HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-22, Page 88
-AU , ►.coowxa,ts past due
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i ,g'xeter gint0.
THt1RS A 1sIA .Y 22, 1579.
M Reee,--B'ssott Bros. have reapers and
mowers and harvest tools for'sale. Read
advertisement. s
DON'T forget the grand excursion. Two
hours' ride on Irtke Huron at Port Blake on
the 24th forVents.
CouaruNt --The brickwork of both r.
i 1oyd's and Mr. Fitton's buildings is comae
left ta
1. teskikig in awalleiug Inateh•on the 'Leas day'
ing es s beau done in 4zeter.
Acaxztmese-•Mi'• William Remick, of the dud
concession of Usborzis, happened with an'acoi-
dent last Tnesdan',whieh might have been even
more serious' ,'tIueu' it was. lie was riding
through the eroharclon horsebaok, when the
horse, whirl. had up bridle en' started to . run,
causing the vonug manes head to strike against
the branchos of a tree, which caused him to
fall to.the ground stunned. lie was piakod up:
,for dead, but maul' aid brought him round
again, and although severely bruised be will
not be loug incapacitated from work.
GLASS 1311o1EEN,—on Friday last it span of
horses which had been left standing in front, of
the post office at the north end of the village
started to run away, but were stopped in their
rapid movements by the tongue of the wagon
to whloli they were attached striking against
a post izi front of the Lorne House, on which
a large lamp sits, the glass of which was shat-
tered in many pieces.
TeNneeree.—Tendering for printing being
the. order of the day in Exeter, we request, in
the name of the village, that the secretary of
the Mechanics' Institute receive tenders for
the printing required by that organization. If
he doesu't we'll find out the reason why, and
we also want to know the prices paid thus far,
for 'f they aro anything like the prices charged
Stephen Council for muuieipal printing, the
Iustitute has certainly bleu paying twa prima
for their printing, and ae it is a public insti-
tution it should be run as economically as pos-
Aeon= PEST.—A new insect enemy has
made its way into Canada, it seems, which is
thus alluded to by an eastern paper : "We
have been shown a specimen of a new inseot
pest whose ravages will probably soon spread
through Ontario. In the Uuited States the
pea crop has been suffe-ing from a fly or
beetle, which is supposed to lay its eggs in the
la ho worse than making out tenders for print -
-rorxe.—Although Mr. Canfield' ha
its business will beearried on as ussu-
Doi 'r forget the Grand excursion. Two
ho ' ride on Lake Huron at Port 131eke on
tb6124th for 25 cents.
Tan nominations for candidates for the Lo-
cal Legislature take place next Thursday.
Hensall is the place whore the nomination for
this riding will be held.
Tae funeral sermon' of the late Mrs. McJaul
(daughter of Mr. Wm. Grigg, sae,, of Exeter)
was preached in the 0. M. church on Sunday
morning to a very large audience.
DISTRIOT MaTrnra.—The Biddulph District
Loyal Orange Lodge will hold their semi-annual
ineetine in the Town Hall, Crediton, on the
loth of Tune. Pea
blossom, thegrub cacti .
1.leeta r. --Mr. George May on Sunday Last p > tying the soul
he when grown, and there developing into the
perfect insect. The specimen shown us came
from near Whitby, the pea having a perfora-
tion almost through it, and containing the de-
structive insect. Probably our farmers will
soon have to give up growing peas, as in some
parts of the States."
table is given by an exchange to aid farmers in
estimating the amount of land in different
shaped fields. It may sometime prove useful
to those of our readers who follow the profit-
able and honorable ocenpation of tilling the
soil : 5 yards long by 908 long contains 1 acre ;
very soon commence the delivery of the same. 10 yards wide by 484 long contains 1 acre ; 20
• Osvrvrz To Axm x.S.—Robert Webster, of yards wide by 242 long contains 1 acre ; 40
Exeter, was brought before Squire Gidley by yards wide by 121 long contains 1 acre ; 70
Constable Gill on Friday last for inflicting
cruel treatment to a horse on Main Street by
whipping h9m. 'Webster pleaded guilty and
was accordingly fined gl and costs.
Tam DUST.—Those living on Main Street
noath of Drew'sBlook are stilltroubled with the
dust from the roads, but the business portion
of the town have not been troubled much. in
this respect since the watering cart commence
going its rounds.
A'CSEPELINvni'tTION•—Mr. Thomas Allin, of
Usborue, on Friday last showed us a small
anvil and vice oombined. It is manufactured
by the Massey Manufacturing Co., Oshawa,
Ontario. The article would be very useful
• around a farm and will no doubt be purchased
by many farmers.
returuea home from Gnderiel , wh
has spent the winter mouths. We trust his
present visit will be a lengthy one.
