HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 38, 1t 79. 'WIT AND U.UUOR. A pair of specs--.; Fish are often in -seine. A model buy -word --Cash, A STORY OF PE'1'EROAIITWRIRT. The following gond atony is told of Peter Cartwright, the fatuous and ec- centric Methodist preacher : One day on approaching a ferry 'What dial Cass steal. ? Scap. acroiiW the fiver Illinois, he hoard the I)c.wti in the mouth ---the root of the tong tie, Tramps have not refused to take trade dollars The day after washing day is one of cad irotiv, ` S?ranger, I want you to put me 11Tn iiug for a now trial—Oanrtin n across.'a' second wife, g 'Wait till I'm ready, said the ferry - Holler clay goods—Those shouted on the street, When .a stag takes to the water, he cwims for deer life. ferryman swearing terribly ►tt the ser- mons of Peter Cartwright, and threat - oiled, that if be over had to ferry the preacher acmes, and know lion, he would drown hien in the river. Attire, and pursued his conversation: and etictures on Peter Oartdvrisrllt. slaving ani lla:(1, ills turned to .Peter and said': 'Now I•Il pat yntt nem On reaolain,r the middle of the stream Iett't n hill an'c1 player a baize ball Peter threw his horse's bridle c:v(:r a player. What think cue? 14taka' in the host, turd told tllo ferry - book is a man '8 best friend, sod mein to let go his pole, the mly one ho can .shut up ) without 'What for ?' rt -died the ferryman. 'Well, you've jnst been usin(: env name im roper -like, and von maid it 1 ever came this way yon would drown alt'. New you've gest tt chance.' 'Ts your ante Peter Oartwrieht ?' asked the ferryman. to tie at no !arty hoar, because It is . It 'My itenle is Peter Cartwright;' unhatntutly hard to do it, Lestantly the terminal' laid' hold of !be ')reacher, but he did not know 1'(t•et''+ strength, for Peter instantly seized the ferryman, and holding him h -r the nape of the neck, plunged hitn ittto the water, 'toying : living offense. A 1)iidtzepnrt artist hits painted s, vo' y 'hatllttl fence, but the critics will picket all to pieces. tt Inst he eminently ri:rllt and good liillittits•t;ate—the ot.o over which Jossit (iicl his atetrtitl.,T. The Inst lmngnage spoken on earth Will probably be the Finnish. Alen who stand around waiting for a .I baptize thee (ss+l a:h) in the name drink shoes a Lick of soots' of Setae, whose child then art.' The pancake is like the erb'or arty', Thenliftit,;; Lith, up. dripping, Peter because it rises in theyeast and sets in ,Psk(,cl : ill" vest' Did you ever pray 2' New maple sugar is so new that flit. 'N,,,' dust of last refit sticks to it. 'Then it's tithe snit rid.' The follow who rang the church bell 'Z 1l do do such thing 1' said the fer- for a false alarm of tire, tolled a lie, matt - Blessed is' the mall tVhai 'tavern hie Splitsh 1 splash 1 and the ferryman wil,:i's rel1tione ; and not only blessed, was in the depths thein. but also scarce. 'Will you pray new ?' asked Peter. It is easier fair a needle to g,. tilt'(lll;.rh I'll do anything {bat you bit' me 1" the ey,'e of a rick. matt than for an odi "It'd the ga81'hig v'ers'a. tor to please everyhdy. 'Then follow we—'per father, which o (art in Heaven,' etc. The mlxiere gel,leu rale 111 Your )1('vi it; rioted as clerk, ret eating af- tlue ant(, (others be a-4 torch as .other.: ter peter, the fei•rymiut crisd: due unto yea. 'New let me go.' Au eld lady being risked to subseiibe for a atewspaper,declined ou the ground thak when she t'a'tted uews she rulul- ufttctured it herself. The I oor fellow who was knocked into a cellar by a blow from an a;:e,may ].e eeid to 1.tttve his movements ax, -cel- lar -,'ted. If an officer Wants to be go d to him- , Y' rr promise e and vow ?' self, he will never let, his left Land 'I promise,' said the ferryman ; and strange to say. that very man became a knew what his left 'rand gots away shi lag light in the church. wit h- ,1Plants for $5 1' said a seedy-Iooking 'Not yet,' said Peter. 'You must law FALL GOODS ■ .El . K J-t.)L 1:4Y has just roogtve i *levee stook of »ttrlt:'s P'iottIvs, Jpwvttfry, 1118 String's, Spectacles, !.Fifties, and Gents $'ocet 11001 0. A Large stock of Fancy Goods con - gently on haled. NE W. BUTCHER STOP rylho undersigned woul('ii,tforn. the inhabi, 1. 