The Exeter Times, 1879-4-17, Page 1Vol. V1. Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, April 17,1879. eeeeee Na. 36 P1 OP1 ] TY LIST. OR SALIti,-TRE SUBSCRIBER offers for stele Six sows, with coif, Will calve nn o about the ilrst nt April, ROBERT .l:S0it1tiSON, lot 33, unineession 4. T`sbori , OUSE TO BENT. aree:Tt hs tlto ltalrevuto aeta1. male 0, a. do -ace -awe, Apply to T 1' 1iaaSli I, C,, neat ea i'I1rIlAG-El and T04VN'6HIPPitOP • ' 14,`;1`Y FOR S.tT„,9.. -'rtvo lots in Orottlimit,on one n Witichinanew hridr store, Bond well and new stable. \\,1l ftenc•d. A13o .L, aesres bush louts, part of lot 21, (.O • h. Stephen on l;xetur side - road 9? Smile', llt:st I Exeter. Yoe tennis apply to Jaeon H.vr,cr oi, timet, P U VAR?,:(FOB KALI;;,—Let (i, Saehie. .1.; Line, Stephen,un Sanaa, 81 acres cleared, i•2 shoe ail, good brick house, good stnbte, well fin e, it, f,wn.l excellent, on lithe shorn, f of a mile tnnl Pott Blake, whorl' boats tilt three tunas a wools, and iota mil.. from (+rand Bents, e!nnveni^nttosehool end vinare/los, 00 {te'id road. 1'ri'•c, :"..1,1100, terms easy; /310340 DESTslit, 1)IN 5, nr,,woter p o RM LE. — T .L.. � name reou 2nc1, Stteeia n, aaj ir1)1'i the oat- pnrat )n sof Exeter 1t1U aeres,90 elesred,ttttd al1 in pr urn butr'idtt aere•s. 47 acres seeded in ;,Taos last e;prl, r(. `Q WI -1'g of oreh.ard, fre•ne house, a good \veli bris.1ked, ::•illi stump, nuts 0. never failing snrt:l of excellent water, y frame barns, frameshed will stable, sheet, shed do. It would snake it goner dairy farm. Tonna to snit p't?chaser, Tho fa;nr will be relit•d if :tot s, dd. 1pr•ly to \V\i, IL.a.ILIN, Exeter. ROPIi;RTY FORSALE. — THE ru ehrseatnd otters for stele two Dots deutan.. log 1.5 of an acre each,situated on main street, rear the Market. - The is rt goods frame cottage, cont tiuinr; seven rooms, goods frame stable, good troll, with ):map. Thera is a Onantity of young bearin'; trees on tho premises, For terms apply to JOHN WTIITE, Times Office, Exeter. 1)13OPielt'l'Y FO1. SALE. — THE subscriber offers for sale two houses and two bets. ono situated on Huron street, east, in the vil- lage of e;xotor, and the otter nil Si'ncne street, Both hnuso3 are nearly new, and ono rents for six and tho other for seven dollars a 1eolith, They will be et;id t nether, nr separate, and nn moder- ato terns:,, For 1'a ticul•trs, apply to T, J, WILSON Reusall, or to the 7 ntr•.s of5ce. County, On Monday night a stoall bottse owned and occupied by a Mr. 3oillllner, situated:on the ontel;irts of the town, was burned to the ground. The imi- tate, t&a., was saved. Cause of e, a defective stove pipe. On Saturday afternoon a sad acci- dent occurred in the township of 1V,le- Killop, renulling in the death of a boy seven year's of age,son of Mr. John Kel- ly. The young lad went out to. the bush where his brother was engaged in cutting down a tree. As Ile tyre tip- proaehieg unnoticed, the tree fell, t ti'iaiug flim on the bead, and killing him instantly. The Seaford) Literary and Debating Society gave the la't entertainment of the Season on Tuesday, the 8th inst., to the largest audience they have ever haci. The Society can now boast of having some of the boot debaters and readers hi thin part ot the country. At the close of the evening votes of thanks were passe:( to their worthy chairman. also to the vice-chair>rlan, atrer which the meeting Wasclosed with suitable remarks by Messrs. McLean and Field. Y t thevilt,lENT FARM age of EXETER for` e : LLOSE ot )vu, thto0 and South half of Let No. lour in tits lir; co 1c.,sl,ut n" the township of IIay, There ore t vo frame Banti, House, etc, with a good ere!a,trit'tf oriel'. frost trees on Lot 3, The 0011011 halt a Lot •t will ba sold separate from Lot 3: - ALSJ FOR SALE a dwelling house with Otte fifth of 1:n acre ofhind, in 1':xetet,No. 131,FA. tvuolstonV survey. For further particulars apply to-- Mr.ii, V I LLIO'i'; 3X' 1i 1,'79 Suit.titer Exeter �'111i1I FOR SAL i?