HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 44
The Molsons Bank.
nine a'r'olittaa) lit Ao'r 01' AAntatiArEYT, 1555.
Capital, $2,000,000, hest, $400,000.
Jortx I1I0nsoN, Esq.. - .Prestebe)at.
Rex, Taunus WolornrA1, Iricc•5'rasi,
l' d (JrArcox, Vive-Pres Sun 'Mutual Ins Co -
lion D L blacitherson, Senator,
11 W Shepherd, fres Ottawa River Ntuvtt( Co
Murat o Nelson, I I P P. Miles Williams,
F. Wuz.relt*TA1 Taoatas, .Earl., - 0 tstifcr.
M. Mutes, Lsr1., • - - - - In •peetur.
Exeter Bran' -h,
ITEN1;Y C. 7311EWI.1v - - ItfANal1I9R.
Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their
own promissory notes with one or more )food. lin-
,dowers. No mortgage required as security.
5 per cent, Interest tubo tnett on deposits.
Gold and oIvo:ta y drafts 1) )n; It and eold. Stor 1
nGExchangehought and sold,
Collections nate in an parts of the Dominion
and returns promptly remitted. at -lowest rates o
Exeter, Augaet 15th 1578. a -m
'ore re%rt i iso:, s.
TIl CU SDAY, MAY 8, 1879.
A grand Conservative lnase•meeting
will be held in Wingham, on Thursday,
the 15th day of 11fay,next,at one o'clock
p. m., under the auspiees of the \Virg-
ht'am Liberal Conservative Assooiatitu,
ou which ooeasitrn W.R.\[eretiifh,L4q.,
M. P. P.,leader of the Opposition, Hen.
Mr. 1MIorris,M. P. P.,\V. 11. Scott,Esq.,
M.P.P., Dr. Holmes, Conservative Gan.
didate for East Huron, P. Kelly, Esq.,
Conservative Candidate for West Huron
G. E. Jackson, El 8q.,Conservative Can.
delete for South Huron, Robert Baird,
Esq., Warden for Bruce, Conaetvativr
Ceudidate for South Brure,aud serer al
other prominent 0 .oservatives will be
present and address the meeting .on
the politi111 q .estions of the day. As
the Ontario Elections will take place
0n the 5(11 Jule 11E'xt, ir, is important
that every elector be present to hear
the views of t•he above gent1em011 its ea•
portents of the great Conservative cense.
Arraugetnents f.r redno0J fleet. have
been matte with the W. G. & 13., noel
L. H. &t. 13. Paileays,
A Change of Government Demanded for
The fullowwiltg very sensible later we
clip from the Luuduu .Free Pcess. Every
Reformer in the couulry ought to read
it. We feel certain it will C''11viiioe
many of thein that the men in power
in Ontario are pot truce Refer -meet, •011
should be coudt'tnued a, emplletticelly
as Mr. Mackinlzie aucl his colleagues
DEAR UIP.,—A3 rte are now 0n the
eve ut our elections fur the Local Legis-
lature, 1 would like to offer a few re-
roarks to year readers, hoping thoy
11)1y be of ,Anne service to the cause 01
gond goverutuent, and iuteresting to
s:1r11e as o >tntng troth a Ref •rin e►t-eter
of tltitt) yews' nta1,(11Lig in Otthrit,, 14.
that first piaact-, I might pay that avilell 1
gave ivy filet, vote here, tlt•'re we, hot
vile member or Parllutlle-ut for what care
now the Ct Untie. of Dein 41:d :li1ti.11e-
t+ex, hie salary bei11.:t b;40O per auo111.0.
What a (:ooali:at to the earnditiun (0
thiug6 ut precept ! There Lire now 00
lees thee ten rueulbera re1>reh;;(.ting the
saute district, who unitedly draw no
leas a eunl than $',.h,00ts per antrum for
their l:egidative to born. This 13 04 IS of
the naLL1tal conntgoeneeh of the greitt
,Eteturm cry 01 Representation by Poen
latiun. lc way be a geed tin,„•, but
Ws have i" flay pretty dearly for i1,i14111
ttluse Wlloa.pi.,,$et•1 1:, er at leash 14.11 u
to grant it by degrees, knew what r,ttq.
