The Exeter Times, 1879-4-10, Page 6THE CR TIMES A. NEW SUBSCRIBER. We got a new subscriber Wednesday. 'Wheu we answered Ilia knock at the door,, he aided in, took off his hat, and asked: 'Is dis tie newspaper shop 2' We told him it was. 'Are is yon do boss fo'man ob de t[uke ?' 'We satisfied our colored visitor on that point also, and he continued; 'I fetch iu some `bacca to day. an' I promised Ebehueezah—dat's my eldest chile—I promised dat boy I prescribe fo' a paper. He kin read, 11e ficin, an' he's allera peeteriu' do ole ouwau au' ole fo' books and papers. I s'pose we orter curridcre de chile's dispeusity. How d'ye sell yo' papers ?' 'Two dollars a year.' 'All de.sarne price ? Let me observe one, of you please, sats,' ' We handed him a paper, and he un- folded it, upside down, scanniug it crit • cally ou both sides. 'Looks like der war it sight o' letter - in.' in dist. I done forgot my spectacles dis moruin', and I can't prezaetly tell if its de—de 'llcrican language. We assured him it was. 'In do Democratic or Republican branch, sah ?' 'Republican.' 'Dot's de kine of a book Ebahneezah gr.adjugated. in, an' I s'pobe rad paper 'ud suit him. Two dollars a yea,' you say, Fah ? How much is dat month 2' 'About a bit.' Tee not do man to min' expenses whir the proper eddification of my chillun is consarned. I hol' dat its eb- bery pussou's duty to cultivate his out - spring to de 'stout of his ableness, Prescribe the name of' Ebahneezah ou yo' books, Dat's it,. Efyou'd jus' put a few pioturs in Ebb's paper it 'ud pease the ehillau mightily. Here's five cents, sah. Send de paper 'long, and if it gibs sassefaction, I'll come au' prescribe foh a full yea'. Gaud mont- hs' 1' r -1i �. 4-+ .MEDICAL. A GENTLE HIND'.. A lady riding in a oar an the New York Central Railroad was disturbed in her reading by the conversation of two gentlemen occupying the seat just be- fore her, One of then) a elned to bo a student of some college on his way home for vacation. He used much profane language, greatly to the annoyance of the lady. rthe thought she would rebuke him, and,on begging pardon for interrupting them, asked the young student if he studied the languages. 'Yes, madam, I have mastered the) taul;uagt's quite welt.' 'Do you read and speak Hebrew ? 'Quite fluently.' 'Will you be so' kind as to do me a small favor ?' With great pleasure. I am at your service.' 'Will you be so kind as to do your swearing in Hebrew ? We may well suppose that the lady was not annoyed any more by the no - gentlemanly language of the would-be geutleman. POWERFUL OOMBINA'TION, A. sou of Maine who went West in early youth and has there attained wealth and au honorable position, re- turned last summer to visit his old home. At the village store he saw au old uiau whom he had ku:'wn in his younger days. lie accosted him, but was not recognized. "So you don't re- member ole," he said ; "I ale John "Yon 1" exclaimed the old man. "You don't mean to tell me that you aro John R----?" I certainly am,'.' said the visitor, shaking him by the hand. "and 1 am very glad to set you again." "Well !" persisted the old man, "I. never did. To think that 'this is you. They tell me you've grown awful rich, John." John admitted that he had saved something. "And they ideut of a railroad and say your prey get a salary," A,;'uu John had to ad- mit that rumor spoke truth. "I'In glad on it John ! I'm glad'on it, my boy ! It beats all what sarcui a8taua,:s and cheek Tun PULSE.—Every intelligent per- I will do for a man." "A son rhould know how to ascertain the state of the pulse in health ; then by comparing it with what it tuns ttheu hs CANADIAN O ,, EAL' FILLING. was ailing, he may have some idea of From the T.?.b3 the ease Parents should know the healthy pulse of each chilli, as now and The Opposition iaals.i their de - then a person is born with a remarkably sire to decry the i t tai slicy of the slow or fast pulse, and the very case lel hand may be of that pecnliarity. Au infant's pulse is 140 ; a child of seven years, about 80 ; and from tweuty to sixty years, it is 70 beats a minute, de- cliuing to 60 at fourscore. A healthy, grown person's pulse beats 70 times a minute. There may be good health down to 60. But if the pulse always exceeds 70, there is disease. The mac- hine is working itself out ; there is fever and infiaation somewhere, and the body is feeding on itself– as in consump- tion, when the pulse is quick, this is over 60, gradually increasing with de- creased chances of cure, until it reaches 110 or 120, when death conies before many days. When the pulse is over 70 for months, and there is a slight cough, the lungs are most probably somewhat affected COMMON SALT 1N EPILEPSP.