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The Exeter Times, 1879-5-29, Page 6
TIER MMES. DUBINI+SS FAILURES. " Lack of judgment causes fully 50 per cent. of all the business men to fail, earlier or later. Do not an equal proportion of physicians fail tocure from the' same cause ? At the Grand Invalids' and Tourists' hotel, Buffalo, N. 'Y., Dr. Pierce, through the skill at- tained by his several specialists, each baring devoted yearsto a special de- pertinent of medical science, is able to pure a large per cent. of oases hitherto considered incurable. DIany physi clans, in view of the superior advatlt- age of this model sanitarium, bring their stubborn, °been, e, complicated, and surgical cues, for examinations, operation and treatment. Fnll par- ticulars given in the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, an illustrated work of over 960 pages. Prioe, post. paid, $1.50. Address the author, it. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. preventives, but if one has many bilis, dovioes of.this sort are expensive. Ttte last season I kept vines free from bags by the use of ashes and kerosene. I moistened ashes with kerosene and ap � tiomWork: plied a hl:tnttful to the centre of each o j� ti GEOE E CRtOZ` E'TQ , PTtOPRII TOTR OP TI3D bill. It seemed to spread too strong an odor for them, and they boat a re- treat. After commencing t bear, we look them over every day and gather some for piokles, saving a few of the earliest and most perfect ones for seed, and when they are ripe we pink them - off and place them in the sun a few days ; then the seed is taken out,wash 1 ed clean, dried and put in paper bags for the next spring's planting, COMPETITION NOT THE LIFE OF TRADE. "Eight sweet Florida oranges for a dime, here ; fifteen cents a dozen," bawled an orange peddler, as he stop. pad his wagon close. to the curbstone on Fifth street yesterday, where Et small orowd was congregated. Another peddler of oranges drew up to the same spot and went him one better as follows : "Eight sweet Florida oranges for nine oente ; the only oranges iu the State of Ohio that are fit to eat." 'Eight sweet oranges for eight cents, screemed No. 1; rieh,aud j nicy, and not picked by yellow fever patients like some oranges I know of." "Eight large fine oranges for seven eents," retorted No. 2, and the crowd began to manifest au iuterest in the proceedings. "Eight delicious oranges for six cents," yelled No. 1. and looked as black as the Moor of Venice at his oompetitor. "Eight overgrown oranges for five cents, and they're the only oranges in the city not stuffed with saw -dust." "Eight for four cents." "High- for three cants." ,rEiitht for ttvo cents. "Eight for one cent," "Eiglit for—outhin', by gracious!" yelled the desperate dealer. "Nuf cod ?" exclaimed bis rival, leapi ,n to the ground and beginning to transfer the eight fur -nothing fruit in- to hie to en wagon ; nuf OPrI, yer oranges ain't worth no more t•hau that nohow, blit see'in' its you, I'll take the wh,,le lot at that prier', and r 11 the while he WWI scooping them out in hadfnlg of a d,i2'n, "I'll tak-' a hatful at them fi'ggers," yelled a newsboy," as be climbed upon a wheel. "4.7'11 I," streamed another. "11 -re, too !" "Make room on that wheel for un - ole.' The u •fortunate tan whose stock Wag b,•i11g tadue'd at such unprofitable figures e. hippetl up his horse said escaped will] as few era'utr's under the seat, anis a4 he wilealttd arrnnld a elm!. er, he sopped sweating long enough to env that he c mil lick the man that, said ceme,titi,,n was the life of trade. --0. ncinnail N.'ti(jrtirer. 