The Exeter Times, 1879-4-17, Page 2A. CAVALRY CHARGE. The wain correspondent of the Lan. dots Standard writo•s from the seat of of war in A.fghttuiatall, under data of February 18th. He thus describes a cavalry charge : "At this moment Major Stewart, of. the $th Punjab Cavalry, happened to ride with a troop of thirty men. The escaping enemy were pointed out to him. They epperetl to be thousands. though actually they did not number more than 500. G ‘u. Roberts thought he had better charge. ittajor Stewart said he wasa'gnite ready. "Was he to nuke prisoners ?" "No, your small force cannot afford to take prisoners, Was the reply; whereupon the word of command was given, and away wont the cavalry acroes the country as fast as their horses could carry them. They cliappeared from sight for new seconds, where there was a depression in the grounds, thea they reappeared, and in another moment they were among the fugitives. Sabres flashed in the Air as each man bent down to his weak or wheeled to faoe a foe. Oue sower broke his tulwar over the head of an Afghan. Ee leaped from liisllorse,seized th edead man's gigantic knife and rode on in the charge. The dufieclar of the regiment and the finostiswordsman in it, was chasing a man, who turned round, took steady aitn with his jezail, and the duf. fedar fell deals, with a bullet through his head. Major Stewart was riding over a wounded eau, who bent upwards and delivered a out at the horse which took effect under its right eye. It was a brilliant charge, though a short one. The ground whore the sowers game no with the enetuy was strewn with dead and wonnded. Twenty -ono slain Af- ghans were couuted, and at least an equal number were foetid badly sabred. The punishment infiiot(•d upon the ene- my here would have been much severer had it not been for the feet tat bun- dreas of mea got into soft grounds, where the cavalry could not get at them, atoll afterwards escaped across the river.". FAMILY AI:i,TT.ERS. Clean brass kettle before using it for cooking with salt and vinegar. gibbous of any description Alionld be washed in cold soap suds and uot rins- ed. Do not wrap knives and forks in woollens. Wrap them in gond stroug paper. !Steel is'sinjured by lying in woollens. To remove rust from iron.—The easiest method of removing rust from iron is rubbing it with a rag dipped iu oil of tartar. The rust will disappear immediately. A good way to clean Japanese ware is to wash it with a sponge dipped in elean,00ld water, wide it dry and polish it with dry flour well rubbed ou with a, soft cloth. Sieves to be cleaned properly shonld be put in hot water contairintz a little soda or borax, but no soap ; scrub them well with a clean brush, rinse them thoroughly in plenty of boiling water and shake them dry. Simple remedies aro frequently the best fur headache. A. cup of sour milk spread upon a thin cloth and ap- plied to the head will many times give relief. Or a mustard piaster ou the black of the neck will often erase pain. To Cleanse Gilt Frames.—Take sof fielent flour or sulphur to give a golden tiuge to one and one-half pints of wa- ter; boil lel this water four of five nui- ous, strain, and when cold wadi with soft brush any part that requires re- storing. Wheu dry it will come out as good as new. WHY HE COULD NO 2 SIT ON THE JURY. The following did not occur in this place, because we have had eo murder trials of late; but it is:good neverthe- less : Daring one of the recent murder trials in the Di.•triot Conti, one t,f the teen who had been summoned as a jur- or asked Judge Noonan to be excused, as he was not fit to sit on the Jury, "Are you a householder or a free- holder int this country?' asked the Judge. "I tun," was the reply.. "Have you,. from hearsay, or other- wise, formed an opinion that would prevent ,you from rendering a just ver- dict in this case?" "I have uot, Judge." "Have you a bitty for, or a prejudice o.go.int the accused ?" "No, sir." "-Hnive yott, any conseientions scru- ples against the infliction of the death penalty as a punishwent for a crime 2" "I have not, your Honor."' - Judge Noonan remarked : "1 oaunat see why yon are not qualified to,sit ou on the jttry.,' The jnror sighed and. said:: '+Judge I know. you (Wit' t• see,. and I ain't going to show it to you. either ; but if y.ou. could see a boil