HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-15, Page 5Ivi4.1- 45 1879 Whits heat Reotb " ot 1 R Cps W.LtZkr. MUM; w Fife ' lied Chaff " Jtarley .,. • OILLS e•• till.vor Seed.. 1:.!1.,et.; ... Flour per tad. _ Pt:tett:0F, per bag ... app/es, per hag .. in.i.dAppi.Altr b... llogs, dressed per 100 lleef ... ilitles ... t41teeppkinR,0801) ... 11 5,:v per Solt Ottiomper bust) 02 to 0 93 OOboOO4 THE TIMES .4(i3 At" 5,11, • STAR ekunuurannnntfnle rfii 44 4. txp 0 l -au ciao) 7.; 41 0 c5 0 +7 0 THORNE 84 FARMER', Exchanpe Bank of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL ... 0 8t3 to 0 90 ... 0 76 to 0 80 Capital paid up, - - 61,000,000 ... 40 to 1 60 0 30 to 0 40 3 40 to 3 75 ... 0 50 to 0 50 0081108(8 ... 0 10 to 0 14 ... 5 00 60 5 00 ... 0 00 to 0 7u .„ 70 to ) 75 0 05 to 0 131 6 00 to 5 50 ... 5 011 to 8 00 Exeter -Branch. .,. 5 00 to 5 se • 5° u° ° 5° 800 to 9 GENBRA.L BANKING BUSINESS TRAN- ,.. uo ... 0 50 to 0 75 SACTED, DIRECTORS : U. H. GAUS.T, President. THOMAS CV1310H11.1a Vico-President A. W. 0 OILMIB, M.P.P., - R. IL 01013 FINS THOS. - Aida, apyral, iMES °JUT/URN. THOMAS CRAIG - - earthier, 313011(113 13.011,18 - - Inspector • 0 07 to 0 08 Money loaned to farmers oti their own notes with podendoreers. Drafts issued on Now York. Vool, per ib ... 0 20 to 0 St Purkevs pias ..... ......... .... ....... 0 07 to 0 07 itteSit0 03 11. 1) 05 Ducks, usr pair . • 0 50 to 0 30 ST. 31.4ARY'S (Report)ed rogularly by A. Cialbr with ,Olet•k. Oelhi 'wheat, per bushel. ............ .. 0 98 to 1 00 Sprinff whout . ..... ........ . .. . .... ... 0 88 to 0 So Burley ...... ........... ....... 4.; to 0 55 Pews.. co 0 70 shits ....... ..... .... ......... ........ ............ 0 (3) PO 0 36 Potattuot; per bag .. ....... ...... 0 0.) to 1 00 .Apples " 0 71 to 1 110 Roof per Ib . ...... ........... 0 01 to 0,03 Mutton C 05 to 0 oh P1111) 333 cwt 11 0: to 11 50 por dozen.........................0 08 to 0 013 int tter ......... ........ .............. .. , .. 10 60 0 11 Turkeys .... ........ ............. 0 53 to t 25 it pose 0 P1 to 0 So • pair, . , ..... ......... ........ 40 to 0 5,1 hicliotts " (1 20 to 0 31 pities 101 tha.. 4 50 to 5 55 Wood:too) 2 40 to 3 00 ii•tv . . .... ' to 0 01 W.). I .. . .... ........ . .... . . 0 20 to 0210 1..,ite.tesidus 0 Ile to 1 00 SALE RES;IST Ft R. Thursattv, l‘fav 22tal.---Furniture and sash of all Muds, the property of W. Ball, Dash. wood. H. Orth, auctiouokr. BIB VES. Expter, on. the 8tli inst.. the wife of lir. Win. S•itton, of a daughter. ..- • • • 11 •itrm:ir.caass NEW BUGGY FOR CHEAP. Apply at Tfuns Office. l'AR3.1 FOR; SALE. -Lot 5, N. 33. • Bildal,th, 75 acres, 63 clearod-; soil, clay woff 51)1' 30g house, 1.1d.1 8h801(.2 "'1l. et) wat3r, 1 tetre ,t1 ertf;t,r1 rtill1t4 5t•.-11,11 100dit:il1La, (1 !tr:ot ,r. PROD if Aid, 33,t2 IC E W II Li .A. 0 li S MI T II S 'HO P ..'•ii 4.1";IN. CII.F1 r.61,1,1.• 1 --, %V. it:. .11C..ri ; elk WA •.,k4 It.t...-to_i I: :4.t t, I , 31 ,1 0.1 141-rj• YttlitleiletrIl IiiII•! MI (.1,t) 6,'.C.•"040, . 3...k.ebr1,Int • , ,, V!.i1 , ; t • !, ,,..:.::.;,V...„ .ila is pre- Ioae.11 / kin .1 00,1a,..k •.t.,..1•. ti.,,a 4, wiz - 11 .tnte shoo - ..