The Exeter Times, 1879-4-24, Page 8Anits 24,187d SLAVERY IN CANADA. THE TIMES The question has been asked the Yews by a correspondent, "Whether there were actually a►nyelavee in Cana- da under the French air IE;nglish rale?" The Xeres having made inquiry learns that slavery did exiat in °aniula almost from the settlement of the 0oleny. In the "Relations of the Jesuits,"for 1082 --3, mention is made of a black boy from Madagascar being sold by Sir Jas. Rirk--who had captured the oity and held ib for Charles L until it was retro- ceded by France in 1642—to one 13 tiley for fits crows, scats. The Prink Ring in 1.689, on aoouunt of the scarcity of labor, granted permission to import slaves from the Indies,, and the early colonial archives contain nnmoroue }1rovieinns ou the subject. By artiole 17 of the capitulation of Montreal of September 7, 1760, slavery was main- tained aria recognized by the capitula- tion. In the tach o (i,'' of 1781, a a paper now ureahed into the lforiting Chronicle, the following advertisement appears : "To be sold by private sale a lively, healthy wench, between fifteen and sixteen years of t'ge; bronght up in the Province of New York ; understand.; all cnrts of hnnsework, and has had the smallpox. Any person clairens of 1'nr- caliMitig 411011 a wench may see her at tbo hoose of itlr. John Browns, in the upper town, where the cnncliaiorra of Rale may be mike known, and if she should not be sold before the 20th inst. she will nn that day be exposed to pub - 113 Pale." In 1780, in Montreal, Patrick Lani- gan sold a negro mined Nero to ore John Mebbleberger for £30, by a pri• vate cicecl Dearing. warranty. In upper Canada the famous Iudiau chieftain. Tyendenago owned forty slaves. The evideuee4 of slaveey outside of those in- stances are abundant. As to theehnl- ition of slavery, it nppears flint at the first session of the first Parlinna'nt of Quebec, in 1798, a bill was introduced tending to the abolition of slavery in the Province of Lower Cansdn, but in 1798, when the while House went into Committee of the Whole on the subject, by a division of 31 to 8. Prrliamontre- solved to lay the bill on the able. The Upper Canadian Legislature, on May 81, 1763, passed a bill to prevent the farther iutrodnction of slaves, ailed lim- iting the term of contracts for servitude thronghout•the Province. Lower Can- ada abolished slavery in 1803. There are several old families in Prince Ed. ward County Out., who had owned slaves. The late Mrs. Cornelina Plnm- erfelt's father at Hey Bay, AldoIphus Town, Ont., owned two. ALADY'S REASONS FOR NOT DANCING. 1. Dancing word lead me into crowded romps and late hours, which are injnrions to health and usefulness. 2. Dancing would lend me into very close centaot with pernicious company, and evil commnuioations corrupt good manners. 3. D tncing wonld renair3 me to ase and permit freed trns with the other sex, which I believe to be wroug. 4. My parents and friends would be :anxious about ale if I were out late, keeping company with they not whore. 5. Ministers and good people •n gen- eral disapprnve of dancing, and I think it is nit safe to s' t myself against them. if a thing be even dnnbtful, I wish to be on t hi> safe aide. 6. Danciec•h't', a bad name, and I mean to study things that are pure and beefy end .,r good report. 7. Dancing is generally accompanied with drinking, and I see drinkiug pro- duas a great deal devil. • 8. 1 "in told that diming, is a great deal of evil. 8. I ani told that dancing is a great temptation and entire to young men, and I do not wish to have anything to do with leading them astray, 9. Dancing unfits the mind for seri. nus retleeti•'n and prayer, and I mean to do nothing that wilt estrange rue from ma God Ind SAvino r. 10. There are plenty of graceful exertion -4 and cheerful aura -temente which httve none of the objections con- nected with them that lie against dau- ciag. WHY, VERILY I Why be an animated ;allow -flop when Allan's Anti -Fat is a safe and sure remedy for obesity, or corpulence, and sill reduce the most iIl.proporti"u- ed form to a gaceful outline within a flaw weeks. It contains no ingredients that can possibly prove di'Ieterinus to the system. A well-known 3honlist, after exemiuine its cnustituenta and the method of its preparation, gives it his nngnitlifred endorsement as a remedy that " cannot hue net, favorably upon the system and is well cnlcelared to at- tain the object for which it intended." BA L77,110 , Md., July 1714, 1878. Pgoi'ne'A.LLAN'S ANTI -FAT, 1311ffttIO,1k.Y. .Dear Sir -1 have taken two bottles of Allan's Ar,ti•I{'at avd it has reduced tneteight pounds. TORPIDITY OF TOADS. Professor J. A. Allen, of Cambridge, states that he saw a large number of toads taken from the mud of a well which had been