'nuts of E rotor and vicinity that he has OPENED ANEW 13U'1'CHEIt SHOP Unclertalkors viToULD SAY TO tilos') whointend purchasing to do so from the 'Manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sell again must neoessarily have a profit. We claim to give the pureeasers the benefit, which cannot fail to inect the views of the ()rangers. Our expenses are less than those of city mann'aeturors eonsement ly we Can seilchoapor, C. 4 S a-IDLEx and I♦_'1't.rnlitura Manufi corers'`' $ B WOULD - cal' epeelalattentio0 " to our undertaklug depart n)ent,wliieb is more coin plate than ever, as we added everts.] new designs.' • of ate The bent gains,. caskets shrouds and every 'liners.] requisite at the lowest prices. Our mow /leers() is pronouncedlly ootnpotent judges to be second to ne):o ire rho SF provinces Emblems of all the Different Societies. 41. ono Poor south ofLst31nc1tsinitb8hnpaudliope8 the ante liberal patronage that has beau ay corded to him in the e r..tCKsatlTII AND 'WAGON: DIATtiiIG ttno will be axto idet: to him to his new branch of ouaiti.ess, tits meat wagon will call attire resi- dents of the vtllagethree tin)ofelse). woekand F Cl FS IT J1 EAT ail lt.ncae,lkel't oon8tautly in nand at his butcher shop. ^_ 131aoksmithitg 'un(l wagon makingoarr)ed of es usual in al) its loot ti R. DAVIS. Wonderful Discovery, DMUS iLE.. . .An Internal ce External REMED Y, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. 'i It cures 'liheumntlsm and Neuralgia anal :rileall p) (ini atL+itl� "j)•� a' ,t It is the (tiny known 111111,, IS 11?'cites114%11: • on the Ain oricau Continent, proved by others.'",•; "As :-ou0avitpvital itgiiesinstantaasetothe. uufortuunte 'sufferer, It 18 rapidly absorbed, penetrates to the very bane, enters the circuli• r tion, neutralizing all "Ithematic Poison" c,r; cultting in the blood, and expels it from th, systam it th ougthe natural outlet,, (make rue three promises : 1st, that you } t = --� tvhl repeat that pra.yar, morning and peering as 1 ng as you live; 2nd, that you will heal' every pint'eer preacher Toothache, Bare che, Headache, Neur,ali,, IT CURES S • that comes tvith five miles (,f this ferry. utienmatis,n,Sin•(tirs,Bwelling8,Iiifln uttiou, Burns, Outs, Braises, 'Pain ill Side, fain in 3rd, Chet you will put every lletliodist Back, Pain ett'''est.,Pain inshoulder, Cough, t(1"RttCher over free of expense. Do Lo11s Preat Iht(a,CWt. iilias,l)+ar boea,Uys- (1eatery. Suuun ,r Complaint, cv,..c., cCc. It will cure too most sunnizi.ig pain, inter nal or exte nal, in one to nr .1,t rthe 1s r)r " DRINKING A2 MEALS, Loan, I -adiug the sign in the ,riudow of a clutbii g store he was pressing : 'so dao The habit of washing dotvn the food I; never pouted so fur 85 lu all illy interferes with the habit of thorough life.' • chewing. It also deluges the stomach Ohildren's stocking a1.0 nOw made tvith an unnecessary atninl.nt of fluid, double over the )thee, says a feehion at least in the most cases, since those paper. So is the child when the int)• who drink at all while eating nodally tiler finds its necessary to apply her indulge the habit immoderately. The slipper to it. aminal system requires water in order Young men and women should not to carry unita various tnitctions. This he allowed to stand at the gates too mast be supplied by drinks, or by eat long these nights. Lt is lleble to bring iog j'ticy or semi -fluid food. But only on the new-moonia. e Moderate quantity of liquid should be AWhat are yon trying to read?' tusked taken with the food, and for diose with a vlsttor of an „Id ge'ttieman, who was good tee h no drinking at all is neces4- nodding g:vertheevening ieta rnal. 'Ohl' ars' The stomach cannot week upon replied uis wife, "that's his snooze pa- the mass iutroduoeti iuto it at one tneal, per." until it has disposed of its fluid con- Our exchanges are full of items about tents to leave it in a snfficiently dens the 'light running Domestic.' about conditiou for kneadling and ehureing, A S They and stirring about by the strong mils prutitbly allude to the hired girl who ales of that organ. Too touch fluid goes around the house it' her stockius; itnpr(tporly dilutes the gastric juice feet, which the stomach mixers with the food 'Marriage,' trays a cynic,'is like put- in erdsr to help its thorough digestion. 