HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-15, Page 3'11
MAT 15, 1$7.9
"I suppose you're wondering why I
;keep that ugly old chettaaaid are. R.-
4and I must own diet it's uot rely or-
namental; but it saved my life tame for
all that. Isee you think i'm tneking
tun of you., hut I'm not, indeed ; end
etad when you hear the story, I think
you'll agree with me that I have good
reason to value it, tigly as it bloke.
"Tide is how it happened. When we
.erst earns out to India, my buebaed
was sent to make the Survey of the Net..
Inulda Valley, one of the wildest hit- ill
all Central India; and we really were,
just a first, the only white people with.
in forty or fifty miles.. And ouch. a
time as we had of it I Et' my hitsba,ed
;hadn't been so strong as he is, attd
perfect miracle of patience VI well, I
Zan% lc no w ho .v he could have steod tvhat,
he had to do, ft was dreadfal work
d'or him, being le p sometimes a week
together, or having to stand ont in the
Ituroing sun, when the very ground its
self was almost teo itot to tottelt. And
as for the native workmen, I never saw
suolt a set—always doing everything
wrong, aud never lilting anybody to put
them right. When the railway was be-
ing made they used to carry the earth
on their heads in baekets ; and when
&Ir. R.— served out wheelbarrows to
them, they aoteally carried them on
their heads toe sante way if there was
a wrong way of using anything they'd
be sure to find it out. Even oue but.
ler, or Jeltitetalyar, who Wad much bet-
ter than moo, of them, came one day
and begged a pair of old decatiter-lehele
hushaild was going to throw away ;
and when the watt came it, next tn•
icg, he had poeitively turned them in-
to ear-ringe, mid went about quite
gravely 'Port' in oce,ear alai 'Sherry'
in the other I
"However, if the native men worrie I
tme the native beasts were fifty times
worse. It was no joke, I can assure
you, to be awakened at the middle et
ahe night by a roar of it tiger elo ^e en -
,der the iudew, or by an obedient
trashing and trumpeting thyouge the
jungle with a noise like a mail coech
going full gallop into a hot.house. Well
•ils that Was eves, the jackals wotild sst
up a speeding a»d evhimpering like so
tnany frightened children ; and then a
dreadful native bird, Whose name I've
never found ont (1 8 upgiuse because no
body could invent one bad enottult for
it), would break out into a succeeeion
of the most horrible cries—jitst like
.somethiug being murdered, until the
eaoise fairly drove me wild.
"And then the ant! bob you've seen
them for yourself, and I needn't tell
you about thorn. Bat all this while
neglecting my story.
One day (it will be loug enough be-
fore I forget it) nay husband was out oe
usual at his work, and the nurse had
gone down to the other native servaute
at the end of the"componnel,"as we call
this big encloeure ; and / was left atolie
in the house with my little &Emile you
der, who was then jest about a, year
-old. By this time I had got over my
first fears, and didn't rnind a bit taiing
left by nayself; indeed, all the I.iwer
windows having bars seroes them 1
tthought that I was enfe enough ; but. I
little dreamed Of what wee coutieg 1
"I mats': have been itting over my
.sewing nearly an hour with the child
playing about on the emir bellied me,
when suddenly I heard a dull thump
overhead as if eotnettting had fallen up.
on the roof. I didn't think anythieg
of it at the moment, for one soon gets
used to all sorts of strange doundti in
.the Indian jangle but presently,
Lthought I could hear a heavy breaking
iu tue next room but one, and then I
began to feel frightened in earnest. I
rose As softly as 1 cenld, and crept to
the doorway between the rooms. Thi.,
aloorway was only closed by a curtai
:and gently pulling aside the f Ads, I
peeped t4irough—and foul d myself
within a tew paces c.tf the largest pan-
ther I bad ever seers lin my life I
For one moment it was jest as if I had
been frozen stiff, and then the thought
ame to me just as ii'soniebody had
spoken it: 'The big c'eeetT I knew
that this chest would laelti Ate anti my
ezhild easi/y, and, that It (mid leave a
echink of the lid open to let RA bteathe,
'for the overlapping edge would save
tny fingers frem the ranther. Li a
second 1. had it all clear before me;
'but had the bruee not atopped short at
the sight elf the curtain., should never
have had atehiance of trying it. Lucki-
ly for me, tlie Indian panther, savage
,as he is, is tt, terrible coward, and AN
.suspicious as any dea,,ctive. I've seen
.one go round and rouind a trap for
more thau Milt an hour, before he
anode up his mied to spring at, the bait.
