HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-15, Page 1ti0,
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lt' t1• 'Cit•1". aNPita. 0r1ttlr - ...,,. .,o. . . . .. . . ' '....... ,.... -; ... ....... .. . •.. .,.. ..... ...
_... Ontario, Thursday, May )5, 1879.
Pit01,11IRTY LL.i'i.
ICetowtt ns the lindgwrville &rite!, Immediate
toess-lon, Apply to 7r *MARSHAL r,
1.110R SALE Olt TOO R1.N c.--O&n
of too best business stands on Main Street,
Exeter, that huge anti co>nisllodiouS store lately
weenuied by tho snbscrib,"r, and formerly by 0r.
leen ilrodoriuk bond cellar under Hurt of the
stoat.. For ptertihulure apply to JtIUN CRI NNI-
OA::, Exeter.
"tAtiAl FOR MALL;,• --I tt C. Snuffles
otos, Stephen, 50 acres, 80 corer Cleareri, iS
whopped, good brink house, gond amnia, Bell
homed. .Lrtad excellent, Ort lake shore, of a
Wino from Port Blake, where boats run three
tinsels ae week, anis'/ o"a mac front ttraud need
ln.nntt n,+:.o tl.tnd uintloties nn good rend.
era . t, tt1,5 hl, teras easy`; Eiltilit40 Di $JAR,
1> 1N: , llrnwnter p o
i t1J 31 It'OR SALE. -- LOT 22, (1,
once. -ion 2nd, Stephen, adjoining the cor-
poration of J0sott, ;tot) tx.restltl clea1•od.aud all in
hese hitt, est ac •es. at niers seeders in Fiats hest
'Spring. 21 doges of orc)t:trd,fre: rte house, a. good
wall, bricked, with pump, Rod a :lever failing
spring of excellent WI;ter, 2 !rate barns, frame
sited •.rail stable. slimed .isolate. ftwnil ld make
s g•1 ltl dairy rime. Torte, to suit p,u•Chaser,
Too farru will he rented if tut s,.ld.
, pldy to W .tt. ti..A.Ath N, E x stet•.
1)110PE11T'Y Fe It SALE. — TFIE
antlersiPned offers for sale two lots contra. -
tog 1.5 of an acre a tett, situated 3n main Atreet,
rest, the LI irket. Tao is a good frauto euttatge,
gout llntII.r Moven rooms, good frt. to a +table, good
tvveit, with pump, '1 Intro is a quantity of y dung
bearing t -tuts ou tea p• u:uims, For terms apply
to JOHN W FII rt:, Times Office, Exeter.
1)ROPL1t'rY 1i Olt SALE. — THE
subscriber oAYers'fur solo two aclases andint o
Sots, Otto eitu..ted onlleron street, east; in the vii•
itge of Exeter, Amid too other on. Sisaoue sttuut,
Both houses ore nearly. new, and unit tents for
sax and the other for seven dollars a otolith, They
will be told together, or separate, eland nn. ruoder-
etaterms; For pa tioulars,apply toT,J, WILSON
Floesali, or to the 1 runs (Allots.
fifty acres, bei: g south half of iota, oonees-
riou 20, Stephen, 57 acres cleared, 9 owes fall
seat in too ground. On the promises thane ora.
a good hewn log house, good frame steble, 2evO,
and a young housing orchard ; also good well,
bricked, 20 feet de,•p, withpump; wet: fenceo ;
School ant ansa -other within. a fewrode:Id); epilos
from Parkhill, and ou main road from Pork- 1 the t ditoriltl staff of the Globe, vete al
▪ .dill to Graudlletnd. Lor furthtr particulars ap-
ply on the premises or by latter to lti:t\ITL 80 in the cat. Air. PerdI,e flaw th
rtANt30st, $urplet •, o,
Fe.), 20, engine corning about foity yards o
who is, however, believed to be luno -
cent, Rlrner.owned his guilt, and offer.
