HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 5rtan 0 0144114 tit Ara d71 5 FALL WR1>AT, 'White •,)tna: $I'rtTNG w A.T 90 to 0 04 ... 90 to 0 04 tlt. 088 to 001 Itetl.11 ,(7" 070 to 08:1 l;ar++„ 0 80 tot 50 0 {(1 t., +' 10 Clover Sou 1.. ............... 3 4e to 3 7(1 0 :A to'1 55 Egg.'.. 008 to 11.8 if Utter ... ... ... 0 (0 to .1 14 .Flout per 1,1)). , 3 (1.1 to -i (k) Pot;ttno.:,-p bag .. ,.. (J 10) to 0 70 l.pplss, per hag 70 to ) 75 Dried Apples pr b... ... 0 01 to 0 00 1708., dressed per 100 . 5 00 to 5 f0 Beet 500 co O (10 Hides 5 00 to 5 .50 Sheepskies,es,eb ... .• 011 to 0 80 Hay per ton.,. 800 to 9 00 Onions per bash ... 0 50 to 0 70 Lard. (1 07 to 0 08 \V'.u1. ;ter lb ... ... ... 0 20 to 0 01 'L'uric,irs per 1,) 0 07 to 0 07 Geese., 0 05 to 0 05 0 00 to 0 00 D ucas, net noir ST. MART'S oa'to't regularly by A, Galbraith,Clork. 1)el':ri wbeat, nor bushel 0 07 to 0 99 f5p' 113 wheat ". 0 80 to 0 89 Earl,+? 41 to 0 .55 Perla .55 to 0 70 ills. ... 0 40 to 0 45 1.'otaloes pnr bag 0 ('0 to 1 00 Apples " 0 75 to 1 00 Reef ;ler lb 0 04 to 0 00 atuttoa ' ..... C 05 to 0 05 Poral p1r cwt ..... 5 00 to 0 50 i•.g;'.nee dozen ... 0 08 to 0 08 i) tt.ar ... 11 to 0 13 ................ 0 50 to 1 21 ele030to 050 ..:....... ) uit,ita[r. ................................. o 40 to 010 v:lti•'h., : " 0 80 to 0 30 in their Pota- c1 K c1/4 tO110 Fia 0 ca ar 00 4. 0 STAR ROCERY THORNE (Sc FARMER. 5e• KINSMAN, DENTIST,, Licentiate of r ` t r1' the Dental (lollop of On t?;i( 1)t 1',, may be/ uousult'd any d(ty, Oillce•- ttPxt door to the Poet Office, 18xoter,Ont, LAKE, Coanmiesiouer, [nun. A.• auee. Laud and Loan Agent. Office- nextrtoornort)t Royal Hotel, Exeter, Wilsons Hotel, Heusalt, Ivory Monday, PRIVATE FUNDS to loan at 8 per CC Cent. � ITORTGAGES BOUGHT. L . Money loaned on good NOTES, (1ONVEYANCING - Deeds, Mort- ‘...) gages, Wills, &c, drawn on reasonable terms National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAI\IOND HARROWS constantly on hand an made to order. M�MILLAN (5 McBRID E having now greater facilities than ever, are pro - Pared to supply farmers with Iron Beam Plows, , teel Mould ,.eater, made by orrsclves ; Chill Plows, Knapp, ormake ; Scotch Diamond Harrows Hiles tut)>be 4 50 to :. 50 e.ultIva tors, Gang 1'lows. Wu.t,l 1'00'1 ............................. 2. 40 to 3 05 Carriages and bug4ies on hand, and made to or- ..... ....... 8 00 1.1 0 00 der, Horse shoeing attends 1 to o0 the ehort,at ....................... 0 '23 to 02'.4, notice. Horses shod to prevent interfering. Wool. . 0 50 to 1 00 Mo3IILI AN et lIc131tIDE, Bing St., Hainan. .- -, S..LE 1tEGISTER. ;gate;day, May 10. --Parte stock t1 implements, the property of W. Howden, lot 33, N. B., S'opitail. H. Orth, auctioneer. Thais ;ay, \L.v 22)1,1.-Fnruitnra and sash of all kinds, the property of W. Ball, Dash- wood. H. Orta, anetionesr. ])IED. :Mlro(rr,I.r..-Inblxeter, on tllolet iu(,t.,George. •a. t,) ::un of Rev. G. .A. Mitchell, 13. A... a.'.1 1 yell.' and 3 mouths. Bone. ((.+0N. -I11 Hiuborr., on the ;;rd iust., the b. 1.:..1 tvifa of Mr. Archibald Robertson :coats. 'c...W.V.r'ttx+accvrc+as_ TRWS. r ccs ,;E ascan . 1 y h1.U1AN C oicaF4:VCED • d;:t:"-ssain 4111.4 at her rc ideol. , Un .Huron atre1,:,, ,;::,•tt+:. Cutting laud fitting a specialty. t-wu apprf>?a mantel immediately. .wLE>'.;a ED. A cer 1.tad of crizi3.1ix arig, F.N) QUALM. CAR LOAD Beaebv/ile White Lime fresh. CUTNAILS. GLASS. HINGE'S, LOOKS & HARVESS AT LOW PRICES. CYTZTRZTZ Co,„ ;tinxt Dour to .9anlwei1.c5 Pickard's, Main street. 0 0 ikkJ su c) cn co CD rv.ti Ob. Cb Co Cb 0 3 Cb CD CD IMMIG ;t) 0 tea s. CCS 0 TIME TABLE, L. Ela B. B GOING NORTH Mixed 8.05 a, ria. Mail 3.35 p. m. Express 7.35 p. nl, 001NG SOUTH Mail 8.49 a. m. Mixed 2.50 p. m. Express 8.25 p. in. C .