So, while my friend was puzzling hitn-
4self over the cudain, and wondering
whether it was meant for a trap or not,
took up Minnie (who, poor little pet,
steamed to blow Mire was something
wrong, and Mawr 4tterecl a bound) and
into the cheat I erepi, making as little
noise as poseihle.
"1 Watl hardly settlei, there Whets I
heard the 'sniff entre( the tatither
.00ming right itip 'whtre I lay, and
through the chink I bad left open, the
hot, foul breath of the panther came
. 'streaming in upon my fee°, &-
moat eick, It seemed to bring my
heart into my month when I heard
him ()laws ecraping the edge of the lid,
and trying to lift it up ; but happily,
the (Adele was too narrow for his paw
to enter. But if the pavi couldn't the
toegue could ; and soon be began to
lick my fin .ers, tamping tbem so that 1
ha,dly knew how to bear it. Still, the
touch of Minnie's artn around
my neok s 'mod to give me courage.
othit, there wadi worse than this to
come ; for the panther seddenly leaped
right on top ot the chest, and his
weight ereseed down the heavy lid up-
on my fitp,ers, wail the paiu was so
terrible Ow, unable to stand any
longer, I screitmed with all my might.
"The ecream was answered by a
f hout, front just outside ; wnich
recognized my intsband's voice, The
panther ard it, too, and it seemed to
sears him, for he made a dash for the
window,either forgetting or not noticing
the iron bars ; 'Adjust as he reached
it, there came the crack of a ritle,and
I heard the heavy brute fait suddenly
upon the floor.
"I heard afterwards that Mr. R—
IM happened to want seme instillment
which he bad left at the house ; and,
not wishing to trust it in the hands of
eny of the natives, he came beck for it
himeelf—luckily, just in tinae, for the
bellet from his rifie killed the pan-
ther. But, as you bee, my hand is
pretty stiff yet."
The disaster at Stretford on Monday
of last week has developed the start ling'
fact that I) •troit is daily expased to
tee possibility of the eccurrettoe of a
catastrophe as horrible as that which
devastated Stratford. The Gramt
Trunk, Great Weetern and Canada
Southern, Itailroade refuse. by their
regulations, to transport nitro-glycerine
or dynamite on ally tonne, but all
three roads carry the infernal stnff as
aehesti,Ike powder," aed charge triple
f eielit for cerryin • it. The work at
tdte Lime Kilns crossing requires thou-
,rtikis of Cil,e8 (4 niiro-glycerine and
litalio every year, 'Ind this stuff is
kr.ingitt front 13rockville by the ordi
eery freight trains, ennistitues by mix-
ed passenger and freight 11 ains 10 spe-
cid cars orovitied by the company.
1)etroit's tlaitAer lies in the ehip-
meats by the Grand Truek to kle.tit.).
ha. A gentleman recently retorned
fr fin "Wititehead's Sectioe." an imper-
rant contract on the Caneda Pacifie
Railroad informed a News reperter to-
day (May 8.), that for the excavation of
a portiou of 40 miles of rook cutting on
that road over 100 ear -loads of Nitro-
..41yeerioe were required last year, every
car• 'ad of which passed by aaroit,
inid meet, of it directly thretteh the
city by the G:eat Western. All of it
HAY dealt with as ordiottry freight at
thejutictiott, and it has Leen more by
the G-ritoe of God than any eqpecial
care on the part of railway offici de
that the city has been preserved trotn
disaster. All of the explosive matet i
paeses by way of Chicago, St. p,,n1
and Pembina to Manitoba, e,rid atm'
by passenger trains as otherwise. The
shieeers of this stuff tn Manitoba are
Conner, 10,tirruatt & Co., ef Montreal,
lie same firm thron211 whom Mr. Mac
G .verttmoto made the alleged
fritedtilent purchase of 50.000 ton 'I of
steel rails for the Canada Pacific Rail -
e ay, and 'they shipped by the Grand
Trunk Retilway.—Detroit News.
That w.i WI thou bast to do,do it with
all thy might, said a clergyman to his
son one morning.
