HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-8, Page 1Vol VI. 1)i.0.heitTY rt1:fT. tosnawswa Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, May 8,1879. QUSE TO BENT. A+: nrrt as tlln Ttotigervilte 11n4e1, Immrdittto 1. THE HANLAN. HA'AUN RACE. TAXING P0,4ITION, At 1.80 on 1liouday the rowers took ?oa.cv.,ou. Apply t0 JPl1tAUSHAtttt.l•;:cet-r, thew remittance ]iawoon. 176,6 lit ipp1C. SAG)il Olt T'Q. BEN 1'.--(1:t6, to t e buff. Hanish wore a sleeveless n° th.' hest business atande OIL stain `itroet, ACsetcr, that targe and emelt:,liuus store lately '. volt •trr.t try CACI ttbticriber, and formerly b' Mr, ,,1n t t i•n i.+.tea Good collar under part of the ate rt4 For particulars &poly to JOHN CRONNI- 0,k1 Exeter. U'M FOR- SALE.--n-Let 0 eia%Tile ' ^•te St p1u)n h9 acres, 50 crros Cleared, i9 ri, gr ,1 bi tt house, gone stake, well •'r t.l. r', .nrl ercoll•+ t , On lawn slluitt, i' of to su10,t,se Port Wako rbera boats ran three Vaasa n wock., nod 'tz of It 1'4gt: b•om tt; nit 0140, 416. C •ll '' , W,t:ool and eitaroltes, on pond road. t,rtns easy; SEDRRC DESd4Ay, I)INii,inrewsterp o 14I1A.Ii,li lt'OB? .SALT?,. — 1,0'1' 2t?t,d, ete ;seee•ssinn (ted, Stephen, adjoining the cor- y+oretiou of 11: scut.; leu it res,90 elearadato'r all in >r: ts3 L'ttU ,1 acres. 47 eves seeded i't trt t.s :vat ▪ I)t•in;,. 9i .st•roe of orchard, frta',te hong*, a, Rood yr,*11, briokr•:l, with pump, ar:t a never failing :aortae of esceVont rotor, 2- fraena barns, frame Plied wiih stable, cheep she`.; .':c. It would ]:lake x rood d:tiry farm. Terms to cult, purchaser, zee strut will be rents* if not sold. 'p p1y to \VM. a.kbi IN, Eveter, llOPERTY FOR SALE. — THE ru,le^'+iqued offers for :lain tr: o lets contra. - Zug )f an acre each, a'.tuated onIt►e1n R•lront, ✓ ear t Market. The. is a good frat:te o•:tt.age. smut ) 7, r coven rooms, coed trems stable, good 'wolf. M t^. ;,um1). 'them is a ranuutttg of young 'w.+ ar o, tr; ed of the premises, For apply do JOHN WHITE, Butes OHIO, Exeter, - �itOP teliTY FOR, SALE.—.r'ti.E ,n')seriber offers for sale two houses and tyro ;tots, ono situated on:Huron street, east, in the vii• +tadnu? :.rater, and the other on Sitacuu street, Bute. now. nearly uea•, mud oue routs for ata *diet taro other for seven dollars a month, They will be t old tut;.>ther, or separate, and on moder- ate forme, For pa tfoul•ixa, applytoI',J, WILSON Rees.,11, or to the Trans Wilco. 'TARSI FOB, SAL]i—CONTA1N1..t(U flity acres, bet +g south half of loth, ennoos- eion 3U, Stephen, 87 acres cleared, 9 acres fall west, irithe ground. On the promisee there are a rood 1 wn lug house, good frame stable, 20-4aa't Ls young bearing orethee ; also good well, Ctrl ;:ed, ''«0 feet deep, with pump ; well fenced ; Seim :l 011 p� At -mime withitt .. to p rods : 87, miles from1'...rllnill, and on main road from Park - ;till to ('randllond. ir,r,• furcinr particulars ap- ply on the promises or of Iaatur. to DANIEL RANSOM, flannel p. o,• i.•,,2U, :41A,RM FOR, teUB- his iwryn, Lot 13- s.orne 'dounty of Heron ra020.n,13 .700.118881, well :i state et cultivation; under, Il_ aoriber offs 11,. 1'0w0shi ltjtacree e1.1. od, fe eco, thud in a drtr ue•1, flood orchard, aplen.lid 'well of water. frame Mara SerG0, log etabio ld.6d, log house, and aonyo,tie•}t, to renooi and three churches. Pur ssr:herpettteularc apply to Vint iiR\'a":S, iitrktun, P,O ,or Mt B. V. E1.1.101. •ittorne V. L reior P.O. 111201iTANT NOTICES, tree..^eese: \� ~'rzt?tJCxSUbI. u 1. 