HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-5, Page 3Jux.. .1579
Elia SCANDAL IN WU1Cii A ST, an Sea, accidentally bents knocked off
TEIO41AS ULB' P1UURLi"S. a toputeet hito the pea, s diettauco of
108 feet. After that, in Milwaultse, he
was accidentally thrown from a vessel's
toast, 62 feet. Not being seriously in-
jered its these falls, he jutnped from
T•,lelo, Hay 27.—One of the most
II'ellltark,able twee ever enuring in
'i1'olelto, Hiss ended i e the Probates Court
in a habeas ('eeplts notion. About a year the Watson Oh. Elevator, 1iilwau-
•ago it watt mute, ad boat a nt.bby young
fellow named Nei Wyck wttelirt trouble
with a girl of all.•gett (easy virtue, who
went by the to uttt of Sarah B"awn,
uteloulttediv a tictitious name. Atter a
little while Otero 'vas the estt)nittlillg gara Fulls, 142 feat, its 1829 Pet r in
story in cireuestioe that Sallie bead intends to repeat hie leap at an early
brought frit t1► Iso heir to the Wyck pat- date.
eitrttely, alihott:h Hot protested by any
kee, a distauou of 92 feet, turtling twice
over in his descant, ,tad that was hie
last jump till his jump to -day. There
is no jump recorded to exceed this.
The next is SAID Pat.oll'H juiup at Nin•
lllttruittee. Mill Mims Betwit seethed to
regaid the eblieeti •IIIc •,f the father to
provide f n• the child las very clear, and
asew.rdinitly it:f•'rnted him he ,oust do
so. Wyck, lioaeter, seemed to thittlt
he Ootid to .knew es 'toned Cheat the
merits of the o,l,xe tab did Miss Brown,
and heisted to his trickle that lee was
)Int the f:Lthnr of the child. TllereupOt1
111tH. 13rowit entered ;flit, when VTyelea
!)refuter, to keep the sesonlal irohu (tent-
ing out, told hi.. brother the tjoiI.4e WAS
plain:\ itgailtst bun !hid he need, ['ay
up; so be lulled, nl,d fur a year hes
beets contributing money regularly to
the child's support.
A few otter ago IL young lady Palling
herself Lina Rivers artited hero from
St. Thomas, Camille, aud k•etllg ti the
Fleets wlett (e rue child Wits kspt astoun-
ded eeveryb e(iv by claiming the babe
and tiennn' cilli its 1•L•eteuried paretltege
as it fraud. lite matter meted in a
itab,4as Per, feta yeast , Whorl the f flowing
fuses V,•rle thrited in testimony. 1411ss
Ricers testified that, llavi:tg 'Mien into
Ynnng men going to farming,or old
for that wetter, tltiu ting oil the sa'llel
road might as (tell understand at duct
that a suco'ts,1al paper, a s11eces8fnl
me1'ollaut, or t1 M1000881111 farmer, is
never elide to order. Rarely, indeed
has ally cele made ntoney in the exact
way he expected to make it. There ulity
be the ge, eral plan and this fluty bre
carried out pretty nearly as 'uappitd ;
but t e filling in, the detail, °ernes
after. The oue whn succeeds, as a
general tiling, is the ono who has
the knack of seizing 0.11 dream
stances quickly as they ari 0, and
turning them to (rood advantage.
The most of these successful farmers,
ton, are those who fixed tttt•lnselve-
tolerabl,y cleat• to nue place. They may
not have listed with ,he jn(i:,'went in
locating themselves ; but, instead of
tr'y'ing to in -mil this error undertook
to mak., the beet of it. It is altnust
tui it'i)rtutte itt her o's11 glee.., she soueht { iinpotsiblte fur at y titan, let Hina b,•
e ecltirtioll it, the i\ i tyg-111•hn-leital at the ever 1,o €•xt't'fietteet•1 r1 fetrlller, to tell
toasty Itifirtn=tl•y. On 1114 21st. of kitty at onset o het his ground is blest fitted
Iter Chilli, toe one itt disport,* oar. b.it0, for under an exlleri• nese of two or three
tale de-Clit•iii'„r 1111 11,0 Ci'cutn4tences years ; but %%bele once that knowledge
(w1i.iih iters .nt ( b ,ru.td by (1, ihpeett'tlt is gaiter d. 110 cern 11n01 this more and
te=titu Ity). Line ,:titin, that bunt that snare et y year; and it is these special
time illi•s lar o e, tilt (1 (t' • t)ltitO'tllt to superior productions which tell.
