HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 6A 13AD FIX.
At an early hour a woman Called at
the pos1,0f1100 and purchased n three- dome interesting statistical points
Cent 'stamp, and bad it already 'licked' may be gleaned from the pages of the
t;) paste on her letter, when elle disco--
eyed that she had Ieftthelhtter at home.
She received the heartfelt sympathies
of the stamp clerk aud went home for
the letter. At 11 o'oloak )rhea the
stamp window wasbesiogeaby a crowd,.
the womau returned,•llaviug the letter
in one hand and a mtuute fragment of
a postage stamp iin the other.
'Stand out of the way for ti poor die -
tressed w Doan 4' she called out as she
m,ude for the wiudow, and those who
didn't obey were poked aside in a way
to be remembered by their vibe. The
cha,i o which one buyer w -ay about to
pocket was. swept orf the board on the
floor by her arinv, and she held the
fragment of strain? and exolatmed to
the clerk :
'Do you (tare deny, sir, that you Sold
Ire it three -cent $stnmt) two hours ago ?'
'1 think I sold you a stamp,' he re-
'.l.ud I didn't have my letter here..
After I'd eaten all the petite ,.if the
stamp 1 o )uldu't lied my letter. You
'Ye , I remember.'
'Well, sir, I Carried that Stamp all
the way home ou the tip of my finger,
and I laud it down on the windowsill
till I .uu1d fiutl my 1 tter, and what did
lay little Clarence do but }rick it up and
begin to chew away, a11.1 by the time I
could (Atoka his month opou uothiug
was left lint this little bit.'
'And you want another ?'
•I demand another, sir, in plaice of
this l'
'1 couldn't .to that.'
'But you'll have to ! This is the
stem p.f b eight of yen! Leek 'Cor yon:'•
Belt and see. 1 su..ke oath that I never
nut it on a lately. Ani I to b(, eheetsd
out of my three cents hi a beck -howled
The crowd began to call out toed jos-
tle ser, but by a vigerouv u,e of feet
and elb:tws, she cleared the space again
and S(U(I :
(b'lnand a new stamp I'
The clerk tried to explain how she
conldu't get one iu excuauge, but she
interrupted :
“Statesman's Year Book," for 1879.
In population the empire of Russia rises
to 80,280,189, of which all bat eight
iniliious aro in her European posses-
sions, Tbis is some six millions lucre.
than is conceded to Russia in Europe
by Bel)Ln and Wagner's work ou 'Tse-
vollleruug der Brde,' printed a year or
two ago. Great Britain, with her de
p(indenoee in the b a t, ulustt'rs a popu-
lation of 285,250,000, of which the cen-
tral nuclene of intelligence and wealth
that t urea the mitasea, the United
Kingdom, cont dile 21,817,108. The
German empire has now a ! opulatiou
of 42,727,300, of which Prnssut eon -
taints 25,742,404, chile her Gttllio fate
ounteius within France proper 20,905,-
788, stud with her Algeria and her de-
peudehoies, 42,424,470. Ohina, whose
population a recent authority haw esti-
mated as 10 le as 125.Oi 0,000, is given :t
papulation of 425,223,15.2, the exact
figures in this ease having a flavor „1
humor, as 110 accurate census of Chitin,
is extaaut. In the fanlilier• olasslt ea -
till of populatieti to the s(1uere mile,
Belgium keep.; lu'r old ' Lice nt. the head
ttith 569. Ent/land l ild Wales ars sec•
mid with 889, Italy third nit!) 236,auc1
Japan four th wit it 209 and n. total pel,
elation of 32.784,897. The dissected
Purkey of 1878 has a population el
21,000,000 in berth Europe and A-ia of
,1 Bich only 4.975,000 are in Europe ;
white Gleeuo, Dow making Europe ring
with her complaints, has a population
of only 1,457.864, or 350,000 less that.
The country of the frontes; fecundi-
ty is S.'rvia with fur -+ix and six•tentlls
butts to every thousand of papniaatio' .
Ars'ria•Hinneery :,taaals second, with
42.8, ae correspotding figures,aed Get •
wooly third, with 40.8. Economicel
Feeeee is lowest nil the hot, tritd 20.3.
