HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 8TIM TIMES
gk he tier . gini0,
;l-.1 Q O.AL 11it is .
O'Byrne ct Company's change of advertise•
vent may be found in another eelumrt.
BIR 13RoltEa.—One day last week Mrs D. 4..
Boss fell and broke one arbor ribs.
Reed Leathorre i MoCoubrey'a price liar is
smother column.
SEYERAL horses intending saint from other
pieces pracrice deity on the Exeter Driving
Park. They wilt co npete for prise* at the
Liman races on.the 24th.
I:,IxuoTCMENT.—Mr. G. A. Mace hag removed
all the goods out of his store, torn up the floor,
and leas man eztgaged excavating a seller.
A wren. -Mr. 13neba0nan, forwerlr of the
East Lambton Advocate, but latterly of the
ldefuuut London Standard, wee in town on
Thursday and hannied ue with a at11.
Peen SOLD.—Mr, Wharton Hodgson, has
sold the fifty -acre farm which he lately pnr-
*based from Mr. D. Wilkie for 113,35U. lir, T.
J. Wilson, of Hartsell, ie the buyer.
B;tc'rtemexe,—W a are pleased to nee • Mrs, J.
Crnuaicau's ftmily in town again—iu fact n'
are glad they aid not leave, as they were re•
ported in n curtain uurelxable sheet to havr
Orreas,-lottels have been received by the
village Clerk from manufacturers in different
towns s.atiug the term.; on which they will
establish business iu Exeter. lemon will be
takou ou the communications et the next
meeting, of the Council.
11E0E[r'ED. .We are tuber obligations to M.
C. Cameron, Esq , Q. C., M. P. p'a tem., for
three imeo+taut bide lei Lee eeet u3 fr'o:n
the Rouse of Commons. P1. (.1. you see, (lone
forget his old friends, lulu we promise not to
kerrget him either.
TUE Pueerr.—Bev. Mr. Chapman, of Lou-
don occupied the nn' it in the Methodist
camel). on Sunday lost, in tleo arse ,Ds of ;les
pastor, who was in Toronto, white:sr he ,vein
on Friday to bury the reanains of his youngest
eon, who flied very suddenly on Thereday
Show FALL -Tha =neat spring has been
very backward, although the roade did dry up
t sickly. On Thnrsdsy laeb, 1st M.y, encs%
fell in Exeter. In Zerich and other places
_farther north they late quite e heavy fall of
"tete beautiful," but it ail not remain Iong.
• New BRIDGE.—Trlevellera. bet mein Exeter
and places wet of where the Sable River c; ',o-
gee the Lake Bond will experience eansider.
able difficulty iu crossing the stream, as tlei
old bridge has been torn down preparatory to I
the erection of a new and 111010 substantial
Ivcor.naor.—The proprietor of the Exeter
Top works desires us to state that the item we
published let week anent the strike of some
of his elm loyees wait not correct in every par-
ticular. Mr. Swa=ts does not deny that thee
eras some st-ikiug done, but says it was not on
account of the work;nenee wei;cs not beiug paid,
se the mon were paid before` they commenced
imposition of the heavier duties on this class
et go els, which isadvertised in another column
by elr. ltacey, of Clinton, au extetteive estab-
lishment for its manufacture hits ie in opened
in eloutrea1. Tuns tht, story runs, and in a',
few years Canada will have doubled her pope-
Iatiun, 'aid have profitable employment for
them all. Mr. Doherty, Mr.. Buoy's traveller,
was in town on Monday, and gave us a call
more titer.— 1r. Boyce, who carried on the
"National Policy" store opposite Mist, Leach's
Miiinery eters, has sold out his stuck to Mr,
John McInnes, who has managed to find roots
for it iu the same building where his already
lar..e stock was kept. Rir. Boyce, it is raid,
goes to Loudon to eugagein the but'iness on
to inure extensive ,Dale, having taken comm.
di rue quarters near the Great Western and
Oland Trunk Railway 515110ua in tete city.
NEWLY AN AumeteNrr—On Thursday cure
lag last, ns oue of our town experts HAA exer-
c:eing a very fine cream colored horse ii
became startled and bolted, but the rider,
tu,ablo to i to,t his speed, shot 1 ke au arrow
from hi seat ou the horse to the grout', the
result beiug that the gent in qnestion has-,aot
been able to sit with any degree of comfort
since except 011 a i otv.
