The Exeter Times, 1879-5-1, Page 1Vol. VI. V Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, May I, 1879. No. 38 PROPERTY LIST. OUSE TO RENT. Haman as the Rodgerville hotel, Itiimediate ossessiwi, Apply to JP MARSHALL. Exeter, FOR SALE OR TO 1l NT. ---O i of the best business stands on Main Street, Exeter, that targe and commodious store lately 'occupied by the setbsoriber, stinal formerly by Mr. John Broderick. Gond cellar under part of the store. For particulars apply to TURN () RIJNNI• CA2;, Exeter, IRM FOR SALE.—L.:11, 6, t3anble Mite, Stephen, 50 sores, 90 acres cleared, 12 shopped, good brick houso, good stable, well fenced. Laud excel eat, du take shore, # of a mile ftorn fort Rialto, where boats rurx throe tunes a week, and it eta mile from. (ilraid Deed, Convenient tose hoe I, dcherelies, oh. good road. Prion, 89,500, terms easy; S1:DR.O D)OSJ4R, DIN S,.t3rewster p o 1ARM N'OR SALE. — LOT 22r,(i, •_L concession 9n0, ;ttaphen, adjoining the cor- porationofExeter ;100 acres,80cleared,andall iu grass but '40 acres. 47 acres seeded in grass last Spring. 91 acres of orchard, frame house, a good well, bricked, with pump, and a neyasr failing spring of excellent water, 9 frame barns, frame shed with stable, sheep shed &c. It would make s, good dairy farm. Terms to snit purohaser, The facto. will be rented if not sold. Apply to \V11. HAMLIN, Exeter. PROPERTY FOR SALE. — THE undersigned offers for sale two lots contai. - tug 1.6of an acre oiwb, situated ou main street, rear the Market. The is 0 good frame cottage, containing seven rooms, good frame stable, good well, with pump. There is a quantity of young bearing trees ou the premises, For tonne apply to JOHN WHITE, Tintes Office, Exeter. PROPI±:ktTY FOR SALE. — THE subscriber offers for sale two houses andtcco tots, one situated on Huron street, east, in the vil- lage of E:ceter, at.d the ether on Simcoe street, Both hooses are nearly new, and one runts for six and the other for seven dollars a month, They will bo sold together, or separate, and en moder- ato terms, For pa ticul•trs, apply toT,J, WILSON 'Iieueall, or to the 'Limns office. ARM FOR SALE—CONTAINIee fifty acres, bci_lg south half of Iota, oonces- *ion 20, Stephen, ;7 acres cleared, 9 acres fall Moat in the ground. ,O.n the promises there are a good hewn log house, good frame stable,' 90-90, and a young bearing orchard; also good well, bricked, 90 feet deep, with pump ; well fenced ; School an I pas t. oihcs within a few rode : 8t miles from Parkhill, and on main road from Park- hill to Grand Bend. 1 or fgrth,.r particulars ap- piy ou the premises or by letter to DANIEL htANSOi1, Earplei p, o, Feo,20, VAR:11 FOR SALE.-1.HE SUB- -1- scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 - Con. 14, Township of Usborne County of Huron SO -acres clog ed, the rev -minds good bush, well fenoed, and iu a geed state of cultivation; under, drained, good oro Lard, splendid well of water. frame barn 36x00, log stable 94x36; log houso, and sonvenieut to school and throe churches. Por urtherparticulcrs apply to V1I- fiRYANS, Kirkton, P.O., or MR. B. V. ELL 10T. Attorney, Exeter P.O. anznicrsonsinscortan......................0111111111M110111111 IMPORRTANT NOTICES. PATENT GALVANIZED STEEL BARB FENCING ! ITS MERITS : CHEAPNESS, UTILITY, EFFICIENCY, AND ECONOMY. NO SNOW DRIFTS, NO WASTE LANDS, Unaffected. by Wind. or Flood, NO SMALL ANNALS CAN GO THROUGH, Send for Pamphlets with fall information as to cost, Etc. SOLD BY 11. ei�Sie yyie" %eetri.l i Iron and Hardly Merchant, Clinton, May 1, ly. Clinton. r.ss Blooming ill. SEEDING.—Seeding `has thoroughly commenced in this viijinity, the tend being very mellow,ther$ being no heavy rains to harden it. EDUOATIONAL.