HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-5-1, Page 4The Molsons Bank. 8 KOO POIATRD 7S LOT pk PAELWI NT, less. Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, $400,000, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. 7oax MonsoN, E.Q., - President. NON. Thomas Woai g N. Vice -Pres., I'.J CLArroN, Vice -Pros SunMutusl Ice Co Ron D L Maopphorsou. Senator. R.VP Shepherd,Pres Ottiws River Walla Co Horst o Nelson, M P P, Miles Williams, P. WommnsTAN Thous, Esq., - Cashier. M. HEATON, ESQ., • - • - - - In'pdetor. Exeter Bran' h. MENET 0. BREWER •- ALANAGL'R. LOANS TO FARMERS. Money advanced, to formers uneasy terms, on their owa promissory notes with one or more good en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security.. SAVINGS BANK DTe'PARTM15NT 6 per cent, Interest allowed on deposits. Gold and °errancy drafts bought andsold. Stor asExchange bought cud sold, Collections made in all parts of the Dominion and returns promptly remitted at lowest rates o exchange. Exeter, August 15th 1878. a -n NIMINIPPb • %iie greieti fiatgsi. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1879. GRIT NONSENSE EXPOSED. To the Editor of the Times. Tho Seaforth /expositor, the organ of 311r. Bishop, having received instruo- tions, refuses, for the present, to allow me a reply in its oulutnu:s, but the odi- ter graciously offers me a apace previ- ous to the eleotious. I shall certainly avail-nyself of that promise. We shall see if his word is to be relied upon. However, having a remembrance of the,. treatment certain able letters of Mr. Priugle's received,being only published after the Domiuiou contest was over, when their power of doing good was lost, I shall nut trust Lay cause to such uncertain eouditione,and therefore take this method to place lily argumeute be- fore the public in tue meantime. I fully appreciate the kindly feelings of the Expositor towards me, but under the preseut ciroumatancee think their motive is similar to that of the cow- ardly assailant who fights au unarmed opponent with a deadly weapon, fires, and then runs away. I have heard it caul by -troug Reformers, "that if they could only lie sere that the figures iu my pamphlet were oorreot, no support- er of rLr. Mowat would fret their vote." In the second column of the E.vpositor's editorial, of April 18th, it is there ac• Isnowledged th-tt 'sno objection could be talon to them," or, iu oilier words, they aro in aeoordance with the Public Accounts, and from a perusal of the pamphlet it is plain I have made no other use of them, but to place elle expenditure under tiro two adminie- Stations side by side, Ie.1vieg my read• ere to draw their own euuelusions. ThI,y )required no oo.ntnents. But while I have the direct admission that my facts are oorreot, can the sem: be -laid of these col,taiued in the I',r;post:tur's edi- torials ? Not at all. Pilled with ince - eietaucies, falsifications, and gross rale etatemeuts, which are the result of a blind party feelin;, which has uo other object in view but victory to their aide. The welfare of the o ,un try and its gne,d government is of no ocusequeuce in Weir eyee, It may twit the present purpose ..f the editor t, tient with scut e the good wishes of Hsi individual to the press of Seaforth, to utatiiete rev let- ter, to distort its meaning, stud with ar high hand prevent free di.cu-Hiou, but such • wily pruoeediug often frustrate their own purpose. To show to tvhat au extent these misrepresentations are carried, mrd what reliance can be placed on its etstetnent4, I refer my readers to the Nrpusitor of March 28, and here quote the -exact words of that sheet. "In making this cemearison we shall " give the Toro, Fx}►e rypereaa for each of year, from Coeletteri;tiou until 1877, " inclusive. 'dila ' being the • year Mr. r=, " Adieu tapes, under Reform MIS. fe pipes,for bis eutu{inrisous. We shall �." place the expenditure of Saudfield's "flute nudes ops heading,and that un- e';tter adorns rulq under a different !s fiettdtlug, show -the i"rorease in 'each t;' yesr iu each iustauce; and then stripe • P ;atf average fur eaahr and ilea under • ;(.!_rtliigl► rule'the•increaee has been the .thui euricius meshed of r';oompartenn adopted by the Expositor is bttt a-rp•baeb of ap'e f'0 be found in its rnsetf.er,: the !dolls, Ire its:daily:issue of .