I11 acidic• y gllalitle•t role lid ranks first,
with Seventeen and ('igllt•te)ittia death,
each v.'ar t t enc11 t hon.aund of her pea•
pie. Bugged N eerily is second, with
19.1, anti the meet uuhe,tlty c •n fitly
ie A?lstri.+-IIuu;ttry, with 83.5 deaths.
Diec'iclrag((d seeker:+ 'f tn'Ltritintity
should go to Switzerland, where there
'Have 1 got to murder my child and are twenty-three and six•tenths marri-
get the rest of the stein) 1 Never ! ogee to every thousand of population
I'll never leave this windy till I liave a each yr')ar, aud they who would resist
new stamp to put ou my letter to
'rhttrnae 1'
The clerk tried to explain again, but
she brou'.ht the letter down with a
thump and Said:
'Tell leltve this letter here. It is to
my Themes in Port Heron. If he
doseu't get iiiu three clays you'll hear
from me and my four big girls aud
three son,and when our family gets
started on a row we never stop for the
biggest postaffloe in America!'
At dark the, clerk teas ulidcoidetl.
He doesn't like to be bluffed into 'goit.tx
down for his small change, but in the
dim fnttire he sees a solemn procession,
headed by a det •ruiiu 3d old lady, mar-
ching down the corridor to make a va-
eauoy in the ranks of government.
Seamen• and sailors, from habit, can
sleep when they will. Captaiu Brtre-
lay,wlisn perforini,ig his wonderful feat
of walking' 1,000 ludas in as many cum
sectuive hours,obtained such a mastery
over himself that he fell asleep the min-
ute he lay down. The faculty of re.
meiuitig asleep a great length of time
lfl posse(1'ted by some individuals. Snell
ws.s the case with Quit , the celebrated
player, who would •Ilnulbar for twenty-
four house successively ; with Elizabeth
Perkins, who slept for a week or fort.
bight at a time ; with Mary Lyell, who
tti(t tile mane for six sueoee,lve weeks.
and with many other's more or less re.
marlcable. A phenomenon of an ol)-
posit•o;,obaracter ie sometimes observed,
for there are other indivirinias who can
subsist on a supii•ingly small portico,
of steep. 'Lite celebrated General Ll
liot was an inwance of this kind ; he
never slept but four lunare out of rhe
twenty-four. In all other respects 11 to
was strikingly abetitiettt, his food cola
sieting wholly of bread, water and veg.
etablee In a leiter cotnntunicitied to
Sir Jahn Sinclair by John Gorden,Feq.,
of S vine, mention is made of a person
nettled John 11twKay, of Skerry, who
dA in StrathnILve iuthe year 1798
aged ninety-one ; he only slept en an
average four hours Li the twenty-four,
and was a remarkably robust and
healthy man. Frecdetick the Great, of
Prussia, and the illustrious surge in,
Joh,' limiter, only slept five Hours
during the same period. The celebrated
French Geeeritl Pieliegro infortned Sir
GilbertBlaine that during a whole year's
oarnpargn lie had not allowed himself
one hour's sleep in the twenty-four..
If there who have never tried that unrival-
led preparation for efilcts, eotghs, hoarseuess,
asthma, lore throat, etc., Hd,eYeaitn's PEOT0it L
BALBAAW, will bet receive the testimony of the
runny thousands who have successfully used it,
they will he acting wisely, It isone of the old-
est arid hest known' remedies in the Dominion.
For sale at 25 dents per bottle at Central Drug
Store, Exeter.
eta ttubitll enticements will du so most
succ.'"sful.y in I•elttnd, where tha par
:illsl figures are 12 1
Io 1111 list of mercantile navies :)f the
world, Great Britain shows it tottltagt,
'1 6.899.800, while the United S cart.
0'nl(1 $t0 tort wish a tonnage of 4.588,
183. Ont of Etlgland's tnuuttge 4.888•,
560, or 850,377' m ere than all U:.clt•
Sam s tntltlia'te put together. was ee-
:.'aged exclusively in foreign trade,wllile
figares for the United States ore rimy
1,553,705. Of Aulericau stetarndhioe
engaged In foreign trade the proportion
is a trivial faction, bile Eagle lid has It
steam tonnage of $1,09,411 engaged iu
trade with sister Details.
