The Exeter Times, 1879-6-5, Page 2» TTIMES INDIAN THAPPEUS, 1111DSON'S About& the lst of November, when the animals have got their winter Ontitti an for is " in season," the Italian trap', er lays But his trapping walk for the winter, niourOvhioli ha places a line of traps frotn ten to fifteen miles in length. Ouoe or twice a wee lt he makes the round of this walk, and :gathers enoli flues as may be caught, 11Ioet of the Auer furs are taken iv means of the wooden deed -fell, and bleel traps O ions sizee, the larger fur bearing ant - mals being either shot, caught in snares at killed by the poisoned bait, Toward the latter eud of March the Indian trappers leave their limiting grounds and aiake a journey to tee forts with the produce) of their winter's toil. :Here they oome, tativing through the forest, a mLtley. throng, The breves march in from, too proud and lazy to oarry anything but their gnus, arid not ittwaye doing even (Alit. After them come the squawe, bending under loads, driving dogs, or lieulhaz hand dials laden oitu meat, furs, tanned deee.skins, and infante. The uppy c'b g and inevitable baby never fail in Indian lodge or prooeseion, rhe cheer - int spectacle of the two packtd together tiPOn tue back of a women is of no in- frequent ocourrence. Day after day the inoogiel party journeys on tudil the fort is reached Then c tines the trade. The trader separates the furs into lots, placing the stendaril val a. tion upon each. Then be adds the atnoutits toeether, and informs the trapper thet he has got sixty tir seventy " skim)." A.t tho sante time he hen& hie en tomer sixty or seventy 'Mk bits W1)1111, 1.1n that the latter ineyko w, by resuming these it) payment fur the goeds for whieh be really barters his fnre, just how fit-tt hie fn .114 decreese. The &at eet ef the Tishah is to cancel the debt contracted f r advenoes at the beginning of the eeason ; then he links ronod upon the bales of cloth, blankete, et0., ft•id after a long while ooncludes to have a eniall whit- caprate for his tatting hey. The price 1,g I Old hiM, and he hands back ten of histiti 111 pivoes uf aotal, then Icedts ab,lut him for Om/lathing else. Everything is carefully exeenieed, and with each pine chase thert is a contest over t e appete ent inequality between the eminent given Beet that received. In the Indi en's minion one Ski1 should pity for one rtoe of mercbandi:.e, no metier whetthe value of the letter may be. Axil 11, insiets, too, upon solectine the ski The stp.i yard aml ance are hi, empeciel objects ef di dike. He d •es not know what medicine thee is. That his tea and sugar shquid baleticee againet a bit of iron, conveys impression of the relative value,: of peltiees and mercheudiee to Min. He insists npim making the balance swing eves hrtiB.0 the tredoe's goods ad his own firs, until a new iI lit is th,w1 noon the question ef steeiyerds eid scelee by the aoceptalice of his propeeition. Then, edloti ilo finds hi tine find Warmed against heavy Wan - !cote, be Concludee to abide by the old merlin.' of lettiiver the white trader de. eide NI, weight in his ovn way ; for it is (deer that the steelyard is a very real •medicine, whith no brave esti un. ders,and. When the trapper lies spent all his little ',hive of wood, and asks for fur. ih lva1e, he is all owed to law env reasonable multi t ; for, contra.'y to the rete it1 civitizel life, a deb; 14 seld IL 1-st save bv the death of an In.! ly chaege 1114 Place I abode hundreds of miles, hitt still has old,: a (1 artosny's grist at W111011 to trade. Tho 0 tinperly haft always been . good friend to him and his, and he par.