HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-15, Page 66 'DOCTORED' AMERICAN HORSES. The reoeut formation of a company in New Yuri, for the purpose of export, tag; American horses to England is a platter of iutereet to every lover of horseflesh, for it implies at least that they will send, over valuable animals, and not the 'tnalle•up' creatures w]]]elt are too often foisted on a oonfiding pub. lie by unscrupulous dealers. It is a fent well known in New York that sev- eral persons deal in what is known in the parlance of the street as 'knackers,' that is, broken down horses ; and that they doctor those up that they ,sell in Euglaud fear five or six times their value, the rogues presamiug that the British people would not think it worth the trouble of dealers to export equine rub- bish. These men buy hal' brolceu down horses that may be sixteen years of age at bnblio enles, and by filing the teeth and feeding them highly for a short time, melee then] look half their real age. On their arrival here ttiey are dosed with aseuie,to give them a glossy coat, plumpness, and high spirits, to cense them t) foam at the month, and when they etre iu their ruest mettlesome condition they are sold at a high figure to regular horse dealers, or tu gentle- men. If the arsenic is not given regu- largly, and in oonstautly iucreasiug doses,by the purebasers,the poor brutes wane rapidly,or suddenly collapse. .An acquaiutaltet of mine was congr'atulat- iug himself on having bought an excel• lent pair of American carriage 11orees for x120, and a lady's palfrey for R30, but before Ise had them three months he learned, to his sorrow, that they were veritable 'knackers,' doctored up for the British market, and he has now a strong prejudice againt what he call, 'Yankee frande.' Such a mistake could be avoided if he knew the value of horses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, f'rr he would then be able to argue log#icel- ly that it world be impossible to sell good animals here at less valga than they bring there, and that, Be a nater at sequence, he was being imposed up- on.—Live Stock Journal. they may be grateful to the clemency of the people 1" The chances being that Misa Tompkins has never even hail a peer pointed out to her. Butit is wonderful if the agitator's invective scams justifiable and his reasoning well nigh unanswerable ? And need we be surprised if the impressible mechanic is persuaded that the shameless immoral• ity of the upper orders cries aloud for condign punishment like that which drew destruction on the cities of the ►]lain. A GOOD WORD FOR WOMEN. John Ledyard, in hies Siberian jour. nal, pays the following tribute to the women of all nations: "1 have obeerv- edamong all nations that women wher• ever they may be found are the sante kind, oval, obliging, humane, and ten- der beings ; that they are inclined to be gay and cheerful, timorous sod tnod• est. They do not hesitate, like men, to perform a hospitable or generous ac- tion ; nut haughty, nor supercili us, but full of courtesy,end fond of society, 'industrious, @OOI10lThletil, ingenious ; snore liable in general to err than man, but in general more virtuous, and per- forwitig more good actions than can he. I never address myself in the languwe,e of deuencv and frietlsliip to a woman, whether civilized or savage, without reeeiviug a decent or frieudly answer. With man it has often been other wise, r In wnudetlug, over buttes arisen+ of lu- buspitable Danmark, through hottest Sweden, frozen Lapland, rude and ebur. lish Finland, unprincipled Russia, and the wide spread regions of wandering Tartary, woman has ever been friendly to mo, and, to add to this virtue, these actions have been performed its so free and so kindly a manor th t 1 drank the draught and ate the coarse rn irsel with a double relish." THE LURID AND THE ARISTO- CRA'TIO NOVEL. The uneducated end thoughtless, who have no knowledge nor discrimin- ation of taste, ito doubt feel unmitiga- ted admiration, foolish lads and girls fancy they have a reflection of high so- ciety in the most ludicrously distorted pictures and caricatures ; virture and viae are habitully eoefuuuded ; and notions that might live been borrowed fromthemelodrart.as of the trauspontine theatres are developed and even traves- tied, iu thoes sensational novels. Stor- ies written for the gratification of the ordinary subscribers of Mr Mdwie are pa -sed on in due course, to be devour- ed by the milline'rs apprentices and law - yers' clerks. There seems no reason why the young woman who adtntres her beuute 4.a (Liable daily in the looking - glass should not make the acquaintance of one of the noblemen or millionaires, who can raise her to the