011E, CO. • \ a Auctioneers. Slays promptly ettended $. Days of sales arranged at this tote, l" illi CELEBRATED STALLION, "OL1E.3P. GMT," will stand at f:ke'a hotel mr.:ry Monday night during the season • April 14,1579 tt ilk+l;iii+ R WANTED. • r:.,seeetetee gentl>.man cast be accommodated ♦11th board.au<I 1. Qg:r ;, i, pi -ay to tY ut. UiU O, ?ft., Exeter. J. iJLr3.liK; Agent for the Us - o borne and iiibbort Mutual Fire Iusurianoe 11oinparty, lies/deuce — Farqunar. Orders by Inch promptly attended to. b. Onet'i1!131SLL, Pk OV .NCIAL P Land Surveyor, &o., wiI1 Lo at the ial Hotel, Exoter,eu the first Tuesday in naoh month. Orders for work left vitt). Mr. John Speakman willreceiveprompt Ottontiol, T)LtIVAT r' SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ..LL LtDIE61.—Course of Instruction—English, 5'renclr. Music 1pla u) and fancy work. Terms -- per quarter, $10. inclusive; S8 without music; $e, AltuAie only First quarter commences Tat MLLy Ceuool--3 Lin st., Exeter. MISS 1{F1MP. J? 1'EYTION — TAKE N OTCE Athe' she appointmont of Messrs, Mayou do •uuson,liensalL as agents of the Mutual lrto Iu nuance Company oftheCounty of Wellingtrti.,1s start illi minutes 40 seconds. I;atuttd altr' 1s day caucellori•and lir. JOHN HYNJ»iAN will future act as agent for Exeter and vicinity. By or et, C$AitLDS DAVIDSON, C+irelfrh,Useenml'er 4th, 1670. 15-tf. Sec. Teas PATENT GALVANIZED blue shirt with seariet trimmiug, THE RACE. The start was effected at 1.47;;.. Hawdon got the that good grip of the reeler and bad ottvored nearly half a length before Haitian was iu motion, Toa latter, however, recovered a level position w±th t.wt, sweeps of the sculls. Hawdon erns striking a light, rapid stroke of 42 to the minute, but was go- ing rather unsteady, Iinnlan, while Exerting enormous power, wits rowing quite 40 strokes to the minute. He lead (taken only some half -a -dozen strokes when the contrast between- the men became apparent. Hanlon drew away rapidly, and before 150. yards had been covered he tees a length to the good. The next m .meet he had drawn clear, and when off Wylie's gutty h'td left a Length of daylight be• t•veeu the boats. Still he did not de- crease his stroke, arid at the east end of Skinnerburn he bad #nether length to the good. He now received a signal from Blight to take matters ea+ily, and responded by dropping his stroke down to 32 to the mfnute. Hawdon by this title had settled down to his well- kuown staying stroke of 30, and his boat was travelliug ranch better then at first. The time to Skitlnerburn viae one minute 18 seconds. At the West- ern end of the steamboat landing the Canadian wag leading by 2e ]ealgthe and striking 30 to the tritium. From this point he seemed to take very little more nntioe of his guide in the cutter, repeatedly looking round to vee where rte was going, and seemingly fearful that he should encounter tonne. floating ritbbit+h. Hawdon, on 'ate contrary, i•ever took his eyes off dances Percy, and receiving the signal, Its quickened Lie stroke to 38, bi.t gai"rid no advan- tage, an his eteesing bee>;•nte very bad. At 'no tnofneut..he there he to(rard:, the northern shore ; next he - pulled here with the left and veered nut again, a:1 though afraid of bringing about a foul. At the foot of Grindstone Q tay Haw - don made a fine effort, sweeping hie sculls through the water in beautiful style, and increasing his pace matern- slly. Haulwu noticed the maneemvre, but did not respond in the slightest de- gree, allowing the Tyne man within Leif a length. Hawdon continued his exertions, but do what be would he could nut get alongside. For a few t, aids below limdb•ough B:idge Ilanlan, with a slight exertion, again shot away. This circumstance was noted on board the official steamer and 100 to 1 on the Canadian was offered. One hun- dred pounds to ten were accepted say- , rat times, Hawdon'eadneirers thinking hie wonderful staying powers might enable him to pull through at the fin- ish. Nearer the • bridge, Hawdon fut cher quickened -hies stroke to 4n, but the Ca uadian would not stiffer ton t,afeat tibertiee, and, bending down to work once more, be -went through the bridge with a head of folly two lengths, having made the distance from tate STBEL BARB FENCING! ITS MERITS :. (tH1fAPl ESS, UTILITY, FFICIIt1N01, AND ECONOMY. NO SNOW DRIFTS, NO WASTIi: LANDS, Unaffected by Wind or Flood, NO SWALLANIVALS CAN GO THROUGH. Send for Pamphlets with full Information as to cost, Etc. SOLD Bt�pY�� - ��yta���.a ��+ .irate 211. 