tilt' Chilli, a!'ltt'al't:(i tat tilt= institution in till this, what it ftll'tllet• is going to get
quest t ::u il.rani chill, els cart, said, for Itis crops is of 118 11111011 importance
fol' a ,opt got., as ler i.nsbtt (1, to hitt- to him as tliP (lenity of the st it 1.0 brine,
cher, wautt•d her tet lancers la cltilil. them to pl'(efiCtitetl ; and this nisi het
bhe founds nee es\Iy Imre, 1117(1 t.t•It it kilo eledg, is elm) a tiring of growth,
Ito 't3, bet 1011r14.0, t.ttiviltiit it vv"Iil1tint which one can rarely tell to another.
do, its its hair tc it+ black 1111(1 her hits
startlers ,tes Ii"lit. (Wye!: bits light
inst..) !'hen lneec'li'tii ty sft4t• her
a:llild tvtoe but it, Ills, i.a, ite; obtained it
and leek It allay. Another ,;lo,ess
detailed the vitettke tel c•eltfi etvt-tit of
Mimi 1..'ov. a which tet,:ed 1,011;0 two
hours, elle tali 1, ,t 11 •u 'leek wne tuttt liU11Ot3.
ter-teee:onto 4lnd bee fel 4-L44,4 but
ref(t8,i to do se. .hies II, own dill riot.
appear, ft ari.•g nre est fur pre jolty in
tabo ac i it.. The child Ras restored to
)li-t llivele.
In brief, the successful farmer is the one
who 'thou s low to flee) his way. To
such 1111 .11,o it is itlinost Impossible to
tell whit' lilt tlt••ntd grow. Hp rnu-t
begiu carefully alto find ant for himself.
Nie.. nee k t:lt(, Nee 21. --At i 40 p.
?rl. tan -till} klat11)ott P. I')tt' t)tt:dt I)is
trent'', d •tl• t. let fl•• tt: l t hew it -pen.
it B !thee, l+ilagn,t'it Fall:, 11,141 ili(e
ricer lt• Peltttt, a (31.1 pi ce tit 192 feta.
A •c:ttl'otti 1 nr fleet i t:g ht'tl been
erect, tl 7.1')!,'" ' 1)11+ Celts f'• (11- I it(' lit ttl}'e,
pr, j, 1iil g . VI-' 11. `1'itet(' sir le lelnitl
3.,eti1 s1 t:trtt(•ts 004tlit 11(1 aiot,n;both
:ills» of ,lir` het k 01111 t•i, 1 110 bridge.
1)tf•r ctt,tte t', ro.ied bareheaded and
In'• !tilt.+(? 111 t t tt fol 111. I1' \\'set dressed
with st:•i 1:1(' inlit•i•to stock-
ings. li ,title r)ebbit !ife.p:estever of
his own Coe Pt ruction, was faRtem-41
around tri, \t'ILi.t. reaching fr.'nl
hips 1111 I./navy his armpit a, fn thiel
t" ittt tot 118 velocity
O1' itup'•d'• iii•+ atti •118 Zirr the water. A
epott1t' wee 11 ti ever his 111'nth tui
110sr, nl)d 1w%, smaller (tors stuff d in
Itis ea, s. 23. ft,.ttlti'r rh••ult?et• >;u,4tl'-tld-
.er Rich two sin:elf bras, rings wttq ttt-
tachad just over the shoal;ltrs. *Fast -
cried to these Was w fine brass wire,
coiled on a r 1'e!•, ttttsi It hint ill
keeling hi:= (gttHill! 111,0. (i,'(n,i! g his
legs. he u(lje-ttd a wide eet.tie b.tod
jeer, hill's( the !owe., end another
across itt- ltt-110;'s, to kep his fret froth
Fltrrt:t'ifttl;, 'Wiest 1111 was ready he )et
himself tin onglt 'a square stole in. the
7tlttf 41.11, su,{ended by his two bends.
