T Elliott, grading& culvert 16 00 John Delbridge, gravelling 17 60 10 00 18 25 16 00 15 00 16 00 17 60 15 00 6 53 2 00 1 00 1 25 2 4 •1 4 00 .1`' 00 16 85 22 00 12 39 2 25 16 30 12 40 Thos. Brock, do M Routley, • do John Easterbrook, do James Rowtcliff, grading Henry Morley, do Thos. Clark, gravelling John Copeland, do John McGregor, gravel Nov. 80, Robt Robinson, rep. culvert John Irving, do Benjamin Beavers, ditch George Powell, do Dec. 30, John Eastcrbrook, gravelling W Brock, repairing bridge Israel Harris, making timbor C Switzer, culvert Robert Doutpe, gravel, A Smith, 2 mos. as Treasurer 25 00 3 Stimson, salary, collector '77 75 00 George Lowe, tp librarian 14 00 Apr 6, T'p clerk, attend •.Court Revision, • • mileage, 4tttnmonsep,:&e • • 9 28 J limiter, wood`fot' tp hdtl ' 2 bo J Stinson, uneollectable dog tax 1 00 4, D Kirk, spirit level 6 25 Abray&Edwards, rep, bridge 2 50 P Keefe, ditch on S k 13 1 00 P McGee, culvert on boundary 4 00 T Heywood, service, assessor 65 00 Ed Davis, hauling lumber 8 00 J Crocker, rep. fence and gate 2 25 J Gill, attend. court revision 1 50 July 6, F Hamilton, withdrawing ;,suit 50 00 J Crocker, sundries fo, had 71 Garrow & Meyer, legal advice 2 00 W Bentley, gravelling bound'ry 32 50 Oct, 5, White & Sons, printing 7t N J Clark, jury list Thos Heywood, jury list 3 00 W Balkwill, gravel Lon. road 16 00 Nov. 2, D McInnis, grant plowmatoh'781t 00 N J Clark, insurance on hall 1 2o 3 Kidd, cul.&bridge on bound'ry6t 00 Discount on 2 checks 63 30, Joseph Stevens, ditch on s e b 1J A Fraser, gravelling T R B 10 00 W Westlake, rep.cuiv. on bona. 7 85 S Gunning, culv.on boundary 3 50 L Kirk, rep.bridge on S E B 1 00 3 02 1 .4 10 7 6000 5 60 7 50 c9 00 15 25 10 26 11 25 17 75 47 10 14 30 36 10 6510 3 95 2 26 60 31 50 2 40 12 00 1 39 3 00 6 00 M McTaggart,2 chains & culver 12 00 ( 1379 W Dew, stone culvert SManning, culvert 4 50 t mar. 9, By ea• 11 25 Purrchase 2 debentures Balance outstanding L Hunter, services as Reeve 50 00 Jas Hall, service as Councillor 40 00 D Millar, do clo 40 00 T M Kay, do do 40 00 J Shier, do do 40 00 Nov. 22, Expenses Sept:Court Revision 81 70 Oct. 5, Leonard Hunter, jury list 3 00 Nov. 2, W Hooper, ditch on bouridar y 4 00 1879 j;5B573 SCHOOL TRUSTEE R4ES. • 1878. D. June 1, J Carlisle, remission of taxes Ed Durant, error in dog tax J. Crocker,fence at tp. hall N J Clark, salary as clerk .A. Kirk, grading ou boundary W Martin, gravelling on W B J Iiuxtable, breaking stone " W Balkwill, gravel Lou, road B Slade, gravelling W B J Handford, do J Webber, do ' S Handford do J Godbolt, for gravel W Wood do A McDonald do Robt Cauu, do W Wiseman, do W Kirk, do Thos Tuffts, do S Horn, do Dec. 27, Paid Draft to Goderich 80, T McFarland, for gravel R Delbridge, error in taxes Mrs Crocker, clearing well W Atkinson, drain & culvert Thos Young, sec 0 79 20 A E Hooper, sec? 65 50 Samantha Tibbits, sec 8 47 90 Gilbert A Powell, see 10 44 25 Annie McGowan, sec 12 5 90 Superannuation fund 18 00 11IUNICIPAL EQUIVALENT. 1878. Any T Sutherland, see I W Leigh, see. 2 James Gilfillan, see 8 James G. Jones, sec 4 O Bowerman, sec 6 • Thos Young, sec 6 AE Hooper, sec 7 D WDulniage, see 8 G Powell, sec 10 Richard Morish, sec 12 Superannuation fund 68 10 57 75 62 51 15 44 e0 84 20 68 95 19 55 47 90 1 80 18 00 SUB TREAS. SCHOOL P61,098 UND. 35. 1878 Mar 9, Bal. withheld from sec. 2 July 9, Legislative grant 1879. Sany 20, Municipal Equivalent 654 35 622 522 00 31,05 CON. WATERCOURSE DE. 5 B 1878. Q• AC. Mar. 9, 1879. Mar. 9, Interest on balance 3 42 Jan. 1, Amt.leviodforiut,&snkg.fund 125 43 1879. ^$185 88 Mar. 9, Bal. in bank at 6 oro 57 03 Ca. By int. paid on debentures in favor of L., H. & B. R. Bal. in bank for snkg fund at 6 0/0 68 40 117 48 DEBS. AC, L., H. & B. x186 A8 1878. March, To amt, outstanding as per previous audit San. 20, School See. 10, special grant,60 00 W Frain, bridge 25 00 W Luxton, gravel + 9 20 N. J. Clark, election expense; 41 75 G Lowe, salary, librarian 14 00 W R Meredith, legal advice I 3 00 John Row -cliff, error in tale$ 4 15 March 1,T'p Clerk, postage&stationer( 14 00 John Staddon, dog tax refun 1. 