2.46: V,i:.t i a Iron and Hardware Merchant, Minton, Way 1, ly, Clinton. ing the bend hist above this polnt,both men experienced the full strength of the wind. The water wits very choppy right acmes the channel. Indeed, there was very little choice of pnsitiun ny the lead works. Hewlett Was look- ing round, picking hie way very canti cattily. Every unw and then be stop - tell rowing completely, and seemed to be 1 eking at tile spectators, hie head •.uruitag rem side tositle,aud there were frequent burets of langbter from the spectators. Hawdon was going along in oap,tel style, acid whenever Hanlon paused he pulled up considerably, Heiden, however, repeatedly went attend witll- the greatest ease, though just off Cooper's stairs he had barely a lt'hgth advantage. At this time, tinier. Hnnial+'e tame wttal-5 minute-. land 40 seconds. Hawdon now drop- ped his stroke to 36, ' the rongh water seeming to nuzzle him greatly. Still its feathered high *ltd avoided the. eaves as Hanlan had done from the outset. The cheering at this point alas im• niense, as the spectators ori the shore were tit aware of what had oc- curred. farther down, and seeing the men so close together, .imagined the race was a close 008. Hanlon took a beautifully judged coarse from the end of the now quay corner to the Dunn street gangway, making a straight run end getting all the shelter aveilrtble,. whilst Hawdon was ploughing on. through very rough water, Iranian passed Dunn street in 5 'nit utee 57 Rewinds, 2 lengths ahead. Not the .lightest obenne occurred to Western Gates, a mile from the start, 9 mill- 4 sere Hanlon vent on in a most hide - lent style, stopping every now aid then, and at length allowed Hawdon to decrease his load to three-quarters of a leugth, He smiled pleasantly at the excited demonstrations on shore, at.d Hhorkened his strokes, apparently for mere amusement, then let himself out again and rushed tutee lengths ahead, to stop again for the twentieth tiet, maiciug one and a half milea in It Hinnies and 5 e000llds. The Cauadiau went uheeul with the uttnost ao0lnees, The head of King's Meadows was reached in 20 minutes and 15 seconds. Oue hultdred yards fatther ou ]3.aulau, pulling a leugth, to the fore, drew his sculls, and stoop. ing down proceeded to sponge out his boat. A further description of the race, if race it may be called, ie h'trdly ne nessary. Hanley, striking 18, passed Paradise Quay in 28 minutes from the etart, t.awdon pullint.r in 82 strokes. Ail along Scotswood Haugh, the Ca- nadian did nothing else extent loop at the spectators, th'tugh once, as jest to show what he bad left in him, he put on a spurt and went eight lengths ahead. Atter this he merely paddled, •passing ender Scotswood, Suspension Bridge, rather more than five lengths to the good. His time was 32 minntes 5 seconds. Lrsnlen at once rowed up to Hewdt)n aid heartily shook hands with him amidst great cheering from the people. • Haitian and Elliott are to row On the Tyne comae on the 13,h of Jnne for £200 pounds a tine and the thetn- nioli3hlp of .1 uglaud and the Sportsman challenge. -cY- A TRRSFIC EXPLOSION. THE TOWN OF STRATFORD SHOOEEDAS IF BY as sn.at::t t'tY:,i --Tan bribe at, -WI .17, la( titiS,AND SEVERAL SEVERNLYENJURF:D. —ABOUT ONE L 1.1,I0.r DOLLARS WORTS OF PRoi R'_Y DESTROYED. A few minutes before 10 o'clock on Monday tact the whole town of Statf'rd was sualteu as if by the shook of an earthquake. Win tote were blown and even the side.