—CON 12A Hite:. fifty acres,btiivg south 11111f of lot 0, amoes- ,4on 20, Stephen, 37 acres cleared, 0 acres fall goat in t roground. On the promises there ar,' a gaud hewn log house, good frautestable ,..0.10, and a 3onng bearing orchard; also gond well, bricked, SO feet do•'p, with pump ; m311 fenced ; Steno d Stet p est-othee within a few rod; :l3 miles from 1' trkhnl, and ou main road from i'ark- Bill to (+ratl,t Bond. f or furtht.r particulars 0.p - ply on the promises or by latter to 11A'.ILi, 14LN60.t1, Ilarlrlov p, 0, Feu, 20, ARM FOR SALE. -1 VIE SUB- -scriber offers for sale itis isrui, Lot 13 - Con, 14., Township of 17sborne County of }Toren 80 acres elan, ed, the rem,tinle goon bush, well fenced, and in a Rood state of cultivation; under, clra,ine'r, good orchard, splendid well of water. flame barn 30x60, log stablu21s36, log house, and eouvonin t to school and throe churches. For ar ther particulars apply to •1,M.• BRYANS, Kirklon, P.n.,or tilt.13. V. 11 LLIOT, ,Lttortley, Exeter P.O. IMPOII,TANT NOTICES. \V,T HODGSON, & J. OKE, CO. • Auctioneers.. 5 ales promptly a ttouded t4. Days of sales arranged at this office J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- -LI • borne and Hibbert .'ifutual Fire Insurance Company, ltosidenen — Varcunar. Orders by mail promptly attended to, -y,-moo S. CAMPBELL' . PROVINCIAL 1/ • Land Surroyer, d:c., will Lo at the It y •tl Hotel, hlxoter, on the first Tuesday in each month. Orders for work left rith Mr. John Speakman will receive p roinpt,t tto ution A tatk.KE, Commissioner, bent. - elm. Laud and Loan Agent. Office— next Loot teen Royal Hotel, 1': xeter. Wilsons Hotel, Hansa It, ivory Monday. PRIVAT.L F'UNDS to loan at 8 per cont. 1,1,-0U.TGAGES BOUGH'''.. Money loaned on good NOTES, `CONVEYANCING. — De'ads, Mart- _e Tema Willa,:&r,tlrawnotnreasonable terms D ,1VA"l,t1 '' EDUCATION.—MR. G. JL me AP wishes to infor a the inhabitants of ?'rotor, end vicinity, that his sister,MISS fISS F, L LEN liaf3fP purposes to open a School in EXETER, for YOUNG L \IMES, in MAY next, grvi!tgg thorn a RL rough edncationin F,nglis11,Freneh,ittusie, etc., . Miss hems, has had over 2years experience ih teaching in 5.0hools,private families,&e, Terms fre, by circular, shortly • A TT1NTION TAKE NOTOE tlta'° oho appointment of Messrs. lorason iC Rudtlon,I3ens011. as agents of the Mutual Frio In. s'lranoe Company of the Cnnntyy of Wellingt' this day cancelled ,and Mr. JOHN TIYN3/1.1.A.14 will in fatitre act as agent for Exeter and vicinity. By order , CHARLES DAVIDSON, Guelph,D000mner 4tli, 1879. 15-1f. Sec. -Tams DisNTAL. }J R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,NM.R.U.D.S. (iredttitto of Royal College of .DENTAL SURGEON. office ova/ O'Neil bank, and opposite Saenwelt Fickards, -T• KINSMAN, DENTIST, Licentiate of the Dental College of nn hada, maybe oonsult'd zany. dtty. O(llee-- next door tci the rope011moo, Eitcter,0ut, General News, i RUSSIAN ASSASSINS. Horace Maynard, United States 1l1n- ATTEMPT UPON THE LIFE OF whir c7,AR.— F0u1i SHOTS FIRED AT 1usf.