HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-1, Page 7MMt%1., ,1879 oreeeeere AN INDUSTRIOUS 73EE, The misfortunes of a pian are too of- ten the subjects of ridicule by leis friends. For all iuetathce of this we note the following, Gov, cliucks,of the Milwaukee Netiuual Military Aiiyluin, is anxious to break ut the practice of using bis grounds for picnic purposes.. To do this more offeotuelty, he distri- buted through these ground hives of bees. A party,'oblivi')us of bees, was out there mid enjoying itself. Bat wo will lot the reporter telt the story of his • Own words : Well, Sevoranoe of the bend was sit- ting oil the ground dissecting a eared- wick and wondering what was in the bottle that was looking over the edge of tintbasket, when snddonly he felt somehing creselit.g up the inside of his trewsers. He is not as dezn ,nstretive as sotne,bnt as he looked ,'.t tlio strange woman opposite his mind wandered to his tronseve, and the expression ou Lis face was one of anxiety. ile was cairn, to all outward appearance, but within him there waa a vogue louping to know the nature of the beast. It kept ou crawling. Severance is not wealthy, but he zrould have given his note if he eonld have known the species of bug thwt was going up him with' so deliberate and business Eike a twat, Ile Item it was nut au ant,becanse it watt not small enough, and it was not big enongh for a Ileo, though when it stopped and scratched with its hied feet he thought ie very much resembled a hen. Mr. Severance was benotning nervous' He wouldn't begrudge a poor bug the right cf way along his shin, but when is went too for hie mcunood was arous- ed. Ile thought,, "here I atn allowing tin it t to trifle with my feelings and 8 1 oven as though he heel the luck jaw. He felt as though a be r of rail road iron had been shot through his leg out ore cannon. The woman looked at Mini scared, the strange woman particularly whispering to a cotnpa"ion that he was evidently in the last stages. He was about to excuse himself, to go and see a Man, when the strange woman also jumped up, grabbed .tier skirts and shook there, ran around a tree,•aud said,"Got ont," started across the road ou a run, and went np to one of the houses. It was a suppo;tible case that there were just bees enough for two. When she went away Severance went np behind the cook-lionse and investi- gated the matter, and Torn Williams said he kieked something lute the grotu d with his boot heel and jam! ed on it eight or nine times. During the dance that oconrred in the afternoon there tvaa one viohu player that played with great animation, unci a strange woman dewed as though she was hired to. WHY FLOWERS TURN TO THE SUN. Wiesner has presented to the Vienna Academy a monograph upon heliotrop- ism and gec:tropistn in plauts. After a Nieto ;cal sketch, the author treats of the influence of li ht on heliotropism, and shows that with decreasing inten- sity of light the strength of heliotropic effect increases to a certain point, and beyond this point decreases. The low- er limit of light intensity coincides with the lower lirnit of heliotropic effect for the stoppage of growth in leugth,'while the upper limit does not coincide, , or only cccasionally coincides, with the upper limit of heliotropic effect for growth in length. In the case .of very sensitive heliotropic plants, the upper limit of light intensity for stoppage of growth in' length lies higher, and in Tess sensitive plants•lower, than the up- per limit for growth in length, He next considers the relation between the refrangibility of rays and their helio, tropic effect, and shows that portions of very eeneitive haliotropie plants, as Viola sativa, curve in all lights, oven in the ultra -red and ultra -violet, except the yellow. Experiments.on the joint action of hellotropiem end geotropism are next described, and the author con- cludes that the phenomenon of hello - troilism is due to unequal growth upon unequally lighted sides of the plant. AN AttKA.N.SAS COW, t ,judge Grant was in Little Rook, Ar- kansas, in attendance at the United States Court, One Morning be saw a farmer, with a slouch hat, and a gen. cline butternut snit, • trying to sell a cow iu the Parket there. It was a. large, long.horned animal, and the plauter was informing a roan that the cow would give four quarts of milk a day if fed well, Up stepped the Judge. "What did you ask for ties cow ?" "About $30. She'll give five quarts of milk a day if you feed' her well ;" re- plied the planter, and he proceeded to describe her good qualities. Said the Judge : "I have cows on ley farm, not meth more than half as big ae your caw, which give twenty to twenty-five quarts of milk a dry," The planter eyed the judge sharply for a moment, as if trying to remember whether he had ever eeen him before or not, tout th.ni asked, "Where do