+alksupon which peo- p1e were walking, were sleeken so se to cause the pedestrians to fall Toe ettiuse watt anon wade apparent—a car loaded with dynamite had exploded at the Grand Trunk freight yard. The wreck made by tie explosion beggar. deecriptiou. Underneath the tlyuaauitrr car several feet deep had beer) scooped out by the explosion. The end of the brick freight shed and a portion of the reef had been blowtl down. Several frame buildings were levelled to the ground, Laud long at-in.gs of it -eight oars Lying in toe yard were utterly wrecked. The busitletis part of the townie overly a mile from the seal e of the explosion, bat it shared to the di -aster. Valuable plate glass windows were orolteu, wen inauy others were blown iL+,frames and all. Tata railway employs -e, working ill the yard pard. ern Line de Pigeou, f Montreal, and Tlionteei Dalian, nt :itrat.ford, were blowtl into tniuute i, t;t'loeice material which was shipped Iragtneute, the' foot of oleo of them being I (1001 Bole (reii, Quo., consigned to C. found two hundred yards off. 0 tiers U. Lht„bar, Amtterst.bn'g.,, under the were injured, but the whole eniout of name of blinding powder std billed at the diaster ealtn--t be known for Horne 3.750 les. 11 wee in a oar that was time yet. A Chore careful inquiry ,harass pretty 1 laded eith 1•+ctal freight which the damage done tilt be much greater tied ju•t been reru"ved to the freighi. than was, expected, The home-. stomia shed and the ear closed. Olio of the the freight shed acre heathy all tviteden tneu who helped u,lload the local stuff, bltililnigs, and several were bl )wo into noticed the naokagee, and suspecting minute fragments. Soule fifty Otrt. that tell was not right,started up to the were blown int" *,punters, and 11.4 many offices to report his suspicion. The pore Tottered, Mr. Flyuu, the checker, iinlnediate vicinity wa-i in a most (Blain has an r•flice at the entrance of the Witted condition, Every house was yard,and tie is epitome the badly iojurad, ridtlded, the windows br ken,tbe slaing- 1'Ite office at the ,+est end '•f the first les loosened, or the :bore blown uff, or Shead is a frame bmilding, T o of the all combined. 0 Riley's Hotel, in the we Its, 1%lessre. Drysdale and Porter, year of the freight shed was entirely were in the shod .•(t the time, and had a gutted, not a particle of plastering be - narrow escape for their lives. Tt►e building was shattered into a thousand pi'wes, and bow they esc.tped is a mira- cle to tberrlselves as well as 14 others. One man, who wee walking towards the freight hwise, was blown over the fence and sunt-ined but a few scotches. A fragment of iron weighing over a pound wee driven through- a window of the Drown Hotel; half a anile distant. The shook was felt in all the surrounding towns, where they edppoeed it to be an earthquake, Theoarupon which the explosion , ocourred was freighted at 'Montreal for Amherstburg, and con- earth. A portion of the car axle,weighe taitied eighty paokagos 'If dynamite, which were entered as'blasting powder.' They wore shipped on account of Vtan- berbilt, to be used in blunting at the Detroit tunnel It is supposed .that the 7heck oauaed by coupling the caro meet have ttu'own down a case of the dynamite, or that the simple shook of the oars meeting was entiioietit to cause the explosion. George II3tvkins, car- soalcr, had both hie eyes put ont by a. splinter, and ie not expected to live. J. linmphrey is badly out rob ut the head and fact, but may reo,ttisr. Alfred Lamb was also badly iuj ure`il. Freight wits smattered in eve=ry direction. Gar- den seethe paper cellars. pig -iron, fire- btaike, corsets, lard -oil and Ih)tlsell'tld goods repotted in the name pile. 