= when he can. Ho k 0 WS when he liquidates his old debt he owl centract a new one just, AA hitt,. No attempt Wi14 vor made to cheat him, end there never will b3. When he isi11, he goes to the nearest brt. Auld is carerl f and .attendel turil he recovers. When he does bis duty well he tr,Pte a prent, and he never performs env labor with- oet teceiving fair compensation. Snot) liftmen° treatment strongly binds the Indian and half. breeil to the Company. ART OF SWIMMING. Men are drowned by raising their sr:us-above the water, the weight of - which depresses the head. • Other anlinnIs hrve neither motion .nor ability to sot in a similar tuttnitar, and inerefore swim neturally. When it men fall- into deep water he will rime bo the miriade, end will remain there if he does not elevate his hands. If he MO 178R his hands. under .the water in to 'way he plettees, his head will rise so high ns to allow Ithn free liberty to breathe atd if he Will use his legs as in the eat of anilliloge- er rather %Ind 13l np etaire—bis shenlders will rise above thew eters so that he may use 1110 10e)a SX.3 W1 It his halide, or use them for ether pttremeee. These plain direr: -anus erferecommentled to the recollec- ton of those who have not learned to :twin) when yoneg, as they may be found highly advantageous in savirg life. THE FA.RIVIER"S D •••.••••••••••• iThat the soil loves to eat se well as tI.owrer, and, ought therefore tobe w ,inured, n going to the bottom of things,and refore to deep ploughing and en. oh of it, Alt the better if it be a s b -soil plough. large crops, which leave land bet. teil then they foetid it, inektng both LI farm aiid the framer rich at once, That every farm shouId own a good Air er, hat the fertilizer 'of any soil is a syit of industry, enterprise and intol- lianco--withnut these, lune, gypsum 51 guano c it; ha of litble use, good faeces, good feria boluses, orchards, and children enough aber the fruit. a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it, cnboard, a clean dairy, and a conscience. at to ask a men's advioe is not stet lug, bat of in oh beeefit. at te keep a place for everything and verythiug in its P111.00 e6VO5 ninny OE et and is pretty sure to lend to goo tools and to keep them in order. Tat Meatless to etnek, like good shel r, iea savieg of fielder. T tt it is a grind thing to keep an eye experiments, and note all gool. and ad. Ti t it is a good thing to grow into farm ig, and not jump into it, 'tiall or farming is summed up lit the I'mure heap nu the farm, got to a el ole LANTING POTATOES. On aultivetor lilies to koow the tweet o of another celtivator, not so inner or imitation tie to compere it itt s own. As can see better in this y how nivenetts may be 111 1de Ilan when lin en leav }es wholly after whet, be reed -4. 