HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 7Apt 8, 1879 T.E. TIMES CHAE1. UARRRAVE'S HARVEST. CHAPLLR VII, --Calcite e'i "Why should you, indeed 2" ao- qu[esced Mr, Herron. "When that mortgage was paid off," she continued, "aa I could not go to you, Sir, for advice" --- Mr. Herren smiled a smile which Was at ouoe viudioetiou of his own acuteness anal a reproach for her want of faith fu his placability, "At any rate,, Sir, I did not like to go to you; and, as t scarce knew what to do (about the money, I thonl:ht of young Air. Gargrave—Mr. Michael. 'You remember hiul ?" "Of (Plume I do—Rekeby Gargreve'H son. Cause up to London to snake his for tine. He has clone remarkably Well?" Mrs. Brockley sltouk her Bead, and begae to oty again. "Fear from it, Sir. Ile is at this present Minute it what I thi•ik Ss in OHAPT1±;R VIIC. MR, KARR°H TO Tick" 1U BOUN, Mrs. 13rookley'a etatemeut was core rent. Among all the persons before whom Mr. Gargrave considered it ne- cessary to place the exact state of his affairs, only two made any difficulty about giving him the tune he asked for. Those two were Mr. Samuel I3loekley and li1r. Settaby, outlier. The latter was uupleasent--tile former very tut- plelasallt. IIr. Satt.Lby diol not say much, but what he did say was din- agreeable. "As I have couseuted to the Match upon certaiu oouditiou+," he finished, "1 will not back out of my consent if those couditione are fulfi'led. I (ani a Mall of my word.. 13ut, ruerk ye 1 there, moat be a limit to the tine of the eu • gage-tnent and no Marriage mattes the motley is paid flown."' "As fo i11'r•. Buckley, gifted by nee ture with a loud voice rind hectoring; in tuner, he exasperated ?1r. Gargrave eo an extent which rendered all chalice Galls a teponyliug !louse,' ctoee by of an mineable settlement iutueleyy. here." Ile tualled the d,•bt It swindle aud the "Bless toy soul 1" said 11'Lr. I-Ierrou. I luau Wil" contracted It a swindler, He sat l he believed he lead tirade a purse out of his aunt's Money—or rather out of his mulish; money (which 1. en.sht t t1'tve had), he stated in pet enthesis, Ile declared lir. Gal•griwe's honest temples to be mere blinds. Ile threatened what he could and what he would do ; and, finally, Michael Gargrave defied him, "Do your worst ; but keep out my office I Keep away, of it will bo worse for yowl." "Oh 1 if you como to that" — "Go :town those stairs, before I pi• eh yon to the bottom of there 1" inter rutted lir. Glargrave; and Mr. Seluuet Brockley took the advice ,1n(1 went. Tile next day, was J. Gargrave was "My good lady, you have Just told walking out ot the Feuehurch-street me you had lost all 1•' station, 11 tont, ac0asted him iu quite e "No, Sir ; it was you said that. I coufiden1jai mid faluiliar manner, and, have lost no money by Mr. Gitegrave ; explaining he was officer to the sheriff but Sano Kays he has, Ile calve down of [merlon, told iliuh8oa he had arrest to the villa the other (ley by express, ed him "I tial shocked to hear tills. But what is 'bred ill slue wipe—ion knew awl the fattier was--1Vell, we won't talk of thea, To return to yonr money. Yost did u.lt send Millerd's cheque to hiiu, I hope ?,. "Yee, 1 did, Sir, the very* day I got it." "And he has spent it for you! Dear!' dear ! Like father, like son t I am most truly sorry fur you, Mrs. }3rockl•'y. I an afraid it is rt bad case. We roust sec what can be done, weigh. Give .tie fall the particulars, and I will call oe his lawyers," "Put 1 Intveu't lost a penny, Sir." sweet hesitancy, that ivliohaelGargrave, looking on the face he once thought marvelled to And how lovely it seemed to him. He took tho puree --a shabby little affair, frayed and worn --took it, and emptied on the few sovereigns it coil - tattled. "1. have