The Exeter Times, 1879-4-24, Page 39 ANITA 241, 1878 THE TIMES MICHAEL CARGRAVE'S HARVEST. 011A.PTER Y„—Centineel would uot titlk like that if I were yea. Motley is very good in ie wet'. There is nothiug in it's way better, brn it is not all for anybody --it is not all by a great deal Par 'Michael did not auswer—he thought at that jelPetute as he had thou:slit soy - oral thues before wheo his rich Morale were ou the Wills, that there was no nee trying to explaiii maatere to Mr, Holding. There's notldng that teres taciturn- ity like tatiteruity. In the very na- ture of tliiugs if one :vitt not tweak ai. other mut. :Mr. die:tiling had often found this oiseessity forced upon him by his clerk'silenoe, toad he forma it slow. "About whet amount were you thiti,king of investing ?" Ito ushed, after a pane, which seemed huger than it actually wee. "I have boon left a legacy of over two thoueand ponntle," answered the Micheal brougut the healthy appetite young man. uf ILpereon nottooestorned to daioties, "Ay 1 I noticed yoa had nn a black baud," said Mr. Holding. A. near re- lation ?" "No relation at all—bat the best friend I over had iu ny life or over shalt have again." w luta uot say that," suggested Mr. Holdiug,who iuteuded the observa- tion as soothing, "Why not ?" asked the clerk ; "It is a fact. HO was oily a godfather ; but loved and respeeted him as I never"— Mantel utopped short. He had been truing to add, "as I never loved and respected my father," Lint he paus- ed in time. No maa had ever heard him speek lightly of his payouts, ctud he wee resolved no man ever should. "Aud he has left you this sum of money 2" "Yes, all be had to leave. I never expected anything." Aol tho young man turned his head aside and affected to be busily eugeged von might hive to sit a while," added Mr. Holding, who from the moment Michael entered the house had cinita Brink the employer in the host. No ? Then I will get my hat. Thank you. Lney," he added, as his little daughter brought ilial the article named. "You uevetelet your father speak twice for anything, or look once for it himselfolo you ?" and lie touched her head goutly with his hand, by way of caress. He was not a demoustrative parent, and yet Michael had not been live inhume in the house befure he kuew there was but ono thin in the world John Holdiug loved—his motherless "She is very like you," the young man remarked, as they walked away frotn the house ; and, indeed, between the =informed and almost plain little girl and the rugged, ragged-whiekered, world -worn man there wrni doe of those whimsical family resemblances which are as subtle as they are impos- sible to define. Even on Bankside he had never be- tili"g audficious." So far as be had thought of her at fore seen so much brokeu glass at one "Do you mean you have made all all, Michael had considered the child time; and the Bankside barges were that 'collet' here," asked Mtchael. ugly. 1.10 saw her eyes were too large, filled with quite another sort of ma- "Yes, that is just what I do mean," Was the answer. aud hor mouth too wide, ancl her skei teriai than tole. To be continued. Oboe Again Michael thanked him. would have liked to Ash more about 'Yes, you lied better oome over to the dead woman, who was "wondsrful .my place," repeated Ur, Holding medi- f°h(1.' or things so tahoh bub of the ettively. We can have a Qua ot tea, husband's live of thouelit as poetry and story -books ; bet there was a eet and then walk aeross the .Maraties, Ootue. just as you aro, you know;i look round. Mr. Holding's mouth that there not much in the way of fashion hiudered his PhOoss- about old Pord," The man had loved to hear those Oertai»ly, it never marred to foolish Vous, the rneaurng of which was never pita intelligible to him. Ide .youug Gargrave that there was nautili in the way of fasnion about Mr. Hold. ing, Nevertheless, he made such al- terations his attire as he coneidered had never thought the words ether thou beautiful her sweet lips uttered. She had boon dear to him, and every. respectful to that gentleman ; and, free thing she oared for Was , dear to