position her charms would adorn. Whether she inay have to make asvtty' with his after- ward or no is a questiou she may post- po le for the present : at all events, she lira snflieient self-respect to feel sure that she will prove equal to that or any other emergency ; while the clerk who has besot plums ieg for sovereigns at King -bury or Hatupton, finds a store of ready precedents at his fingers' ends for forging °heelues or embezztiug cash. Felonies of the kind, when extenuated by circumstances are amiable weak- nesses of the meet resnectubte men ; and if he hila lingering scruples as to their strict propriety, he is taught that he need only m lire restitution by was of thanks offerin, when his grand coup has answered its purpose. These sto- ries are circulated or imitated in the columns of the "penny-dreadfuls," and just notions they must give of the rich and wet] -born to the iutelligelit artisan relaxing from his labor. The de►rlage,- g;nes, who get a living by earring strife between classes, and by preachiug the Socialism and Commuuists by which they profit, having only to point to "The Aristocrat, by One ofThemselves." Taking for a text the novel Miss Thomp- kins has composed in the bask parlor of the semi-detached villa at Brixton. they exclaim in the triumph of irresis- tible logic : You maintain that the in- famous aristocracy may have goad about it after all. Only read this hero novel. It is evidently written by one of their 'ornaments'—by a woman born in the purple, as they pall it, who drops into the Queen's palaee,aud dines every day with Dukes and Duchesses. And just hear what she has got to say about them ! Would you marry a wife who had been broneht up like Lady Esmer- alda there ? Or would you care to give year hand, as an honest man, to that ewindier and dabauchee, the Earl of Diddlehatln ? You see that they are not only effete, but rotten to the Dore ; they fatten en the blood of the people. Depend upon it, the only things to agi- tate for are abolition and ooriflscation and if we don't send these curled heads of theirs to the guillotine, by--, sir, BIRTH OF A YOUNG GIANT. Airs. Captain Bethel, the tallest wo- man in the world, has recently given birth to a baby whit i ie described lin pr )bably the largest human birth ou record. It weighed 23}1b., tvas 30 in- ches in height, breast. measured '24 ie • rhes, head 19 inches, and the foot 51 inches long. The mother is koowe ti- the Nova Scotia giantess, and stand- seveu feet nine inches in height, It el husband, Oai,tain Bates, a Iieutuckien, being two inches shorter. Tiie gigan- tic couple visited London SUMO six years ago, and after giving a :Kielce of public reeeptlous, were rnatried at St. Martins church, Charing-ore,se— rte ineideet which attracted solus attentiou at the time. THE TI1,ES NEW FALL GOODS. 141. 15, 1879 A. Ti has just received a Largo stocker Watches, q'Eocks, Jewellery, ` .O. tett Strings, Sprv:taclex, Lodges, and Gents' Pocet fiioof,. A large stock of Haney Goods eon- etautly ou hand. NEW BUTCHER SHOP r Ilhe undersigned would inform the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP one loor south of his Blacicsmitltsholt andhopes the same liberal patronage that has bean se corded to him in the BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MARINO Line will beextended to him in his new branch of business, Itis sheat wagon willoall at the resi- lents of the village three timeseaoh weekend FRESH M EAT all }raids kept oonstantly on hand at his butcher shop. —y If those woo nave never tried that unrival- led preparation for colds, coughs, hoarseness, asthma, sore throat, etc., HAerAUD's Pserwell, BALSAM, will bat receive the testimony of tate many thousands who have successfully u te.1 it, they will be acting wisely. It is one of tee ole - est and best keeivu remedies in the Dotniuion. For sale at 25 Dents per bottle at Ceutral Drug Store, Exeter. Aged persons are often troubled with cle. rsngetnents of the kidneys and urivary organs, and will be glad to learn that VICTORIA i3uutni and Uv . UR5r is prepared witu the especial purpose of mee.iutt these troubles, anti mat:- ing life happy to the aged. Those who have usedit speak highly of it, and it is highly rea- omm)nded with cunfideuce. For sale at Cou- tral i)rug Store, Exeter. Blecksmtthinp and wagon makingoarried on as u.nah in all its branches A. Gentle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sudden changes of ternei ature—rain, wind and sun- shine often iuteriningled in a single day,—it ie no wonder that oar children, friends and rela- tives are so frequeutly taken from us by ne- glected colds, half the deaths resulting direct. Iv from this cense. A bottle of B•ischee's Ger- man Syrup kept about your home for immedi- ate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the aao of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, Peen/wigs, Severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Threat or Lunge, its sueosss is simply wonderful, as your drug- gist will tell you. Gofman Sy.iup is now ,old in every town and village ou this contineut. y ample bottles for trial, 10 cents ; regular size, 75 cents. NeuveussEss.