HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-15, Page 22 THE TIMES MET DIDN'T TAKE HIM. Whet1carter,lic n itlegiwae a;hibieing with Duorow se Astley'e Loudon, a manager with whom. Outer bad made. and broken an engagement' issued a writ against ilio, The bailiffs panne to the stage door and ani'ked for Carter. "Show the gentleniiaiupstairs,"' said Dttcrow. zt When they reached the stage, there sat Carter composedly in the great nage, with an enormous lion on each side of trim. "There's Mr Carter' gentlemen, waiting for you;" said Duorow; "gr in and take him. Caltart my boy, open the door." Carter proceeded to obey, at the same time eliciting, by private signal, a tre. mendous roar from his compauions. The bailiffs staggered back in terror, and rolled over each other as they rushed down stairs. Sri CHEOI{ +'.R D G CAREER. Camillo Donnaruma, who was die tinguished in his native land by the ti- tle of baron, shot himself in the head at New Y',rk on the 15th ult. He was born in Naples in 1814. In 1847 he arrived in this city with Adelina Patti's father. In the following year he was in a managerioal capacity with the Fay Italian Oder% Company. He failed and studied medicine, and subsequently was unfortunate in mercantile speculations. In 1860 be returned to Naples iu the hope of readjusting the remnants of the brokeu fortunes of his house. He suo- ceeded but indifferently and returned to his wife, two sons and daughter. It appears that Baron Raffaele Donner - ulna, father of the deceased, in 1821 had loaned to the reigning Italian Bour- bon Government the sum of $565,000, which, computiug intetest and com- pound interest, would amount at the present time to about one million dol- lars. During General Garibaldi's so. journ in New York he was frequently the guest of Donnaruma. The latter's youngest son is an actor, and is known by the professional name of J. alph Del- more. 110 is also a fresco painter. "WOULD ROUGH IT." 'Gums 'I'il go West this spring,pop,' remarked young Woodruff to his old roan, as the domestic circle surrounded the stove the other eveuing. ' There isn't much prospect of anything turn- ing up that would induce me to remain around here.' 'Well I wouldn't want to encourage such an idea, would you ?' he asked, turning to his better half. °John\'Vocdruff,thisis the city in which was born, wooed and won," replied the old lady as she raised the corner of her apon to her eye,' 'and I never want a child I raised to leave it and go'anlong strangers, where the gracious known what would happen to them.' 'Whet would yna propose doing, in ease you did go?' asked the old Alan turning to his hopeful. 'Oh, I Wouldruff it, of course.' Fur- ther discustion of the question was (prop- ped, A MERCHANT'S FIRST EXPERI- ENCES. I remember the first day I was in- stalled behind the connter as clerk is my father's store. The confinement seemed like that of a prison, but the discipline and various labors of a clerk in a country store are valuable in the highest degree ne a school for the de- velo1•meut of the perfect merchant. I had to become familiar with clothes, laces, buitous, needles, tea,tobn.eco,cnt lery, hardware, drugs, dyestuffs, toys, patent medicines, tinware, and to be- come a judge of,aud to handle the vari- ous commodities offered by customers in exchange for supplies. Frorn sel- ling seine country beau'y a flannel shawl, I had to step out and measure a lurid of lumber, or take in baiter,wool, or furs, honey, anything my sturdy cue- tonier'inul to barters After the lapse of the bettor part of half a century I can, iu irnaginatiols, step behind'. y father's coulntry desk to charge up a hili of goods, and really re- member the names of enstorners, the goods they bought, rind the prices they paid. Bills were nettled once a year ;. often they were plaid at the end of that tune ouly.:in part,and what Vas called ht "due hill" given in settlement of the "balance. Ten lrer event. (liscouut was made for :the payment' in cash at the time of l'urclhu.so. One-third advance ort coat was the usual profit charged On regular goods, while fitnoy . goods and !alloy prices attached. Medicines were .rioflsi„ ped bj their 'linkers, and an ae• count of sales rendered as ofteu, at hetet, as once a year. Seine frighti'ul natnes were given in some of these rloatrires. I remember one Calledtltu'''Iuilian Chologogite,"tsud 1 