00..r friR•nd•t liave lost elections in South Karon by sena) voters thinking their ca-e'Arita hopeless, and not corn ing out to vote. I3:u't think, as this time, a ,d there wiil be no cause for. .'egret :aver the election is over. Every vote will tell. Let every men turn mit. After election clay it won't do any g ,ol to count np the v'te. we on•iyht have had Let th:lt h' guard 'd against C(IOU 1i3itt► UULTUEE. r Although the encumber is pronounc• ed by pit..ici•uhit to be very urtlheala by, yet it is gory generally cultivated; mut ill i4ae1, Ito kitotieil garden eau be e,iu- plete •titlwat it. It 1t. -dally sells for .a good price in ivar'kE't, and l for one,aln very loud of it, especially in the fain of }desks, if these are put up as they should be. Ify its hie of cultnre is to dig alit goad sized unles, six feet apart eaeil way, au I pi toe .:abet/:, nue peck of well - rotted manure in each ; then fill np Bogie,/hat bi:her than the original sty - face, so that after the flirt settles, it; will be about level with the summed- ing at('und, and plant eight or ten seeds in each hill, If very dry, I give them to shrrir;kl,ng each evening after. sunset, before they c;'lne up as Well ay thrall h the season, for able in t.isture. I stun often, and after dangor trolls the stri ova bttg is passed thin to four plants iri u lull, The striped bit;;, Dlrcbrorioa vittata seems to be Cf. nate rat elf'elny or, the Ctreunber,and agait.st hila I hrave tried all sorts of remedies which i•beve. •All et)nirriondeft Boxes' with thin moth tacked over the top are efiootnal Mr. Meredith, in Exeter, said Gov- ernments should legislate in accord- ance with the well -understood wishes of the people. Do you hear that, Re. formers ? Mr. Jackson supports Mr. Meredith, Then VOTE FOR JACK- SON. BURNING OF A MENAGERIE, T, M. FRENCH'S WILD ANIMALS ROASTED ALIVE. Detroit, May 22.—The barn of J. M. Frenob,the menagerie,owner and form- er circus manager, were burned this forenoon, together with all his stook of wild boasts. The News states that the fire was first discovered by Miss Prioe, daughter of John Prioe, of this city, whose elegant home is just across the way from. French's place. An alarm was at once sounded, and about that. time 11Ir. French and some of his men, who were at work in the field, saw the flames and smoke rolling out of the building where the animals were. Hastening to the spun Mr. French made streunous efforts to get itis valu- able live stock out, but in endeavoring to release sultan," the noble old and performing elephant, the frightened beast knocked his master down, and by the time French could pull himself to- gether and escape the wuole ostabiiih• moot wtt;..i a mass of rearing flames. Mr. F. euch barely escaped with Iris lite, but, injured as he was, at once or- ganized tnwistlr''s to dtt'st"oy the