Reruns Aleeen. — The return glass ball
shooting match betwen the Ailsa Craig and
Exeter teams will take plane at the former
mentioned place 04 the 24th iust.
ANNIVEnsanr.—The tea 'meeting which was
held in Cavan Presbyterian church on Friday
evening was not very largely attended but au
enjoyable evening was spent by those who did
ComeTr Axees.—The publishers of Belden'e
?Atlas of the County.of Huron announce that it
is almost completed, and that their agent will
at ono seethe manner in tivbio ao-oalled gen-
tlemen Can refer to it settled grievance, even.,
were the statement true, Bat, sir, tlie terrible
fate was averted, not by an ample apology to
either the party complaining or to Squire Gid
ley., but upon a straightforward explanation,
In winding up my already too lengthy commu
ideation, I am happy to airy that, bad as I am
and punishable as I may be, unlike one of my
accusers, I never was expelled from any so-
oiety nor from the M. Church, at, he was for
untruthfulness. ; mer, unlike the other, caught
in the act on more than one occasion of cir-
culating downright falsehoods concocted by
himself. Thankingyou for the use of your
valuable oolumns,I am truly yours, M. Remorse
Exeter, May 19, 1879.
SC. Marys•
EXPLOSION .—A few days since as the
mathematical teacher " of the High
School was experimenting and explain-
ing the nature of nitre -glycerine a quart•
tity of it exploded in his hand, setting
fire to his clothes. The fire was exting-
uished before much ditmage was done.
Although -a very small quantity explod.
ed, the report was heard a dietance of
half a mile. Some of the windows of
the school were broken,
yards wide by 691 long contains 1 acre ; 80
wide and 001 long oontaius 1 acre; 60 feet
wide by 726 long contains 1 acro ; 11 Ofeet wide
by 897 long contains 1 acre.
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
BASE BALL.—The Lorne Base Ball
Club is fully organized. They claim,
after a little practice to be ably to play
with any of the neighboring clubs. They
did well last year, and there is no doubt
but they will do justice to themselves
this season.
LEo'ruins.—Rev. W. Luke, of Lon-
dou, Eugland, gave a very interceding
lecture ou Ancient Egypt in the 13. C.
Church here on Tharedayeveuing last.
There were a good many present.
RETuENLD--Mr. Coughlin returned
from Ottawa on Saturday last. He
'was met at the depot by Messrs. 13.
Stanley, Thos. Dight, M. Macklin, and
a number of prominent citizens. Ile
will attend the grand banquet at Ailsa
Craig on 22nd inst., at which time he
will address his constituents. Mr.
Coughliu can give a good account of
himself. He has discharged hi duties
truthfully, and hits strictly fulfilled the
promises made to the electors. Hie
speech in Parliament was au able of
THE EvE:ni,TT CASE.—Tho charges of
miscotzdeat against Uoneteble Everett,
of Lncan were gone into before Judges
Elliot and Davis of Loudon ou Satur-
day, Squire Peters occupied a seat on
the bene!!, and tiquiree Mcllhargy and
Sxn,—RTy attention Las been called to a 0runican, from Lncau, were also pres-
leugtLy article n last week's issue of the Be- rut. After a number of witnesses had
erector which is anything but complimentary to been examined without eliciting much
the Council of this village and myself in par evidence against Everett? their Honors
tinlar. Now, while I have no desire to return took time to ot'nsider -whether they
railing for railing (whatever I might do at esti- would call upon Everett for any defence,
cuff.,), I feel it my duty to point out several and postponed the case. Mr. Everett
glaring falsehoods, which, if accepted as truth, asked who was to pay him for his time
would place the Council and myself in a very and the expenses of his wituesses, wno
unenviable position indeed. The first false he said were respectable and law-abitt-
statement is that "I wished to have the tend -
DON'T forget the grand excursion. Two ars soon aslwas about to open them and award
hours' ride on Lake Huron at Port Blake en the contract". I simply asked them to name a
the 24th for 25 cents. time for the reception of tenders, which they
Nennow Escsrxs.—On Thursday last while
Messrs. George end R. Sanders •ivere out for a
boat ride the boat eapsizad giving them both a
good ducking. The sante gentlemen, on the
same day had a narrow escape from being run
over by a train on the L., H. and B. Railway.