used to rhyme it with pollywog, jolly dog, and hollow log, in the absence of cust;oulers., We never had any medi• cine; with too heavy:: a 'lassie to sell, My fitr.her being a ttassitoliusett5 ishan, homillt his stll,plies for the merit part of 131istor, r.rrlei 0'1 0110 dear In Oatober, 18I0, I turned toy back QIx the old "cross roads" warehouse, and with him turned my face $e what has been christened the Hub of the Universe. It was eo to my father at that time. Pate sing through jocheeter on our way east, I was struck with the appearance of one of its long streets with its mile of awnings, "Wait until you get to Boston !"' said the old gentleman. His manner was such that I felt a little ashamed of my admiratiou. A LAWSUIT LXTRAURDINABY. Whil Mr. Seward wa a member of the New York bar in active motive in 1858,, the postmaster of Syracuse refus- ed to deliver a newspaper to a Miss Felton to wheal it was addressed, with- out the 'payment c'f letter postage, the sender having placed upon it the initial letter of his name. Miss Pelton there- upon sued the postmaster in {rover for the value of the paper, and the Daae was tried before a Justice of the Peace, who held the postal instruotious illegal and consequently gave six cents dam- ages and costs of $2 89 for plaintiff. The ease was carried by tate postmtister to the Court of Common Pleas, which affirmed the judgment with additional coe is of $11 95. Frani there it was carried to the Supreme Court of the State, wtricl' added $67.65 to the judge- ment before reudered, and the postmas- ter, not yet satisfied, then appealed the ease to the Court of Appeals, where the judgment before rendered, was a" - firmed with the additional e.ntnof $75 - 64, making $168.28 in all. Not satis- fied with this measure of justice in the State Courts, the postmaster went witf the case to the Supreme Court of the Uuited States, whore it wa- elaborately argued by Mr. Seward, and decided by a very labored opinion of the Court, affirming the findings of the other Courts and rendering judgment accord- iugly, but with what posts the reooid does not show. The case as decided by the Court of Appeals in New York is reported in Comat:,ck, 587, and ah decided by the Supreme Court of the Uuited States iu the 12th llosvard 284, iu which volume itocoupies nine pages. A. SLIGHT DIFFERENCE. The other evening,a to little dinner. party in New York, oue of the guests, the younger brother of an English no bleman, expressed with cohntnendable freedom his opinion of America and it people. °I do not altogether like th country,' bald the young gentleman 'for one reason, because you have u gentry here.' 'What do you mean b gentry 2' asked another of the sornpany 'Well, you know,' replied the English MUM. 'Well, oh, gentry are those wh• peter do any work tlhemxelvos, an( whose fathers before them never di( any.' 'Ah, exclaimed hie interlocutor 'then we have plenty ofgentry in Alper ice, but we don't call them gentry, w call them tramps.' A. tangle Oven around the table and the young Eng Hellman turned his couversatiun int another channel, ENGINES AND BOILERS, From x to ra Horse Power, for Fe nn- ers, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese da' Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse power. • .l .'lf'e item and cheapest In the market. ,i I Send for circular and price list. + a, r 1 t BiM i Job f oty n� .' r «+ ` - � Esplanade Street, R�+MOVAIA. \J BAU would remind his numerous , • Customers that he has removed to the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Bond, where he will bo found ever road to attend to all business in the BOOT and SHOE Line. I 0. RAU, Crediton. AGENTS READ TEETS We will pay Agents a Salary of ,2100 per month and expenses, or allow a lergs commission to sell our new and wouderfnliuveutions. Wamaa,twlutt too say. Sample free. A.idress, 6KE1RitiAN & 00., Mar-ball.Mioh. LEGAL . H. C ADD Y, BARRIlTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, dm. Office, Fanson's Block Exeter. a I AIDING HARDING, &WHITE, Beristers, attorneys, Solicitors, Com. siouers, B. 0., tke. ,rk NCC'e—LInrru rs B14oaE, Ovate] treat, St Mary's. 1, MN 19,1 ABDING, E. P1.HAiDIiiG. EI.A.L.WIIITP. 1 tAr ivioDIAR111ID, B.A., it 1 ititiSTER,;YOTA3tY, CONVEYANCER LUCAN.ONT. 1'1.1 BSSRS. JONES & MOSCRIP 1,ei 0 arr.stees, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors Cita 'leery, Conveyancers, Colntnissiouers taint. a ..' Votaries Public, St, Mary's C.S.JONES. W.C.ILOSCBIP. 