11 tin e following ex. -parlance of a largo weak) terower, as detailed in hie Farmer, will have anin t lise d the seed ends, and thee potato in as many pieces as of it will admit, each elect) not than a hen's egg, If there are ac two eyes in a piece, out it. Let them wilt a few deys it in rows three feet apart and fiftein mhos iu the row. 1 this way I() 0 it view Mine t tie est.: cut tel the ei elni111 Irl ore then and p 1 Cill than i have eaely them eemt-yiehi the early rose, and me coie oin eight to ten day)) earlier. In plaii\g 1 plow a straight farrow and clop he potatoes Ind( waon y the tuw rroeie, ath id lot e next furrow , end so dropping in every ve. I then Week the gunned river standing oil the plane. )veetle begin to wain, 1 liar- rvale until the crop is four inches lei. A.Rer that tho enhivator IM ran le e to the rowtied] it is time to lay l. i. se snore marketable potatoes any way I have ever trisd. • the lest two yeare elanted rinont for early is, as I 11 “1 °fiver uert fu ever, te 'When '11 - row et it •••••••ri.•••••••,,M•110.400,....•••• In Aerice prize fig') nig has abso- lutely ) redeewing feaiurss. 12lie ambitif our coesins does not soar beyoudase ball, and they indefinitely prefer eitig in as spider cart behind to 2.40 treer. Even rowitie id polluted and ales; s eatipea, by the black• etierd meant, and that t roue hunijd be sold 5014 to them quite a palmed thing, iinly the poise b.- high ts on41). Afortiothen prize 11414ting, to begin with, big as bitital sport, 10 sure among, them, to become utterly to,btlisot. Titers is 410 elemetet of fiercent in the A uglo-Sitson race, and amengene (treks Of the tnizA race of A.trurans this ferocity has become the Goodly lust of seeing others Nut- ter. 1 horrible exhibition of petlee- tritaniei recently witnessed in the States here men !tett women were goededong the track, to the verge of iaisaiti9aie deem : and now this un- spotikal brutal prize fight fills lie with ;meld intligna.tion. In the in- terest (Air play, Nil sport and man- linese, 1 roteet aeainst these things 418 au wage upon society. Surely if both Gsrumetits were in stemma thee could sue a repetition of snob ^canes ,npo,p3i W11 eitgllnt believe 016,1 in - ed of tlethereaboutti of this fleet!, 1 heve been ubtst.e „.,10,0,0t.„...3.ie Lea, of lde. I. ley ,. fortneliicould not 1.17 00:"/ n.n ,3 .4 never kilt' gu,?:° 0°117-T even if ennn3 not 1)0 , ,aot lenwt1.11-00,410SILVIsia 4110 .1 tit-itit,ition,frow3wiluti710" GEORn a:Lome= knorntwant ov win 14ora lam Worlt: tiroroeSter, U, g. -ootas of all deactiptious, S end for Illustrated catalogue. OATARRH I CATARRH 1 I USE Ti.10 Perfot Sierra' Nevada Smoking Compound, Tlie Only positive ourefor Catarrh yet discovered, eon BALM 1YT C. LUTZ'S etvra tit OBI G STIME. W, L, SMITE, general Agent. Arkena• ant. ly-28 $1 20 0 PrufitlYfilleg2i'llMoiii•Itit:eff3at°"—v 01. oportional re tipple 0) ery, vieek cllitoct ) ition 100 PsIO'01 Vl.:11i)11 ?).54911 dr 40, a.nle0r. ,.&().1t eitd1,1-‘41361. St ri putrefied 13 esettina Olirento cams, with nurse 411)./ Ble., postpaid. Geo. 3., limn eo on, Nassau. Bt.T. (lards, OliroMo, Snowflake, no 4113)10, with name, lee.• Kinkier Co„ Nas- sau, N. Y. AnSnowilike,, etc., or 21 transparent car(1s, with -0.411anie 10o, i. Jones ,t Niniaitu, N. Y,- n.1,1,1111)5, Citron:1o, Gold lioroor, ito., 10c., 01 20 13‘,/latou thirds, 1.00 ,J. ligaT11.1), t's assail, N.Y. • --•- Y._ - v. $77a=gtag;tilzungt,',.,;V:be,t1,ti,(1,m,t,t8 t11111444111011M101111111•1111111E4MCIIIISIL=0:311111411111111F1112111111111111111 rieLS L. NTRAL HOTEL, OREDITON ) deicer proprietor. This Hotel has boon newly tarnished auel fitted rip drat -class style. 