,Se 1. did this morning,' sail Bill
wit h enthusiastic gleana in his eye.
'Ali 1 what was it, darlinu ?' and the
father'efittger ran through his offspring's
'Why, wholloped Jack Edmunde,
'said the young hopeful, till he yelled
like blitzee. You should just hear him
holler, dad '
The father looked nnhappy, while be
explaitted that the precept did not ap-
ply to any aot like that, and concluded
mildly with :
'You should not have done that my
"Chen he'd a wholloped me, replied
the young hopeful.
'Better;' said the sire, 'for you to
have fled from the :wrath to come.'
'Yes but' replied the hopeful, by way
of a final elittcher, Jack can rua twice
as fast as 1 can.'
The good mao sighed, went to his
study took up lb pen and endeavored to
compose bitnself for a sernion.
STILL Hoer Cons.—Dr. H. En, Ross, Kin-
cardine, considers Yieuew On, as staple au
Article as he has in his store, and as sure to
sell as tea or sugar. Jas. Itobbln, Robbinton
P. 0., writes:—" We haVii loidd thatinh's
Ymew On, and And it answers every put,
pose tor whieb it is recominended." There is
nothingbotter for burns, bruises, scalds, etc.;
no.better Iiiihnent in the world. Milburn,
BentloY,& Noreen, proprietors, Toronte, For
sale at Central Drug store.
C. a S. f3I1301-4EY
Undertalcors4 and IT'urniturel
v those who intend
purehesing to do ste frern
the utenufacturer. The
delder who buys to Reit
again must necessarily
have m. profit. We elaim
th give the purobasers the
benefit, which eennot fuel
to meet the views .of the
Grangere. Our expenses
aro less than those of eity
menu hseturers ooneespient-
ly we can veil cheaper.
to our undertaking depart
meritorhich is more corn
nlete than e ver, ale we have
added everai Itale deeigne
et ate The beet
caskets tihrouds,and every
'anent] requisite at the
lowest prices. Our new
Hearse is pronounced ley
, competent mdgeo tp
second to nee° in the
Emblems of all the Different Someties.
Furniture and Undertaking.
S. FAIRBAIRN has on hand at Hensel' as large
and as handsome a stock of FURNITURE as can be
found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he
Having procured a handsome hearse, he is prepared
to attend to UNDERTAKING-,
On the Most Reasonable Terms,
In uonnection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti-Septio Fluid, which preserves
the body and deetroys :IA] offensive odors, and prevents coutagion arising frorn dead bodies. A esli
respectfully solicited.
Truth Concerns You Vlore Than Counterfeit,
Tlaerefore, read, purchane, and enjoy its bargeins. When I say 1manufaeture my own furniture
nen prepared with m3, proof -sheet that the people eau inspect et any time by calling at my Ware
ruouis where they will see a superb dis play of
Furniture inA.11 Its Branches
tit eienef seteire 1 by trivsou ,tai. cemniael ertistic wall good workmanship. I der utre not
iesatisfying the people with a CO3.38 of Fa nitttre that cannot bo equalled tor quelity or -price iu
IS eater, all blosying to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, Eeeter.
1879) SPRING (1879
At a 11 times, and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money
scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants
at the lowest rate. In elating your attention to ray present stock, I do so with every confid
once; it being, more carefully assortea aud selected than thar of any previous season.
In the Dry G-oods
Evei y department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked it
pricee which should cemmancl the attention of the very elosest buyers. THE ORDEREI
CLOTHINL* still has MR. w.IVES at it.lead
In Millinery
tinclerthe ms.nagement of Miss MeGloghlon, we can snit the most fastidiotie. Our stock of
G-roce,les, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of tne largest and best a4sorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their
best interests by examining irty stock before going elsewhere.
Now Complete at
• it ANTON 13 R 0 S.
New Cashmeres, Cords and Gorges,
New Black- and Colored Lostres,
New Dress Linens Prints and Cottons,
New Muslins, Embroideries and Edgings,
New Umbrellas, Parasols, and Sunshades all the latest novel-
ties, Ladies outfittings, &e.. &c.
Large stock Tweeds and Coatings, and Ready-made clothing.
Clothing made to order in latest styles. Good fits guaranteed.