(etober 21st, I atilt fair iti.the judgment t eq( (Oltenia people ea 078 0 P. 2,0toe 'V � W ti 0 w w 3aauoa e113 saet� to OD bo bo ail GI GO O CO rre65 VIZ '71 C7I iA <0 TO Sii aOD Pi 05 CA CA oFn 14, os ca '4 tet 0 tS tt B a re a r tf m ,65 ri MNN °=655-65 ,p 01 0 1A w 0 co CS ID 0 oa 3eerssaFe. .. 000a; r. 1-6. 65 65 m ho. 040Go l;' -41A k CPC P. 'Cr W T0epi °' E� 6505654.; -o 0 0 When this unpardonable deception is poiuted out wteare coolly told in the next issue that specific statutory expen- diture was left out. Specific humbug. No such distinction exists. What is the difference between ate Aot which appropriates $250,000 for a lunatic asy- lum, and au Act of Mr. Mowat which hands over $,147,858 to W. H. Vander - bat, the real owner of the Canada South- ern Railway, (a .liue built iu American iutereste,) after it was built, and after he hail screwed the last farthiug by the tvay of bonuses from the Cauatliau municipalities through which it passed, and thea matin; differential charges iu favor of Yaukee shippers over our owu, in seine iustauces of 50 per cent ? What is the dillereuue betweeu an Aot uf the Legislature which appropriates $75,000 to build a blind asylum at Beautfurd, and an Act of Mr. Mowat .which distributes the Muuicipr'l Loan Feud surplus in Lour of his supporters, by giving a special grant of $23,542 to the township of liowiclt, because ate. Gibeon,au uuswervitlg adhorant,roeides there, 1611d,•uly $19,000 toTuckereniith, but when pttyrnents to this same Muni- cipal Loau Filed were extotell, 'rook. eremith stood Rloue iu the highest ease? Why ? Beoeuso it had no oue to look setter its interests -1 Tti ro ie a ditl'ereuee, it is true, its these ACAS, not in the name, but iu the justice and wisdom of their s;ontents. To still far- ther display t'he ignorance of our worthy editor anti his protege, Mr. Bis- hop, they take refuge io the Coueolt. dated Revenue Fli'1,1. Here are lanai .words iu sue /expositor or April 18th : -'The said atnenute to be paid riot out of Current Revenue, bat from the Con solidated Reve.,uo Fund. whish mean:;. )tit of t11s monies thole on hand." This is uousenee personified. Turn to Sec. 'ion 126, British Ne, tit American Act. Is it nit ;.here laid then "'Toes: all de - Lies autl revepues reined by the L•,aris- leture of the Previnces, shall, in each Previus:, term ,t Consolideteed Revenue Fuld, to be appeul•riated for the pnblie service of the Provirte:e." so that the $800 sossi nee iedemeityof ?i . Bie.h.,11, .sari the $6,300 a year salary of Mi. elu.val, at d the: $147.858 ,rift to Mr. Veleta, hitt, and the $43,512 lfueticival Loan Fund tat•or of air. Gibseu, are et( paid out of precisely the Sallie Fina. .1. here reproduce the statement of the t,lobe of April 3rd, fur c)lnl)arisou : m 0 CO CO CO CO CO rt, io pom W;A -4 7 V V-4 p co �, +t 7 G7 CA-47,Cel epw •.•! G•F+Ge0wN 0 CH a 0 0 c y county of Perth from •$380,000 to QD W W W ti, le `Y p.K Pte F+e-+ '' E. �.,,�.���� 'o�;w��� $143,000 ; city, of Loudon from $709,- 4 H �v w �; S' 00x1 to $486,000, and the township of steo mosa�%y p 3."rg�twty Stanley was obliged to pity its interest a, se co w o W ^� W'° r o'E ,and prinoipiil to the very laet•oent. It ty m m wit! be seen by these examples that the w • (•lovereinent had no. principle to guide them but a eornplioated procedure, for THE TXMVS wit." Where is the dodge'P The fig. urea are the Globe's, exoept the receipts for 1877, in which it, hod included $725,133 borrowed. This large outlay ie the disbursement of Mr. Mowat and his Government, sanctioned by the votes of the member for the South fid- iug. of Huron, Mr. Bishop. If this ex- penditure wail oorreot and proper in years gone by, it will be still 'more ne- cessary as the Pruviuoe iuoreasee in population, and its settlements enlarge, and the defioitefurther increased by lee- seued receipts. As the iioome derived from our Orown lands are deoreasiug froze year to year to an alarming ex- tent, the principal accumulated by a wise Government to meet this decrease, squandered, and the inteiest received from those seourities,lost,a sum of$258, • 000 per year, the bugbear bf direct taxation is n0 imaginary evil, From a circular lately issued by the Govern- ment it will be seeu they oontemplate this emergency by proposing a license on moo oe.rryi'ig on business, a meet obnoxious system necessitating the ap- pointment of a large number of revenue officials. A. reference to the eolleotion of licen- ses, under the late Crooks Liquor Aot, gives us some faint idea of what we may expect. The total amount