ExcunsxoN.—As there will be nothing going
on in Exeter on the Rcieen's birthday the peo-
ple will have to go to other places to spend the
day. There will be an excursion at Port
Blake which wile no doubt be patronized by
our citizens, It will take two hours to make
each trip, and it will only cest'25 Dents.
TEACHERS' INSTITUTE: The next meeting
of the Exeter Teachers' frstitute will be held
in the school room on Saturday, May 31st,
eommeueing at ten o'clooklr m. Tho follow-
ing is the programme : Geammar, by Mr..
W. Leigh ; subject to bo chosen by Mr. Caver
hill; Essay, by Miss Jennie Butcher. "Mr.
Moir, teacher of school section • No. 6, Us -
borne, is expedited to take up a subjeet.
CLEAN Swear.—M5l% Street south ofDrew's
Block was thoroughly cleaned on Thnisday
last by the ciizens, who turned out and scraped
and swept until the street was almost as eteau
as a floor. Two weeks from to -day we expect
to see just as clean a Sweep made by the Con
eervatives in this and other counties.
RuntAWAy.—Mr. Edwin Davis' horses ran up
Main Street without a driver on Friday af-
ternoon of last week, and` the way they kept
the 'track and tnrued the, corners would
lead one to believe that 'ahoy Ude passed
throng a course of traiug b , the late Professor
Rockwell or Professor trate' • The runaway
team was caught before any damage was done.
Tae TwaNTr-Feewre --The sixtieth anni-
versary of the birth of Her Most Gracious
Majesty Queen Victoria will be celebrated on
:iaturdey next by her subjects. The messeng-
er death has entered the Royal circle since the
Queen's last birthday, the remembrance, of
which visitation will no doubt cause herto me-
ditate on the past with feellugs of eoletnnity.
Dol.'x forget tbo ,'luaus! excursion: Twit
hours' ride on Lake t uroit at ]'ort Blake on
rise 24th for 25 cents.
Vireesxr a Mieen.—According to an item in
the Brusselspapeelasstiwer, there4 to , be a
lking'witch in Al a& on lire '25th inst,
declined to do, saying they would let me know
some other .time. Some time afterwards I
again asked if they would name a time to re-
ceive tenders, and received a similar answer.
I afterwards asked a member of the firm if
he was yet prepared to name a time, when he
asked me if I was to open the tenders -which
he well knew—and mumbled, "Would it not
be more satisfactory to open the tenders in the
presence of one from each of the offices 1" to
which l replied that I supposed he would have
the satisfaction of knowing whether I was a
rogue or not, and in that would not gratify
him. Again loaned at the office and asked if
they were yet prepared to name a day, and
'prevarication seemed chronic. I told them if they
would not name a time I must, and asked if Fri-
day evening at6.o'clockwould answer, to which
they assented. Nest t says, "I promised to
call for the tender." !promised no such tliing,
nor could they presume any such thing from
any circumstance. Well, Sir, up to Saturday
evening no tender came from that office, when
1 called upon, the Reeve and some 510m
bora. of the Council and asked them what I
should do respectiug the publication of the
auditors' report axed: abetraot, and was told that
there was no other course open except publish
it in the Tastes, which I ordered on the follow-
ing Monday morning. Now, if ordering the
insertion of that report was awarding the con
tract, as thearticle represents it, let the people
decide. I oalled at the post office on my way
home from the TIMES office, when I was hand-
ed a letter. Before examining the address I
torn a very small portion off the corner of the
envelope, notenouglh toremove the contents,
when I noticed it was marked "tender for
printing." I carried it back to the owner and
told hits I could not receive it, as he knew the
time fixed for the aeeeptfou of tenders' was
past, and part of the printing was already or-
dered, vie., the report referred to, not that the
contract was greedy awarded, as they.
untruthfully put it. The article says the ten-
der was laid before the Reeve; If 00. it was not
in the same envelope that contaiued it when
addressed to ate, as it was destroyed, by piece-
saltr�an Sunday: The morality of th2
ars meal itrmy presence. Referring to the more
• gittieu �
lerusscliles mint be at a scoun
dit but con•' personal matter of the, article, you: readers will
ing persons. 'Judge Elliot said they
could not in any case tax any one with
the costs. Everett then said he thought
it was very unfair he should be put to
such great expeuee.
1, -.01H -4t
District Meeting.
The members of the London District
of the Methodist Church of Canada,
comprising the country betweeu Inger-
soll and Mount Bridges, and between
Belmont and Exeter, met ou Wednes-
day and Thursday, April 14 and 15, in
the Methodist Church, at Ailsa Craig.