'rvtre tlnll/g. About 1Wel,ty-1iX V,'41
logo laliddlu••tax ,.arra diVilled lot .1.'.4.4,
meutaly pil>1>otes, 410(1 tau ruteetat.
•tvt•he elct:tecl--I,nt• far the L•l,.t It.:,i b•r••
011181 lul' 1114 \V't,t—t it t•alt4' It^••' 01 t'ntal
rellleIlali.s at `,;'4100 Tram tat Course
Latton thele Cradle :+iX nietub is 1r ;121
ltiiid(ilesex, ter@,r 1n the 4.01(1100.,5 eon
tllt1e 10 the Lt°Cta1. '1'0(1 Hata, ies 0i' L1le+
lrtttr r ware plauted al. $450 eau❑ by Joh!,
baudfiei(1 15lecriOltalll, ties. the trite»i
acid beet i" tante re. i'Vel' obosai l to rule
over a free le ul4.0. lie beld that ferule
111111 era tree, add ref'.seri to 1';a1se
Next its tree) ufthe eo called Reformers
of dist nuts (Malting all suits of charges
iageisi.rt that go1L1e>What) and 111s Govern
inert), rattling theta extravli,g41n. 441 -til
(matter of salraaiee, and reckless in their
g(nerel expenditure, 'Phis not proving
AS successful aLs 111ey wished, a plot was
formed by the then !leaders of the Grit
party, and cutn,plaint was made of the
large surplus w'hieli was lying idle fn
the treasury ; all kinds of promises wore
ale° matte, that if they were returned
to power Bahl money should bo divided
tuuung the Inulli(i'rp4*litiee. Atnongi
Oiner'o of those who made such promisee
in this Aiding was no less a personage
than Alex. Meekenzie, who stated in
the Towu Hall, of Appiu, eight years
ago, that if he was returned to power,
the throe millions and a half of dollars,
forming JohnSaudfield's taurplus,should
be deviled among' the muuieipalities at
once, and in five years more another
five millions would he distributed in a
like manner. A DIr. (George Yoeng
here told him, "We have ouly y fur
word for that." Dir. llaekeezie replied
that what he.promieed he always fulfil.
beet. 141r.•Jacob Young thou said,"What
If you are not in the Government 2"
Ur. i\Iackenzie's reply was that it was
uo matter whether he was there Or nut,
lis w+euld leave it in eluolta shape that
his 1ooauisee would be fulfilled. I tlhiuk
now it is quite reasonable that we
thumb' call Upuu 1Ir. 1k111oketizie to re-
member this promise, aud cone upend
�ulfitl it as it is now two years
()tontine. Would it not be advisable
.for Mr. Mowat to oall apes Mr. Mac
kenzie to come up from Ottawa, eo that
they may pot their heads together and
find out if they have enough of the
Municipal Loan Fund unsold to the
English 'broker.). (alba(; with the ruaney
in thettreasury, to make up the fiver wit.
Rune so tom age promised ? Wilde
e leaping of the Municipal Lean Fund,
1 nlignt say that it is n subject very lit-
tle uuderstoo(i by the groat majority of
the electors, ,tad 1 should like there to
understand that it consisted of money
advtanoed by John A. to some of the
tunnieipalities in Outario,suoh as Ham.
iiton, London, St. Catharines, Brant-
ford, St. Tttotnas, Niagara, etc., the se-
curity heiug' notu<allymortgages on their
reel estate. 1 would also like thorn to
ululerst'Lnd that to very large portion of
the so•eallecl surplus distributed among
the munieipalit•iee was made up of
1nouey obtained iu o.ngland by the sale
of these very ulurtgaste-,, after the the
G ,verulnernt 1'ad squandered tried if
the surplus s'1 (ter dully g th•.' .'d by
Join Saudfiuld. An•>lhertui(>g I-0,onhi
note here in ent>nectiou with this -\lits)
ioipal Lean Fund. Dose it 00, tette,
strange that J..un A., wiih all his ferns
elem1d h•+ve money t' lend ten' public
improvements, ts, while his successor bee
to go to Engle d and borrow lnorhey
f ,r even on•>.t„il to carry ini the worna
un.lerlakeu by his Government, and
then breve a tle.'$tat ?