The Ga este St. Petersburg letter,
dated April 2211d, says a universal feel-
ing of gloom prevails. After niu.-
o'cluck i11 the eveuiug it ie said nobody
will be allotted on the steer with
OH- it
Certificate showing whence he ctiiue and
where going. Insecurity is ir,ereasiu•u
every dray. Grenades are exploded on
the street. Tue intention of the Nihil -
let. seems to be to keep the polio) in
o instant excitements until tire) blit, OF
1u!1 them into a feeling of security. The
Nihilists think that the harsh tneasares
will produce general di:ooutent. Es
eently seditious placards were fuu(id
posted in the vicinity of the theatre'.
aud at the corners of the busiest st:eete,
wbiuh reappeared as if by magic as feast
as the polios tore theta dawn. In Cue
night 150 arrost•s were made, but t e
police failed to find a single !scrap uf
uet connected with the piaoards. 'rt)
secret posting aoutiuues, despite tilt
u)4lllrig out nf two companiee of soldiers.
Since the attempt to ausas4tiatte the
Czar, the troops are held in refa(ltnea-
d:Ly aud eight. In ever,v regitneut inc
c•)mptauiee are held in marching oretei
equipped with ball and cartridge. Bat
torics stand ready horsed and mounted
in the barrack yards, A squadron of
every cavalry rigiulent stands in sou•
etaut readiness. Cossacks patrol the
streets. Ou the 16th a peasant was
arrested in whose pockets were found
dispositions for revolutionary troops to
commence at night between the 16th
aud 17th. Instantly the Government
made the most extensive preparations
for defeuoe. '1'he Grand Duke Nioholae
took up quarters with the entire staff
in the offices of the general staff op.
posite the Winter Palace. The troops
uontinned several days in the places as.
signed them,:but the revolution did not
break out.
. LAD.s.S.—Oourse of Instruction -English,
t,'hen h; Music (pia' -o) and fancy work. Torins-
per quarter, $1U. iuolusivel it8 without made; $6,
)nude only, .First quarter committees 1st May.
Scheel -Main et., llxotor. MISS ifhhtP.
MAit 8, :t lt?;
Fashionable Dressmaking
Dresses cut and -made to order
Main treet, Exeter,
R E M O\ A :tt_,.
CRAU world remind leis nntnerous
• Cnstomrre that he has removed to the
shop formally ooeu,lied by Mr. Bead, where he
will be found ever re tdt' to a tte..d. to all business
in the BOQT and seine Line.
0. RAU,
We will pay Agents a S'ilary of *100 per mouth
and 1x,1elises, or allow a lure) o) t)nitast„u to sell
our neer and wou.lorfttl inventions, IPC mean what
we say. Sample free. A tclress,
SFC leit'tfA`, 00., Mar hall, Mich.
P • lI. UAUt)1,
At Law, Solicitor, A".o, Moe, Fansou's Block
1 xoter.
Bull ters, utorueys, Solicitors, Com.
siouors, B. It., ate.
fatten-HUTTUN's Bxoax, Witte) treat, Si
lout! t9.LIAnnINo, P. W.I{.utnrit. H,A.L.WfixTr•.
\®r 1ICDILU1.11IID,13.A., •
.t t'tltlS'l'ER,NO'PAlll', CONVEYANCE)!
Luc AN,0NT.
•1 trrlst')rs, Attorneys -et -law, Solicitors
0 et ecc ter, Coe voyantfrs, OOt111nhtstoi1ere 1111111.
a .t't:irios Public, 51,, Mum 's
C. S.JI)''r.>.W.O. iIOScrap.
(1' .'tote•-iinttnn's Block .Weters t. SL 1lftlry'.
street. 1xrttdr, up•atairs. opposite Central
(loud. Side entrance, on the smith -street lead-
igu to B. tl. Church.
t Urde: s 1 •ft no Iiline's shoe store will receive
promtt vase uLieu, 49-1y.
R. HUTO INSON, Member of
the College of Phyaiciaus and Surgeons of
tutnrio, t5;c„ tee., 011ioo next door to 1. Carliugs,
Alain Street, Exeter.
1111. liiNi/llfAN.—CO1tONEli FOR
LJ the L'minty of Huron. Office, next door to
a r. I. Ourling'e store, Exeter.
\V. I3RO\VN1iN(x M. 1)., 0. 141.