oollect- ed for provincial purposes, under licen- ses for sale of liquor, for the year end- ing May 1st, 1877, was $79,589 while the salaries to lioenae officials were over $80,000. In the oonnty of Huron the expeusee actually exceed the revenue by eix hundred dollars it year. In 1871 the officials and employees in oonueo. tion with the Government cost the eouutry $361,926, a large sum in all conscience for the work they had to perform. Yet, iu 1873, two years af- terwards, when 14Ir. Mowat was seated in office, the officials and employees cost the country $679.329, or an in- crease of $317,403. It will not do for a partizan apologist of an extravagant Government to waive this disgraceful fact by a oevert iusult about crocodile tear=, or to shield thorn by a palpable untruth "that this increase was sano- ti iced by lir. Cameron, the leader of the Opposition," as elicit was not the ease. Turn to pages 801, 802,808,304, 305, 819,322 and $67, of the Jonrual of lie House,'fon 1873, and it will be seen that these increases dere strenuously opposed by Mr. Cemerote, and oue of the last acts of his Parliamentary life was to leave on record a motion con• damning the 1llowat Administration,for this same extravagance ; this is to be found on pege 159, in the Journal of 1878. Every man is interested in this matter, merchants as well as farmers, mechauics, and laborers, who, out of their hard ear'uitigs, have to contribute to the t,lxes of the eouutry. It is not to the interest of the people to create a ohtse of Government officials living enmptuous idleness whose only care -o keep their places and draw their sal - at ie,=, even t ough they may have bees et one time valuable pohtiuul assistants to the Reform party. Tim members of Mr. Mowers Gov- ernment I,ev1•1' fail to ief tern us of the great boon which they conferred on the ..sople of this Provinse in their settle. n)eut of the Municipal L 1:oI Fuud eiilfi ,city, but ,hen this settlement is ex• au)iut d it will be fotu.td te be most un- jnst,a epeeiees of grab game by members who, hal infinonce wi le the G,vern• 'neut., for the be,efit of their partronlar c•en;tituenrs. A number of mnnicipel r1 ie, ware indebeed to the petiole of this Province eleven ' rutllion of dollars. which wits redue'ed to a sntn of one: million eight [loud ed thon,apd dollars. Nuw this wad not a very difficult Last, to perform. Some (six towns had their debt entirely ettneelled. The oity of Braettftn•d's debt was reduced from over $800.000 to $194.018; regardleee of tenth, toile. us "That not one of Jaokeou'e political friends dared insinuate, much"'lose make, such a charge in Parliatuent." B.nt 1 havo before sue .the, Journalsof the House for Nov., 1874, page 83,. containing a motion moved by Mr. Soott,and sea. ended by Mr, Lauder, which .reads as follows : ` "That while concurring in the grant of two thousand dollars to provide for the expense attending the settlement of the Municipal. Loan Filed debt and surplussohente, the House takes this opportunity to exprese regret that the policy pursued by the Ariuistratien of the day, relative to the disposition of the debeetures representing the reduced M. L. F. indebtedness, resulting iu a needlets sacrifice of the same, involving a direct lose to the Province of a large amount of money,and materially injur- ing the financial creditaud standing of the various municipal oorporatione throughout the Province." Mr. Cam- eron also moved a resolution to the same effect. After onr worthy editor has expended four ool iinns of criticisms on my letter of last week, he innocently tells ns "The only point worthy of notices is that reletting to iminigratiou," and thou tries to make it appear my as.,ertion was incorrect, that this department wee handed over to the control uf the Do- minion authorities. But 1 will ask my readers to turn to page VIII Report of the Imtnigratiou Department, for 1874, and these words will be found : °''.Che coutrol and direction of all mut- ters connected with promoting immi- nation from the Milted Iiingdevn and Continent of Europe, to Canada, shall be vested in and exercised by the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa. 2. Independent Ageucies for any of the Provinces shall be discontinued." And on the firet p toe of the Report for 1876 will bo found these words: "During the year 1875 all the Outer - i° Immigration Agencies in Europe were closed, with the exception of one in London, England, which