I've got, you would say 1 was not fit to sit ori anythingitardex, slian a mash poultice." lie. Was spurted.,, The Story of au Explorer. EXTRACT OF A LFTTI,It BUMMED ED itY PBC). FUSSON HOLLOWAY, 588, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. C., PEON N. 0. BLLIt5DAN, 01INIST0WtT tCH, NEW ZEA- LAND. "Dear Sir,—Iu 1802, T with two friends was atnoug the Kekanui ranges in Otago, on an exploring expedition. We had been travelling for about ten or eleven days, and were feeling court - clout we were the first humau boinge that had ever placed foot on that ground -- the wildness of the place world almost deter the people from go. ing—but it soon became evident that we were not the first, as I will prove. I had proposed a rest and a pipe, to which my friends agreed. After being seated for a short time chatting and smoking, my eye naught sight of some- thing white lying in the hollow of a stone ; of course my curiosity was aroused, and I wont to see. what it could be ; to my surprise it was one of Holloway's small pots, which had eon - Witted ointment. Yon may irnagiue our astouishmeut and disgust ab find- ing we were not the first who had been there, more especially as wo could find no traces of s damp, and had not seen auy fur many days. I took the pot, intending to keep it ; but in crossiug a stream which was rather strong and deep, I lost my swag and all it contained." (Signed) "EIlWARD C. ELL•CSDAN." A BLOODLESS MEETING. Hannibal, Into., is exercised over the details of a duel that fei:ed to occur iu that vicinity. it seems that the Clip per-Hearld of that place had an article reelecting upon E. 0. Bennett, of the Courier. Bennett wanted gore to ap- pease the passion excited by the attack ou his honor, and be challenged James Hayward, of the Clipper -herald. Hay- ward at once accepted, and the prelim- inaries were arranged by friends of the parties. Arrived on the field of honor it was discovered that llayward, lvho, as the challenged party, had the choice of weapons, had selected base -ball bats. '1'o the use of these Bennett objected, but Hayward insisted on the right which was his by virtne of the nude, and would not give way. He agreed that a baseball bat, scientifically wield- ed, is a deadly weapon,in proof where- of he cited the fact that he bad seen a man kill a steer with cue. It was a weapon which offered fnll scope fuer fence, and in the hands of a, skilful practitioner could be made just as et% fective as a razor or a. brickbat. There is jest as moth honor attached to hav- ing your brains battered out of shape with a club, as there is in securing your geietua with a bowie kui"e. So ar- gued bIr. Hayward, and we think he was quite right in pronouncing Mr. Bennett a poltroon and a coward be- eause he would not stand up and get pouuded with a baseb;ul bat. Train never sets so heavily ou the aged as when they are ill and depressed. A heavy per- centage of old people suffer from kidney com- plaints, etc , brought ou by derangements of the secretory organs, wwito will hail with joy the great reni..iy prepared expressly to meet their cases—Vicroma Drone; and Uvi Misr. It can be recommended with confidence. For sale by IND. C. Lutz, Exeter. Messrs. ?Milburn, Bentley t1i Pearson, GF.NTLT:;)tuN,—Sone twelve year ago I knock- ed off the cap of my knee, au.l since that time have often suffered with a swelling iu the knee joint, causal from twwistiug the lag. I have used all kinds of liniments, as well as medical attendance; but on the last two occasions have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil. The result has been marvellous; instead of lying up for a week or ton days, as usual, all the swelling has disappeared in three (lays. I most hearti- Iy recommend the Yellow oil. Make what use you like of this, and state it comes unasked ior. Your truly, FRED HILLS. For sale by Mr. C. Lutz. Exeter. VICTORIA. I•Isrornosr;Irr s extends its influ- ence into every part ..f the. he rum organism, commencing from the foundation, correcting diseased action, and restoring vital powers, creating a healthy formation and pnrification of the blood, driving out disease, and leaving nature to perform, its allotted part. It is tho finest nervine remedy known, and the great(st brain and blood food in the world. For sale by Mr. C. Lutz, Exeter. YELLOW