"T . P. N, Graduate Victorialln,vorsity• Office
,LOd reside nee. I)(nl lion f,a.bnrat(n y, Exeter.
0.1\10011E. M. D. Co M.
.11,• (';rnrluntttof :c ii1'_ilnivorsity,Montreai
Udine:ma reseieuce, Exeter, Out. o`rlce ' ours -
61 10 it. in and 7 to 10 u. m
FIR. A. IIOLL I N S, M. 0. 1'. S.
u).,vietorin s-.tlreditou, Ont Office home
(rola 0 to 10 n. in..; •0 to 5 p. in.
[ 1 LU i'Z, M. D..
'k...) • ,;11110 tt his reaidouee, Exeter.
l) R. IltVING, RAI)Uti'.I'I, i7N1•
YIiRSITY Trtuity College ot,i»I erClotleg(
Puesiaia.n,; and mu twang (lin., ' 14.08 Kirktou.
J -Wm. ilaker proprietor. Thin Hotel has
been uowly ttn•uishecl and fitted up in first-class
style. Large and convenient Shcw Bo(•nis for
!fun ercial Travellers; best of liquor and cigars
at the Bar. Attentive Hostlere always 011 hand.
L$ 1119ILl)
�CI,IN l'ON. G. SWA(tTS htving purchase
the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now 0
[ors fir 11-c.as9 ae00hntn0dtttion to traveler% Goo
1L1)tlor au.l cigars at the bar. Good stabling an
attentive hostler on hand. Every ttttentiuu pat
to guests.
I i it ee£@t, •!),� li'C' y e 4 er1"�1
.. •:.s.f....u3ra,i,rta•:.. «.� Ll l�it�ir�w'u511
Thin great household )telicino ranks amongst
the leading uceesa.Lries of life, TitOsu la,uuus
Pills purify tate fin)) ), and tet irla»t powerfelly
yet soot dugly 011 t la Livor, St,,ln.ach, Ittrlueye,
and )lowers, givin( tone, energy, an•t vigor to
metht;lemeth 111 r In 5001.43 or ltfe. l' toy :LP) n •n•
ecletltly recommended '.e n lever fti1L'7g rem, dy
fuull eases 'were tit 1 a' istitgttnn,iroin whist ver
Canso, has becteee int,'atred or weakened. They
aro wonderfully ef$4aci008 in ell aitmeltte 11101.
doutatlto females of all ager; aud as ag.netal
Family 'medicine, are unsurpassed,
`•15'.,..1 tik .-
ourdral'akilne beingnow In full operation and
turuingoutdatiy a Largo quantic) of
thatforall purposes
cannot be surpassed in the Domin-
Partieefrom a iistauoo can blwaysbevv xpliesl
either atthe kilne or deliver(' by teams at low
est roliluuerative ratee, Orders from n listauee
urouiptly attenie1to.
its searching and he thug properties aro known
throughout the world.
For the euro of bad lega,bad broasta. Old wounds
Sures andilcors, is 1.1 .1.1 / .fallibto remedy. If
effectnally tabbed on the no It aud chest, s pelt
into meat, it cures sore throat, Brouchitis,Coughs
(Colds, and even Asthma, leer 13I(4ndular Stvol'
1int;R, Abcesses, Piles, Mlitdl:ts. GoutltheumatLsm
and every kind of Nkin Disease, it has never been
known to fail. Therills 1ils and Ointment are mal.
ufactured only et
And are Roll ay telt Vendors of Medicines
thronghonttho civilized world ; with directions
in almost every language,
•E11o.'Orede 11larke of these medicines aro regia.
tared at Ottawa. Hence, anyone in the Brit.
ieh Possessions,, who may keep the American
C..unterfeite for sale, will be proeocuton.
I1d'Purehnsers should look to the Label on the
Pots land ttoxee. If the address is not SS%, Oxford
street Lot.don, they aro Spurious..
.rA r t ., R I. I C K'
A full lino mow in, of
Spring and Summer Hats, and Bonnets,
all th • very latest shapes.
Now Flowers Feathers, and Ornaments
Trimmiugs in grey t variety
nicel3 trimmed. Everything will bo sold as cheap
1(1 pnssh.10.