1,1)750 and (APIs omen i, show liot for 01onanercial rayellere ; be.st of liquor owl olge.rs at tue Bar, Attentive Heaters Mira.) a on nand. 10 21-81.u. W1L 1 it.111 11C11.11 , 13 RANCE' 01? WALite) (IU 1.1. el LA -L 71L14 CON, (8. siViraltTS having purchased Nut ahoy', hotel, anil arts() it througu 1.1t, now of- fers dr 4)- '.4134 apoominpilittiou to travelees, Good liquor and clgt.tra at tau oar, good stabling and attoutiye ttosiler 00 hand. Every attention paid. to guests. matestaterw, LEGA. H. OA 0.1.) , /- tio • &ATTuBNiY At rm, Soliottor, &c. DMus, Eamon's Block Exeter. A COIN G HARDIN G , & W El IT le, ter r.stocueys, S011eitors • Com - shiners, B. It., 0. 7,•utt`O-li.invorl's Loom. Witte) treat, St Arley's. N . I r. ROM°, 10. W. Llano ENG. H.A.L.W311TE r MoDLA.R MID , 13.A., a . .ti iiti.STElt,N3YrlitY, CONVEYANCER LUCAN,ONT. ESS1.18. JONES & 'AIUSORIP LT 6 e rye .1.510.4 Jys-ttb-law, goLIcitore Goa oeury, Otnivoyanoors, (1,144 0)144411(418 iulin. soh:110a 51(0110, St, Marv's 0. 5,1) 5448. W. ) ..• rattan's Mock . Watorst. St Al ..mmorremimws eieeeeeeet----. ational Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND :HARROWS constantly on band nal made so rdsr, M,IVIILLAN & MoBRIDO having no -w greater facilities than ever, are p10' 011') to supply twiner:I with Iron 110310 Plows, teel Mould itoaid, made by orrselyes ; Chili Plows, Snapper make ; gentoll Diamond harrows Onitivatera, (1ang, Views. garricifes and hie:Aims on hand, end made to or - notice. Horsee shod to prevent interfering. parlous k Lao., b.( Torly Millinery Store. 2417.S. (.1. 11. WILLIA1V1,, ja. t.o 01104.1 Olit. rtinsotes Muck with it 1 ,..0. of Apting Gooch* -• BONNKTS AND tiliA PES Of dm latest New York and 'Philadelphia styles, Also a 1151 0t,euirtniont. '1 rhoininifs in all shades:11Kr ,eS,VOtalterii mini tt Lad- les' hate 1) 051) ON mated /still SO cents tic. Veils, falai tias, cuffs, milter took trills. Also n 1 ••',Ii of lit 1 tr." tittotle, lat•nee hats. 110,4 4.1 , • 't lit)04.1 t Iti blie tt st Puiloclolvhits 6417158. \ ..tort••• moot l'aattio's .d Pads Mantles 0101 10) examini st larf.re p ie. 11 ising oleo w 'ire sell fa. 'rices 10 spi t-4 tittioa and dell liberally with the famr.o..ii t hen way of ,tritdo, '14115, O. ti. 61.143, Exeter, April 17, 0870 .N1 t .1 VA Li itleMOVAL1. REMOVe.L! Rt 0 VALI REIM t tVALt MOVA L! . der, 1. civic, shoeing attends -1 to o., the shortest hail remove 70 1,164 .101 shop, lately ocmpiad•by Bro )111.11. AN a 111)13R1DR King St, 1I•nsal/ NEW 51A.OHINE SHOP. Main Eitoning Wish.ea to inform the publio that Ito isabettser • prepared tu repeat all kinds of Sewing Machihos 'Watches Clocks, G-hus, &e., than. any othei' person iu the country, as his charges are moderato, and he giu,ranteaS to give 8atisfae- tiou. MAIM STRUT, BXETER. HAY PUMP wotais. G. BOLTON - PROPRIETOR. Raying added to my pump maohinerv, anti pro - aura 1 larue quantity of 11.st-class pump logs, I am prepared w oiler an argele storo, wh,.re you will du.1 0Vor,rtliing nom tly Ice ir first cl ,a; Ail en ea: 4.41141151i1410( r, a 1 17:11 r 111,0 ty 11,141:0411.1 ati,1 trt •rfo.f. d ef 1`.'S SUlite‘ketelet'D oan Lune .4 tan:due riav stock ooloea ot I whasing elsewhere. Elt If I, A.') 1),Aryril, (3 P A N J. it T Is privet, 14 (t. A V ROW') k 091 LOAD , g at reason:it:1 .4 IC, oat J. &I. CthIL'3 5. TeasTeas' t eas ff , . .• superior to any Faotoi' In the County, and at prices that clay oompetition. Wells and , s 1, , A I t ‘TED ihsterns 011 11(0 shortest notice. Before purchasing oall the Iff,ty Pump Works. (e.se rit.1111)- 1I)'. 