The Exeter Times, 1879-5-29, Page 7MAY 29, 1879 Up Woodward Avenue a pieee is one of those leen who, even if he under- stands perfectly well an inquiry ad- dreseed to hint, invariably replies. "Hey 2', and the inquiry must be sub- mitted again. The world ]las tons of thousands of these "boys ?" but until the other day this Detroiter wits the worst of all. Along came a etianger the other evening who might an(1 ;night not have known of this Juan's ec- centricity. Entering the store he re- marked; "I want four pounds of sager." "Hey 2" replied the other. "I said I wanted a sausage staffer," continued the loan. "What—hey 2" "I asked if you bifid pickles in vine- gar," coolly remarked the stranger. "Trey., jj"1—want—a--ga11on--of — turpen- tiue," slowly replic+d the stranger. "Bless your soul 1 but I don't keep ib 1" suddenly exclaimed the oitizon. "I didn't suppose you did." "Hey ?" "I said I'd take some liver pills in• stead of it." No doubt the dealer had heard every single wor•.t of the entice conversation, and he didn't like it very web, either, but had prevailed and again he called Out : "Hoy 2" "Calico 1 calico 1" scouted the stranger, "I've asked yon a dozen times over if you had any good eight - cunt calico 1" "1Q0, sir—iso, 811' 1" was the 1;Adig- LaLlt answer. "Hey ?" called out the stranger, his hand to his tar. Tile citizen looked around for the four -pound weight, but when he found it there wore nothing to throw at,—L)e- t'Oit [ ree Press. MAHAN HAS COMMENCED AL_ dressmaking at her residence, on Huron street, Exeter. C:ttting and fitting a specialty. Two apprentices wanted ilunit litttely. AGENTS READ THIS We will pay Age tits a Salary of 8119 per mn,tth and expenses, or allow a Tare, cnmmiesinn to sell t,Or new and v,'ouderfulinw nations. lira mean what w: say. Sample free Address, SHERtMAN & 00., HIarehall,Mich. REMOV.��.I.. B311 would remind Ins natnPrnns l.J0 Customers that he has removed to the `loop formerly occupied by 81r. Rood, where ho will be found ever reedy to attc .d to all businose in the SOOT mid SHOT: Line. 0. RAU, !MANN I OdA---s GRF FNWAY INTENDS Talc. .IY ing cue author pnrtyto Manitnhn nn the Pith of .Tune next• c'ircnlars giving fu111nforma- tion as to f;}}re. route, oto. will issue in due timo, Last two ptfrtics were veru suncessful, TtlOS, GB'9EN'V.'rY. Cent•alia P G Mr G ;tiw'ovs acaotn monies his i,artiel out throeghtho eowary free o1 charge, pU.BLlo sOHOOL TEACHERS' EXUtINATIONS,.,870. Per First -Class -At the So anal Schools, Toron- to and Ottawa, on Thursday, July 119, t 9 A. 33, For Second C1'tse-lt the Town of (fodeei^h and High Schools of 1iuttu and Seafort'r, on Tuesday, July 8, at 2 PA, hor Third C1.,ss-At the 'town of (bods •ieh on Monday, duly 14.th, at 2 P. , Forms of notion to be previously given by the candidates can be obtained on applieatiou to the Secretary, It is indispcn0nhle that nandidates notify the `'terretery not later than the 1st of .rune of their intention to preseat titernSelves for exam in.ttion. .Canuirsfor nest ecscersicts a.c roiodaforw+rd. the n:eea:ary certoficates Vlowers and Reapers, of sueooss in teaching, and 11 aro required to WE OFFER A TRIAL certiHaltes of moral chs ester. Oandiriates for seco'trl class must state whether 0 f ourselebraiied they intend to writo iu ':oderieh or at ouo of the other named Hiatt echnols. t'andilatos for third clam) must furnish proper pt oaf of ,, go. l P1•'7'EIt :1..• 11fo,,)N, i._ I n g l e _'Vl o ors May5,1879. 9t . }j.R.ABBOTTL Or'aduato of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. Clflice ovox O'Neil hank, and opposite Satnwell Pickards. 