Paley Goods, Bolin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a -011
hue always kept,
Jackets mats or cut to the latest styles.
A,.h'i1, 78 Main St. L rotor.
At Auction. To confluence on
Monday, Dee, 10, 1878
W. D. PlicGioughlin
of 136 'Dundee sl 'met, London, will 011 the num t
ditto, offtr his whole stock, ni. om ting to eve.
Fifty 'house -nil 1)e11,00, at au,tioll, and contluu
too 51110 every day at two e'oloca in the after
uoon aud at seven in tho evening dul'iug the hal
once of th. Month, -from the 10th to the Slat
of i.ecember,
Tis is the largest and beet stock that has civet
been offered to the pnblIc at taeir own prions;
)fact, as everybody knows, the goods pre of tie
beet manufacture and every article will bewar•
ranted the 1.0.11 , as if bought intim ortlin .ry way
rids is a mire elle tree to get flue gal? and silve
watches, gold jewtlry, clucks, pleated ware au,
fancy goods tit your 1,y11 prises. 1'erhapn nova,
again will such uu opportunity occur, Secure
y011LOlirittltlaa and. New rear's i,reaeuts at thi-
wale. 13elv0 your money for bids auction—am
m a e emouey.
W. I).:ll c: is Lft?GII LIN,
Dundasetrett, London'
By ri.ltipg n • ' p.`tetieing
01 110)10.3 - -'uths cow
lfl.h t tl in the 'r5 medical
bona ever issu ... entitled
1l �•� Pricy only l.: nt .tp mall
® L” 6� 4.a asi 00 recee t of prier. It
treats of Exhausted Vitdity, Premature Decline,
Nervous and Physiettl Debility, and the endless
concomitant lits and untold ultem•1e's that n stat
therefrom, and ccntaius mere than be original )ire.
scriptions, any on of which 1a ,:,:1111 the price of
the book. T10 bo ,kwae 1,81100bythenostex.
tensivc and prohably the most skilful practitioner
in America, to whorl was awareed a 1:n01 and jilt'.
oiled medal by the rational DI edica1 A s. ocinlion.
A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest
Steel )lurtaving -a mar-
vel of art :old hearty- ,,
Scut 1'IIEIS 10 all. Sitl(L
for it at 0800. Address
INSTITUTE., Ise 4 But -
p V ES
finch St.. Boston. Blass.
Mowers and Reapers.
Single Mowers
—AICD --
Singe iimapers
n all kiudbot Grass and Gresn,aud on all 001
1110118 ofsoilnudsariaeo,
Olt NO 13.�LE
We also niter a Triol of our Wrought Txot
Two Bar
Maohiuessupplied with
Two .Urag•b.rs,
Two Finger -bars.
Four Knives,
Forked and Keyed.
Self -oilers,
etc.. to.
can be changed from Mower
6c Roarer
Eyre movaloffourbolts, all Itnloss*hand iteen
minutes' Mute.
L'lease call at our works and insl)eC
onr Machines before purchasing:
la"' Send for Catalogues.
ItlannfaoturiugCo., 8tretfo.td.
Marble Work
W, D. 1;kEEKES
Dealer in
Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly
5 Doors North of 1`Drew's Hall, Main street,
TASTE OB SMELL so ilii (1y be frons
she hxritoar or the ltttitcontttrt (ATattuu. TAW
('ONSITIVTl(,NAL CATARRH ltxllt•U'r 14111 -'More
you to 014 ,yable health. It not o t.1y Cures Ca-
tarth, but all other diseases at the ::note two.
L'riec •'1 per Fettle. Fot sale by ell lhrogists and
tiedit•iuo,1enit•rs Send stamp for 48 age pautl-
11110t eontniui. g trerati.m nn ('(1113)•) cud eertitt-
cat.•a of the purer: to T. J. 13. 1IA1U)3'c'\tt, Dentin -
tot. tput, Brea vile, t)"t.
Then ,1v certain, . oto, and eftbcttinl cure for
Cott rrh, builds up the.3 stem and urea another
usees'9 art the hinny 13.,,c . ABtilnia, it( se told,
flay t ever, Nor'v.•ns )(4)ility, 131 lefty; t.lgt tiler
Leu til, Cet.st7tntuth 11„1 Catarrh 13oleecy; is
k(•..❑. inners( Ince 01per L,.ttle, 1, or sale
b ; ' 'I=t lt• 111:1 dt'iuode,i,:.•
From x ton Ii( rse Power, for Farol-
ers, Dairylt en, Butt. r and Cheese
Factor's)+•, Printers and ell prams
using hand or horse power.