poor, maddened, ilrr vliuq bl-aste, ill case they should escape atutto4 the crowd r,f peo- ple ,kelicb by this time had congregated, and were trying 03 save the adjoiuiug pro pert v. Toa loss w 11 pr tb;altty amount to ttb tut $12 000 • r $15,000, whiou is fig - Lind o(t th.t pro-eut lost juices of 'illi w'ttll>nai", though tee der of perfonnitig liana, with uliioli Herr Baal 80"r•rf wart'wul>t to aeligtir arra astoni-h rael- nliliU1 thetisantl , was at erne time (iu the tiu,li days •t tht, circns blsiness) ntlt• t' valued at $12,000. I';ls t1'lrrt-rty Il„`ills,l'etl c'0tfeists of trio fell•.1-i,i bnrldi rgs :—Animal bard, two lt•onse:-• ( L•' tiottecrL'i hand one oc- cupied by 1,1 . NI trcerins) and a black smith s;t,l', all owned by id!. 1?relroIl; $8,000 loss a:,d uu its urano'. N 1t „lila of 1111• 4:11110 cls was rescued. There were live lio.Is, th•+ great Sit phant 8,11- t•att, t•tt' (3dif.nr s1a dons, outs tiger, one zebra, t.hrt+E. leopards, too wolf, a '%(red c.ta ,tun h,n•sae:ed eaif, ,and a Rocky • 1irttotern big hornets dt'tir. Bta,_id,'s 111 e, tit ti was Stored in the burbling a colloc!i•ni Or stuffed .animals, of weal value to t he ownri',on cos paraphernalia, up.w s hitch no shite 1 eelnec,tn awlin toy other train'„ o, which, w ile tint fi,'nring its line lrrt:ITrietor'8 estimate (r1 his loss, wet'' nevert:tJslns5 :If grl'1O11 vatue to him. 'No el Igo) of the fire is to my stray. Wo should like to se itlx,tter give lex) "f rE ut +,1uriry f it 1h', tl aolton B ri united effort it ought to be don. L tate fritalicis of Eo'no'uy and t},still G'• Vet' trn' nit show I,y c'au tl t. it We feei proud of the in tg'nif;oerrt majorities IVP have rnllt-1 up itr 0r0'6,111s a tritest. .Vo dart UPI firms village iur atria'l'a. ng tn'rio'ttia that, repittet.itn. Lot tt{ make a grruid effort f tr the 150. We oa'tild point with prirle to a rector 1 such as that. The way to d 1 it, is to VOTE FOR JACliryON, and after the election ?fie earl give throe ronaing I3"it.i Ili cheers, and join in the rejoicing atom:: the line. A Gentle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sudden cltrange.e of tune, atnre--rain, wind anti sun- shine often intermingle,' in ti single ,lay, -it ie 110 winder that our children, friends and retia- twins aril 80 fregeently taken from UR by ne- t 1tctt?tl colds, hrblf the (tenths reselling airma- il/ from this dose. A bottle of 13',aoh,'e's 11.er- 01611 tsyruin kept about your home for imtnc:ii- tute use will prevent soripns sicknesh, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the nee of throe or four doses. if Or daring, Colistnnption, Iiem•,rrlrsgcs, Pneumonia, Severe Congh.v, (.1rmtp, or any disease of the Throat of twigs, its nemeses is simply wondt(r'fol, as your drug, fief will tell you, Got Tama S .nip it1 now sold in every tevitn and village on this continent, 14 inple bottles for trial, 10 mats; regular ciao, 75 cents, Worcester, Mass, U. S. booms of all desoriptions. Send foril1nstrated catalogue, $ 200P1--ts ort 30 days iuvc nnlieou of$100 1 QA Oflieiallaeports frog.