'ting your hand into a bag containing If the fluid mixed with the fond as it is ninety -eine snakes and one eel You swallowed be very cold, farther re - may get the eel, but the chances are tards digestion lowering the temperia- :agtaiust you. tare of Inc corltents.of the stomach be- lt a man poisons a women' it is mur- low the workin r point., eo that digestion der to the first degree. If a woman cannot go forward until the body ha' poisons a tnan it is tnnrder in the 1400- sufl.ici' ntly raised the temperature cf end drgree. And yet woman keep the food in the stomach. With warm clilworing for more rights. metal,, a moderate amount of cold Wia- A marring() notice in au exchange ter (not ice water) may produce no 501001511005, 'Equal— Pynn.' Ali the no.tioeal,blt: result, but the hearty cold puns we could think of in an hour water d'in'ts had better be taken whoa 'wouldn't improve that, so we'll iet it tete ,totnitch is empty. Pa'ured into striud stripped of all paragraphic adorn- full stomach the often protlnae great ul ,)t. discomfort, arid sometiames result in He put his grin arotina per waist,serious disease. Drinice with meals, .And swore an awful swore, especially for persons with defective And as he jerked it off againteeth, had better be warm than very Ho said, oold. Still, I blink if you teach your growing family to eat their food delib- i've folt that Pin -afore, (rattily, with no tumbler or other drittlf • ' ing vessel placed habitually beside their M, Batdwiu, of Monroe City, Ind., pates, so that they naturally learn to writes rimier date of Dec. 3d, 1877,tllat moisten the food well with Nature's his wife nsod Dr. Pierce's Favorite own preparation for that purpose—the Prescription with wonderful results. It saliva, which pours from the glands of (effected her entire , mire, after several the mouth with every motion of chew - physicians had faded. The Many siini• uis;-the children will grow up health- ier letters positively affirming that the ter In ail respects for the gond habil of Favorite Prescription had cured the deliberate and thorough chewing, and diseases and weakness peculiar to wo- of drinking at proper tunes. zuen,induced Dr. Pierch to sell it ander a guarantee. Ladies need no longer submit to useless and painful local treatment, as the Favorite Prescrip- tion is a stafc, and speedy Bare. Hun- dreds who bane been bedridden for years have been restored to perfect Alertth by its use. +'W BLACIiSA1ITHSHOP CQf;r.5ISA' }IAil7.lato of commenced 4-`'.'Vetttlleti and is '�f k hid ofblaclt smithingwork Horse shoo- iug•ipe,iallyattoncted to, Promptness, cheapness and good work guaranteed, A call solicited. 1c-om W. fUCI(INCI1AM. lti AT WIN- TITIt3 (I lG Jlxeter, 11 a s busiilessin the at Wlncholsoa iia e 1 to do alt fo your prejudice and t,tt e it a (., p.o.; to ., .. ' ;meet 1 ,ni ill and eo(1,3f eau tale Toe. great secret of its success with itf1c1asses is owing 'ixto the fact it is safe and h,urmiess, pleasant ,to take, gives instant ease, ii)ld Can be appli,, (1 4...0a wider range of disease in every day lite with greator success than any prepatatu n ,r:which research skill and ".''uncal acienec"' $'haft S et produced. - ,,i A, a prom,f its great power over disease am** person, no matter who it may be Bich, Ior Poor, Old or Young who is suilering ft t .(i any of the above named ,yin ul complaints,. will call at the gfiloe in T room illy clay 01 Sithe week, willgot pinctirCgroo1 "Free of a a'c1)arge," of its magical Bower ever''sill in ,,,ii; lit'Ffidation. Testimonials from allperts of the Dotmnioia are a lista fly coming to hand, gi1ingtegtTres- -ion to the most grateful gratitude forassitouisliiugcmos wlilell it hta4 performed, and ewe woniti be nleaset1 to receive testimo.Mia1 frosri all others who 11-e it snccei18fnily. Physicians of thy, highest respectability re. commend it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sud- den etnergeucym-� Carry it to ynar hoirios, and it will prove n blessing to your family and afflicted f) tends. Druggists are selling enormous quantities of it wirorovor introduced. clalienge tiie world to produce its equal. The `Trade supplied through the wholesale Drug and Patent Medicine Houses of Montre- al, Toronto, H (miltou and London. Price 25 Cents per Bottle! Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. ThohighPrinfrigtu! 1.4 (loos not effect the ow prices et which ,. & t'. EIS SETT areoffering their stook of TINWARE, STOVES Etc., at Exeter & Hensall whTth consists of all tho latest and improved styles of 'Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stoves,isiilk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved pattern, and everything in the lino ; Also, a oodsoleetioi' of handsome EaVe trouYthing as usual, resolves overyattention, and at the lowest figures. coop Having oponnd onto branch establishment at Tionsali, our 1rionde : t that neighborhood, eau be Supplied ou the shortest notice, Furniture and Undertaking. S. FAI1lBAI1.lN has on liana at Hensall as large and as handsome a stock of FURNITtatlil can 1/e found in any establishment in Huron, all of which lie IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP NDERTAK!NG IN ALL iTS BRANCHES Having proeur,;d a handsome hearse, lie is prepares' to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most Reasonable Terms, 1e a miiootion with the Undertaking.Business, he uses the Anti. Septic Fluid, which preserves the body and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from (lead bodies, A. can E. FAI1113,aaall. respectfully solicited. THIS' IS N 0 30MBAS Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy its bargains. -When l say 1 manufacture my own furniture r in prepared wit'.) myiron'-sheet that the people eau inspect at any titno by calling at my Ware rooms where they will see a superb (lie play of Furniture inAll Its Branches is nmanftet'trol by myself and my eamhined artistic s'sill, wit'' good workmanship, I der caro not. Pusatisfying the people with a mass of i• n niture that oannot be equalled for quality or price to Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. --o-- V 'rlESto YOU WANT & Y FiRN1T if GIVE J. BRAWL A CAR. Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, reter. 1879) S'RIM (1879 THE OLD BELL BLE I30TJSE At alitinies, and,)articalarly at n period when Trade is universally depressed and money. scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purahase where he can get the article he. wants at the lowest rate. In caring your attention to my present stock, I do so with every confid. epee; it bring moreoarefnlly assortee and selected than that of any previous season. 0 In the Dry Goods Every department is replete wi'b the most seasonable and fashionable fabrios, ntarked8 is prices which should er rnnandthe attention of the very closest bnyers.,,,,,THE OBDERAD OLOTI-1INlxstill has lit. W IVES at itaead In Millinery tJndertheme—agementof Alias llfoGloghlon, we can suit the most fastidious. Our stock of (a'rroceaes, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tire.] argest and best a,sorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their bostinterests by examining mystock before going elsewhere. JAMES PIC_NA.RD PRING STOCK SPRING STOOK Now Complete at A T®N 9. New Cashmeres, Cords and Serges, New Black and Colored Lustres, New Dress Linens Prints and Cottons, New Muslins, Embroideries and Edgings,, New Umbrellas, Parasols, and Sunshades all the latest novel ties, Ladies outfittings, &c., &c. WE CAN'T DESCRIBE THEM; YOU MUST SEE THEM., Large stock Tweeds and Coatings, and Ready-made clothing. Clothing made to order in latest styles. Good fits guaranteed.. Special attention is called to our stock of DUCKS, DEN,-- IViS, & COTTON SHIRTING, known as the POOR MAN'S F I N tough as leather. Choice fresh Groceries always on hang. No advance—goods at old prices. .QCall and �sgee.. GODEBICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILT.$ STAVE AND }LEADING Al kCHINf]RY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agriculural Implements COOKING, PARLOR. AND BOX ST'O\S Potash Mettles, School seats, &e. Iran and Brass Oas lino s to, orae For izalo cheap—Second hand Boilers and: Eptxires. Stave, and Shingle, and Heading Macnitlery. Repairs 00 Boilers, Engioes, t+fills,&0.,,promptly Wen drd•Go, M and,MA ITU'FACTU'RINtco.a u'OD�RiCt� k"OV�TDR;� C ',ODE'RICH., Ont.