HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-15, Page 8B 4,1 .i.H.L.'i TIMES All Accounts past duce w. BBOW l--4?I G must be said- at once to save costs. Necessity. comnpels. eek ST, he Peter eter THURSDAY, bfAY 15, 1870. LOCAL NEWS. Wie are indebted to Mr. James Creech for copy ci the Emerson International.. • House cleaning now occupies the House wife's time. I)oN'T forget the grand excursion. Tw hours' ride on lake Huron at Port Blake orr the 94th for 25 cents. FOOT Car.—A fear days ago, while using an adze, Mr, Franois Howard cut hie foot so badly that he eau not walk without tue aid of et niches. A Floor.—lin Tuesday evening a pugilistic show took place at tue uarth end of the teen. The participants in the affair wore buth pretty well used np. Cosrpr.Er si .—The eeliar under Mr. Mace's grocery is finished. The geode will bo irurue. (barely replaced in the building mud bnsiuese carried on as uenel. Nj w IDEA. --Solve of the oil.izene are so dig. gusted with the dust that they have taken to sprinkling • he street with a watering eau. DON'T forget the grand extersian. Two hours' ride on Lake Huron at Port Blake on the 24th for 25 cents. SaIPran.—It'is reported that a prominent laner of Perth. and Well-kuoiVrt in'l xoter, has skipped out of the country to the tuue of ninety thousand dollars. Fran ore L., H. & B. B.—Yesterday after. noon ,filo broke out iu a ear load of cedar posts ou•a freiglu train (outing south. The posts and care ere consumed and a oar of•firain was badly juju• ed. The mail train going north x•ns do1i9,•etl about two hours by the oocur- reuco.' B. 0. PvI;PIT.—Itov, Mr. Luke. the ropro- s,antative from the English to the Canadian B. 0; Conference, preached in the Exeter Bible Christian Chorale on Sabbath morning last. Tho church was crowded' to its utmost cap:telty, enol the plain, !ogieal and impressive sermon was hetenod to with marked attention. Mr. Luke also addroseed the Sabbath -school children in the aft TI p •cached it ernoon, er r a Mitchell in the evening. Rev. Mr. Spargo, of the Usborne Ci' cuit, occupied the pulpit on • Sabbath evening. o VEN,,on'e'ERY LIT1 T.—Tiro prophet thus speaks : "Judging from the movements of the spring birds, I feel oertatn we are going O ex- perience a wet summer, with frequent cold re- lapses and Fever° frosts, the same condition to extend through alarge }or f)nn, also, , of the United States. The winter of 1879 80 will be severe, with heavy snow storms," We have not paid much attention to the movements of bird, but we wish 1 he feathered songsters would initial the Particular movemeut that brings clown the refreshing shower, as rain is badly needed. A DnwNrAI.I..—Nations have }iacl downfalls and creat men have had downfalls, but none ever carne so stthlerly or unexpectedly as that which Itarpenatl to a stranger one night last week. The gentleman was stopping at the Ceutral Hotel, and desiring to go into the bat k yard, ho went to the north side of the building MAT 15 ,,87 • Melancholy 'ata1 Au4ident. It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. MOFaul, of Spring Hill, daughter of Mr. William Grigg, sr., of Exe- ter, which resulted from an actrdont that oc- curred on Monday evening last. She drove to Exeter in the morning, bringing her little two.year old daughter with her, and in the NOW stock just. a1^ived at' evening about 4 °'crook site left her father's �'y '�'y' �'y residence to go home, little thinking that it BO T O O T T & SON ' S s EXETER' '4' A.. ! PROCLAIMED WA.:. AGAINST HIGH PRICES. would be the last opportunity site would have of saying good-bye to her parents and brothers and sister. But it wag, for when within about Sollthoott's Block, consisting of two miles from her home the horse which she • was driving ran away and pitched her and tierDry CGodS Groceries., Hats & Caps chill out of the carriage. The child was Un tie- �' --�a 7 