Arnow: other sratelnerlte made by
ti.. egeteeteuzie, wtlen retuntiii,g this
vague a1'a1iltet Mr. Currie eight yr ers
,ter), sues tele that J'1130 A. had give..
•ay forever ear Vieuebles il.ber1.4.. ort.
:he .11.•rieons for not liitia , at•Ct
-`ata)tlle1t1 gains t 11110 Many vita.,.. 1.311(.
twee) il.> •'r 1.4'0 Ilt'w The re her el'LV:
._,.,, saes inform ret that the t'Lmens:hero
reel give.' 04 $5,51)0,000 lu ,Ztt1e1 ter
:Alt?:.o v. 1,6 11,he-i 'i iily to- the ti 1st %t'il
year's, and May ere will r.n. \4 Vli:,
speliltnee of 1) il,llli,rll reset. rs, ? '+•'..l t
also like- to ',ay that the Natti...la.tl Po lc;:
has my o.)rdiai ell,il>r4:til 0,,t,s 1. ') •.o' -
ta>.tl the the In 1e l:b•.,t'
ltd 0.11.li, y ter. bettor at Irr :••r tl •11,'•
Le; 1IINeh gr:a)+t. (lOhblr. tinlhr•) Lt+tt tit/Jet
preen:Rue ge 110' ul ilio 44,•111( r' is It iw
1., 14;4111•' ter 11, U *seise ), t'n, „ ,.e .a, H,y
ate atetiva;; 1ho annul lar i hew 111, ri
Lllrn , m• rl lot as ltin11t1f:Lt:tul•te ab1
clan eithie '141r e°ive'o, a, tout t1h:• o'h•t
of such manufacture „ii1 br
our Oslo W.. hiu•„ulett... '1'11041, 1,4 Baer'-
who are i pnaieut f r t' o b=•r,Pii: - ,l
tlll+l orrery, 1 '4'un;k1 say, ,tri I x14,1 1,, n
cot -headed 1 iris thu othe4 clay, t•1] , y: tl
., IMO , if '°,>I1 mo A. a iJU I11e1 •,t gr.tiri t1>•
clay, mg you tvi11 reap 111e betroth to-
m:arose 2"
Cooling back again to trio L..':11
[.mgisbat,l.(1, t woo l+1 say •.1101-rfatita'
the ire:teaase of rids ,la ttit.y 1•.
members, beiie('itlg that till' (1'i ....411.4
their leaders are respell:tilde ,i erreh>
increase. Wee it riot u'iiiel :,it. yl:t..
at that the sal try of tnt,lihb•),.. LVIaw
was rtttyfd to ti1)J) ? drill, tetra wean
it not angler 1i1.a '. 1110 gootietal.ttl that
he salary wets ralie.P;1 w +800 ? erre
,;>rt.;etttug 11IW;ebt and anti) 0it14,N, 11
Ill alyo bo found that he i4_ creased
ilii own eatlary from '$1,000 to $5,50,
shoi 11•1 c.d.te4gt1,4 lima $3.200 to
;:5,500, lviric•u, added to tutor $800
ltlrllinity, certainly makes then.' *ale
site, '.oiut*thiug handsome. Will your
seed. rs call that Reform 2 Another
Ito: nen of the x41010 surt is thee Con,.
14outtd by the 841118 gee tle04(0 anti li1r.
Uxuutis potting their 1lead0 together
1, get Amite ut thermals, previously go-
ing to 1110 ikceys of tnuuicipalit,iell. 1
'efer to aim tioetso question, the Gov-
,d1.rht1l.e It neer gfi'.tit)I from tl)wnhlhitly
f.ar each license. x$80, frol.n tow us $00,
Lad froiu cities $80. All that John
Sauelfie]d atlkei froth each wee $25. I
5Uppel,.e another 8110 1 Reform is tht.t
of school buc;lts, which are being otxiang.