—The Bar - lines Klinche Wocbenscrift, contains the report of a case of epilepsy occurring in a young man of 18i- years of age, in which all the usual remedies had been resorted to, with no avail. The parox- ysms occurred regularly at mid-day. Common salt was.giveu, in teaspoonful doses, before the time of the fit, with you of 1877 8 thou ever before iu one the effect of warding off the attack up to the time of the publication of the re- year. This unusual movement of Can- port—seven weeks after the resort to salt. Common salt is a dolnesti3 rem- edy for convulsions of all kinds, and the case reported would seem to confirm the statement that, in all popular be- liefs, thele is hidden some graius of truth. •cell Uoverument as sub t 111 elle new tariff, attempt to erea'tidji false impres- sion iu the minds of the public regard- ing the Canadian oatmeal milling inter - eat, trying,* to make it appear that every- thing adverse to this busiuess is attri- butable to the now tt►rriff, overlooking the foot that this branch of indnety had been in its present state for some months before the new tariff was brought down, the despression being caused bp circumstauces quite indepen- dent of the National Policy. Any one conversaut with the trade knows that the season of 1877-78 opened with very small otocks of meal on the British mar- kets, coupled with the fact that the Irish and Scotch oat crops were defi• cient; at the same time the American oat crop was abundant, of unusually good quality and cheap. These excep- tional circumstances gave a great im- petus to the Janauiau and Western States milling. All early shipments of meal, meeting a bare market, realized full prices and exceptional profits, which stimulated everyuue in thttrade to work to the fullest capacity of their machin- ery, the result being that the export of this article was greater daring the sea - $ 7 for 63 cents; a special offer to the readers of this paper. The 4111ERI CAN DICTIONARY, containing 30,000 words, orthography, pronuciation, and defiui• tions, according to the best English and American Lexicographers, illustrat- ed with nearly 200 engravings ; satisfies the wants of the scholar, and at the same time is just what a plain learned person needs. It is decidedly the best dictionary ever printed. Contains 700 double column pages. Superbly bound in cloth and gilt. Type clear and hair d• 801E0. SENT FREE to any reader of this paper upon receipt of 63 cents to pay .actual postage and packing charges. This great offer is goodfor 60 days only, and is made solely for the purpose of introduction. But two dictionaries will ,be sent to one address. This appears but once. OecEsc Now. Send currency or 1 ct. postage stamps. Address at once, NATIONAL BOOK CO. ROCKLAND, MAss.--•References:—Bredstreet's Com• rnercial Agency ; Russell's Commercial Agency ; H. P. Hubbard, Advt. Agent ; Freeman's National Bank, Boston; and any Publishing House in New York or Boston. adian and Americau meal so iucreiised stocks iu the home markets that caused prices to dechue gradually. Following this the out crop of 1878 proved very abundant in Scotland and Ireland, and over an average in the Western States. As the season of 1878 9 advanced the free deliveries of Scotch, Irish and Am- erieau meal brought prices down to such a level that Canadian millers could not compete against at a profit, Bence most of our millers rednced their stall, and confined their operations to the requirements of the local Dotniuion trade;woutlhs before U1r.Tilley made his budget speech. Another element not favorable to the Canadian miller as compared with the Western miller is, the disadvantage in freightiug nate from the West to the Oanadiau mills, the ( rates to Outario poiuts averaging near- ly as high as from Chicago to New York, while the Westeru mitlsr eau freight his meal from Chicago to Liver- pool as cheap, and sometimes cheaper, than Canadian millers cau freight from Ontario points to Liverpool. Quite recently freight has prevailed for grain from Chicagoto New York at 12f•c. per 100 lbs. At the same time Cnuadians have had to pay 20e, per 100 lbs. to bring grain from Chicago to Ontario points, less than half the distance. If our contemporaries desire to manifest so much interest in the welfare of Can- adian oatmeal millers, let them unite in redressing this wrong, and not waste .their energies ou false premises.. About four o'clock Monday morning u fire broke out in a row of frame build- ings ou the south side of Campbell street, Luolcrlow, originating in A. Mor. rison's tailor shop, and spreading to. R. Malcolms furniture ware•roo ns' adjoin- ing, and McLearn's barber shop, all three of which were quickly enveloped in the flames. R. 