He let go his held ttiol made his fearf'tl
drop, occupying titrtt.• s00 t1,d+s n td
three qua tory, 1►e test las bre waittht
would take him, the wirer not ,in the
len et 4rttinruu hien. Three boats were
on tie river, 1(0,(iltll itIte epectrs upon
the water from the btilsto, waiting to
pick hint np. Oslo was manned by
(Conroy, the gelid!', alto it wtts lir Ivhn
!lest reached hill) and c •hveyed flim
safely and uninjured to ttltore. Ii) in•
torviewieg ht'n +11'trr iris feat, itO r
110 felt 110 fear. A.ftt'r striking the .. a'
ter Ire stent( tet111) eleven feet, whet] the
111)Iler Ctlt'I'Pllt in the 1 r threw hint
on hi•t back and o;tiried kiln snino 50
feet, wheat he rose to thesurfrlo3,brieg
node" water ti' n st•'Li••,1',Is. Ile ie 34
yeni's of tago, se-eh/11,41.0 !mends. is five
Leet. ten inches high, slim build, pleas-.
Ant appeertulce, but has determination
in tris C011111L01011100. tTo 1.+ Initrrilti,
and has alae chilli: Ile w s born in
the NnhOrl)t of Hamilton. His father
is a renssittn, And bis another an 'Ir
ishwonl:tn. Ha resides nt T.eeterviile
County Nnrfn111, 0'it. lie got bis fist+
Wes of jumping ivbetl a sailor, f rtve
years ago ohia summer, in the Uarlibe-
E 'IE$
A.. IL
has just received a large stock of
Bt'atcitles; t `cocks, Jewellery, r'to-
ll ib litriew•,4, ;4efl8'.'lactes, Lail
Bead Gents' Poce't ltoeI 8.
A large stook of Fancy Goods con-
stantly on 111111(1.
`hos° who intend
purohasing to do so bona
the. mearufaeturor. The
dealer who buys to self
again must 110oeist City
have it profit. We nlaitn
to give the purchasers tllo
boneRt, which cannot tail
to meet the views of the
Grangers, Our esneness
are less than those of city
menu'ticturer8 eonse(1!'eut-
ly we call sell cheaper.
'Atte undersigned wouldi'lforn. the inhabi-
tants of1xoter and vicinity that he has
)'te tool south of las (31aolcelnitbshnp antlhopes
thesame lihel•1i1 patronage that has bean ac
corded to hint Itt the
a nacksMLTU eND WAtttN D.fativG
timewillheectende solute 1.11 1115 newuranchof
cosiness, Ilfs meat wagon winoel] at the resi-
lents of the village t.hreetimeseaol weet,and
011 Insets kept oonstautii )n ,laud at his
buteher shop.
'ilaoksmithing and wagon ulakiugaurried et.
as usual in alt its brut .11 et
Wonderful Discovery.
Tikg moo OF MANKIND.
An Internal & External
It cures It't ensu. tisin and 1\ euralgia awl'tl
l:`i 1s1w1 n,ttt i'•sGtntlt�.— !luny it �vt�•* e•`�tl1
it is Lhc'at11' 'iillt)\tit rnllle(l)' for Roue :(ttll+ln
011 the Anwricau Continent, pruvedby otlt.trs. 'y
As : dun as apt,li.d it gives instant tu:•e to the',
unfcrinu4ttesufforer, It is raps)lvabsorbed,.