y t Untie - el on the wrist, . chest and 8T111, while the mother was mlmoet instantly ki11ec1. She re- oeived two blows, either one of whioh was sof- Relent to pause death, while three or four of her ribs were brokeu. The partieul, re of the occurrence as nearly as can be ascertained are as follows: Mrs. Mab'aul was driving behind two teams when about a mile on this sido of the village of Cromarty, and the driver of one of the tetbns,on hearing eereams,lookod around mud saw the horse oouuiug at full speed. She managed to pass :)ne team all right, but iu pas- sing tho other, whish was booa_:ing unman- ageable it is thought the boggy wheel struck against the wagon, eansiug it to upset. 'Mum the frout team was stopped they were just a few feet from where the chid was lying au the road. It got up arid walked to where its mother was lying iu the ditch and almose icnrnediate1y fei.ite,.l away. Wim the mau went to t to mother she was ul.nust lifeless• ,SILL,.—The elect -0N, before voting at She received severe blows ou the temple the eueniug election, Leonid like to and chest either one of which would have caus- ktiow f nal Mr. Bi.b'p crow he eau ed sheath. Three or fou•• of her ribs wore also reconcile the fele wing votes and acts broken, but it i:r thought the bow she rcoo.ved with his professi me of economy, fair- iu the yield y of the heart ceased death to tn- :cess tar d independence when lead seek - BOOTS Ss SHOES, GLASSWARE, CBOCItEBY, all to be sold at ReD( 3Z BO'CTG. 0 Dress Goods, the Iatest patterns, and the Tarry bust clllality. 20 per cent. lower than any other store. Call and inspect at once, and get prides. "Eggs taken in exchange for;;oods. Sign of the rt Bed Fag," Lately occupied by B. A. Leggett, IlIr. Bishop as an Economist. To tits Editor of tho Timm. insteadof the south. stepped off the sidewalk sue so suetdauly. It is supposed the carriage iug their suffrrt ;u3. Tile Speaker's LACnosse.—Efforts are baiug made to form and ou lobbing ar»arid him was surprise>d a lscr.,sss club in town. Mr.Irowell was aboutpassed over the child's chest. The corpse salary in S. Metede)n.11d'eetime. teas $800 .yesterday soliciting the signatures of those de to find that he was in the bottom of Mr Fittous was brought to 11r. Grigg's residence, and and sessional allowance $450, iu all sirous of joining the club. A meeting will be X1,250. This year it wag 1.500 and bel i to-rno,row evening. iruietue.ity $800, in all $2,600. (.?u STREET WATItaINe.—',Che tenders for water- ing the streets wero opened ou Tuesday night. The contract was awarded to Mr. John Gilles. pie, his tender being the lowest. ExcoasruY.—Messrs Blake & Company. et Pori Blake, have eng iged the steamboat "Ga- zelle" for the 24th of \lay and intend to ran her on Lairs r, 111'011, giving a two hours' ride for 25c, A good band will be on board. Those asit one of spending a pleasant day should go ,to the Tort. FARE HURT, --..A horse ran away ou Main Streeton Tuesday night. The two men who *Were in the buggy were thrown out on the pile of brick near the skating rink. One of them .had his;face badly bruised. DON'T forget the grand exouraion. Two hours' tide ou Lake Huron at Port Blake on the 24th for 25 cents. Gorse.—Mr. W. A. Canfield Left town ou tuesday to take charge of a knitting factory in the County of Hastings. Mr • Canfield is an active 8'nday-school worker, andhis departure Will be regretted by the Presbyterian school, of which he was superintendent. DON'T forget the Grand excursion. Two hours' ride on Lake Huron at Port Melte on the 24th for 25 cents. Goma To BOxLD.—We understand Mr. Thos. Carling intends soon to commence the erection of a fine mansion in the village. We have no- ticed that "Tom" has been particularly friend- ly towards the ladies lately. The logical cou- elasion may be readily arrived at. ItZNAwAY —0u . 