ed every ttVo or three mouths, 410
,ioubt for the purpose of keeping Gore
erunl.eut pets ander good salary. Still
another, I euppuse, ie that of refusing
at the late session to paso the bill for
ii;llowing suits for $400 and holder to
be disposed of at liivlsi,itl Courts,whlch
1\Ir. Meredith et. err uottely endeavored
to gist passed, only being defeated by
three votoe. At present the costs of
suits for over $100 in the County
Court amount t0 trona $40 to $'3O0,ac•
cording to the titue you :tad your Wit.
nesse(' base to wait for trial. If the
saute snit, before the same judge,and
probably the starve jury, were tried hi
the Division Court'; the: probable cost
would not be over $10, Certainly this
move was iu the iuterest of the poor
In oouclusion, I would like to say a
few words iu regard to the preseut
leader of the Apposition, Mr. Meredith.
He is a geutletnan with whorl I have
had doalulgo to the extent of thousands
of dollars, and 1 eau safely say I never
dealt with a more honorable man. He
is a worthy successor of John Sand -
field, nod it would be a credit to On-
tario to have hint at the toad of its
affairs. I hope that will be the result
of the ensuiug o:ectiou on the 5th of
Jllntr, kart 1 it/80 trust we in this Rid -
lug wit) ot)ntribute our share to it by
oleotirlg a supporter of his.
.fleeing you will excuse the length
o'' this letter and find a place tor it iu
your eo1(11nny, I am, yours truly
• Sta'at hrey, May 2, 1879.
Dominion Notes.
Acoording to the assessors' rolls, the
population of thug'.fou is 14,358.
The permissive liquor late went into
operation in Fredericton :and York
County Thursday.
The excise duties collected at London
during April show a decrease of $8,-
843.20 compared with the correspond-
ing period of 1878.
The capias in the case of Goldring,
who soldthe phosphates laud to the de-
faulting cashier of the Elochelaga Bank
Ursa been maintained,
The Victoria Bi11.ot, Montreal, have
received per.niesiull to rtai .s the strength
of their companies to 53 then each, and
ext>e0t to tttru out 400 strong an the
The St. John, N. L., Relief Sooiety
grata ed till Jest stt.rut11 to 720 families,
sufferer., by tt1t fire. Tue total value
„r eeplyeeel eeareey ditributed was $5
tr. Thurber Browne, late culleetor of
I,11.n•e.i 1toveruu:'+ at 'Munroe!, watt 00
Thin -tele,' 1:451 f•.u11d anat.!, of embezzle -
mete. The jury recommended hila to
too rno;cy of (178 C:)urt.
Vo(i'e,y' or the Orta tele Temperance
Acle till reads off itl Ki•l;;'s, P, E.I., no
the 20th of )Jiv, Sh'nild that county
•tees, the -tot the whole Island will
te.., be 0n1i; r ittr provisi• ••04.
A tI:•rlu1sari0rt 0.02.•1.*'iug of Mayer
\'tri+•%,>i, mei enteral con cillors from
W. .itir•r;l fl • el.as to. i,r.')331: the
-114,1 -(1) a.lupt it sya-
'ltl• .h,:' . •,rt,','i•lt( 1'rt),?t luver'lea by Mee
t? .• h 3,-e 2,09te('ilerl ynet4FJtivfttllV at
\V t 1'er•°' 4) \;rile'ed y of ilia( sleek.
three:e.t.a-re t 11ot9 uf,Ier(ll e.iv.'ral
} :. 1.. !114'••d ,Pit:;^,ti.
0 (. 'rt. er 4 i'1 the erase of the.