The Bev. Dr, Saudersou, the Ohairmau
of the District, occupied the ebair, and.
conducted the opening religious exer-
cises. On the roll being called about
forty minister,' answered to their names.
The Rev. J. E. Laneeley was elected
Secretary, and the Rev. J. S. Coiling,
Assistant -Secretary. The question of
ministerial character was they consider-
ed. It was a matter of congratulation
that after the usual questions there was
noobjection against any tninrster. Rev.
W. K. Shortt, B. A., of Ingersoll, sup
ernumerary minister, asked to be al-
lowed to return, to the activewo.rk. The
examrnion of E. H• Boyle, and W. IL
Spence as candidates for reception on
trial, was proceeded with. They were
recommended to be received.. On mo-
tion, Cecil Harper; B. A., T. B. Leith,
and A. M. MCCullcugh, were recoil),
mended to Conference to be received'
into fall connection and ordained. The
following young men, who have travel-
led throe years, were recommended to
be continued on trial :—Wru. Penhale,
Ezra A. Fear, J. 0. Foote, and S. G.
Staples, and ateo the following two
years, (lien :—A. C. Crews and Ebenezer
Lanceley. Qu the queatieu of "Who
go to college `1" the following, were rec•
nounrnended : George W. Henderson,+'.
B. Stephenson, H. T, Crossley, S. G.
Startles, Wm. Penhale, E. A. Fear
and J. O. Foote. The following were
recommended to be continued in a sop•
eraunuatod relation :-Dr. EttaleaWni.
Chapman, Thee. Ii'adwin, R. E. Tap;
per, David Ryan, J: 11. Robinson, Geo.
Kennedy, J. Ii. Koppel and James Bell.
MAT 22, 1P79
New stook just arrived at
Sotltboott's.J3lock, consisting of
Dry Goods, "Groceries, Hats & Caps,
• all to be sold. at
Dress Goods, the latest patterns, and the very best quality,
20 per gent. lower than any other store.
Call and inspect at once, and get prides.
Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Sign of the " Red Flag,"
ately occupied by R. A. Leggett,
J. F. Latimer was .recommended to be
continued iu a superrumerttry relation.
Dr. Sanderson, Dr. Evans, and J. H.
Robinson wore appointed to ptepare a
suitable memoir o' the late Rev. \'Vtu.
Philop. The books read by the youug
men on trial were then subjected to the
criticism of the senior brethren, On
Wednesday evening a very interesting
love feast and sacramental service was
ooudneted by Dr. Sanderson. The
first sermon in Ailsa Craig was preach-
ed by the Rev. Win. Chapinan, now of
Loudon, on a green 18 years ago. On
Tborsday, after the statietical retnras
had been recorded, Idle payinsut from
the uoutiugent fund of expenses in con•
nection with two oases of special af-
fliction was reoommended,and requests
from the Trnstree Beards of two Cir-
cuits for permission teasel! church prop
erty were also recommended to the fav
orable consideration of the Cnuferenoe,
and a re -arrangement of the .work on
nue mission was effected. The Rev.
James Kennedy was elected asthe rep-
resentative on the Sabbath School Com-
mittee ; the Rev. G. N. A. 13'. T. Dick-
son the representative on the Station-
ing committee ; John Green, of Lon-
don, and Dr. Stepheusot',of Bryanston
on the. Conference Contingent Fund
Committee ; and Thomas McCormick,
of London, the representative on the
Conforeuce Missionary committee. Dr.
Sanderson announced that after filling
up all vacancies occasioned by death,
removals and the dropping of unworthy
names, there was an increase iu the
membership of the chur;h in the dis-
trict of 151 over last year. A hearty
vote of thanks was presented to the
Itev. John Ridley,pastor,and the friends
in Ailss Craig for their generous hospi-
tality in providing for the comfort of
the members', after which this pleasant
and harmonious District meeting was
bronght to a close by the doxology and
A son of lir, M. Frawley of Brussels,
In the case of lloffermau against the
Corporation of Montreal for $100,000
damages for broach of contract, in,dg.
went was given on Saturday for w;15,-
r, sot of new instruments for the 15th
Battalion land have arrived itt King-
ston, and new helmets have been order-
ed for the battalion and are expected
by the middle of Juno.
The report of the Q -whew special
committee to strike enb•onmmittcces oc
the reception of the Marquis sad Prin-
ces was adopted on Saturday, and the
sub•cornmittees commenced their work
ou Monday.