no ueed of these," he said; ",bus I want a purse. May I keep this 2" "May you ? Of coarse, anything. I have a Ynnch better one at hone, though, You must have that." "No, this; this ugly," he answered. •`Atid now, go, my clear. Of course," !1e I(dcle.l, as she rose to obey, "you have seen the Stittabys." "Oil, yes, Limy answered ; and, in trying to male the best of things, left hire e'itlt snob a pair) as he had not known before for years. •' What an idiot I am—what a dolt," he considered, for he knew what the pain was, aur] that he luted the gide ..illi all his soul. As for Lucy, she felt glad to think he had gnesti+rued her further, far she had Neon the Sottabvs but ,euce'anuiug set of church, whoa the Misses Suttle o'•y only acknowledged her existence with a bow, and, Resell, Much eul- h:trasser1, slto.11t laude iu a distant aud perturbed manner, saying, "I hope, hiss !lording, you are quite well." In order, its he expressed it, to make things clear, old Mr. ijuttitbv paid Mis, G.1.ri rave a visit, in the omu•se of which said. "I always feared you were in too 1,41 stated the nl.)to11 must now be con- great a hurry to pay your debts. I sidered as fi .a]ly at an end. will return at one o'clock. Thi., road "1 melte it a rale, he said, speak- will take me to Stratford -le -Bow, I be cam one morning to the cottage and broke the tidings of death and good fortune with a gravity befitting such announcements. "The marriage never carne, off," he said, "though the settlements were drawn ; aud Rokeby left your cousin every penny lie possessed. Broke a blood•vessel or eo,nethiug. His moth. er kept it very quiet, anti took bio abroad again, Well, he is dead, now, poor fellow 1 and yon are the owner of Bray ley, and the Bokeby property as wee I •" "Speak low 1 speak low l Let no NaXt',tox• �) O]'tl get away froto the hottest," acid Mich- FLOUR and GRIST MILL, ael, hurriedly. Rang in good working order gives every accun AT THE ' Standard Sash noon g Blinn FACTORY, Is ooustantly kept on hand, all kinds of building Material. Flooring herd end'soft,.Siding Mould nge %e , sold cheap. Planing Jigging anti Turning , promptly attended to.; • BUILDINGS CONTRACTED FOB, and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have of band a large sleek of dry (limber, we feel sure on satisfying those who xray give us a call. Rt /SS 81105. & TAYLOR "Anything the matter ? Nothing dation closable in gristing and flowing: Floe and m Yeed oelivure(i to )art! leavie t e wrong, I hope, with your charming orders bororo •no o'eloolr Uti 131'LL'S Barift)ry 1 wife. IHIUtll, I suppose, have to try ,,,0'iiYENEeaCO'S,oratmil'same day and think of her as a•rreat lady for the future, future, thonitll 1 did give her to1 TERMS you, though 1 did tell you that was the best way of uhitirg her interests with yours. Must we go out ? Very WI M1 lerx.rwz C $r ti." They walked away along the road leading to the water till they reached the brilieee, but there, all of a sudden, 1lieih;lel Gtrgrave sopped. "I will meet you anywhere you like to name at one o'clock," he said, "but 1 cannot talk to you now. It ha all cone upon lee too suddenly. I have been overworked ; I roust got away by myself for a little time." Mr. Herron stared at flim. "I am afraid yon have been overworked," he Mg in a general way, "to have noth• i11g to do wit , banl(rul.ts said iusoly- euts any more than with forgers, swindlers, or pickpockets. They ma, be very avarthy people--ur1fortunate, (cull so forth. •I say nothing about that ; only they are not my sort." Fannin;; herself lianeaidly, though her he til literally trembled with pas- sion, Miss Gargrave said she was very glad t.) hear it ; aud so the eugag O iltt=tied ill like a basis of ug litoi„eh "Porh'tl,s.yon would