1111 coffe3-3 sthvir for s,m,-.4),,qurta mile north of Exeter Lomloaltond. RUN 2. 0 1.'f;t (.1. 1 10100 syri)ps., Pon' )L4 10o. Vitt .g tr. n..1.1. citolp soap. ;rereel • 4., • •<• A• rw,) 0),),i73 ;;;. !lir, 10E. MOM 031. UP WITH Lt. 0 10 — MAIN Street, Ifixot op,stiairs. opposite Central T 111;,5. ET, 'T g.,tal. Sitio uo the ;5;411 --stroet load - um ls. Owl. oh. • .D.M1-'04113-11 1,1)1(1 Eline's slate) store will receive prouti,t attention. 42-1y. L)R. .HU H INelt)leT, l‘leinliel t the t'ollage of Phyaicians and Surgcene of joe., to. 0i11.10 next door to 1. Carliogs, 1\11.1n Shasta 17:x.(1ton. Ht:NuAlA.N.-001:1.(iNE11 FOit the Omni ty Heron.. . 'rhea, next door to r. 1:ar ling's store, e1xoter • W attO WN ENG M. D., 0; . J • P. 4, otttie 'fictortt (Thrvers.ty. Office and ,..4-1ileotoc. Oar:. 100 1.0.1101.0 •*, 111X0401. 4..t0 C. :1100111. .M.1). 0. M. tl '174Clunte of .0011 iT iiyersity, Montreal (Mice And residence, 111:rtetor, Ont. 0'11Oe (ture- en) 10 it. m and 7 to 10 a. 211 • rh.R. J. A. ROLLINS', :\f. (1, 1.), S. Victeria • liediten, Ont onkte hotu from 0 to 10 a. ; be 5 P• LIT t'Z, \I. D.. . 'Iran it his 71 11110(04), Exeter. 1)Pe's). OLT, 12..;;ogle Puvsicians tad sureenin hot., ;Vice Itirktott. —0— E S a • 4 PARTIES INT NDING TO .VIIIIVITASt 5.1 \\A•tc:c...4.... (Suctessom tali!. V. PIERCE,Z ORGANS SHOULD CALL AT • afla Examine his Stock. the Best that are Illiade DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. $50,000.00 .tt (tuition. To 0011111101100 011 Niatiday Deo', 16 1878 of the orrolutitt. 444),, (41)5, ()tat Ian :net I 11 ho. Aut4 1(1111(11 atiptur. Ipiroeett• lirepsy, eut cite WI.' 11140 trot!, Buttemsfolty hy allt0r 11040- kieb, ". 7.Q 0:1 45 DR' it N't 19E411'F. liiir mix ur•qa 17.01 11 royaitriion .It the treato.cat, f•r eurciac ri•siatire.f .71. prorm.ionul exe,edite:A 10,11ify to 101101 1, some years: ago 1101011 ,1 ..rend medical a7,71(1,.111ii to a)s101141'4) 160111- selveq 341111 111 Li, na 11u. nr the eveieie nes luomirr, c,atiillittg Davao' •-)41 11 tqllet• ni. r01,1 with lilt. INVAI.IftS" .71„. ormiaire,•,11101 1111S IN,L11 (.0111.111e, • 1.1,•)) ra a.! ... fla. -11.1 styi, or World'. 311t4.t.11. wiry Meflieal Amovtattlon, 11111, 1114. 101104,11,g 0 .14.1t. Poret•ir, Pa$. r. D. Poor', 1; P..ex. Plartt•If., S, c. Litarnti l'reao. NINE POTS:it:ANA AND slareleyss ,,r eiat- 21e-ra "'' " ' 11,011 V' rti 1 26(.111 (.1)741.4)-mp 111 EA. Est of it 10rais 7011143 '15 1111111 1110 vs) 40.•:- • • .11., Tat .10.1111.11 4. 1.03101 DISEAstrik—Ttlis tlivh-i on or lonelier le very uf•71 by a tem Malan or nuattro yelp - 4111.;, 11,7 qt Throut. Alla 'Lang JJ( - 11" )). wtoi 1,1 • .1 rimers:ea r out te. 11.114EASIOS tan' Plea3. ties r..1,. ll' 4,7,,.17 717r the (1111!lt of thok 01,14.111. 1),011 l• 1. 1101114. - NW:Vitt:6 Dist .AO60.—itr. t.1 Nervnu, Debit- Ity, 114,0.1.7,y roa 1rit.):rituu`s ovAo, ratlfda, :oh) filliga :furious 7.7.,1.•erionv, rocelve, thu uttilthon ,,f :111 ..overt ild sp. • NOT ligO.F.S.S.A.O.T TO NE:111 l'ATIENTS.—By our original SVsitlu of 61 Mt • 1,145 7.1,4. many shrunk) dinat•ss as soon. without ea whit St Toe'sonoleuttseltntion. FlIr port:trident see (1011110011 Medical Acit !err" (105 youses,tiont o'.4 -inti( for 51.5U1 or') 111)1(1114)' end Tourist,' 1.11thitt 13.0i1 "(00n., 10 retne po.1.00,1). SIMaXCAL CASLS.