ea':virtettt=l'e !1$4in8t the city of
l- •,trsel 1.•.-i l'o Jecgiius t.lttrfier Square
• .t eve deter witted t(1 appeal the
,!:.-;, t'F".: • t:) t; ,, 1'Ft<.'j: Council it I1ect'r,t-
Ih P Deane.. 1110 ftr114r of ct r tt;1+4
t•rr• elerch•ant.° Bert k,e)l reci-
. rl ,1921t i,. the Critniool Cenrt at Qui
lee. 14'4 Tema dray to the chance of env•
i ,.. '"r,'•1 )a f„rT,"1 hrntuisr,ry nuke
i'•>: $1,400 ••i t.r,,. `!11.11 N ,valnba:'
Itee, •r .. 'Wit:ter tlrr(to n1.d i';d0cotnl,4
of 1), rt tit ant y, ', se sustained a heavy
!. s• by the h.eal itct of their boom
he* c+'i'ek there on Wel]tra4sdaV 11111lt of
tett week by which ,ah••ltt $500 worth
f bassw4i d. end 41.1) site logs went
adrift it, the lake,
'i't4eery new Merthnt-.oval tinier
fr 2141( th)' Natiotlal hill.' Association of
Great 13•itrailt tutu la''rivetl at Citroen
to) (0, Jartatliwtl Wimbledon team.
(1;apt. Boyd, of th,' 64141, hats beer,
chosen 68('Ohrd officer in etnnmrand.
'['t1e team sails on tae 21st of June, and
will have it week's prrletiat' rat Altear
rat.ge before proceeding to Wimbledon.
Two splendid thoroughbred English
bonitos arrived per steamship Cit'ot(sitau
far H. R. II. theei'rincess 1' ouia.
Three parties of imm,gralts, viz.:
the 3.Iantilton, Gallatin Southern and
Prittie'd arrived at Winipeg en Satur-
At the election of a Deputy Reeve in
Londou East on Saturday, Mr. S. A.
Adams defeated Mr. Charles Lilley by
55 votes.
On Friday eight English miners ar-
rived at Belleville in company with Mr.
MacPherson, immigration agent at
Iiiegston. They have gono to the
(nitres iu township of Macke.
The gold excitement at Bellevilie is
iucrea.ing, and there is a considerable.
amount of travel from the city to Ma-
dec. 11 is retorted that another very
rich dfscovety has been made iu the
Iiie'artrdson gsld mine.
as one of the results of the national
pnliev the tippet' Canada Furniture Co.,
of i3owm,LuvilJeshipped a oar load of
fnruituro on Saturday for Mauitoba,
being the first instalment of a large or.
der from Winnipeg.
As a Montreal anoti.neor tette about
to open astale of houaehol'd furniture
seized for rent, in a house on Blowy
street, 00 Saturday, it became known f 1
that a Child was sick 1n 0430 of the 1'001118 2
front stealltpoz, A stampede of the
audience was the itnrnediate result.
A Petition is to be presented to the
Dominion Government from the Gov-
ernor and State of3aeiais of lndlauta pray -
lug that a pardon may be granted to
Jas. Cameral, who was convicted last
fell of robbing the store of Mr. R. Cum
mirage, at Cummings' bridge, Ottawa.
A gaug of thieves was b101480 lap at.
St. Bouifaee, Mau., on Saturday.
''hey frequented the hotel at the tate
tion, whish is gouerally over.orowded
and feigning iutoxieatfon mixed with
travellers, robbing there whenever an
opportunity offered, Three of the gang
have been arrested.
Jean S. Paquet, late cashier of the
Huollolaga B1auk, was found guilty at
the Assizes at Montreal, ou Saturday
evening, of embi•zzlenaeut. lie tnisap.
propriated $80,000 of the b:lnk'e funds
which he invested in a phosphate mine,
Sentence on both his erase and that of
Dauber Browne, the defaulting Iuiland
Revenue collector, has been deferred,
tleneral 1Ilrwe.
On Friday Etlisc,n lighted five lamps
rsirih his new dyuamo-eleotrioal mach.
Several thousand acres of fine tim-
ber lands in Cape day °minty, N. J.,
were burned during the past week, Le -
volving a Loss of thousands of dollars.
A grand concert was given iu New
York ort Satnrday night, in aid of the
Szegedin sufferers. Iloury Ward
Beecher spoke. Tao proceed netted
about $2,000.
At a Nihilist meetiug at Now York
on Suturdtay a series of resoluLinne ex•
prealiivo of sympathy with the Russian
Nihilist movement were adopted. Ad•
dresses were delivered appealing for
sympathy an behalf of t(le victims of
Russian despotism.