Y. P. i1 A, At the last meeting of the B.
0 Young People's Chrietiau Lssoei$lion held
on Tuesday evening Iaet, the following per-
sons took part in the very interesting pro-
,gtamtue: Misses Butcher, Ada Brown, ,Tennis
Oke, Elizabeth Treble, Laura Buckingham,
Bella Butcher, Messrs. Ed. Roberts, John
Grigg, Ezra, Spicer, J. J, Pickard and E.
the Young Men's Conservative Association will
be held in Drew's Hall on Friday evening (to.
morrow) at 7.30 o'clock. .A. full attendance is
particularly desired, as business of the utmost
importance will be transacted. 1r'. G. SrxesoN,
Secretary, The members of the older Asene e
tion will also meet at the. satue time and
Burt=E= Ateve.—It has been proven beyond
a doubt'that hens can live for a month after
being buried alive. A gentleman in town in-
for ins ne that he has a hau which was buries
trader a large load of straw for about four
weeks, at the end of which time she comes oat
apparently none the worse for her confine-
rnent. The hen eould not possibly haves had
anything to eat during the time she wee under
bite straw. •
To 'Piteeterr,--elieu,: William Luke, who luta
lately arrived from England, will ,preach in
tete B. (1t church, on Sabbath morning. next,
Ur, Lake heti been eent to this country by
the English B, C, Conference to reproeent
them at the Canadian Conference, which will
meet In Mariposa oirenit on the 5111 proximo.
The Annual district -fund eolleotion will he
taken ala is oonnetpion with the sorrieo on Sun.
day morning, •
A Mystery. --It Is very strange that prison•
ers who can be kept safely in the Exeter lock-
up can make their escape from the county jail,
Nevertheless, such is the case, Fullington,
McRoberts, and Fisher, all of whom have
broken jail at Goderich lately, have beeu ander
the charge of Constable Gill, of Exeter, and
have been confined in the lock-up in this town.
But the Goderich jailer is tt little hard of hear-
ing. There would be no escapes if Constable
Gill were jailer. But we can't spare him.
DEADHEAD READERS,—The Berlin 2'eiegreph
sometime ago commenced the pubticatiou of a
bleek or "dead beat" list, that is to say a list
of the names of those in arrears who will not
pay the printer, Commenting ou this; the
Linden,), Pent saga ; "With a certain clime of
tu, n this is the only plau that eau be pursued,
for they will not pey melees +hey ars Rued, and
pi'ohsbly not the+n; and the curt of collecting
a jndgrnellt wonil be greater than the amount
of the aceouut. Publish their Dames to the
world is the brat plau ; tine care being taken
that no honest or well meaning than shall
sutler," There is some truth in the Post's re-
Orricens.—The following persons wore el-
ected ofit'e-bearers of flarmuny Lange I. 0 0
J.'. ler the current three m •nth* ata meetiug
of the lodge hell ox the iiQtli ultimo.
W. 0. T„ J, N. Hooper.
\V. V. T., Maggio Latta.
Secretary, James eeeirbairn.
l`itttuciat Secretary, Fel, Roberts.
Cha1'laiu, (leo. Willis.
Tr, nsar,yr, Andrew 11leks.
Murshall, l,. Snell,
0. ti., Is.,ae dawde11.
1. (x., Annie Marshall.
DEATr1 To adz iz.-0n Wednesday niget of
last week a dozen bee —at least reckoning
fr Lathe unise they see is tad the depredaetiona
theyoommltted, oue would be safe in sayieg
there were twelve—visited Mr. William Brown's
hen roost and killed thirty-ei;;ht hens and two
duck:t, • The dogs went into the stable and
took the fowl otf the roost, where they were
perched for the night. The Marne doge went
to lir. D. Wanless' hen-heitee, after having
had enougu "Fowl play" emend Mr. Brown's
premises, and ore»ted no ranch noise that a
horse which -res in the stable herd by got so
badly frightened that it broke looms„ got out of
t:i + ,ratite, started off et a bre:Ji-neck pace,and
never stopped till it reached a barn yard iu the
and cnucnesion cf iia),.
Pests1tneertuf Arm ADDRESS. -0u Widnes
day evening of last week Mr. and Mr.. John
Rieke and family were made the recipients of
two beautiful' sees of glnsmware and other prem.
elite by their neighbor', at Devoe Cornets. Mr.
