The Exeter Times, 1879-4-24, Page 7Teter tqe f
TE1JI SDAY, APRIL 24, 1879. "
SaatsD WHEAT, Barley, Oats and Bata for sale
at Bissett Bros.
PEDESTRIANS now complain about the dust
on the street, It is about time the watering
eart was brought out.
LEGAL. --ilio Fifth Division Court wasin
session in the court room ou Tuesday, Judge
Tones presiding.
Annrvee,-Captain Kamp went to London
yesterday to meet his mother 'snd 'sister, who
have jn t arrived from Vineland.
RerAInz G. --Mr. Samuel J. Littlejohn, the
newly -appointed Road Iuspeotor. has com-
menced work on the streets. The sidewalks
have been repaired in several places,
To Honsserem.-We are in a position to
printhorse bills at remarkably low prices.
We have a large stock of exeelledt outs to se-
lect from. Gall and obtain estimates before
going elsewhere.
OPENnD.-Miss Loaeh's "Cheap Cash Store"
was opened ou Saturday last in J. P. Mein-
' tyre's old stand. She has on hand a choice
stook of new and stylish millinery.
Pewee nn. -The trial of Mr. Janice Howey,
of this town, on the charge of bigamy has been
postponed till the Pall Assizes,for the purpose,
if possible„ of obtaining more direct evidence
against the accused.
DlsoiAc iroL.-Several books belonging to
respectable young men of the C. M. oongrega-
tiou have been scribbled on by some person.
Whoever the person is he may rest satisfied
that he will b® exposed if found out.
SPnson.-Mr.T. Coughlin, M. P. for North
Middlesex, delivered an able speech ou the
t;triff during the debate in the House on that
question. A full report of the speech will be
Joined in another column.
ALEXANDER Is GOING: Alexauder;MacKenzie
intends going, to Manitoba shortly. Ho
was in town ou Monday last, when he call-
ed on us and gave us his compliments, not-
withstanding that we do differ from him in
politics. Alexander is of Birkton.
SEEDING. -The farmersare now busily en-
gaged hi sowing the seed from which they ex-
pect to reap a bountifulharvest They will. no
doubt realize good prices for their produce this
year since foreign grain cannot enter into com-
petition with Canadian grain without paying a
high duty
SEED WHEAT, Barley, Oats and Peas for sale
at Bissett Bros.
son, incumbent of Christ Church, will preach
a sermon especially to the Oddfellows on Sun-
day morning next at half past ten o'clock. The
members of Exeter Lodge and Encampment
will attend in a body. Visiting ,members:and
the public are invited to attend.
Y. P. C. A. -A meeting of the Young Peo-
ple's Christian Association in connexion with
the B. C. Church was held on Tuesday even -
lug. There was a good attendance of mem-
bers and visitors, and the peogrammo though
not lengthy, was a good one.
S. S. CONVENTION. -On Friday evening last
a meeting of tho children and those interested
in the welfare of the 0. M. Sabbath -school
was held in the basement of the church.
Several of the laborers in the nursery of the
ehureh took part in the exercises.
NEW Crrx.-By reference to a letter from
Manitoba written by Mr. A. J. Rollins, which
• appears in another column of this week's issue
of THE Times, it will be ascertained that the
Greenway party intend soon to lay the founds-
tion.of a city -The tftok Prairie Province. The
name of will be "Crystle City."
CoinueKceD.-Building operations are being
briskly carried on in Exeter. Mr, T. Fitton
hes menet work excavating a collar north of
the Central Hotel, where he contemplates
vetting a brick building. The building ou the
old skating rink on Main Sheet has been mov-
ed south, and a large brick building will be
erected on its site. Numerous other buildings
are in course of erection.
SEED WHEAT, Barley, Oats and Peas for sale
at Bissett Bros.
HEALTHY PRACTICE. -One reason, and we
believe the prinotpal reason, why the inhabi-
tants of Exeter are so healthy is that they
rise early. In she morning at four o'clock the
s•tund of the sportsman's gun may be beard,
and those who do not care for shooting spend
the early:hours of the day in spearing fish,
boat -riding or walkiug, all of which teed
to improve the health, and prevent disease.
