HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-6-5, Page 1Vol. VI.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, June 5, 1879.
3nowtr as the Yodgervlltc hotel, • Immediate
possession, Apply to JP MARSHALL. Exeter,
o0 the Bost bosiuessstauds on Main Street,
Exeter, that largo and eoiunle,lious store lately
occupied by the subscriber, and formerly by Mr.
John l.3rodortclt, (food cellar under part of the
•'taro.I'er particulars apply to JOHN ClIUNNI-
CAY, Exeter,
FARM FOR SALE.—Let 6, leauble
lane, Etophon,50 aeras, 30 acres olearod, 12
t•hoppod, good brick house, good stable, welt
fenced, Land excellent, On lake shorn, 1 of a
mile ftonl Port (.laky, whore boats run throe
times it week, and f of a mile from. Grand Rend,
Convenient toca Icoolandchurches, on(;cod road.
Price, $2,500, terms easy; S19Da:1C DLSJAB,
DIN S, B rews ter p o
J1A1i1't FOR SALE. — LOT 22nd,
cont t -s ion 2nd, Stephen, adjoining the cor-
poration of Exeter ; 1110 aores,00 cloarod,auft all in
grass but' 9) acres. 47 acres seeded in {crass last
Spying, 21 acres of orchard, frame house, a good
well, bricked, with pinup, and a never failing
spring of excellent water, ,2 frame barns, frame
sled with stable, sheep shed &o. It would make
a good dairy f;tv1n. Terms to salt purchaser,
The farm will be routed if not solei.
Apply to W:1I. HA14ILIN, Exeter,
undersigned offers for sale two lots contai:.-
tnt; 1.0 of an acre each, situated 311 ur(1fn street,
:rear the Market, The is a good frame cottage,
routeinin9 seven rooms, neer. Inane stable, good
well, with pump, Allere is a Quantity of young
bearing t'•oo.s on the premises, Por terms apply
to JOHN WASTE, Times Office, Exeter,
subscriber offers for sale two louses and two
lots, once situated alt .lural street, east, in the vil-
laga of Isxeter, and tho other on Simcoe street,
Both houses are nearly new, and oue routs for
six and the other for seven dollars a month, They
will be sold together, or separate, ;mud on moder-
ate terms, For pa tioulsrs, apply to T, J, WILSON
Hensall, or to the !Nuns of ice.,
fifty acres, batng south half of lot G, conces-
sion 20, Stephen, 37 acres cleared, 9 ace's fall
wont in the ground, On the promises there are
a good hewn log house, good frame stable, 20-30,
and a young bearing orchard; also good well,
bricked, 20 feet deep, with pump ; well fenced ;
School and post-othce within a few rotas ; 83 mules
from Parkhill, and on main road from Park-
hill to Grand Bend. rice further particulars ap-
ply on the premises or by letter to (DANIEL
.ttANSOM, Harplei p, o, Fe.),20,
scriber offers for sato his farm, Lot 13 -
Con. 14, Township of 'Osborne County of Huron
60 acres cleared, the temainde good bush, well
fenced, and in a good state of cultivation; under,
drained, good orchard, splendid well 00 water.
frame barn 36x00, log stable 24x36, log house, and
convenient to school and three churches. For
urthorparticulars apply to
WM• BRYANS, Kirkton, P.O., or
MR. B. V. ELLIO T, Attorney, Exeter P.O.
• Anottoneers. Sites promptly attended
ts. Days of sales arranged at this office
L "CLEAR GRIT,' will stand at Oke's hotel
every Monday night during the season
April 24, 1679 tf
JULY last a ono -horse plow was taken
from the premises of toe subscriber. If said plow
is returned forthwith a reward of five dollars will
be given by Josrru Acmtst,x.
�Tf J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
1' •borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, Residence—Farquhar, Orders by
mail promptly attended to.
eitee • Laud Surveyer, .fie., will Lo at the
11 cy al Hotel, Exetor ,on the first Tuesday in each
mouth. Orders for work left mitt Mr. John
Spackman willreceiveprompt attention .
LADIES,—Course of Instruction—English,
French, Maisie (pialo) and fancy work. Terms—
per quarter, $10. inclusive; $8 without music; :66,
music only. First quarter commences 1st May
School—Main at„ Exeter. MISS KlgMr.
the" she appointment of Messrs. Mason &
Hudson,Housu.11, as agents of the Mutual Frio Iu-
snrance Company of the County of Wellington, is
this day cancelled,audMr. JOHN HYNDMAN will
in future act as agent for Exeter and vicinity.