®CEa.y . Tea, 50c., Tea, 50c., SUGARS, CUFF NIL;;, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GREA T WESTERN STE'M- SHIP COM PA NY. New York,) To Bristol Montreal, j direct. Also lagont for MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS, Parcels forwarded to all parts of Great Britain at IOW rates. NOW 18 TIIE TIME FOR CHEAP FANCY GOODS! The nobbieet of canes for a song. -1.001- styles of Briar and Cork wood Pipes, also choicest MEERSCHAUM PIPES &CIGAR HOLDERS at Free Trade Prices. TOBACCO POUCHES, CIGAR CASES, in variety, HANDSOMIE WRITING DESKS, WORK. BOXES, DRESSING CASES; at Wholesale Figures. Dailies' Back Combs, in Tortoise and Horn. -Handsomest, Latest Styles, also DRESSING AND OTHER 0IO3Ille AND BLnsuoa in endless variety, at breakdown prices. If you want first-class Fancy Goods, Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, or Patent Medicines, go to 0211.3.6 n La h oratory, ' xetex. :N Lice to the Inha itants of Exeter and surrounding country, far and near. EAT 0 N 1 cCOU having opened their new stock of EY DRY- GOODS and GROCERIES, are now PREPA f'ED TO SELL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 0 0 C) ri (4 IA" R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,N1.ii.C.D.S. rraduatto ofltosal College of DENTAL SURGEONS.. otaloo ovex O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell 1 iukards, -o_ They wish it distinctly understood that they have purchased for cash at a big discount, and are thus enabled to sell at the following extremely low figures : Fast Colored. Prints, 7c. Lace Edging, 2e. /leached Cotton, from Be. up, Pius, 3c, Heavy Grey Cotton, 7c, GIIOCEItIES. Towelling, 2c. Oxford Shirtings, fie. "Young IHysou Tea, worth 55c. for 40c. Fine All -wool Tweeds, 50c, Do. do 60 80 'labia Linens, 30c. Inverness, 75 " 624 Dross Goods, 10e. Extra 0 Sugar, 11 lbs. for dollar. Brown Hollands, 9c. Fine 0 Sugar 11 lbs. for a dollar. Double buttoned Kid Gloyee, 50e. 3 Boxes best Lightning Matches, 20"c. Embroidered. Edging, 4o. Toilet soap, per dos., 25e. Don't forget the place, O'Byrne's old stand, Falason's Block. L E ATHORN & M'COTJBRa.�'Y 5 Cr, o �oa(1) -4 0 ". 4) rr o c3 0 rrj r4 Riyc3 CD ct3 rri +D , j� Q) ,2) b(00 r-51 ale [LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER, T `ry HAT IS 9 DREW'S STOCK OF FUR - • 4, N.ITURI:, i3•droom and Pet-lor Fun tura a specialty, and tho eh,spost west of Toronto. Lounges and all Upholstered world greatly re- .lalce'l,n prices. Spring mai, from $2.75 up; woven wire wattrassea fes invalfas and sickness, to prevent bed -sores, at remark able(y low prices. Parties desiring to furnish houses would do well to 3a11 at Drew's, and examine the stock before purchasing else• who, e. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates. ki' ds 05 Trimmings, Shrouds, Gloves, Caps, &o., furnished. Emblems of all the different Spoleto also kopt in stuck for l unerals, The Ilea se is the best in the county. Death, re nor sale at DI7EW1 Furniture wu"sroomei Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to p event the discoloring of corpses and offensive odors. It Will pay you to call at M'CLE LLANI-) BROS' '7.,i' ' a 13 L C C 7t , For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to salt the hard times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHIOLiSALE PRICE:S. Be sure and call before buying. Suits to order at startling figures. MCCLEI,LAN D BROS. THE IBX E 'IE r STOVE' =pow �HS .lnbscribor begs to annb0000 to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s' i'rouuding coun- try,. that he has op, nett a TIN and S 1'OV.d DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, plain street. Exeter, where he is p.epai ed to fill all orde, s for Cook, Parlor:' and other Stoves At Mauufaotu t 1.-(s Prices. pinware, cheaper than the: cheapest, and made up by practical workmen on the premises. E:i,re-Ti'ougllingdone to or(ler, ('oITiaae Nat a specialty. CoaLoil Chimneys, the very best and none Cheaper. Intending purchasers will always find Ear az, my pos., roads to attend to my own bueioe6s and prepared at all tivar's to treat customers eourtteouely and supply them with a good and cheap artic e. Depend upon it that nowhere can you gtt bret()r valve for your money. The very highest price iu Cash pail for tildes and Sheep skins, lixeter P 0, October 15 1877. E H. SPACIiAN. XIMNFIE G.. Horsemen and others requiring printing done, should call at The "Times" Office and obtain estimates before going else- where, as we aro p.epared bo execute work CAL',. P '. T t TN.VA. EV'Elt "OWN, Allll kinds of printing done neatly and at bottom figures. POSTERS, BILL HEADS • COUNTER HEADS, .CARDS, &c., c&e, printed for prices tba,t will barely cover cost of paper. This 'i5 no blow. Call and be convinced, Orders by Mail RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Advertise in The "Times," It will pay yott.