TEUPERANaE.--Rev. J. W. Butcher, of this
town delivered a lecture on temperance in
the Providence B. C. Church, Stephen, on
Wednesday evening last. Although the weath.-
ar was favorable, the audience was smaller
than was expected. The lecturer was some-
what wearied after a long day's drivo,buthand-
wore present, the oil !paintings iilustrativee of
led the subjeot'to the satisfaction of those who
the d AArentstages of the drunkard's life, giv-
ing great foree to his remarks.
CoNTnADsox cut. -Mr. T. Greenway writes
us as follows c Jrn your issue of last week I
notieed,an,item,to the effect that some of our
horses id last minty were seriously injured,
and that here wasa good deal of dissatisfao-
tion in oousequence, I{inclly' contradict the
umor, as it is incorrect, Teeyond one or two
he scratches not a horse was hurt. One
t put his in the car with hind shoos Greene'
e of his was injured slightly, but worked
next day after arrival, Yours truly, T. Gime-
LOYAL IRO vie I'ety r. --Two young gentle -
Men in Exeter had made arrangements to take
a trip' to Europe Shortly, but hearing that the
Local elections aro to. take plane on the 5th of
Juno they have determined not to leave until
after that date, so that they may oast their
votes for Mr. Jaoksou, and leave for the Con.
tiuent kenning that Grit rule is overthrown in
Ontario, as well as every other Province in
the Dominion.
Ix Towie.-Mr, Runeiman, of the Goderioh
foundry, was in town on Tuesday, and inter-•
viewed several of the leading citizens in refer-
ence to the establishment of a foundry in Exe-
ter. We do not know what offer was made,
but we understand i\tr. Ruuoimsn will submit
au oiler in. writing for the oousideration of the
corporation. The Village Clerk has received
letters from manufacturers in London, Wood-
stock, and Ridgetown expressing their willing-
ness to start bnsinces here if reasonable W-
5 duoaments aro guaranteed.
1 A 1flssroNaux UoLLEoxon.-Thoro are sever-
al urchins in town who will matte hard old
men if they are not taken in hand by some one
who will give them abetter training than
they are at preseut receiving from their par-
ents. One or two of these little villains, not
satisfied with occupying the position of village
boot-blaoks, have canvassed a portion of
the town, soliciting donations for the mission-
ary cense in oonexion with whatever denomi-
nation they felt inolined,under ditlerentoirouni-
stanoes. Quito an amount of mousy was col-
lected in this way; which was appropriated to
the colleotore, perhaps for their services in
connexion with the missionary cave°. Those
who have not been taken in by those young
frauds should horsewhip them when they call
at their houses. Another plan they have ad-
opted to raise money is that of representing
that their parents are dead, and asking alms.
BITTEN BY i HORSE.Mr. P. McConnell,
who exhibited a stallion at the Spring Show
in this place on Friday last, had a narrow
escape from being killed. He had his horse
at Air. St. John's stable, and while cleaning
him the animal seized • him by the shoulder
with his teeth, threw him on the Soor in the
stall, and had it not been that he was rescued
by Mr. John Stepheus, who heard the noise,
he would soon have been killed. Although
the wounds are severe, they are not dangerous.
On Tuesday morning a man named William
Wild, residing in the township of Hay, near
the village of Dashwood, made an unsuccessful
attempt to put au end to his existence by out-
ing his throat. He has been in a state o f de-
spondencyduring the greater portion of. the
winter, and on Tuesday morning he re solutely
determined to terminate what heno doubt con-
sidered his miserable existence. He succeed-
ed iu cutting a gash five inches loug in his
neck, but the wind -pipe was not injured else
his life could got have been saved. When.
the world -be -suicide was found, the flow of
blood was stauched, and Dr. Hyndman, of
Exeter, was sent for. When the doctor arriv-
ed he stitched the wound. The prospects
are that Mr. Wild will recover hone the sheets
of the wound iufiioted by his own hand. He
expresses himself as being vory sorry for com-
mitting the rash aot.
St. Marys.
men named Robinson. Colley and Aid.
rich, hail a miraculous escape from
drowning while boating on 'Trent Creek
near this place on Saturday Inst. Au
ner broke, and the boat, b the current,
was swept over the dam. Colley jump-
ed out, striking the bank, and contrived
to reach the shores by clinging to the
timber. The other, with the boat,
went over the Giem, and were only saved
from being swept into the Thames by
almost. superhuman efforts.
y ht.4
• Crediton.
ITEMs.-Lettere have been received
hero frons those parties who lett this
vicinity for tanitoba, and all report
themselves as satisfied with their prea•
ent condition and future prospects.