-- tpd, W Proportional;returne a} orb ~reek an fitoel opptions of $,2,0, - a550, 100, $500• Aetdrons, LPO ER, waIGiIT &00., Bankers, 30 Wali lit N. Y, t Q Imre and 13eantifulchrotno earns, with name 4l 100., postpaid. Geo, I, Been & 0o, Nassau, xX, inanomc, noy Cards, OhrSnowflake, tkc., no 0 iJQaiate, with name, 10e, J. Mulder & Cu., Nas- sau, N. X. • bnowtlake, &o„ or 20 transparent cards, with -WVname 10e, L, Jones & 0o.. Nassau, N, Y, • DARDS, Chrome, Gold Border, &c., ice., or 20 • Lace tiarda,10c.,J. B, HUSTLED, Nassata, N. Y. 4 P7ra mouth,and a'cpenses guarauteedto menta tp 11 nutiitireo, Strtw & co, Augusta, lions, HOTELS, ( VENTRAL HOTEL, CRREDITUN `J —Wm. Baker proprietor. This Hotel has been newly tarnished and fitted up in first-class style. 'surge and convenient Show Rooms for Oo)xmeroial Travellers; bast of liquors and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Hostlers always on Baud. M 21-9m. WILLIAM BAKER, PRINOE 01? WALES HOTEL OLIN LION. G. SWARRTS having purchased the above hotel,and fitted ib throughout, now of- fers liret-class accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling and attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid to guests. LEGAL H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &e. Office, 1 anson's Block Exeter. ATIDING HARDING, ttr WHITE, Baristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com- sioners,li. Lt., &e. , nu u Leu—BOxrox's Brecon, :Nato) treat, St 1t,tit; 10 , FIJEnrxa, E. W, EAl2DING, H.A.L.WIIITI 1�1 o MaDIARMID, B.A., li ,,-UUSTER,NOTARY, CONVEYANCER tau., r,ucAN,ONT. Iye biSSRS. JONES & MUSORIP LPI i3 trr stars, Atterneys•at-liWW, Solicitors Clef r(cery, (loureyatioers, ttuuiuiissiotlers iu13R, a 1. :.'tarios Public, St, Msiv'a 0. S. JON W i). MOSCRIP . �.. ,•,tr•:-- lutten's- Stock,Waterst. Se ;Mary' tra01011. COIVEN. OFFICi11 -- ALkiN Street, luxet;ir, upstairs, opposite, Central Il„t ti. SIdo eat, Luce, on tuaauut3—street lead- ig.lt:oit, c.(liluch. 01 kt s l ft ,ct liline's show store will receive prumt:t attention. 490y. ll. HuToLuN;;i)N, �1Nllth(r (,1 the + oil;.gs of Physiei,ans and Stugoons of Eutario Cc we,. O lco ncxt door 1u L t'arliegs, )+Iain Stieet, •.rater. t. 111Nt)5i.1N.—COEitNEI1 FOlt • -the ,iouutyof1-Lona. eilleo,next, dour to g r.'. Carling's stern, axt:toi'. 1 r vV 1'i.tt° WN1Nel. )til. 1)., (3. M. 11' a P. 9, i•rideate ✓ic'art.xUu'vcreIty- Orrice laud R"la E,1,t Tis i. nun, ,iii,, ', trier rr.n v, Exeter. .A.�C. M.00 it t';, 1i. I). C. .\I. e Iradoattof .or;ill Jtiveraity, Jiotitreal OJiiceand residence ,`1:xeter, Out. +)'rice ours- 8to 101a. in .and 7 to too 10—�� II. J. A.. ROLLINS, 1I. C. N. S Vtctori, M' ,Iruditnu, Ont 011ico hum s trine 9tolea,in.;'3to5p,in. LU 1'Z, vi. D.. 'LJ • 'fft to •a his ru ibis nee, Exeter. 1"b. R. IRVING, ;•ti'I)UA'i' N' 1 UN T10PS,TY 'PenaityC>11oge .'e1 tier (lolleg( Puvsioiaoi, ,l id surgeon, on L... '.woe ICirlctot,. This groat household Medicine ranks amongst the loading ,tocoi'irles o1 life. ' Tnose fmunons l�il(s •'r ,ltv t to 1(toon, and 21!11 molt powerfully • yet 3,i,tt dully oil Inc•Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, runt Sowets, gtvin' time, energy, ani vigor to� LI �. UF' toes°-artat n'un rti'1:;,etlife. P.toy aro one- ri'lentlyrceoin:n,ni.:l ti 2 lievorPang '•emnedy in 01 c,aiie v'nurit tit i etmetitabien,froui whatuvor 011130, ti 13 boo.), to lin ,airc,l oreeente'nod. They