ed Mr. Murdock $1,1100 to let him go,
CRUSHED TO which was refused. The prisoners are
ATO is—MANY PRt1AlINI;NT CITIZENS held awaiting iustruetious from Torou-
The Credit Valley Railway gave an
npenutr excursion on Setttlrtlay 'rlast
And 1 umber of the leading uitizeide of
Toronto interestedin. the progress' of
the road proceeded to Carlton to in -
sleets the trot recently done on the
tieetiOtl rnlltlilig from there. Betweetl
5 awl 6 t 'clock, as the party were seat.
ed in a sfeeial oar eating fur an en.•
gine to he hitch..d tin, It Grond Track
!octant tive, cntniug along at the rate of
about 80 miles an hour, dabbed into
the car, seriously ii:jitring the mot of
the accnpal`ts. 1t seems the GhoulTrunk engine wtte on the main liee,alid
that 111e smite')beim; turned the wroug
Way it ran 1fk on the siding.
Atnontt these in the car were ex-
-Mayor Morrison, 'Major Arthnrt, H.
Blevins, Messrs. J lin MacNab, Himont !
Beattie, P. D. Conger and James
Gortd+trham.. Of these the last meh-
t.ioned had one of hie !Igo cut off, and
diedfrntn the effects of his injuries
>,bout . twelve o'clock nil Saturday
Melo. Ex -Mayor Morrison had his
Spice baldly injured. Mr. •Conger had
several ribs broken. Mr. ItlecNeb had
his spike hurt and his side badly bruis-
ed, and Mr. Beaty had a bone broker
in a leg which he broke twice before
once while ice-bnatieg, and the seoon
;rime by slip; iiig down. Messrs. Av
ern, Pardue and William Houston, n
1.4 -'ABM. FOR SALE. -111111 BUB -
scriber oilers 'for sale his sarin, Lot 13 -
aeon. 14. Township of uaborne County of Baron
510 mores clew a.l, the rornaindo good bash, well
fenced, andira a ;rood stats of cultivation; under,
draineA, good orchard, splendid well of water.
xrante baro OGxOU, log stable 24x139,log house, and
convoulo•tt to school and throe churches. For
larthorp.trticulars apply to
Yat 11RYA1VS, Eirkron, P.O.,or
SIR. D. V. ELLIOT. Attorney, lixett>r P.O.
Auctioneers. S.►loe promptly attended
to. Days of sales arranged at this °Mf,ce
"CLEAR GRIT," will stand et nke'e hotel
every Monday night during tbo season
April 24, 1870 tf
.. respectable gentltntan can be accommodated
with board and lodging. Apply to
WM. Gluon, Jx., Exeter.
J. CLARK, Agent f"r the Us -
a. • borne and ib bort Mutual Fire Insurance
leempany, Residence — Furquttar. Orders by
ratuil promptly attended to.
• Land Surveyor, etc., will le at the
R yal hotel, Exeter, en tho liret. Tuesday itt ,taob
taouth. Orders for work left with Mr. John
Speakman will receive prompt I.ttontior,
L 113I1-S.—Course, of Instruction—English,
55`•eneb, Music (uia-o) and fancy work. Terms--
lte; quarter, 4,111, inclusive; g8 without music; $6,
mann only. First q+rartcr conunencee 1st May
*enrol—NCtin et., Exeter. MISS HEMP.
'thn she appointment of Messrs. Mason &
udsn0Hensa•11. as agents of the Mutual Frie In•
ftronoAOompany of the County of Wellington, is
t t15 daytuncelled,and Mr. JOHN HYNIIMAN will
tuttire on as agent for Exeter and vicinity.
Dy order,
rlieslph, Depress 4th,1879. 15 -Of. Sec: Teas
LAN, Dat
'Unaffected by 'MA or Flood,
• F. W. Rimer and his brother, of To
NO SMALL ANNALS CAN U\THROUQN. rot,to, were arrested at .Winnipeg o
Tuesday, for the forgery which wa
and leaped ttirt•ngu the window. Jurat
at hi font left ttie•car the. crash curls.
