HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-22, Page 7111 MAY 22,1879 T.E1b3 TMES WAN TE D TO INQUIRE . The bell had jest struck three o'clook in the morning when there Caine faiat knock at the humble door of the humble cabin of the bumble widow Ledybold. The widow turned in her sleep and muttered. The next knock wasn't so faint. it made the door shake and the dishes rattle, and the widow sat up in bed. The third knock Was a kick, and the humble Ladybold opened her door with thst prompt, decided action which alone saved the battle cf Waterloo. Before her etood a distinguishedtrnnger, etranger, who inquired if "111trandy Taylor resided there?" The widow gracefully inclined her head and deluged the stranger with a pail of water,and he was running away when he fell into the anise of the po- liceman. Ile was.pormitted to sit by a hot stove for the next five honrs. Yet when the Court opened the only dry meet about him was his throat. "Did you have the lettst idea that Ifirandy Taylor lived there ?'' iuquired ,or whether 1 t. I thought a groat hand his Honer. "Well, I don't remem lied the least idea or nu I'd iuquire and see. I'm to enquire." "Yon aro, eh ? Well, when you come in sight of the Rouse of Correc- ria will pro]) ies. I shall ossible that a tion the driver of the Ma ably answer all inquir book yon for thirty days "Juclge, does it seem p roan its wet as I is to be incarcer- ply icoiring ated in a bastile for sinn for Mirandy Taylor ? I'm amazed and astonished." "Thirty days is the seuteuce, wet or wet they elm dry. If you go up there pack you closer," "And may 1 enquire, your Honor, if this is the nineteeuth century ?" "Yon may, sir ; and yon may get 1 I hear any your sentence doubled i more talk." "I un too wet to run any risks," said nd he went in it for the car - the prisoner to himself, a to hug the stove, and we riage to back up. ••••11.•••••••• A PROPHECYUN FULFILLED. A curious superstition hes come to light in Mid -Somerset. Tbe laboring classes in that loeality, like those of most other rural districts in England, held sacred certain supposed uroplie- cies of "Mother Shipton," whose topo- graphical knowledge must have bean little less marvellous than her ineight into the fatare. Of these prophecies the most widely believed in had refer- ence to tha fate of Ham Hill, a large stone quarry in the neighborhood of Yeovil, and a prominent feature of the landscape for miles around. It was to the effect that at 12 o'clock on the Good Friday of 1879, Ilam Hill should soddenly he swallowed up by an earth- quake, and that at the same time Yeo- ville should be visited by a tremendous flood. With such anxiety was Friday looked forward to, in consequence, that people actually left the locality with their families, and went to stay with their friends in other parts of the country until the dreaded "vieitation" should be over; others, whose faith was less robust, nevertheless thought it advisable to remove their pots and pails from the shelves of their cup- boards and to stow away their clocks and looking glasses in places where they were not liable to be shattered by the shock of the earthquake; others, 41.guic, suspended gardening operations for a day or two, thinking it a mere waste to commit good seed to earth that was likely to behave so treacher- ously. On the moruiog of Good Fri- day itself, large numbers of people— many of them from a distance—floelted to the spot, or as near to the spot as they dared venture, to await, half in- credulously and half in terror, the stroke of 12 and the fulfilment of the prophecy. When, however, the tip - pointed hour had passed, and Ham Hill still stood nnabt.shad, they began 'to look sheepishly into each other's faces and to move away. SCOTLAND. A. confererce on intemperance has been held in Glasgow under the presi- dency of the Lord Provost. There have now visited the Edin- burgh Museum of Science and. Art upwards of 4,700,000 persons. The operative shoemakers of Lin- lithgow after a strike of fifteen weeks Invve submitted to the maeters' terms. The itnprisoued bank director and manager at Perth are said to take but ill withitheir quarters and employment in the 'General Prison and look most miserable objects in convict's garb. There are now some signs of a parti- al ;revival of trade in Airdrie. The ex- tensive