A terrible wilRl.stornl prevailed along
111e Ut)tll and Northern railway on Fri.
day. A freight train near 11004111 Val-
ley.I-atlio, Cunsie,irg of sixteen ears,
;carne 1011.ded with silver bullion, was
blown from the track, and s' mo of the
car,' carried eeven4;v•lve fear.
Heavy rain extended all over the
State of illiullesot,a and north Iowa 04)
Saturday. The cool weather rernnves
the preeeut apprelhen,iou of drou !ha.
Advices frotu all parte of the former
State just before the rain, indioatecl
Iho crop had not suffered meter tally.
A telegram received on 6attur,31ay
tlisht frutn Leone Lalldine, seventy
miles :(nave !'lek•,1lahrtie says there are s
hundred 141'd lithy heiress bound I eu-
Sas—w,ir(1 'er4 the heels (tf the rives., ;S).tl
they helve ptekettel the rt'ahl`). N1•) tern.
Iltc• has as yet o0cturred b(ttree3 the
whites end `slacks.
The first Chust11n 0111110.48 church
in Ne•y yeris eat, (reviled on ,Monday
i-fterrl'.oii by May Jen .Erse, tt young
Chinaman who was con vortod to tehrie
Garrity bj the l,rrre,,l;-xt.i) 'ell -entre Can-
ton, 'rho tor,=;tells eih?('rfriset id 1111(10,
thr' 11404111ee8 of 1113 ;%tt tilt :1141 800iety
of New Yerlc. There was t3 hogs 4,t-
tends, roe of Atnere:ens and ()lllnf 4l',
In 11144 1lliltes p')tygarny eerie at. Salt
Lake City, ou Sati,fll.•y, Judge :Emer-
son sentenced Dtauiel V'/'lls, first coun-
cillor to the Twelve Ap'rstlo4 ,>f the
Mur mon 0nrll'ch. to sethie of I1500 and
two deye'- i111pretorutrlern for ot,tt4,irn1
141 refusing to 1111 +t11'r (311'it411')410 1'el•ttive
t(h palyganl•'1144 marriage...
Teeeta elven Presbytery ,+ill begin
voting +o- day 11 on lir, vert]ich 111 the
T)allnage 04188, A eau V11"4 Of The mem.
bets of the I.'ia't3bylery s}toa-e 28 in fa-
vor rpt Tannage aud 13 opposed to kiln.
Tan are dont toll. It is freely hanll.nrlr-
red that th'>lid the verdict be 2(:1}llnett
Tonne►Lae 110 will axk,e 00 tar; Pial, but
itis elle bvill 111,>rn:'fiy from
alt alfiliet4Ou
with Lha Brooklyn Pres-
tt or eotne time past it Mos been known
to the G,ver>rmeet t, cbala Oat great
and ilurnere'rts frauds were being per.
petraated in the idoliser of b'unty and
pensions, a1.(1 the 11u41rre8e 11(8)1t of
the'Pr1'•,enry Dep..rhet tut hes been at:
New York ser'o4al days in v'. 4lgtl!i1I*1
!.he (natter, which '4444) resit] 10(1 in the
ar'fest of several peitiois, I1 is said the
ring, of whletl these men are aliesrer]
n)enlhere, has defrauded the Govurtl-
rucent of over $100,000.
An exciting soeue was witneesfd yes-
terday morning at the foot of 125th
street and Harlem river, New York,
the occasion being the baptism of
twenty-four coloured men and wolnaen
by immersion 1n' the river. Over 1,500
spectators were present. The Ceremony
was oommeoce•d by singing hymns,
after which fourteen fernnlee between
the ages of siXteen and 00 were 111115
baptized by ieutner1iun. Atter more
hymns and an address,. tel) 0.g0111•9d
men were bap ized. Severe] of the
women at (mine very exeited during the
ceremony, and it was with great difii-
eult.y that reword of them were restrain-
ed from plunging into the river again.
seem MEAD, Apply at P11ande Ofllco.
171AI1NM FOIt AfiE,—Let 5, N. 13.