Mt. Houston had his tare • and head
badly tint, and his legs bruised. Major
Ateers alae escaped by jumping off
the rear in nick of time. .The scene
was a ierrible nue ; the engitie dashed
right through the cat, smashing it to
atoms and tending tile' fragments ill
all ditectitlns. Haw its nceupants
escaped iut•taut death is' tniraeulc.ne.
Besides those previously mentioned as
hurt, Mr. John Leys and Alderman
Baxter were wounded, bet not serious-
ly. Every one on the oar had their
clothes torn off their backs. The in-
jured were taken to the city on itrpro
vised ambulances, and ree'•ived medical
attention. Those hart are atnoug the
woolliest men in Toronto.
The engineer of theft oomntive which
was the cause of the accident states
that he had tnetrnftlttna to back into
Ca,lton to wait for a Grand Trunk
train to go through. He was doing
this, tend whi•tied for the suite's to be
opened. Richard Moyne, the brakes -
man at the Credit Valley snitch, heard
the epistle and set his seitch, olid the
engine mime dashing through, tender
first, at the rote of 18 miles an h.'nr
Tho car was sent flying fully half a
The following is a full list of the in-
jured : Mr. Jas. Gouderhain, bout legs
crushed. Fin ;tied on Saturday night.
Mr. Y. D. Congers, ribs broken and
right side paralyzed. Mr. Samuel
Beaty, tonal! bons in leg broken. Ex
Mayor Morrison, right side itaj.nred.
Mr. J. L. Morrisou,injured in the back.
Mr. John MoNab, cut in head and
spine hurt. Mr W. G. Felonnbruige,
Hued inierrtally. Mr. Darcy Bolton,
inured in the b ,dv. Mr. J. C. Camp-
bell, wounded in the back. Mr. John
Gardiner, badly cut iv face, head, an
body. Mr. Cooper, Aaaiot di -Sutter
iutendent of the Grand Trutt] ilwey
ankle sprained and face bruise . Al
dertnan 1Scart•h, out in the ad an
face. Alderman , Blevins, r ht kue
cut. Mr. J. Snoklttlg, won ` cid in th
head. Mr. W. Hnueto ed''tii of th
Globe, wounded in the lieatt '$lid le
Dominion Notes,
A daily line of boats is announoed be-
te eels
e-teeeu Wiuuipeg and the boundary hue.
Fifty emntoyeas are to be discharged
next week from the railway workshops
at Moncton.
Mr, Pusey, of Belleville, is about to
ship tato her hundred tons of irou uro
from the Seymour mine, Machos.
St. John N. B„ cattle dealers are
seeking to 11)01(0 arrangement. to ship
'settle from that port to .England.
The doh discovery of gold in Midno
is ascertained to have been Made ort lot
25, iu the 5th concession of 111adoe,
Messrs. Molsnn have in co,>tetllple-
lio 1 the reopening of their sugar refin-
er}' at Montreal_
an eueuuregtng decrease of small
pex is reported at Montreal, only two
deaths from the disease having occur
rets last week.
An etre, t is being made to have the
next exhibition of the Dairymen's As.
e, elation in Kingstontl
, in. O0ue0tioll
with the 1lidlarld fair.
Fifty blugti,lt fanners, by the steam-
ship Texas, Left Quebec on Saturday
night by special railway oar for Mani..
oho.. They possess wealth and intetli-
A project bas been At -tided at Halifrx
to establish to moor rtfiniulra•tlnpany.
Several merchant, have pttt their names
d+,wn'for ten thoasaud dollars iiI stook.
The Winnipeg Board of Trade has
petitioned the Government for two ex-
tra landiug waiters at that pert to meet
the rtem:tnds of trade.
The Brant Spring Assizes closed on
Friday last. The grand jury reoom-
meuded 0 change in the graudjury sys•
tt ut. Also that small cases should be
disposed of by the pollee magistrate..
One day last week Mr. itl'puttn Eby,
Treasurer of the town oof Bsrlin, tib-
,conded, leaving a very large deficit in
tris accounts with the corporation.