1enotrtttt•11 t•) t:le very bone, enters that eircnla
'flu, neutralizing t 11 "ltitoin iitic 1'0isntt" c'r e,
Ic(tl•ttit:g iu the blood, ttli ctki)eln ib from 1 til ' 41
system th!'ougll the aattEal�utl�ts. r n aabscribr r bogs to trnoui ee t he inhabitants of Exeter anti the s rrounding acun-
3, 1
C, & S, GIDla -t
FulLrniture: N an-cifnt::• u e r
Embolus of all the Different
A][rj WOULD,
r 11 call spccialattentfen.
to bur undertaking depart
tt1r}e11t Refuel' is more corn
vete bliau a ver; as ave hese
added overui new designs
1 of ate The beet cofltus,
caskets shrouds and every
uneral requisite at the
lnnestpricek Our new
Hearse is erouonneed by'
ootttpeteut judger! to be'
second to none in the
Soc ties.
Furniture mal Undertaking.
S. FAIRBA111N has on hand at 11t:nsall as large
incl as haudsonee a stock of FURNITURE as can be
nand iu any estabiiehlueut in Huron, all of which he.
laving ptocur,.d a handsort'e hearse, be is prepared
to atitend to UNDERTAIING,
On the Most Reasonable Terms.
In connection with the Undertaking Buh)oss; he n»es the Anti Septic Fluid, which preserves
the holy and destroys all offensive odors, ted prevents coutagiutnt arising from dead bodies. A. cal}
S. .G'i d6s1,a 11.2 r1.,,�r�.MS1 I .
respootfully solicited.
rla.:-IIS I 0 30 �l�l I� �l T
Truth Concerns Yc More Than Counterfeit,
1horofore,read,purchare, and enjoy itsbchitins. When Iamyl manufacture my.own furniture I
nut prepared with ray proal -•hoot that tits eoplo can inspect at any tiluo by culling at my Ware
wows where they will see a superb ,11s ply of
Furniture irAll Its Branches
is tuanntict-trot by 'nv,nit :to 1 Ay eo.t1')ill,4rtistic s, 111, wilt goo•lwortunauship. I der )are not
il,sutiefying the people with a cl:tss or Fu ]sore that cannot le. t:ivallel fur qualify or price it
1.1s;+tor,ii l biowiapt the contrary, notwithstanding.
Greer of Hain and ('ridley':, Strreet, E-eter.
in ----^--
An old holy, 0Lo was abent to
breathe her 1.t -.t, rIeelved a 0'111 from ! i
111 itegreti ttt,Ce who was iguor trt of
the to ,1ta1 turtles Tito answer sent
down from the clittrober of the (leis:t-
ing ,1,[Y rer wits' tnetn feebly nei(Jtte :
"1Iadeeore.----een(11 her CO1n1rii-
met.ts to 4[ tihttwe ---, but begs to
be excu,,t•d, ttet rhe is engaged iu dy-
Mg 1' ,
A u'g lora been exhibited eith great
CuCCet3, itt It,dittnw, who80 stem ii p:'•r•
feet ly mem it, the hair growing (111 this
!Heidi --at lett t the exhibitor says sit.
and a1137 rtlo who .1 .1 tilts the statement
is welcome ti' [1 ,y $2,000 lar the ptivl
lege of ki.liitg the dots to find out.
'those utt,vstlauer 01(11011 who are
too proud or t to obstinate to retract
any int toper iam.;oage which they
bare admitted to their e• lutn!Is should
profit lex alto example of tilt sditor who
gives notice as fellows : "If any sob•
sseriber fl .•is n titin ie his palter that he
clues not Wee at)d camera agree with, if
Ile will b:iu�g his paper to the office
and l)O1'it oat the offending hue, the
editor will take his sci'bors and cut it 1
out for Bine"
Humorists aro not euCnureged in
f)hilla. \\ 1t tt a paragiutpller gets orf
a juke 011 a sltutt•oytd Etnneror, the al
Ieged hutuolist hat. his pig tail cot off.