'Malcolm loss on house and furniture, $ 1,000 ; irl- surauoe $1,000: building owned by Wm Donald, loos $1500: insurance $000, in the Royal Mutual of Hamilton: A. Morrison, loss on building, $900; in- sured for $500, intho Manufacturing arid 'M11erchants', of Hamilton: Dr. Ide- Crimttlon, lose $75: no insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown. limn never sets so )heavily on the aged as when they are ill and depressed. A heavy per- centage of old people sutler from kidney com- plaints, etc , brought on by derangements bf the secretory organs, who will hail with joy the great remedy prepared expressly to 1nc•ot their cases--Plczoa1A l3itcnu and UvA U1tso. It can be recommended with confidence. For sale by Mr. C. Lutz, Exeter. .Lxeter aN or'tll nLoTJR and. GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every mount dation possible in gristing and flouring. k`1ou and mill food delivered to parties leaving the orders before cue o'clock at J.13ELL'S Bakery, :0'1311EN E & CO'S, or at mil sauce day —0 -- TERMS (I &SI -1. —y. --0--t Vv" Ma "S77 X CI 1', EXE TAT P 0. AT THE Shap Grocery. E W BLAOKS1111TII S.II0]? AT WIN. Oillit.il':A. W.13tJCIi;INIr t •..� HAM, late of 17xeter, b as f CwntulonCed bu\11171,(641111 inssslu Glhu Mn ; al..'vebrathe'1 lit W1nohleoa ° „ and is aro- pa ed to du all, ;;:-.„4-4;`�-, kind ofbluck smit111ngtyork - horse sh;oo- ingspocially attended to, Promptness, cheapness 10ic..(lon(14„,,,k auarautod,W. A3UlLClCGIA,M Fashionable' Dressinakin Dresses cut and made to order 11ZR5. C X ROSS , Hain trect, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFFICE. $50,000.00 At auction. To commence on Monday, Deo., 1.6, 1878 W. 0. MWWloughiin of 136 Dundas street, London, will on the above date, offer his whole stock, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at auction, and continue the sale every day at two o'clock in the after- noon and at seven in the evening during tho (1. l,al- auoo of the mouth,—trent the 16th to tho 31st of i;oeomber, Tis is the largest and best stock that has ever boon offered. to the public 'Lt their own prices ; awl, as everybody knows, the goods aro of the bast manufacture and every article will be war- ranted the saint) as if bought ordiu.ry way. This 16 a rare Chance to got flue gold and silver watches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated wmu•o cud fano' goods at your own prices. P04161113 never again will such au opportunity occur, Seeuro yourUhristmas and New Year's presents at this sale. 1 oro your money for this unction --and mal'emoney. W. D. McGLOUGHLIN, Dundas street, London' --:o:-- TEA. Y TEA I TEA g TRY MY 75 at. TEA I TRY MY 50 ct. TEA i 1 Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all ptrts of the Village, Agent for Great Westeri7 Sts'hp Co, New York to Bristol. C+'.PTa;� (CO Sealed Tenders. addressed to the Hon. the Minister of the Intor- ior..tnd marked” For Mounted Police Supplies," will hu received at the Department of the inter- ior, Ottawa, up to noon ou Saturday, the nine- teenth day of April next, for the following sup- plies:— BCaconuff"Clear sides" 450 ' 13,620 pounds ed... Sugar. white granulated A ... 9,300 „ Peas. 430 " Biscuits... :.. :. 2,700 ' Baking Powder ... .. 1,402 Hops 60 Oatuleal ::: ::: :. 400 " Beans .:.1,830 " (tanned or Dried Vegetables 2,0(0 ' Salt ,.. 1,830 " Pepper .. .. . 137 Pico ... ... ... ... ...2,465 " Coal oil ... ... ... '203 rale. Candles 150 lbs. Soap (aonitnop) 510 " 1 t•ttChus ... 141 gross. Samples to acenmpany ter der. Tenders to stato tho earliest dates and prices at which the whole of those supplies will be do - livered at Winnipeg. Tenders will also'be received up to the same date, for the transport of the undermentioned approximate quantities from Winnipeg to the following places : A•siniboine Crossing, Shoal La ko, Hu'Appetlo, Prince Albert Mission Battleford. 2.500 lbs. 1.3,500 3,700 " 8,000 " 24,000 " The signature of two responsible persons. wil- ling to become security for the fulfilment of the contract, to be affixed to each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted a. S. DENNIS, Deputy 'Minister of the Interior. F11ED'It WtTITB., Chief Clerk. Ottawa, March 20, 1879. Stn ndatrd Sash Door e Mind 0T011 Y, 1s eonstalltiy kept nn bend, all kinds of bo Udine material. Flouring bard and soft, Siding .cold nes .1co., sold cheap. Planing Jigging and Turning promptly- attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED FOR, and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have of hand a largo stock of dry lumber, we feel sure on satisfying those who may rive us a call. ROSS BROS. & TAYLOR KNOW 13y.iread:ng at.,` p.3eticfnp the h umania:,tt -ruths con. twined in the IF medical t berm ever last,. 