The Exeter Times, 1879-4-17, Page 60 IT'S BERRY SING'LA1t. OP *MO 'It's berry sing'lar; remarked Uncle ,Joe a-01moms, as he laid dew the morn- ing paper a refieotively surveyed the toes of hie list of slippers, as they re- posed on the guard bar or the cylinder stove; 'it's berry swear drat of a man lives to be ober fifty, an' 'cumulates etaulps, au' died. genet ally admired an' 'speeted, (tat one•llalf of his sltrviviu' Mende is a'ulost sartin to prove iu de courts dat be was of unsouu' min', an' flat he waen't fit in his latter year to plan out a v'y'ge for anlud-scow. But you'll fist' de papers full oh ole fellers dat die 'bout a liltudred y'ars ole in de poor house; an' dey is al'ays sensible to de las' ?' And Uncle Joe shook; las bead solemnly, as if there were some Slings in this wsrld which modern Iscienoe has not yet investigated. A FRIGHTFUL SOE;1E. During an exhibition of some wild beasts a couple of weeks ago, at the theatre in a small town in Thuringia, Germany, a frightful scene occurred. A leopard was not nearly so subwie- sive to the tallier a3 uenal, and dashed wildly about the cage. Suddenly two of the bars gave way, and the animal spraug with a tretneudous bound among the spectators in the pit. The terrified people rushed poll -mels to the door, but the beast attacked the Lund ermost of them with his teeth and claws, and iu four minutes had killed a woman and a o ild, and lawfully lacerated four other persons about the faoe and neck. The mcmeut the leo- pard escaped from its oage the beast tamer and assistants hurried after it, artned with epe,ars, but were nimble to cvarooule it until it dropped dead float its wounds. On examining the broken bars of the cage, it was discovered that they had been filed. Au attentlaut, lately discharged for drunkenness, has been arrested on suspicion of being the author of this atrocious deed. 0.11110..- A i A QUESTION OF DAM.IGES, In a certain town in illistouri Squire G --was defending a charge of mal- practice. A colored man was suing for damages, his wife Having died shortly after an operation for the removal of a cancer. When it came Spire G --'s turn to cross examine the plaintiff, he asked : "Mr. Wilson, how old was your wife when she died ?" "About 45, sir." "Beeu in feeble health a long time, has she not, 11Ir. Wilson, and cost you a great deal of medicine and help ?" "Yea, Sir." "Yon have married again, have you not ?" "Yes, Sir." "How old is your present wife ?', "About 85. Sir." "Is she stout and healthy, Mr. Wil- son ?" • "Yes, Sir." "Theu, Sir. Wilson will you please state to this jury how you have been injured in this ease ?" Mr. Wilson had evidently never tak- en this view of the matter, and could not make an answer. The jury thought he had made rather a good thing by his bereavement, and brought in a ver- dict for the defendant. OCEAN GABLES AND THEIR ENE- MIES. Though reposing in apparent safety on the the bottotu of the sea, ocean ca- bles have a bard struggle for existence against their many enemies, and never survive fifteen years. One of their deadliest foe's if the worru known as the teredo, which has a marvellously effect- ive boring apparatus and uununlbered minute cutting:surfaces which enable it to bore its way into an} thing that pro- mises food. The butte pereba on the cables has been a delicacy of which it nos been particularly fond. Man has been at work to endeavor to circumvent this little animal. The hemp sbeathing of the cable has been eoakod i:: castor oil of the andorocanut which repels the borers. The use of glass or slag wool has been patented es a subsfitute for the hemp sheathing, apt has also a ribbon of fibrous materials coated with a mixture of resin oil, or marine kine to wrap aroiled the core. One cable company is using an envelope of brass tape as a prevention against the borers of the sea. Icebergs grating ou the bottom of the sea have cut cables. Ships' anchors fool and damage them. to the Persian gulf a whale was snared to death in a cable. Fiats and turtles and lightning have all damaged cables more or leas, and the need of watching and repair is incessant. $ 7 for 03 cents ; a speoisl offer to the readers of this paper. M0 AMERI- CAN DICTIONARY. conmining30,000words; orthography,pr'outYnoiation, and defiea tions,'] according to the best English and Alnericen Lexicographers, ill