—A great many in the middle and higher classes of society, who, without being ever actually sick, never know what real health is ; who live constantly in a lower plane of living than is normal in man, who are weak all over, though not specially and constantly weak in any one organ, who may not experience piercing and grinding pain, yet suffer at times, if not always, that profound exhaustion which iu may respects is worse than pain. Thome in that lamentable state have always beeu relieved, and many perma- nently so by using the VICTORIA SYRUP or Hr. POPHosPnlTEB, it being particala"ly adapted for those cases. For sale at Central Drug Store, Exeter. GRAY'S SPECDFC MEDICINE. The Gr tatEnglish TRADE MARK TRADE MARK.Iiemedv,a.n uufail ing ours for Semi- nal 'Vottkues•, Sliermatorr11ea, Iinpotency,and'all Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self abuse, IS loss of Memory, tlnivorsal Lassi- Before Takingtude,pain iu the After 'Faking Book, Dimness of violent. Premature old age. and many other Diseases that load to Insaulty or Consumption and a Premature grave. 1 Full partioulars in our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mail to every one. /3The Specific Medicine is soldby all druggists at el por package or six packages for es, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MI,l)f0INE Co., WINDSOR, ONT,, CANADA. ra"Soldin Exeter by ail druggists, andoveiy- where in Canada sand ttrer United States by shote. Isla and retail drageiste, R. DAVIS. Wonderful Discovery. . Mad EMPAESS LIEF. THE FKIENO OF MANKIND. An Internal & External REMEDY,. A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheuni tism and Neuralgia and :kills al ant i'estinty: "n^ne';` '^ ,.• It is the Only known r, mody for ltiieu Nn on the American Continent, ,,r,,ved by others: '•, -`As soon as al pili ed it gives instant °nee to trio', .uutortntiatosuiferer, Itis rapidly absorbed,; .eponotr Lteeto ttio very be no, en tors the circular ,tion, uoutraliziug u11 "'theruatic Poisou" air culating in the blood, and expels it frogfron®. systeu thee ugh the natural outlets. IT CUTR ES '.EW BLACKSIf/IIT IiSHOP 4.1 AT WIN- C1IItt,s ,A' W. DUO KING BAA1l,late of Exe ter, h a 5 oomrneneetl a' bueinessin the avobrane',t at Winchoisea and is pIre- pa'ed to do all.".,. kind ofblaok sinithing work Horse oboo- ingspe eiitily attended to, Promptness, cheapness and good work Juaranteed, Aoall solicited. I6.8m W, BUOEINGUTAM. Tooth eche, Earache, Headache, Neuralia ]lticum.ttism, Spraih•". Swellitigs(LIS emit Mon , Burns, Ants, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in Back, Pain in (these, Pain in shoulder, Coughs," ;Colds, Prost i3 i tes, (]hil laine, Dime hoes, Dys- eutcry, Summer Complaint, &c., ere. it will cure the most eoeniei e, 'setts, int^r uat or extolled, in ono in ., of time. Pero-, your prejudice and d --- --, - - meat is small emrd relief outtaro. Tao great secret of its sueoess with all i sses is owing. to the fact it is safe mud h,.rnrlese, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and can be applied - too a wider range of disease in every day life with greater success than any preparation which research skill and "Medical Science" ,has vetoprodnwcet+l. 1 Aa m p � i0t )I its groat power over diecaee etan:.,0r 1 person, c ro Young, wler ho is o it n Buffeay ring frertne e.zany of Ole aoove named pain'ul complaints, ,twill call at the OOloe iu T •'onto, any clay of bho week, will get practical proof "Free of , Ciel• •ems' of its magical power over pain in . nu apylication. "� Tostimoniais from all parts of th o Do,nimen 'aro o =twit)), coming to hand, giving oxpres- Reion to the most grateful gratitude for an eltonisbiug cures which it hag performed, and 1 we would be pleased to receive testimonials from all others who use it successfully. Physicians of thn highest respectability re 4commoud it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of slid.. Eden otuergeucy sir Carry it to your homes, and tt wi11 pr ra fiblessing to your f:iumily and afflicted friends. As Druggists are selling onortnotis"quant-itis, tit. 3 -'rt w •erevor introduced. I el'etllange the world to produce its equal. The Trade Beloit iel through the wholesale l Drug and Patent Medicine Houses of Montre- al, toronte, II imi1ton and London. Price 25 Ceius per Bottle! Soul by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. Marble Works. W. D. 11VEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES,' MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &o. Cemetery Work of all hinds neatly executed. 