•.. . t - i !.!," :t1t,ple.1 t,., Pi-fropteest. ,neapneee ,:t-01 1 t • i e' -r s. ,tri ix...tit...Ai. .01,01 4 tlittiteth e.....31,1 W. I.1':1:1'ie ;TAM. 0:17 trj ..)21 \TED. .A. ear bad of SAVINCIS BANK DEPARTMENT. per cent. intorest allowed on deposits of one oller and upwards. OFF i013 HOURS -From 10 to 3 ; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. W.0.. HASTINGS, Manager. 14xo ter, August 22.11d, 1878. 61-1.v. 'MILLINERY .1.11 r .1711MS Oa le IC Si' S. A 101.11ine i0W in, of Spring and Snnuner Bats, and:, Bonnets, all the very latest shapes. N w Flowers Feathers, and Ornaments, Tri ;timings in great variety. GIRLS HAT.- FROM $1.00 UP, ideal/ triimited. Everything willbe sold as cheap as possible. Fancy Coeds, BeiTin Wool. Mottoes, eta., a 5u11 lino always kept. Jaektits made or cut in the latest styles. MISS GARLICK, A ail, 78, Main St. B toter. GracerlesEtionlectonary, smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE nancos AND CIGARS ilmya inAtock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School BOOIE3 , Stationary, 'Magazines Wri 11 ILL THE LATEST news N.B.-sowing maci...1.1.. Noodles olevery TIME TABLE, L. H.& B. B eonto Mixed ................ 8.05 a. tn. 3,35 p.m. Express 7.35 p. eepto soUTIT Mail 3,49 a. M. Mixed 2.50 p. m. Express 8.25 p. m. RSMlASTaal°npMdressmakirat Ierivside,ointiron street, Exeter. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Two apprentices -wanted immediately, ST. 11 WI'S LIM liWORKS. °entrain, kilns beingnow Erten operation and t urnin g out daily targe quanta) of LAME thatfor all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Don:tin. 301. Partiosfrom s listauce iau Ilways ,plied either at Mae kilns 011 deliverd by teams at low est rem unorative rates. 0 rders f rout a distance promptly attended to WHITSON & SCLA.TER. DUBLJCJ SCHOOL TEACHERS' BX.t.111aislATION 8, 1879. For First -Class -At the Normal Schools, Toron- to and Ottawa, on Thursday, July 10,71,t 9 A. M, For Second Classl-Ab the ti.OW11 of Godeitioh and High Schools of Clinton and Seafortlt, on Tuesday, July S., at For Third Cless-At the Town of Cotletieh on Itionday, uly 14th, at 2 P.111., Forms of notice to be previously given by tbo :eta-tary , te candidates can be obtained on application to th Solee usable that candidates notify the Secretary not later than the 1st of Tolle of their int.ntlitts to present themselves for examination, Candidates for first Lod second-class Oe tit! titttoa a.o required ta forward the necessary oertitictites of succoPs in teaching, and 11 aro required to furnish certificates of moral elm actor, Candidates for socoud class must state whether they intend to write an onli itch ('11 at one of the other named High Schools. Candidates for third doss must furnish proper ptoot of ago. PETER .3...AMSON, Alay 6,1870. 211 &m,' Board Exec id,xto3.e, .1.-N or FLOUR and. GRIST ILL, LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. A HAT IS? DREW'S STOCK OY FUR- , MUM. Bedroom and Pirlor Furniture Si specialty, anti the ehoapost west of Toronto. Lounges and all Upholstered work greatly re - !twain priers. Spring Beds rtom fa2.75up; woven wire niattrassos for uvelicts and sioknoss, to prevent bed.