—A very successful ex•. amination of the unpile of }3loomiug. Hill school was held :';on Friday, the 18th inst. The examifatiou was con- ducted by Mr. W, F.s Robinson, the teacher in charge, ess}ptcd by Messrs. Burns, Powell, Murphy and Richard- son fat m the neigh'3oriug sections. Consi.teriug that the farmers were very busy, the attendance of visitors was much larger than' was expected, which speaks well far the interest taken in educational matters by the parent,; and guardiaus iu No. 7, kUbbert. The pupils ulederwent a strict examination in the various subjects taught in pub- lic schools, and exhibited a thorough knowledge of each, which reflects great wHODGSON, & J. OKE, CO. credit on the efficient teaching of e Auctioneers. Sales promptly attended Mr. Robinson. At the close of the ex - to. Dave of sales arranged at this office amination the trustees and others ex- pressed themselves highly pleased with the day's proceedings, and wished that kir. Robinson might continue to labor in the future with as much sucoess as he had in the past. TH.1; CELEBRATED STALLION, "CLEAR. GRIT," will stand at Oke's hotel every Monday night dtuin g the season April 24, 1679 tt T�OARD1t R WANTED. A. respectable gentleman can be accommodated with board and lodging. Apply to W hr. GRIGG, JR., Exeter. J. CLARK, Agent for the Us - N• borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance 4ompauy, Residence —Farquhar, Orders by oil promptly attended to. 138. OAill E BE1-Ii. P13,OV.XNOIAL • Land Surveyor, &c., will Le at the .yal Hotel, Exeter,en the first Tuesday in each suonth. Orders for work left with Mr, John Spackman wil i receive prompt a ttontio u . ALAKE. Commissioner, Insur- • once. Laud and Loan Agent. Office— next door noithRoyal_ Hotel, Exeter. Wilsons Hotel, Henea(t,1 very Monday. pBIVATL+' FUNDS to loan at 8 per Cent. ORTGAGE 5 BOUGHT. Money loaned on good TOTES, CONVEYANCING — Deeds, Mort - _ages, Wills, Si(, drawn on PRIVATE EDUCATION.—MR. G. HEMI wishes to inform the inhabitants of :vector, and vicinity, that his sister,MISS ELLEN MP purposes to open. a School in EXETER, for Y an OUNG L'.DIES, in MAY next, giving those a thorough ednc'ation L., P ngli tab, French,Mus tc, &c., c. Mies Kemp hue had over 12 years experience la teaching in Schools.private families,&e, 'Perms &c, by circular, shortLs AT'1'E.T'TION — TAKE NOTCB the" the appointment of Messrs. Mason & Hinisnn,Henw,Jl. as agents of the Mutual. Erie in. wirance Company of the County of Wellington, is this day caneelled,audMr. JOHN RYN))MMAO will al future ant as agent for Exeter and vicinity. By ordot, CHARLES DAVIDSON, eassiph,Deceml:et 4th, 1879. 1S-tf. Sec. -Tress NOTICE. The Court of Revision for the township of ST1';Pry� N for the purpose of hearing appeals againsrj,tlie assessment Of t879 will be held in the rowii.,all, Crediton, on MiOV1)AY, Seth day of May, 1879,at1.0 a, m. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. The tiouneil will meet on the above (hat°, when By-law No. 2 will be considered, C1111TbE PROUTY, Township Clerk H R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.It.C.D.S. aradudte of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. Offleo coca O'Neil bank, and opposite Samweii • Pickarde. T.I• KINSMAN, DIONTIST, Liccentiiaa a1 ¢r:T College of On 3ario, may be eonsuit'd any Jay. Oilleo- next door to the Post Mlles, Itxoter,Out. ENTERTAINMENT — The school enter- tainment in connection with the quarterly examination, was held ou the evening of the 18th inst., and was a decided aucoesa. Long before the specified time,- the house was filled to overflowing, .the evening being very beautiful, not a cloud darkening the horizon. At 7 o'clockthe entertain - 'merit commenced and continued until about 10 o'clock, during which time the burets of laughter from the audi- ence and the loud applause was enough to show that i 0 small painshad been taken in preparing the excellent and lengthy proarauime and training the pupils to deliver their dialogues, read• lug:) and reciteitions in such an off- hand, easy Manner. Music was fur- nished by the resident choir, Mr. and Miss Byekman ably presiding at the organ, accompanied by Mr. Horton with his • excellent violin and Mins Merrite with her concertina. After the close of the programme votes of thanks were tendered the choir, the teachers who took part in the exami- nation, the chairman and Mr. Robin- son for his tronb a in preparing the programme for the evening's entertain. meat, when the meeting was brought to a close by Pinging .the National An- them. OBsERvxn. Lucan. - I notiee•in your cotetnporary of the 24th inst,, that Jackanapes has again surreptitiously crept into ,print, like "the infant mewling and puking in the 'nurse's army," hie little weak squeal is so dinlut'ited that it