I est and ch• apest m the market.
Send for circular and price list.
John fluty.
Esplanade Street.
1 onutrro.
11E1 •..t•,A'1' OAL'SE Ole ll1J ni<>:V ,IIIc
. Litt:
..e -..lust Published, is a sealed 'i'wclope.
J•�•••y' riles Six meets.
A lecture on the Suture,
0, e1'8per attn.
minced. by srli-,U, ..•, luveluut 4r;' Lads ulu..
input' me,, Nervoi:a D(4.11; 13 , anal lief (1311(81110
mntriage geuerall I_uls;nmlti••m l.l•uci•sy,
e<( irt+; lira •1 •aud 11ty, rI l 110:14 melt3,
ROB, 11'• J.1 Ui,V1:1i.vL'i.L,... L., wither of
'•t:teen Beek, e..e.
The WO, 10 t'('1101411ed ttttther 111 ibis itilintrable
,`pair-, e,ee1'it' pr,r1 es 1)1.111 117. (art. (13)11i.'nne
ut t:.r a IC lel c euaegnr aces et Selt-Al,ueo 1110.y he
i •rtri 11y removed , Lth(ntt medicine, me. with
tit.l,.ne + ems eurgi(•tt) ep(•r1 tion.:..' .•eat ..1 , trn-
.t-ItY il.;ta, O't'<.1t11 16: pili Lai 2' ,c01 ,: 1. 'chit) of
cutt11cee('11 in alto tfeetut 1,1,V w ,.h every
!form) r.'. rae.ttir vhe t his c. utn,leu mn) be
y ,•ar •1111116(.11 0ilett011, privet' iv mite tatlf0011y.
renis l.ud tare 11iil place u buh:tl to 11hcusttndo
t' tl t•doutit"ds.
'4 • . t, aud' r seal, ill it 1/lain envclol 0, to 311,7 80-
lr-•a , toll rtCeipt of six 0(018,08 t4,o postage
.t1 m.o.
Tie erLwEI I i,Prlrtr = 0.
41 Ann st, Now York.
P I), Box 4.'80
(Successors tor. 1. PIERCE, M. D-)
Dn.11. V. P1311SCE, hating acquired a world -whit
reputation in the treatment of Chronic k)11011 0s,
r1.5111ttntt 10 a professional !madness far exceeding
his individual 11,111ty to conduit, some years ego
huhu ed seve•al medical 'enllemen to 119305 3.1e thiul-
s the acultyo the Worl'I'sDis-
the tt nr pDIO) has
since been merged with the INVALIDS' HOTEL.
The olganlilttou has been complete 1 au 1 Ire"rpw
rated un'tr•r 111e unto,. and style of Worlds Mayen -
miry Medical An nefntlon, with the following macaw
lion. 13. V. PtEltCle, Pres. F. D. PIE1101, 1'. Pres.
,1110. 13. PIERCE, See. L mTEll 13. SMITI& Tretsi•
neua: rnl.1 sl. 11 h•.,•.• ((•81 0109(11 tts the Vomit ty.
OIIRRON10 DI,EA)ES of all fortes come within tile,
prowl air t f om• several special t its.
LUND DISEASES. -'this division of procure is
very ably managed by a gentleman of mature Judg-
newt. and shill. Brewed:l,Throat, and Lung 1)15-
eas••1r•••'''"t v'(11, lar n,'stSileCtSSntlresists.
DISEASES OF WOMEN. -Especially are tau' facili-
ties of u 1upt:rior truer for the cure of all those
Ch1"alito. (tisertais perullnr to 1 ,3,1(e9.
NEttVOCS D1t0.A3E3.-L'nrah•sis, Nervous Debii-
ity, Lphepsy Celts), t,norea (St.1 hub's Dance). Nont-
rnlgnt, awl outer nervous affections, receive the
Mien ten of all a yy+1M't in this specialty.
original system Of dWarnes19 WO ran trent ln:uly
chronic: diseases as successfully without as with a.
personal consultation. For particulars See "Peoples
Commute Sense Medical A kerne-" (l)IAtt pairs, sent
Ppnsi-baht for 51.00)00"lttvalyds'an1 Iourlsts UMOO
hurl("(100 paws. 10 Smuts post-paid).