0' WIoa1-1{utton's lilook.Watorst.St Mary'. IVIEIDIC kt 1 \E. COWk1N. OFFICE — MIN or Street, Exeter, up -stairs, opposite Central Rotel. Side entrance, cm the south—street lead- igu to 13. t.. Church, i. Orders loft at ILline's shoe store will receive prompt attention. 49-1y. DR. HUTCHINSON, Male bet al the Collage of Physicians and Surgeons of coterie, t1�o., tko.. Office next door to I. Carhops, Stain Streot, Exeter, DR. H i:ND14IAN.—CORONER FOIL the County of Hurun. t %fllce,next door to Dir.I. Darling's store, Exeter. W. 13±IOWNING M.1)., C. M. 0 el • P. 8, Graduate VictorieUniversity* Office e and residence. Dog. .:lion I.abnratoiy, Exeter. C. MOOltE. M. D. C. M. . Graduate of •,1oGii1University, Montreal 1 Mee emu residence, Exeter, Ont. Otlioe l ours— . SO 10 e. m and 7 to 1110. )n 71111. J. A. ROLLINS', DI. C. P. S. e. --e 0., ti'ictorin• St. Crediton, Ont, Ofiloo hours , from 9 t 10 e., in.; 2 to 5 p. in. 1 LU'l'Z, 'el. D.. 1 • u213o a' his rusidonce, Exeter. ' pa. . IRVING, xRADUA'I'lil UNI. • VERSITY Tr Laity College 'Pri re I,or College WE 10-7•47.4 Theological students reason that if there be ct,uuterfeit mons', there, must be genuine; so, if there be infidels, there must also be christiaus. If this be true of money and religion, will not the same rule apply to "put up" medi- cine ? Do not the cheap and worthless nostrums prove that there are l;snui .e and meritorious "put up" medicines? The great popularity of Dr. Pierce's G(,lden Medical Discovery has resulted in the manufacture of many shoddy al- terative and Louie remedies, but one af- ter another these have disepL,ear'ed, the proprietors having found that, no mat- ter haw buil they advertise, success de- pends upon merit. In South America, as well es in this country. the Discov- ery is the standard remedy for all sere- fulous.and eruptive diseases. It "acts promptly on the stomach, liver, and blood, toning up, regulating, and pur- ifying the system. It speedily allays all bronchial irritation, and erre, the most stubborn couch or cold in half the time required by any other remedy. BOTHERED .BY A BEE. A funny street incident is related by a paper abort a dog which, being both- e,red by a bee one hot day, an 110 wan d.,zing by it grocer's door, ltieaiitlou.8ly snapped it up in his mouth. He matte a sudden spring to his feet ae it he 11U3 just thought of something he hadto do .'amity motiiuiuo, aro unsurpassed, in a hurry, and the hair all over him raised on end as if ho had been eloetri. fled. Then he pranced around a moment, shaliiug bin head frauticelly as if hs were worrying a rat. A. little black object dropped fro bis Mouth, which he looked at inquiringly for a brief ice stlbn1, and thele started off in haste' to see a inn,riou the corner, howling, dis- mally as he went. Tee man was not there, and the dog camo back,, and once More mads an in- spection of the little black object that lay 00 the nidewalk,and poked it timid- ly with its paw. He, perhaps, wanted to be able to rec,,guixe of tiles little .)hinge it flog bhould, ever encouuter oue again. Cheap Cash Store. MISS LEACH, ate of Seaforth,has opened Wain the store recent- yyoc u ied.by Mr. J. P. McIntyre,next door to Dr, iutebiuson's residence, Mean St. Exeter, with; a aew,large and well assorted stock of Milliner In all its Branches, Also Fancy Goods, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes. Prieeiayer low—for cash only. Light Itid Gloves and White Ostlien Plumes cleaned. A gall solicited N 13—Hair Dressing, Stamping, Velvet Painting, Jte, J&o. A first-class dressmaker on hand. MISS LI],AOH. Apprentices wanted, Exeter, April 13 1879. yl New York Millinery Store. MBS. C. B. WILLIAMS has just opened out in Panson's Block with a 1.re stook of Spring Goods HATS, BONNETS AND SHAPES 05 the latest Now York and Philadelphia styles. Also a large assortment of 'trimmings in all shades,Bibb"ue,l,eathers and Ornaments. Lad- iea'hats nicely trimmed ,rum 50 oeuts up. Voila, false ties, cuffs, oollars, $rimes and neck frills. Also a large stook of fanny Dry Goods, infants' hats, hoods, and Caps. Ladies' linen suits cut in the latest Philadelphia styles. A.large assort- ment of Parasols and Paris .Mantles, Uail ana examine our stook before purchasing eisowuere, as we sell for