HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-29, Page 3Itty 0, 1879 0014) UNDER THE OCEAN. The Now York Sit, sows : The 600 ton brig Gipsy lies at the foot of East Porty•first street, with her yards cook - billed and jitlboolri run iu board. Her deck it; strewn with instrurnoute for dragging, grappling title hoisting in deep water. A. powerful engine for lifting heavy weights st tildsiu the waist, ji.st forward of the mainmast. Capt. Folingdby is in nominand. In a few days the Gipsy will sail far Barhadoes, Cor which port .she cleared yesterday. Thence she will run down the Spanish anain to the Island of Oaraocas, near 'which island a Spanish ship of war, with $2,000,000 aboard was wrecked in a gale nearly fifty years ago. Toe trea- sure was intended for the payment of the Spanish troops fighting in Venezne- `la and New Grenada, and it is 'this wealth thatt the Gipsy will endeavor to recover. Captain Polingsby visited the region before for the same purpose, but 1.118 grappling and diving apparatus was not of the proper kind, and, after pink- ing about $5.000 out of the soft, sandy botton, be returned to this country to obtain a better outfit. sir. W. J. Love, a lawyer, of 262 Broadway, a friend of the captain's, will join the expedition .and furnish part of the capital. Mr. E. L Stryker also gods. 'If we are willing to risk our lives and property in what seems to be a foolhardy undertaking,' said the Cap. Main, yesterday, 'it need not distress anyone. We are able to take care of ourselves. If we sumueeI, there will Le plenty of persons to congratulate us ; and if we go to the bottom we don't W'an't anybody to mour 1 for us.' Ii is said that the Venezuelan Gov- ernment is to receive five ler cent. of the treasure found. Reformers, read Mr. Meredith's speech. it has the true ring of reform. Reformers of South Huron, remem- ber this : lir. Bishop voted against motions which would have reduced the expenditure eighty-five thousand dol- lar', ($85,000). Is that reform ? If not, then vote against him. 11Ir. Jack- son will support these notions. Then VOTE FOlt JACKSON'. L't every loan in S utlt lluron wile) �`i•elit'vsa t at the ex, r'utlittire of the Province tah•,ttirl be kept witbin the income, rally t • the p on th<' 5th of .June and VOTE FOlt JACKSON. .'DE SAID ANL) siA.WllUST 0.e MS WORLD. G. nbtemen, if y u are a pns.son m43. in' 'rutin' cis world enveloped in a aim - and pm Mt' iLb u14,•r, hitt d tt any sign (lat. Us Pays 'iix,i., reins s ollu en new 0.0' hrhtgs 11L. 6111 en up in tie *Icy d -y shoo hi go ? Brat her (irardnrr looie i down on the six• y f to finer<% in the h (tilt sten chairs, but 'on '. voice ,t•sp iittietl, Wbel) yt•li let• a p.i•.l:Qii seined in a sky bine all ter, pit—,hilt. tie litie% .,ver n fast boss all look in tinter his lett eye as it in lied the ball;e 0.i all de earner lots i1t tont u, am bit any sigrn ,lot a sin. gle g, 00,1 would tris' him fair a box of ea'itint's.ir tt peat O' oar/ ots? The elder T tots Ilettve•l ‘1, ilHsp 41X1) ; and 11 itcltelloter,S•J•)nes ilturiyscratch-. ed ,ti+ • fl leg jot below the knee. 1Vlio', a !ilei) Lukes n;' fu' Nr tits in lie ityer, pushes f•iis ar •un' ort (It' Mai kt i, elbows /Mini!' do 01;v lion, an' gi s tie fist f'1 tee at de stamp wind as in dr P_ist. 011ief', ilio flat any sign dal tynen it o.tlue t') tits ruh he'd give half a 11 )i• lar'u worth +)f o'H1 to keep lin 011'110 asylum from frerziu' to death 1 Dean' yell black f lines _crit dust. int : ttr C}•res ? Dee:, tL heap o' sand ati' mitadu.t in tits world dal, passes for i'ug.