The Exeter Times, 1879-4-24, Page 22 A JUDGE; WiI0 WENT BALI% ON A SCHOOLMATE. . Beverly Smith walked out of cell No, G with the greatest promptness, end as he ranged before the desk and smiled, 11e stud : t,"'ell,this ie indeed a surprise, Why, I hadn't the remotest ilie't of finding yon here, Shake, old fellow." His Honor wonldn't "Don't you remember your old Rollool- mate•, Bev; SmithSmith?" inquired the pris. ober. "Don't you remember how we need to steal melons together --how we bode went over the mill- dant in an chi boat—how WS read novels under the lee side of hay -stacks ?" A strange smile crept in his ilonor's eyes as he replied : "Ah I I remember you now. So yon are Bev. Smith 2" ' "1 ant—I am. I thought you'd re• member me. I am awful glad to see you, Judge. Are you well 2" r'Q'tiite well, thank you." An awkward silence followed, DIr. Smith heard the boys chuckling, and he at length said : "Glad to hear it—yes—yes. 1 should like to cull on yon autl talk over old tinges." "Beverly Smith!" said the Court in a voice resemling the distant explosion of a coal cart, "you are about to call ou the snaerintendaut of tho House of Correction, there to remain for ninety long days." "What 1 sentence au old companion!" "All the same,Beverly—all the same. The friends of my childhood are few in number. They are falling; down stairs, being drowned, blown up and ran over, and I am going to pot you where 3'ou will he safe from accident." "Don't Judge !" "J$ut I will 1 I prize you, Beverly. 'When night comes, I want to !crow that yon are in, out of the wet, and when morning dawns, I want to feel that you are safe from the clutch of ice wagons. The sentence is recorded." "Judge, I-1—don't thing I ever knew yon 1" stammered Beverly, but there was alight iu the window for hila. Y THIll TIMES HORRORS OF ,THE MOROCCO PLAGUE. Nothing more horrible has ever been recorded than the ravages of the plague now raging in Morocco. A. let- ter to a gentleman in SVnahingtonfrom the United States Consul at Tangier, dated Merrill 19, 1879, gives the follow ling; terrible account of the suiherint; frotn the famine and from starvation Living human beings eating the dead lisalmost an unheard-of horror. The Conant writes as follows':-- "All who can are now running away I from thio most unfortunate country, where femme, cholera and typhus has and is more than decimating its popu- lation. At Tangier alone we are hav• ing from thirty t) forty oases of typhus per day, and at the city of Morocco the daily t,lortality by typhus is from 200 to 25O persons, The ordeal of death is complete. Parents eat their child- ren, and at Ii yialor, Buff and Uasse- bianolt'tlle:starving Arabs eat their dead. The atmosphere is impregnated with deadly I oiel.MJs emanating from the thousands that are half buried and the many left nut exposed to the sun and rain. Tho European residents take every preceetinn ; nevertheless nearly ane -half have already snoeninhed to the dreadful disease. The fatalist Moslems ridicule all snail expedients to avoid contagion, believing that n11 is written by Crnd, and they must the if so de- creed. The garments of the dead by di"ease aro sold at anet.inn for a trifle. put op by the wretched buyer, w11a green after is generally taken sick anal follows in the wake of the former wear- er. •• Messrs. Milburn, Penney ib Pearson, GrENrr.r lint,—Sninn ttceiva year ago I knock- ed of the cap of my