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The Exeter Times, 1879-5-22, Page 5
6 ;,.. TILE TAMES A SAD SUICIDE. It is our sad duty this morning to qirouiole the death, by her own bands, t' a young and beautiful•girl, Mies Het - In Fraser by name, whose body was few days einoo, fogad hanging by a !•ore tied to the (staircase iu the resi- lonco of Mr, David Brown, jr„ 88 )nuneal street, Montreal, We need d:iardly enlarge upon the incidents of the aid affair, the evidence adduced speak - .ng for itself. The to:lowing ate ooples 'af papers read to the jury and proved 10 he the deceased's letters. There was no address upuu them and they were merely numbered 1 and 2 :— MUM NO. 1. If I take my life, as I have often been tempted to do, I hope that, whether I t;ueoeed in doing so or not, itreat Bare will be taken that my father never hears of it ; and inay God forgive Gil- bert Copeland for bringing me out here and breaking my heart. It may as well ho known that, having repented of what I said. I met him one Sunday night and asked him to go home with me. He went, but he treated me so coldly that I could hardly speak, and did not say what 1 intended ; but I would not be satisfied, so I wrote to him and lie sent the no answer, and then I sent for him to spew to me,'and I spoke to him,but all tc .uo purpose. But the day will comer ,then he will be sorry for throw• iug away a love like mine, I do hope that I will die ; but do not let my father know. LETT1;n NO. 2. I1lt;;lit.Es111I1 , Juet a line to say that 1 hope you will forgive me for treating you as I did last night after yon coining so far to see me, but really, Ester, I could not help it, I felt so awfully lone- ly all day, I could not get my spirits up at all. Sometimes this feeling comes over me, I cannot help it, I know you will forgive me for the sake of your ler- ing friend. 0-414114,--41 Ir always gives us pleasuceto draw attention to articles which are deserving of public pa- tirouage. Probably no article ever offered to the public has met with the salve success as Gray's Spruce Gum. Personally we can specie highly of its value as a family Dough remedy, having used it with great benefit. The sale of this article has assumed enormous proportions. Out advice to the public at !ergo is to try its virtual if they should unfortunately eoutraet either coughs or colds. INEnvmtsNags.—A great many in the middle and higher classes of society, who, without being ever actually sick, never know what real health is ; who live constantly in a lower plane of living than is normal in man, who are weak all over, though not specially and cnustantly weak in any one organ, who may not experieuoe piercing and grinding pain, yet suffer at thnea, if not always. that profound exhaustion which in many respects is worse than pain. Those in that lamentable state have always been relieved, and many perma- nently so by using the Z'1eTORI.\ Stet a of HY- roefloseurres, it being partionla`1y adapted for those cases. For sale at Central Drag Store, Exeter. • STILL user Gilts..—Dr if. 1;11. Rens, Ian- eardine, considers YELLOW Om as staple au article as he has in his store, and as sure to sell as ten or sugar. Jas. Robbin, Robbintou P. 0., writes:—"We ]tavo used TTArrs o's • YELLOW Om, and fled it answers every pur- pose for which it is recommended."' There is nothing better for Luxus, bruises, sealds, etc.; no better liniment in, the world. Milner'', Bentley it Pearson, proprietors., Toronto, Fur sale at Central Drug store. era Tf these woo nave never tried that unrival- led preparation for colds, conglls, hoarseness, asthma, sore throat, etc., I•[.tc no's Pticro:tar 13.ttsu)i, will bat receive the testimony of the. ,..tiny thousands who have sUeeesefnlly need it, they will be acting. wisely. It None of the old- est and hest known renle,liee in the 1)ocuinien. For sale at :1:) cents per bottle at L'entral Drug, Stere, Exeter. H R. ADBOTTL. Graduate of Boya'lgollego of DENTAL SURGEONS. (Moe over Owen bank, and opposite Barnwell i'lckarde. LT KINSMAN, DENTIST, Liooutiate of the Dental College of On tarie, may be ooueult'd any day. Office -- next door to the Post Office, Exoter,Ont. ST. M I,RY'S LIME WORKS. our draws kllne boingnow in full operation and turuingoutdaily a large quantity of LIME that for all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• ion. Partieafrom a distanoe oanalwaysbeet /Tiled either at the kilos or deliyerd by toante atlow est remunerative rates. Orders from a distance promptly attondedto, WIHITSON & SCLATER. Groceriesd Uon/ectonary. Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always inetaek, SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT.. i School Books, Stationery, Magazines WI'T'H ALL THE LATEST news N.13,—Sewing Machin.. Noodles efevery kind. A. BOYD. Cheap Cash Store. MISS LEACH, late of Seafor'th,bae openodout in the store recont- lyoccuuied by Mr. J. P. McIntyre, next door to Dr. Hutchiuson's residence, Aram St, Exeter, with; a new, large and well assorted stock of Milliner in all its Branches, Also Fancy Goode, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes. Pricesver'y low—for cash only. Light Kid Gloves and White Ostrich Plumes cleaned. A gall solicited. N B—Bair Dressing, Stamping, Volvo tPainting, &e, &o . A first-olass dreemmuker ou hand. MISS LEACH. Aged persons titre often troubled with de- rangements of the kidneys and urinary organs, an l will be glad to learn that V IOron-la hectic and 'Eve Ua.l is preptirell with the especial purpose of mewing these troubles, and ni:tk- ing lite happy to the aged. Those who have userlit speak highly of it, and it is highly rec- ornineu,led with eonlitleuee. Por elle at Cue, tr,tt Drug Store, P,xeter. Cara, at tlto•iirst Drui,, Store t4nt1. procure a bittle of (n'ay'3 Syrup of l.tu,l Spruce ('sum for cuu;yjl:., r 0 1'c, cite. We wee/amend its pur- -rhat+e at Drib; :itoree of lesl,ect'Lltility, ass there i; an attempt to pinen in the bands of the peb- 1;:: its artiole under a .;ion lar name, put tip in a :nil's., stole, hitt of a white. milky apl:ear- tinee.• the genuine being of a dark l)r)wei:sh- ••d'ri 'mien. It is; a wretched imitation, aad t.li uld tie at once rejected. Iroseltee's lirrmtul Syrup oat:now be pm-- c.heat:a right at levee, it is the most successful pr, 1' rstinu ever ititrodunod to our people. It larks tide e. obtain in nil eases of Cunetu ip. tion, l.'nenlnnnia, Ii'nucrrh.ages, 1l>d ens, se- vere Gdrialte, Croup and all ether Throat and Lung Diseases, No person has ever nisei this nloili. int without golting iutnmcdtate relief, yet there alit it great niany poor, aufferiitg, akap'i- teal .,crinis going about our eta'i)ets with a se seleionr coned", and the, voice of cuusnmption miiug from thole Bugs, that will not try it. • If you (lio.it is your ewe. fault. asyou can go to vclur .lrit;giet lurid gat a Sample Bottle for 10 tients and try it; three doses will relieve any caeca Regular size only 7i cents. i''ew 'York Millinery Store. tiIIIH.ii.11.\YiLr,TAai)lbits 11130 opened out in Block With 11 ' p ,ltile1; of Huang Goods BONNI+TS AND StfAP.ES 11' the, Ir,tltst New Yell( and r'11+1ac101pIi1,L styles. ...tiro it 1., ego angortntettt of 11'11'11121i11 iu 1,11 4w.lcf1,Itibbnur„Weathers antOrua:tents, Lad- ;OS.11.41,0 illcoly 111Itunud frr,m 5t) went:; up, V.s1.1e, j., No ties, ands, collars, fringes and a 1111' frilte, Allfo 1L largo store; t;f 111 v 1)19 (xotld , tnfaute' bats, In ods, ant! ('Ilia. ladles' 1 .1)0 it fits cut 110 the latest Philadelplria, stylet A large assort- se t of 1'aranols acs.i!,orll Standoff Oil! and examine cin' stoe!: before p areliastng elbow eere, 1' the 5011 for .incise to suit the times And demi liberally with the farm 1'it 111 their way pf tea ie. .Mitre. C. B. W1L 1A.t''A 3, .Shot, April 17, T8iil. Apprentices wanted. li..otor, April 13 1870. yl KNOW THYSELF oy rah ting the in'stima_e -nils sou. Mined in t1,+ .ro medical bind ever i`1"t. ‘61.110111.`11 SELF-t'uEdLrtt TION Price only $1. S m .ry until en receipt of pri':e. 10 treats ofExhanstedYitulily, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that r, suit therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre- scriptions, any one of -whish is worth the. pt lc' of the book. This book was written by the ulna ex. tensive and probably the meet skilful i ractitinner in America,towboat was awarded a gold suit I3'w. eked medal by the National Medical A s'ociet ion. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very �tuest Steel Engravings—a mar. vel of art and beauty-- HEAL sent Fazio to all. Send for it at once. Address UT MEDCAL INET IHYSELF INSTITUTE, No Bel. Ilneh St.. Boston. Blass. Mowers and Reaper's'. WE OFFER A TRIAL o f our ost ibrated Ingle Mowers. —AN D-- 1 1 1e Reapers r MAT 22, ..181/` NEW FALL GOODS. A. KELLY has juetreceived alarge stock of 11 atches, Ctoeks, Jewellery, f io- iln String's, Spectacles, Ladles, and Gents' Pocet Books. A large stook of Fancy Goode eon- stantly on baud. NEW BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned wouldinform the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED .A. NEW BUTCHER SHOP ouedoor south of his Blacaemitbehopandhopes theeame liberal patronage that has beau ae corded to him in the Br,%DEBDMMT$ AND WAGON DIARING Line willboextondodtohim inhlc new branch of nusiness. RisMeat wagon willoallatthe resi- dents of the villaaethreetlmoseackweekend FRESH MEAT all kindslkept ooustantlyon Mand at hie butcher shop. Blacksmithing and wagonmakingcarried ou as mutat in all its branches R. DAVIS. Wonderful Discovery. EMPRESS ELIEF. THS FRIEND OF MANKIND. An Internal d External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheumatism and Neural In and rills ail pain instantly.—"Deny it who cart.' Itis the only known remedy for Rhoutuatiem ou thoAmerlcan Continent, provedby others:' As soon as applied it gives inetaut ease to the utdortunate sufferer, Itis rapidly absorbed, penetrates to the verybnne,entersthe ciroula tion,ueutratielug all "'thematic Poison" Dir °elating in the blood, and expels it from the system through the natural outlets. IT CURES Tooth tche, Earache, Headache, Nouralia lthetunatism, Sprains, Swellings. Inilmunition, llnrns, Cuts, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pltiu in Back, Pahl in Ohest,, Pain in Shoulder, Coughs, Coltls,h'rost Bites, Chilbhtius, Diarrhoea, Dys- entery, Sumner Complaint, &e., &o. It will cure the most agonizing pain, Intel tial or external, in one instant of time. Pocket your prejudice an.l give it a trial ; the Invest- ment 1.1 small and relief col tato. Tho great secret of its success with allolaoses is owing tu the fact it is safe and h.trialess, pleasaut to take, gives instant ease, and can be applied to a wider range of disease in every day lifo. with greater success than any preparation which research skill and "Medical Science” has yet produced. As a proof ofis grunt power over diseases auy porsnu, no matter who it may be, Rich, or Poor, OLl or Young, who is suffering from any of the above named pein'ul complaints, swill call at the Office in T' c•'iutto; acv day of the week, will get practical "free of charge," of its tragical power over pain in.•ne: appi)oation•____� Testimonials from all parts of the Dominion are o neta'ltly coining to hand. giving expres- sion to the inost grateful gratitude Inc as•' touisliing cures which it has performed, and two would be pleased to receive testimonials' kfrirm all others who uie it tuccesstully. Phystoians of the highest respectability re. ooltlmend it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in oases of sud- den emergencyy-�� �,• Oarry it to ymor homes, and it wiltpreve a blessing to you fanlil Viand afflicted fiends. Droggists Ill's 4el.ling nnorrimous quantit ©s of of w,,erever introduced. I challenge the world. thobcits equal. ti The Trade supplied through the whtlo0ale Drug incl Pat'nt Medicine }Tenses of Montre- al, Toronto, Hamilton and 1,01100,�-� Price 25 Cents per Bottle ! Sold by all Enterprising Druggists.. Sept. 1111., ly. C.. & GIDLEY Undertakor., and Z t OULD SAY TO V Thosewho intend' pttrohaslag to do so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to soil again must neeeeeorily Have ss profit. We delta to give the purchasers the benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers, Our expenses are less than those of city manufaeturersooneogneat- ly wo eau solloboapor. TholughPrigoofrinr! FF'il u' nitur. e Manu acurer NE WOULD ) call vpeo9alattent,Oih io our undertaking dopt,rt meut,whiuh is move omit 'Mete than 0Vor,as we have added everal mew designs of ate The best coflln.s, Baskets ,shrm)uls,and every 'uneral requisite at the IOWeat.,rices. Our new Hearse is pronounced by competent judges to be seam( to nore to the pro vines(1 E mbems of all the Different Societies. Furniture and Undertaking. 5, FAIRBAIRN has on hand at Hensen ex large and as handsome a stock of FUIINITURE as can by found in any establiehmont in Huron, all of which las IS PREPARED' TO SELL CHEAP ! UNDERTAKING iN ALL ITS BRANCHES I '*•la'ring procured a ltandsotne hearse, he is preparati to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most Reasonable Terms. In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti -Septic Fluid, which preserves the body and tleetroye all offensive odors, and pr•veuts contagion arising from dead bodies. A call respectfully solicited. S. ,re ,6.aRB1a8x .1T. TIIIS IS NO BOMBAST ! Truth. Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, _0.—.— Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy its bargains. When I say 1 manufacture my own furniture f: amt prepared with my proof -sheet that the people can inspect at any timo by culling at my Ware rooms where they will see a superb elia play of Furniture inAll Its Branches is manufactured by myself and my combined artistic skill, wits good workmanship, I der neo not iusatisfying the people with a class of Furniture that cannot be equalled for (puullty or pr:ee Irl: Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. --o— WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITUR GIVE J. BRAWN A CAR. Corner of blain and GidIey's Street, Exeter. 1879) SPRING (1879' THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE I At all times, and particularly at a period when Trad„ is univesaally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with every contidi ence; it being more carefully assortea and selected than that of any previous season. In the Dry G-oods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked.- a prices which should command the atter tion of the very closest buyers. THE ORDERED CLOTHINts still has MB. W IVES at itihead In. Millinery Uuderthema..agpmentof Miss McGloghlon,we can suit the mostfastithous. Our stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware j one of too largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their bestiuterosts by examining mystock before going elsewhere. JAMES PICKARD SPRING STOCK SPRING STOCK. Now Complete at ANTON BROS. New Cashmeres, Cords and Sages, New Black and Colored Lustres, 'New Dress Linens Prints and Cottons, New Muslins, Embroideries and Edgings,;. New Umbrellas, Parasols, and Sunshades all the latest novel- ties, Ladies outfittings, &c., &c. WE CAN'T DESCRIBE THEM; YOU MUST SEE THEM. Large stock Tweeds and Coatings, and Ready-made clothing. Clothing made to order in latest styles. Good fits guaranteed. Special attention is called to our stock of DUCKS, DEN .- & IMS, & COTTON SHIRTING, known. as the PO s -§ ` MA n all kindeofGrass au'3Capin, end on all con itieneol nilitltrl3.trfaace, tough as leather. Choice AND GUAItAN11: E ir1TI5FAcT'ioN o adv ince—goods at old O t NO SALE Wo 'also oiler' a Trial of l'tr Wrought Icon. Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REFS"ER AND MilWER Tl-cliiuoalu111)11.0d with 1'ivo hitinatlo, '..two .l.l rag- I,.tre, Two Finger -bats. Four 1, uivee, l+'urlted an(I Keyed. Ibis, Self -oilers, 9te., to. can bio ollya.rma from 1,11e -ger co Remo, A:ND REA.PEIt TO MOWER 13y1ornevalurrourholle, alt'. fuloss ohautifteen rteMutes 't1n1•r. &lease call at our W0i'as and iuerec our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. Sim cl for Citta?agnea. T0VIPSOi'd& WILLIAMS Manufacturing, Co., 6tratfo,td, • d000 not effect the�OAty lulus at which B.. (Se T. alai I.t,� S.2 ,A, d nreoffering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES. Etc., at Exeter & Hensall :vi.ticll o011nistt of all the latest alld tnlproeed .tyles of ICitohen, Cook and Pa,rlorsitoves,Jliik ..stns, pans, and paiis of the most approver pattot n, anti everything in the line ; Also, a cod selection of handsome Jail, Jc troupthing as usual, receive. ovftr'yattention, and at the lowest figures. ©tial) Having opened mita branch astaulisllinent at Ilanoall,ant. friendo `-t Oho .lois hhnrl,0otd cau be supplied ou t i.d shortest notice, ei t, E13D fresh Groceries always on hand.. prices. Call ancl see. MANgON BROS. IGODERICI-1 FOUNDRY Founciel:s,. Engineers and Machinists. 111AN1 Ft:CTtBEBB CF ENGINES AND I3OTLEIIS, FLOURING, GR.IST AND SAW MILL�E,' ,STAVE AND I:IRADING b11CHINEll`i 1lilldlini; Purifiers of improved kinds. Agric ul ural Implements, COOKING, PARLOR A.ND BOX S'I'OV S Potash Kettles, Sglloel seats, &e. Irc)n and Bra,8s Cl.l;stinos to"order For eelo clloap—Sccend hand Boilers and Lngires Stave and Shingle, and Ileadirin ?'Iacuine.ry. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, hills, &;e.,promptlyatten((ed to, GCDERICZ FOUNDRY and. ANU FACTITRIng GODEIICH. Ont.