H. is about to remove his family from the -e
parts to the North West. The following ad-
dress, read by Mr. George W. Holman, ac-
companied the presentation, -which was made
by bins. Thomas May, on behalf of the people
of the neighborhood :
Lo sir. and Mrs. Hicks and family,—We,
the children, teachers and patrons of Bethel
Sabbath-sohuol, quer friends and neighbors,
on this the 00Daeion of 3 our departure for
efeuitotet, take this opportunity of expressing
our sincere regard for you all. During the
dint' you have.resirled amongst us you have
succeeded in winning the respect and love of
all your neighbors, and we tryst you will carry
with you to your prairie horse the swine spirit
o airability -flint has characterized you here.
We feel that on your removal from our midst
we lose not only your society but also your
vaivab.e aseietauce both in the oharch and
Suuday-school. But we hope iu your uev;
house you will find a fired opened up bolo:
you in which you will find ample Toorn to rte.,
itit iu seattering some good heed. We desire
at this thee to assure watt that as you leave us
you o'trry with yen,. our sincerest wishes for
.our proeperius and. happinees, and as u steal
lnemetlto of the sane we beg you to accept
th'res presents, 'Mich we'trust will not be look-
ed upon er valued for their intrinsic worth, but
NS a small token of the erte0m in which you
are held by your rrisuds in this; neighborhood.
iu coucIusiun it vs' h you a nate end plea',aht
journey, and may you to your new horse enjoy
every tees.iug of good health, and may Goal
guide and direct yea through eh the tlidicul.
tie, of this .ife,anti we wit1 'Nays pray that,.
should we never hive the pleasnre of meeting
you again. on startle we may meet in that Laud
where partings lr a unknown. Finally we bid
you an affectionate fartwell. Signed Thetas
.flay, S. Holrnau, M s. G. Webber.
t.-+w+ .
FUNERAL SELIMON✓—On Sunday least at three
o'clock p. ni. Rev. Mr. Walsh, of Ceutralia,
propelled the funeral sermon of the late Rich-
ard Neil, taking for his text the lath verso of
the 40th Psalm
New HOTEL.—Mr. 8. Rennie, of Hensel',
opened the "Oentenni 21 Howief" on.. Thursday.
taste In the evening the affable landlord gave
a grand free supper to which a largo number
of invited guests did ample justice i'11.Itogeth-
or a pleoseut evening was spent. ors] 1\e occa-
sion of the opening of the "Centennial."
To, the Editor of the T1nte,s,
Met, E:oivoa. --Loitering thronal
Western Ontario not loog since I etrnel(
your platoon t town,and being compelled
to remain for several days, I fell, for
want of other employment, to contem-
plating the buildings,bntiness and men
of Exeter. The buildings,of Exeter 1
find: eeooud to none in any town of yoit.
size, I have ever been in, and indeed
many towns of far larger proportions
caunut boast of so many firet-class
blccks and buildings, It is a pity the
effects of your fide struotures ehonid 'be
marred. by old inferior tenement$ in the
centre of the towu,but ouch is the cost,
notably right ol'poeite the Central, aped
next to Mr. Piokard's splendid pile is a
Shaky, tumble-d'wn affair, comparing
very nnfavorably with the general ep-
peal'auce of that vicinity—a pity Como
euterprisieg person would nal erect a
suitable block on that lithe be:saes,
corner. Along north on the Sarna side
Iwo or three more pincer .of the same
at pearauoe, are swill in esi cte'ice,wbich
tvnnla be much better out of it. Some
magttificent private dwellings on tate
heck streets show that there must b.;e
been some wealth amongst you. The
buainees of E,Ietar appears to be on a
spend tr)d tht)ronl;h basie,though prob.
tbie there Li rather climb oo:npct:tion
if anything,for germine centiuued pros-
perity. 1r'teineet certaitaly 0o0arnoe
large proportione, which is greatly doe
I thiult to the twelve, obliging, tasteful
turn of your bucine s men. I learn
your preachers are popular and otos•
latent. Your lawyers few, which is a
gond, healthy, moral sign. It oet of
your ntedical men aY nets to be Men of
real culture al,l,d :i1ttoarlon, an honor to
any town, landlords joyital and obliging,
the number of good, first-olssc heroes
in Exeter, is astonishing. Tho Tons
is rt lively local paper, fall of local news
and good reading. Smobing a content-
pieties cigar one evening, leaning
au)iinst a post., and feeling talkative, I
woo joined by one your shrewd chime.