OM. — This Warne Is familiar throughout the entire Dominion, and there are few families who have not found it at one time or another an angel of mercy iu the household. It is the most popular and best linimentt in this country, and no ono who has once used it will be without it. Mr. Fred Hills, of Toronto, the genial civil engineer, gives, unsolicited, the annexed certificate :— TORONTO, Ontario, July 10, 1678, lioseliue's (it'rman Syrup can now bo pur. chased right at home, it is the most successful preparation ever introduced to our people. It works like a charm in alt cases of Consump- tion, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, so- vore Coughs, Croup and all other Throat and Lung Diseases, No pet•sou has ever, used this medicine without getting immediate relief, yet there aro a great many poor, suffering, skopti- oal persons going about our streets with a su- spicious cough; and the voice. of consumption coming from their lungs, that will not try it. If you die,it is your own Wilt, as you can go to your druggist and get a Sample Dottie for 10 i cents and try it; three doses will relive. any case llioaaier size only 7i+ aceta, • THE TIMES MEW FAIL GOOD. /®ti\�0�p e (�q,�Q�y,, `Af,. A. I< EL, III' has just received a largo stock of Wirt ekes. Clocks, Jew( Wry, g"to. iiid Mr*,,$pe'ritarfet, Ladies, nand Gents' •Poc"t boons. A large stook of Fancy Goods con- stantly on hand. NEW BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned wouldinforna the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ouedoor south of his Blaeicsmitl,alicp anclhopes the saute liberal patronage that has been aG (lorded to biminthe BDAOR4MITII AND wA00N DTAT.INO Ltnewll]hosioiniot1 to hill in his new branch of business, Ris meat wagon willeall at the resi- dents of the villagetbroetimcscaoLtveekand SII MEAT all lends kept ooustantlj"en hand at hie butcher shop. Blackatnithing and wagon malcingcarried on as usnalin all its brunches R. DAVIS. Wonderful Discovery. '''"IMPRESS DELIEF. It TF14_FS@ENL DF 'MANKIND. 'Mn Internal & External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures llileumatism a:ul Neuralgia ar.S� l:itl,ttll o'rtu i asn)y•ire• "• ttt<- i.•.' n '':1 It 1S tiro oi'ty klitM11 reins sty for neelteao,t lu on the imerican Continent, proved by others." As coca at applied it giros instant ease to the :filthy innate sufferer, It is rapiilty abs.lrbe.i, • giro tend oto the verybnue, enters the armlet' .tion, neutralizing all "1th.ain:•ain Poison"Or culatiug intim blood, ntiil espol.sit,from thhe l i system through the natural outlets. ..1 IT cungs 77 Tooth',eltc, Earache, Headache, Neuralia ,' itl,eum:itisni, Sprains. Swellings, Infiamation, t Burns, (tuts, Braises, Pain in Side, Pain in Back, Pain in Chesu,PninIll 410111clor, Coughs„ ('0l,1s,ih•o+t Bites, Chili do ins, IIiarrhoca,Dys- outcry, Summer Compinitrt, .Cc., etc. it will care the nrn'rt agonizing pain, inter sial (w c xtoruitl, is Otte iiuit int of t.tlfli, 1'nek't your prejudice and. a its. triol ; the invest- ,' molt 1:l small and relief celtain. The great t'secret of its success with all classes is owing yitu takc,fact gives insta saf e ase harmless, n 1 c sn be pleasant 1l 'len a wider range of disease iu every day life.? with greater success than any preparations rYwhich resenich skill mud "Medical Science" tA. his ret prnaucerl. el- .. ,-.,... 1Ani a proof Of its great power over disease+ zany person, no matter -.vire it may be, Pinh, 1 or Poor, (old or Young, wvho is suffering from 'y an of the above named. puin`ul complaints,1 will call at the Office in T.nnnto, any day of prile" icaI,T the week, will at prnclical proof "Free of •charge+," of its magical power over pain in one amdi.catioa. r.vemommum___ Tostinleilin is from allparts of t1� a Dontmlo1 n.ro c nsta,,tly coating to baud. giving expres-t ice to the most crateful gratitude for as- tonishing cures which it has performed, and ;awo would be uleased to receive testimonials„ fro -1 all others who uFo it roceossrolly. 