1)ursday.eveni .last a team beioc:ging to Mr,q ame, Hodgeon,of the Thames Road, Usb,rne, ran away from the Mansion House /1 ,1 Main street as far as North Street, where they were caught. cellar. A lengthy soliloquy followed before assistance arrived. Fortunately the man escaped without much bodily injury. A Caere—lir. J. 13. Watson, better known as the Canadian orator crud humorist paid us visit on Satnielay last. Mr.W's home is at To- ronto, but he is at present on a lecturing tour thro�igh western Ontario. We understand negotiations are being made with him by some of oar citizens to lecture in this town. We feel cofident the Canadian orator would attract a good crowd in Exeter. He is highly spoken of by the press aud clergy. Now that the Mechanics'Ir'stitute i, fully organized we hope such then as Mr. Watson will be induced to visit us. DON'T DO IT, BOYS.—CLinton youths have been compelled to pay the cost of a trial beforo the Mayor, and received a sharp reprimand for refusing to obey the command of the Chief of the Polioc,.whenthey were ordered by that anthority to move away from a street corner, where they had congregated. Exeter boys do not stand at the street corners, and we would advise them not to commence the offensive practice, or perhaps they wi.1 share the same fate as the young Clintonites. A IttuNAwtr.—W a have not had the oppor- tunity of chronicling any account of runaways for some limo. But on Thursday moruing last a span of horses belongiug,to Mi. John Gilles- pie took a sudden notion to run away and thus furnish ns with an item of news suitable fur local columns. The horses referred to were through carelessness on the part of the driver left standing at the L., H. &B. station without being tic 1. Thetoamstor had not been absent long from his horses when they took advau - age of their freedom and started oto at almost lightning speed, running along the sidewalk, ON VxsxT--xfr. Hubert Eacrett,' of Lex- aud making the boards fly in all directions. ington, Michigan, is at present on a' visit to TIP speed was not slackened until a large tree which was lying across the nigh horse's truck caused it. to fall, when it was dragged a consid- erable distance by its mate before stopping. The horse which fell wast somewhat injured and the wagon was laid up for repairs. DIsrnicr Tined ro-.The Exeter B. 0. District the funeral to the Union Cernetry, whioh took place yesterday,was very largely attended. The bereaved have tbe heartfelt sympathy of the entire minimally. a The !maned sermon of deceased will be preached by Bev. G. A Mitchell, 13. A., iu the C. M. &larch ou Sunday morning at half -past ten o'clock. cease -e • - DoN'T forget the grand excursion. Two hours' ride on Lak. fiuron at Port Blake on the 24th for 25 cents. his relatives in Exeter and vicinity. Mr. Eaerett has not been in Exeter foe a number of years, and was sa prised on his arrival to find that the town bad grown to such dimensions. LOST.—One day last week a child about three goers of age was found wandering around Main street. Itcouldnot tell its Meeting will be held (D. V.) on Weduesclay aid name, or give any information as to what 'part Thursday, May 21st and 22nd. A platform of the village it had some from. After some meeting will be held on Wednesday eveniug, to time the needier of the child came along in be addressed by 11. A. Newcombe, 11. Thomas search for it and took it home rejoicing. and T. Mason. The examination of ozudi- Taorrxso STOCK. —Many of the horse fenei.. dates and probationers will be conducted on ers of Exeter are paying considerable attention to raising fast horses. We have particularly noticed colts of "Marnbrinn Rotnchild's" stoetr 'owned by Messrs Jn.mes Pickard, J. Fishhurn and Cjeo:•Hyndmnn, which have all the quali- ties necessary for making good trotters. INDIANS IN CANALA.... According 80 a return just brought down it appears that the whole ntmber of Indians in Canada