Numbers more talk of emigrating to the
prairie Province. -Seeding is actively
going on this week, the land being now
in good order. Both, flax mills aro
sowing seed. Schuar& Welker have
already sown over one hundred acres. -
Business appears to be good for this
Mmes of year. -On Saturday last as Dr.
Rollins was driving dove street in ootn-
mpany with his wife, the horses hied
at some object on the road, and upset
the buggy in the ditch, both occupants
being thrown out, but fortunately
neither much hurt, and nothing in•
jured.-Parsonp & McInnis' egg team
also rau away the same day, caused by
another runaway team running against
the wagon, and threw their driver, Mr.
McInnis, out, considerably battering
his head, but nothing serious.
RAlLwev.--i xoelleot prospects now
exist of our at last securing a railway
eccommodatiou, The Credit V alley
R'y now making it wry westward, ap-
pear to have definitely selected Port
Fratik as the water terminus, lzaviriw
Sarnia as an objective point for the fu-
ture. Consequently the road will pass
through our village. By doing so the
Township of Stenhon would undoubted.
ly give a reasonable bonus; and the vide
loge of Crediton would grout a hent'-
some amount in private subscriptions,
or we might get incorporated and give
a village bonus. The people are fully
alive to the iuterests of the village and
will deal liberally with, Railway Dorn-
pang, 604 considering the futnre in -
tenets of the road we think a better
point thou Crediton for the matter of
freight does not exist in the County.
In the matter of brick alone, a large
tr:d 10 could be done. I3etter briek are
not made iu Ontario than are manufac-
tured on the river, there. The ontside
demand for our brick would be almost
unlimtted,had we ready means of trains•
it, and the demard could be supplied,
for the capacities for manufaotnring are
only limited by the dewand ; and the
material is inexhaustible, millions of
brick would be shipped eastward year-
ly. Then we have grain, flax, wood,
vast amounts of lumber and baric, bo -
sides miscellaneous freight. We think
the railway oompauy are sufficiently
aware of the importance of this point
as 't freight centre, not to lightly over-
looklit. The harborage at Port Frank,
with very little expense. could be made
second to none ou .the lake. And uo
doubt exists that the Canada Company.
would deal very liberally with the coin.
pony to iuduoe them to make the Port
their terminus. Considering the vari-
ous points, we think it is only a matter
of time in our acquiring railway ao-
APRIL 24, 3,878
The New Railway.
To the Editor of the Exeter TIazES.
brR,-We notice with pleasure, the
expectation held out in the local news
of your last issue of a new industry be-
ing established in your midst. We,un-
derstand the proprietors desire abonus;
this is quite proper, if one receives a
benefit tie is expected to pay for it -but
not always in proportion to the benefit
received. Wo certainly wishthis scheme
every success, for we are vitally cou-
certted in the welfare of your town, as
we wish to do business with you. We
think that when. you get our railway
the convenience held out by you in the
way of good shipping facilities, north,
south, east and west, will induce other
industries, of a like nature to centralize
in your midst. We propose to offer in-
ducemente in the way of cheap rates
for local frieght-rates equaltothrongh.
rates on the Grand Trunk anti Great
Western Railways. This subject we
hope to discuss more extensively with
you as soou as we arrange our affairs
in St. Mary's. Of course we expect a
liberal subsidy from Exeter, as our
scheme is a public work, and for the
benefit of the municipalities interested,
whereas your local schemes have two
sides, a private peculation as well as
a public good. We suppose the princi-
pal difficulty we will have to encounter
is the amount of bonus. Now we shall
not ask more than is actually necessary,
and of °nurse certainly can't take less.
It most be remembered you can't have
an offer of a railway every day, especi-
ally snob a road as we claim mire to
be, and when once bailt, the road oarl't
be picked up and parried to some other
place. Some of your people probably
can't dee the nuceesity for a second
Road. However, St. Marys sees this
necessity, although she is batter situ-
ated at present than Exeter. Other
towns besides know the benefit, in fact
it is an established fact that railway
competition is a vital necessity to the
success of ally town.
Yours faithfully,
Manager St. Marys C.V. & Huron R.Y.
St. Marys, April 15, 1879.
A Voice from Manitoba.
To the Editor of the Times.