The etteern of population flowed by.
Concelniug each person Op he 1'nased I
ovale the inquiry who and what ie he ?
The ar'nt is a our Largest mercbarat,and
than of t+terling worth,next our largest
town politician, and aegenuine good fel-
1 .Lc, "Bill discounter; sharp dodger,"
said the -citizen as the figure passed.
"Oar lcadi,tg Grit ; not a bad fellow
only for lti.a politics." Essayed my ver
ratite companion. "Our wit;" "'rile
wisest man in town;'-Benker;" "tiport;"
"Blood :" and "Another Merchant ;"
now passed in chick rotation. Pres-
ently a somewhat squat $bare, of rather
florid appearance ehnf.ded by,pufi3ng an
el+ ngated pipe.
"Who is that?" is asked.
"Doctor John," atlttwered my cam -
"Queer name," said I.
";fictitious and appri',•priateti t said
"Htitse or iiupiatt ?" i queried.
"A little of both,nnd consequently--"
"113ut I need nett repeat the logical con-
Clttdlil);," eeac tee.
1•I follow you perfectly," I remarked.
"ire you a betting man ?" said toy
lets, hurriedly.
"Not ttsuiolly," I replied.
He 1e).-lted at 11is:ales, muttering,
"that's toot bad."
Whet's up ?" I asked.
"Nothing, only I with you were It
good betting teeth"
"What particulsrr bet !'true you on
mind toew ?" I asked, puzzled at his
°.N,) nee telling you when you don"t
het ?,' said he.
1.1 e1'tnetitnee bet," said 1, "but not.
"Nell, I.11 bet you ten to one," said
he, pulling ont n roll of 'bills, in his
1"ttter, e;1s to close the atf^ir, "that
that man Can ont•lie neer wan in To-
No," eats. he. "I'll do b. Iter—T'll
bet von ten to one he can do more
bloninp; than Any twenty-five inen y
have in 'I'or'>nto; er I'll give you au.
nthrr elloiet'--I'11 go you twenty to
sae Ile will do more mean, low, o" rt-
temptible tricks in a year than any
twenty•five men you can name,"
I wee just gig to take my friend,
for I knout severe! mean, blowing mon
in Toronto, but his ongerness to best
and his certtttnty Of whirling, non -pima
seri rho "You offer big odds," said I
"but. I'll slake enquiries to.tllorrow of
your man, and I Lhink it's likely 111
take you." I threw away my cigar,bid
good night to my friend and went to
' bed. I inade inquiries no the morrow,
and 7 saw espy friend on the %the next
evening with a large bulge on his peck -
New stock dust arrived at
'S.OUTH O' ., T .c & SON'S, El,
Sauthcott'8 Bock, cousisying of
r y Goods, Groceries, Hats & Caps,,
all to be (sold at
Dress Goods, the 1afest patterns, and the very best quality,
90 per cent. lower than any ether gore.
Cell and inspect at once, and get pricses.