prices to suit the times and dual liberally with the farmers in their way of trade, .MRS, 0.13. WILLIAMS. Exeter, April 17, 1879. `f ENTRAL HOTEL, CREDITON e —Wm. Baker proprietor, This hotel has boon newly furnished and fitted ftp iu first -elms style. Large and convenient Show Booms for Commercial Travellers ; best of liquor and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Restless always on 101.0(1. M 21-31n. WILLIAM 13 15It, RING 0 N' W tL :u a t.i.0 CT.i.'ri'ox. or, SW10tT8 having purchase the above hotel, and Otta:l it through-tut,now o fere first-class accommodation to travelers, Goa liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling an attoutive hos liar on hand. Ev cry attention psi to guests. • 71. THE ONTARIO LO&N AND SAVINGS COiste- PANY, OP LONDON. J')SEPH J .FFERY, President. ALEX JOHNSTON, Vioc-President. SAVINGS 13,1lK BRANCH. XTOTICE TO DEPOSI MRS.—THE .LL' Ontario Loan ani Savings Company are proparnd to receive deposits it the stun a f,r5 and upwards,,itt! e rate of SIX I•Eli UFRT.per on. num, FOR fix 1periods, or Five per cont, on de mond. All in. estnientn of this company are se- cured by mortgagee on Real 13state,which aifor.te to depositors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits. ..'or further particulars lu,ply by letter, or at tato Wilco of the Company. Sam io-3m, Wt[. F. SULLEN, Manger. This great honsohold Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. Those famous Pills purify ties Beene, tend sat most powerfally yet soothingly oil tfi3 Livor, Stonhaeh, Kidneys, and: Bawds, giving tone,' energy, and vigor to these gra 1...R (e:l spring l of Inn. They ar:i con - tidentlyrota/tuition led to it never failing **moody in all oases where tee oo.natito tion,from tvhatovor cause, lots Become impaired or weakened. They are woti.inrtulty efficacious in all aiimouts Incl. /toned to females nl all ag3; mud as a gonee.al O'BYRNE & Co., In returning our oustohnors our einem thanks for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three yearswe have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE, REMOVED p lieto15 LSTJ O TA$B I I CATARRH I I USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive: ourefor:0atarrhyetdiecoveredi. 8cit SALE 8T 0, LUTZ'g CENTRAL DW STORE. W, L, SMITH, General Agent. Arkona, out. 1y -es To our New Store, next door to Barnwell & Pickard's, where wo will be better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our Customers. We have added largely to our stook, and our prices will be found lower than any House in the Trade. and the quality of the goods equal to the best. We would call your particular attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, which is designed specially for Farmers' use. The castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the heat,and the prices and terms of payment will be found very reasonable. UP WITIl THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE SOi .t1' OOtt if4 ►S;, Z'L. TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to it form the inhabitantsof Exeter - add surrounding country, that they have just opened out au excellent assortment of Tfo'eeds, Coatings, T'estisys etc., in the latest styles and patterns ,and feel assured. that intuoua atter of clot:ling, they con suit the mostfaetidionstastcs. THE TIMES. --0—^ e.e:KeP 1RTIES INTENDING TO .PURCHASE: MANS RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! B.!~:MOVAL.. REN:OVAL!! REMOVAL!! P. F{1t�YNs±r has remove to his now shop, lately occupied br Perkins it Co—two doors uorth of J. Griggs book store, where you will find everything usually kept in a first-classhitrness establishment, which for 7nality of material and slyle of workmanship IS NUT EASILY SURPASSED Call and examine my stook beferepurchasing; elsewhere. PETER FRAN NE. pAIN TIN to 1 PAINTING - J• KITCUINC Is prepared to do all kfnds of: Rouse Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, dm tat reasonableprices and punctually. .7. K1J OHING. Main st Exeter. SHOULD CALL AT o FIT•, lr•-~"N'S and Examine hia Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN„CU: S. LIVERPOOL, LO.13DONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE! E! OF Teas! Teas!! Teas! !! y�9 —Aiv7VT— �+ ■ & v”-.>', PIC.�...s 'S8 5, Try our 50c. Tea- NEW ea_NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (my cheap) nibs. splendid coffee sngurfor $11.00. Choice syrups. Don't forget our 2Oc.ilinogar, and cheap soap., No trouble to show goods, It. & B. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTr! OF POST OFFIO'.'. DO NOT BEAT) THIS., g. "raving received a lot of new maohinery, I , would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country tbat I em prepared to manu- facture all kings of Horse hakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc' and having• secured the services of a first-class Turner, T am prepared to do ALL KINDS! OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style. and pricer I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Milt tali a mile south of„ Exeter. • • A. COTTELL. THE EXETER Planing. til Sash, DOOR AND F'ATQfl! BLNIr ALL. KINDS OF I T U R N i N E. Done totorder. Remombnrtheplace Dv'car f Blowarcl. Eras. Its marching mid health; properties aro known Royal mai Rteamshi738 e throughout the world. For the cure of badlegs,bad breasts. old wounds ( The favorite route between Canada and Great Sores anclUlnors, it is an infallible remedy. If , Britain. olYeatnrulty rubbed on the molt rind chest, an salt into moat it cures sore throat, l3ronohitis,Cougha. Collis, anal 1 Asthma. For Olandnla: Swel- lings, Abcn3ses, Piles , li'It.tnlas. Ooi,t'Rheumatism and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fail. The Pills i,n;1 Ointment are maw. utaotureu only eft • 533 OXFORD S'1'BBT, LONDON, And are sold ay all , Vendors of Medicines throughout 111e oivttizod world; with direotfos in almost every language, The Trade irfarks of these niedioinos are roots. tared at Ottawa. Hence, anyone in the Brit- ish Possessions, who may keep the American C.,untcrfoits for sato, will ho prosecuted. rat'Furoteasera should look to the Label on. the. Pats .and poxes. If the adtiross is, not 593, Oxford street 1,o.,d0n, they are Spurious. THE CASPIAN' will sail on 11tay 24.• Sh.rtes. sea passage. For speed, comfort; Ooonomyand safety are equal el any other Atlantic Liam, and being a Canadian Lino shoal' he patronised by all Canadians, Voir particulars as to pp anlage or pa,rbies sending tar their Erie., da, apply to CAP'S. G. ISL SII', Exeter. HENSA.L11.1 PORK PACKING H> H5E Having commence( +usiness for the Fall andWhier'Trade, We aro prepared to orange any, quantity of Porti, subject to tit folIowitng'rogrrlationa: We wild take off tw' poundlft s per hr uodred iif dry, wed three pour( twenty,five cents. If any of the bung gut is mit in, 25 eons extra will be deducted. No pork will ,n bought at an price it warm, S A. ITS AGES —AND,— F'aCuttings . -- _,;k :Cut. in s A hand at reasonable rates. We war. all Hogs Cutting aright through, stresst t head, And . .+air EIarns opened out to tail'. G. & + e .4 s :i. Puvsioians and surgeuur Ont.. ';ulce 1irkton, - HOTELS. i 10-7•47.4 Theological students reason that if there be ct,uuterfeit mons', there, must be genuine; so, if there be infidels, there must also be christiaus. If this be true of money and religion, will not the same rule apply to "put up" medi- cine ? Do not the cheap and worthless nostrums prove that there are l;snui .e and meritorious "put up" medicines? The great popularity of Dr. Pierce's G(,lden Medical Discovery has resulted in the manufacture of many shoddy al- terative and Louie remedies, but one af- ter another these have disepL,ear'ed, the proprietors having found that, no mat- ter haw buil they advertise, success de- pends upon merit. In South America, as well es in this country. the Discov- ery is the standard remedy for all sere- fulous.and eruptive diseases. It "acts promptly on the stomach, liver, and blood, toning up, regulating, and pur- ifying the system. It speedily allays all bronchial irritation, and erre, the most stubborn couch or cold in half the time required by any other remedy. BOTHERED .BY A BEE. A funny street incident is related by a paper abort a dog which, being both- e,red by a bee one hot day, an 110 wan d.,zing by it grocer's door, ltieaiitlou.8ly snapped it up in his mouth. He matte a sudden spring to his feet ae it he 11U3 just thought of something he hadto do .'amity motiiuiuo, aro unsurpassed, in a hurry, and the hair all over him raised on end as if ho had been eloetri. fled. Then he pranced around a moment, shaliiug bin head frauticelly as if hs were worrying a rat. A. little black object dropped fro bis Mouth, which