are w,on.leriully officlteioun in all aliments Imo. d01.ut1to finntles of et 1,31; 111 es tgenelal Family medicine, aro unsut•p a+sod Wit..:, ,_,................. y"(ATAIZRFI 1 CAT'AIIi3H 1 1 USE NJ The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive ourofor Cabarrl'iyetdisoovered, snit str,it htr C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL 1)RLG1 STORE. W, L, SMITH, aliment' A.gc rt, Aritona•, onb, ly-28 National PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand and made to order.. McMILLAN & MoBRIDE having now greater facilities than ever, are pre- pared to supply fanners with Iron Beata Plows Steel Mould Board, made by ourselves ; (hill Plows, Iinapplrer make ; Scotch Diamond J3arrows Cultivators, Gang Plows. Carriages and buggies on hand, mud made to or- der, Horse shoeing nttenda:t be on the shortest notice. Horses shod to prevent interfering. McSTILL AN & iiIcBRIDE, Icing St•, Hnnsall. NEW MACHINE SHOP. ' ilhiazxl, Kitching Wishes to inform the public tbatito isrbetter prepared torepair all kinds of Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, &o., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. MAIIiL STREET, EXETER. HAY PUMP WORKS. G. B9LTON • PROPE1ETOR. Having sadden to my pomp machinery, and rr©- cural a largo quautity;,of first-class pump logs, I min prepared to offer an article Superior to any Factor in the County, and at prices that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice, Before purchasing call a ; the clay Pamp Works. rte. Shop --One-quarter mile north of Exeter LonRlon load. HMV 1'. 0 1 arb1e Works. W. D. W E E K E 8 Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE T. tl'i. &c. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly exe(.rlir(1. ti Deers North of firelr,5 Hall, Maim street, UP WIT a THE TILE ' —0— /PARTIES INT LADING TO OURCt3ASL OHG i\ N S 8UOULD CALL AT KirgR"ars and Examine bis Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN, CO.'S. LIVE RII UUL, LUN DOND 1 BR Y, GLASGOW Its searching and lii".li'Jg proportiee aro blown 11 o, ya• I Mari 0 toall J•�'�h�pti�r trirou?,di zttheworld. r/ e Par the mire of bad 1cgs,had breasts, cld wounds The favorite route between Canada and Great Soren andtlleera, it en i,nf:allib In remedy. If .Brittain. ,rl ill wIp wq.B1i lf8 S 12,1r7 ' If t� • effectually rubbutlon the Week '411 r1 ch0st, as San into tnorit, Jt mires erre'throat, (troueh(trs,Oonglis 'mitts, and oven Asthtn'i, For (,landnla' Swol• lin;s, +1'1c.•sges, ?ilea, 1 1'+tul.is, Poet ltheitinc.tism and every' kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to frill The Pills bell ointment are tamp• ufacture,. only at 533 OXPOBD STEST, LONDON,' And aro weld av all Vnurtirs of itedielncs throughout the eIivtllx'd w orld;with directions IsPehlm)Irs1,rlOyTvtirkmnn!0uhse trlo+iin,Juoli aro 105(8• tared ab Ottawa. Homo, anynno in the 11111-, fah P'o:suonvlons, who army keep tine American C•.nnrorfeitri rnr 8310,'tvil1110 n8i$0outci. Fi=r ?uruhn•wel•o should 10011 to 11 ni l')tub ii nn the Pobt anis tle:am. If the ad•lrossieriot 533, Oxford. etrtlotto+.dou, they aro Spurious. THE CASPIAN will Gail os May 7.1. 