like a cab, Sir ? }Hent ended. esys, '1 ate ruined! I am bettgered ! I You might not like to be Heeu walking But of this Michael Gargrave re boV')lost.tny agency, all tllr•iu'lh you wit tile. availed in ig1101'auee, sittiig in Cur.i- an(1 your friend 1ti0l1lt(1 Garvey... There was tin Lawful brevity abort ter•st.reet couuti,lg the hours till MI. He went aln}1e over the lonely Y.u'll Metre to alalia i., up to ii.' A. the whole proceeding; which to k ewer tar( ul(ley or someone glade hint bank ln1rshes. He left the hell -paths and for hila, he is out of the way of wheed llr•. G,argtve's breath_ It ve.-on••d tikesup:, the wider road, told walked away over ling; old evomeu for i1 while. I have to hideous 41re,in; an l ODA oars of whet "I •'its not do it myself," he said to rho soft, springy turf, with Jlan hr got hila locked up safe enough !" he beheld i(1 it way lir. Samuel noose- tis solicitor; "but that is wliatt it must save his 011(1 Iheughts for company. "Ile ceell 1 011 all+)• as if he was not its ley Htall(lil.g 4.11 the ;ntVeerlellt, waviegC.,Ille t,' At flint (11 011e111 the iustltictH of a 'his right mimind.i{.+ frightened me to his hand its derisire flare yell as the nal) "111.'e1(1 afraill it is," was the answer; solitary life chliln d the:eprellmoy. I•: '511 11 '1 de•rree that I ran out ot the drove awl1y. :old .,lilt the dove (vent by. his time of tri1101[/h, as ie hie hour of hotted \villi only lily cap oh, andsacked What f'lloweti watt like a terrible Ha getlirlg worn out. There se)1'reV. the •vatrl•s of his soul at once Mr. GIles,w110 happened to he passing, iiiglltm)tre alsl)--dlLysepen .t in 1,14,10,(1,+ 50.e acne-- when in•'l11•ery89en1811 to be -teemed to bo frozen (,Ver. Speech diced to e. 1100 in iiut.1 speak t0 him. air, i!lt;-home 1(1 Grr,itmr•Htrc'et--hy4 dlir tallith; hull --tinea when he mixed op a4Vay inarticulate, ('zor,l>Hinr1 could find I" w .ich time seemed to staled still-- i in)) oe1let ill eights t , Gites is very clever, as you know, Sir, S lis item t),itturl with that of his dead 1�(1 •+ tori deep for utter. f and by degrees he gets to the rights of Ilay1 when for the first titne in (til hi, fattier ; whet) debt seemed piled on sects, tett 11111110 for aealy,ie were it the story. • active life he slti1 at da\W1, "Woutil debt, and he a •nl(1 not even reed tit•- his heert. 'When 'Mr. lit rro1 told bila j•It seeing Mr. Gargrave lost a great' .God it tv •re night," and at night, lis. he hail jotted Down of those whoa) his :toss lie hurried hint a • ay, lest its dal of 111 nes' by H0111e dishonest nereple "\VonI 1 Gad it were I0Oe•IIU1i, ' the o Ned tn•)ney, that conal] Immo. some word of the 0011• he had trusted, and U1 Co1isequeut+l' Not b(lt Wlirtt people called to see Vtt14atln0 should inform 1(1.4 8i4(0r ('f 4301il1 not peg the g,lutlelnitn for whore him. In the goudliess (.f tier heart, the nature of his errau(1 ; and now, 'Soon is:ls.;eut. Mrs. Dodson—housekeeper, its she sal- though the natnral c'nrso ter him to H Verse ., a the of •tied --1 et n bravest nether and wort to lifer (ler Gin 110141111. es. think. Fine church somewhere near Stratford ---- West llsw--yes, thank you, that is it, West Hem " And be walked away briskly, thinking Bukeby Gargrave would not have taken such news 171 so sad a.fashiou. "He'd have togged np his het, and been off for [3ravlov before now. Well, I oat mot tiers I lilto to see one man cook -a -whoop because atlnther has got toe route." CHAPTER IX. C')PICLUSION. He wits sitting in the husk one ev entuq with 1111 racking; head and tired eves that dreaded the light, wheu n gentleman wag amort .coo. "film die yon do 2 L ,nu: time 5]11G• e :net. Mlle] to telt y•in this 0110.101 'otomy ncoompat(ied her --'i otn}nv, is oetaiod at last I have 1� can at the I e irrepressible— `lemons, agaiu,t (,tor. it won't tithe you long to pact, whom • r. Gargrave dews;he :1ti me. tt,), 1 NnppusP ?' tipeth,y utterly luelieruns-- T entity. Aiie11ael ruse slo\rly, and tool( the with swollen cheeks, a f!0 l ltl, list hated his visitor offored. "I (o not re - head, a great nen lr'trott ed his timed, -umber "u ?" ho said. told ru) est)rdesit.