'I'll* freight shed, a large brink struolute. wince stool 191 feet from where t•tle ex- ploeion took plane, together (tint the clerk's otiloe, which onusistetl of a wood en addition 18x54 feet, were b,►dly de- molished, N,cthin), remained of the of flee but a pile of broken b•olrds, while the west eud bill ding proper wan Cum 1letoly destroyed. el. HuK a beams t t H broken off and blown away, the bock work had f(Ilan during the cuncnse•inu, tamd whet wan left of the eastern end it the roof had been out and splintered by the innumerable fragments that flew through the air. The car checker's of- ifior.,180 f et from the a p-Ilislou, was Wean into, atoms, and Ur. Flynn, who was in at the time, thrown several yards and severely injured. After the maw track pesees the depc.t, eastward, it connects with (neve). side tracks lead iog the freight shed and round house, wll.ile ortherm are eyed fur shunting the care. On the third sitting fr.tm the main track it wee not bard to find the spot where the explosioo took place. A hole nine feet deep, twee'y feet long, and nearly as b and, marked the place where the car stood. The explosion lett the ground 'sut roueding the exca- vation almost olear,• the force being so great that the neighboring earl were hurled away. Will Sitnc 'x., yard fore-, than, is perhaps the uhly liviug witness „f Inc trxploeloii. who•• pea ti,ear.enoug11 . to hear it in all its hors ibis details. He said tlt)at he was walking eetetwatd ato:ig the: track near the dyridlnite car, be in stinetively d ,aged under tt'oar. Look- ing out he saw Dolan rise several feet into t.h, air and drop again on the ;round with a thud. Over where the ter had stood a cloud of black smoke, with white flarnee leaping through it, seemed to hang suspended for a mo- ment, and the explosion was over. Hie coat wee blown off x00 torn to pieces. .end his face blaokened,but ho enetakued 00 injuries. Berthing out, lie nicked Dolan up, and found his head- arn,adlted almost int.) jelly. Hawkins lop near be, with a splinter nearly font inches long driven into hie eve, an& pointel upward. ” Pigeon, ur "Fre,uohy," Tact was be generally known, este etauding almost opposite the car, and when his remains were found, bl,t, bead, one arra land leg were misei11g,, His body w.s perfectly nude and blackened, present- ing even a more, siolcetiiug specta3ie Chau that of Dal;an. '1.'tle foot was found nets it stump over 200 yards distant ; thea• -bolts and leg were picked up beck of the. frei,a;l t stied, at hoist 250 yards 1n a.n.tthel' dir'ectt'n.i The eaUSe of th. di:teeter web Lh11tyoases of some No. 39 heseete ing over 150.,1bs., wati blown into a gars den,,,200 yards distant and buried two feet in the soil. A. barof iron 12 feet long and 1t• iu diameter, fell in front of Dr. Robinson's horse 118 be stood on. Qneen street, a quarter of tti mile from the freigbt yard. Perhaps no nucideut of such a Redone nature ever occurred in Cauac h before with such a small logs of life. Pnblic sentiment is strongly agaiuHt the rascally notion of the ship - pert; of the explosive mateital under the fable name, and remora of a ntevern- meat iuvestigarign are elreacdy afloat, It appears that the G. T. R. Co. refuse to carry dynamite or nitre glycerine -on ars o noditinna, and the false bill of lad - lug Was Waite 10 evade thtitreguletion.. From the present feeling iu the com- tnn'ity it may safely be said that the guilty parties will be ferreted out and punished for the wholesale destruction of property and the triple murder. Fanaticism. A FATHER OFFERS UP HIS FIVE•YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER. —IN THE MOST 001.0 BLOOD - LD SCANNER 0861 LE 0a Thur ;day mor..ing last Charles S. Freeman of Pncasset in the State of 11,tasaollusetts, killed hie five year o1d daughter. Freeman ie a Second Ad• ventiet, and became greatly excited