lion from the dust of the City, he repaired still,. though she had beeu iu her grave at the hour arranged to Old Ford. for ton long lonely years. Arrived there he soon perceived that "She left me the child," he said noun whatever extravaeance ithe lewd. more than a twelvemouth afterwards ing might spend the prate derived to Mioltael and that legady proved from Ids bueiuess, it was not on house the 'ruling influence of his life. The reut or eutuptuous raiment, or luxari. child 1 It was for her he toiled and ems liyieg. moiled for her he kept "muting mt.; eemeonoa was email and dingy ; about to improve his position—for her the furnitare it contained old, aud, 110 1101)". though ennsianitee, of a desoription So far as his own personal hopes that laid as little claim to couvenieuce they all perished oue fair spring went, as to elegance. The meal to which inorniug, when the larks were einging over the. marshee, and the flowers were nufolilicg their blossoms, and the trees bad doused their feir green raituout, and his dead love was lyiug in the darkened house, white and pure, an angel who (glutei return to hirn no more, save in waking memories and in the oeceitfrd dreams of uight. "That is tho place," said Mr. Hold- ing, pausing length before a cona- toou-looking little cottage, with a piece of waste land stretching in front of it, aud a great barn showing an expanse of red roof behiod. "That is the place." "Oh Ts it, ?" answered the young man, not comprebendiug, but politely anxious to item as if he knew all his compeuion meant to convey. You think there is nothing much to look at, I'll be bound ?" surmised Mr. Holding, triumplatutly. "The farm buildings seemed very good," said Michael. "Hare you much I tend ?" "It is not a farm." "indoea I I thought it must be. What is it, thou ?" "You shall see." They passed round the end of the was of an emiuently character -- bread and butter (the bread brown and white), a madeira oelto which rio one touched ; watorcresses, and shrimps, a delicaey. Mr. Holding said, "I myself am very partial to," even though eta cempaided by strong black tea, vern, stroug aud very good, becaaise, as Mr. Holding explained, "I can't bear tea that has been left brewing"—could uot- be considered a repast open to objec- tion,on the vcore of expanse. "I generally pick a bit of something about nine o'clock." eremarked Mr. Holding after he had watched with sat- isfaction the gnest working steadily down a piled.nit plateful of brown bread -awl -butter. "I rarely trouble about eating much in the middle of the day; so, if you are sure you won't take any more tea, we will be off now, and by the time we get back we shall find supper nearly ready. Perhaps,thougle, in sorting over anine letters. This pvccise fortu of tremble was new to him and he did not bear it so philosophi• catty its be had hard living, and scant comfort in the earl; pact of his career. Fluffier, Mr. Holdiuee, tliie thee, cheateed to be right. ThOr0 was a youug woman—though she would have felt scaudalized to Whitt any 3110 Min 4resitin ass, designating her. "Beware, she fording thee !" Mich. ael'e godfather warned him kindly told sadly. The old man was staying. in London so as to be near better medieal advice tom he could obtain in his own pact • f the country. and at his house Mich- ael met•the maiden "fair to see" who cost hite, that time, inauy a heart - ch e. A stately maiden, exceedingly beau- tiful, with the lily and the rued sort ot loveliness, blue -tie ed, fair-lotired. Ali I well and ttalack-a-day ! and for him it was pitiful, though but play to hoc. The time came, when, looking in the toy.shop windows, michael was angel - lent euaugh to trace stone resemblauce h tween the plump, fatuous -looking wax dolls, all tticked out in silks and laces, and his deceitful mistress, but that time was not yet, :nal, though the 1 "Do you think so 2" said Mr. Held. "Young mit"" acknowledged tb("ing, answering his companion's words. "young wonea,n" to be wise eueugh "Now, I always film she Lias a look her geuGrati" f" refu'itig. to accept of her mother ;" and as he spulte,there