knee, and since that time have often suffered with a swelling in tho ]lnne joint, caused from twisting the leg. I have used all kinds of liniments, as well as medical attendance; but • on the last two occasions have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil. The result has been marvellous; instead of lying up for a' week or ten days, as nsnal, all the swelling has disappeared in three days. I most hearti- ly recommend the Yellow oil. Make what use ou like of this, and state it comes unasked ior. Your truly, Fns» HILLS. For sale by Mr. C. Lutz, Exeter. TIME IS MONEY. One fine morning when Franklin was busy preparing his newspaper for the press, a lounger stepped into the store and spent an hoar or more look- ing over the books, etc., and fluidly taking one in his hand, asked the shcp boy for the price. "One dollar." was the answer. "One dollar!" said the lounger;; "can you not take less than shpt 2" "No indeed; ono dollar is the price." Another hour had nearly passed, Whr'n the l' anger said : "Is bar. Franklin at home p" "Yes, he is in the printing office." "I want to see him," said the loun- ger. The shop boy immediately informed Mr. Franklin that a gentleman was in the store waiting to see him. Frank- lin was soon behind the counter, and the lounger addressed him thus : "Mr. Franklin what is the lowest you can take for that book 2" "One dollar and a quarter," was the ready answer. "One dollar and a gtrerter 1 Why, your young man asked me only a dol- lar," "Tine," said. Franklin, "and I could better' have afforded to have taken a dollar then, tbnn to have been taken out of the office " The lunger seemed surprised, and, wishing to end the parley of his own making, said : "Corrie, Mr. Franklin, tell me what is the lowest you can take for it 2" "A. dollar and n half." "A Jollier and a half? Why, you offered it yourself for a dollar and a quarter." "Yes," said Franklin, "and 1. had better have taken that price then than a dollar and a half now." 11,—•40H WIT AND HUMOR. It is very difficult to find fault with a dear little three-year-old wile buries her Bead under the clothes and sings : r. Now 1 lay me down to bleep. Pop goes the weasel." The savings bank is a place where thieves do not break through and steal. They are right on the ground, as it were, at the time you put your money Mtn the bank, tt Mother is all the time telling Ino not to bole my fond," sairl'the emrtll boy, gi and now she's gone end bolted up the cupboard that has got all the company victuals." Man eon an many l things, but there's 'S Atte thing he can't do: 11e can't button nn a new collar just after cutting his thutnb-easily without looking up in the tie, A Clergyman, who would have his joke thoudi he were au'Arehbisllon says the meet Improved method .which lie ltay di uiivered to in duce profnuud sllitnber is reading his own sermons. t THE FA.L1rAND Wu TL i'i TRADE 0. Bouthcott ce Son TAILORS and CL0TEil1:kS, Take plea sure to ir forrithe inhabitantfofExeter add surrounding country, that they have just opeeed out an ehoellentassortmentuf Tweeds, Coatings, Vesfi?rgs etc,, la the lwtest styles and patterns, an feel assured that in teem atter of eloteitig, they eau suit the mosttastiMous !met es. LEGAL R H. CADDY, BARRISTER ez ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &c, O131ce, Panaon's Block Exeter. AII,DING IIARDING, tic WHITE, Banisters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com- sioi.ers, B. It., &e. ,,,,rtes-Hurroles Beene, Water treat, St 3Ia ry's. iouN Ib.HAUDING ,F.W.HA1tDING. H.A.L.Si'azT1 k T McDIAR?tIID, B.A., t 1 ItUISTE.II,NOTARY, CONVEYANCER LUCAN,UNT, y ESSRS. JONES & MOSCRIP 1? Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors C'tunoc.ry, Couvoyancors, Commissioners MBE. a',, Notaries Public, St, 1tlarv's C. R.JONLiS. W.O. S{OBCRIP. Oe nett-Tfuttote a Block. Wate 1St.St Mary's Mtial'ICf L \R. COWEN. OFFICE - MAIN Hotel. Street, 6 tole a trance,ton the south -street elead igo tol. 0. Church. ate" Orders left aniline's shoe store will receive prompt atteutlon. 49-1y. R. HUTCHIINSON, Member of the college of Physicians and Surgeons of "ntario, ttco., to., Office next door to I. Carlittgs, Main Street, Exeter, D1 \It. if NLtMAN.—CO1tONE1I FOR the (lnunty of7Luruu. t'flice,nextdoor to air.I. Darling's store, Exeter. W. 13110WNING M. 1)., 0. M. ;! • P. 8, Graduate ViotorbtUnivorsity' Omoe and residence. Den tion t,abnrafoty, Exeter. 0.111008E. M. 1). 0. M. A L'• Ceraduate M .:chill Cailwrsity, Montreal Ofrtcoand residence, lexeter,0nt•. entice • mus- e to10e, in mid 7to1eu.m LIB•. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P..5. 0., Victoria Se, Crediton, Ont Oflloe hour front 0 to 10 n. en.; 2to6p.m. LU'L'L, E. D„ • (Mee at his residence, Exeter. J1 R. IRVING, -'JRA 1.1UAT UNI- VIiaisI'L'Y Trinity College t, (n,t,er(jol loge Pavaschene !Ind aurgeonr Out., video t(irkton, HOTELS. iENT13,A.L HOTEL, OlIEDITON. A i -Wn. Bakersci 1 tn tr10 n r Tideia Rotel has nn newly tuna ailed unu fitted ttel are in fir t•CIaorsbyle. Largo and convenient Snw Rooms for Commercial Travellers; best of limier and cigars ,1t the Bier. Attenblve Itostlors nlwu rs on hand. M 2I Sar. WILLTAtf HAIiilit, -DltINCE OF WALES HOTEL OLIN I ( t Y, G. SWARMS having purchase the above hotel, ,incl fitted it through. t, now o furs tint -0,11.4s aecolmmotlittion to tritvotors, (eoe liquor and Cigars at the bar. 0oodstablfng a.n attentive hosllor on hand: Every attention pal to guests. New York Millinery Store. �30115.C.13, WILLIAMS has just opened out in Venom's s Block with a large stock of Spring Goods HATS, BONNETS AND SHAPES of the lettostNew York and Philadelphia etyloa, Also a largo assortment o; 1rintttnngs in all shades, Ribbons, l'oathees Mid Ornaments. Lad- ies' hats nicely trimmed from 50 gents up, Vetis, Wee tins, cuffs, collate, fringes and neck frills, Also a large stock of fancy P'ry Goons, infants* hats ho ode, ons , and Cat ad moss snits )s. Ladies'outiu the latest Philadelphia styles. 8 largo assort- ment of Parasols and Paris 1r001105. (lull and examine our stock betforct purchasing elsewhere, as wo sell for prices to star the times ancldeal liberally with thd farmers in their way of trade. M12S.0.13. WILLIAMS. Exeter, Apr1117, 1870. ro MANUFACTURERS —o— The undersigned utas received inntructinus to invite eorreap,.ndenoe f.om Manufacturers, with a view to establishini' Business in the VILLA).lit: OF E ! Lflr, COUNTY OP IIUI1ON, in the (Moat agricultural dithiet in Ontario. 30 utiles from Loudon, an th t • London, Huron & Bruce Beltway. Splendid inducements by the Municipality. Address- 1I, EMMETT, Clerk of Exeter ittuuioipality. Exeter, April 17, 1870. tf. N ti it 1 k ` olio PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand ani made to order. 