is 99,690, din - Tuesday, 20th inet., to commence at 10.30 a. in. The Ministerial Association will also meet the same day at 1.30 p. m. Subjects to be in- troduced :—"The Christian's Relation to the Moral Law," Rev. S. J. Allin; "Special Reviv- al Services," Rev. W, Davis ; "The Second Corning of Cbri.t," Rev. J. P. Rree. At 7.80 p. m. a sermon will be preached by Rev. Ferry of Clinton. It is important that every brother tribtited as follows : Ontario, 15.731; Qnabeo, I should bo punctual in attendance. In 001180- 10,947 ; Nova Scotia, 2,122.; Now Brunswick, (prance of the above arrangement the Y. P. 0. 1,459; Prince Edward Island, 306 ; Manitoba, ( Association will be postponed until further no - and Northieest Territories, 27,204; Arthabae. 1 time. ka District, 2,398; Britieh Columbia, 35,153 ; MASS Menet:ro.--On Tuesday next Mr. Rupert's Land, 4,370. Meredith, leader of the Opposition in the Local Barer:m.—On Tneaday evening last a num- Legislature, will visit Exeter and address the bora boys enjoyed their first plunge of the electors of South Huron, on the political quee- season in ane waters of the Sable. The law tions of the day. G. E. Jackson, Esq., Con - which was passed last January imposing a Site servative candidate for South Huron. Robert .en any one found bathing was repealed-at,the Porter, Esq„ FTon. John Carling, M. 1'. Tim. .expiration oi: the winter months. So don't be othy Coughlin, Esq., M. 1'., John McDougall, afraid, boys. Esq., U. P. P. and other prominent Cot serve- MrerAltaX.-.W8 notice an arttela in ',ester- rives ate also expected to Mashie the eleotors Isy worning'e Free Prees, written by the Ailsa The Exeter Young Men's Conservative Assooia- Cram ambassador, which might lead the read- tion will present a complimentary address to ers of itsn'concludo diet we ware responsible l)fr. Meredith. The Meter Band has boon en- ter the oo tnn)nkettion coneernr a "Dr. Jo- gaged to enliven the proceedings We hope hu," whioh appeoredi in the Tibias of last week. to wee a good crowd of both Conservatives and We are not responsible for the communication. Reformers. Arrangements are being made and fui•thernfore,' our opinions of the person kith the L., 11..tt 13. Railway Company to ear - 'rho is supposed to be meant by the article aro e0litrary vo these expressed in the said letter. ry pastengers at reduced fares. For further par- tioulae See large posters. DON'T forget the grand esetu•siiln. Tee. hours' ride on Lake Huron at fort Rieke car the 24th for 25 coma. I(ipgan. ACCIDENT. • —A. sou of Mr. `; n;. Me- heusie•, of 1'neket•emitlt, nearf:il'l.eu, met witty an uu ci,leut on .1?-elas beet, whioh was considered rather serious. The little felled a fell from alit -5:W, mud, it was thought fold broken hi,- leg, acrd. Dr. 0 unitb:ll,"f St:at'ortbovas :too; or, who nft,ir 11011 mg him tinder chloro - March 7, 1870, iu pas.;iug the item in form, and tnekiug A theeren:ih ex.lutina- supply of $15,000, Speaker's snla•y, tion, f •tttrui--tb,ueu11 serjiett••1}• it:jn'ed--- 1Ir. Scott moved tit,tt the item be ve- that there were no b'nc., broken. He felled hack with iudtrneeions to reduce is flow let a fair way of rea)VC=y. the item by $500. lir. Bishop voted lagaiest that motion. Saone day Mr. Cre>ightnu reeved that this Houeo de- eires to call nit ration to the Tepid in- crea'ee of expeeditnre for waiters, mes- sengers and pages. with a view to bring eboett a decrease, the expense of •e Rich Usborne• ACCIDENT,—On Tne•uley ias ae a son of lir, H. Homey, of the fs:h c')t)ces sinil of Unborn,', was cleaning ore of brad risen from $4,412 in 3.871 to the horses, he received it, severe Mole' Cannan Meeting. $8,043 in 1878. ;air. Biehnp voted in the mouth. It appears the horse eaguiiast it. Baine clay the fele ing ,:ts a sore a};, which l le bo touched ninti'os were uredo and lost; science time tuakieg the hoe se look. The boy in