Special attention is called to our stook of DUCKS, DEN-
IMS, & COTTON SHIRTING-, known as the
tough as leather. Choice fresh Groceries always on hand.
No advance—goods at old prices. Call and see.
Founders, Engineers and Machinists.
Middling Purifiers of improved kinds.
Agrieulural Implements
Potash Kettles, School seats, Isc.
Iron -and Brass Clastinos to'orcler
Por sale cheap—Second hand Boilers and Enirires Sieve
Shingle, and Heading Macninery.
Repairs on Boilers, Engiaes, Mills, Am, promptlyattended to:
PX4MtilaalOnte tett
For Virst-Olses—at the Normal Schoelii,Toion-
to and Ottawa, ou
Thursday, July 104t 9 A.19',
FOr Second Class—Atthe Town of Gederioli ter el
High Schools of Clinton and Settforth, ou
Tuesday, auty 2. at 2 P,D1,,
ror Third Olass—At the Town of Godericb on
Monday, Iuly 14th, at 2 P.31.,
Forms of notice to be previously given by the
candidates can be obtaiued on application to tbe
It ist indispensable that candidates notify the
Secretary not later than the 1st of June of their
in tentiop to present themselves for examine:time,
Candidates for fast end secontVelties certificates
ate required to forward the necessary certifieetee
of success in teaching, and ell are requiredeto
furnish certificates of raoral cha, actor,
Candidates for second class must elate whether
they intend to write in Goderich or at one ot the
other named High Schools. Candidatee fur thilti
class must furnish proper proof of age.
May 5,1879. 2t See y Board Eire
r MISS 151411LICAPN.
full line eow in, of
Spring and Summer Hats, andt Bonnets,
all the very lathet shapes.
Now Flowers Feathers, and Ornaments.
Trimmings in great variety.
GIRLS IlArE., FROM $1.00 UP,
nicely trimmed. Everythiug will be sold as cheap
as possible.
Fancy Goode, Beilin Wool, Mottoes, etc.. a full
line always kept,
Jaekets made or cut in the latest styles.
Atoll, 78. Main Bt. E seter,
At auction. To commence on
Monday, Dec. 16, 1878
W. 11 McGloughlin
of 186 Dundee street, London, will on the above
date, offer his whole stook, amounting to over
Fifty Thousand DOnfaii, at unction, and continue
the sale every day at two o'clock iu the alto: -
noon and at seven in the evenieg during the bal-
ance of the inontle—from the .16th to the Mat
of ecember,
Tis is the largest and best stock that haft ever
been offered to the public at their own pneee
aud, as everybody kuows, the goods are of the
best rns.nufacture and every article will be war-
ranted the seine as if bought in the mane ry wee.
This is a rare chance to get tine gold and dives.
watches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and
faucy goods at your own prices. Pernaps never
again will such au opportunity occur, Smile
yourChristmas aud New Year's presents at this
sale. Save your money for this auction—and
Dundee street, London'
y Its great and thorough Mood -purifying proper.
A. Dr. Ploecos Golden Medical Discover, setliT8
ail Minors, from the worn Scrofula to 1% tit :.M1411.1
Motet% Pimple, or Eruption. "ficreurial direase,,
Mineral Poisatie, and their effects, aro cradle:Am!,
nod sigorom• hrulth and a sound cot:rift:Won estab..
nshed. ErylOpcluo, Salt.rhourn, Fever Sores, Ecols
or Roush Skio. in short. tine:180e caused hy bag
!Jowl, a re conquered by this powerful, purilying, atul
Invigorating medicine.
Especially NIA it =Wrested itc potency in curing
Tetter, Dose Thula, Dale, Carbuncles. dere li.yet%
Scronilous Sores and Swellizas, White Swallow%
Goitre or Thick block and Enlarged Glands.
If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, 1:use sallow
color of skin, or yellowish -brown omits ott face or
body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in
mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with bot
andie.t, luw ;spirits, anti gloordy forubotling.s. irregular
appeiltc. mid teuguo euated. you arc suffering front
Torpld Liver, or dDliMacnere... In many etis
*Liver Complutitt” mily part of these symptoms aro
experienced. Aq relliVtiY for all such cases, Dr.