00 W Robinson, fixing bridge 1 75 N J Clark, regist'ring birth :c 11 70 White & Sons, printing 10 30 John Hunter, wood 2 00 T Coates, treasurer, salary ,70 00 Trustees School Sec. No 1 3598 47 447 08 395 70 230 31 451 53 662 00 494 45 240 09 18 04 1 235 36 1 25 02 10 It COUNTY RATE 1878. Cir. Dee. 7, County Rates for 1878 i 3189 52 1879. Jan. 2, 1879 33821 00 30, " 194 44 3,799 05 L., A.&B.B.DEBEN' 187 8. March 9, Bal, on hand at 6 o/o Approp'n to Sinking fun Sept 1, Six months' interest 1.879. Feb. 20, Corp. Exeter, share s'k'g Jan. 1, Interest on $1000 one ye Int. 5th con. watcrcoursc March Rate for int.& sinking fu SPECIAL RATES L.,: Mar. 11, Purchase Debentures and 35, at $500 each Int, from Mar. 1 to 11 Commis. and express el Sept. 1, 6 mos' int. on debenttu 4 to 33 inclusive, and ':36 0 inclusive, value $12,5 s per coupons No. 11, d t Sept 4,204 96 ES. 3375 54 1000 00 11 25 1 50 60 's 68 40 1546 00 3111 19 B.R. 34 31,000 /o 180 s 2 90 1879 March 1,6 mos' int. on debentu .4 to 33 inclusive, and 36 0 inclusive, value 312,5 per coupons No 12, d March, 1879 29, Approp. to sinking fun Balanee on hand 1878. Da. Mar, 1, To amt. on hand from spe- ciel rate ae. $855 05 29, Special rate acct 1000 60 13,500 1,000 12,500 R. R. SINKING FUND AC.13'500 1878. 31855 05 March 1, By investment in 5th eon.. watercourse debeuttir•es $855 05 29, Balance to invest 1000 00 CHARITY. 3,1855 05 1878. April 6, W Smilie, relief 8 E W 5 00 A Carmichael, do N E W 5 00 H C Brown, 5 weeks board W Rook, S W W 10 00 May 4, H Brown, 4 weeks' board for do J Hewitt, relief, 8 W W 6 00 June 1, 'W Smilie, for relief, S E W 7 00 Joseph Hewitt, 8 W W 5 OU H 0 Brown, 4 weeks' board WRook, SWW July 6, A Carmichael, for relief, n e w Aug. 9, Mr, Smilie, for relief, s e w 5 A Carmichael, do n o w 5 Joseph Hewitt, do s ry w 5 Oct. 5, Do do do 5 W Folland, 19 wks board W Rook, e w w 38 W Smilie, for relief, s e w 7 Nov. 30, Joseph Hewitt, do e w w 5 W Foiland, 8 wks board W Rook, s w w 16 W Smilie, relief, e e w 5 Dec 30, A Carmichael, relief, n e w 5 1879. Mar. 1, Joseph Hewitt, do, s w w 10. W Rolland, 13 wks board W Rook, s w w W Smilie, relief, s e w 8 00 8 5 26. 10 3200 • RECEIPTS. 1878. Mar 9, To bal. on hand front last audit $788 813 Ap127, T Gidley, J P., fine 1 May 17, W Ballantyne, bal lio. fund 77 26 47 June 17, Co. Treas., back taxes July 15, W Ballantyne, licence fund Oct. 5, Clergy reserve Nov 30, D lurk, J P, fine Dec 7, Boundary appropriation 1879. Mar, 29, Amt on roll, except 5th eon. watercourse, $125.43, and railway fund, 31,546 11,399 82 74 46- 129 04 45 22 1 189 52 312655 42 DISBURSES TS.. 1879" • 375 00 Mar 29, By expenditure in s w w $648 98 " N W 519'05 " . N E, W 621 86 " S E W 328 30 General expenditure 1535 73 Charity 200 County rates 4204 96 School trustee rates 3798 05 Bal. for local expenditure 898 49 312655 42 We the undersigned Auditors for the Town; ship of 'Ueborne, hereby certify that wo hat carefully examined the books of the Tressuror of said Township' up to llfarch 29,.1879, and find ;the eaine to be •correct, Vouchers for 'all expenditure having been produced. Tamils minim,) iamb 29, len dohti tlGt► np, Auditors. t • 375 1,000 856 49 $81111 19 LEGISLATIVE G T. 1878 • , Mar. 16,.S. Martin, for school s Jtily, ' A C'Sutherland, see. 1 Steven Martin, see 2 • 3ohr5 Robinson, see. 3 'J'�•4'G Jonea, sea. 4 Brown, sec 5, 054 85 65 15 51 85 '50 t4 26