HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-22, Page 44 sTagzuzu Proviucial :Expenditure. CONIP.ILVX SW G. E, jACKSON, Liberal Convervative nominee,, And addressed to the Electors of the South Blain of Huron (Continued from third poae) this much needed. reform, against the interests of his constituents and in' favor of his Iegal friends in and out of the House? DIRECT TAX.A.TION, is no bogy -conjured up to frighten the electors. It must become necessary unless the extravagance of Mr. Mowat be stopped,, and the beat way to do that is to turu him out. The following etatement, which I reproduce from the Globe of April 8rd, shows that the Province is falling behind, and will have to meet the annually:recurring deficits by raising revenue from. some means not now used. Year. Total oven- Total receipts .Deacits diture for all from all saw- ' purposes. oes. 1871. • 1e,871,943 S3,446,348 $425,145 1876.. 8,001,621 3,158,016 417,918 1676.. 3,140,628 2,589.223 561,405 1877- 3,112,904 2,503,600 6E0,638 1878.. 2,902,388 2,308,925 593,463 Total 1.,,...11,847 104,006,678 02,628.269 Prom o.rertlar lately' issued by the Govern- ment it will be, seen that they contemplate this emergency, and are preparing to meet it by proposing a license on ALI, MEN CARRITNG ON BUSINESS, including harness makers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, Ctn., 6:e.—a most obnoxiotte system., necessitating ,the appoint- 1unit...of a large number of revenue °facials. Well imy the people pause and, ask, 'Whither aro we (hifting The Mo!sons Bank. INVOIIPOTIS.TED 21T stOT PASILLA.:11ENT, 1855. oizete./, $2,000,000. nese $400,000, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL :r03.1•I President. Tuomari wornur.k,v, - - . 'roe -Pres, • J 1,7f, trren, Viee-Pred Sun. Stalartl Ins CU llon 1) T. SAltntpliersou, Senator. • W Shopl..o.rtl,Proo Ottawa. 'River 1^.:Tavn: co Itirat o 111 P P, awes Williams, 3', Wo.trzadT.1.1z THOU.13, rrsq., - Ce4hier. 7K. lin.yros, Esq., - - - - - In peetar. 3-E xe ter Branr311.. • 11ENRT C. BILE WEB - - BIANA LOANS TO "FAIMERS. kroney e.,ITa1i3e.1 ta.rtnord ()newsy terms, on thei t noted with one or wore goad en No mortgage retinired security, SVINitS BANE /0v1":1,11Talli:NT- 4.44 clOak Nx.014 Web. the 01* 014 snob favoritiqu could not be al- lowed, Tir4re can be no possible wrong. 2ud—That the Clerk promised to call for their tender, but failed 'to do so. This is fully answered by Mr, Eacrett in a letter which will be found in another column. 113 declares to be a, falsehood, Dot, supposing that Mr, hacretb did promise to call for their tender, we fancy that they, as clever business men, would have seen to it that, if he did not call ou them they would call on him. They could easily have prevented. the Clerk from pIayiug any trick on them by watching out for hitu, as they have no confidence in hitn, they say. Ile passed their of- fice a very few minutes after six o'clock when they could have given them the tender. Ile passed within '20 rods of the dwelling of the principal who is not the principal within a few minutes af- ter six. The second fiddle man who says Iasis principal passes within a few rods of the Olerk's house half -a -dozen times a day; and finally the Clerk pas- sed by the door of the office to our own knowledge not less than four times an Saturday, the day after they were to send in the tender. Aud yet,are the people prepared to believe it, this very sharp firm of business men never saw fit to speak to him about the teuder ! And they had their tender prepared to hand to him too1 How that confiding, innocent, trusting disposition of theirs was taken advantage of by that wicked °lark! How childlike they were when the Clerk was dein his wicked work. Bub after all, the Clerk informed us on Saturday afternoon that he would oall at the post office in the evening, and if there was no letter for hirn then it would be their last chance. We demur- red to this, thinking that if we had in ons tender in the proper time, they should have had theirs in too, because our tattler was really signed and filled out six days before it was handed in. The next poiut is. &a—That their tender was prepared r and ready to baud to the Clerk at the 'a Ltterrt. &L' On iepo$i:A. 4 1 1:roa.o7 Vat and. aol Stix tt bod;ht and 6041, Collf•etions novae in all part 3 of the DOntinim : 01 tetAres po.nutttlyrounttea at lowest rates o Extzer, gnst 15fh (tEittqs. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1879. A TEMPEST IN TEAPOT. The printing for the village of Esc ter for the present year he.s been let by tender. Vdtt have received the contract. Reuther newspaper in town is angr3, Cat wo were so fortunate, and has pablielted an article which ie full of heel grammar, aud whet some people, who cell a seeds a: spade, denominate in eela,:n English, lies, bat whet we shall cell wilful misrepreseutation, leaving our readers to determizie the difference betweon the -sighifieations of the. two terme. Our atteutien has been called to the article iu question, awl our only apology for noticing zt ie that the mat- ter whereof it treats concerns the nub - Fe, who have a right to know the truth. Utider ether eirettmetences W3 8110121a treed the foel ernetation of a sour mind vi•It silent contempt. The pointe which they peas upon the atteetieu o't the public we shall consider r,riatitn. They are : 1t—T'uat the clerk exceeded hie an- the/it:7 in opening tenders. To this re say : The motion asking ler tenthers• read as follows : edehat, the Mrk prepare" a lint t)f the items tie.t may be revir6d for the our - rt year, and rr.ceive tenders for the saute." 'MS motion certainly implies that the clerk sheuilopeu the tenders. ?.Ir. iereev moved the motion and Mr. Pick - Aid seconded it. When the motion was passed, one of the oouucillors. asked if the Clerk- should opeu"the teudere, to which the Conucil uuanineortely assent- .0- Where- then did the Clerk exceed• 1;:s authority ? And the satnelime what possible barna ceind bo done by. the Clurk The• tender& are, all sub- reeitted the:Coutteil, and. if the-highe eel; tendei wee :accepted, and, the low - hour fixed by him for receiving them. 1n conversation with the Reeve the second fiddle who says he is first fiddle declared that he had not heeded the tender to the Clerk at the proper time because he thought be would not get fair ylay from hien. But their tender, las well as the letter which accompain- i ed it, was written on the Sabbath Day. tTbey are both dated 27th April, two days after they should have been given IMr. Eacrett. The fact that they pot - it on Monday morning, as they themselves State,is 2nima facie evidence that they vio;ated the sanctity of the Lord's Day iu prepaying a, tender for the village printing. Yee, while some Orme neolle were mayhap wending their way to the Dul's sanctuary or nniting their voices to swell the hymns of praise, other pious people were writing a tender fur printing. Ana this is the ceody-goody firm who trade upon treir own righteousness awl bask hi the sunsliihe of ministst lid favor. They do , business on Sunday! Perish the thought. TEM TIMEZ LI Mttek ettreeenieed•for WenIn the, ebsenee,01 t delmitien they:oola have claimed that 2(1,! or even $1Q worth of printing WhS ordinary. Conseg,ueut- Hogarth informed him that the 'Axescengt.ittienete ly, all beyond that would be etetraordin- should not have the by-law, Mr. %try, which, by the way, they say, in Prouty replied that the Tans Proprie-: May 22 ,1879 Exeter. Mr. Prouty came to Exeter and saw Mr. flogartb, not at the office but on his way out of town, and kr. ONealitIO iThEeTIONS' ' LIST or CANDIDATga NOtifINATED. Algoma . their letter to the Reeve, is not linalud- tor had been after it end there would be °rant' 8..... Brookville,.,, ea in the $81. .F.,xtraordtnary printing then would stretch like a piece of etas, tie. They could make it suit their pockote, and judging from the prices Dniforia they charged Stephen, the partionlars 4134 I'll give it to them." Mr. Hogarth Dundas....... ' a row :theta it if he did not give it to him, "but," said he, "I'il tell you, Mr, Hogarth, what I'll do, there'a another job which must be done before long --.-7, Cower ;Dennieou....1)eroche..Linge... .Baird 'Young . .gansoll.....Franor Bruce, N . - —Bluer - -.Sinclair- • Bruce, 8 Baird,. .... .Welb,..,....„„,,. Cardwell 'Mealier, . llobineorigollianns Carleton. .. 5.fonlr, , .. ,.......; ...kfulaloisii:: .... Cornwall,. 