111:XILLAN cC MoBRID having now greater facilities than ever, aro pre- pared to supply farmers with Iron Beam flows, Steel Mould Board, )undo by orrselves ; ("hill Plows, Ttnapper snake ; Scotch Diamond tiarrows Cultivators, Gang Plows. Carriages and buggies on ltend, and made to or dor, Horse shoeing attenda : to ou the shortest notice. Horses shod to prevent interfering. hIeMILI AN & MoBRIDE, ling St„HtnsaIl. HAY }PUMP WORKS. �r tf�111 fr�� D. HIM - PROP 4IETCl St• Raving added to lay pump machinery, and pro- cured a large quantity of iirst-chess puutp logs, l am prepared to offer an article Superior to any Factory in the County and at prices that defy competition. Wells ono Cisterns dogma the shortest notice. Before purohasiug call a the Hay Pump Works I -e. Shop -•Ono -quarter mile north of Itxotet Loudon Road. Hay 1'. 0 LIVEPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF Royal mail Steamships. The favorite route between Canada and Frets Btitnin. iii' _fry T El: S F 6: ):' 3 i, if: TIE CASPIAN will sail ou April 5. Sh utast sea passage. For speed, comfort; economy and safety aro equal og any other Aelientic Liiio, and being a Ca .annals Line,Shoul, bepatrouized uy all Cn .ndicus. For Particulars as to passage or parties sending for their f vie .ds, apply to CAPT. G. KE MP, Exeter. Thio g 'eat household Medicine ranks arnou; the head ng necessaries of lice. Tixoao Eamon: Trills purify the 13r,00», and art moat poworluli yet soot ,ingly on We Livor, Stomach, Kidney stud Bo.rela, giving tone, energy; awe vigor t these gr it ,n tin sspri springs of nee, J'itny are cn:, f dently recommended es a never failing rococo in all ea es where the eruatitntion,frolnwuateve. rause, it s become i n:'aired or weakened. 'Thr• are wonde •hilly oilicacious lu all ai,ments iuc' denial to nmales of till ago; and as a;seal • F"amily'n •dietne, are tin •nrpneeed Its searching anti haellu; pr.ipereiee are known throughout the world. Icor the cure of bad lrigs,bad breasta. old wounds a,'resenitUloers, itis an infallible rotnudy. I1 ofectnally.rubbe 1 on the neck and (,heat, as salt into i moat, it cure p sero throat, Brouchttie flmigh9 nits, and even tathinn.' For (1landula Swe1e lenge, Aba'aaos L'ilaa, b'iatiul'ia, Gout l2htm oeitism and every kind of Skin Disonae it etas never been known to fail. rhe Pills and ointment aro hate tlfaetureu only at 533 OXFORD.STTlT, LONDON, And are sohd ay all Voalnrs Of ;tterlininos throughont the eiv1Ittn, T worla ; with directions La almost ovary language, ..12110 Trod+) Marks of these medicines • are reeds. terod at Ottawa. Honed, anyone in the. Brit.tali Possessions, who may iriep the American 0,.nnterfuits for sale, will he proeooutod. ti'Paruh iters should look to the Latbol nn. the Pots and IJnxes. If the Melrose is not 533, Oxford Strout, llo,.dtm, they are spurious. W 13 W. BUCKING Exeter, has bust easiuthe at Winchelsea aredtod SMITH II0P c a ltl r to;A^ HAl\f,latoof commenced al,'vehrano'1 and is pru- sinitilingWork r " • Wad' 9 el oe ingspo dally Itttoncion to, Promptnosa, eheapuess nndgood work guaranteed, A call solicited. 10.3n[ W. 13th' f(1N CRAM. Fs shi nable Dressmtakinot' Dresses cut and made to order -----I3Y MRS. 0. ROSS, Mein treat, Exeter, OVER, THE POST OFFICE. $50,000.00 • Ana 24. IS79 =ableWive Tres e, W. D. WEEKES Dealer In MON UMENTS, HE°f..11:i !'ONES, M• t. , ,. , S. �lti t F,t!, PIECIEp,S. .FURNITURE TOPS. &c. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly cxecntetl. Doors North of Dren's i1atl, Main street, "G 2"yn' )31 r^1'2 "I Li AVE VO1J LON'l' THE SENSE 01? TASTE or. ';iell;Ll 'le an, it May bo front the .Lr?1`nosv of the li,tit e.,r[ttu•y, t'A'rn):ut[, reel 0cear1'1't)TI01(AL t'Ai.nnir Itt:*.•1r'UY Hill restore. you to eujeyatil•' health, It nmy cures Cu - lamb, hitt n.n other (Hammes ,it the moue tige. Price - I per polite I't sale by all deriggists tuna At auction. To commence on Medicine dealer.; Seed Potain for 18 pogo pam- •i�!1-or^i,1 mated, - Monday, Deo. 1 L: 1 Qr`,/Q pltleat rat t,�it�urei c,'to'1'� T. 8131 11n AiiLtNti,Ilotnitl- :• � Agent, Bruelttalln,O^b. ff CON:STri''UTIONftI, CAT'ILRFHBIJMEDY, W. D. McGloughlin of 130 Dundee sh•eot, London, will onthe shove ,late, offer his whole stook, tlntolu ting to over Fifty Thousand Dollura, et auction, and continue the title every day at two o'clock in the a'fter- noon and at hewn in the evening daring the ba1- unee of the month,—from the 10th to the Slat of ).Jcoeinbar, Tis is the largest and best atoolt that has ever been offered to the public at their own prices; and, as everybody knows, the goads aro of the baht manufacture and over,' article will be war- rented the Rhino as 11 bought in the ol'diu..ry way. Pits is a rare ellaneo to get fine gold and silver watches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and fancy goods tit your own igloos. Pornaps uover again will such art •tiportunity oc,iur, Secure ytntrOhriattu,ee and Now Year's presents at this sale. Suva your looney for bide auction --and mai, mummy. W. D. 1toGLOUGHLIN, Dimities street, London' AT TI1L+' Jtandaigi Sash Door e 1311r,d 1? A0T0BY, is constantly lcopt on hand, ail kiuds of builtline Ineterial. i'lonring hard end snit, Siding Mot'le tge &e„ solei cheap. 1'lanitn; - t''r g and Turning Promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED P011, ,end satisfaction guaranteed. As we have 01 hand a levee at ock of dry Manlier, we feel sure oil sutislviug those who may give us a call. 11."SS BItOS. & TAYLOR Y 0 El Y 12»' i hang a s lr. t1t a us the int'eNnt.f v. -uths ca.. trained in the .r', niediea; bona ever isst,• .e. pl,thlce g p E � FSI;L oct1y :eEIt'. . Ti ab �j Priccmtly�L S ntor•mai: on receipt of price. it treats of Exhaustecl Vitality Premature .1eeline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endles< conenmitnut ills nod untold misroioa that iveilt therefrom, and contains more them 5O original pre scriptions, any om M which 1s worth the price of the book. This book was written by the most cx. tensive and probably the meet sk ilful practitioner in America, to whom urns awarded a gold and jou•. elled medal by the National Medical A ssncinlion. .A. Pamphlet, illustrated with tbo very finest Steel Engravings -a mar. HEAL Tel of art anti beauty - sent FAElr to eh. Send for it at once. Address PEABODYINSTITUTE, 11fo 4BM-�sgYSELF NI Bul. (jis tench St.. Boston. 8fass. / owers and Reapers. WE OFFER A TRIAL of oureelebratetl Single Mowers —A1PD-- 8incgie Reapers u all kfndsof Grass and Grein,atdon all col: itions ofsailaud surface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OIt NO SALE Wo also ofer a Trin1 of enr Wrought Ixori Two Bur. JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REA"!R Ai O MJWER Ittachiuesaupplied with _No Pitmans, TWO Drag -liars, Two Finger -bars. Pour Knives, Forked aitt1 Keyed. Nuts. Self -oilers, etc., te. can be chapg'ed 'from fewer co Reaper AND REAPER TO MOWER