}1 of vacant. wonder - "No "No 2 And yet it waw through me l• lami, a screw of ,avee.tineats in hi- l)o;itttt--Tolna,ey, the 1)11,y sr))) of 111•• mother, and she a wi ll,w. E cael13' (a4 11.4 11)1 11t h:ay.t cn•ltnnl- l)]a(e.1 the lions ill the Z 1 do,.4i4•al (3'1r. .lens, T ,shiny steed and 1tert,l et A1'•. (i 1I (rrevn, who said, "i"<i0 r, "'fids i4 very kind of y)n,,,Mri4. D,al- son ; batt I wish you hall not 0.,1140 ItoIrI1. It can 410 no goad. !trey i'4 guy sister ? Airs. Dodson reporter( that Miss Gtli. 1HVo wee well, tic nigh "Upset," Lata that night they wore sitting, a and 11iepe(1 to Gee hint nest d'1y, surd hohsehnld. at Lee Beek, when ''T 11 her not to 00)00." he said. "I '1 loud knock at the door Can 41. • 'ars, Cnllltl 111)1. boar 11." Alltl yet g 8)llaps Dodson to exctariu, "all i11 a (letter," he W114 slim )p eintelI when 5114) wlloln lie she sttb:legnen fly stetted, he lead sh hared oboyed his bidding and "Bless 0s aud save 0s, what is stay() t awlly. All tite 1m•Ire, pe, haps, that ?" b,'e.me lits. Dodsol's visit --spite of the dr8Oback of Tommy --had touched !Ilio. "1 have Fayed a ,;nod few pounds, Sir," she said. "and brought them with me. If not ton great a liberty 2" • He 000141 nit answer Ler for a min- t1te, for she had brought hila ell her little hoard ---all her treasure, and offered it freely. Irleteed of his sister, Lucy Game the the frost day. "Yost should nut have come here, deer," he swill gently. ' This [a m) Ill?roe for a y(n eg twirl. How is Matil- da? She might not to have allowed you to 1 thing." "IIs wanted time to turn round in, 1 d 1 1 t tl ett i 1 eel her pursue on ht have seemed t0 nigh off at .anti all his other creditors bet 8snll d tl "o00 t) 0 ,t11111,)niCete the tiaillffe to tag:reed i•, this. Salo knew I had sem those WIlO 11a•1 passed theme -1i the turn Ile my money (for I told him s•'), darkness with hint, he could not do it. and said '[r, CT trentve ought to have ' N..; he Felt he m041 4211( a•v�ly, quite Bassi it to hey kiln fat any rate. At last. 1 Mr. ! ! 'lwlty, and 41111/11 it x111 out alone,. him. as I uuderst:tu,1, t eV clone to high sell' and G'L wul'II) ab lilt the rnettter, a1111 wi1h•)tlt I 11 1 11 I It 111,14 et ma r111fi°e511t horning. The more ale, Sen locket hire up —hint ffi y dew-dror•s stilt glistered 0'I the settee`( the screwy on,' as Ile. Htbitl. Bar ;SII'. there Wee; htili a rll1H111V doze 1V111e Cr air-r,1vd Would not, pay a bit in two t',, n out in lits runnel eves a bun 3❑ his Q. NEW MACHINE SHOP. NEW 'Wiliam Kitching Wishes to inform the public that he ie,•bette prepared torenail all hinds of Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any (ether person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. MAIM STREET, EXETER. National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand an 1 made to order. �1T;.MILLAN & i*IoBRID I' having now greater facilities than ever, aro pre- par'vl to supply farmers with Iron Jse'atn flows, steel :Mould 11o:u d, made by orrselves : chill views, Knappor make; Scotch Diamond Barrows Cultivators, (1•ang Plows. Carriages and buggi s on hand, and made to or- der, horse shoeing uttrndai to Oa the shnrtost notice. Horses shod to prevent interfering. mantra AN & MoBl1ZD1:, Icing St., 4110800. HAY PUMP W01lKS. G. BOLTON - PROPRIETOR. Baying added to my pump machinery, and pro - corgi a 1arg.o quantity of Ilrat-citws pinup logs, I :4m prepared to offer an article Superior to any Factory in the County and at prices that defy competition. 