DEAR FRIEND, -Through the kindness
of some friend I have before me a copy
of your valuable paper of the 27111 ult.,
in which I find an account of the de-
pareure of our party from Centralia,
and knowing that many will be anxious
to hear how some of us fare, I take the
liberty of addressing you a few linos,
that my impressions of this fair land
may reach as many of my old friends
as possible ; as many will have heard
before this we reached this plane with-
out a mishap, after a very pleasant
journey. After spendiug a few days
in getting our freight across:the lied
tiiver, and storing it, we wended our
way westward aorosslbhe Mennonite re-
serve, and the Pembina mountains, to
the Rook Lake Country, a distance of I
about one hundred Miles, and I may
just say that too much oaunot bo said
in praise of the beautiful country that
meets our view in passing over those
fertile plains. --now a level plain for
miles, thou high rolliug prairie, inter-
spersed with bluffs of timber, of which
the half has 1 01 been said. After near-
ly three days' journey we reached town-
ebip number two, Range eleven and
twelve, west ; the very seine that Mr.
Greeuway selected last fall. Here we
even found land enough to supply our
wauts, and a few of us selected a spot
on the banks of Crystle Creek, one of
nature's forest spots, ,upon which, in a
short time we expect So lay tho foun-
WA l .
New stock just arrived at
Scuthcott's Block, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats & Caps,
all to be sold atj
Dress Goods, the latest patterns, and the very best quality,
20 per cent. lower than any other store.
Call and inspect at once, and get prices.
Eggs taken in exchange for genets. Sign of the tr Red Flag,"
lately occupied by R. A. Leggett,
dation of a'town, for we have already
raised our tents and the Union Jack,
and christened it Crystle City. As
there was no time to be lost, we made
our way to Nelsonville for the Land
Office which is daily beeiged with laud
hunters. There we found a most ob-
liging official, and in about half a day
our company, consisting of something
more than thirty in nnmber,had entered
about ten thousand acres of Land.
Many more iuoludiug those from Exe-
ter, have located themselves in town-
ship No. 1, Range 9, near the Pembi-
na River. Land ie being taken in this
portion of Manitoba at the rate of from
ten to twelve thousand acres per day
From all the information I have been
able to ascertain, this Rook Lake dis-
trict is altogether the best portion of
Mauitoba. One thing is pertain, of all
those who landed at Emerson and went
west, ;not one to my knowledge, has
'returned disapeointed,but of thoee who
go through to Winnipeg. mauy hoe,
returned to Ontario disapointed ; many
others have gone to Rock Lake and
pane back happy. As to our party, I
believe in every case they have taken
land and intend becomiug actual set-
tlers almost at once, and lend a hand
to help build up our Crystle City and
surrotusdiug onuntry. Hoping, Mr.
Editor, that I have not trespassed too
much on your valuable space, I will
close by saying that at some later date,
when I gather Horne information which
i think will iutereet your readers and
my old friends, I shall address you
again. Yours Truly
Crystle City.
Emerson, Manitoba, April 10. 1879.
South Huron Spring Show-
how.The South Riding of Huron show
was held at Br ,OEfield ou Thursday
last. There was au immense ooueourse
of people preeent. The Show of hordes,
especially in heavy dr'iughte, was very
creditable, There were not many bulls
shown, but the character of the annuals
on the ground wars eveu,abead of former
years. The following is tile prize list :
Horses -Heavy draught -5 entries
-jet P. McGregor's " Stirllugsbire
Champion," 2d Charles Jlason's "Don-
ald Dinuie," 8d .Thomas Colquhoun's
Three years old -8 entries -let S. &
J. Broadfoot's "Canadian S&Aswan,"
2d J. S. Carter's "Young Wellington,"
8d P. McTavish's "$guest Sandy,"
Two years old -1 entry -.-Jolla Ste-
wart's "Young Wellington."
Agricultural- aged -8 entries -1st
John Etickbail'a "Young Lard Haddo."
2d MoEwing &fiortou's "Champhane.'
Three years old -1 entry -John Per-
du's "Young Honest Sandy."
General purpose -seed -8 entries-
istG.M. ontgomery's" +'nglaud'sGlory,"
2d James Irwiu's "Herd Laddie."
Three years old -two entries-lst
James Young's "Young Netherby," 2d,
P. Ford's "Young Netherby".
Carriage stallions -two entries -1st,
J. J. Fisher's "Peacook," 2d, R. Brook's
Aged Durham -two entries -1st,
James Dickson ; 2ud, Geo. Sproat.