80trtent sema1:na speed,nnnnfort; economy and safety are qua 04 anyotl>er ttlaeltio Lino, and biding a (:a .aiiiarn Lino,shoule be patronised fry -till !jailed ian7. ,,t'or puttiouilars 1s to passage or parties scalding ter thoi. Pao. de,apt'ly so CAPT. Cr, [CEMP, Exeter. MAY 29, 1879 'New York Millinery' Store. 5111.S, C. B. WILLIAMS hue lust opened ottt in leannou's Bieck )visit a large stook of Spring Goode r �, HAPS, BONNETS AND SHAPES of the lateatNew York and i'hiludolpllia stylets. Aliso la 1 rge assortment of Trimmings in all shades, Ribbons, Feathers and Gt'nntniut•E1, Lars- ios'hatn nicely trimmed • ri)10 50 emits up, Veils, false ties, en1Fs, collars, fiiut;os unilnuek frills,. Also a largo stock of fancy Dry Goods, infants' bats, Bonds, and Caps. Ladles' linen snits cut int the latest Philadelphia stylus. A large assort- ment of Parasols and Paris Arautles. Gall and examine our stock beforoo pur':basing eisotvlioro, as wo sell for prices to stns the tinter, and din,l liberally with the farmers in their way of trade, '1111•S. 0,13. WILLIAMS. Exeter, April 17, 1879, RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! ll rt MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL P. PBAYN.ti has remove to his new shop, lately occupied 1.,s Perkins & On—two doors nerd' of J. Grigg's book storeinhere you will find everything usually kept in a first-olmss harness establishment, which for quality of material and elyle of workmanship IS NUT EASILY SURPASSED Call and examine my stook beforepurchasing elsewhere, PETER FRATNE. PAINTIN O PAINTING J. K I T Ci 4 I Ei C5 Is prepared to do all kfncls of: IiousePaintiug, Paper -Banging Whitening, &c. at;reasonableprices and punetnally. J.KUTCIIING, Alain st Exeter. Teas! Teas!! Teas! !! —AT ��jj .Sem■re4 ri'1. ,3m7,$i-XC,{ii.ia3Z1n't 'imp Try our 50o. Tea. NEW FRUIT'S JUST AIIRiVED (ret ai cheap) 11 lbs. splendid coffee sngurfor $1;00. Choice syrups Don't forget our 20e. Vinegar, and cheap soap. 9 No trouble toshow /moils. & 7� It.E. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORT OF POST Of FIDE. - l -:p 1tnrl 1101-,010 Y.11 rt jnrrro n r. t• ;t 1.1n 1 11 'N.,lc.'n 011 n1 nen r - 't 1 t, t b r,' t ae .2 - 1 dry• . r - I..1 1•n^ot, 3 ,' , , t 1 .'1 I R ? . ,•i 11:8 •r t I 1� 1. 111.1 2 i;;or• I' 11 •'"r t n.' 0 e,21.11.1 •'12,4441 t:d:,h= 11'.0''.- 1.t;Tn1ry:31-, L'a.Ii-r'.enos4 1't•t•tr 1•r„:y t?t:::i;: ar A'ourt. + , i. in M.: : 11 , . 1-, 1 r y h'•2 re,ur•'n' 1 016 3.1.1V..1 :I,l or,l;it ;•, t.utt hit 111,11:•11011:1,.• t I D,rti 11 li . u tinntIr. it i pa, nt• 0 (1 r if r T t' lose I10,1 L (11715, el 4, kr, 3 ce, S.roloi'u,, J•,rcn 11 18 11311111'), s o:tr:, .u' Thirtc '2)1(11, 22 i i',.dur,t'+d taan.cio. 18 )1 f,,•1 S.:1„ nn l 10 t I 1 1 e, nor- eori•r crr 1, ,, (3.tli ,; 1itpt 11 f.. bo,2y, 0 lc t 1r• •eci r r t t -111W . 3 301 ,1 1 t 1,1 11 •:1'.. 31,t, rhill hid; 1 1 t'tn. '.11 t•3' 112. 117 1r,1. i1t F.t.l -' 1).:,111-t:',• 1( ?•Pi ter it ul.r Ir n 1 t .3(t .1011. 1rnu, To G 1 1, vr, i,' "l Loa 50 ” 1111'13 11,A, o. 'Ln r 4 o. plaluttt - .'. 1.000 1 ."t i I0111k: 211'(1 8171- rice r l Ia t , 1 4.1• 111 r: b (10ey, In•. I+k •' • : ( I .i"n t '1 lgzeo ,1) 111, 1111 LIRA, as lit ::t»nrphull: r it Li La. crt (r1w..11,r1wt ' 1t 13;15,•.1a111,n earls' tla - .. 11 i.ce.i R1 nl,, 11 1 , 4a r; 111.1,1 11.