'Wells and •.lsterus dug on tho shortest notice. Before purchasing call at the Hay Pump Works go. Shop--Ono-quarter utile north of Exeter Laudon Road. Hay P. 0 Gl rocer!es e Uontectionai y Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib JROICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always Instock. ;fes SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. ,:d vcii hl tit t nlnu t 1 L cud .0 that n l ;101 ' 4 tine ,1141elet f�erest, there ,'leas le lobool Books, Stationery, that, i, ,l wrote (lewd to the gentle. fortneuLlo C•L44PI0tV ht141111u4 I(lll ,k(. fresh, pllnte'11 fragrtant11' ill the nil'— soon in the cnultry, .geld one of thein ,chains) n[1 and gave ,Sa111 untie'', roti sai,t he would throw the whole thin,; lute b illkrnutcy, and break Mr. Gar- grt4v,• ; 1411x1 .s0 Selo creme t0 111e, 111.1(0 1)441 than mile." "A'uI 3•(h 1 returned to town with him. I suppose." "No. ;sir.' Ile np •et me so the I Way all of 'L tremble, and when Mr. ((ilea gut hila mut of the 11'nee, a ,d 0,11;ay to the 1)111 4, 1 ho.1 to go to bed. I could •lot tilt any head, Sir ; n.), not if lir.' rind death d•lpeteled an tuy doing it ; brit I cnnl(1 think, noel I diel, 11b 111 tiro poor gentleman I had 1(3101911 from the tittle he was a mere 011'11(1, and who when he was to lad weld to 061114) ill to the l3rat'lev Arens, free and plelssenl,las .if it were hie own ho , e. I114 wits al- Ovays fund of me ; and he need to bring nt( trent he lied uaneeht, algal Mires he had shot, aud, oh 1 dear 1-011 1 (fear 1 •clear met" "If it does you credit it regally does," •murmured Mr. Herron. "Anti so you thought, firs. Brockley." -- "That I would come 0p myself aril] ask him to use my. tndney,1hbout which, as Mr. Gales said, he had (feted 111osi. honorable. So I did come. Sir; by the Parliamentary. Ant! I've seen hint, ; and I might jest as well have stopped at horns. He won't touch a pantry, he says. Ile was very plea,lant, 440(I tried to be ohnerfal; bot ho looks -broken •.hearted= --he does, Sir; and I am sure I stn 1" "Hntnph t" oownrented Mr. Merron sect be eat silent fo a talent(), white llte. Brockley wept.and wiped hor eyes, till, exclaiming, 'I'11 rut this to rights,' he got tip and (hely oil his a sense of elietinet•1e.s im R11 obN0t5 c•)lleet. what 1 Still in e Fos ? why, •l� Illy mime is lie+rro41 ; 8,11,1 I oilluec, d t,e wn the range of Vi -can. tli rh n'• Misers of ihi., nof.trttomtit Hillis from, in hee}tverl the larks were singi,IO their, teat. good 1L A. Birchl"r, 11•,-1)1311h0a (1 •iieion4 sone s --softly the river tlickl i., --,veil. I o vs him one. 1•I.•re 1 III 1 •tel on its 0 ,ursP-- gently the Tenet i r , (rick 1 W 1(01' ! ri•)i4SPH trailed their f1••g1)41)1 11i)1 cool �.rtrleboely C (rut q tfc.t br'4 dv ! AuyI1111)0 ! fiveerytlrug I" waters as they :vent. limiting by ; and Mr. Garghavo had fainted. he who wel:se(l 11..o"1,4:t What wonlrl 4eP111 this (171.te of 1)541111y --otic that its Imine feel G'd %newt have made even (•',onium things,- 1 •vets for his own Ile• ligilt--scarce knew 'hew to reermeile 1 the 11.50 01 rut' 1111.10(0 with the workings of his own hear). • For he was not glare. No. I cnnld orfs have stn written of this loon had hr' felt it tut mixed happinese t3 walk across a 1rr'Ve to prosperity. If a twelve- 1Hlllltli before, his cousin had given him or lent him a conplo of thousand 1101111114, leis feelings would have been jubilant. C')nclurlctl nest tr eeb. Trembling, she then clone into sue narrow hall at the tnnnlent 141i s Gtr. grave einnrged frntrl the pearltIr. Who 01111 it be ?" acrid ;Wise Getr- greve, trembling also; but already dile question was answered, for Lucy hall slipped past both her elders al,d ouen- ed the d.tor. "Why, it's Master," cried Mrs, Dod- son. "Michael." cried Miss Gargrave, attested atb'rentbill,Welland Co.,Out, Energetic and fell open lits neck, while T 11Gy, seizing his hand, kissed it over and ov- er, not knowing what she (lid. "Hey -(fey, cried a cheeefal voice, Salesmen. Whirls ted. To sell Nursery Stock from our CAIv"ADIAN �'Ti RSERIE, 5 Tellable 111411 obtain good a ages and I.tea(1V em- ployment. 