&r t•' tie roan welkin' by, Urit.;when yon 11 ones to cit' pilttih de sugar ain't tier. De tetwrill.t hlnlgt s ttp tin' 110 sand crst'ps ant, WI' Stan ttitn di.'1)itttt•d tit' diet nsted. kinder herd t'+ have to eat unlit turnip whin) yon know des family nixt dealt ala lrl tlll'11'ltl' 00 sweet cake atr' tn4'itf_ , 40b11t if de turnip 1111) Laid fin tau nt'ndu't, fear for your disrati'11t. I exneet dat tie lt'arafter on do higgrss fine s.ey of us Ileo girt to work for, an' 1 talc y u, bruddt'rs, dat big sial ring en' pants cut twenty -tiro inches across de kelt silt unwhar al.nir;sitle of a Itis' word an' au honest het(ri. fli ad Mr. Merr dish's speech in (his issue. The futures are correct in every particular, VOTE FOlt JACKSON. D . the people wish Direct Taxation ?. If ti i.., assist in overthrowing the Gov• errimo),t of Mr. Mowat by VOTING FOR JACKSON'. Itt 1871. the (7 meetvativey spent $1,816,866.; in 1877, the Reformers spent $3,140,627. blr. Jtiekvoh op• posses this extravagance. Then VOTE FOR JACKriON. Let every C ww)+ei'vative vote in this riding be polled on Thursday next, and Mr. Jackson cannot fait to be elected. TIER TIMl.E$ Mr. Bishop voted against a bill to extend the jurisdiction of the Division Courts. if you sue or are sued for one hundred and one dollars, you have Mr. Bishop to thank in being compelled'to go to Goderioh to await the trial. The people should remember sir. •Bishop for this, and VOTE FOR JACKSON, who will believes the Division Courts should have their jnrisdiotion extended, It is aflutter of thirty or forty dollars b the suitor. Mr, Bishop has had a trial. He has been the unchanging, unyielding op- ponent of Economy. Turn him out. Give 1'1r. Jackson a chance. If he does not fulfil his promises, torn him out too. Let the people keep changing their representatives until they do get Economy. Those are .our sentiments. G1VE JACKSON A TRIAL. EW B LAC K.SMITH SHOP 111 AT WIN- 01316LSEA W. BUCKING Exeter, hits businessinthe at'L\tLncholsea HAM. late of commenced al.'vebranoh and is pre- pared to do all�;,. kind ofblaok smithingwork Horse shoe- ;Afope dally attended to, Promptness, cheapness and good work guaranteed, A call solicited, le•Bm W, BUCKINGHAM. ATONES, OLOCKS, 1 V ella Ss ed, ng Hlaohigent nee, organs, Accordaons, Aand U for mtbrhe Wanzer series sew- raga ew- ing Machines, Second - ha Mellen ng Machines for gale cheap• All kinds of needles and sirutttes for SewingMachiuss ]tepton hand Shop—Main Street, Dashwood, JOHN G. SOLD ON, Proprietor, May 15, 1-y, GRAY'S SPECIFC MEDICINE. The Gioatl:ngliehTRADE MARK. TRADE MAR K.p,emedy,tnuufail ing eure for Semi- nal Weakness, Spermato r r it e a , Impotency,and,Lli Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self abuse, as 6 't loss of hiernoi'y, =: Universal Lamb Before Ttlklllatude, Pain in the Mter Taking, Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age. and many other Diseases that lead to insanity or Comm ;lam and •' Premature grave. r'Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. r.. The Specific Medicine is soldby all druggists at I per package or six packages for . 3, or will be sent hymen on receipt of the wouey by addressing Tt1l GRAY MNI)ICTNE CO., Wii,'Dson, ONT., OANADA. 0 5 Sold in Exeter by all druggists, and every- where in •'ttnaan. and the IT lilted States by whole sale and retail druggists. i�AIthi FCLit t3A11,1t1.—L-tt 5, N. B. Bicl•]ulplt, ?5 Worcs, 05 cleared; soil, clay loath, well a. noted for fall wheat; ]r.g house, frame born, stable sheds. +2 ""ells of water, 1 acre: *rub tett of choice fruit, 'I rnilils frein Centralia, 6 from 'xet•ar. A plytaIntel05:1ir{xFAIIi.114L, Centralia. 1" 0. M't. 8,0 TILE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS CO,1I- PA,NY, OF LONDON. Jr)SEPH J F1rBRY, Preaident. Altt;X J01INST1)N. Vi<.c-Proeideut. S.1VIN(1S RANK BRAWN. TOTIC.1+1 TO DEPOI1I COI;S.—THE OntarioLoan an 1 Saving. Comany ar• prepared to mere,:clepositt it the stun f 455 fel +11'n', is,•,t1 e rate of SIX Igo !tr. NT. per um t nuns, t OIi 11 1 periods, or Five per cent. on de i ,t tucl All in. sstmenty of this company aro se cures by m-,1•t;ag,e1e on Real ' 'tat-', which itlinr.': to ,1 pose 'rs t`:e host possible see'trity far th- safety '1i their deem its 'or further iiartlonlars reply bi letter, or at tits office of the Contt" rny. Jan. 3n-3tn. WM. F. SULLEN*, Manger. HARVEST TOOLS f Reapers, Mowers, &0,, thee., C EAP AT BISSETT EXETER 3c IiENSAIIL. HENSALir PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for tee Fall ane WinterTrade We aro prenare:i to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations; We will take off two rounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stock, twenty-five cents. If any of the bine gut is left in, 26 cents extra will be deducted. No pork will be bought at an price it warm, SA`.TS A(-:I4'.,S Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. iVe want all Hogs Cutting slight through creast to head, and flame opened out to tail. Car. & J. PETTY. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From t to rs Horse Power, for Fann- ers, Dairymen, Batter and Cheese 1 nctories, Printers and alt parties using haled ar horse power, tlegt and dreariest n1 the market; Send for circular and price List, John l)o•ty. Esptanadc Street, TOR02r1'e. AVE YOUL0ST THE SENSE OF TASTE OR SMELL 2 I so, Jimmy be from the Lnrnosx of the 16th century, UaTAnaur. Tina OO:<sTLTVTxoriAL CATAX 1E ItaNialn will restOtO you to enjoyable health, It not only ouree Ca- tarrh, but all other diseases at the same time. Price @) per pottie. Pot sale by all druggists and .Medicine dealers Send stamp for 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh, and nortifi- cates of the cured to'1. J. B. 1 ARDING, Domin- ion Agent, Brookville;Ont, CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. The only certain safe, and effectual cure for (Wirral, builda up the system and cures all other diseases at the same time. Asthma, Rase Cold, Hay Never, Nervous Debility, all leave together when the Oonstitututiono.l Catarrh Remedy is taken as directed, Price $1 per bottle, For sale by all druggists and Medicine dealers. THE FALL AN D WIN TER TRADE 0. BO'Ll.tklOOtt cit E013, TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to irform bile inhabitant sof Exeter add surrounding country, that they have just ope.ledout an excellent assortment of Tveeds, Coatings, T'estiftpsetc., is thele test styles andpatterne,and feel assured that intueinatter ofmottling, they eau suit the mostfastidioustastes. MILLINEII,Y r JPIISS GAdtd.ICId' S. A full line ,law in, of Spring and Sumner hats, and; Bonnets, all the very latest shapes, New Flowers Feathers, and Ornaments. Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS HA.Tb FROM $11.00 UP, nicely trimmed. Everything will be sou. as cheap as possible. Fancy ;G cods, Berlin Wool, Mottoes, eto., a full line always kept. Jackets made or cut in the latest styles. MISS GARLICK, Ancil, 48 Main St. E 3eter, DO NOT READ THIS. aving received a lot of new machinery, I would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding cou.ttry that I am prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse hakes, Barley Forks, Grain ()reales, Suaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner,1 tun prepared to do ALL KINDEI OF TURNING •111 the shortest notice, twd for style and price 1 defy competition. Always on hand a li st- &11ss stool: of Fork and Shtivel_ltamiles. Mill .tall a mile south of, Rae! er. A. CO'i' T ELL, $50,000.00 At ruction. To commence on '':Loxlilily , l )t r 1f3, 1, R78 LEARING SALT BEFORE TAKING STOCK SAMWELL Sc PIC ARD Will offer for cash or 10 Days the balance of their Fall and Winter Goods at Cost so as to make room for their Spring Stook. AU goods we shall oiler are new goods bought for this Season's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost. MYiEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, at cost, MINK SETS and MUFFS, at cost. FUR CAPS, at oast. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at Dost. Also a full assortment of general DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAPS, CHINA TEA SETS and CROCKERY which will be offered at bottom prices we are glad to say our stock is not large but fully assorted in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we are happy to say our mode of doing business has been ap- preciated by the public as nor sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations, Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING Is prepared to give militia customers too berets that will acor'ue from its adoption, and has en. hand alarge stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at ;which will be sold at prides unneard of under Froo Trade.1 The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, ou the Exeter market,which is .second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secztre Immense Beirgairs there to be had iu