engineering works of Dick dc Stevenson have been put on full time. '.L'he water supply of Earlstoun bite been cut off by the frost, and new pipes will require to be laid to the whsle of the Water Supply Distriet West of the Corn Exchange. FASHIONA.BLE FOOLISHNESS, Thom is no modern fashionable no- tion quite so absurd as the generally received idea that to be beautiful and attractive a woman must possess a wan, spirituelle loco and a figure of sylph- like proportiona—a fragility in nine cases out of ten the result of disease. By many fashionable belles it N consI dered a specialcompliment to be spoken of as frail and delicate. They forget that the naturally delicate facie and pa. tite figure are very different from the pale and disease -stricken facesthat meet us iu the city thoroughfares, look out from the luxuriant carriage() of wealth, and glide languidly through our crowd- ed drawing -rooms, if disease were un- fashionable, as it ought to be, uot lady in the land but would take every possible precaution to secure the fresh, blooming face and well-rounded figure that only health can give. Ladies should remember that much as gentle- man may profess to admire tho face and paled and emaciated by disease, when they 0110033 a wife they perfer a bloom- ing, healthful, buoyant -spirited woman. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presciption is the acknowledged standard remedy for fe- male diseases and weaknesses. It bas the two -fold. advantage of curing the local disease and impartiug a vigorous tone to the whole system. It is sold by druggists. WIT AND HUMOR. "There's music in the heir," moaned the young husband as ho reached for the paregoric bottle. A judge has decided that a women is not an "old maid" until ebe ie thirty- five. Do you hear that girls ? A barber refused to color the mus - tulle of an intoxicated customer be- cause he did not want to dye a druuk- ard. The fall of Adam was not as humilia- tlng as it might have been. There was nobody around to say, "Come here, sonny, and I'll pick you up." Love is a game of pitch and catch. Ha "throws" his affections and she generally catches them ou the first bounce. In the end, both fetch up at the "home base." The medium-sized boy enjoys his morning practising base ball, and hum- iliates himself afternoons by teasing his mother for hti1f a dollar to pay for the broken glass next door, with an earnest plea " not to let on before dad." At the Police Court—TheJudge hav- ing made several inquiries of e, fellow arrested for swiudling, about his pre. vious Instory, finally asked : "And yoo have never been sentenced ?" "Never 1 never in my life." " Very well ; eit down a few minutes and you will be." A. member of the rhetorical class in a certain college had just finished his declamation when the professor said : "Mr. —, do you suppose a general would address his soldiers in the man- lier you spoke that piece ?" "Yes, sir, I do," was the reply, "if ho was half scared to death." A SILENT MAN. Asaliel P. ID man, who died in Utica a few days ago, had uttered scarcely a word for more than half a century. He wits not dumb; he could talk well enough but Lie became eonvince& at an early stage of his life that more Marin than good was wrought by speech, and re- maiued true to his principles ever af- ter. When his first child was boru he rode seven miles in quest of a physician. He carried shite and pencil, wrote a statement of the situation, returned with the medicine -man, arid received the anuouncemeut of his paternal re- sponsibilities in silence. His wifo,who survives him, says no woman ever had kinder husband. The relatioue be- tween the couple were always pleasent, and Mrs. Inman bas remarked to her neighbors 'If Asahel talked as much as I do, the Lord knows what would hap- pen. Some of his written replies to questions of acquaintances who were curious to know why he preferred ai leuce to speech aro worty of mention. One retort was : 'A good listener is to be preferred to a good talker.' Another was ; 1 want to prove that a man can be happy and hold his tongue.' A clergy - Man once asked Inman whether be didn't think the Lord gave him his ton- gue to be used. Tho pencilled reply was : "The Lord gave me a mind that tells me when to use my tongue.' In 1842, while he was travelling with his wife in a /stage between Syra- °use and Ruohaeter, the vehicle was halted in front of a small country tav- ern, A. child was sleeping on the porch. Inman, looking out, saw a large black- snake crawl to the side of an infant. • Grasping his wife's arm he shouted : 'See !' and sprang from the stage, pnr- sited the reptile some distanoe, and filially killed it. He left a snug for- tnno which his son inherits. His last written message was : 'Silenceis gold.; His oft -penciled adtnonition to ENGINES AND BOILERS. Erors 1. 