--Autoto; the operations which 11,7%; • lid it 1,4,1 fr. ntly to rarairmoiro those. tor L'ol pas 11..41.111r, Thames, Fiuitiln. 41) Ttittiors, 1.17 17.'01 (Sloan 11 rim Strietrire., . fsniet ini "got lot as a l'itrailro 141," 7011 on rueelpt of 10 eetou.) Address, Wsrla's Elic;ematy Medical latecistios, „ W. D. McOloughlin o3136 ',tuning 440001, London, will OLL (1(0 above date offer his whiolo stock, atuounting to 01E0' Flit; 7-housancl Dollars, at, atiution, mud continue the every day at two o'clool, tho after- noon, aucl at tenon in the eveuit,g during lihe bal. of • ..ccenwer, boon offend to the public at their own prieetti Pis is the largest and best stock that hie 01.V1111 0000 a the month —17)211 the 1610 to the tirst and, ad everybody knows, the goods ere of the best inenufacture and even article s7111 be war - This great licitenhoId A041010E1 ranks amongst tho 101,1111.5 000044 Dries of. We. '2,1ese 10010114 Pills plia,cy tai trot m )st powtrinity yet (0,1 1141 .1y 1) rei revee ste a, 40.1, "tie neys, and 3.)wets, givin tette, energy, an•I vigor to stuPPed the ar0W' "3 )"''' " ' 1. roil or weiticeudd , oy 7)41 larrully efficacious 111 1111 04411011th 11101. prilJoipf • • (101.s01 Ihs ' • and aco tinplices are wed 0.1 •0 genet ,(1 011111y 111 0013 L110, are 1.111)Urpassed knewn,ed should forthwith be 11,7. .re.sted 1 severely punished. We hear Oahe poor etreteli who has jte-st been eoi.ribly unveiled to piecee, was actuellyt out of prison by gitifln- tudneed by golf -Abase, Involuntary Emissions, " . e111n211ts Ierldnefif 14 nemineable,: 4101 139al 23 properties ere10) ((1011114', 14071)148 241483onceifr gt4017 '11,01 the world. Vits; 1n .1 nad Physloal Iimapaoity, 671,- t[41s b13, it is a burning disgrace to 10,ir the ens° n1'l'444,11 logg,bv1 breastS, 71141 wnnnali, I/08.0,11T 3. ouLvEn E., author of 4 1 ' • c the ',Crum I30011 " ranted the Rnlo,(sif hough t in tuo torch way. This is it rare chance to get nue gold and silver watt:mos, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and fancy goods itt your own pripos. Porrinps never again will such 10 sipportunity occur, Secure youeOttristrueis and Yew 11.41141'.3 pv73401318 at Ms sale. 4,41,..1 year ,inciney for kits emotion—and inaSemouoy. W. D. illeGLOUGHLIN, Deudes street. Loudon. :71E1E1 GREAT causg cliP HUMAN ma. way. :1:.••;;AFe.•Just Pubilshed, in a sealed Envelope. 100ee six coats. A lecture on the gate re, Treatment and 387541. 0,11 cure of -loinio al Wratene a, or Aper atorlIces. thsl Itilt."1 tied. Ottli nothing be dame to stop inide from being made liter. ally a eglitte• m tricot for Atneritete Radiant 7 It e0111.1 he beyond cavil s noblelationsl Policy' which would 1) Dr ontoli p.11 tIttit/11 Ot lin1 1311 1)1 ttnlitf We eatl upon public Stilltlindal 47 pport and IV itnalato t lie . . effeetueliv cabbed int t.) n :mak 1)31 chest, al salt into meat, it snow) ',ro fthrOal. nrouellitis,0011410 )101.1s, t even 1.411111 5.. Volt e.; I d 11.-^1- 1111544, A.10•11s11 4, ?it 1 1, le kiln 1 (s. itheninAtis•rt and ovorv.liln.1 of 41g1.1 Disettsn,.it (7144 114707 boort known to fail '12,te Ping 11 (1011111143 it ere 10811. uraeturee only at, 30.101(17011) 8 emetr, teietnoa, And nel 4)11 11 1.l '74 of 81o1117111613 throughout the et vine.) 1 v mid ; cliroOtion.3 nitn,),At o von! l Tho ..vol id eecovoried author in this admirable r,oaturtl, 0117471y proves front hie awn experience that the • 'N11 f 11 1 conooquilacett of Self -Aims.) 0.1213' bo )ifectot Lily reinovoil withatit meal oine,nnil with • ont,Iforto 'tins ourgiaitt otrorttlotio,iyougios,thoftn• eings, oroorael s: pointin; out it niedo of cure itt 01100 certain awl etfectuar, by which ovary 9(1316701',9(1316701',141,matter wh.