131artirdT'er.......NClia ja:b.c.t7iii..., i .. .Colville., ..114angidin.. .. , „ ...Snowden Day eVris11.!1.111(4446:1;acia(421. - - . ' . ' Wigle, .. .Balfour .Calvin......Dawson,..Straohan Glengarry , . ,. . ......... . ..... .. - . • . - - - . • . • thenvilie,S....Freneh Grey, N........Creighton, .D'oyle ... .. .. . ..., El•rey, 8,..........Fahoy,..,..Hunter Grey, E • Lautler........• .. . .. .....Rorke Haldimand.„ , Thompson..Baxter,.... ,. ..... IlliaamillIon...„11inrrity.. , .Etibson Beatty.. ..Robtuson Hastings, N.... ,Boulter,......- : .... ..Wood Hastings, E. , , Gordon. . Appolby Hastings,W, —Robertson.. Holdon ........ , .. Huron, S Se ckson . .l3 Lihop Huron, E Holmes. ; .Gibson 1turon,W Kelly,, . Ross Kent, E ..... ...Trorice, .....MeOraney Kent, W... ,...Contts.......Bobinson......„ Kingston Iletealfe.,., Robinson., Lambton, ..E, . • 'Shirley-- Graham Lanabton , ..W .. MoGervey... Pardee ' rlijoeinula;rkit,,sN Elliott.l‘fosty, Caldwell • Leeds and Gran- Ville N...‘Vorrick....Meikle Leeds, 8 . . • Green... Lenuox,.....,.. ,lioe....... -Hawley •. , Lincoln...." „McCarthy ..Neolon , Loudon . .Moredith. Magee!". Middlesex,N......Mononga/1..Waters., Middlesex,E.,...Tooley.....McKenzio,.. , Middlescx,W...Itichardson.Waterworth Muskoka it Monet . . .... ,.....Dodils....:rafirtaeorurt..... , , Par - Sound Norfolk, N • • Preeinan Norfolk, 8.'. —.Morgan Austin Northumberland , Eaqt Cochrane...Perris Northumberland "Vest ' N........011.1espio..PFaxitttin:. ', 0 0°11111:y1o°, 5.......Browu....Dryden - . i Maucy . . . Ottawa t Stars.. .0t,onogline. Of (Caffrey Oxford, N . Currey..... i'lowni. Oxford, 5 Crooks. Peel. . .McCulla. 0bisholin Perth, N. .. . .. .McDermott..Hay Perth, S... „ . „Brunner.. ..1.1ol!antyne Peterbmo , it.... Calcutt......Bleverii, ... Petorboro', W..S'eott ..... -Elliott ..Harken . . ...Ryan ....Johnson. Prince Edwaril-Clapp Renfrew, N, „ ...Des oil SlitIni)1.cr‘tc.y. Renfrew. S. ..liontiell...Ticnnoy Linker . .. INIcOatil. . .... , . . - S.'on coo, 5 ......Parkhill Sitncoe, E......Steele Cook Situeoe, W ... Long .. -Phelps Stormont . . -Kerr.. .. Farrtgn Toronto, E ... . Morns .... MowAt Toronto. W .. 1!.-11 .... Og..len Victoria N 'bell .... Pea Victoria. 5 Russell .. Woo,1 Waterloo, NWit!ters .. Springer Waterloo, 6. rhin LiringKtone \\\%:::1111111111;ilen. S. Sweetnaan • (1.11171tw Near -AW:(0.11111:1)1•.ggttoc'1111, 1(V. 'McGowan C-Mitn,Klitiln 31941d:on 1111ouie 1,I'V.(ellintt.Z1111}71., :'Si.. Carpenter Awroy York, N. :Murphy Irillaillel,l, York, R. Robinson llothrerow York, W'. Ty rr( I Pattevon of wlaeb roost infamous j'ole appear in 'said that then would be all right. . Durhain, E... And .I Durham, 'W.,. another colutnn, they would have set the job was given -.-au order for 500 Blgin, such prices u pen the eitraordinary print. Elgin, iir .... Essex N Essex S. Frontenaa ing as would have made the. ordinary printing dear at 60 cents, Finally, the -verdant young men who allowed the Clerk to thus cruelly be- guile them, both confessed that they had nothing to urge against the time allowed them. And will the readers notice their charming consistency; they say in their paper that they 'were pre- pared to hand the Clerk their tender had he called for it ; they tell the Reeve on Monday, after the C]erk ilea re- turned their tender 'Unopened, that they wouldn't give the Clerk the tender be- cause they had no confitterme in him— e well-timed compliment to,The upright- ness of the Reeve at all .eveots, how- ever much to heart the Clerk may take their lack of confideuee bit hirnself.' Bet the fact of the matter is this: They' know they we have always come under urer for payment in suite of the pro- tium, in tendering ; and having reason tests of Mr. Baker and the statement to believe our tender was in at the prop- er time,they hit upou the happy idea;of sending iu an outrageously low tender should nave had the work. This is which they knew the Council couldn't accept, hoping that honorable body would require us to accept the same figure. The ratepayers can judge who has noted honorably in the matter of printieg—the Council or the men who try to malign them, Pathinasters' Guides, worth, say $4 at the outside figure; but 1,200 Were printed,not because the printers wanted money, by any means, but they pro- bably thought it would be economical for the Council to gat enough to