-sorss, at remark ablely low priees. Parties 0081)111(3 11,) furnish houses would, do wolf to Jall at Brow% and examine the stook before purchasing else - Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates. Ai ki or •i'litituingo, Shroud, GIrtves, Caps. e,, furnished. Emblems 05 3)1 itto different Societie also kept in stock for tunerals, The hell 88 18 the best lathe county. Feathfrs tor 8830 5.11 BMW'S Furniture warerooms Exeter. The Egyptian embalmer used to revont tato discoloiing 05 00119880 and offensive odors. It Will Day you to call at M'CLELTIANI) BROS' DRENiIT'S BLOOM:, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to salt the hard times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT -WI-101.ESALE PRICES. Be sure and call before buying. suits to order at startling figures. McOLELLAND BROS. Being 111 steel working order gives evorY occult, - dation 1)os3ible 111 grtAtug and Malting. Flour uv( mill food 0.011w:ta0 to 1)3.r3iei leWeitie their Emmy orders before one teelock at, 2. BELL'S intion-I, or a .4 1:0'1.31:11N 8 a CO'S, or at mil Saint., day, 1)331 TERMS THE EXETER .kg7 jre et7J'777, Ta37,0,,Inura • 0 . rrinEt,::ititsdibor begs to annonneo to the inhabiturts of Exeter and the s':rrounding corm. - -0-- try, that he has op' nen a TIN am), 81 OV.6 DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. WCIMS' A. Maces Grocery and itiquer 8t80, Main street, Exotei, rsiiere he is p.tipai ed. to /11.1 allorde.s. 2 • ..tz 9 • A. BOYD. Pt; T.CH,t 59 Cook-, Parlor and other Stoves Xleat-,11.45,[4.0, NU\V IS TIES TIMM FOB CHEAP F.L.4 NOY GOODS! 1 1:10„) 'a,71,111., The nol,biest of canes for r song. -1001- FINE CAA LOAD St - 71019 of Briar and Cork wood Pipes, also rV3 VI IA/ , choicest - it Line l‘fEERSCHA UM PIPES aCIGA.11HOLDEllS at Flee 'Prude Prices. fresh. TOBACCO POUCHES, OiCiAll CASES, ‘5,70., CUT SS. HINC ES, 111l'arioty. .1..01.;.N.8 it EIS, LVE SS T0OL8, If yon want first-a/ass Faney Goode, Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Staffs, or Patent :11etlicin.31, go to HANDSOME WRITING DESKS,' WORK BOXES, DEES4ING GASES at Wholesale Figures. Latiiwo Back Ccoulis, iu Tortoise and Horn ,• -11amisomest, Lato4 Styles, also '1 Dai canon Cow; L) AND BTU:SITES 3(1 outilass variety, at break -down pilaw. AT LOW PRt.J!,.S, O'laYSFLZT 1' co.„ 3Zo..t, Door to Saioweil Pit:It:ants. 'Alain street. 1.1 A 1r E S EN is,: 01-i' T tn.": 013. s1rzLI,5 tr:, it (114 3' he freos toe J.:11eit114y of the 10th ti.,14,0t v. t!ATAisitu. Tito 3,31)171 rtrett :NA L t'ATAI:ttu 1 1 t:ravor riu,toro you to 31 )j' It net 0 Itly cures Ca- t.trth, but 13.11 :Amer at the settle time. price pta• po100. Fut sale by all a.m./gist, and Aletlio tut ;too lora fiend stamp for titi pitgt. inert ireuti,:te Cutari'll, and :tuella- too of the etn.od to T..7. D. 11;1141)1Na, If min- i. al A gou l;, 1 ;a:Delo:illy, 008. CAVR11,11 REMEDY. The telly certain, safe, mid effectual curo for cat; rrh, betilds up t,te 4.58te411anti liras 110 other rliAteuttos.at 111.) smile tlinti. ..stt 11ey Fever, Nervous i 'bOlity, all leave 3.,,gt, tiler v. hen the Coustituttitit Intl Catarrh lien edy is telted •8.111;r(litha. Prics0 ;it) per It(rt.titl. :tor sale i y eh druggists 044 .:).Ldieitie 03.3.1,1333. • 1I01:1:18. • ci=r: E N'1.11,AL HOTEL (lREI)IT()N litlier proprietor. This Bold. has 1.t.eu uttwly ittritis1eid and IitttM up 111 style. 