By ordet,
Guelph, December 4th, 1879. 15-tf. Soc: T:eas
Unaffected by Wind or Flood,
Send for Pamphlets with full information
Os to cost, Etc.
Iron and Hardware Merchant,
Minton, May 1, y Clinton
COUNCIL.—T'be Council met on the
26th ult. at the Town Hall, Crediton,
all the members present. Minutes of
fortner meeting were road and signed
after erasing the Reflector's order of
$10. By-law No. 2 was read a third
time and signed. The Council as a
court of Revision made some altera-
tions in the roll, when said Court ad-
journed till June 2. The following
orders were granted : Thomas Winey,
land for road, $106; G. Lewis, land
for rood, $125 ; W. Follis, land for
road, $60.28 ; D. Baird, relief, '$26 ;
R. Adare, ditchiug, $7
The Council met on the 2nd inst.,all
the members preseut. Minutes of
previons meeting 'were road and ap-
proved. Court of Revision to stand
adjourned till 1st July, adjourned ap-
peale to be attendee to on the evening
of Monday, June C'th. Mr. Baker to
see Messrs Marsh and Leatborn re-
garding road privilege, Mr. Hogarth to
see Mr. Beaver retarding gravel pit,
Messrs. Ryan and leatz to arrange in
McGillivray about t gravel it. Mov-
ed by W. Baker, seconded by V. Ratz,
that $50 be expended on the llth con.
south of Crediton .Road, also $50 on
con. 21 north of Boston Corners.–Car•
tied. Mt ved and resolved that by-law
No. 2 be confirmed, also that the Clerk
draft a by-law for school loan for
school section No. 1. The following
orders were granted : 0. Mitchell, cul-
vert 16th con., Vie 11IcKeever, $6 ; A.
Krause, $2,50 ; F. Allen, $1.50 ; 3 -
Brown, $1,50; R. Hamilton, $20; C.
Eilber, lumber, $11,26 ; J. Ironsides,
$19.20 ; R. Fulton,1umber, $10.57 ; A.
Pitchers, $2.50 j J. White, $2 ; J.
Ryan. $6 ; Wm; Hicks, $1,25 ; W.
Yearly, $2: R. Bourke, $3 ; J. Ryan,
$2 ; W. Baker, lumber, $13,60 ; N.
Baker, $2 ; W. dill, $10 ; Mrs. H.
Towle, $2 ; 3. L, wis, $90. The next
regular meeting t tht. Council will be
held on the first Monday in July,
C. PROUTY, Clark.
COUNCIL.—The Council met pursu-
ant to adjournment is the bail, Varna,
on Saturday, the 31st of May, at ten
echo, a. m. Tho members were all
rresent, and made and subscribed the
necessary declaration iu that behalf
provided. There was only one appeal,
that of Mr. Thomas Ward, and owing
to the absence of the assessor,tbe Court
adjourned till the last Saturday in June
at 2 o'clock. After one hours adjourn•
meat the Council met for general busi-
ness. The committee appointed to in
spect the 11 creek. Brownson line re-
ported as follows :--The culvert is rot
ten, and we would recommend a suf3i.-
eient stun to be granted to build a new
one as early as possible thio summer,
and that Messrs. McKinley and Doug.
las attend to the work. Signed, Peter
Douglas, John I1cKinley, James Aiken -
head. A letter read from Mr. Henry
Davis,requeeting that the old toll house
be removed off the road opposite his
lot: Moved by Mr. Aikenhead, second-
ed by:Mr. Castle, that the Reeve notify
Mr. Thomson that the old toll house
must be removed off the road at once.
--Carried. Moved by Mr. McKinley,
seoonded by Mr. Castle, that the sum
of $60 be granted to be expended on
the centre aideroad between the cheese
factory and the Babylon lice, and $20
on the next mile and a quarter west.
also that the mover have power to
spend the principal part of the grant
for the Babylon line on the marsh o l
the sideroad, lots 5 & 6, concession 9.