last thema good while. for 1,200' will last 14 years, there being 89 pathmasters in the township. By, keeping this printing out of the paper, they. no doubt hoped to keep us from knowiug anything about it. We have shown. that this was a scandalona violation of centre:et ou the part of the Reeve. But there is another thing. When the bill was put in for the $12, he cut it down to $10 and gave an order on the Tres - the way Mr. Hogarth values his posi- tion, and this is' the way he takes upon himself the responsibilitiesofthe town- ship. This shows that Mr. Hogarth cares nothing ebent economy, and that his talk in :that direction is a sham. The prices charged for the Guides are . nothing less than downright robbery _ of the township. They are outrage- ous. Any office would do the same work for $0 and cohsider themselves Last January thoClerk of the Town- 11 il. i Topa bat $12 WM cher ed ship of Stephen was Instructed to noti- fy certain priutiug offices that the township printing for 1879 would be let by tender. Two • offices tendered. Our teueer was the lowest end we were awarded the contract. But before the motion in Cenocil to that effect was passed, the Reeve and the other mem- bers of the Beard required to know if piinting not 4142400d in the tender would be done ate, proportional rate to the prices named in the tender. The promise was given and every member of the Board,iucludiug the Iteeve,unid that, We then should haro *41 the printing. This was fairly understood by all per - ties. About a month ago a by-law for the opening of a road in the township required to be publietied. The office which lied tendered bet had not melee ed the mite -net became aware of this, and, with the assistance of the Reeve, - attempted to get the work, al tliongh we had contracted for it, and were un - 'ler bonds to the amount of $100 to do it. Various devices were resorted to to take it from us and award it to the other °facie, but being aware of what 11.9 going on, we checkmated every move, rand te due time got the by-law. When speaking to Mr. Hogarth, the Reeve, at the time, he readily admitted that the jell belonged to us, and we thought then that no more attempts would be made to violate' the contract. But we were mistaken. Oa Saturday lest WO learned that a hill of tea dAtirs had been neid the other office alledod to foe printing twelve hundred Path - mestere' Onides. Thi' was a direct end ecanattleus violation of the con- tract, winch we were henna, as we have before observed, in $100 to exe- cute reecording to law. Title item of ten anthers was not. in the minutes of the 'Conecil as published in the Trines, though ell the other orders granted at the hot meetieg were mentioned, fled the chances ariethet neither we 1101' any ef the ratepayers of Stephen would have known nothi»g.ebout it had not ono of the Onuecillors, Mr. Baker, called to enquire bow it came that it was tot publiehed. We immediately proceed- ed to the residence of the Clerk of the municipelity and dentine ded an es plan ft,. tion, We tell the *tory now as he told it : It was the fault of Mr. Hogarth. When the bylaw. to wludh we have al- ready elinded, was about to be, publieh- ed, one of the proprietors of the ether office went to Mr., Prouty's residence • and told him. that Mr.. Hogarth wished' the by-law to be published in their pit - per, and also that he wished to See Mr. nit: rejectede the. CoenOil, would, know i1 tate and profit and, lose, noight. make :Prouty Immediately at that offics.. in the geode.releasea. A DISGRACEFUL J013. we prt t . , g and $10 paid by Mr, Hogarth. It is time the ratepayers of Stephen were made aware of the dirty little trainee - tient which some men under the as- sumed garb of honor, can perpetrate. We leave the people of the townAhip to form their own Intinion of what manner of man Mr. Septhems Hogarth ie. We would like to know, end we feel eertein the ratepayers of St Then wonlil like to know who gets the cesnal advantage in the way of cemmiseion when the ()tinting is dime at the other ° kNreee have wi 'Vett three other priut- . ing offices, euciosiug copy of Guides, asking what they -would charge for 1,200. We have received nee auswer from St. ittlarye. It says : "We wonld do 1,200 sheets such AS yen enclose for $5 ; 