—Ti1E CZAR UNINJURED—TIis ASSASSIN ARRESTED. ister to Turkey. sailed on Saturday. Qneen Victoria will prubably visit. the King and. Queen of Italy at Monza.. The King of Burmah has lost all in fluence, and his ministers are again euprellle. Anstria and Turkey have come to an agreement in reference to the occupation question, The Italian Government is blamed for the state of afi'airs in Egypt, untag oniem to France being the motive. England and Francs 13aveiagreecl oft a joint course iu reference to Egyptiau matters Italy `t�^'not participate in the mixed occntiation of Eastern Roumelia, It is thought she is in league with itussia. It is rumored in Cabal that the no - Dominion Notess. The ice bridge opposite Montreal shows vigils of breaking up. The vnctttlt deputy reeveship in Lon- don east, will be contested by Messrs. Chas. Lilley and A. S. Adams. The preebyterian Stirod of London IDIS resolved to hold i.t8 next meeting at Si. Catheriues in April, 1880. Mr. Ives, the Montreal founder, now has a policeman stationed at his foun- dry to protectthis men 'from the assaults el the strikers. A. shock of an eathgnate was felt at Core wall on llonclay last at 11 o'clock in the forenoota The shock was diet - While the Czar of Russia was taking Lis usual walk, early Menday morning um the Palace, St. Petersburg, four shots from a revolver were fired at him, The Czar was unhurt. The man who fired:the shots was arrested by the crowd whioh the fiting attracted. The city is now being deco- rated iu tokeu of thankfulness for the Czar's escape. The following gentle- men have reoeived threatening letters ; —lllakoff, the new minister of the In- terior; General Uschertkoff, the Gov- ernor ;of Kiew ; and General Baron Drentelen, Head of the "Secret Police." The letter which this last received is gotiations between Xakoob Klan aud characteristic of the cynical cruelty the British failed because the latter in- sisted on the annexation of Cabal. A shock of an earthquake was felt at Norfolk, N. Y., Monday morning. The sound was from the went, passing east, and lasted about thirty seconds. On Thursday last a man named G. Hass, aged 55, near Sholola, Port Jai - vis, cut hie wife's throat in tt terrible manner, and then drowned 101108elf. Considerable alarm exists among the cattle owners of \Villtesbs t'e, Pa., ow- ing to the prevalence )leuro-pueu mouia. At a recent Council at St. Petersburg praariled nearer, drew a revolver from To lieben declared that he bt.lieved war 1 the pocket of his overcoat and fired four with which these Nihilists do their world. It Leads thee —"The secret committee well knows that you do not fear death, but it also knows that you have one passion and love in the world, and that is your daughter. The committee have therefore, decided to strike you through this child of yours 1" A full official account cf the attempted assass- ivation of the Cza' says:— Towards eight o'clock Monday morning, as the Emperor way taking his customary walk a respectably dressed on an, wearing a military cap, with cockade. advanced toward hila, and, as the Empnrer ap- ova the only solation of the Eastern Roumelian difficulty. Schouvaloff etrougly opposed this view. A dispatch from Tyeto says three steamers are in readiness here to convey troops beyond the frontier should the Biot, of .L3urruah :.underly declare wet', as it is geuerally believed he intends to do. - .A. red-hot iron bar at the rolling milts, Cleveland, 0., \Vedue4d(ty, ns it carne twisting from the roils, et,tilrelt'd a boy tintly felt. - named Walter Ralfeh, li erally burning '1herrbttilding of Carling's lager beer .Lila Lu two. Vienna The limes dispatch from V i nnastates brewery, London, is nearly completed. that Russia 111ts seut a circular to the Powers, urging toe hastening of the work of the various bon tdary* commis :31008, anti, above all, the one at work on the line of the Balkans. The Visalia 2cryitlatt stays a shell buried it. the road ext'loded near Prince Milan, while he was talking at Nish,. on Tuesday. Me rause-tie-clomp was wounded. It is not known wilt thee the Work on the main structure is helot; pushed forward rapidly. J:13. Barber, aged 48, who ran away from the London lunatic asylum about ten dams ago, bee been felted at Detroit, where 130 has been ever since as