—Carried. Moved by bar. Aikenhead,
seconded by Mr. Castle, that theReevos
Messrs. Douglas and Ailtenhead, be a
committee to examine the bridge known
as McGill's bridge trod to have the nec-
oessary repairs made as soon as pos-
sible.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Castle,
seconded by Mr. Aikenhead, that the
Reeves be empowered to speud $150 of
the Boundary line fund, provided the
Beeves of (lay epeud the same amount
on the townline of Hay and Stanley.—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Caetle,second-
ed byLMr. Aikenhead,that the boundary
line orders be made payable in Decem-
ber, in the Township 'Treasurer's office.
—Oarried. Moved by Mr. McKinley,
seoonded by Mr. Castle, that no gravel
orders be given uhitil the laet meeting
of the Council foe this year. --Carried.
Moved by Mr. Aikenhead, seconded by
Mr. Douglas, that we grant $15 for
Mr. Murdook's aideroad, $5 west on the
same road, $20 on the aideroad be-
tween lots 25 and 26, and $5 for Gran-
ton sideroaa.--Carrion. Moved by Mr,
Castle, seoonded by Aikenhead, that
the printing account of the Stitt. offios,
$2.25 be paid.—Carried. Moved by
Mr. Douglas, that this Council do now
adjourn to meet ou the last Saturday
in June at 2 o'clock p, m.—Carried.
A Terribleyclone.
A terrible storm of wind and rain
passed over Northern Kansas and
Southern Nebraska on Friday evening.
Ileuses were blown in all directions,
trees torn up by the roots and consider-
able damage done to the crops. It was
most rapid between Blue Rapids and
Centennial stations ani' the branch
railroad. The storm moved in a direo•
tion a little north of east, and passed
into Nebraska through Richardson
county. The town of Irving, ninety
miles from Atohison, Kansas, was near-
ly destroyed. Forty buildings were
destroyed and fifteen persona killed.
Amour/ the buildings blown down are
two churches, one a fine stone building,
a public school, grain elevator, railroad
depot, and the Wedmore Institute. Iu
the neighborhood of Frankfort four or
five farm houses were blown over. At
Centralia several houses were unroofed.'
Harris, a man living iu Iudepeudeuee,
was lifted high up into the air, parried
200 feet, and then dashed to the earth,
while his wife and child were carried
some distance in another direction. At
Independence, a storm -cloud burst,but
came together again alutost instantly
with a terrific crash, bounded from the
earth, and calve down agate near the
dwelling of Mr. Gore, which it passed
through, leaviug the side walls stand-
ing, funnel shaped. The cloud then rose
high in the air, and disappeared in the
north-west. The heaviest rain ever
known iu that section accompanied the
tornado, deluging the country it pas-
sed. A Concordia despatch states that
the storm was (sxtt emely violent iu the
vicinity of Delphos, Ottawa County.
Fifteen dead bodies were brought in
from two square miles of territory. One
.nan trom Beloit was taken up in his
wagon,thrown to the ground agait :and
instantly killed. A woman and a child
were thrown against a wire fence and
killed. Five persons were killed in one
house near Delphos. The citizens of
Atebeson have raised $1,200 for the re-
lief of the sufferers.
Duke of Argle.
The Scythia arrived at New York on
Tuesday afternoon, and among her pas-
sengers were the Duke of Argyle, his
son, Lord Walter Campbell, and his
two daughters, Lady Mary and Lady
Elizabeth Campbell with their attend-
ants. After the ducal party landed
they entered a carriage, which was in
waiting at the dock, and were driven to
the Windsor Hotel. In course of cen-
se s atiun, His Grace remarked that his
stay in the city would not exceed be-
yond to -morrow, when he intended to
take the train for Canada, and while
here he would accept of no hopitalities,
but would remain at nis hotel to re-
cover from confinement on board ship
and efiects of a sea voyage. He is ex-
pected to return to Now York and em•
bark for Europe about the 16th of July.
Determined Suicide.
Friday last a young farmer named
Richard Henry Grant, aged 28 years,
residing about a mile and a half from
Caistorville, Caistor Township, Lin-
coln County, committed suicide by
shooting himself through the right
temple with a revolver. The deceased,
had, on the death of his father, Mr.
Thomas Grant, succeeded to the man-
agement of the farm, a responsibility,
which, it appears, be considered too
great to bear. On Friday morning, in
consequence of the mistake of some
hunters, the "hush" enrrounding his
farm was enveloped in flames, and the
work of fighting those exhausted not
only the physical energies of the de-
ceaeed, but of several others. The
young man had also been paying at-
tention to a young lady in the neigh-
borhood, with whom he had a quarrel.