A. colored man named Francis John-
ston „as arrested by Constable Craig,
ou Friday charged with fraudulently
t•btaiuiug $7 from James Fitzgerald,nf
London Township. The defendant got
out of the tronble by to eying back the
lnouey and Settling the costs.
A. rumour is current in Montreal
that the Liberal party of the rrovince
f Quebec in the event of an Imperial
decision adverse to Mr. Lstellier will
appeal to the country, the Lieut. -Gov
ertior himself asstmiug the lead of the
Mr. D. S. McDonald, of the town of
Ingersoll, died very suddenly on Sun-
day night loot, tram the efftoc'.s of an
over -dose of Aconite, a medicine which
he hes been in the habit of taking til
relieve severe pains pith which he has
been tr. bled very much.
The Patterson emigrant party of
eight passetlgcts coaches,one sleeping
car and two baggage cars., arrived at
\Vnl,:ipeg • n 1+'i'idity night, making the
fastest time on record. They overtook
a'id'catne in with Ilia express Nissen -
get s that loft Detroit fourteen hours
ahead of them. A through sleeping
car from Paris, Ont., to Winnipeg was
alt.tched to this traits.
The Grand Truett authorities have
discovered a oar with several eases of
the so-called blastiug powder at the
Brockville station. They have had it
shunted on what is called the Manitoba
siding, a couple of miles west of Brock•
ville, where it was extunined by
Dr. V" lees+'e tuan,who says the glycer-
ine was leaking; through the cartridges.
It wad ttul,'aded and put in a magazine.
• A daring attempt was made on Fri•
s day night hist to rob the office of the
Louuou Sawing Sr piety. A iUanentered
at the rear end took the cash b x from
the vault. He was observed just tett he
has passing out and chase wits given.
. He managed to escape after a long ruts
'if the steeplechase variety. being pur-
sned by constable Adams till be dieap•
peered itt a back yard.
e Mr. Peelle!., Deputy Minister of Mili•
i, bit and I?t'fenco, has written to the
v• (inebeo Olt"' Council on the part of tilt
Guveroniettt demanding that the city
st ;;give tip in good order the artillery bar
s racks, which the Mayor obtained for
the Bev. Mr. Wessman, of Southatuip- the temporary use of the sufferers by,
ton, England, Itimer'ti, brother watt the great 'genteelly' Wards else, "sidle
known as Mr. Ford. With theme. bias Couueeil, hail referred the bitter to the,
arreetedWm. Lester, of Newuwarket, 'esti► attorn.xy his report thereon.
A Victoria, B. C. despatch 'says :--
The e4cesuiuo difficulty has been tided
over by Parlirtlneut, which was pro-
rogued upon satisfactory twopences of
the iuteution to oomtueuoe the mitten)/mitten)/this year having beeu received from
'McCabe, who is availing his trial far
the,tnurder of Ann McCabe, his wife ;
Thos. Pinlreto,, sentenced to One year
in the Central Prison for larceny, stud
Moore, awaiting his trial for man-
slaughter, attempted to escape from
jail at Woodstock, on Thussdity after-
noon, by removing certain bricks in
their cell.
The joint committee of the Qltebeo
alai Ontario Agricultural and Aoki As-
sociation. composed 'of the Hon. David
Christie, Mr. l,Zoasseau, ti. P., ?IIs. G.
Lscl`tir, of lloutrettl ; Mr. it•a Moreau,
of Metcalfe; Mr. Win. Senders, of Lott -
doe (soh.. (who represents the Ent lln•,lugical
Society of Ontario),, Mr. D. Molise Iuld
Mr. J. 0. 1iykert,i1. P., concluded their
leboatss of Saturday. It has been de-
cided to expend the Su.000 granted by
the Government for the pro Pose or it
Detention exhibition in awrtrding some
forty gold medals and io large number
e.t siiver end bronze, medals to exttibi
tors. His Excellency will be requested
to act as patron of the'exhibitiou.