during the last few days. White at- tending revival meetings about a week ago he claimed to have received a won- derful revelation, fled has not eaten or slept ranee. He save the Lord direct- ed hitt to sacrifice his daughter, and declares she will rice again in three clays. Thursday morning he sent word he .vonld snake the revelation known and offer an orthodox sacrifice at three in the afternoon. A number of Second Advent people assembled at his house. Previous 10 their arrival the deed Was performed with cool deliberation, and 11000 ".panted with a strange ceremony. The Iittle one was tran4fixed With a knife, and her bland poured ollon the table improvised as an altar. Freeman 'has driven ever,* one from the.hhones seed \')eked and b'trred the gin and windows ; . and. - b-.ir,v "trn-rv1:oa '.'i .1 firearms, threatens death to whoever Filial! interfere. Alone with the dead he goes throngb with horrible inoitnta- tiona, which hg says in three dava wilt result in ref errreotinn. He w' ke his wife at 8.30 Thursday morning and told her he must make sacrifice to the Lord of his punnet daughter. He got tip and tank the ohild'frnm her bad and !stabbed her in the side wit a bntch- er knife, causing her death. His wife. said it was all right and atbrallarn would miss her next Sunday. Freeman says the child gave one soream and died in a minnte. It is stated that the Secnnd Adventists held a meeting in his house the same ufternoo» and annear to wish the affair kep- gniot. Freeman carried the mei] as canal, and slowed no signs of insanity. The cau+e appeare to be ie'iiginu•i excitement alone. Freeman informed a rennr•er that he was told by Gnrl to offer Edith, hie vr'nne and beantifnf daughter, as asariace to God, and that he did so, as Clod wenld not stay bis hand. He lied to do his cent - mend. H3 said (god would justify hirer in his act. Freeman. was arraigned at Barnstable with Ma wife as accesg,+ry. Both maintain cempnsnre, and insist that God will felly justify their +action and relieve them from all human pen- altiee, Quite a number of the Advents int neighborsof Freeman snstai.ned him in his comet), many being v'ell.tn-40 . farmerq, The funeral of Edith Free- man, the victim of her father's fanatic- ism, tank place in the Methndist chinch• in the village of Pocasset on Snndtay afternoon. The aervicss were brief and apnropriee, and conducted by the pas- tor of the 11lethndiet church. The Ad- ventists, who fulls behaved that the daad child wnulti be reinrrected. or else bodily translated to Heaven. are dearly' mortified that their pronht'ciee shetild' result in s' apparent a non -fulfilment. After the funerel service in the church the body wee removed to the village leg visible anywhere, except an the cemetery, and deposited in a grave. ft )or, and it was but a sample of many Davila, an Adventist fanatic. mounted a ()there. All the windows in the depot marble tombstone, and began to address were broken, and it can be safely said hardly a huts* within a quarter of a mile was left without serious injury. At a distance of seventeen miles due north, the t eople of Milvertou distinctly heard casket was then covered with soda), The the explosion. The force of the expire- Adventists having threatened to re- ign earl be better imagined after learn- 'move the body and throw it into the ing that bars and fragments of irOIS, waters neer by, that the' climax to the weighing thirty and forty pounds, were• sacrifice may not be ,interfered wi 1a, carried in several instances for quarter the Sheriff`s officers halve guarded the of lt, mile and .heti buried deep in the grave, end nnevi)) remain 011 w4taYllE till morning. the crowd, attempting to prove that Freeman Was justified by God in kill- ing his child, hut was prevented by the erivrd, who caused him to desist, The