'Eggs talen in exchange for oods. Sign of the i6 Red Flag,"
lately ooctupied by R. A. Leggett,
4mrrasn.,.,..601.3,•,.I.A ,a;A, ,.m... .•»..,,-,..,....s eztrt: :.r. emnraw,•w^'^'C .__
et.. aril tt'eltt," said I, "and give i0," Atoti:er Party for the Prattle Province,
can't touch yon. 1 ennnired, You've
trot a baro bet every time me friend.: On 'I'u-'cloy evrtir,e' last the etesond
But •n*7cr mind friend, ;ou'll catch Gra:t erne' party left Centralia en route,
some stranger 011 that bet yet, and for i4irauitoba 151111 the North -et -et tet 1•i -
your eure t0 int,•' Allow hie to cint- tt.ry. The team C'it11peletel f :irr tette i;i9
iirtnvillate y..Z1 wee, eanea j,; 0a the Foal ILI'cn f,"*•belt cats, v..l);l la {i tees
staunch Ooieerv£ctive complexion of e:teiliol3 at ii:89„ the !Night h, in pretty
Exeter's politics. , well filled alit] hnrseo, cove, ,)ren itil-
Yor;l's, etc., ',lamella., etc. The pat aenea1i1 "ere
Torontn,i' ay 1, '7,0. ReateLI. loudly . t8sred on their de. -p :metre by
about :4410 ftien']v 1411:] ltcTrAntal oats
To tae ..:!iror of the r•;tcater :linos. who had ra'sotnbied rptthe t;•' pot ?t1 ':i(1
them gJ•,'td by0. Mi. G• O n ere vn t•ae> tor
D An riza,--I was ranch amused on et I00 woe Joine(y at Jl etitlee, by the
retodiug ;0ur Reset wood a)rreepond- the Petrer.mon par/y, what numbered
erica 0f last heels, at the very accurate, "7i4r 130 penile, Mea e til) t•i'.,:n Lee
l:te geographical knor'irdge of thest ne:141-'4 trhoed of Paries, P ric-a"" l 0r,d
• I11Mer..1.11, oho 1'•It the Lot.d-'nlepot'
youthful individual (for I ate cunvit)eid r at twenty -Zee neitrntee to 01.3 U,1t
fr0mn the tome of ]tie 00".ttl1111ica,tlon yert er'dtay morning. Tlifl ta..cer,. et 1-ele
that he r ueb be er.tre.-nely young), In Greene;ny party are 1 21 0llo2'1;
taming the route of the 0. V. B. a., \\'1alpfer, d. ISS>a'irt, i, ii ihsitbatni, Mts.
be hays+ dorsi Emmert Dns;_'s?0Ud, Port Elletib,tlim, tinrl.,`'ttul' orltit,ren, tits Olen;
Frank and Sarnia and earthier the rant- Wee. Cave, U..b"rem; L•i. P. ftinrM,tsll,
er peculiar assertion that Dnehwoed i Luoon ; Mrr.. Gave, Ueb:irnn ;
in a more direct line bet t0en Exeter G,,Is.arl, \Perm. 'Inane, Geo. Ii;t1lrta$
and Port Frank than C-editon. Now, J ,J' eph Calling, Wm. E. in!m,.„.11,f, ..h. A
how that eon be T know not, whet) wt'1 1.'•nngT. J. W. XI,nt1 t, Hate s •sy'-
kuow the position of each spot. The molt, Hsty; ' 't't •Lis (few), 7,?,o,;,1ep•r.
southeil) bonudnry of the township of N. lett t 1,1. I1Oaiitt't11, ist,ephtt) ; i' 3►•'i
thers,.b1);h;13. t a.:t•., '•t ' end three
children, Ptrr r;hlil; fare. Drove,. seta.
it3.r11. Bra tr'°. ju,,,, a:t:1 four ^.ht .1,4x1..
*4 .
`t3riLlit-s ; M Cee it.ru7, ;3trn,ytr,1 ; .
S),"/Ver,,, .1x t:r , A. Witli12ntd, /jug '7e
Stephen rues clue east and west. °recti-
tote is 21- miles north -of that line, Faro-
ter 5 smiles north, deal Dealt -toed 6i
miles north, while'Port Frank is sever-
al miles 1000th of the boundary. Per -
have he dates not know th,tt2ort. Frank v•+;Fe ; ;j. t:ll=::t;n, Fee queer ; Jitelen
is et the outlet Into Like Huron of the, f jtart , Bogor/MK y ,jItt'.r. Rralevetui ;.
Aux Sanble River, South-west of Lr,',s 'J, set aaetl, a, He ell, jute., SSeeeoeth ;
Burwell ? Ile Mast 11ave been to -t,ik- eeeet;pv, tete ro, Auburn ; +', J. Fitt- 1t) t t'
]ng Of Port puska when he wr'`''•e that Auburot y I'i.,i', t Lang, Iur.,gl•ri,ie ; W.
-tionseut-ical paragraph, Haw Ever, t't :'• 3. pan., 1,4 re. 11 rr, lPil-m ,11. Poi -t', Moe.
rather early to be discuteete the seeps! ter Parr, Mra. Rhea Generals ; R.
claims of eta011 vigagsi of the route zit to 'Verity, Exeter; Mies k{i13.
it will be at least tato years before tae Waite, iY:1'8 R..'.t,G11ei, air. and et. 3.
road Can mn)18 1'$ appearance :11,) th.e i- tcn' tt;1d oar eliiltiron, Co".Or:5:1;t ;.
section. ! of even iu our lavat :•iviti a11e hitter and throe children, from L's,
"ilnet,};ivat'am" have we yet heard the tar; Alex. Cods, Ueb )r;te; Vane. Mir-
ford, Bitldnlph ; J. J?ratc..•r, Mrs P' c.::er
earls fe.nr children, Myth ; I',. Sreeet,
Exeter ; Thou-. ltlitu#lell, Gray; 'Ilene.