Calved since January, I877-4 en-
tries -let, Wm. 'Pierson; 2ud, John
Kitchen ; 8rd, A. Elcoat.
Calved after January, 1878 -three
entries -1st, William Sproat; 2nd,
James Dickson.
Ayrshire,aged-one entry -John Coch-
Judges- Horses- John McMillen,
Hallett ; James White, Roclgerville ;
Jas. Forest, Stapley ; James Hackuey,
Bulls-I-tobort Gardiner and Duncan
MoLaren, 11044 i Gee, Waiker,'T'uolk-
Tho nominations for Reeve on the
resignation of i41r. 'W. H. IIutonins,
were as foliowe:-Messrs. W. Stanley,
W. Porte, J. D. McCosh, R. Guest, Jno.
Fox and T. Dight. The returning offi-
cer having waited the time prescribed
by law, called upon the several canal.
dates to declare themselves, when all
parties except Mr. Stanley deoliped the
nomination. Mr. Stanley was conse-
quently declared elected by acclamation.
The Spring Show on Saturday last
was quite a success. The hones on
the ground were much admired. The
following is the prize list.
Blood Horses -8 entriee-lot, John
Gibson, Nioholet; 2nd, Joshua Bradley,
Lord Byron; 8rd, William Shipley,
Imported Draught- 1 entry -1st,
Oke and Hodgson, Crown Prince.
Canadian Draught -4 entries -1st,
J. Flanagan, Young England's Glory ;
2nd, George Seale, Scotch Miracle; 8rd,
R. Grundy, Tinto.
Agt•icultnral Stallinn-4 entries.-1s1er
E. Carey, Young England; 211d, M.,
Kellaud, Huron Miracle; 8rd, C. Beau,
General purpose -2 eutriea-lst, J.
Simpson, Scotchman; 2nd, J. and L.
Tennant, Young Lord Haddo.
Road and Carriage -4 entries- 1st,
Gerald F'itzgerald,Mambrino Rothschild
2nd, Seth Davison; Young Mazeppa;
8, d, Robert Henderson, Pride of Oxford.
French Stallion -1 entry- let, Ger-
ald Fitzgerald, Black Rocket.
Beast 8.year old strati n-1 entry--
tat, Richard Hodgins, Young Nether -
Beat 2 -year old stallion --1 entry -
Tilos. Naugle.
Aged Durham -1 eutry-1st, J. H.
Aged Grade -1 entry -let, J. HVIc-
• Combined Reaper and Mower, 1 en-
try -1st, Crawford & Co., London.
Single Beeper, 6 entries -1st, Heg-
gert & Cochrane, St. Thomas, 2nd,
Massey Manufacturing Co., Newcastle
Single blower, 6 entries -let, A.
Harris & Son, Brantford; 211d, Toronto
Reaper and 11')uwer Co., Toronto.
Seed Drill Combined, 2 entries--lst,.
Lassen Manufacturing Co., Oshawa
2,1d, Noxon Bros., Ingersol.
Gang Plow, 2 entries -1st, Donovan
& Morrow, Laoto; 2nd, Crawford & Co.,
Iron harrows, 1 eutry--1st, Dono-
van & Marrow, Loon.
Plow, 2 entries- Ist, Donovan &
iud, Duuovau & itIorrese, Limn.
Sulky Hay Rake, 2 eniries--1st, Ma-
son itIanufatoturing 0e„ Oshawa; 24d,N
J. P. i'.tiliugton, Dundee.
South, Perth Show.
The annual Spring Show of the
South Perth Agricultural Society watt
held at Stratford on Wednesday. Be-
low we give the prize list Horses-•
Fleavy Draught -Best aged stallion. A„
blcQuarqudrtle; 2ud, R. M'detr's Bobby
Burns. Best two year old heavy draught.
-W. G. Graham's Young Oauadian
2nd, W. Ford, General purpose -Best
aged stallion, William Hay ;; 2ud, A,
Robinson. Best two year old, Wm,
Moss' Glory of Downie. Roadsters -
Best aged stallion. Seth Davidson's
Mazeppa; 2,1,1, Robert Henderson's
Prince of Oxford, I3lnods-Best Nged
stallion, Thomas Greenwood's Dr.But-
tier. 1311lls-1)tlrl}amees•Best aged bull,
Lee's Lord .Blythe. Beet two year old,
Alex,'iugd's 14. onarph. Best one year.
old bull, A. MaDuilgiell'az patron Wood,