is almost impossl• ble to underetand what er whom he is driving at. The late Reeve "had spite," Mr. Mcllhargey "had spite," the very gods "had spite" all against leis chief bully. The Reeve could uot"bnlldoze`. the council. S. L. Everett took a raid eight howl and got free quarters in the loclt•np, and Everett got au unqualified dismissal, in fact so jumbled up is his punuy efforts to show himself, that the proverbial Philitdelphia Lawyer would throw up the 'sponge in sheer disgust, But Squire McCoeh is the white head ed boy with him, because through the assistancelof the embroyo pettyt'oggerhe wait in favor of dismissing the charge of assault, Hodgins vs. Everett,thereby saving harmless their bully Grit chief from his just deserts. How artlessly the clique can lay their heads together when conveuienoe suits them, or the prospect of a little political capital loom,' in the distance. On the 13th August 1878 the ohief bully in a letter to the Free Press, says —"Pat Keefe " deliberately proceeded to the R. 0. " Church on the Proof Line where be " knew Flynn was atteuding Divine " service, and ma ie it most brutal at- " sault upon Flynn on the very steps of " the church door. For this offence " Keefe was fitted $3 and ousts by "Ct'unuican and Me0osh. 'Squire " Stanley dissenting, &c., even the nia- "yisteriel correspondent of the only reit. "gloms &o., seems to have found this a " hard pill to swallow, and goes $1 "better and makes the fine $4. If such "justice as this is not a premium on, "orime, what is ?' Again 'In conch. sion I would ask all who may feel in- " forested in the administration of jus tics, what can be expected from mag- " istrates who are appointed from pc• "litical considerations only ? from men " who are mentally incapable of cam- " preheoding any one of the various " Acte, Dominion or Pr'ovineiel, nudor " which they exercise their functions ? te from men who are unable to word an. "information or draft a simple affidivit "correctly? from men who depend en- tirely upon some mngistrate'smanntrl "often older than themselves, and from " .these queries the :correspondent of " the only religious cannot claim to be. exempt." Signed, S. L. EVERETT, Chief Constable, Lucan. This was the opinion of the bully in chief on the 13th day of August, 1878, of these same- gentlemen who now play the part of,rthe whipped spaniel to hie high behests, beoanse f trsooth it suits 111,n to change his tactics and make the only religions" the mouth piece of his scurrility, I congratulate his ascension to their ranks, in any society they think proper to receive hire, either political, social ; or moral, no doubt his previous pedigree is sufficient ouarauteo for his entrance. .Men who will sit down cool- ly and take such abuse as above, and then cotton to its author like:a sucking kitten, deserves no better. Bowls. Dashwood. • VARIovs.—Owing to the very excel- lent weather we have bad during the last two weeks the farmers in this vi- cinity have been able to get along with their seeding "famously." Some are Already done seeding and others will finish in a few days if the present fine weather continues. Letters have been received from the differelit perf oils who left this neighborhood for Manitoba and Di/cotah, and all ret ort as heiue well satisfied with the country. Mr. D. Ellenbanin, one of our oldest and must respected citizens, leaves for the North West in a fa w days. We wish him all manner of success in his new home. RAILWAY.—The great and absorbing "topic" of this village at present is the prospects of securing a railway. We understand that it has been definitely settled by the Credit Valley to extend their road westward, beviug in view Port Frank as the terminus for the present, with Sarnia as objective point for the future. Of course every vil(tge along the proposed route and every village near it is trying to get a station if possible, and we see by the Crediton correspondence last week th'tt 'Hiatt vil- lage "pretends'} to hold out great induce• mete, and one would fancy that they lied already',the railway of "itrl,egina- tion." The people of Crediton, or at toast the cerrsspondent from that "burg," would make us believe thita it was a settled and established. fact all "cut and dried" that they should have the railroad. 