ustrat- ed with nearly 200 engravings; Satisfies the wants of the scholar, and at the) same time is just what the plain learned p+'rson needs. It is decidedly the best dictionary ever printed. Contains 700 double column pages. Superbly beu d ill cloth and gilt, Type clear and hand - twine. Salter dins, to any reader of this paper upon receipt of 03 cents to pay sotalol postage and poking charges. Tis great offer is for 00 days only, and is made solely for the purpose of introduction, But two dictionaries will be sent to one address. This appears but once. Onnisit Now. Send curie"' ' THE TIMES New York X ,1linery Store. NLx w\IvIx- • T?L A OKS MI T II SII 0 P A W. I3UCRING Exeter, ft et ' RS, C.13,WILLIA.MS IIAS .I UST •ctiv in Luithe, openers out to pared to /to all Fanason's Block, a largo aaa won ecleetod stook of Ciiritlelo MIL L1N111.1Y. including Hats, Bonnets, and Shapes of the Latest NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHTIA STYLES A LSO a largo stook of or 1 et. postage stamps, Addressab RIBBONS, PARASOLS, and once,NATIONAL Boole Go. BoCIiLAND, LADIES `plCi, it,oludiug IES, LI4S and Eto. Mass,--Aiefereucee:--l3radetreet's Com- morcial Ataenev ; itossell's Commercial Ageuoy ; II. P. Hnbb;trd, Advt. &gout ; Freeman's National Bank. Boston; and' any Publishing douse in New Yorli or Boston. B OARDI•R WANTED. A respectable penman eau be accommodated with board and lodging, Apply to WM. GRIGG, Jn., Exeter. DO NOT READ THIS. el/wing received a lot of new machinery, I 1.1. would inform the fanners of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to ntatiu- facture ali kinds of Horse hakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price,. I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stuck of Fork and Shovel handles. 1tIi11 half a mile south of„ Exeter, A. COTTELL. Ship Grocery. --:d:—_, 241. t NEA. ! TEA! TRY MY 75 et. TEA TRY MY 50 ct. TEA l 1 Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEDIONS. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all parts of the Village. ' Agent for Great Western Sts'hp Co, New York to Bristol. CA2F.' .Ta, :.''t,EuVSP MILLINERY .1.Z' .,tf1lSS G✓lRL1fCK'S. A full line .tow itt, of Spring and Sninnter }tats, and Bonnets, all the vcry latest shapes. New Flowers Feathers, and Ornaments. Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS HAL FROM. $1.00 UP, uicel/ trimmed. Everything will be sold as cheap as possible. Facey Goods, Berlin Wool, Mottoes, etc.,afull ling always kept. Jackets made or cut in the latest styles. MISS GARLICK, Attril, 78. Main St. E s;eter, LIVERPOOL, T Samples to acennn n.ny tot riot. LOIS DONDi RRY, Tenders to state the earliest dates and prices GLASGOiV at which the while of those supplies wilt be de- livered at Winnipeg. T Tenders 'te n also•be received sip to the salvo ALLANLI LINE OF date, for the transport of the nvdeementionud approximate quantities from Winnipeg to the folloning places : FANCY GOODS, LINEN SUITS, T1141 (;,'eat household efedicine reeks amongst the Iowan ; necetsa•'"ies et life. 7'tioeo fatuous PI' Ispurify the Broob, and act mos tyore, luny YetSootbielly on the Liv er,Stcmatt, Iiirinevs, r oil Bowels, geeing tone, en1rey, nus vigor to t.ter.e sweat [nein springs of life. 1'ltey see eau - /Meetly tecomnneudetl as it 4ever xaifing otnetly i . ell casco wuoro the ctmst it e t ion, frc m Sena ter er cense, itan becotee impaired or weakened. The.. are %medal Jelly eftic.ciots in all citutentsiuct ciente:1m feartle3 of ell age; and as a genetal Tamely medic tie, are osuipassed. Its smirching and heal iug I*rspa Wee nee L gown throughout the weekt. Iter the cure of bad legs,bad beeaets, olu wou n.s Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible tertodv. 't; effectually rubbed on the neck and cheat, as Salt t Ito neat, it Cures sore throat, Brouci tis,Uonq t3 Colds, and even Asthma. ).or Ohtn0oln: Sncl- t;1':a, A$et'tees, files, b'istulas. Gout liheutua.tisut end every kiu,l of Skin Disease, it bee never bee,' known to fail. T1tel'ills andO.nturout aro me:- nfaJlap 'ea mile at 533 OXFOLD STEEP, LONDON, Anal are 'sold ay mil Vendors of a lsfetlicinea throughout the civilizra world; with tlireot'ons in almost avery'megua;e, The Trade lifarkr, of these mocncities are re.,ie- tered at Ottawa. Hence, anyone in talo Rill, 1st possessions, who may keep the A.neritau O.urterfeits for sale, will be ptoseentea, *"Purchasers should look to ;,he Label on the Pots and Notes. If the add, os , Is not bd't, 0 -ford Slue st, Lot doe , thew aro spurious. Seated Tenders. addressed to the lion. the Minister of the Inter- ior, and marked" For Mounted Police Supplies," will bn received at the Dopartmeut of the inter- ior, Ottawa, up to noon on Satnrtlav, the nine- teenth day of April nest, for the fohotving Sup- plies: Bacon "clear sides" i3 G20 pounds Coffee... ... ... ... ... 