'would not like to take lees than $4.54)." We hese pieced a fair price at six dollers. The ratepayers of Stephen can then see what a bate - faced piece of jobbery has been perpe- trated upon them. For this the Reeve should be held to a strict acconnt. Unless the Ciovermeent of Mr. Mowat, which is supported by Mr. Bishop, be defeated on the 5th of dine, DIRECT TAXATION IS iNBTITAEL.B. Every foot of land in the Province will be teed for Provincial purposes. It will miously add to the burdens of the people, who think their taxes are al- ready high enough. There is no bald assertion in thio, as Reformers contend. It is susceptible of easy proof. The receipts in 1808 were $2,260,177 ; in 1878 rimy antouhted to $2.2.14,421—a sliget decrease. The ordinary exeen- clitnre in 1871 was $1,10:3,822; in 1878.e it Was. $1,900,004—au inereese of $79(3,118 in the ordinary expendi- ture of the Province in seven years, or an inerettee at the tate of 71 per ceut. Assuming that the receipts will remain the Male es in 1878 during the next five years, they will, in that time, in all, amount to $12.272,105. The ex- pendieure, increasing, as it hasdone, at $100,000 per year, will, in. the Rune time, total $14,852.705, leaving a de- ficieney of $2,1320,460, whieh can bo provided for in no other w iy thau by a DIRECT TAN. ON TRH LAND of the Prov- hte. This 13 a codons mutter, aud ought to set every taxpayer thinkiug. l ' 4the-That they offered to do the 1 prititih!! Jur IN !! ear for $.1.14, There is l not a ',rioter le Canada but .knows that 1 tbis le perfeet crazieess. But here they Infierepreeett t most ehetnefully. If they '. 110,1 just taken the tnordole to consult the report of the lest Council meeting as it aepeared in their own columue, they would havo seen therein a pare - 1 graph evbieli stays their offer Was to do the erdleary 1 tinting ef the year for $84. Notice the difference "the priut- ing for the year " and the "ordinary printing." This ehows they are mis- leading the people, and were attempt- ing to practice a deopicable trick upon the Council, so that they conld, had their tender been accepted, have been able to do as they cad in Stephen, take advantage. Tiley sheald have stated- the itemwhich the term ordiu- ary printing covered. They conveni- ently left that to future interpretation. True., kbey iney now say it means twenty items, but if the ncruneil had act- cepted their offee, welded they not have been able. to place their own interpreta- tion upou it, and make it cover much or little ate thiir pecoliar ideas of time 4, • Drinking fountains are being 'erected indifferent parts of London. There are 1,500 tens of phosphate at Kingston awaiting !,shipment to Eng. ituT14fie Belleville fire department intend going to Kingeton en the 80th inot., to assist in the eelebration iu hotter of the Mergnis cosi Princess. The briggiee from the United States t recently seized at Pelleville for undPr- valuation have been ieleased under ins following terms : -1,n addition of 50 4" 1\70T10111 TO 1)EPOS11011.S. —THE Attentions from the Department oil the per cene to the en bsred value and an IIIT't;trdn'ititlit';tgtfit;r1°C0:rfiti;111(1881.Xiiliti'ill'IlniFfg. 8(117•Nn;';,7P';;511176;3111,1,'8". addition of 50 p.c. lo the duty oh the iteee'i. A!' 11 iergts' 074\ is, nu)lupcmil aro HIP. a rnsmisd wane ao ?Eno fo)' "'leered am. eured•by mortgageo en. Read ,Notato, which affor.ia 41513Th8 dutiefi htlee e ell itid to depositors tix boot possible sontiTity for the N.TOTIOE.—ON THE SECOND OF JrLY a one-horse, plr.w VOA ta ton Wen the. prentisoo of tn suinterili,•r. anise is r-turued f3rthwith a reward. of fit% dollars will b Oren by 4 HARVEST TOOLS T Reapers, Mowers; &c., &c., C1-1,EAP .&T BiSSETT EXETER pl a ARM P014 SALE.—Let 5, N. 11., 6. ineeenne neres, ((5 ClOartql ; soil, clay loam, well a. !aided for fell 'host; lag house, frune barn , stable oltedo,lello of water, 1 UM) rt:barn of choice fruit, q'nuids h;.centraiht. fi'onc ten Apply be PLED) It IC X FA I Pad A 1, L, Centralia P 0, 8.11 T1L(d ONTARIO LOAN ANI) SAVINGS CCU - Jr) mum :f ALIM OkINSTON, ict-Protsidevt. WINGS BANN BRANCH. P safety of titoir deposits. ,for further eartieulats ripply by letter, or at the office of tile Comnany. /um se-sm. WIsi. Ir. ittan.,EN,Matnter....