,ie it tr, 0812.., Kip},eu ; elatf"y11r':t X"n'ige
to Port Frank would pass a little south .lateouta ; W. i)otatty, MoGiill.r,ty
of Crediton, and. eould nearly touch '3.1IC'loste Youug, jun., Ta -borne; ci,tr,
Oftn ineteali' of Dashwood. And we A.ucit•;re+'11, CNxttt•ah:s ; G. Mttcleoa. Mo-
eda quite eatiiflel to *wait the result, pen; Taos. H0e,tou, Con tr:alie; J ,htx
!mowing tette promoters of the 7000 arca 19'5 Ge't, tttephen ; Hug 1•leKey, Happen;
may %were of t, l)eilztp,trtanee of Crecii- Thomas Y"ung. Kipper,; Vt'til. Ctiifeeta,•
ton its a freight 8332110. 10 seeuriig *eta, 1'3icidltiyh; Atellrew McNamee,
a bonus frot.t either Stephen or Hay Attars-; Wesley Lewis, Chas. Fra••er„
the road roust give vast facilities, be- Peter Titnlnpsoin, lettere ; Joseph .hlo -
0,ttleto both are pretty deep int the boo- pus, Ceot'alit%; Joseph Caldwell, Vet rata
no business already. I seriously Tues John F. 1:iickbeil, and Mrs. Riokbeil,
aloe the wisdom or lrohability of the Zurich.
road ailing even so far uorah as Exe-
ter, always keeping the torrlinue in
view, 1 ate, e1r, your CR1CDIroN Cott-
ar111st1re or seen the train steawinq
through our town. Ii'1L we will jtlnt
pus the 4(rung roan c,wraight by stating
that a direct line snow) from Exeter
NEW MANsu.—The Pre byterians of
'hie; villraite end the surrounding conn -
try are about to er, et it lvlanee on Mein
street, east, for their Pastor, the 1'l'tsv.
Mr. Scott. The Contractors are men
it to perform their work in an Able
ro,tnner. T to hndding is to be cOtn-
t'lered abort the first of Anguet, next.
SEEDING. — Most of toe farmers
amend herb have finished eeeding, and
are looking forward to the _time when
they will lie enjoying the fun of reaping
a bountiful harvest,
St. Marys.
The Rev. Mr. Graham, of Seaforth,
formerly of Queen's Avenue Methodist
church, Loadon,jnmpsd from the Lon-
don train on Saturday morning at the
junction of the London brooch with
the main line of tha Grand Trunk rail-
way. It seems he was under the im-
pression that the train 11e WAS 013
Would come into collision with a train.
which was passing on the main line. 1 -le
had his fade badly cut, aid a general
elieking an, but is not considered dan-
gerously hurt.
The directors of the St. Catharines
street railway hese pnrchasid 190 t.,ue
of steel rails for the, proposed new street,
rail atty.
A enmber of buggies imported frbta,
the 'Mined States have been seized by
the Custom:, officers at Bellevtile for
alleged under•valua ion.,
The Ilelifax City Council has called.
for tenders tor the ereotien of huildiug,
for the Provincial Exhibition to be Ilea
et Hslifax next October,
American buyers purchased 109
horsed in Montreal market last week,
for shipment to the United States.
The animals averaged $80 each, •
During April there were 71 inter-
ments made in the French Cansdiaa
cemetery at;Quebec. Of these Ill wero
deaths froxn smell -pox, 2 of typhoid
2 scarlet fever.
The mc.n, John l3arty, who was ar-
rested by Constable Herrington, of St.
Marge. and sent to Loudon to stand hitt
trial for stealing two cows, in Rid-
dulph, pleaded guilty on Saturday of
last week, and was sentenced to two
year's irnprisoumeutin the Proviiloipail,
A freight train ran off the track,,ts l
one o'block on Saturday morning, be.
tweeri Acton and Georgetown. 'Punta
oars were badly smashed and the con
tents scattered. The track woe ow
pletely blocked with the wreck.,