aught beyond his admiration, still the carne au expression over his face Mich - wound pained none the less fur thett. aol Gargrave had never seen on it be - "I will turn the matter over in my fore. mind," said Mr. Holding, after giving Almost in silences they pursued the young fellow time to recover him- their way np Wiek-lane, slid thence self. "The affair I mentiemed long 11.3rOSS the Marshes, where, on that flue ago is still open ; but I am doubtful trimmer evening, plenty of people were whether it would suit you." walking. "Why ?" asked MiePael. "It is a pleasant place," remarked "It is not melting the way I expect- .etir. ; and Michael politely ed," answered Mr. Holding. "To be quite plain with you, it was a notion of my own, and I am not sure that it will ever Come to much," "I dare say it would come to enough for me." "I can't tell. I don't know what your notions may be." "They are not very extravagant," said Michetel. / "Wel!, 1 will turn the matter over in my mind," repeated Ildr. Holdiug, and took up another invoice as a hint that the conversation had better come to an end. This talk took place on Monday; and when the beet Saturday came round Mr. Holding renaarked. "1 think I 'have considered that business of yours in all its bearings ,and if you would care to look at the concerning I he river .Lett, and learned thiog I have in hand you are welcome for certain Father Prout had nothing to do so." further from his mind than Hackney Michael said he was much obliged, • ___1111011,11ftrorpollewiligMillesslu?ssOngorrso, The her oompiteel, thinking he had Salergmen "Wanted. tee nen Nene*, etoot from our heard something very like thie in a game for children. "Bring it out into the yard," said Mr. liolding, eagerly. '"Or let me carry it for you," he added, resuming his oharaoter of host, which did not sit naturally upon him, aud 'will& he for the moment had forgotten. But Michael would riot perMit this, He insisted upon carrying the article into the open air himself, and then once agaiu extunitital carefully, though he.could no more imagine why Mr. Holding set soon store by it Watt he could conceive what be by been dragged Across the Marshes to eee it. "It is a Moe bit of glase, isn't it ?" observed M17. Holding. Yee, ibis beau. CA.NADIAIT ITURSERIEFS, situated atFreuthill, Welland 00,, Oti b. Energetic reliable in c,n obtain good lragigi aud &toady ern- P101'121014- &ETD", giving reteronoes, to IsTONE & AY1.1..LIN01. ON, Toronto, Out, -- --- ----days invets xu of $1050P1',V,1,:',It,2„tuion,.51.0,eitill'i4u.- 0,104.1 pruportion Al returns crE ery n 0E* on Stub) options of ie.10, - $50, - 54100, - 5500. Official Reports an 1 Circulars fres. Address. T. POTTIEI it WItIGIIT & 00., Bankers, 30 Wail St N.Y. . 0 Nhi SALESMAN tea ante far Q.Liiiintfi.te:Ca :Wilti ' ponses. iteferences require ti. LA per ZiiII.4.1...If liklj.- CO., U.i Clark Street,. Chicago. Wally clear," answered Michael, who "In nitro and Beautiful chronic) Eiurt*.s, with name 4.1‘)10o., postpaid. Goo. I. Nunn & Co, Nassau. 2v.x. had learned to be a fair judge of such matters "As good as anything we ever had from abroad," suggested Mr. Holdiug. "I do not think tse ever had any- thing better," agreed his clerk. "You perceive no defeat or flaw in it 2" No; ; how caa ? There's no de- $77 leoluf!tpnricl POnips guirantecd to agents MUG reo. snaw & co, Allgiltita, Maine, feet or flew." sr .IST 03? NEWSPAPERS wits advertising rates Mr. Holding took the shade lovingly -1-J100 pages, 100. G. r. ROWELL & 00., R Y. in his hands, looked at its domed top, its shapely sides, its cleata smooth base, and then Ina, "That is what I have been doing." Ile waited for a reply, and Miehhel was consequeutly forced to say, "I'm afraid do not exactly under - steed." Hie tone was expressive of such, be- wilderinent that Mr. Holding smiled with a snails delightful to see on the face of so grim -looking! it man. "It is Euglish made," he answered, protraeting, the explanation of. the mystery. "1 thought nothing of this sort was made in England." "Neither it i ule but I made A DAY to Agent. canvassing for the •FINESIDE ViLITOlt eerArt, and. Out.fit Free. Addrusb 0. VICKEli Auguste, Maine. ineVaney Cards, Chrome, Snowflake, &e., no r with name,10o. Minkler 6r, Co., Nes- sat., 11. Y. 401n3141Lculratite' (1!,c'jcioxfsrgrt.t")titlindle" rt0A111)% Chromo, Gold BOrper,.6Ec.