he looked at inquiringly for a brief ice stlbn1, and thele started off in haste' to see a inn,riou the corner, howling, dis- mally as he went. Tee man was not there, and the dog camo back,, and once More mads an in- spection of the little black object that lay 00 the nidewalk,and poked it timid- ly with its paw. He, perhaps, wanted to be able to rec,,guixe of tiles little .)hinge it flog bhould, ever encouuter oue again. Cheap Cash Store. MISS LEACH, ate of Seaforth,has opened Wain the store recent- yyoc u ied.by Mr. J. P. McIntyre,next door to Dr, iutebiuson's residence, Mean St. Exeter, with; a aew,large and well assorted stock of Milliner In all its Branches, Also Fancy Goods, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes. Prieeiayer low—for cash only. Light Itid Gloves and White Ostlien Plumes cleaned. A gall solicited N 13—Hair Dressing, Stamping, Velvet Painting, Jte, J&o. A first-class dressmaker on hand. MISS LI],AOH. Apprentices wanted, Exeter, April 13 1879. yl New York Millinery Store. MBS. C. B. WILLIAMS has just opened out in Panson's Block with a 1.re stook of Spring Goods HATS, BONNETS AND SHAPES 05 the latest Now York and Philadelphia styles. Also a large assortment of 'trimmings in all shades,Bibb"ue,l,eathers and Ornaments. Lad- iea'hats nicely trimmed ,rum 50 oeuts up. Voila, false ties, cuffs, oollars, $rimes and neck frills. Also a large stook of fanny Dry Goods, infants' hats, hoods, and Caps. Ladies' linen suits cut in the latest Philadelphia styles. A.large assort- ment of Parasols and Paris .Mantles, Uail ana examine our stook before purchasing eisowuere, as we sell for prices to suit the times and dual liberally with the farmers in their way of trade, .MRS, 0.13. WILLIAMS. Exeter, April 17, 1879. `f ENTRAL HOTEL, CREDITON e —Wm. Baker proprietor, This hotel has boon newly furnished and fitted ftp iu first -elms style. Large and convenient Show Booms for Commercial Travellers ; best of liquor and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Restless always on 101.0(1. M 21-31n. WILLIAM 13 15It, RING 0 N' W tL :u a t.i.0 CT.i.'ri'ox. or, SW10tT8 having purchase the above hotel, and Otta:l it through-tut,now o fere first-class accommodation to travelers, Goa liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling an attoutive hos liar on hand. Ev cry attention psi to guests. • 71. THE ONTARIO LO&N AND SAVINGS COiste- PANY, OP LONDON. J')SEPH J .FFERY, President. ALEX JOHNSTON, Vioc-President. SAVINGS 13,1lK BRANCH. XTOTICE TO DEPOSI MRS.—THE .LL' Ontario Loan ani Savings Company are proparnd to receive deposits it the stun a f,r5 and upwards,,itt! e rate of SIX I•Eli UFRT.per on. num, FOR fix 1periods, or Five per cont, on de mond. All in. estnientn of this company are se- cured by mortgagee on Real 13state,which aifor.te to depositors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits. ..'or further particulars lu,ply by letter, or at tato Wilco of the Company. Sam io-3m, Wt[. F. SULLEN, Manger. This great honsohold Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. Those famous Pills purify ties Beene, tend sat most powerfally yet soothingly oil tfi3 Livor, Stonhaeh, Kidneys, and: Bawds, giving tone,' energy, and vigor to these gra 1...R (e:l spring l of Inn. They ar:i con - tidentlyrota/tuition led to it never failing **moody in all oases where tee oo.natito tion,from tvhatovor cause, lots Become impaired or weakened. They are woti.inrtulty efficacious in all aiimouts Incl. /toned to females nl all ag3; mud as a gonee.al O'BYRNE & Co., In returning our oustohnors our einem thanks for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three yearswe have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE, REMOVED p lieto15 LSTJ O TA$B I I CATARRH I I USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive: ourefor:0atarrhyetdiecoveredi. 