a lodger at the police station, and brought baelt. About five o'clock Thursday after - nom) a man named Philip Clarkin drop- ped dead a -bile working in AIex.Fleury't I explosion was the result of a Mut to SS- fe'nndry, Markham. Heart di -ease is sassivate the Prince. the supposed cense of death. Great numbers aro suffering of fain - Two childrenbelolrt;ing to \\`m. Neal, ole iu Brazil. A collision has taken Living between Glencoe nue Nee bury, wets poisoned on Tuesday morning by tlatieg wild parsuip. One ol'ly lived four flours, atter snffering great plain. The other is still alive, but in a criti• ctrl state. Mr. Tilley, lute, we believe, decided that he will introduce the Govdrnment Life Insurance Bill daring the present 1ett<inrl. It is the intention afthe Gov- eremeht to work the set vice in conned 11011 with the Saving Bank branch of the Post Office Department, the differ ent postmasters being insurance agents At about ten o'clock Thursday night the passenger train going 01080 on the Grand 'Trunk ran over a m n named Cala roe, wh'' has been in the employ of Aire. Edwards, near the Grand Trnntt stat ion, Georgetown. The bl.dy was horribly: 'rounded- An inquest eat' held by I)r. Freemen, coroner, and a vertlist rendered its accordtauce with the facts. Thursday afternoon a mean named Thomas Watson, residing I11 Acton, an,the Dominion was auswenoble for 1118 employe of the Grand Trunk railway,behaei er. 1111tce between the snob and the police, and the chief of police Iia,; been killed.. It is expected that the King of 13ur- rnali will declare war immediately, Sett ves-els are prepared to convey troops int° hie country as efo'1tl as he takes action in that dit ecti)0. Meier Cavtagutt•i it about to proceed to Cahill, to endeavor tat persuade Ye - !cool) Khan to accept the British terms.. The latter is endeavoring to get the frontier tribes to etssist hitu against the British. There i, some dlspalte about the le- gality of the election of the Mayor of Cinciuttatl, and ou hit; being asked when be was nntnralizett he said he must have been twenty-one years of age, but he could not tell when he was born. At a late meeting of theUlited States Cabinet the reepnnsibility of the Cana- dian Government for the actions of Srt.tiug 13o11 ►sus disous,+ed, and the (minion pretty generally prevailed that while unloading ties from a train muv- ing-gra:intane, along, accidentally slip - tied, and fell eo that the wheels passed ever °n(t foot, cutting Part (4.4 nil 31"of the machinery for drawittg iron and it jeling the abide. His medical ate n- • fatally tnangted. It took more than an hour t' get bun out of the maellitrory Sleet thee, it could only be done by tak- ing it apart. At Roeblin'S wire -rope mill Trenton, N. J., Friday evening, a young man named F)agler was caught fn the rollers dent said that amputation was necess- ary, but the patient did not consent to the operation until a late hour Thurs- day evening. On Snit dayafternoon Conti uetor•Rad, The Dominion ilrnd agent at Winni' cliffe, 111 ell tree of a special freight train I have always said, and will finally, on the U. T. R. from Victoria, when that I never harmed the unfortunate Anna 1i. Freese, of whose death I am unjustly :mewed, by either word or deed, in her lifetime; neither have I appropriated to myself, or for any per- son whomsoever, ane pin's worth of prnpeuty, jewels or any article whatso- ever beroiiging to the poor woman: I have, in common with other yonng-- as well as some oId—anon, made mis- takes in life, for which I sought and obtain:a forgiveness at the time •, but, shots at him. The assassin, before sub- mitting to his captors, fired another shot, slightly wounding in the cheek a person in the crowd. The great throng of people which had assembled enthus- iastically cheered and congratulated the Emperor. who thanked them for their proofs offidelity on such a pain- ful occasion. He said be knew lie had the support of all respectable people. 