A joiut pastoral of the Canadian Bis -
hot s of the Anglican ;hnrob, was read
in the churches at Quebec lass Sunday,
appointing Tuesday, the 20th, a day of
special intercession f 'r missions and ur-
ging the special claims of the missiou-
ary dicoeso of Algoma.
A. horrible murder was reported as
having occurred on Wednesday last near
Lake Aylmer; on the lino of the Q tabor
Central Railway. Two men, . Garour
and Lotouruean, quarreled in reference
to some land, when the latter struck
the former with au axe.in the chest,
t.ue are sinking in nearly Eo the handle.
Letournean was reported to havoalci't
forLambton. Iligli Constable Looueis
left by a epecisl engine on the Q+tebeo
Central to affect his arrest, with lir.
Coroner Woodward to hold an inquest.
The Harold Haarfairer, the first Nor-
wegian eteanzsbip which entered the
port of Montreal, arrived iu the har-
bor on Friday last. The vessel is from
Cuba with a cargo of raw sugar. for
Redpath. The crew is composed en-
tirely,of flaxeu haired Norsemen. On
Saturday the crew celebrated ttio ttuni-
versary of the union of Norway and
The London Tree Press, of Saturday,
enutaiue full particulars of the abscond-
ing of Mr. C. S. Jones, a prominent
barrister of St. Bares, of the firm of
Jones & Mosorip, leaving liabilities
amounting to about -e„,50,000. The
aged sixteen months, who was so bad- town has been fearfully excited for sev-
ly burned haat week, died on Friday. eral days past over the matter. Mr.
It seems itt the time of the accident
Mrs. Frawley was in the room with the
child, and rescued it as quickly as she
could. The poor little fellow had been
standing on a high chair, and his legs
having slipped inside the rungs, be
was unable to do anything to save him-
self in the least after falling on the
stove. The parents have much sytu-.
pathy in their bereavement.
Ou Tuesday morning a 'chopping
stone in Mr. Leb's grist mill, at Varna,
burst, scattering the fragments in all
directions, fatally injuring John Ivic-
Arther, head miller, who only lived
about three hours afterwards, and in-
juring Mr. Lee and Charles Weeks..
Mr. MoArther was leaning over the
stone tt the time. Lee and Weeks
were only six feet from it, pieces of the
stone weighing 800 pounds flying on
both sides of thein. lbicA.rtlier leaves a
wife and six children to mourn hie loss,
fonr'of the, latter being under 10 years
old. ' Mr. Lee's loss is ttbnut' $800.
The fishery overseer
.Belleville has
shipped a number of five black bass to at the time ofthe big flood of three
the Department at Ottawa. " years ago. An experienced river cap -
H. M. S. Druid sailed from Halifax tain is firmly of the belief that the
on Thursday, afternoorr`'for .Newfouud- "tuortlt water" has vet to come.
land, on fishery proieettatf. service,
o one
un re e i ratite from
Jones dwelt largely in money -lending
and mortgagesjand e, largo number of
farmers and others are severe sufferers.
He is now said to be in New York. Ac
attempt is beiug made to azrange his
affairs, which it is possible may be
done by the aid of tlie.banks.
The water in the Ottawa river has
risen rapidly of late, and great fears
are entertained that a flood sirnilar to
that of the spring of 1876 will finally
result.. It has already begun to wash
Mlle of the breakwater docks at the
head of the Chaudiere, and the lumber-
men are making preparations' to meet
the probable impending danger: The
rise iu the. river during.tbe past couple
of days is supposed to be doe to the re-
cent heavy rains and the beginning of
what ie generally known es the "north
water.''' Oa' Wednesday night, there
was a rise of nine inches' and the same
ou the followipg night, while on Friday
night it rose seven inches, making a
total rise in three days of two feat and
one inch. On Saturday it was still ris-
ing. The water iu the river is within
six feet and four inches of what it was
onh d e lti g t
the Eastern Stato-a shill' Quebec passed
throngli,:Montreal on; Thursday last for
Manitoba, n''
Mr. and Mrs. 11 trarter will bring
120 children froth lhegow to Canada
tine month, These young people will
be placed with farts ers in the west.
The Montreal catreilgera, who
were getting $1.75pa'y for a horse
and wagon, have stltrk, work fn Canso.
(ponce of their wages being reduced.
ins cut another porsyto Manitoba on the
firth of June next' Ciir*ulars giving full informa-
tion as to fare, route, oto. will issue in duo time,
Last two parties were 'roil suepoeseful
1110s, O.RbllineW'At';.
Centralia Vf0
Mr (i always accompanies his pa Wise out
through the country free of ohargo,