• 1; his condi tion forty be ty 1711 Maw gear along% pr ivo telY o (1 rad/0110Y. 1.„This Lct eure Wilivrove 11 boon to 1(0138111)1164 al.ct tilotaAtnclo. itogn t.• la Itttritts ,)e 01.'30 111 edieittett ore roria- gen t, tIdor son 1, in a, plain ant-olOyar, to nny , . , ieroveriett, 10 any lOglihttl'Iti 0V1li013 • toyed Att obt•twa, tten,w, ane,,i, in the areas, roeeipt of six cents, or two ecietitee will bet setoo,', topreVePt rine Hail 110i lig Na (ii 451 l'SC0.1 tis 8(1011 a, do.. t3iloor, t lot>it xftrit on the • '18344 !4Y/11.'41. ", stroot1.40..do41, they t1.1'0 8dari0118. PA OA Box d3;86 1110 II ittOP% h ibitj An Poti rhit*017,i,. 11 the flAirneo ie ;Bet 5J, 4 Oxfotql 41 Attu ot.Now York. 13y lut 111111101140 practice ut the World's 8711) 1111') Invaln 1' 1101 •1,11av1n33 trf mud 11 ;7,,4' 1, Sand ens.; of I use dr -lease, pm:1111Sr 10 41,411LV 11:1111 beea n milam1 to v 700 t roost plant 7.141 ,fil- tlys mune ly ltir !hese f .4041•14. To design:art *161111(7 7(111 spcnife, 8 have minfeil it Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptin The unto, bowever, 9 but 11 (ebb) expreosIon or ray high apprerIatiOn ef 11s 7111117, hoatol u( on 44er- tr11181 .tmeetttien. 1 novo. while witnessing' (1 jI t ire rr-olte In the e44)11111 4,1 essre 111r1O, to 10 O 1(015) '4 of wanton. it ..ot ne the eltotex or evened:is (264:14Of 10) modlord eureco.. (h) 1)64 11 posur,,,, tin 1.1•111‘.(1r for . tate an 1 1113 1(4114 ne11, st all times .11 tin ler All alreumrtanoes, act 1- It')) 1 tun a Ming ‘,1•0.41 guy ittpata,i,at aa a 010)413111tort so 1)0(14, 1t 1 that 11 will n (11411111. 'Int the 111441 s1(no)ll • ex- Oretatittne Of a s111;111. 1144. 01.1 111 14who 11, 1 ((1 rpm, or the Worozoi 74 for Whv '11 1 0.1.0t11111.7i 1'. 01 t ot.el• rind sell (4 (4(1 ler A PtiSITI'VE (IIIA),1\T1233. "or 111111 (1,17', sue p 7a7p171 1777111e.) 4'.)) '6.311.' • ,nong thus- rnson..os 1 rh 41)7 revorlir 1,04900.111400 a11 11••11:441 (.(11 ft,. 1... 1hy 11)441 .) v1111"``'41Y11..1.r1i1r' t"tki,'•!1i11,11,170t1,1:1.trola‘,9Px;e;Aiveil;•. 4',) i))) 370, 1''),i 4', vorttkket.. y/11 11..,,1(1 n inLuiral 41, trmieuturot, s, wit(' 1-'tV it. ., i. i !sal, 04 o ou' 1)0101..,S1011, 11 11,ity, Theeatoiat 1 :111),oereenr, (*7041)'COTIP:t. `I 141' flantinfolon foul tflocrution fit the lair, 1 111)17,t, litirrotiness,07 8) 110(7 and 0.111101. No not (1ste) 11111 111, !li••1110 41)1 t. it, Ittit111111Ti7 011(111.4 (41100/10/111 or )4l4)'4104**, 4.,i,4t 11109 fuel perilie in'1• ,1 1t1l1la le 7i1,7•11- I n,K,11.111 1'118.1, 111 d110110111. ( t 1111:1 17..) .1 04:'1,0114.41V1, wilt 11,10 111 111 11114, ',tato or ,,n7111100. '11.14.1e 11110 1111110 111101a.r (1(1 r1)0111.011 (1) 111s• 41108 1014 0112)111 ( L )11 '4421 P1,10111,111); 011100;1 1...1.117441) 141?-i0Aik ;)T1.13it'l 14 1 t'(1 gt."en 14041-37110 211( (114.i.tlii.:1* 1.0 Vt;litillt.$tit';11'1111 'rntiviit'A't1:3;teelt' laloa.111,0 1131411'o rti.cord to thu (1.01 14411131)1 ar Ft4 1144 (1071'. ))'lumbritm Ptkomplotion sold by 14eti&411011. .1. elleati7v,,, Pro(Or, "lorhtt3 1.)1tv...bary hut bweit, 4)7944, fistelat,, 1'