„ 10e., Or 00 didLn,au Cards, lea ,J. 33, HUbf...LD, asse,u, x. 8, as,a r ; it." The time had some to make a point, and Mr. Holdiug deferred his opportunity no looger. "l'uu did I" said Michael, in bewil- derment. "Not Personally; I didu't mean that; but it was made Lere. This is what I have had in hand " to al Michael Gargrave once again took oottage—Mr. Holding remarbiug man digging in the gardeu, who touch. ed his hat at sight of them, "Spleudid weather, Dauiel," — and reached a large yard, roughly inclosed with a feucing formed of tallow -staves. About this yard was strewn a mass of odde and ends that filled the visitor's mind with the most iutense astonishment. Stacks of fire-brit:1es, piles of plauks, tons and tons of eoal, mostar, barrals dilate, crucibles, and more extraordi nary than all else even to a person whose business lay amongst such ware—a heap of broken glass of the very fluent and thinnest quality. "What on earth is that ?" asked Michael, pausing before this small moult teitnand eyeing it all over in criti- eat %yonder. 'he glass and looked it over, carefully, xamined it inch by iucb, held it be. tweenlim and the lieht, held it out at erro's lsogth, it down, held it up, then he said : -Yon amaze me." "I thought it could be done," ex. plained Mr. Holding modestly, "and I liege done it." They put the shade back on the desk, and (savored it over once agaiu with the red baize ; they then took a leisurely stroll down the works, and Mr. Holdiug, his mouth opened at last, delivered a lecture upon this special branch of manufacture, whieh he de- mon:dr:teed with examples. "But it is uot what it oneht to be," he floished, •ethe breakages are some - too sallow i but then, her father was Mr. Holding contemplated tbe heap not beautiful, and ehe resembled him. mournfully ; and then turning to his compauion auswered , , "That is my trouble." "Your trouble 1" roe eated the younger nien, astouished "Yes. You will see later on," said Mr. Hohliug, opening the door of the barn, aud motioning Michael to enter. In the barn there was literally noth- fog to see, though, several rows of the .111 11 Mt 1 S 5 0 a R 1, I C li 7 S. tiles having beau removed, and shy-' A full line LOW in, of lights put in, the visitor was able to I view the contents of the building from Spring and Summer Haig, and Bonnets, end to eud. A few rough benches a,gitinst the agreed with him, though, at the same walls, a few air furnaces at the end of tittle, the calm mouotouy of that por- the shed, some metal tubes, a waste of tion of the Lea really clid not strike sand on the floor, and a number of him as particularly captivating, spades and shovels piled together in it "1 have been across there in every corner : there was nothing else. Mi - sort of weather," said Mr. Holding; and ehael looked to Mr. Holding for in - Michel hied to interest himself in the fortuatiou. subject and failed. Close to tbe doer by which they bad If hie employer bad told him what entered was a small office, partitioned they were going to see, the case might off from the remaiuder of the building have been different ; but Mr. Holdiug, with rough deals, unplaned and tau - having decided to hold over his secret painted. Whatever the occupation for a crushing surprise, walked dude- carried on, it was clear not an tin- t i di i io i the to ic of which necessary sixpence had been laid out AGENTS READ THIS Wo will pay Agente a Salary of $1.00 per month and expenses, or allow a commission to sell our new and wonderful inventions. We moan 'what we swy. Sample free A.Idress, SFEENMAN A; CO., Mardian, Mich. INIEILLINERY erin tee y gt ug p hot!) were thinking, and resolutely dia. foe either ornament or comfort. tioursing of others, many of which had There was barely room for two per. not the remotest attraction for either sous to move in this