Ploree's Golden Medlcal Discovery has no equal, as
it eCects perfect and radical cures.
in the cure of Bronchitis, Seem.° Coughs, and the
early stages of Consumption, it has astonished the
nitalical faculty, and mutat:tit phyeicians pronounce
lt the greatest medleal discovery of tiw age. While
11 FOL.L.-4 the severest (loughs. It strengthens the symmul
awl anritics the blood. Sc hy druggists.
It. V, PIERCE, D„ Prop'r, World's Dispensarie
and invalids' 'Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
0 0 0
p 0 0
311 YeeS4,_
wet atIva e
THE caniARTie
No use ef taking the large, repulsive, nauseous ptile
composed of' cheap. Orml ,o and bulky ingroillentk.
Thrsc Pellets a re scarcely birger titan tnustard seeds,
Being entirely vegetable, no partlentar care Is rff•
(pitfall while it? I ng them. They operate without 43 ,
turbance the eonstUntion,_ Met, or occupation.
For Jaundice, Headache, ConstipotIon, Impu-g1
131ood, l'ulo In the Shoublcro, Tightness of tbo
DJ:emcee. Sour Eructations film tba Stomach, IL.1
Taste in the Mouth, ai.tteks, Pato in reatoi
or &Idocri. Intorno! reVer, Bloated *Oleg awes -
Stomach, Push of Blood to ilea. take Dr. ,Picreeh
Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the
remedial power of these ifitrgatIse Pellets ore r se
great a variety of discuses, it may be.eald that theil
action Upon tbe, axgnaal connrany lo universal, not I,
eland os. tissue emeoping their sanative impress,. t
does not impair tile properties of tin so IN Delft
They aro sugar-coated and iiirlo.ed 0,11811,4f:en
their virtues being thereby proberred red f
ony length of '1111,O, nay' VilltratO, P., that. Ilicy at.
always itosh and reliable. This la not I ho
pills ptit up in cheap wooden OF pastehmird bore:s
For all diseases where tt. taxi:dire, Alterative, m
Pargattve, 19 indleated, these 11 trio Pcile•ts si :11 1:15
the input perfect satisfaction. Sold by droanir; ,
1/. V. PIE lecE. M. D.. Peueet, orte's -heel
and Invalids, Hotel, Buffalo, N. 'Y.
BOU1CUMIAS V.',.F-141.5..i 210,4
mucous, purulent, oltensiso,
itt others, a dreness, dry, watery, weal:, or infkorr.
eyes, ttOppirag 111), or Obstruction. of the nasal pax%
sages, Tillgittg OILF4, dearnelte, hawking awl
Ing to deg r the throat, eera 11011S, FF11,1/2 VINO 5.3vtlil
voice alte red, nasal twang, olfeltsiiee breal 11, 1 ill, t9i
or total CiepTIV3tial Or SOUK! Or SMCII WWI in ,
zinoss, Inenthl dcprOSIon, loss of n Opel lie,
non, enlarged tonstia, •-• '
few of these symptonut are lecely te pr, , • hoz,
Qum at one Gine.
DR. SAGE'S CATARRH 11E1A...:.,,1
produces ritellc01 carps of the worst es01,,, or C:itrmqv
no Matter Or how' /Ong ettirefIng. The Nue! reeled;
limy Ito smitied, or bettor applied be the use of De
ternicees Douche. 'Ilex 14 the eels:term of heeen-
' silent yet lurfented with •whiell fluid nr,t.icii.e can 1 <
flurried ntcdt and re:1014:5:1,Y .k1T1.11.1) a
awn.. marts a the itheettei roteei estimates, tte the FiltI,A;
hOrt1 or Ctlrltir. tO.O1811111iratillir Wifirt
#11.1 liken 1,04 fron s;1.1-1.
the catarrhal t...sefin Me pro,crelia. iiA,
it pleasant and eaiily itrulcrotobtk 40in die:ester;
seteeepartylitg oteet hultrUthelt /'••• rti:••c: ''••• („:1••
• •• rrh iipowdy eur,, recent a tt,,,,,ke nt '641 In IN
Deed •• by re.IV ...pplitAtt inn% .11 1.. t. 11 , 1111.4.,
tot 10 OAO, eent ho Won; cr ;moo.; • • ,tr,
0,)nit• Catorrt, 0. mods 1 seoM 2.1- One
411... 01. V. N1'4107%11. r)., '
Lin,ure t. si