For all purposes of a family medicine HAo-
mises'YsCrow OIL will be found. invaluable.
Immediate relief will follow its use. It re-
lieves pain, sures chilblains, frostbites, scalds,
burns, corns, rhonrnatisln, neualgia etc' , &c.
For internal use 1t is none the loss wonderful.
One or two doses frequently cure soro throat.
It will euro croup iu s few minutes. A few
bottles has often cured asthma. Colio has
been cured in flfteeu minutes by a teaspoonfnl
dose, It cures with the utmost rapidity. it is
really a wonderful medicine. For sale at Cen-
ral Drug Store, Exeter,
An Extraordinary Eruption; Sarnia.' A Nation in Chains.
One of the most wonderflunatural A St. Petersburg letter says the state -
phenomena ever wltnesped Tas seen by ments abroad concerning the situation
a large crowd of people Welnesday af-
are exaggerated. The censorship of
telegrams and tampering with letters
ternoon, at the residence t Mr. lfeter prevent service bj correspondents, and
Taylor, who lives lust outQde of Sar- distorted and exaggerated reports cross
ilia. For some time bitekerr. Taylor the frontiers, and are printed by Ger-
had a .number of men boric; for water man newspapers. A oorrespondent
on the southwest corner of lis grounds, says, however, that the foreign public
within a few feet of his hope. Wed- should not believe that there is no-
nesday afternoon about 4 chock, when thing the matter with Russia at all.
a depth of 150 feet had ben reached, There have been many modifications of
Mr. Taylor heard a peculir rumbing and additions to the ukase providing
sound apparently issuing tom a hole, for the maintenance of order. The
and judging that somethig unusual minor disposition of and orders to the
was about to happen, warntd his men pollee are endless, Little confidence
to move a safe distance frm Ole well. is felt in the rrmy. Cases of insubor•
One of them was at the tap 4 the derrick divatien and breeches of discipline ale
adjusting some of the taole, and, he, numerous. Most of the police orders
too, heard, even more distactly, a ser- concern the I')vornits, or house door
ies of most extraordinarysctnds coming porters, who seem the only persons
up from the bowels of the arth, he did the Government has faith in. They
not stand upon the order f his going, number 30,000, and are principally
hut went'. Re had seamy got a few peasant- and mechanics. Their with- •F,
feet from the derrick whelp• fountain drawal from regular pursuits renders( it
of muddy water shot stregllt up into difficult to procure workmen, thus in -
the air with terrific fordecarrying up terfering with trade. The Dv., ;p e
the boring pipe 'with it ' a far as the now hold sway iu every hones%"' '1t
fastenings which conneetet it with the street in St. Petersburg, andecelterd
frame would allow, and :t?tlttering the other large town, They are tet keted
water, mud and stones in'il directions. with the name of street and number of
The. snbterraneau noise apeared grad- house to which they belong, and are
ually to increase in violnee, and as being brought into order and efficiency
they did so the expellingforce, what- by a special corumiseion. Itis rumored
ever it was, appeared to Is proportion- that many of them have been talkiug
ally augmented until thepone-shaped of .sawing the pity in a body. It is be -
column obtained a heigh of 150 feet, lieved that the authorities see the in -
Some idea of the myster-is subterra- utility' of forcing householders to
nean power •which suppli ;;the motive maintain a masa of idle won, and think
for this de lbition of n ural water- of abolishing the system, or having a
works may be conveyed by the fact merely increased police force. Dealers
that stded{ es weighing fu1letve,six,seven in guupowder and firearms are subject-
audeI•gf2tpounds were 'eh up into the ed togreat inconvenienced. Merchants
air to a considerable heigt, and with have been forbidden !to receive a con-
astonding velocity, whit showers of signment of powder on the way here.