office; but, Wa- in the key in the lock, Mr. Holdiug of them. It was upon that occasion Michael invited Michael to outer. Unlike the 1 Gargrave received much information remainder of the building, the °face received light from a, window introdee- ed into the gable. Upon the flat bot- tom -of the makeshift desk stood some- thing covered over with a square of red baize. Mr. Holdiug removed this baize, and then there was disclosed to view a 'ergo glass shade such as is used for the protection from dust of statuet- tes, timepieces, wax flowers, and so forth. ."Yoti see that," said Mr. Holding, triumphantly. "Yes," Michael agreed.;. "Laste. it." "Take it in your 'Amis.!" The young man, did. so.. "Look at and he felt obliged. "I won.% have yon walk into the con- cern in the dark," explained Mr. ltoldiug; "so you had better come ov- er to my place this evening and iee what the affair is. If after that you think you would care for the business, why you had better take throe months to turn it over in your mind. Howev er you decide, there need be no differ- enoe betweea 41% as far as X am OOP,. corner Ont and the Itlssex Marshes when he wrote For the belled Shandon They sound so grand on The pleasant waters of the Eiver Lea. "That is quite another Lea," ex- plained MI, Holding, iu answer to his compacion's inquiry. "In the South of Ireland, I believe. My wife now to say those lines. She was wonderful fond of poetty and storyeehooks." roar wife 1 poor husband! all the vory latest shapes, NOW flowers Feathers, and Ornaments. Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS HATee FROM. $1.00 UP, nicely trimmed. Everything will bo sold, as cheap as possible. Fancy Goods, 13erlin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a full line always kept. Jackets made or culla the latest styles. MISS GARLICK, 78. Main St. E seter. SIELP anoczaw 1 Tea, 50o., Tea, 50o., SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GR EAT WES ERN STEW SHIP COMPANY. Nw York, To Bristol Moatrea1,1 direct. Also aeon t tor MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS. Wails forwagded to all parts utGxertt Britain at 1o,ff tato,, ibxeter IN oral FLOUR and. GRIST MILL, 13eing in good working order gives every accufl. dation possible in gristit.g and Burning. Flou and mill feed delivered to parties leaving the orders before one o'clock at J. BELL'S Bakery, E & CO'S, or at mil same day —0 TETIMS w. rwxc, EXETER P 0. NEW MACHINE 8110P. WUhiam inching Wishes to inform the public that lie is bate Preeared turepan all kinds of Sewing Machines, Watches. Clocks, Guns, &c., than any other person in the country, as his charges aro moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- bion. MAIM STREET, EXETER. GRAY'S SPECIFC MEDICINE. The GrontEnglish TRADE 0.1 A oil:. TRADE hi AR K.Itemody,an unfail ing cure for Semi- nal Wealtnes;, syermatorrno Impoteney,mattll Diseases that fol- low as a Sequence Self abuse, as loss of memory, Universal Lttti61- Before Takingte ea, Pain in the niter Taking, Back, Dimness of vision, Premature ola age. and many other 1 -itemizes that lead to Insanity or Consumption anti a Premature grave. particulars in our pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to every one. azirTlie Specific Medicine is eoldby all druggists at elver package or six. packages for .55. or will be sent by mail on receipt of the zunney by addressing TETE GDAY AIIMICINE CO., Wrsuson, ONT., CANADA., !Sold in Exeter by all drugs -flats, and every- where in Canada and the United States by whole- sale and retail druggists. Ship Grocery. ---: : TEA T TEA ! TEA! TRY MY 75 et. TEA ! 'PRY MY 50 ct. TEA. I ! Every elitists otion. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS, GRANGES. LEXIONS. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all ps.rts of the Village. Agent for Great Western Sts'hp Co. New 'York to Bristol. CAFT Christmas Comes but once a year—but some- body's Birthday every day, and a present is al- ways acceptable. -:0 0: - Remainder Or 0:R FANCY GOODS TO BE SOLD 1. C11 E AP NOW IS TIME TO BUY LI THEI, Dominion. Laboratory, EXETER',