11. r Lioontinto 41 a Clio Don La ()allege of On 1n4'ie, now bo consult'd any oras•, 011lco-- nreat door to the Post Office, Exeter, Out. KINSMAN, DENTIST, ST. 1\1 W Y'S LIM WORKS. our drawn It line boingnow iufull operation and turning out daily a large quantity of ,I thatror1.11 purposca cannot be surpassed in the Dornin• ion. Par tie sfrom adistauceeau always bee, rplied either at the kilns 01: deliyerdbyteams atlew est remunerative ratan. 0rtlorsfrom a distance promptly attended to, WWHITSON & SCLATEE. rooerles d V'onfeotonary. Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always instock. —� SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, Magazines WIrl'II ALL THE LATEST news N.B.-Sawing 111 (tabu, Needles ofovory Rind. A. BOYD. Cheap Cash Store. MISS L ala A C I.3, late of Soafortlt•hasopened. out inthe Store recent- lvoeuuuied. by Mr, .7. P. McIntyre, uoxt door to Dr, Hutchinson's residence, 8l 'n St, Exeter, riith, a new, large and well as8orted stock of Milliner in all its Branches, Also Pancv Goods, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes, Pricesvery low -for rr,ash only. Light Iiid Gloves and White Ostrich Plumes cleaned. A call solicited. N 13-1.1air Dressing, Stamping, VelvetPainting, &c, &c .A1 first-class dreams keron Hand, MISS L1i; 1CII, Apprentices wanted 11..etor. April 13 1878. v1 o tri ib1. K ®®® tarn el ,n hnee vt er SE1,1•-1,1,1 -a 1, Pr ceon1) $1�' - '+. ,. 10..0 no 1'e0.1,I. oC 11:• It treats ofBxhnitstedVitality, Pm -mime ' u'.., Nervous and Pl1yea•al1)cbi!1ty, 10,1 concomitant ilio cud 11111010 uusrri,• 111:u r• sol,. therefrom, and contains ni.. re :ban 5:l. ri •, i .r.l ] n e scriptious, tiny Ore of wit u•his,,:.rth 1b•• pr1c,• of the book. Thisbe At wee written Ivthen'''tex. tensivo and probably the taut slalf 1t 1.011 crit ire:er in America, 10whom wee awereeday, , t•n.i j u'. cited medal by the Nattered 111edit 1.As-notali„n. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very :inns; SEnrnd s—n mar- fl velcl of ortt and beauty.- sent eauty -sent P10EE 10 all. Feud for It at once. Arldrees PEABODY ItIEDICALir INSTITOTL, 1e 4 13u1- YE— ELF finer St.. Boston. muss •• °° T Y L 00 U —exn- --, �, Single Reapers r 'n .,' N 'Gq aa se AND CUARAN1E SATISFACTION SFACTION t» • .'g OR NO SaLLc om; �; 41 gH a rmA .E:..- tj -0 p,, — i,}+� we also oiler & Triol of nor Wrought Iron P t4m to ;, Two elan °'',-,'JOHNSTOI�'S COMBINED RSA"EI� (---i, e,iyAp �iBIN fl,' . a A..D MJisLie 144 'w" .1e n ?Qi i m W y �, . s ^' Maobfueseapplied with 0 spa ° a 1'evo Pitlrlans to N ,C„ 4. ” „ y 4 1 A o.y'- in g m i`,'" `1'wo brag -bars, 12.3 ti 01 1 I a [ 2 cd M 111 1 ns t:i) 1 b 24 ii,`" r✓ a ri 1'` jFc a' 0 vt N Ci '61 , Pi t �i.3,' pi � O � ' 44 g ,o e" a) won•, fit of 1 dm. a N Ell 11;1 ;Shift`' n all kindsof Gress and Grstu,andon all con Mous ofsoilendsarfaco, Two Finger -bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts, Self -oilers, 'to., to. can ha chan]rec ' from Mower co Reamer ANI) REAPER TO MOWER Byrcluovaloffourbolte, an•"inloss ahan8fteen ceinutos"time. (.'lease call at our works and iuspec our Machines before purehasibg: olsowhero. Imo' Send for Catalogues. THO',III'SON k NITILLIAXS Manufacturing Co., Stra.tfoAd. 'THE i -L;,1 iviES NEW FALL GOODS, A. KELLY has lust received alarge stock of Watches, C'loc1l'$, Jewellery, rte. stn ,String's, ,Spectacles, Landes, and ;gents' Pacer hook*. A large' stook of Fancy Goods con- stantly on hand. NEW BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned wonldi't.forn the inhabi- tants ofJ xeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP one door south of his Blacesmithshop andhopos thesame liberal patronage that has beau ac corded to hire in the BLA01tebtint AND WAGON MAri1NG linewillhoextended tohitn (chis row branch of business, Rio meat wagon willoall at the resi- dents of the villagethreetimeseaobwookand S, ICI MEAT t1, kinds ,kept conatantll-on Hand at his butcher shop. Blackaisithing and wagon, makingearrisd on as usnn.l in all its branches R. DAVIS. Negate Wonderful Dis c ove'ry. EMPELEU ;LIEF. THE FRIEN0.;OF MANKIND. An Internal & External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheumatism and Neurolgiaa 0011 1(i110 all pair iustantiy.