Byremovolteffonrbolb,, nnetnloes ultnn'liteel inboitea time. ['lenge coil at our works and inapet Our Machines before purellashig: elsewhere, la"'' Send for Catalognes. TIIDNPSON Sc 'WILLIAMS Manufacturing Uv., Str:gtfoad. to, The only certain, elite, and effectual euro for Cott ri'h, hulbts up til» systolic awl urea all other disoases at tin) `„tine time, Ahtt.niti, Retie Cold, they rover, Nervous Debility, ell leave bagt.thor when t13t coustitntnti,ii 1 cuterrll pomade;is taken as dlreat'a,l. Pro, 1 ln't• bottle. For stile b.. all .t.., •e., c? t• •. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From i to ee I3r rsc Pnwcr, for Farm-. ors, Dairymen, Butter end Cheese Nactnrie:., Printers end nil parties using hand or horse power. Lest and ch apett in the market. Send for circular and price list. John Doty. Esplanade Street. Toxo.ero. i}.EIE GREAT CAUSE OF uurs.i1 ms- E1ll Just Pttl,ltahrd, in a scaled Envelope. r1'ite hli c.,i is • A1a'turo cru the A. +::re,Treatmcnt and leo te- eel our” of senir,nl tv r ata'o e. ur ever ator•hunt, Minced by snit ••:• It/ vnlm'fitly 'Emissions, ':mptte n i, iters I tadtity, and Intl ediluents n I1161mi 11e get ail • , • ((10111lerten Y;pi16psy,. me kits; l,.a•• 1 ff. •J ''cs„•'ti 1.,c:ip,oily, ttn,- 31; 18011'1 1 l t O i;Y,,ve;LS,, 3f.10., author of he "Green s sok, S,. ;lute wo.ld rerte.l et ti ft titian” t1, this admirable cc tu re , eeet rl v vee 11.,tu1 his nv,1 exptu'ieleo hat the owl ul.:a ::e.la. nela of 4"1t -.;Nigro may but ttoet'tnliy 0 in i • n .: itle:nt medicine, unu with •ntdautro••,•a,ai, ;.e1,,;r•rariu mtta,ring, ,,•rr•,';.i J ; ,itafu ot.tr, ruudoof ore at onceer•'t • i n• t eif..t.t",1.by'-•'•ichevery •', ir: L•: ".h.t:iac ntliti,m safforolyeuvolrnia „'11.•i ',,l ,privet•ica.ndrconyttdxcallyha. •4;11 p*ave. rt boon to ihouaaxidia tl mas:,' ,b;. ay,^ t . Snotsig, nt1d e' ;t. E•'e t,leie envelope, to any ad- .'eaa, nTl rnenli t , 1.1X OOII?P, or tt•.'a postage tamps. 8dare„ TLtt.; c - �•!.'. ".tT"?."re'AI. tn. '4 p W 2 8 4 0. Box 4'181 5 e p (Successors to R. v. PIERCE, IID D.) TM.lt. V. PIEIICE, having acquired aworld-teride reputation In the treatment of Chronic Diseases. resulting In a professional business ihr exceeding his individual nanny to t'onduet, some Scars ago induced several motive' gen Heinen tonasocllittt them- selves with hum, as the� nruily of the World's D1s- slitcet 1 eent the age ilwitltltiletINV Department whirl,STEL. The organization has been romplere I an.t Incorpo- rated antler the name and style of Waled's Dl.pen- •ery Medical Association, with the following oalcers: Ron. 1t. V. Pinnyt:, Pres. F. P. Puttee, V Pres. JIM. It. PILn(s, Sea LEertttt 11. Staten, 1'r NINE PHYSICIANS AND SCRGEO JI of e Renee sod .1111 3,'e•• I well cbaa,nl as date Fitenity. CHRONIC DI*EAVES of all forms comewithin the p800I0re "t' nn r 'rev„rel specialties. L19NG DISEASES. -This division of practice is very ably utnrnged b3' a gentlemen of mature judg- ment mid sidle. Br,nn"heal, Throat. and Lung Dis- eases trienee with (1,.• meet set:cm:end resat ts. DISEASES O1rWIMIL N.-Especiallyateoticfactil- tles of a superior ordtr tot the cure of all those chromic discuss weedier to females. NEJtt'OiiS DISLAI3ES.