5 Doors North of Drew's hall, Main street, ThohiziOricoofrlouri HAVE YOU LOST THE SENSE OF . TASTE OR SMELL?If so, itmay befrem the LEPROST of the loth century, (IATAltnn. THU CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY will restore you to enjoyable health. It not only cures Ca- tarrh, but all other diseases at the same time. Prloe Sl per pottlo. Fot sale by all druggists and Medicine deniers Semi stamp for 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh, and eterttti- cates of the cured to T. J. B. HARDING, De,min. ion Agent, 13roekville,Ont. CONSTI'T'UTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. The only certain, Stift), and effectual euro for Cat, rrh, builds up the system and ures all other diseases at the same time, Asthma, Bose Uold, Ray hover, Nervous Debility, all leave together when the Constitututionul Catarrh Remedy is taken as directed. Price 81 per bottle. Tor sale by all druggists and Medicine dealers. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- ERY. Just Published, in a scaled Euvolope. d Price six cents, A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radi- cal care of Seminal Weat:no 8, or Spar. atorncc3a, induced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Upusumpti•in Epilepsy, aim Fits; Men :vland Physical Incapacity, B2 ftp"i ewe J. CULVER, WELL, M. D., author of the "Green Book," &c. The -.voild renowned author in this admirable Lecture, etearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self•Abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, anti with out dange:•uus surgical operations, bougies,iuerru- meats,.•ings, or cordials; poiutin3 out a erode of Cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, uo matter whet his condition may be may euro himsel f cheapl, , privately and radically. i .This Lecture will prove a boon to thousauds and thotrsancls, Scut, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage etanips. Sddree THE OUL\t7: LL MEDICAL CO. 43 Ann st. New York. does not effect the ow prhooa at which R. Sc T. SIS SETT areoffering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES. Etc., at Exeter & Hensall whioh consists of all the latest and Improved stylotof Kitoben, Cook and Parlor etoves,Milk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved pattoi n, and everything in the line ; Also, a oodseleotior of handsome .ii.,ave troup'hing as usual, receives ereryattention, and at the lowest figures. estop Having opened onto branch establishment at Hensel', our friends 'rt that aeighborhood can be snuptior: en tae shortest notise, P. O. Box 4586 KNOWNO feaeing peteeeitig the in. 1 t.% --utile con. tinned in the .rs mediad book ever isst. ,,. entitled p� F' 1SELL 1 SELF-1'11ESER TION T11Y Price only $1. : ntoymai2 G Its�sR nn receipt of prim. 11 treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature :tacrine, Nervous and Phyevel Debility, and the et:dless concomitant 'Its and untold miseries that result therefrom, and centains more thou 50 original pre- scriptions, any on. of which is wat'tlt the piece of the book. This be ddewan written by the most ex. tcneive and probably the nest skilful practitioner in America, t o whom was awn rued a geld end jc•w. riled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very fittest Steel Engravings—a mor- ���� vel of art and beauty - scat FREE to al:. Send for it at once. Address PEINSTITUTL, MEDICALl'oBet-THYSELF INSTITUTE., Igo 4 Bul- filira St. Boston. Mass. H.R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M-tt,C.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of DEN'I'AL SURGEONS. Office ossa O'Neil bank, and opposite Simmer) Pio ka rds • I.I• KINSMAN, dAN, DENTIST, . Licentiate of the Dental College of On tario, Inay be coasult'd any day, Wilco - next door to the Post Ofllce. Exeter, Out, A,% LAKE, Commissioner, Insure - • (woe. Lane and Loan Agent. Office— next door north Royal Hotel, B xeter. Wilson. • Hotel, /tense. t 1, every Monday, PRIVAT.Ii FUNDS to loan at 8 per Cent. 11.J ORTGAGES BOUGHT. L�LMoney loaned on good NOTES, CvONVEYANCING — Deeds, Mort- V gages, Wills, &c ,drawn on reason able tortie 1601 National Polies, PLOWS, and SCOTCI3 DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand ani made to order. ,VICUILLAN & McBRID i' having now greater facilities than ever, are pro - pared to supply farmers with Iron Beam Plows, Stool Ilonld Boat d, made by ourselves ; Chill Plows, Snapper maria; Scotch Diamond Harrows , t ti atora GangPiowa. LL Y 1 Carriages and bugpi^.s on hand, end made to or- der, Ihorse shoeing attended to 0 e the shortest notice. Horses shod to provost interfering. 