was retain- ed as a means of communication with the Dominion Officials." We thick this anbject need be pro- ceeded with no further. But we arteagaiu.told that out of so many hundred :thaueand imtnit.rants who left the British Isles, Ontario re- ceived .17,879 iu 1877. Yet the iintni- gration returns for that year tell a dif- ferent tale, but 11.654 arrived and re- mained in the "Province. A large por• tion of thea, 'dame from the United States, (800 table 'A,"Report 1877.) our immigration -agents having nothing whatever to do with them, the real num bee which lusty can take credit for were arriving by the St. Lawrence and Hal- ifax routes, • numbering 7,743. To show that I have not drawn an uutruth- ful picture of the Ontario Immigration Department, in 1873 and 1874, I here quote a part of the report of Hou. .Adam Crooks, (sec page, VII, year 1874.) "The undersigned having had the benefit, in the year 1873 and 1874, of observing the worltiug in Britain of the immigration services of this Province, as well its of Canada, was so imt•eesetl with the imperfectness of the al.'eeiciees employed, the multiplication of officials, end tha.00mpliettiou as well as Iw,til• itv of their efforts, and tire want of a central0 nitrolling authority nudortooh to devise some itnF rovemeut." But his efforts in improvement have been futile as nri;ht be expected, when 110 Same agerrti were rete inett, dote• ing their pay from the Dorninioe, in• ateari of the Ontario Goverutneartt twr•. hundred and twenty-six thonia1nnl, four hundred and tweiety l ur dollars, ap- peasing in the Dosninin0 accounts for that service. I have gone over, in it - brief a manner 08 possible, the salient points itt my wot thy friend'- tnemait .r editorial of lest week, exposed its weak- ne?•liH, laid bare its 1neoitsistelt0,e•5 '.stili in the language sof a poet,t ley are 'van- ished, lilts the baseless labric of a dream and left nut a wrack behind.' It is quite evident this eni troversy is dila• pending into; a personal dispute between the talented editor of the Se•alorth Ex pusitor and myself. 1t would bo ninon better to allow this matter to be a attest between the legitimate Reform candi- date and myself. However, if lie will persist in fighting Mr. Bishop's battle he ought to take uty advice, that is,not to descend into the particulars of the Mowat Government, but ring out the )Id chimes and sing the old sang, c which no explanation can be given, es• which wa• all know so well. of J. A'r, extravagance and the Pacific Scandal G. F. ,7ACKCON. ... sept the polities of the member who W `r '4% 1-," o a P` p 'represented the .conetitneuoy, and his use to the ministry. • But one of the worst features of this settlement, was the sale of the debentures which the in- debted inunidipalities .were obliged to give, and as Mr. Crooks himself said,• were securities of the most uuquestiou• m ed kind. Yet, these sae' *,scarifies, although drawing five per rent, inter - oat• were sacrificed ata los' 40 thin Province -of over two hundred and forty. thousati l dollars, sold ate disoouirt of emits On 018 dollar. Comitynf Hu- ron debentures are worth three per dent.' premium ; ooit,aty of perch,• al- tbotigh only a Zseeond charge, readily ilea at per, But the Xx ositori uttsrl7 Go w:D°D1Pr' on Imo1 W CIO 01 Otom ,h1 to -en oa W e n C0 f3- 1-654.1-.50(5 010WCiiD sea �+'c°o coCOi l0(o, e owva,l•aat tet But we are politely told by the Expoei- ur "that this ie a dodge borrowed from Segettor Mo'1 reont to flg'tre up 'deft - MAT 1, 1379 THE COMING OF THE Credit Valley Railroad ! IS NOT YET SETTLED. But itis settled beyond a doubt --e1THAT1— LEATHORN M'COTJBREY Will open their new store of DRY -GOODS and GROCERIES,) IN r Fanson's Biock 1 ON Monday, 5th. May. Having purcha sedtheir Mock in the eastern mar- kets at such low rates that they are Determined to sell them at prices heretofore unheard of. S0ME newirpapers have been attempt, ing to redionle Mr. Hieoper, M. P..fot Lennox:because in 'peaking of the gar importstion,he used the ezpressio,t . thottsand millions," but it world be. better for these same Jo rilei, la informr � A-1‘1,`"-P-.thetueetves before they commence to, teaop others: In point of foot Mr. Hooper wart quite right, that being the' French system of notation, 'which hiL A'1 BORL ak MoCOUBBEY. used almost as often as the Eughslr, and eanveya.p1cnseely the ettttlpgillitpt..sr to ngtoptb@Ir, out for Prioe List 'text : week. ,.0