450 ., Sugar, white granulated A ... 0,300 " Peas 4.50 Biscuits... . ... ... ...2,700 " Baking Powder ... ... .,. 1,482 " Hops GU ' Oatmeal ... .,. ... 8010 , c n „ Panned or Dried Vegetables 2,0f0 Salt .." 1,930 " Pepper ... ... .,. )37 " ]fico .. ..2,4'15 " Coal oil ... ... .,. ... 205 eels. Cen'iles .,, ... ... 150 lbe. Soap (common) ... ... ... 510 Mltchos ... 14; gross. ., Royal mail steamships. The tavorite route between Canada and Great Britain. Wit.rTEort SlF:9Zfi",pi.L THE CASPIAN will sail en April 5. Shirtest sea passage. For aged, comfort; eeenomy and safety aro equal oe 3uyottter.'.slantic Line, and belie a Ca..adfan Line,sbould be patronized by all Canadians. .l'or ttarticnl ars as to passage or parties sending for their f ria. ,ds, apply to CAPT. G. KE MP, Exeter. "Biro editt;F.tT REMISE for ALLAN'S 4.711111 -PAT le purely cop:Mbl& and perfectly harmless. It nets upon the tied 10 the stomach, prerenlh)g Its being converted Into co. raker lit ar1Ordnnre, wall r11.. reclines, ft will reduce a fiat person from two to Ave pounds r,r 1,c,k, 1 crpolciiet: is not rally a disease itself, hat the harbinger of nthere," tin wrote illoneeatna two thnnsand years ago, and what was true then is none the lest so I:twiny. Hold by drugtats or sent, by express, upon re* cella of 31.55. gnat er-rto,ett $1.00. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINIE CO., .i'rgprtctot'o, J tt fpato, N Y• Asstniboine Grossing, 2,500 lbs. Shoal La ke, 15,500 Hu'Appelto, 8,700 . Prince Albert Misaon 8,000 Bettleford 2400 " The signature of two responsible poisons. wil- ling to become security for tite fu15 .tient oithe contract, to be will :video each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ex- cepted S. DENNIS, DnpuLv Minister of the Interior. Fnt.n'r. Wgrrn, r)hi+:f Clerk. l Ottawa, March 20, t 070. I PI C All Iliegent C.hrnmos, Ahatnee, fir,., or 25 a`; - 41i.1 sorted, invci,dre.,nr25 Birds 0 arils 100. Nassau 0ARD 1:0., Naaaall, N. Y. HENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for the Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to pure.]lase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two prnmds 'per hundred if dry, anti three pound ;f soft. FThonldor Stuck. twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is left in, tis cents extra will be deducted. No pork Will be bought at any, price If warm, STTS A GES ---AND-- r - Pork Cuttings en hand at reasonable rates. Wo want all atop Cutting sright through grease to head, and .Slams opened out to tail. G. & J. PETTY. 1 0E'IP f SPA. RAU. late of oommetteoct' 0.1:1yehranb'1 anal Is II,re- kind olb;lack el:odi ug work doers shoo- ingepeeially attencteQ to, 1'r'omptnees, elleapnees audgooti work guaranteed, A call solicited, 10.910 W. BIltlifINtlitAM, Fashimable Dressmaking* Dresses cut and made to order MR 3. G. ROSS, Male treot, Exeter, OVER TUR POST OFFICE. S50,000.00 1 APRIL 17. 1879 r��IzlG FALL AND WINTER TRADE C. Sou,thoott ei Son TAILORS and CLOTLtlifl h, Take pleasure to it forni the innabituutrof llxeter add eurronniting mimicrythat they stare just (peace' out tett excellent nsssorGtnent01 .T!eceds, Ooatinet,, T'esfisu iete., to thotatest Styles andpetternm,ancl feel assured. thatintuetu atter ofclnt'ting, they eau suit Ute mosteletteioustestas, AViir YOITLOST TRE SENSE OF TASTE Olt SMELL If so, it cony be from the 'Amnon of the 19th century, CeRnnrtrr. TIEN CovsrxroTroxAa, e'Amnnitri li.ZITEDr will restore yen to enjoyal,le, heaths. 