C,nirt of Ohaucery, over $800 to be head fn r teeth koc.clit•d ent,and the pial- reeduced 10 per cent. Mr. Bie,hop vat- ate of his mouth br•eken. ed against it. I1i0SLU 1s' A lions --On Salttr.lay,. �'. Cu:lrt of Quee'r'eBencle—Mr. Land- hrri inst., a son of 11r. Purer lir Qeeen,. e'r moved that $700, salary of Assistant of the 4th concession of Uaborni�, was Clerk of Peace, be struck out and all playing with a horse in t.Ile baroylar•d,. the salaries over $800 be reduced 10 wheit the nr:itetal kicked him over thsleft per cent. Bishop vntlug nay. eye, inflicting an ugly gash and knook- C tart of Common Pleaei.--Sams him senseless. It way thought the metier', Bishop nay. Dr. Rinker boy's skull was brokeu, but wheu Dr_ tur'ved that the salary of ruagietrates Moore, of Exeter, accompanied by Dr. at Parry Srnuul be reduced from $1,800 Hynelmen art rved, the wound rias care- t() $1,400, the original allowance. Mr. fully dressed, nod Ilia boy ,vile soon be Bishop voted against. able to be out og cin. Mr. Code moved to prnvide for pay iu2 only two Sigh School Lispect"rt, instead of Three, thereby eaviug $4000. Mr. Bishop voted against. L• dueatioual Depository.—Motion to reduce all salaries over $800 by tet per cent, Bishop, nay. Educ'ttional l)eparttnent. — Same motion. Bit.ilop, Ill, Motion to strIk6 out $600, salary of third as,ristltat physician at Loudon Asylum. Bishop 141811181. Motion to reduce eatery of warden of Central Prison to $1,600. Lost, Mish- ap aintinit. Moved that the item of $27.000 for immigration be reduced by $12,00.0. The Exeter Council mat by order of the Reeve at the tn,'trltet hoose on Saturday oven ing. 10th iust, all the members present The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by J. Sanders, seconded by E. Drew, that orders be granted for tbe payment of the following sums: Free Press, 1)3.60, for adver- tieiug notice to m tnnfacturers; Ilfait, and Globe, $3.60 each, for advertising notice to manufacturers; A. Robinson, $1, for attend- ance at school house at. fire investigation ; Gill, $1.25, services at municipal election. and burying hound ; John Hawkshaw, $6, use of court room throe days at fire inquest 3. Littlejohn, $8.121, labor; E. Edworthe,$10.50, labor; Geo. Spicer, $2, labor; A. Holland, $4.121, labor; A. Bastard. 75 (cuts. labor; T. Morgan. $6, labor ; A. Holland, $4, for scale racks, -Cart ied. Moved by R. Bissett, seconded by J. Pick- ard, that Messrs, White's tender for printing be received.—Carried. Tenders for fencing were road as follows : George Hedgins, $1,69 'or fence and $2.50 for g.,te posts ; E. Bissett, $1.57 for fence and $3 fur gate poste ; W, E. Wilkins. $2 per rod for fence, gate posts included; R, Terry, $1.90 per rod for feuoe. and $1.50 for gate posts. Mooed by J. Pickard, seconded by J. Sanderrs, that Mr. Bissett's tender be aceeptoct. Carried• A petition froiu Jas. Oke and fifty-one other rate payers, praying the Council to pass a by- law to provide for watering Main Street frotn the north of Drew's Block to the south of Christie's hotel, was read, Moved by E Drew, sec"ndod by J. Sanders, that the peti. tion be received and a by -low submitted to levy a special rate on the property fronting on that portion of Main Street stated in the peti- tion for the payment of the expense of such watering, aud.that Messrs. William Bowden aid John tylcDonell bn appointed to assess the said proporty.—darried''. Moved by R. Bis ,ett seconded by R. Drew, that the peeve and Oterk examine tenders for watering street, and let the contract if they see fit. --Carried. ;tlr. Calling asked, for remuneration for planting shade trees according to a by-law of this village. Moved by R. Bissett, seconded by J. Sand- ers, that tate Inept:eta ., 'the notice of any person claiming pay foYtrees under by-law • of this village, examine the same on the 19th inst. and report at the next mooting of the Council. --carried. Moved b1+. J. Pickard, secoadedby E. Drew, that Mr. S. Ford receive $10 as part payment of salary.