A. serious aceitteut o carred to Mr.
Stephen White, of Charing Cross, while
in. Chatham ons Saturday last. slit.
White was on his way home in the
eveuiug and palled at the residuuce of
his ton -in. -law, Dr. Richardson, on
Qnsen street. Having climbed on to
Ins wagon to drive ori he thought to
sit dowu upon the end of a filled
bag which was partially covered by a
buffalo robe. The 'flag dtd not reach
iso far se be supposed, and, missing Ws
scat, he felt over the side of the wagon,
tat iking ).i,, breast upon the wheel and
then falling bead foremost to the
ground. He was picked up unconsci-
ous ate] carried into titeDr.'sresideuee.
where Ise received medical owe and
where he reinetoed until Sunday after-
noon. Hid the• fait not been brokers
by first striking upon the wheel there
is every probab'lity that Mr. White
would have been killed outright. As
it is his injuries are of a very serious
nature, bat we hope to be able soon to
report Isis recovery.
oomnsitted in Ontario, from which the
absconded 80035 time ago, arriving her
Send for Pamphlets with fill Inlematlon on Monday. They were recognized e
as to cost" Bic. ` a railway train et Glyndon, Minn., b
A, W, Murduok, Official Assignee ' of
XOZD BY '1'oromto, notwithetaodit g ltirnar's di
• guise and his passing himself off a
, ,qty yy .. r trCi ,'i ".1
tills► mu
iZ 1
Iron and ilardtvare •Merohatt\
4fissiott, key 1, so
ttlenera1 News.
N o.40
Over 800 coloured refugees from the
Sou b landed at At oltieon,Kansaq, on
Friday, in a general destitute condition.
Their arrival was entirely unexpected,
as they were originatly.desthied for Lea-
venworth, but the authorities at, that
city paid their fare to this point and
sent them an. The. uitizene of Atchison
have provided fur their temporary wants,
Great suffering must result if this in-
flnx of totally destitute people to Nan-
sas does not soon atop.
A Salt Lake, Utah, despatch stays :=-
u In the Miles polygamy case on Sat-
urday, Apostle Wu11e, a witness for the
prosecution, refine4 to answer aques-
tion as to the character of the defend-
ant, at+d the regalia worn by the Mor -
mous in the Eudowumeut House.
Judge 1tmers..0 committed him to the
oustudy of the United Statet Marshall.
It is, staid he will not expose the secrets
of the I ndowmettt House The jury
composed entirely of Gen ilea."
A Lahore dispatch anuonnees that
YNkoob Ellen has aooepted all the Brit -
i h proposals. The advance frontier
line to gise the British Eojuk Pass,
Pesheet Valley, Knrntn Valley, as far
as Shnaragardau Faeroes far as Lanrgi.
The British also gsin a right to keep
an agent at eandahar. It isnot yet
known whether the Treaty is to be
signed immediately at Gnndamuk or
tutor ar• Cabal. Major Oavagnari re-
turns as Euvoy to Cabnl with Yakooh.
Mr. \Vitt. the Sweedisb Mieaionery,
-peaks highly of the Ztilns, And says
tbat they are brave, gentroiisoateldess-
pitable. They believe in the transmi-
giatiou of Soule after death into the
bodies of serpents. Consequently ever'
family has its pat serpents, and if this
reptile goes away or dies, the cirenm-
stapoe is regarded apt a presage of illi
and there is weeping and •gnashing of
teeth. Mr. Witt regard& the 2nlu hos-
tility as the outgrowth of misonndnel
on the, part t.f the L1'npopeau settlers,
brit stays that uow that they have be-
gun figbtiuil tney will, so long at. legal
as the present !ting lives, fight to tits
death. •
Sippa was forrnttll.y surrendered on
Sunday to the Austrians.
There have been disorderly, manifes-
tations 00 the • part of officials of the
War Office at Constantinople in conse-
quence of pay being in arreetn.
The Vice -President of the Council on
Monday stated in the Imperial shouse
of Cuinwnns that various cattle cargoes
recently from America were sufferieg
from pleuro-puenmonil:.