closed for twenty years. The animals wore apparently lifeless, being quite motionless, bub after being drawn up and exposed to the air their legs began to twitch after a few mo• inerts, and their eyes slowly to open and close. In three or four minutes they so far recovered as to bop about, and shortly after became as bright as if they had not been asleep for the last score of years. The teat peratnre of the mud in which they were fouuct wits about forty-five ilogtees, wllioh was no doubt maintained thronehout the year; and, as this corresponds very nearly to that of ponds where they hibernate in winter, Professor Allen thinks that this proloeged torpitlity was caused by a continued uniformity of temperature and that he sees no reason why it should not have been prrotraoted indefinitely. er A. POSER FOR THE •'IIA.WK +'YE" MAN. A yoc.ng man, who evidently repre- sents some St. Louis licu'ae, asks me where I stn from. I tell him. His eye brightens. He says : "D.) you know Gust. Hirsch, there ?" No, I tell him, I do not, "Know Minx Oppenheimer ?" I don't know Marx, Oppenheimer. "I fail to remember lir. H. "Theu do you know Chris. Erlingen- haftlickileir?" I don't believe I do. "But you must know Ernest Grund- 1achisenetrei hbichdukirehsendlieballis- teulieiminghaus ?" I think possibly that I may have k+io•tu some of. him, and possibly a gleat deal of him, at different times, but I am quite positive that I never knew him all at once. The young mau from the St. Louis house looks amazed. "Nell," he says at last, "you ain't got much acgnaiutance iu Burlington." And I sadly remarked that lay ac- quaintance there is rather limited, and tie goes away. Preseetly he returns. "Oh," he says, 'tlie•m fellus I said to you about lives its Davenport." And I feel greatly relieved, for I had begun to think that 1 didn't know any body in Burlington.—R. J. I3urdette. TINE never sets so heavily on the aged as when they are ill and depressed. .A. heavy per- eentage of old people suffer from kidney com- plaints, etc , brought on by derangements of the secretory organs, who will hail with joy the great remedy prepared expressly to meet their eases—Vim= 13uoxu and INA thin. It can be recommended with confidence. For sale by Mr. 0. Lutz, Exeter. ST. CRY'S LIME WORKS. our drawn kilns beingnow in Full operation and turningnutclailyalargequantit3 of Lunn thatfor all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• ion. Fartiesfrom a Iintone e can always be. ',plied either at the kilns or deliyerdbyteams at low est remunerative rates. Orderstrom n distance promptly attended to, WHITSON & SCLATEli. Grocer/6.8B V'on lectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always in stock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, Magazines WI'iH ALL THE LATEST news N.B.—Sewing Machin, Noodles oievery kind. A. BOYD. pAINTIN G 1 PAINTING J. KITCHiHG I'DV ' FALL GOODS. A. K E L 1.4Y has just received a largo stook of ]tl^aatclles, Cloul; c, JeWelae. r1I, 1n0 - SIG Y bu <'so- .urea rs, Spec/aclet, Ladles, and «1etats' roc't Chocks. A large stock of Fancy Goods eon- stautly ou hand. NEW BUTCHER SHOP riche undersigned wouldi'tforry the inhabi- g tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A. NEW BUTCHER SHOP enedoor south othie Biacxsmfthshop andhopes the same liberal patronage that has bean se corded to him in the an AOIIsMI ni AND WAGON DLAT.ING Line wilibeextondedWhin iu his new branch of ousine'ss, Itis meat wagon willoall attbo resi- dents of the villagothreotimoseacLweekand F RESI.I M EAT all kinds .kept oonstaut13 on Baud at his butcher shop. _r Is prepared to do all kinds of: House Pa.intiug, Paper -hanging Whitening, ,i o. atreasonable prices and punctually. J.ICITOFIINC*. Main st Exeter. Teas! Teas!! Teas ! !! . a '. SPICE .'S, Try our 50c. Tea. NE W FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (vet?t cheap) 11 lbs. splendid coffee sugar for $1.00. Choice syrups. Don't forget our 20c. Vinegar, and cheap soap. No trouble toshow goods. 1 . SsI i. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTH Of POST OFFICE, Blaokamithing and wagon makingoarried ou 05 usual in all its branaef R. DA.VIS. T1Ponderful Discovery. illEPREss RELIEF, THE F D OF PANKIFID. An. Internal & External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia, and ;ens i eteutly,- IaouS' at who snail ;SontheAmericane anConttiincirt provodbyothers.'I' i AAs soon as applied it gives instant ease to the �uuforiuuate sufeier, 10 ie rwpc Uv abeoibed peneetiwtostothe very bone, enters theciroulc 'too, neutralizing all "ltbematic CPoii'On" ch :oulatiug inthe blood, laid expels it froln th, 'system th'•ough the natural outlets. iT CURES Tooth, oho, Earache, Headache, Neuralii: ltueutnatism., Sprairs. Swe]lings,LiSamation, Haus