you lire, stranger?" "My home is in Iowa," "Yes, stranger, I don't dispute it. There was heaps of sogers from lowa clown hero during the war, and, stran- ger, they Was She till-fhredst fibbers in the whole Yankee 'army. 11I ibbe you most be an officer in some of then] re- giments ?" The judge slid for the court house, THE VALUE OF EDUCATION. Jake was heard calling across the fence to a neighbor's son, a colored youth, who goes to school at the Atlitu- ta Colored University : -'Look hyar, buy, you goes ter school, don't yer ?" "Yes, sir," replied the boy, '•Ge.tin' :dd r '. sun • 'aver 11 There is a good deal of "Nature" in Sam Slick's de.cription of a country chniclh in Ms day. Sam says :—Now that's the case with these country con- gregations, we know where. The wo- men and the old targe folk are inside; the young wild hove and untamed men foils are on the fences, pubiide, a settin' on the top rail, a speculatiu' on times, or marriages, or markets, or whatuot, nr s welkin' round and studyin' .hoss flesh, or a talltln' of Ithe swap to be completed of a Monday, or a leaden' off the two bosses on thesly of the old dea- cou s taliin' a a lick ou a half mile ort a by road, right slap ahead, and ewearin' the hostel had got loose, and they was a fetcbin' of them back. "Whose side-saddle is this ?" "Slim Sal Dowdio's. "Shift it to the deaoun's• beast, and put his unto her'n, and tie the two crit - ors together by the tail. This is old Mother Pitcher's waeou; her buss kicks like a grasshopper. Lengthen the breechin', and when aunty starts, he'll make all fly agiu into shavin's, like a plane. Who is that a corrin' along full split there on horseback ?" "It's old Booby's son, Torn. We'li it's the old man's shaft lines ; call out whoa! and he'll stop shop, and ]titch Tom richt over liis head on the broad of his back, whop." "Tim Fish and Ned Pike, come scale no here with us bnys on the fence." The weight is too great ; itway goes the fence, and away goes the boys, all $yin'; legs, arms, flats, poles, stakes, whiles, and all, with an awful crash and awful shot; and away goes two or three bosses that have broken their bridles, and off home link wink. Out comes Elder Sourerout. "Them as won't come in had better stay to home," said he, And when he hears that them as are in bad better stay in when they be there, he takes the hint and goes buck agin. "Corrie buys, let's go to Block Stump Swamp and search for honey. We shall be back in time to walk ]loose with the gals from night tueo'iu', by airly caudle -light. Let's go." .mw. trlcroltt. ETPOPROSPHITES extends its inftti- once into every part of the human organism, commencing from. the foundation, correcting diseased aotion, and restoring vital powers, creating a healthy formation and purification of the blood, driving out disease, and leaving Mature to perform its allotted part. It is the finest nervine remedy known, and the greatest brain and blood food in the world. For sale Mr. 0, Let; lExator. V" 7 ' [ T IS NO laomB.A ST Truth : Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, ppurahase, and enjoy its bargains. When I amyl manufacture my own furniture I am prepared with zi yroof-sheet that the people eau inspect Many time by pulling at my Ware rooms where, they will see a superb die Play of Furniture inAll Its Branches tit manufactured by myself and my combined artistic skill, with good workmanship. Ida/ sore not iusatistyingvie people with a.clasa of Fivn'ituro brat cannot be equalled'for quality or price in Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding.. WHEN YOU WANT 4NY FURNITUR GIVE J. BRAWN A CAI.. Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, Exeter. C. & S. GIDLEY 'Undertaker and WOULD SAY TO those who intend purchasing to do so from the 'manufacturer. The dealer who buys to , sell again ]Must necessarily. have a profit. We maim to give the purchasers the benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our cr Pones are less titan tbose of city manu'aeturers eon seq.,eut- ly wo can sellcheaper. Mil njturo .Manutaaurers Emblems of .all the Different �7CT E WOULD call speoialattontion to our undertaking depart ment,whioh is more corn plots than ever, as we have dded] overal now designs 1 of ate Tho bosh coihlns,. caskets shroucds,and every 'lineral requisite at the lowestprices. Our new Hearse is pronounced by competent judges to be second to uore in the provinces Societies. THE NATIONAL OLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC C A 'LI 'T Is prepared to give all his customers the bet eats that will aeeruo from its adoption, and has on hand alarge stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ansa Liquors, Crockery, Etc., his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at :Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. ::farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter xnarket,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and eche Immense argai s Se to be had in Overooating, Full -cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and every tning needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited o trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING. Our : a for the t io n OF THE Piet .. o and Sewing IVIachine ryry m 'i L4W rY,, .16ttni's �f;� I ei let Ili I ,"°muni" '+ IIs I INh Ilt1 117HE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF 1 Silverware, China and Delf ever seen in the West, at E. DREW B ST011.E. Mr. Drew has just received an excellent stock of Silver Tea Setts,Butter Coolers,Doubio and Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Com- m union Setts, ete.,of the Beet Quadruple and Triple Plate, and is offering the same atprices that would ASTONIS}L YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! He has just opened out a new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stonewares. A large stook of Lam psjust arrived. Call and satisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness. Come and try our instrumento. Music Teacher still on laud. Services at lowest figures. Special attention calledto the Raymond Sewing Jachine. Organs and Pianos unsurtassettfur beauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW. '1 JUST ,RECEIVE+'D AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLAGI{ TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, RITTER SAUCE AND Z'ICicri1.i , I1r ANDIES, GINS, W� XN] AND SY1tUI's, IiYE„ 1C/kW, $ 0H, IRISH AND COIL MON W}IISKIES, 1 O.BA.000S AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail', MAC ^{}--�;� G. A. MAC E Main Strcet,Exotcr. Sales/x.1.e .'Wqxktei To welltJurseny Stookifrote our CANADIAN ITYRSEIIIES, situated atFrenthill, Welland Co., Ont, Energetic reliable nett obtainood wages and stead�y,v em- ployment, Apply, ,eying references, to ewONn WELLINGTON, eb i O50profits on 20 days investmeiw, of(tt nn Wt4 vis in Western'iJnlon, March 4. W of oportloo20 returnseleryweekonStool options, $00, $100, $1500. Ofiioial Repgorts au I Circulars free, Address, T, POTTER WRIGHT & CO., Bankers, 35 Wall St N.Y. Wented], Olaf $75ALEt At/ for each State, Sal- ary from $,75 to,.�iCKh er month and ex- penses, ittemreneos required. IIA )31 LLE AIFQ CO,, 09 Clarit Street, Chicago. A DAY to Agents canvassing for Tho . . klltTJ`SIDF VISITOR ;sans and Out - at Free, Address P. 0, VICKEIR.Y, Augusta, Maine, 2OPare not are and Beautiful chrome cares, with e lOc., postpaid. Geo. I. ItaEn & oo, tvassau, t,q. Fancy Cards, Ohromo, Snowflake, fire., no'2 alike, with nauie, LOo, J. lt2inkier & Co„ Nas- sau, N, Y. 40Snowflake, &e., or 20 transparent cards with nante loo L. Jones & Co,. hatisau, R. Y,. VOCARDS, Chrome, Gold Border, &c.,• 10o., or 50 Laee Cards, luo.,J. B, I3L:b2LD, Nassau, dt77amonth,and etcpeilsosgtlurantoedtoagents ww / // outdr free. Sns W cC Co, Angasta, Maine. ,IST OF NEWSPAPERS with advertisingrates Su0 page•s,10o. G. 1'. BOWELL & CO„ N Y. Lxeter N orth FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every accent dation possible in gristi,.g and flouring. klon and .mill fend delivered to palms leaving the orders before t ne o'clock at J. BILL'S Bakery, ,.O'13YRN E & CO'S, or at mil same day —0 TERMS -_—e W PITWIC EXETER 1» 0. NEW MACHINE SHOP. William lEitching Wishes to inform the public that he is bette prepared torepair all kinds of Sewing Nlacllines, Watches Clocks, Gluns, &o., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. MAIrl'I STREET, EXETER. GRAY'S SPECIr C MEDICINE. TRADE MAR K.RTheme tEnglishTRADE MARK, uan ]Serail ti •, ing curere for Semi- " •. nal Weakness, Sitermatorrhoa, Irepotenoy, atid'all Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of ,•., as loss Self of abuse, h einory, BeforeTaldngtude,Pain in the ALassa-r Taking Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and at Premature grave,l�d-Fudt particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. N.The Specific Medicine is solclby all druggists at ?1 per package or six packages tor $5, or will be sent bymail on receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY1iFmICINE WINDSOR, ONT., CANADA, R'Sold in Exeter by all druggists, and every- where in Canada and tho'OnitedSStates hy whole- sale and retail druggists. Ship Grocery. TEA : TEA $ TEA! TRY MY 75 ct. TEA I TRY 'MY 50 et. TEA ! ! Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS.. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all p irts of the Village. Agent for Great Western Sts'fip Co. New York to Bristol. CAFT It,w�',d,t PW Christmas Comes but once a year—but some- body's Birthday every day, and a present is al- ways acceptable. —:o o: Remainder OF 0 : n FANCY GOODS TO BE SOLD C1iEAP NOW IS TIWIII TO BUY AT THE Dominion Laboratory, EXETER,