]iitidnlph, 75 acres, fly cleared; soil, clay
own, wen a anted few fall wheat; log hooka,
came barn,stal>lo sheds :2�1°'olle of water,1 acre
orchard of choice fruit,2; milds from Centralia,h
from()cetor, Apply to 41t111D.LltiCltIAII(FIAr,13,
Centralia 1' 0, Ma/ 8,12
xchan;?'e Bank of Cana,d;
CarpihIl ,paid icp, - - $],000,000
A'S. II. GAV1; 7,' I'rev9dl+ltt.
I`i-xw,ot I (4.4,V34RT1'I1,t, Vico-President.
A, W.0OIIVlk, M.P,P, N.4°( fir "I'l
THOS. TIT l)1N, AI,1,Y. BDl'I,Iti
S9:tfE;y CSiATII�'1.N.
TZTOIAS oreestr - CK,hlora
oat O11G1•.I3'C11 S - Inspoctur
Exeter Bx: amen..
ct11Nl,ItA1, BANKING 1tUSi:'I11SS T'RAN-
Mone .loaned to fanners on their own notes •with
gaud eadulsers,. ]1114((4 issued on Naw York.
,5 per cont, interest allowed on (7140044416 0'l or.s
onar and upwards.
OFT 1(43; MUSS—From 10 to s; frolo tato 1 on
ry. �. IT ti1'IN(ic3, Hran,Ly er.
Tlxoter,Au(;nst22nd, 1878. 1221-1 y.
=NATION S, 18741.
For First-Class—At the - Normal Schools, Toron-
to and Ottawa, on
Thursday, July 10, t 9 A. ti,
For Second Cll(ais—A.1 tllu Town of (}o,l«r uh stud
I•Iigh sol>nols of t'lintou and t3oaforlll, on
Tuesday, Juty 8, at 2 1h1It
For Miro Closs—At the Town ofnod t• irhon
Monday, July 14th, at 2 P.N.,
Forms of aotice to bo previously niton by the
candidates oaall be obtained. ell aptllieati'rhh to the
It let hnd.ispeusablo that ancli aatr s notify thp•
Secretary notiat01 Chau the let of rtt,to of ttt(.ir
in tonti",, to 1>rearnt tbetnblvua for e\n.nrtrl conn.
Clan d1.l:ctoe for first haul suotm.l-eitum (4.841 1h,, b'a
1(. a regnireclto forward the i1e•cc.s44ry cttrttilc etee,
of succuss in leacct.ling, and 11 ase rettnired to
furnish cert.illo'ltes of tnor.11 ch'L +totes,
(.(1ntlidatos for 44e0011d 411488 mast sbltts wl,r then
they intend to write in 1 oderinh or at one of Chao-
other named High Seltaol4.. e`ttutli,letee for chit,(
class must furnish proper proof of 41 ).
PETE 11 r AM$ON,
&fay S, 1873. 21 limy 'Board .Grre
Pn0YILSOITon or" T81
'41 1,1(11101 I' e16&6. 9 4
Worcester, glass., V. S.: coins of all des.ti4'tionr.
send forillnsrr trod cataloguer
(�11r'9AF11retire81413t1,1rtysillvas;rn tab oft pa
—Oflauial Reports free.-- ttl3,,j
Proportional le turn•, et err sb°etc on S:tocl
of .2P, 95411. A ur1.•ss,
l'.PO'1:'LL•'11 WRLUFI1' .JO,, Bankers, a1.\Y.bi1
St N. Y.
nrareand Beautiful c11ronw carts, with (orale
ifidto postpaid. Geo. L Bum) .5:0(1, Nassau. 14.Y.
',.F.iaey c'a:•rls, 0hru,u0, Suuwlli•.lce,
alike, with 11012111, lUs, J, Jlanh lar 0 t oo iw a,a
salt, it, Y.
Suowft.rke, &0,, or 2'e 1r:1.m i>arent catrdy, S itis
assns 10c,1:.Jouet) C 110.. Nay+aa, N, Y.
. int0AIt1,,S, Chronic>, (4,.11 Ilur,le,, &c., 10e,, or SC
6'.i,aao 4111 ,1 4, lac ,J.11, 117.1n9. El), Nassau, \.1'
tSf7F9'Lmon tlt and e•rtttne,3>;11 rat:teedt(14)14(x.