'Now, this is pteposter nue in the extreme ' for more reasons than one. Crediton is altogether out of a direct lino from Exeter—for it is, we believe, definitely understood that the line is to run through Exeter ---so that it would be necessary to make a curve to go to Crediton. Now, Mr. Editor, we believe that our bumble ht- tte'ciliai ekes on a more direct line to Port Frank than Crediton. The line could also be eitllier built, having fewer engineering difficulties to eucounter, We are asap situated h a fine agricttl turas district, and would have abund- ance of all Wade of farm produce, as well as lumber, which we have in abun- dance, wood, bark;&o. And by passin through this vicinity there would be a better chance of securing a bonus from the township of Stephen, than any other part. It is the northern and western parts of Stephen that want a railway more than the eastern part. Our people are fully alive to their own intsraat, and would deal libetally, as quite a number of our leading husinese men have already made liberal offers. Usborne. EXAMINATION. — A quarterly review written examination of school section No 12, Usborne, on the 15th. 16th and 17th ult. resulted as follows :—Fifth form. Marks obtainable, 675. Frank- lin Wilson, 581 ; L Huls Stevenson, 564. Fourth form. Marks obtai"able, 560. Wm. Tat p, 512 ; Mary Gunning, 371. Third farts. Marks obtainable, 475 Albert Milson, 405; Maggie O'Mara, 371 ; Wm. McGee, 359. Junior third form. Marks obtainable, 420, Matil- da Kernick, 319 ; Mary Hodgson, 309; Harbert Cook, 295. Second form. Marks obtainable, 320. Charlotte Hodgson, 276 ; Thomas MieGee, 273 ; Ellen Kernick, 272. Secon4 form,part 2. Marks obtainable 195 James Morkin„ 180 ; Sarah Dudiiel.l, 170 ; Michael McGee, 172. South Huron Liquor Licenses. The following persons have been granted hotel and shop licenses by the Commissioners for the district of South Huron :— Seaforth— hotels— Alex. Davidson, Thomas Stephens, R. Carmichael, J. W. Carroll, Thos. Fo ter, James Weir. R. L. Sharp. Shops—Jas. McGuffio & Co., Thos. Kidd and T. D. iterate Tuckersmith —hotels — B. Kaiser, George Facia John Daley,:, Wm• Kyle. Shops—Ii. R. Jaelreen. -'_ Usborne—hotels—Jas..Davis, George St. Johu, N. White, James.Cave. Exeter—hotels—H. C. Brown, E. Christie, John Hatwkehaw, Jetnes Oka. Richard Atkinson. Shops—Isaac Car- ling, Thorne & Farmer, G. A. Mace. Stephen-- hotels — J. W. Moffatt. Wm. Baker, B. Spare, Wm. Hall, Wm. McLeod, Henry Beckenhanor, Thos. Morris, Henry MoCanu, Patrick Hall, Michael Nevile, Charles Robinson. Hay—Henry Orth, Simon Waiver, N. Reichert, Alex. Nichol, James Bell, C. Purdy, Richard Reynolds, Sacunel Rennie. Shops—Samuel Ja;ksou. Stanley—hotels—John Justin, J. R. Turner, Henry Schaffer, W. R. Hed• gins. Bayfield—hotels—John Morgan, W. H. McCann, Mrs. Johnston, Charles Stalker. Shops—T. J. Marks, R. Mor- rison. Goderieh township—Arthur Knox. County. The Montreal Telegraph Company has opened an office at Kintail, County of Huron, Ont. At the Assizes held in Gerlerlch the libel suit between the two Blyth papers came up. The jury awarded the Review 20 cents damages, and the Record to pay all costs. • .•(. Dominion Notes. The Canada Tetnperanee Act has been adopted in Albert County, N. B., Six oar loads of cattle were shipped from Montreal to England via Halifax on Saturday night by Ald. McShane. A by law granting bonus to the Cred- it Valley Railway, at Orangeville, was carried on Monday by 110 mejotity. The examination of pupils for a inis- eiou into High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 8th and 9th of July The official ootint of the vote cast on the repeal of the Dunkin Aot in York gives 3,783 for repeal and 1,984 against it. The Council of Southampton have offered Mr. T. Adair a bonus of $1,500 if he will erect a grist mill in the till. age and grind ten thousand bushels of wheat each year for five years: The repeal of the Dunkin Act was carried t n Friday last ill Lanark county by a large majority, scarcely ariy of the temperance party voting, while those favoring the liquor traffic turned ont in full force. The temperance party re- solved in convention a few weeks ago, that in view of an early submittal of the Scott Act they would not oppose the repeelas an organized body. One thousand dollars reward is offer ed for the arrest and conviction of the person who set fire to the Market El°. vator, Toronto, at the foot of Jarvio street, on the night of April 10th, when tits elevator was completely destroyed. The reward is offered by the Beard es- tate and the insurance companies inter- ested,end is made over the signature of the Chief Constable. It is likely the city will add to the amount, Tuesday evening, abour. 