1:Ie hoped that God would grant" that he tnight complete his task which onn- sisted iu promoting, the welfare of 11.40- SM. tl -stet. The Emperor after the fore nit g speech„ drove to the without an escort. He has hot snifered the least ill effect from the attempt upon his life. After- wards be drove, still without an et+ota't, to Tioson Cathedral, to 1etnl'n thanke for the preeervetion of hie life. \Vben receiving the cnnerratuletinns of the officials of the Elnpi e sat norm the Czar was e0 mu'h overcoInee by hie entlment tlo reception ale t0 be.. 11t1 - able to spend for some minutes. Ore reclnveritlg fr en hi; emotion he said, "This is the third time God has :env d are". It is ,Ul'p0S0d that the Emperor's assailant took nelson be- fore his attempt, as he vomited of or his arrest. Pelson wa also found un- der his finger nails. Antidotes wore admiuite ered. It its thought the nnrn was an agent of the Intern,rtionaliets. A. St. Petersburg dispatch say; the E111t, eror's nesailant gives the name °f Skolof. He is rt retired functionary of the Ministry of Finahce, laud ie about 80 years old. He fired at tll'e Ernper'.r_ within ten paces. After the first shot the Em; eror approached Skid. f, who filed :kltin noel then ran. The vedette accounts trivet) as to the exact number of shots fired are onulictiug. An nffi- onr of Gen D'Arinerie, with drawn sword, pursued Sk"lof, Three more men tilttn joitted in the pursuit. Skolot fired at thous, shatteting the jaw of a detention. Finely a sentlemau knock- ed Skolef dols n, 11111 held him 141 he was secured by the officers. Private advice's from St. Pstersbnrg state that 1,110 Revolutionists have beeu arrest- ed in Russia within the last fortnight. 0-4-04-41 Phair's Dying Statement. The dying statement of J. P. Phair, who was executed nu Thdrsday last, in Vermont, was pablishe(1 in 13lStt)n, on Tuesday last. The conolndirll; senteu- dee are as follows :—"I have at -last spoken plainly, because the occasion ,and the truth demand that I should. such a thing, is not among them, as my final Judge can attest. No mall could have been more wrongfully ac- cused in this respect than I have been by a oerteiu ring who were bent on my destruction, right or wrong;. end they have eueoeeded, but by what means the supreme 3011.30 of all shall decide. In the meantime, 1 freely forgiye all my enemies—yes, even the very worst of them ; and it I have ever wronged any person in my lifetime whose forgiveness I have not already asked and obtained, I now ask it, in all sincerity. All hopes of human justice are exhausted, and death is inevitable." peg has received notice to withdraw from call or entry by military or police county Wal rants, tweut.y miles on each side of the Port]; base line from Red River to tate twenty-fourth range. new route of the Crwa(la Pacific railroad. 13i11e .are placarded in Kio goton, call- ing a meeting for the formation of a Protestant Association, and the nom• inatiOn by such emyacifttion of a candi- date to represent the city in the Local. Legislature. If this prof rnmme is oar- lied out, there will ,titan be three candi- dates out. taboo,. a mile west of that station, was fired at: by a party who was sitting near the track. R(adcliiffe's face was terribly Moderated by small shot. Ile was takes, to Dunnville, and sureie1l aid procured. Vnt 11t . 