1pp7v giving references, to Sl'ONE & W I(I,LINGT01i', Toronto, Out. $1OS0({5q pronto nn ?A bays investmau,. of�1 in LVestoruUnion, lifaroh 4. 1100 Proportional returns e1ory week ou Stool options "8,11(1 Het a word for me who hits of ,azo, 830, Ino, too; t)Iflotnl Ueporta an Coroners iron. Address. c n such lb brought back the pr0uileal. here, rt,, eo'rT (1'Yillcl not tell her„' Lucy answered. young laity, take my hand for a mo- St N.Y. meat, by way of a cllanlae. Now, I ONE SALMSlr(AN She had a headache.” tvot'der olio flows 37,50 remember for each htatn. Sa.i- '•Sllo had nota henrtachn," thou:Ilit me, 1 see, Miss Matilde. No • I have lilt Wiiioiir &,)0., Bunkers, 95 Wail. ant :fry from 875 to $100 der month and (ot- her brother, unkinowing tiff afterwlar11H not oocne to tell you Owen is dead, lie looses, ltow,ViinC,JStreet,0liicago. La13 LL19II8'(1•• that alio enoertook a journey to Bray• is es well as ever he Wafts and going to ley on his behalf, and, being received be married ; bnf, if I stood in IliaA 1iA1t to Agent" canvassing for the • WW1 scant (,outtesy returned home� FIRESIDE VISITOR. rertlls and orfs cousin's e11oeH after what I have just lit Free. Address P.O. vJ;t.ICi,ItY, more utterly prostrated than Mrs. 1)od- see,(, I sl'lon14 not desire to change Angnsta,Maine.. gloves and took his hat, 'You toast 801) had ever eeen her. places with him ; that 1shoo)d not." net Aare and henna tnlahromocrams, with name 10ave to ole, remember,' he remarked. Luny, too, had brought her little But although Mr, Herron did not 100., postpaid. (leo. 1. Vann 3 an,xassan.x.v, "Very good,. Sir," said M13, Bi`ock- florae --scantily filled, it 10 true, but of- bring the news ho saw Miss Gargrave 30rin©yw(ftah`nulnshroo u'J 7ttiuklerti.Cu.,Itae • Pareels.Lorwardedto all part goiClreatfdr,tn Mat: icy, meekly.. fete(. with. sack. tender entreaty,, such exploetow filen,, eighteen. months later sat(,Y.'Y,. .lu,v rates„ liagazinea WI'1 II ALL THE LATEST nevus CIL—Sewing Machu. Needlesofovery sir,d. A. BOYD. GRAY'S SPECIL O MEDICINE. The0rx.tatEwelsh TRADE 7 40K. 1RAL•E m 1R1C. n tnndv,an ma Al a. int; care for Semi -G nal ,L ea kites , 4 eorinaterrir e 0, I .,potrnc9, audall Diseases 411) t fol- low as a sequence of Self Abuse, asssx `: 'Ib'1 ... loss of If ennui, -w n , . universal LltSei- AA..ei ¶skin Before Tarangtuae, Pain fu toe g. Back, 1))lnnens of vision, Premalnre Nd age. and 1)114(1y ot1i r Diseases that lead to insanity or Consumption anis - Premature grave, r. Fun particular:; in our p tnpiilet, which we desire to scudfr.e by Milli to every one. rs''01te Specific Medicine is gold by all .Irugeiatsat -riper package or six packages for -sue or will be sent by mail on receipt of the ninny by nddres' cul P4441 tila.IY 1(c:OIC1NE CO., Wrinson, ONT., CANADA. rarStadin Exeter by all druggists, and every- where in Canada ,(1111 the United States by whole • sale and retail druggists. Mar 011.00211:2" JOc., Tea, 50c., SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES,: ORANGES,. AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND. CIGARS. GR.EAT WESTERN STEM - SHIP COMPANY.. Nwsv York,'' To Bristol; Moa.tleal, ). direct.. Also %gentter MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS,.