tuts, Brniaes, Pain in Side, Paiu iu Back, Warns, in Chas u, Pain in shoulder, Cough. Coida,Fros t Bites, Chilblains, Diarrhoea, Dys• eutery. Summer Complaint, &c., &o. It will cure the most agonising pain, inter nal or external; in ono intent of time, Pocket your pr©;iu-lice and give i a trial ; the invent moat is small and relief ew tain. The great ecret of its successwithau oliasolt is owing 10 the fact Itis safe and harmless, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and eau be applied to a wider range of disease iu every day lift with greater success than any preparation which. research skill and "Medical Science" has yet produced. As a proof of its great power over disease any person no matter who it may be, Bich, or Poor, Oid or Young, who is suffering from any of the above named painful complaints, will call at the Wilco in Toronto, auv day of the week, nilllgetpi shoal proof "Free of charge," of its magiciil. power ever pain in vno application. • Toatimoninis from allparts of the Dominion are e nsta• try conning to hand, giving expres- ion to the most grateful gratitude for as- tonishing mores which it has performed, and we would be pleased to receive tostimo.iials from all others who use it successfully. Physicians of the highest respectability re- commend it as a most effectual "domesticy'ti remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sad-�' den ta omor.geucy „- -, Currq it i your homes, and it wi'prove a '; bloesingtoyou; family and afflicted Woods. Druggists are selling enormous quantities of t. it_w+,Braver introduced. -Ial•1111angothq worldtopioduceitsequa'f .f ' Tho Trade supplied through the�enle' Drug and Patent lllodicine Souses of Aloutre-4 at, Toronto, Hamilton arid London. Price 25 Cents per Bottle !i Sotd by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. leierCretaielleaSIZISIMMI CLEAI..ING SALE BEFORE TAKING STOCK SAMWELL 8c PICK.ARD Will offer for cash or 10 Days the balance of their Pall and Winter Goods at Cost so as to make room for their Spring Stook. All goods we shall offer are new goods bought for thins Season's Trade at lower pHoes, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at oost, MEN'S and BOTS' OVERCOATS, at cost. MINIK SETS and MUFFS,.at cost. FUR CAPS, at cost. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at cost. Also a full assortment of general • DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAPS, CHINA TEA SETS and CROCKERY which will be offered at bottom prices we are glad to say our stock is not large but fully assorted in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we are happy to say our mode of doing business has been ap- preciated by the public as nor sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solioit your patronage. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, 1 1i tl lr nr, lei ql0�, �1141Ptr�� k SPRING STOCK SPRING STOCK Now Complete at RANTON BROS. New Cashmeres, Cords andSe o New Black and Colored Lustros, New Dress Linens Prints and Cottons, New 1Vluslins, Embroideries and Edgings, New Umbrellas, Parasols, and Sunshades all the latest novel- ties, Ladies outfittings, &c., &c. WE CAN'T DESCRIBE THEM; YOU MUST SEE THEM, Large stock Tweeds and Coatings, and Ready-made clothing. Clothing made to order in latest styles. Good fits guaranteed. Special attention is called to our stock of DUCKS, DEN- IMS, & COTTON SHI.RTING, known as the SAN'S F IEN tough as 'leather. Choice fresh Groceries always on hand. No advance—goods at old prices. Call �ayndd�spee. 11.6. .V i.Vd'rS� -BROS. Thohigl:Priugfrkei Fcr ,lam eizer fe donsfe not effect the ow prices at which c . & ra ■ 23IS Sv1 del' itici, areoffering their stook of TINWARE, STOVES. Eto., at Exeter & Hensall which consists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stoves,Milk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved patter n, and everything in the line ; also, a oodseleetiol' of handsome .f,aave troughing as menet, receives evoryattention, and at thelosvolst figures, rump Having opened onta branch sstablishment atHcnsall,our friends fiu that neighborhood eau be suapiied on the shortest notice, M CC 1_, 'JL LAN D BROTI-IEHS, DRE W'S BLOCK, ETE R. GODERICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. mANUFACTURTtlta OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW.s 'MILLS STAVE AND HEADING i44RCHINERY I Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agrie ul ura Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BbX STOATS Potash Kettles, School seats, &c. Iron -and Brass Castinss to -order, For sale cheap—Second hand Boilers and Engires Stave an Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, Engines, Mills, &c., promptlyattended to, GODDRIC FO1N'DRY and MANt1FACTU' ,' tx GODERICH. Ont.