Intelligence front Tiflis gays a di+ -
ease with terrible mortality is raging
tell villages to the Cenuas0s. As"lernt
proeest•iwi of lolly pictures has been
held in the District of Gori, and prayer,
offered for the intlabitauts.
The German Reichstag has adopted
a motion to refer the tobaoco bill to the
special committee on eustoln4 taint on.
and the Judicial Committee of the
Bundearath has decided to support Bis-
marck's bill levying provisionally and
by anticipaatien all rho duties fixed in
the .Tariff bill.
There is great excitement in K11111as
City, Mo., over the departure of hun-
dreds to settle in Indian territory, de-
spite the President's intertlictittn. If
the troops attempt to interfere blood-
shed is probable.
Three hundred and seventy -sever
immigrants were lauded at Castle ear -
den, New York, o'i Tbutaday, includ-
ing 188 converts to Mormonism. The
uew.bt:elisvers in the faith of Brighton
Yong are the first batch of Mormons
that have arrived this season.
The Cabinet en Friday considered
the threatened invasion of Indian terri-
tory by whites. Later infonyation re-
ceived by the Secretary of ills Interior,
indicates that the Inn.'vement is more
f.lrtnidable than at first stated. It Was
determined that this Incursion ebonld
be prevented as far aa practicable.
It is announoett tliat the War Office
at London, has issued circulars Asking
for 1,200 volunteers from the regu-
lar army for the Cape. I3ountieti are
also offered for mon in the militia and
reaetvee who volunteer. Two trims -
ports Ore ordered to be heady for the
embarkation of troops.
Coun y.
Brussels has a new band.
Clinton has seven brick biooke.
Clinton's population has d'oreaeee
since tate assessment of 1878.
Clinton is assessed for ninety dogs t1Iie
year, a decrease of ten bit>'oe'•iastyear'tr
Mr. J. S. Hay; of Listowel, has
I nt chased "Posooro," a trotting stal-
lion formerly owned by a Ctiutonite.
Wingham talks of building water
works at a cost of from $10,000. to
The plant of the defunct Blyth fiat
viers has been parobased by Mr.
Wrighton of the Record.
A bed of lithographic stone has been
struck At Blyth at a depth of 700 below
the earth's surface -
:the June meeting of the County
Commit has been postponed 023 aceouat
of the Local elections.
Mr. A.11olheek, of Goderieb, wee
seriously injured it few days ago while
working at MoKuweu's Salt Works by
a lot of salt falling ou him.
Mr. S. D. Gtarside,4 Toronto, forms
erly an apprentice in the Gttderich'Star
office hal► lately beaten.at.young Toxone -.
touian ut rowing, Gariel -for the:tyuoa.•
The editor of the Clinton New Era ,
should post himself in the rudiments
of English grammar and not palm off
such ungrammatical bomb on its read-
Mr. II. Chime, of Goderiei►, has
painted two handsome pictures of the
steamers Ontario and Manitoba of the
Beatty Line, for wlieh be has bees
highly complimented.
The Clinton 'Town Council intend to
compel persons doing heavy teaming -in
town to provide wide tiros fur their wa-
go is in order to prevent the stteetet •
from being cut up. Good idea.
A daughter of Mr. M. T'rawlcy, of .
Brussels, aged 15 mouths, was WI;
burned one play last week. She stip etf,
'off it chair and Ml on the'atovo in tine
absence of her mother.
CALL ret the first 'Drag liaise and procure e
bottle of Oaay'e Syrup of lied Spruce Gem far
sough°, colds, eta. We T000mme t its pat,
iehe sane astteumntpsseesoif1 etepao
ehtadis tolf, tnhse tp.
'tits pts artiste puler a shutter moist, pat ap slat
a, similar stye►, bat of Its white, snaky app.* .
anee—the gettable Wag 01 4 dt►rk brotsui4
red Belot. 38 ill a wretched nnitetwrt, e
should bo te► duo° rejected,