="1)Ouy it who can." �.., ..,a. known remedy 1yf It is tae only knuwu remedy for itheuulatisut ou the American Continent,proveclby others." As soon as applied igives instant °nee to the nriforiunato auf1erer, Itis repid1 abso.rlial, enotratee to 3 re, ty,l�enotrates to the veryboue,entersthe cirmtlai tion, neutraliziug all "Ithonuatic Poison" air, cul•ctiug inthe blood, and expels it from the;. k"rsystoui through the natural oatlots.. .. IT CURES i1, Tooth lobo, Earache, Headache, Neetraliaj 5'Rheumatism, Sprains. Swellings, Infloauatiou, ttBurns Outs, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in? e' Back, rain in Ohe at, Pain in shoalder, Coughs, RCo1da,Frust Bites, Chilblains, l)iarehoea,Bys-" ,eatery, Summer Complaint, &c., see. ;x It will auto the most agonizing pain, inter i. nal or external, in one instant of time, Pocket your 'Prejudice and give it a trial; the nvest- nont is small and relief tin. The greet secret of its success with a,ll classes is owing co the fact it is sale and harmless, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and tau be applied to a wider rauge of disease in every day life. t with greater success than any preparation which research skill and "Medical Science"a has vet �roduoeci. As a proof of its great power over disease: any person, no matter who it may be, Binh, or Poor, Old or Young, who is suffering from:, anv of the above named pein`nl complaints,? will call at the Office in Ti Tenth, anv day of. the week, will goatpractical proof "Free of charge," of its magical power over pain in ,me application. Testimonials from all parts of tee Dominion are o nsta',tly coming to hand, giving expres-_: ion to the most grateful gratitude for as- tonishing cures which it has performed, and we would be pleased to receive testimonials o, from all others who use it successfully. ti 1 ysioiansofthe highest respectabilitire'. commend it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" fur the eolief of Pain in cases of sad -,41 den emet'goecy Carry it to your homes, and it will prove a blessing to you family and afflicted friends, Druggists are sailing enormous guttntitles of a it w ,erever introduced. I el'cuilaugo the world to produce its equal. 1. tj The Tracie supplied through the wholesale Drug and Patent Medicine Houses of 3Iontre-3 al,'rorontn, H'ornilton and London. Price 25 Cents per Bottle!i Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. , Sept,19., ly. yt aillearalfr Agar IchillirriocafFloar! does not effect the owgrpiees at which & T. MI$SET areoffering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES. Etc., at Exeter & Hensall which Aoneists of all tho latest and tmproved stylesof Hitchen. Cook and Parlor stoves,tiilk cans, pans, and pails of tits most approved pattoi ii, and everything in the line ; Also, a oodseleotion of handsome re.i ve tl'CJ11r rliil� as usual, roceives over+yattortion, and at the lowest figures. 'mop Having opened out a branch aatahlisllment at Ilrusall, our friends 1,1 that noighbalma tact he supplied on, the shortest notion, C, S, GIDLEY Unds rtalKor'; and F7 .rt hare; .Man'afa•csure r �(7CTOULD SAY TO V r those who intend purchasing to do so frorn the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to self again must necessarily have a profit. Wo elainr t0 give the purchasers tile benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views 0f the Grangers, Our expellees are less than those of city manufacturers cousoq'"ent- lywe can eellelceaper. AVE''ULD [ callspeciolattention to our undertaking depart 1 ment,wbtch is ntore corn ylj'�plate than 0 vex, as -we have w added event' new designs of ate The best coffins, caskets ahretlds,ana every funeral requisite at the tow eat prleee. Our - new Hearse is 1011808 o by competent ludGea to be second. t0 non in the provinces Embezns of all the Different Boodles. Pui nature and Undertaking. S, I+AIRBAIRN has on hand at Henson as large and as handsome a stock of FtT1INITURRE, as eau be found in any establishment in Huron, all of whish lie IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Having procured a handsome hearse, he is prepare to attend to UNDERTAKING', On the Most Reasonable Terms, In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti. Septic i'luid, which preserves the body and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodice. A tali respectfully solicited. ►:d. :r.a.x .1•a.A8X1R,1s . T_I=iIS IS NO .BOMBAST I Truth Concern You Moro Than Counterfeit --G Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy its bargains, When I say 1 manufacture my 0wri furniture I 1.011 prepared with my proof -shoot tllt4t the people eau inspect at any time by calling at my Ware rooms where they will see to superb clic play of Furniture inAli Its Branches is ntannfaetured by myself and ray enmninecl artistic skill, svit'r goo l workm artship. I der ?are not iusatiafying the people with a mass of Pu niter() that cannot be equalled for quality or price in Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. — — (,-- WI WHEN. YOU WANT &NY FURNITLJR DIVE J. BRAW;°1 A CAIL. ,Corner of Main and Gidley'a Street, E:Feter. 1879) -- r (1879 i Jl1 OLD 1 -RJ LIABLE I -10U -SE At alltimes, mid particularly at a ;period when Trade is universally depressed and mosey scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the afticlt he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with eve"y eonfid". euee; it being morecarefully aasortea and selected than that of any previous season. 0 • In the Dry Goods Everydepartment is replete will the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, ntarked0 a prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORDERED CLOTHING still has MR. W IVES at itt.heod In Millinery Underthematiagementof Miss lilcGioghion,we can snit the most fastidious. Onr stook of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult -their bestiuterests by examining myatock before going elsewhere. JAMES PICKARD SPRING STOCK SPRING STOCK . Now Complete at RANTON BROS. • New Cashmeres, Cords and .lerges, New Black and Colored Lustres, New Dress Linens Prints stud Cottons, New Mullins, Embroideries and Edgings, New Umbrellas, Parasols, and Sullwhtldes all the latest novel- ties, Ladies outfittings, &c., &c. WE CAN'T DESCRIBE THEM; YOU 1VMUhT SEE THEM. Large stock Tweeds and Coatings, and Ready-made clothing. Clothing made to order in latest styles. Good fits guaranteed. Special attention is called to our stock of DUCKS, DEN- IMS, & COTTON SHIRTING, known as the POOR MAN'S FRIEND tough as leather. Choice fresh Groceries always on hand. No advance—goads at old prices. Call and see. 1..3.1\;TO ` 13B4OS. GODERICI3 FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFAOIUR13RS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND. SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING i.IkCHINEBY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Aeric ul ura l Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND' BOX S'I'OVE.S Potash Kettles, Schuo1 seats, &c. Iran and Brass 'ss Ca bin,g:.; to orciea . For sale cheap --Second hand Boilers and Engnies, Stave and Shingle and Heading liiaehinei:y. Repairs ou Boilers, Eugrttes, libels, &e.,promptly•tttend(,d to; GO E1 ICH rOT ORI and MA `UFACTUUIIN'tx oo. GODERICH, Ont.