• Ie.i 1.1•111Rv, rn 111,,11 , ,1 3,11;0.:( i ,11 ,01lntitee 1111, I•r; t •11 u ! •tl (, e '2: 7 (1 rl a t. whil - It c ,1 011 .( 11 Its 1•1.n3:11., 1r,ih0871310n; or' pter' 5x1' t , 11 111. 1 Cali a,. • 1, t, c u "s J>tl:pensary and L:vnli .:, IL . 1, .1•.._l , .,. 1 , • 51; rr PELLETS. it rt 4\ trf2t t3 12' tL. ', 8'eaiit c t 1 t (s �r Q+' u l,Iihl E ruff S:T '6l•417. CR1Fi7+5%tiO No use of inking the t' i',1'epttlety ,1latseeuspfllt en per"d of e'1 "1 era , and bulky tem t tt t as. Ter ri'ilI r1 1'larnr 1y Ismer shun last wre {t rata Ertry c, rr.'y vcrt1ablo,no pin tibular ('1,01'is re. 1110 t IwtElsa ingtt ni, 17teye1c11111utthcul rl••• turban^" t•, the nenrtlttttion Mot. 0r n*cul than l r E e11 nnndtee, Ileac/nehe, CIe'usttp•ttto(e L,na tt 1: oog, 1 Wu Fc, tite Shoulders, 'i't 1'r.. (I, el' the (1tc.G B s..a.cn', Gone 1'ruc tans rt. 001 thePinnieeil; F3.tt 'ratio la x115 L"out"s 3 , to o'::t'0- , 3'e1ta in rentor lo. al A et er, l , rtul fon Ing :stove t•tor u,11, 1 a to c+ 1;4 ..d to Et '1x1, 1,1n, lir i roe', Paan 1t Purgative Y t Ictn. I,t arts nn t t:u 1l:, t.,a1p -. r rr fie i1^: h preens of r r. tr:11m v, 11t ('101 .It11ri ;.14 that tTel/ n tion nano the nufo t 1 t eauo, v 111 u)Sver tl Loot t gland or Lnu(,e supny iu'rmernsvi 11113,111 1 ca 11.x. 1 ,1st tat. pin1lr, , or t,• t Il i; l t y n r t 31 , rel li Wirt tar 1 11, o i 1ic: (h titttultath,lug urul gip.' 1h t x11. 11;13' Tru' 11 of tir,1•,tn ay c t 1 1: t 1,1:3 it a..taysr.. huu.l11Jal,,. 7{t: 13.•r1' vOl' 1,1318 put up to clu113 Vundrlc ( 4'12 i1 1 1 1x,.8 For n!I di 1 s whtre n Lur r A = o c(,. 1,1 /Purgative, hmitrals i, tlut.c its J r R1,, AI 1.1 ght 2110,,,t fc t 14,11 1,11Lellnn. h i1 Try1rnr2 1t. v. prEur 0.5Lp., Peeve. ttotl.t'SL..' ?ai•3 and Inv:dies' Lion, iiuli';ile,1' .'k. 0 r lid Alt'ii',t wls l* i} n1' It S& 11T3'TOMI t r erl ne a bead. ar. aria'Ili,I1i.i !alit; rt'r 1 uorwthl(;1 1 ru,'. 1x:1 It, 10i, r11tan„ pcldlut ru nll«•r1 't 'i1 t ne. t, dry, writ' r t, t, r .tt;, of i, • 1 e? 1,3(1, eias 1pu , 11 t1nt1allt1,1.1 17,. 1, 1 p: 1 1 t 1, 1'111.'1 7' ear:,, seam, •,,ilttyttt env r 1 cr 11. tug to rlt, lbs tluwlnl n lion. t b -1't tt tc Lek., ,Lar 1 u 1 .1 fro 11 11 . 11 vt L t r1:1 1 1 ail Or td•at dpili all or 111.1(1. Ili 8.11411 .1r, I 21111.8, rn e ,d dc2•1' 1011 le .a pup.+` 1 :r• Mon, '.13,d 3 , 0 i'10 1' ct u1 / tc rt(Win'iry:.avniprut.,laro ,1,.1}i11.,2' ctat3 • D .'rAG1''S C .TL'il"iPJi proilurernrattirilrift rrthewerNcocci, hi' 0:at:1rr11 no Inane or paw sun at,u.i!1) 'I it ,, + i t. 'r :• Ills G. N,Nrod,a• I t apPilt,1 1 (ti 111-1:111.'1, t1, l'(. !ht l:t.it 1 11ul(l1 1> a,011 t'v t. Inv,'ils . Rite 1 l li I 1 Lt li t i 1. �.i 811/1711pariel or001 2 :n 1 t Yrs,. 1 AVM:J.) 1 ea: rue 11)1' 1)' e•1 -I 11. + rrau'a1 ••ltur 1 t.tr,uIrt tut tarn.•. Hart 1111'0% '1,11111,1i 1 1.'(.1.11.i th0 1111:11'1! 1'. e11: r It II1 1 t 1 r;r 1.'; pin:I:tnn .111,+� 1;,,..:i c1.t..lnt arrtn?rrl,lulvrn r r uta le Iron, ur , - , .. 11Th1 3.1 , 3' rui':' ).runt :11t <' .1 %-.1.1 Fr'in/l.n by a , t •npl h , . n., It + , i1 r 1 lilt ,, n 444,, , 11 ,t It ` 710 il,n::( ' • :. • pet r , rt ?1F• 1 ,, t •.1 r i o' it Oita. N. .1' •ku:.. '1, .7..111.1 : 1r , 1,...,, E -o,. 1•.14...1.,.1, ly carie at ant t1n:c.