10 13 Horse rower, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, butter and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse power. Rest 4114 cheapest ,n the market. Send for circular and price list. John 13oty. Esplanade Street. TORONTO. • i 111; OD 0,74 8 (Sarcasm's to R. V. PI. BROD, 111. D.) DR. R. V, PIERCE, having acquired a world-wide reputation in the treatment of Chronic Diseases, resulting in IL professional business far exceeding his individttal. ability to conduct, some years ago Intlueed several medical g_entlemen to associate them- selves with hint, as the Faculty of the World's Dis- pensarY, the Consulting Dopaitment of which has since been merged with the INVALIDS' HOTEL. The organization has been completed and incorpo- rated under the name and style of World'. Mayen - eery Medical Association, with tite,followleg officers: lion. It. ',.'PIERCE, Pres. P. D. PtEttOn, V. Pre.% .3140. E. Plenten, Sec. Lnsran.R. Smrru, Treas. NINE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS of emi- nence awl skill 10110 been chosen as the Faculty. CHRONIC DISEASES 0( 8)1 forms come within the province 0( 01.) several specialties. DISEASES.—This division of practice is very ulily managed by a. gentleman of mature judg- met, t mai skill. Bronchial, Throat. and Lung Dia- caseq treated •tvillt the most successful results. DISEASES OE WOMEN ----Especially are our facili- ties of a superior order for the cure of all those chronic diseases peculiar to females. NERVOUS DISEASES.—Parldysis, Nervous Debil- ity, Epilepsy (Fits), Chorea (St Vitus's Dance), Nett- ralgla :out other nervons affections, receive the ettettelou 0( 00 expert. In 11110 81.)CM:tits% NOT NECESSARY TO SEE PATIENTS. -13y our original system of diagnosis, WC can. treat -many chronic diseases us successfully without as with personal cousultatium Fur particulars see -People's Uonnuou Sense Medical Adviser" (1.,00t) pages,sent poet -paid for 81.10) " and reurists' , aide Lioolt-n 0811.1.1.1488, 10 cents post-paid). SURGICAL CASES.—Ameng the operations which ve are called 111)011 most frequently to perform, are those fur Nasal' Polypus, Tumors, Fistula. In Atio,.Piles, I tonna (Rupture), listireeele (l)COPHy Of the Nerotun11, Varicocele, Ovarlan Rua Uterine Tumors, Calculi (Stone In the Bladder), Stricture, etc., ete. Wo also treat suet:es:4%111y, by it new nu:Ne- wt without surgical operation. Cancers, (ilub-feet, Spinal Curvatttre, and other deformities. (Seepath, Fillet e)ltitle(1, " Mot Lou as a Curative Agent,' seat calddss revieeipt, or 11) (0111..) ,•••• World's Dispensary Medical Association, Bynum, N. JUT RECEIVED. A. oar load of American, Plaster Paris, FINE QUALITT. CAR LOAD Beaehville White Line fresb. CUT NA.IL3, GLASS. HINGES, LOCKS (3: HARVESS TOOLS, AT LOY/ rams s. 1733.7.11.1\TE as Co., Next Door to &unwed & Pickard's, Main street. $50,000.00 it auction, To commence on Monday, Deo, 1.6,1878 W. D. McGloughlin of 136 D mid ELS street, Loudon, 1101) 011 the above date, offer his whole stock, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollen, at auction, and continue the sale every clay at two o'clock in tho after- noon and at seven 111. the evoniur during the bal- ance of tho mouth,—from tile 16t1, to the 3 let of 'December, Tis io the largest and best stock that has ever been offered to the public at their owu prices; and, as everybody knows, the goods 1.80 of the best manufacture and every tuticlo will bo war- ranted the same as if bought in. the ordin...ry way. This is a rare chance to get fine gold and silver watches, gold Jewelry, clocks, Plated. were 117.1(1 fancy goods at your own prices. Pernaps never again will such 1111 opportunity Ocetir, Secure yourChrietmas and Now Year's preeonts at this sale. Savo your money for auction --and al•einotto y. W. D. IlloGLOTIGHLIN, D nada street. London* HE GREAT CAUSE 010 HUMAN MIS- ERY. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. Price six mutts. Alecto -re on the Nature, Treatment and Radi- cal cure of SorainalWeasise e, or Spar:. atorrhcea, induced by Self -Abuse. Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, mid Impediments to marriage generally: Consumption Epia,psy, enc Fits ; Stented and. Physical Incapacity, &o- 13YhJ.ICULVER WELL, 81. D., author of ," Tho woild renowned author in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self -Abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine,ant! with out dangerous surgioai operations, boogies, in es .rtt- infante, auge, 08 00131818 ; pointing out a mode of eure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter whet his condition may be may cure himself Cheaply, priva tely anti radically. t -.This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Addros THE CIILIVELL811EEX0AL CO. 41 Atm et. Now York. P. O. Box 4386 SI -UP CROOSILY Tea, 50c., Tea, 500., SUGARS, COFFEE S, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GREAT WESTERN STE'M. SHIP COMPANY. NANV York, To Bristol Montreal, f direct, Also Agent for MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS, Valuta forwarded to all parts of Great l3rItain at his son' was : "Keep your ruouth shut.' CLEARING s ALF BEFORE TAKING STOOK SAMWELL 8c PICIKAR:.‘,, Will offer for cash or 10 Days tho balance of their Fall and 'Winter Goods at Cost so make room for their Spring Stook. All goods we shall offer are new goods bought for Season's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost, HEAVY MANTLE, CLOTHES, at cost. MEN'S and D:• OVERCOATS, at cost. MINK SETS and MUFFS, at coat. FUR CAPS, at cost. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at cost. Also a full assortment of general DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAP, CHINA. TEA SETS and CROCKEi Y which will be offered at bottom prices we are glad to say our stock is not large but fully assorted in all linos. Although this has bean a very hard season we are happy to say mu. :mode of doing business has been ap- preciated by the public as our sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank- all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. SAMWELL & PICKARD. olssemmosoftmoassim. Exeter, Out, •-• THE NATIONAL POLICn'. Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING Is prepare -A to give all his customers tue 113406.1.0 that will accrue from its adoption, r.:. • hand a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be :Which willbe sold at prices unheard of antler Froo Trade., The farmers of the surroundina country will find it to f!:. -vantage to sell their producebwithout paying mari. fees, ou the Exeter market,which is second. to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Immense arg there to be had in OvereoaLug, FulLeloths, Bro: Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everytil'.,1: needed in. the Dry Goocis line. The Grocei • Department very Complete.lAn inspection ir No trouble to show goods ISAAC CA `ela pametwayLlew, Zurrab. for the Sign OF THE Piano and Sewing (TIRE LARGEST AND BEST • Silverware, China and Dell the West, at marimmoimemme~Isielo n11.TS7''S r Mr.DreWb1.LsjllOirOCer)ed81l33 Silver Tea Sotte,Buttor coolers,n, Pickle Cruets, Cako Baskets, Card inimical Sotto, etc.,of the Be at Quad Plate, and is offering the same • •• ' • ASTONISH YOU FOR CH:, Re has just opened out a 110'41' C'L 1 '• ': • sortment nO Chinn, Glass and largo stock of Lamps just arrived. e • yourself as to quality and theaprs, •• try our instrumoute. Music • • nand. Services at lowest Sigures. Special attention called to the • Machine. Organs and Pianos beauty of design, and quality of ',so • E. DREW -10.3•111••••••,•- • •••••••••,......••• • , . JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCE AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOOK 01P GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IlYSON; and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPL:":lel , CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, 'LOBSTERS% SAIMONi BITTlat toc b Protrats, intkrtnisls. GINS. WiNits ,savt SYRT.;, SCOTCH, Lusa Adat CONItION WHISling, TOBACCOS AND Wfrol•Sale glid • C4-. A IN/A0 Main