'the loos of this hirsute appendage is
bad auuu^h,•bet t\heu they amputate
it without, r'eintying it f mu his head it
[teem -ups painted, 'Ind the 1,alagrtpll
er's propeueiiy for :)king it cured for-
ever. .
"LI wish to eek the court," said a fa-
cetious ltt•vser, who load been called to
thelvltleees sestttt tie answer 111 eel ex -
nett, 'cif I aln C n211'e[trd to come into
this 01180, 11. which 1 have 110 persona)
' interest, and give a legal opinion for
nothing?" "Yes, yes, cetrt,tl'•ly," re'
plied the mild lathered judge ; gist.) it
for w hitt it is worth."
AI1.lti:lit t ilo. bust of it is a good rule
for everybody. "What ill 1,119 platter ? '
eskt!d u. Itawyter of 1118 (Slidell Mtn. “The
horsed are tnttltilig'ae51ty, sir." "Om
you not :doll tht�tu op'1'', 'II and afraid
not," "Tutee," will tl.e.lewyer, after
j!1dicial delay, ('run into something
t` n eccarrtrie ittdivi(lne1, bei'lg par-
ticular abuuii his now tntrtiiter; is said
to have prayed aloud, at a meeting of
the kirk elders, "!lend tie not 1111 01,1
i1Ja(1 111 hilt dntat.te, ocr n yoll!lg Mall in
his goeltllg'hood, brit a man with all the
rat)dertl 1111pr0V0111011ta,
®`f OTlC1 ,--The Oe1u toil of the (Unr-
aI Poration of tiro County n( Baron will meet
in,the Cort Hoose in thn town of 0bdarleli on
Nlolt,ay, lOtlt of June next, 1'11x:Ia ADS t1t U ,
County Clerlt
Owleriell, ttfay A, 1670,,
Tooth •che 'Earache, Headache, Neuralit:ty
It tstunntiem Hpritirs.1,vclliul to 1,
Burn!, 1:uts, Braises, Pain in Silo, Pail' ]11
B lck,1'ain in r 11,s e., Pain in shouidee
Colds,Frt.tt hires, chit l.,in t, liar hooa,Uys-
entery. 51un111er ('ou1 plail,t, &c., ,ho.
It \\i11 cure t,le most LT:nixing pain, inter'
nal or este 2141, ill 011e Matt i tOf tits!! . ]'octtet
your projndiee anal give it a t1i1d ; t.•,+ !LL Y •, •L
111(+111(5 small LLu1 %calor: yet ta1111 Talo grey t
sect et of its saet.•ess with all o1041as is owing
tile fact it is safe null It,1•ltiles., pleas.ti
t,tn ttike, itl,'(,tl (118(1.41)1 �'ILAN, :LIet 111411 be ttio,lit`d
fii:ul a +visas range r+1' 1148.4se in revery dray lira,
t�with gel +.t•'r snonea;• Hutu Lily preperltiol
j wuioh ran, -arch skill and "Wet:heel Science"_
h)L5 vet' pr•uluocd.
t:= a ttreef !f its eretut power nter diloos+k,
,�y' any person, 1141 111'1 tier lti' iL l:l:t}• b:+, iC ielt,• f`
'or Pour, (the rr Young, 11110 is sn?teri11 i (r, ni r°e
troy o(tht tt:,ovc 11atued 11 111 u] (2128111814
(will cull at t11e OSlia il�`l rant", any el:, y ot
1tthe \week, w111 get prLLutittal 7r0of "Fr041 ,f�t,
cluu-r;e," of its magical power over prim 1u. no .k
'�ei� Te timouiatstr.tuallpare.:ofti+e Dunlnitonrt
Cl;tr,1 c lista. tic o. ilei. t.' IIt;$Ll, giving oxltres-,
, i ion to th•' most yl Ute(:t] gratitude fu as ft
tlul.udegcures which it liaa performed anal'.