1t not only emelt (at- -berth, but all other ciiaehses et the Seine ti,,,e. Prior 'M per ;tattle. Frit sale by all d m:gists and .iedioino denier11 Shad Stamp ler 48 page pam- phlet oontetnieg treatise on Catarrh, and nertid- cates of the enrol to T. 3'. ti. BAIMING, IJemhl- ion Agent, Brockville, O+'t. CON$TITUTIONA?. CATARRH I F,MEDY, ,t auction. To commence on The Drily certain, safe, and effectual euro for -1 / -p p t Cat+ tilt, builds up the *,)stent and urea all other' 1 11'[onclay, Dec, 1.U, .L `7 i diseases atilt, sante time. Astluna, licse Oold, 11ay Falter, ' urvcu1 I[ebility, all leave together when the ('ulei tllutntieuel Catarrh Remedy is taken a. dir'eet+'d. Trico $3 per bottle. For sale by all druggists aid Medicine dealers. W. D. McGioughtin of 130 Dundas s I reet, Lon don, will ou the above date, offer Iris whole stock, ninutueting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at auction, and (mutinies the sale every clay at two o'clock iu the after- noon and et seven in the evening during the bal- ance of the mouth,—from the 10th to the 01st of December, Tie is the largest and bast stock that has ever been offered to the public at their own prices; and, as everybody knows, the goods are of the best mamtfaeture and over,' article will be war- ranted the same as if bought in the orditt.ey way. This is a rare ohenee to get due golf and silver watches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and fancy goods at your own prices. Parnaps never again will such an opportunity occur, Seeuee yuur0hristlnas *anti New Year's presents at this sale. Savo your money for this auction—and utalomonoy. W. D. bleGLOUG}ILIN, Dundas street. London. AT THE Standard Sash Door Blind FAC'T'ORY, is constantly kept on hand, all kinds of buildinG material. Mooring hard and sift, Siding Mould ngs Sc., sold &leap. Planing Jiogiug and Turning- , promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED FOR, and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have of hand a large stock of dry lumber, we feel sure on satisfying those who may give us a call. ROSS BRAS. &TAYLOR Tey reading at:i p.dctscing the tuestinta'.ac -ruths con. tained in the .,re medical book ever issue a, entitled THYSELF SE,eonlyRSERt cTION Price only $1. Sant by mad on receipt of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and 'untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre- scriptions, any one of which is worth tite price of the book. This book was written bythe most ex- tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, t o whom was awarded a gold and jew- eller' inedal by the National Medical Association. .A. Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Ear'taab n mer- ��� mar- vel of ort and beauty— formen to all. Send it at once. Address PEABOINSTITUTE, MEDICAL4]3u1- THYSELF INSTITUTE•, Igo 4 Bul- itnrh St.. Boston. plass. Mowers and Reapers. WE OFFER A TRIAL Of our colebrated Single Mowers —AND--- Singie Reapers n ell kindsof Grasa and Gretn,andon all eon itions ofsoilandsarlace, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION 0I1 NO SALE Wo also oiler a Trial of our Wrought Iron Two liar JOHNSTON'S CON1BI3ED BEA" ER A.‘) MJWEZR afaobiuessupelled with Two Pitmans, 7.'wo Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts. Self -oilers, 1tc., to. can be changed from Mower co Reaper AND REAPER TO MOWER R Eyramovaloffourbolts, an1'inioss abantlfteert millutea'tlnlo. ,. Please call at ons' works and insi ea our 1llacllines before pureltasing elsewhere. Send for Catalogues. THHOIMXPSON& WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stratfo.cd. ENGINES AND BOILERS'. From r to 13 Horse Power, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese Factories. Printers and all parties using hand or horse power. Best and cheapest in the market. Send for circular and price list. John Doty. Esplanade street. Toncairc. G'BYIIIM Cu., In retutniut, our oust:mers Our sineero thauka for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three years we have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE REMOVED To our New Store, next door to Samwell & Pickard's, where we will be batter prepared than ever to eupl?ly the wauts of our Customers. We have added largely to our stock, and our prices will be found lower than any IIouse in the Trade. and the quality of the goods equal to the best, \Ve would call your rarticular attention to our stock of Conking Stoves, which is designed specially for Farmers' use. The castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the lteat,and the prices and terms of payment will be found very reasonable. 073 . E es Co., Next Door to Seamed & Pickard's. Main street. 