-ravel 'sus, \ervnns Debit- fty,.J;pllcpsy (Hist, t,b'.1ea (St.Vltus'a Dance),Neu- ralgla, it ul ether 1111 nus affections, receive the attention of an 63;1101.111 111(4 spell u l ty. NOT NECESSARY TO SEL' PATIENTS. -By our original system of di.,Jiuucis we cue trent many chronic diseases els sueeea,atlly without as with a personal consultation. Forparticulars see"People's Conenon Seise Medical Adviser" (1 000 parg,es'ache pest -),add for $k80 t,r"111vidids*anti )Couriers'U'nitfe Book ' (100 pfy:••s. 10 cents po,L-putt). SIIIWIUAI. CASES.-Aiunitg the operations which we are baled a it.it most Jl•. gneutly to perform, arts those fur Nasal Polypus, 1Jnrclip1 Tumors, Flatnfa 10 Ano, Plies, Hereat (Rupture), Hydrocele Dropsy of the Scrotum), \ to Ito"ele, 00,181180 and 'Uterine Tumors, Calcul) (Stone In the Bladder), Stricture etc., c. Wu also Veal successfully, by a flew Metre.Metre.et od without surglenl operation, (:lacers, Club -feet, Spinel Cnrveture,,md outer deformities. (See piens phlet entitled • Motion as u Curative Agent," selrt 011 ret'eipt of Ie grouts,) Address, World'o Uiopoaaary Radial Eosoetatton, J3u11'At.o, By an lmmcnge practice at the World's Dispen- sary and invalids' Clot d, having treated many tltotr- sand cases of ihoso diseases manna. • to womn 1, 1 have been enabled 10 pertbet a most tent and posi- tive reme.ly for these t Iseasea. To designate this natural specific, I ave natnopt Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tho term, however, Is lint a feeble expression, of my high appreciation of Its value, based upon per- sonal observation. I have, while witnessing its posi- tive results In the special diwhsas Incident to the organism of woman, Singled It out ns the climax or crowning gem of my medleal. career. On Its tttel•Lta, its A positive, snib, and e11e,•[nal remedy lbr this class Of diseases, and one that will, at all times and tinder all eircemetances,act kindly, I am willing to smite my reputations as a physician and so eottlittentant I that It will not disappoint the most sanguineex, pectatlnns of a single luvidid lady u•ho uses t rot• any of the ailments eirwlib•b i reromr(c'n.l it. nett 1 otter grad sell 1t under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (For nonillions, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) Th following aro among those fliseases in width my Favorite Prescription tesla worsted cores, as if by magic, mei with 0 certainty never bcfure attained fly any medicine: L "nvorrhmnE xcessive 10 whjhi f,Painful Monthly Periods, Sterressirts *hen Mau unnatural tames, Irregul nities, Watt book, Prel- im -mile, or Falling of �o Irr a Anteves, natl terovoa1r Bearing -down Sensations, Internal Dent, . )epreeltlrbllit3, 'o e nThreattnet :else,' relieve Fre , Congestion, us; In- anntmtttlou and Ulceration of the I'M rm., (111 poleucy Barrenness, or Sterility, anti Female tt euknesa. (10 not uXtot 011.4 Itu'.Ilt•lor' 8s t Burr• -all,' but J admirably fulfills a abgtlena' of purpose, being a most perfeet apeeftle In till chenille,t(eeitlt' sexual system of wouta,, itw111 not ill$aplwlnlieen, no(18,r will ltd° harm, ht any state or (sweat-iotl. Thnseavlat(101r(fuI [her Information cn these RM.; Kass can 011110)11)11113 in elm Pioneers ('301 808 Selene tllt0r181, Auv(3ittt, a (1,1)338 nt' aver 900 pages, sent. pest-pahl, on receipt n1' 53.hn, It. treeue1,1lnumb' of Lusa dlaaasoe Derail,.r In Females, find raves toueh. vitluable ndvtra In regard to the Irtuttagom e& or nose 4144'11 MIA. iravoritn 1'Ycwarintton said by Druggist•. 'i't. V. PIi1lt 131, el. J)., teener. eVarle'd Dtspen are Inst Lavultds' note!, Swede., N. 1'.