OVI;rOOltel114 t+'it1l.t;lothS, Broad -cloth Doe skirls, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everyttnug n ;eded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Dep11rtlneut very Complete. An inepec•ticw invited No trouble to show good:; ISAAC CARLING. W. D. [ cGiough in p of 136 nundns street, Loudon, will m, the above tate, Mier his whole stook, amounting to over fifty Thousand. Dollars, at ,ruction, auu continue t le sale every day at two a'einc, it, the .riter- 0 and at seven in the evt-nil,g duel..;; the 1.4 - nee of the menti,—front the i6tb to tree 1;tst .1 . ucem tee r, Tis is the largest auti best stock that has ever 1000 offered to the pocks a: t Coir own 1.010,.3; aid, asevorybo.it knows, the pen.: ay. of 1:,, ,.,,tt u..tuOt ecuiro rind ov:,r; nrcicl., will be war- ranted the anile els ii biu,:bt in the or,aiu .r+ way. .his is a rare chance to get flue g'1' and silo r .catches, gold jewelry, cloaks, plated ware and • they goods at your own 1121oe,s. romp,. never gain will iamb u a opportunity occur, Rectae y'ur,;nrlstmctt an,l New 1:7 -stela presents at this ate. n tv, your money for Las auction --and nal•emoney. W. D. hrc(-L<)U'dHLIN, Dundas strap, liondon• 1HE (11UEAT A.USE OF HUMAN MIS- _ EBY. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. 112100 six cents. Alecture on the elatare, Tree ttoput and Rath - eel cure o1Seminal Wesama 5, or ;per ittor'haou, ,educed by 'telt•-Abuse, involantory 1•.missions, .tupotoney, Nervous 1)hibility, and Iit•ethmeots se marriage geuerally • t.iineiuiil,ti'n L1'ti .. sy, no Vim;'Isn�.'1 a�, 11')tvsicai Incal'acity, A 4.- 2,0131,11t .-- 1tOBI15:11 r J, t'ii L V lilt ,r L l .L, 1i, i)., author of Tito "Green .Book," Rc. The :voila runow iml author it, this adniirall' 0,11 2,, ueetrly proves front his owa expetieuee that tut` ewrul c„nsods:.nees of Self -Abuse may be 'fY,etu.tilyroma vnd ,i1.1,•„11 inttltrilte,au Mill, putt dangn",.us surgical op.•r:ramis. hoagies, i Is' 11.1.. at u- ae eel le, rings, "r cord] ' 1e i P' i utiu'l out u i)t o,l a of on re at once cert ,in and effectual, by which every elf -furor, no matter what Idscouditien inay bo •u-ty cure himself cheap', , pries tely aria radi r..a.This Lecture will prove a boon to tbousends a+ d titottsa"tis. Sett, titular sell 1,in u plain envelope, to any ad - :Tress, on receipt of six cum 3+, or two pottage -tamps. .ddrea • Tar MIILWRr•r 3!PPrt'1,r t0. 41 Anu st. New York. P. 0.110x 4586 CItOcianr , r1r,50c., Tea, 50c., SUGARS', COFP1 -1,.S, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GREAT WESTERN STEW- SHIP ITW- SHIL� liANY, Now York, To Bristol Moutroal,j direct. Also agent for MOMS' FlIROP:AN EXPRESS. Paru015 foxwtlratal to all parts of Great Britain at le* rates. Blur a lade and l'01• the OF THE Sewing Machine ! ver M•• . _ 01 1�1�1 I�. 11�l, r Yourself W3 to duality and t.heapuese. Canto and rlll{pi j ry our instruments. Music Teacher still an l et" ted. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing -:repine. Organs and Pianos unsurt,asaed fut a,lauty of design, and quality of tone. rpm') LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF 1 Silverware, China and Deif ever seen ire the west, at . D TW''S i'fr. Drew has just received an excellent stock o Silver Tea Setts, Nutter Ooolere,DonbleandSinglo Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, ('.are lteceivers, Cont mullion. Setts, a tc.,of the Sect Quadruple and Triple Plate, and it offering the same a, prices that Huila. ASTONI;+IL JOU FOR Ct9EAPI E4h He has just opened out a now and complete ae • sort,ueut of China, Glass and Stonewaros. A. largo stack of Latnpsjust arrived. Call and satisfy 341,1' E. DREW. w< . JUST RECEIVED AT THE M'ETEE E `._ Y AND LIQUOR STOR �+il, A I, RG'•E STOCK OF Glt + E1'I, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON, and BLACK TEAS, 11&iSIN S, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLE& CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER, SAUCE AND 'PICKLES. BR,A:'1'f. rs. GINR, WINES AND f;Y3ttJi'S,1tYE 141AL 1 SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISfiIES, TOIiLCCO.S AND OIG'AB$, Wholesale and Retail. ("4-. A, MA C Main Street,gxeb r,