9 ` SARSAPARILLA eve *ugl The Groat Blood Purifier. A genuine fluid extract of Red or Jamaica Sarsaparilla, combined with Iodine of P4as- sium, for the cure of all diseases arising from impurity of the blood: Nearly all the diseases that trouble the hu- man race are influenced by the state of the blood. It is indospensablo that this fountain of life be in a pure and healthy condition. As a Purifier of the blood, a Renovator of the system, and Preserver of tile powers of life, Carter's Sarsaparilla bas no equal. For sale at tate drug stores. KERRY WATSON & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Montreal. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- ERY. JustPublieh'd, in a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A lecture on the Nature, T:'eetmnvt and Emil - mil cure of Semi nuI Wee arm 5, or:+per tttorncene, Inti m6d by Mr -Alums, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, 111111 Impediments to tnan•rino tee le) idly • Consumption Epll..psy, nit lits ; lfon'•' 3 rand Physical Ttroai'ttcity, Bk 1101; 1101; P' R'i' J, ([IjIXE R.1'i WELL, its D., author of the "Green Beet," We. The we:1+1 reuo\cr,eil author in this admirable Lecture, cie:n5" proven from Itis 0)11: experinnee that the aural ceatseg0rotcee of Self -Abase may be effectually removed without medicine, and with net dative)"nits sl trait Sal Opertttu)n s, bougi es,iustrit- tuents,tings, or rordivla; twin tima Out a mode of (t11"0 tit (111111' certain and effectual, by which every snfferor, no twitter what his condition /nay bo to ay cum o It i msol f (dimply, privately and radiealty. t «e,Thin Lertuty will prove a boon to thousands 01'd thousands. Son t, undo' seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad - fl rem on receipt of six coots, or two postage stamps. iddres TEE OIILwxr.I, tt3»rIcAL CO, 43 Ann st. Now York. P. 0.110x 4x80 By an immense practice at the World's Dispen- sary and Invalids' Hotel, having treated many thou- sand cases of those diseases peculiar to wntnan, I have been enabled to perfect a mostpotent and post tire remedy for these diseases: To designate this natural speckle, I Have named it 0r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however, Is hut it feeble expression of out high appreciation of its value, based upon pore ennal observation. 1 have, while witnessing Its posi- tive resnits bl the special dlseeses tneidettt to the organism of woman, singled it out as tins clhta„x or crowning worn of my medical career. On its merits, as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for This class ofdiseases, and one that will, at all times and under- felt circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to stake en reputation es a physician- and so eontidcntairi' shat it will not disappoint tune meet sanguineex- pectatlons et n single Invalid lady who uses it foratty el the aliments for 1p }rich !recommend It. tiuttl Oiler and sell It under A POSITIVE Gra IOANTEII (Por conditions, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) .3 The foUnwing are among those Memos In ahtett my Favorite Preeerlpt(on hes worked cures, as ((by magic, and with a rertnility never brfnre attained by any Medicines I d ucorrhrna, Excessive Flowing, Painful Monthly periods, Suppressions when from Unnaturai causes, Irregularities, Weak back, Pre - moms, or Falling of (116 Uterus, Antovorslon and netrovcrslon, Beartug-dovm Sensations, Internal. Beat, Nervous f)epresslon Debility Despondency, Threatened IIiseerrlaze, Chronic t',ongestioh, In- f}i(ammttt(un sad Ulceration of the Uterus impotency Barrenness, or Sterility, mid rvemnln Weakness. 1 1 do not extol this atcliah:o eta enre-all," but ,11 1dml'ably Millis a singleness or purpose, beteg',' Most perfect specific in all ohron(0 ellsestles of (he Sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, 001 will It do harm, in any state or condition, Those Otto desire further infor•nnntion to these sub 70Bets can obtain it In Txtre PAot'Lit'8 COntatoN SENO/ 1tn)013, AUyxardn, a lrnntt of niter 900 pages, 5501. 5Ost paid, 00 reoelpt of VLAe. It treats minately eY those disease's peculiar to Females, and rives much rarllahl0 advice in regard to the management 5Y 0teso a1(1001nnx. yFnvnrlto i'reaert tion sold by, i rarral.ts. ' Q We Invalids, dole , Buffalo, i71,'YVOritl'a Dupe:wary