\vo would be oien.x(,1 to receive teatol3 2!121111,,
1(lflo-11 alt others whir n e it euccessfoll n.
I'uysicinns of tips highest r.seeotltblllt, ve
' eotrancud it LLA a Illte t n scat;t:td "1.uucstie
iyrnnlely" for fico relief of pain in cases 0f altd•,
tun etuergsncy _
Carry it lu yniir hri0ine, ntid it will Prat u all
bleasiet) to y0l1, 4 4)11(1v 1411d atllictel3twade. ,i
gl 1)ruOgitt u t sailing enormous gti:uitltles of
`it 1 •drew In troiluced. '
-I oi'iwlriutire 41io"ev ,rld..., 1n``pr%iln%..... .'Dive.•... 'et
- Th' Tralaanetplte-1-1 ehrenlltthe W.telti8'tle.A,
Drug Mid Pat,nt 11odiclue Houses of illoutre-1
. al, 1'•tr ate, II 111t11t.rn:Luel London.
�Trice25Cents 19er Bolus?
Sold. by all Enterprising Druggists. 3
Sept.13.,1y. ?.
vscar/ 'E£1, &141ace"�--- aKrcRl er>r �te�'* IZaaL 's
� 4
�� �.i� 11'1 � p 1�`„i �°�' � � y��
T d i ii9ri L!� '1[3 t.im 1
it ses .3�w�,v '
i �\+,s' '� tfiv
tL' tib
Ear•+ e'' ..
•'�Q coos) not eitect the ow prtoos at wh"i�ch'.
R. & tin . 13.I�si IS eT`teli'
are offering their stock of
TIN',Vr11tE, STOVES. Etc.,
at -
Exeter Hensall
try, that he 12118 a .' lied a TO', sues 10VIi DEPOT in the store nearly o rp(esitt ;lir. (I.
A.'Satestiroccryand Liquor store, Me street. F::ete1,where he is p.epeiedto fill al; ordo.s
Gook, parlorand other Stoves
At Maufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than t cheapest, and wads; up by practicll
worku on the premises.
lave-Tronghing.done to order, ' rice(' Plating- a Sweeny- Coal oil Chimneys, the;
vereiist ant! none Cheaper.
Intending purchasers will alwa . nd nt.• as 711 pos , reach to attend tt, ray own business
and prepared at all tiler's to treat ca tilers courteously and supply them with a good and
cheap aeric e. Depend upon it thuwiere can you got better value far your moues
The vary higae,t price]
Exeter P 0, Octo'ver 15 1877.
whieli consists of ati the latest and unproved
styles 01 ltitrtllctt, Cloak. and Parlor stov0sialtIk
011tH, pans, and !!alis of the Most approved.
ps,tto)n,aad everything 121 tho line ; Also, ti
oodso.locttor of handsome
l'�il fi troughing
as usual, receives eroryattention, and
at the lowest figures. mop
'Raving opened onto, bran(sb establishment
at Ramat!, our Meilen vl that neighborhood
eau be stipp1i9G ou Cis shortest notice,
ash peid for Hides and Shiwp skins,
It Will ay you to call at
eta' n. t' s 7 L o c m 9
For your Dry roods, Groceries, Etc.
Everything recbed to suit the hard. times.
,l t4
ti TI T.01_, L1 PRICKS.
Be sure an. call before buying.
Suits to or r startling figures.
Founders, E ineers and Machinists.
Alidalin> rifiers of improved kinds,
Agric u.lu 1 IMpierrleritS
Potash ales, Scheel seats, be,
Iron anti :4r• -its Castings to order,
For aale obo tp---13000 heed Boilers and Engines, Stave end
Shingle and Heading tataohiu
Repair's on Boilers, Eu s, Rliills, Steepromptlyetteuded to.
GoD,GRIO± 1ot1V r and MAIIITVACTURIlitx . Co.
DERICli, Ont.