1,'j 4,1 and 0.711V13lti0tt 31 hlifiNgt Rot tit)! for 01a:11 ct '('1,, It 3 ; botit of liquors 13.1,11 eigoatt 111 1(33 Due. AZAtt.titiV,:i 11.11hit1t:r8 tatialA ti MI .11.4,8..31114 lie bryzatory9 Meltel?. At Manufacturers Prices. rinwaro, cheaper than the Cheapest., and made up by practica.,7 workmen on the 'promises.. Caro-Trongbine,dene to ortler„ earth1:e elathq a Specialty. Coal oil Ciiimueys, tba rcry best mid none cheaper. • intending purehaSure will always find in at my pos., ready to attend to My own business and prepared 8.1 3311 tlirtfa to treat costeincrs courteously and supply them With 5, good env: ciunip tulle 0, Depend upon it that intwircio can you get better value for your money. The very !light -mil price iu Cash paid fOr Hides and Sheep skins E 11 SPACIalAN. ilixeter P 0, Octui•or 16 1877. r••••=ramm....w.m..A Nutice to the inha'iitants of Exeter and surrounding country, PEtPIT P R Er far and near. -0- ATHOENez 1E0C having opened. their new stock of DRY - GOO n3 znd GROCERIES, are DOW PREPAED TO SEI L AT ROCK BOTTOMPRIDES.' )111:•,TUE O& WAL&3 HOP of,i :4 01,1. c . 141Va."11'3 n4,71114 p tre% T 't distinctly understood that they have' inn:chased - 9 tt, 11 • Horsemen and others requiring printing dons, should call at 'flu; "Times": Office and obtain estimates before going else- where, as we are p.opared to execute work C..127,Z.41,7P,L17.1, EVErt. 0 :p All kinds of priating.done neatly and ab bottom figures. i.10 .3.00.3) hot fl, alr att, (11 thoo titi rat now. 0 i.Jr8 11.13...J11.tUoll.tta../11 1, 1.3. 3‘...q..,t, (IVO 1):111t.)If .1.11 ‘.4,4,;.• t1/.0 0.8I'• (0) el1111h ng 1311 it h. 10 'LIU.: 01.1 ill very it.t.,autitin 3,41.1 to guests, INIntvomfewati.---.1 greet 1110.1:y in - the middle and higher classati of society, wail, without sceing ever nettle:fly sizit, never know whatreal ; who constantly in A 11),,ior plane 05 1(11113(0 than is normal hi roam who' t.ro weak all over, though 116; specially and constantly weak in any one organ., who may tad.. experience piercing and grinding pain, yet 5.1113111' 613 times, if not always, that profound xliaustion which in theriy respeets 1' work; titan pain. Those in that lamentable state have (times boen relieved, and inany. 1)0110)1 (10(1(1,7 ee by tieing the. VD:run:Lc Svnite Hi- rortrosktrres, 0 beteg paitiuulttly adapted for those 013.2011. P1A. 3410 at Ceutral Drug Sturo, L.Nater.. .1: • e. lieywibn for cash at a big diseenut, and aro tlius..onahlod to sell at • 0 0-, (41 lit I3ILL 11.F..kDS the ibllowing extremely low figures : Fa.4 Colored Prints, 70, Fit:ached Cotton. from tic. up. . IleaNy Catty Oaten', e. Ile. Oxford Shirtioge; 9o. Floe All -wool 183111418, 50e. '15.11118 I.,inens, 30e. D17093 (400.1s. 100. ' , 1.)otible buttoned ELI Gloves, 50c. , Embroidered Edging; 4c., 11;-1331,s Dpn't forret iho place 1?) look, EATII.ORN IMCCOUBPEY , Lace raging,. 2c. • COUNT -9111 HEADS, • .•• - • 11103, 3c, CARD GROC ERIE S. Young Ilyso,ti worth Do. du " 'Diver tress, ' 713 Rstra SlIgta, 11 IlL4. for dollar. Tino 0 Sagar 11311.8, for a dollar. 3 Boles bo -t Iiiglituing Matches, 25e. Toilet soap, pa doz,, ;25e, 0'13yrne's old stands lanson's • 4. printed for prices that will barely cover cost.of paper. This no blow% Call and be Convinced, Orders by Mail RECEIVE PROMPT ArETENTION"... Adyertise in The "Times.' It will pay you. .11 • •