11.15, a fire broke out in the engine house at the Great Western Railway station Wood- stock, and before the firemen could get their engine to work the fire tied gain- ed such headway that all effort:, to save the b•lildiug were useless. No Meuse can be given as to the cause of the fire. The building, with its contents, and a quantity of woad, was totally destroyed. Loss, about $5.060. General News. An invitation, it is said, is to be io- nized by the Pope to all the Great Pow- ers to loin in an effort to put down Socialism. Doctor Wiede has been arrested at Milan for being connected ire a plot to aesassrnate Queen Victoria and the King and Qneen of Italy. Texas has just experienced the most severe flood that has ever occurred in that State. A great deal of property was destroyed. The Pope has asked the Powers if, ire the event of the Vatican being attacked by the Republicans, they would pro- tect him. and some of them have ans- wered in the affirmative, A circular has been issued prohibit- ing the ilnrortation into the State of New York of any cattle from Now Jer- sey, where pleuro•pnettmouia is sup- posed to prevail. The German Director Posts writes to the Post Office Department at Washing-. ton, denying that either American or other lettere have been opened or de- layed in that country, as reported, in- tentionally and from political motive, Captain Brnwn, commanding the steamer Alasica, reached Victoria, B.C., on Thursday on his return from Sitka, and reports everything peaaelal. To guard against any possible danger, however, lie has been ordered to return to Sitka and remain until relieved by steamer Jamestown. Col. Murrell, colored, of Carroll parish, Louisiana, now attending the coloured convention at New Orleans, gives notice that he will attend the Labour Convention in Vicksburg, Va., on May 5th, with a large delegation from the river parishes of that State The object of the convention is to check ;the emigration of colored hitt.- bourers t•n Kansas. The tributary of Derav has over ag- ed its batiks and destroyed many 1 see at Szegetvar. The inhabitant,4 'have pierced the dams to permit,the stater to flow off and hope to escape the fearful disaster that threatens them. The River Theisse and the water at Szege- din enntinnes to thee. A despatch from Safed Sang says: Aecnrdiug to trustworthy information' from Cabul Mahommed Hassam, son- in-htw of Shere Ali, is now not only an avowed claimant to Yakoob Khan's throne, but is endeavoring to excite in- surrection and has opened negotiatious with the liinglish., A Gundamuk dis- patch says Mnjnr Cavagneri'e mann - ger has returned from Cabul. It is un- derstood that Yakoob Kitan has invited a lnission, and Cavagneri will proceed to Cahul shortly. It is stated in St. Petersburg one horse after another is searched of night, and every one whose paeapore is irreg- ular is are ,sted. The Russian Ambas- sedor at Constantinople has melted' per- mission to open ell lettere leaving Con- atantiuople for Russia. The military tribunal assembled on Friday to Hass., judgment on an officer of the Ramose Army for firing at the gend'ar.ne, who had been ordered to search the officer's hoose, A St, Petersburg dispatch says it is contemplated to increase the Rus- e...e sian army by 150 battalions'. STILL THEY Mesa. --Dr. 1T. in, Rosa, Vitt - sardine, considers labia OW OIL, as staples all article as he has in his sti+rn, and set sure to sell as tela or sugar. AS, Rnbbhs(. ,Rebbtuton ., P. 0., writes; —"We haft used tIA(aYAhD'a Y1rotow OIL, and find it answers every pur- pose for which it is recommended," There fir nothing bettor foto burns, bruises, scalds, etc. no bettor lininmet in the world. 'taillourn, Bentley It Pe arson,,proprietors,'t'o gate, 'Poe Kale at Central' Drug store.