141 ' ' 1 til d Detective Kranz It. M. c e.n 1 an :avid in search of the miscreant, and errosted''o notorious character known as Brandy Neace, who acknowledged the deed, and slated that he had noth- ing against Radcliffe, and did not know why lie fired the shot. The prisoner thanks be ta God, the mistakes of talc- tv a lookeda t Fort 'l +s rd tog a°liulnain life,or even attempting Another Party for the North West. What is known as Taylor's North- west party passed down the L. H. &B. en Tuesday evening, from Listowel on their way to Manitoba. Tlie special train conveyiug then comprised thir- teen cars, teu of which were filled with stock, and thirteen passenger coaches. The latter were filled with farmers,and their families from Southampton, Brus- sels, Li -.towel and .Fisusall, and the ma. jority of them from the County of Bruce. Quite a large number came aboard at Iiensall, and the entire party was com- posed of one hnodred and twenty per- sons. They take with them ten car- loads of horses and other live stock. They were joined et London by a party of about fifty from Woodstock and vi- ciuity. Russian Prison Horrors. A Ki- ff correspondent gives the fol- lowing account of the outbreak among political prisoners last mouth :—The persons under arrest in Kieffprison re-. solved some time ago to tunnel under` the e alts and escape. The scheme was betrayed when the tunnel was complet- ed and the prisoners entered, intending to conte up through the opening be- yond the ptisou. The precinct's sole diers posted at the opening shot the es - c (ping priouers as they cattle up, when the bulk of the prisoners, terrified by the uuise of firing, remained in the oe1,. Soldiers were send from behind and the unfortunate wretches, caught be,weett the two fires, were all shot down. The prt'ceedingsseemed to give the officials much amusement, and the Kieff prison has been nrai'ed and dec- orated. Quite in keeping pith this is a statement published by the Rnssian Cbspiein in the Central Prison at Chark"ff. I3e declated that offive hund- red persona set;tined in that ln'ison,, two hnlydred died rritllin four months,. Otte of the heaviest charges mettle by the Nihtlists agaiest the Russian offi- cial sdmirai•strati'ur was the brutal treat- ment of prisoners, in consequence of wi•ich many were dying and driven mad. "What are you g to do about it" Because the penalties of physitrlogi- cal stows are not executed speedily, some fancy they ale void. But when the systeru b cake down, and almost hope- less cnmlrlication8 arise, which the fam- ily physician, by retrials of his limited expe ieuce, fails to relieve, the pertiu- entry of the above inquiry is appttieut. Many remedies have beeu specially pre- pared for these cat.ee, and many physi- cians are bidding for their patronage.. As before malti!1g a pnrcllase of land,'la search " is required, nod the title carefully examined, so invalids ehonld carefully investigate- the claims of any physician ,ffsriag to treat chronic dis- eases. Dr. Pierre's Family Medicines are well known, and effected mauycnrea where eminent physicians have failed, yet t r accommodate surgical and com- plicated case:', and those desirous of being restored speedily, Dr. Pierce has erected an elegant sanitarium, aty a oast of nearly half a million dollars. No institution in the world offers ad- vantages superior to those tound in this establishment. Half ascore of physi- cutis are in attendance, several of whnu have been prominently connected with leading Ameriol►n aud European Hospt- tals. Every improved facility for llas- terliug it cure that a liberal expenditnre of money could secure ci' a here be found. Before fully docidirg where to gn, ad- dress Invalids' and Tourists' Hotel, for circular. A great storm occurred at S2egediti on Sunday, which destroyed 60 pile driving stands anal carried away acid antk the rafts and lighters laden with materials and provisions, The rivers Thoiss and Maros 1]e again rising. Fete more corpses have been reCOvdred.