SUItt11OAL CASES.-Aulong Ilse operations width.
1(01(1 10' Ntisal' Polypus, titfrequently
l to
ti ors,".l Fistula.
in Ano. Piles, Hernia (Rupture), 41vdt'oc0le (Dropsy
of the A'rroo m), Varltueehy Uvarlrin ail Uterine
Tumors, Colette (Stone in the .131nil/sly, Strktutr,
etc., err. 1''v also treat su0o8ssrullp, by a nor inetli-
ott without surgical operation, ('anter., ('Inh-feel.
Spinal Curvature, and other (1efrntitles. (See p:u1t-
phlct entitled •'Motion as a Curative Agent,' sent
eu receipt of in vents.)
Address, Worid's Dispensary Nodical Association.
11ueeai.O, N. X
By an immense practice at the, Worid's DS'•pen-.
Bury and Invalids' Motel, having 1tented tunny throb.
sau4 raa.•s of those diseases peetdiar la wn:u11, C
have been enabled to pern:rt n )0091 potent I(I d posi-
tive remedy for these diseases.
To designate this t/ntt i i1 specific, 108.0 n8ulett')1
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescriptica
The term, however, is hut a feeble expression, of
tiny high appreciation of Its value, based upon per -
rental observation. 1 have. while witnessing 1t, pnsl-
tire results in the special diseases lnrldenl to the
organism of woman, 51n)dea It nut as the ellnmx or
frowning ac(n or my medical enrcor. On 11. tam
no a positive, sow, and eller(uai remedy 0.r this 11'195
of diseases, and One that will, at all timesunder
all ciretnnslatees, act kindly, 1 am :Wilbur r to slake
nay reputation (ts a physician: nod w) t'010t401il mm
I tent it will net disappoint the 11x191 s:utguine ex-
p(etatiens of a single 1 11,11(3 lady who use's It barony
of the ailments Owwhl'•h 1 mcomnlelt.l it. th^t 1 offer
and sell It tinder A POSITIVE GL'AIIANTIIE. Woe
c: nniltions, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) ,1.3
The. followingare ancon those d isc:ear's h1 C;11011
my Favorite Prescription Into wnrliod cures, 1/4 1f by
magic, and with it cvrla1(171108er bilbrr attained by
any medicine: Letwe lutea, E1181,1 (1)' Plowing,
N, Inad Monthly forted Suppressions 3(1from
10 fro
umtantral causes, L'regalai ili.:9, Weal: bar9(, )'l'0-
lapses, or Palling of the Usenet. Antevlrsien and
15trnverslon, I3•aring-dmen Sensations, (nIrrnal
7I'tt. Nervon. Depression, nobility 10•sp. ntIh l' ,
Amidst/el 13114e(3 elagg8, Giu•Cn(i, t'ong.:Ktlun Ili-
f:unmtttlonawl Ulceration of the Uterus, I+npnteliCyt
Baiictinuss, or Sterilit, end Female Wcaaness.
slo not uxtnt tins 11.111.110111f. us ,1 r err -all;' hitt 11
ndmh'nbly fu1011s o einglonem o8 purpose. being
most perfect speelfie In all Ovoidal diseases of the
sexton system of woman. It will not (If1appeblt, nor
0111 it do harm, In any state or condition.
Those who (4110)1'o Anther hlf,rdi ttion on them sub-
jects Call ohtnitl It In 'line PEOPLE'S COMMON SENS'S
taltntc a ADVISER, n book or aver 9110 pages. seat.
np1oit'•gltid,on tervipt 01S1.0). It (1,115 1,,(nt'(y 81
Won M5010944 vomiter In L'emnlos, and MVPs u'u011
1,(1101)11* ndvtee is regard to the utwtngement of
'hone :,1N.Cllnni.
FnvnMan 1 rip on Hold by Drtt¢(ritrtd
'31. V. P1lllt M. 3)., Propi', Writhesi)sy.,ttsar'y
Um( tuvellde' faol0l, ltttrait, N. V.