8cit SALE 8T 0, LUTZ'g CENTRAL DW STORE. W, L, SMITH, General Agent. Arkona, out. 1y -es To our New Store, next door to Barnwell & Pickard's, where wo will be better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our Customers. We have added largely to our stook, and our prices will be found lower than any House in the Trade. and the quality of the goods equal to the best. We would call your particular attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, which is designed specially for Farmers' use. The castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the heat,and the prices and terms of payment will be found very reasonable. UP WITIl THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE SOi .t1' OOtt if4 ►S;, Z'L. TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to it form the inhabitantsof Exeter - add surrounding country, that they have just opened out au excellent assortment of Tfo'eeds, Coatings, T'estisys etc., in the latest styles and patterns ,and feel assured. that intuoua atter of clot:ling, they con suit the mostfaetidionstastcs. THE TIMES. --0—^ e.e:KeP 1RTIES INTENDING TO .PURCHASE: MANS RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! B.!~:MOVAL.. REN:OVAL!! REMOVAL!! P. F{1t�YNs±r has remove to his now shop, lately occupied br Perkins it Co—two doors uorth of J. Griggs book store, where you will find everything usually kept in a first-classhitrness establishment, which for 7nality of material and slyle of workmanship IS NUT EASILY SURPASSED Call and examine my stook beferepurchasing; elsewhere. PETER FRAN NE. pAIN TIN to 1 PAINTING - J• KITCUINC Is prepared to do all kfnds of: Rouse Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, dm tat reasonableprices and punctually. .7. K1J OHING. Main st Exeter. SHOULD CALL AT o FIT•, lr•-~"N'S and Examine hia Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN„CU: S. LIVERPOOL, LO.13DONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE! E! OF Teas! Teas!! Teas! !! y�9 —Aiv7VT— �+ ■ & v”-.>', PIC.�...s 'S8 5, Try our 50c. Tea- NEW ea_NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (my cheap) nibs. splendid coffee sngurfor $11.00. Choice syrups. Don't forget our 2Oc.ilinogar, and cheap soap., No trouble to show goods, It. & B. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTr! OF POST OFFIO'.'. DO NOT BEAT) THIS., g. "raving received a lot of new maohinery, I , would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country tbat I em prepared to manu- facture all kings of Horse hakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc' and having• secured the services of a first-class Turner, T am prepared to do ALL KINDS! OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style. and pricer I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Milt tali a mile south of„ Exeter. • • A. COTTELL. THE EXETER Planing. til Sash, DOOR AND F'ATQfl! BLNIr ALL. KINDS OF I T U R N i N E. Done totorder. Remombnrtheplace Dv'car f Blowarcl. Eras. Its marching mid health; properties aro known Royal mai Rteamshi738 e throughout the world. For the cure of badlegs,bad breasts. old wounds ( The favorite route between Canada and Great Sores anclUlnors, it is an infallible remedy. If , Britain. olYeatnrulty rubbed on the molt rind chest, an salt into moat it cures sore throat, l3ronohitis,Cougha. Collis, anal 1 Asthma. For Olandnla: Swel- lings, Abcn3ses, Piles , li'It.tnlas. Ooi,t'Rheumatism and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fail. The Pills i,n;1 Ointment are maw. utaotureu only eft • 533 OXFORD S'1'BBT, LONDON, And are sold ay all , Vendors of Medicines throughout 111e oivttizod world; with direotfos in almost every language, The Trade irfarks of these niedioinos are roots. tared at Ottawa. Hence, anyone in the Brit- ish Possessions, who may keep the American C.,untcrfoits for sato, will ho prosecuted. rat'Furoteasera should look to the Label on. the. Pats .and poxes. If the adtiross is, not 593, Oxford street 1,o.,d0n, they are Spurious. THE CASPIAN' will sail on 11tay 24.• Sh.rtes. sea passage. For speed, comfort; Ooonomyand safety are equal el any other Atlantic Liam, and being a Canadian Lino shoal' he patronised by all Canadians, Voir particulars as to pp anlage or pa,rbies sending tar their Erie., da, apply to CAP'S. G. ISL SII', Exeter. HENSA.L11.1 PORK PACKING H> H5E Having commence( +usiness for the Fall andWhier'Trade, We aro prepared to orange any, quantity of Porti, subject to tit folIowitng'rogrrlationa: We wild take off tw' poundlft s per hr uodred iif dry, wed three pour( twenty,five cents. If any of the bung gut is mit in, 25 eons extra will be deducted. No pork will ,n bought at an price it warm, S A. ITS AGES —AND,— F'aCuttings . -- _,;k :Cut. in s A hand at reasonable rates. We war. all Hogs Cutting aright through, stresst t head, And . .+air EIarns opened out to tail'. G. & + e .4 s :i.