rouuded;pebbles of everernaller size The police offices are full of arms taken
fell like hailstones upon: ircle of sey- from the inhabitants.' Two revolvers
eral yards arouud th %Thole, One are found. to eaoht'resident, in St. Petit
large-sized stone strue1stone struel4 timber of the ersburg. S`li1I large numbers of people
derrick in an upwar.I coarse, and, are not troubled at all. The strict en -
glancing off, was throe' several hind- forcement of the passport system iu the
red yards into Mr. 11Tm. Taylor's provinces has produced perhaps more
grouuds ou the oppoib side of the trouble than anything else, and no lit -
road. The wind was lowing pretty tie distress. Some fact )ries are deprived
strong from the south the time, and of half of their workmen, and the work -
the result was that thelof of Mr. Tay- men of the means of subsistence by be-
lay's large brick house,tand its south ing obliged to travel fifty or sixty versts
side, were bespattered ith the muddy to the chief town to take oat the neces-
mixture, there being a lolly a puddle sary passport. Even women and child•
of eclay, pebbles an water several ren, formerly not obliged to have epe-
inohes deep on the ro. Showers of tial paseea, are now compelled to sub -
carried clear mit to the same rule. We hear of a
some distance nocturnal census of the population of
his lot. Af- Perm, Khsrltoff and Kieff, causing no
spectacle had doubt great aunoyance. Living under
r and a half, exclusively military law here is per -
make one last haps wets than it was in Bulgariadur-
than its best, leg the actual war. It is not a reign of
e its ascending terror nor a state of neige. It is only a
state of military Iaw, where one half of
the population is set to watch the other.
the same mixture w
over the house, and f
along the street north
ter the extra,rdinar�
lasted for nearly an
the fountain appeared
grand effort to do bet
and then gradually to
force. The series of eking leaps—for
the expelling power s4ned all along to
be irregular and in missive rather
than continuous—beme weaker and
weaker ; the steadyvhirring sound
which accompanied t exhibition, and
which can best be de 'bed as resemb-
ling very closely the ise of a steam
fire -engine, gradully.ssened, and at
about 5::s0 Mr. Tayl was rather re-
lieved to find that hi..' agnificent but
islconveniently power lawn sprinkler
had dleappearea fo he present, at
least, within subte nean recesses.
The rumbling sounttontlnued for a
few minutes, and tb eased, though
the water which fill up the, pipe to
withiu twenty-three t of the surface
of the earth was di Hied for some
time afterwards by ' bubbling agita-
uleneral ' a.
At Belmont, on 1 ay, Park Hope-
ful trotted for a ep:1 purse to beat
Goldsmith Maid's e of 2.14. 1st
heat, 2.21 ; 2nd, 7+; 3rd, 2.17:}.
The first half -mile the third heat
was made 1.05e. Is is theifastest
time on record, bea Edwin Forest's
time last summer o X53.
On Thursday la: a party of nine
child, of Neward, to ilos from Island
Pond, Vt., drank e.r from a brook,
the waters of wbio d boon polluted
by the carcasses of orse and several
sheep, and were poi ed, from the ef-
fects of which seve died soon after,
their bodies becom putrid and de-
manding immediate ial. The others
cannot survive.- A Morse lost two,
Mrs. Capenter lost e and two more
aretho ones re'erre me dying,taking
the entire family, es. Aldrich lost
two, There is gre reitement iu the
community over th atter,
Dominion Notes.
A new industry is about to start in
London, in the shape of a screw fac-
tory, on King street, The screws made
in these works will be used for light
iron work, such as sewing machines.
Five more oars of iron ore from the
Madoc mines, arrived at Belleville on
Monday. Mr. Pusey has some twenty-
five men engaged in working his mine
at Maden and intends putting on an ad-
ditional force at once.
0 -.e» -a
A valuable driving mare, belonging
to Mr. M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth,met
with a very peculiar accident a few
days elute, which resulted in her death.
She was untied in a box stall, and while
feeding got her bead fast iu the hole in
the box containing the hay, and before
she could be extricated was strangled.
The hay was contained in a square box
or funnel leading from the loft to the
stall, with a hole in the ' side to feed
from. This hole was rather large, and
iu ;reaching for the . hay she got her
head in too far and could nut got it out
again, and in struggling fell down,with
her throat on the edge of the manger,
straugting herself. Prrtiee using feed
boxes of this kind should be careful tee
have the hole properly made.
A. very severe thunder storm passed
over Blyth about throe o'clock ou Sat-
urday aftert oon. The frame of J. G.
?e1oser's new tit) shop was blown down,
and part of the roof of Wilson's bank
wee crushed in by the falling timbers.
W. A. Parr's house was also blown
down, and considerable damage of mi-
nor importauee ,was clone in the village.
Out in the country baros'were unroofed
and fencae levelled to the ground,