1(IoIIILI AN &McB:RIDE, King St.,I3cnsall. e :locala' r T Tea., 50c., Tea, 50c., • SUGARS, COFFEE S, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, ORANGES, AN 1) LEMON S, '1'033 4CCOS AND CIGARS. GREAT WESTERN STE'df-- SHIP COMPANY. New York, To Bristol Moutreal,r direct. Also,agentfor MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS. Parcels forwarded to all parts et Great Britain at le A, rates. BY-LAW NO. 2 1879. BY-LAW to open the original road allow- ance between lots One in the :lux,S«Lde and Lake Road East Concessions in the Township of Stephen. WHEREAS, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight the Munieipal Corpor- ation of the Township ei Stephen caused to be opened a deviation road through certain lands of one William Follis, namely :—Lot nuns - ber one in toe Aux Sable concession of the said Township, itninediately adioiniug upon that part er portion of the said original road allow- ance now proposed to be opened, and herein- after particularly deseribed; said deviation hav iug then been considered necessary because of the difficult) and expense of constructing a safes roadwayover;the said original road allowance. And whereas the condition autl agreement upon which the said corporation acquired tb,s land for the raid deviation road from the sae 1 William Follis, was that the said. original roam allowance should cease aud determine to be it public road allowance, and the said, the corpor- ation aforesaid, shuuld convey the same to hila,. 1r' ` and pay ]him in addition. the sum of thirty dol- lars in lieu of his said laud taken for said devi- ation road. And whereas the said the corporation afore- said, did in pursuance of said agreement, pay said sum of thirty dollars, and convey the said original road allowance to the said William Follis, who afterwards sub -divided and con- veyed the same into several parcels, to various people, but no by-law was ever passed closing said original road allowance, and the 81000, al- though occupied by the said William Follis and his grantees as private property was never le- gally closed, And whereas, owing to the increased travel' in the neighborhood of said lands, it is deemed desirable and necessary by the Municipal Coun- cil of the said Township of Stephen, to take and open said original road allowance as a public road in said township, retaining also said deviation road, preliminary to which 41 proper notices have been given pursuant to thA Statutes in that behalf, and all persons inter- ested in opposing t]iis by-law have been duly heard by the said Council. Tic it therefore enacted and it is hereby en- tiaohloessupvli.d with acted by the Municipal Council of the Township '1'wojPiLmans, of Stephen, in the County of Huron, that front and immediately after the passing of this by- law, that that portion of the original road allow - as • : between lots numbers one in the Aux Sa ble coucessing, and one in the Lake Road East concession, in the said Township of Stepliea, more particularly described as follows commencing at the north westerly angle of Port Pranks reserve ; thence south fifty-eight degrees fifteen minutes, east on northerly limit of original road allowance eleven chains, sixty- five links ; thence south thirty-two degrees west one chain, thence north fifty eight de• green, fifteen minutes ; west ten chains, seventy links; thence north twenty degrees, twenty- four minutes; west one chain, twenty links to lake shore road; thence north thirty ttvo de- grees ; east twenty-five links to place of begin- ning, shall be and the same is hereby declared to bo an open .public road or highway within the said Township for general public use. Said by-law to come into force on and efts; the 26th day of May, 1879. C. PROUTY, Clerk Stephen April 24, 109. Mowers and Reapers WE OFFER A TRIAL ofoureolebrated Single Mowers —Axn— Singe Reapers a all kindsofGrass and Grp in, and on all con itions ofsoiland sarface, AND GUARANTEE SA'J'ISFACTION OR NO SALE Wo also otter a Trial of our Wrought Iron Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED HAIR At�O MJWER '1'wo Drag -bars, Two Finger -bare. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts. Self -oilers, oto., ic. can be changed from Mower co Beaver AND REAPER TO MOWER By emovaloffourbolts, antinlesRahnnaftean rninutos'timo. Please call at our works and ineyec our Machines before purchasing; elsewhere. fes" Send for Catalogues, THOMPSON k WILLIA][p Manufacturing Co., Stratfozd. e-