1,1 Pliysfei.t>>a'of irhT1'tirtiiest ri•slicotaiility re. f; eOmmen.l it as a most effectual "domosti% .tvc n envet " ft r th relief of Pain in cases of sod- •• Crory it to yn:u• homes, and at wilip: eye a ,blesninl'to your family and atiiict3cl flic•1ds. �, 4'yD lt,gist<i'ies 11i.ngenormousquantitiesoi it w Gruver i >t. od ncod. I cl•alln.n1;e the World to produce its equal. "Tir. Tr•ad9 9ttpplierlthiull;fh ttliowholesale Drug n nd Patent Medicine flounce of itontre- •tl, Torente, Tin mi Bon ,laud Aondou. `'Price 25 Cents per Bottle Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 10., ly. TlioaidhiogfEnr! does not eiWoct the ow prices at which ez T. $ZS SETT areofforing their stock of TINWVARE, STOVES, Etc., at Exeter & Hensall which consists of all the latest and Improved atylox of Kitchen. Cook and Parlor stoves,biilk cane, parts, and pails of Inc must approved pattern, and everything in the lice ; Also, a oodselection of handsome - have trot -t `ping as use el, receives everyattention, and at the loweat figures, pump Having opened mita branch establishment at Hensel, our friends ?n that neighborhood I can bo supplied on tl;u.eltortest,natiee.,, Amur, 17, 1879? THIS. IS NO .: O Yd.13.A.ST • I 04;... Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, road, purcha'•e, and enjoy its barptias. When 1 say 1 manufacture my own furnit,(re I call preearoc1 with my Wool -.hast that the people can iglspeet at any time by calling at uiy \Vara rooms whore they will son I, superb die play of Furniture inAll Its Branches is nlanufnetnro.l by myw'it •tn 1 nv no'u'tien 1 ertt .tt•, shill, with good namlcutauship. I der oro not tueatisfying the people with a mass of 1 u a1511 ' that e u t of be equalled for quality or laical in Exeter, all blowing to the uentrary, uotwitllatwading. • INNEti YOU WANT AI'��Y H 11LW O CSE... sum m A CM, Coruer of Alain and G•i(lloy's Street, 2':eter. C. & S. GIl.I(EY €calci Ii' srraiture j t."Ii"atiii,c1-lr ers Undertalwr-, TOULD Y O those whoSAintendT purchas.ttg to do so from the utut.ufaoturer. The Mader who buys to sell again 11.nst necessarily have a 1 rofit.. Wo claim to give ti o purchasers the benefit, y hioh cannot fail to meet ,he views of the Grangers, Our m menses "aro less tl an those of city menu ?nett rers consequent- ly we nun aellahoaper, $T1; WOULl3 call specialnttentiult1,, to our undertaking dep(.rit lneut,itilieh is more col= plete than 0 ver, as we have added creel new (resigns of ate Tits boot clntlln:l, Gaskets ahrouds,aud every nnera.l requisite at the lowest prices. Our new Hen rro is prone uncoil by ceinpe•teut pulses to be :wooed to nor a in the provinces Emblems of all the Different Socseties. THE EXETER TU AMD IrrEa?0 G 0 t�1}1E mntbsoriber bogs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter ant the s-rrounding coun- try, that he has opened It TIN nail S CO -v2. DII,PO•i' in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor attire, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epm ed to 1111 all orde. s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practic,z1 workmen on the premises. Euve-Troughing done to order,, C'al'riatre Plating e Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very best and none Cheaper. e Intending purchasers will always find 111e at my post, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat customers courtennsly and supply them ,with tt good and cheap attic e. Depend upon it that nowhere Mtn you got better value for your money. The very hig'aest primo in Cash paid for. Hides and Sheep skins, E H. SPACEMAN. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. JUST RECEIVED AT THE CEPY' •, AND :LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOOK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG =SON; and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, • SARDINE 5, • LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTED SATJCIi AND PICKLES, T3lIANDTES, GINS. WINES AND SYRUPS, BYE., BIM', SCOTCII,111151-I AND CO1IMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. C4-. A, MACE Main Street,Ex.eter. iW c.P cam.ih riE r G 'r� `'�s T MR? 71 Horsemen and others requiring printing done, should call at, The "Tithes" Office and obtain estimates before going else- where, as we are prepared to execute work 0:0 All kinds cif priating done neatly and at bottom figures. POSTERS, BILL HEADS COUNTER HEADS, CARDS, &c., &c. printed for prices that will barely cover cost of paper. This is no blow. Call and be. convinced, Orders by Mail RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION.. Advertise in. The "Times," It. will pay yam.