D! i nutsictlee. Klr514e,; ca,
iS's O.
'. F-T,°d TV 20 open the n'illinal road alienr-
▪ (tale between lo.s One in the
and Lake Road East Concessions in tfae
Township of ,Stephen,
WHEREAS, in. the year one thousand ci;ht
hundred Y6,Yd sixty eight the .11uni,':pa• (:t)Ine.,
ativu of the To0nsllip of St.•ulu t caus.1 to,
l:e ol)(n2 i as deviation road t l,tli;11 to i CSltt
1an11.4 of 011.3 William 1',1111. won 1} -'-Let own -
bur one in t,le Aux •,iai,le concession of the ::111
'1'ow1S)ailr, iltiillediatuly a.ljuining apart taut
part to portion of the suid original roaad al.>,✓-
ant,o now propotiod. to 1( opened, and 1 Y e°tn-
after particularly described ; •ha1,1 deviation hay-
ing then been e.on4,lerc,e1 ueecesal5 1.1.('1104.1) %i£
'the difiseult3 and expellee of coilstrtutlu,, a 2-115.
roadway over.tlle said original road allowance,
.Au d w l:,retas the condition and 14_•84,'.11 nt
upon widen the said corporation acquired tr*
laud for the said deviation mild from tit ' said
4S illi1 in f',tilis,
was that t110 said original moat
aI1,>r,'a11ce should cease and d 11r1YYi1112 to be Lt
public mai allowance, and the said, the ('url;o1-
align nfrresaili, shuul i convoy the satnu to 11,11(,
sad lay hint in a..l.itien t1: stars of thirty dei -
]tars iu l:eu of his said land taken for said devi-
ation road.
A -n(1 whereas the said the corporation afure-
said, .11.1 in pn15111111r`te •of • :tl (4431'er•lYie)it, I)a,7
said mill o£ -thirty dollars, and convey the said.
original road. allowance to the said William
Gullies, w111) afterwards sob-div]ded and etu-
Vtoyed the 8a?tre 1nt., ses"e=al parcels, to Va,t..11s
people, but no by-law was ever passed closing.
said origi11al road :111uua(ace, load the same, al-
though occupied. by the said. \Villium Foals ant;
his grantees as private property was never 4: -
gaily u1')'ed.
And whereas, owing to Km increased travel
in the i t°i„llbulhoud of said lauds it isdcell,c(i
t1adi: able° and necessary by tix: Coun-
cil of the 183(3 'iowusaip of Stephen, to talc
and ()pelt said magma' road allowance *,•4 as
public road 111 said township, retraining 4,1ve,
said deviation road, preliminary t,) which all
proper notices limo been given pursuant -toe the,
Statutes in that behalf, and all persons inter-
ested in opposing this by-law have been duly
heard by the said Cann(+i1.
lie it tllarc:ho c enacted and it is hereby en-
acted by t,lo;l[uniciirat Council of 1110 Tatv11110ip
of Stephen, in the ( uuii(y of Huron, that front
and ilnnn4'eliatcly afier tint passing of this by-
law, that that portion of the original rna1l allow-
ance bctweou lots numbers one in the 8,nx Sa-
l;lo coucessing, 413,(1 one in the 01(1211 Road 'Past
concession., in t1r11 said Township of Stephen,
Vlore patirti011110ly (1(2.421 101 as follows :—
commencing at the north +.aosterly angle of
Port 5111111(4 reserve ; thence south fifty-eight
degree fifteen tninut ls, cast on northerly limit
of, original road allowance eleven chains, sixty -
1 vo links ; thence south thirty-tv'o degrees;
west One elinin, thence north fifty eight de-
grees, fi4102341minutes ; (vest ten chains, seventy
links ; thence north twenty degrees, twenty-
four minutes; west one cltai:n. twenty links to
lake shore ro ; thence north thirty two de.
grecs ; east genty.five Links to place of begin-
ning, shall brj'and the tavle'is hereby declared
to be an open publicroad or highway withvt
the said Township for general public use..
Said by-law to come into force on and after
the26th day of ltiily, 1879..
0, k''llOtlTY,
Stephen April 24,1879.