—Carried. Moved by J Pioltard, seconded by T. Drew, that the Court of Derision of the assessment for 1819 be held at the market house on tire 17th, inst. at 10 o'clock a. m. -Carried. Mr. Hodgson complained of the soap factory as being a naieance, The matter to be enquir- ed into. The constable is to give Mr, Fenwick one week to remove his bog pen. On motion of J. Piokard, seconded by E. Drew, the Council adjourned until after Court of Rov'eion. M. Became, Clerk. I I hi l tl b i i St Marys. ArtaZST oT I•Io i'L TLtunv, --Chief Constable Her) blot on tn'uls a clever ar- ►•ext of a horse thief on Seedily Leight last. A man giving his nave as John Haywood drove itito town mucor 7 p. ►».., with a team of not Res and a car- riage. Ilerrrngton, noticiul; that the hnrsee were eotntdetoly need np, and that the man acted rather susj)icionely. tweeted hurl 011 suepietntl of having stolen the • horses. Tho man. when tenet-tiotied, told several different novice as to how be eatne by the team. A. Lost, Bie.hop against. hotel check was fmind nn hon bearing Mr. Bishop vote t against every mo. the mune of E. Heller, Market hotel, tion hi -re, awl in order to hide his Bet•lin. bar. Herrington telegraphed to votes, if possible, when is was moven Berlin on Monday inoruiui: and received that the Public Accounts for 1878 be an answer that the horses were stolen placed in the brands of the people be- from Genrf{e Ki,1g, near h 1t11irtt, Out. fore the ensuing general eleatinns, Rte The thief was token to Berlin me Mon - that people could vote intelligently, day by Constable Leppert of that place. Mt. Bishop voted against that also. The same motions were made in Granton. each end every department, numbering \\ several dozen votes, and if carried On Sunday last about one o'clock the .J world have saved this Province many barn of Mr, Henry Brooks, tart ee miles tens of thousands of de'llare, and Mr. from Granton, with fiarming inple Bishop voted against them every time. meats, was destroyed by fire. It is Now, considering the hard times and supposed to have been fired by child the very large salaries paid to officiain ren. The fierce gale carried blazing in Toronto, varying from $800 to $6, cinders soma the road to Mr. Henry 300 per year, I ttlit'k the ten per cent. White's barn, whioh was also o'thsnm- teduction very reasonable, but Bishop ed: did not consider the apiaries too large, Aeon:an n.—On Tneeday of hot week, neither did lie consider $800 a session as Clarence W. Webb, Non of C. 1t. too mach for himself, which wonld be Webb, of this piece waif playing around about ten d•dlars. an hnnr for all the the swing reeeutly erected in the t.choot time he spent in the linage, It is eV- yard, he. met with tt serious ne tident, en broadly asserted' in Toronto that he by getting the tope used for driving the was one of those who petitioned the swing twisted around his beck. He• Government to increa•'e the indemnity was drugged to ttie•ground with grans to $1,000. The people are consider• force, injuring one of hie eyes eeverelp,, ins thnee.f)tete and have lost faith to '14 well as leaving his neck cotnl lately tIr. Bishop as a prudent' and eoouomi, rate. cal representative. Ilii. Bithop'e idea I3urrotAn9.--.The bard oft*. 13rookaie of ltjs duty appears to be to vote with who resider. on the tnwnliue betvrefts his party on all ocoaagions right or Blenohard and Biddulph, a few miles, wrong. It is high time the people of fro'u this piece, sae entered orie night tide Province, and this riding atvolte to last week and fourteen bags full of the true position of 'Attire. grain were stolen. The tracks of it, 1 am, sir, one.horlte wagon ware discovered going pure, dee,, into Biddulpli, but the clue was not fat- Stephen, flay 10,. ECONOMY. lowed up.