4. entitled SELF-PRESERt .. TION Price only $1. b^nn ey mall on receipt of Klee. It treats of Exhausted Vitality, Preuniture S)vdine, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50ohigival pre- scriptions, any Ont of which is worth the price of the book. This book was written by the most ex- tensive and probably the Innst skilful practitioner in America, to whom was awarded a geld and jew- elled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel E et and mar- sent situs to till. Send for it at once. Address INSTITUT DrED But- H ELF ® Apt INSTiTU'r%, leo 4 Bal- 1k, ja finch St.. Boston. Ala:a. 0a THYSELF • Mowers and Reapers. WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Single Mowers —AND— Single Reapers n all kiudsof Grass and Grpen,andon all con itious of sedan d surface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION HENSALL OR NO SALE PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for the Fail andWinter VI rade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations; We will tale toff two pounds per hundred if dry, and throe pound if soft. Shoulder ntncic, twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is left hi, 25 cents extra will bo deducted. No pork will be bought at any price If warm. SAUS AGESI —AND--- - Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Ctitting sriglit through breast to bead, and .Hamh opened out to tail. G. & J. PETTY. We also otter a Trial of our Wrought Isoo Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REAIR Atha &IMES Maahiuessupplied with 'i'wo,Pitmans, Two .Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts. Self -oilers, etc., to. can be changed from Mower to Rener AND REAPER TO MOWER 13yreutovaiuffourboits, ana(nfess chantlfteon nlinutes'titne... ['lease call at our works and inspec our Machines before purchasing; elsewhere, Send for Catalogues. THOMPSON& WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stratfoid. ,A.1'IIIL 10. 1879 11 AVE YOU LOST TJilt7 SENSF OF TASTE 013 SMELL no, amity be frarft the ]aimn/SY of the 10th uuntury, ('JUL.'A`Al'frail' 0on5'riTP'rioNAI, t.'A'rabItr3 1t1sALEP't will restore you to onjm;vable health. 11 out o nly cures Oa- ta1'rih, MIL till other diseases at the saute time. l'rioo •61 per outdo, hot sale by n11 druggists and Medicine healers Send stamp for 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise ou (latarrh, nod nertifll- eaten of the cured to T. J. B. 11 IU 1)JNl1, lJ,alirilr ion Agent, Brockville, ti 'b. CON e'1'ITUTIONA1". CATARRH REMEDY. The only corlaiu, safe, and effectual cure for Oat+ tell, builds up the system told urea all other diseases at the sumo time. Asthma, Best) told, Hay Weyer, IN oryoua 3lubility, all leave tog' t11cr wlhell tun Cuustitututlunu1 Catarrh 'Lleuhotly id taken, a dlrecti d 1 riot Si per bottle, 1' or sale by all druggists aid 51ediciuo denims. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From r to 03 Horse Power, for Iarm- crs, Dairymen, Mutter and Cheese Factories, Printers and all partes. using hand or horse power. (lest and cheapest in the market. Send for circular and price list. e olurD. ]Doty. Esplanade Street. , ACM' 81r .-1V L A� I rLIZI,NT i rl. r NEW FIRM, INGRAM'S OLD STAND. Horse Shoeing, Wagon and Carriage Mk ail,g,l) ia- I mond i.1Lrrows,. and Plows. General Balcham login till its brunches, itt the lowest rater, and sat - guaranteed. (4i10 11S a call and examine our work before t:ailing elsewhere Mc/IILT AN it McBI1IDII, piing St.,Iltnsall. Hensall. June 20. 1878, line rjartorSARSAPARILLA The Gloat Blood Purifier. A genuine fluid extract of Reil or jai/mica Sarsaparilla, combined with Iodine cf Potas- sium, for the cure of all diseases arising from impurity of 111e blood; Nearly all the diseases that trouble the hu- man rave are influenced by the state of tho blood. It is hhdtespeneable that this f011iltlLhl of life be 1n a pure and healthy condition. As a Purifier of the blood. a Renovator of the system, and Preserver of the powers of life, Carter's Sarsaparilla bas 110 equal. For sale at the drug stores. KERRY WATSON & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 'Montreal. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- „. E1t1. i— JnstPublished, in a sealed Envelope. )'rice six cents. A lecture on the Nature, Troatment,anCI 13 cal earn of SeminalWeakne 11, or aper ator•hwa, Induced by Self -Abuse. Involuntary Tmissiou$, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impedimenta to marriage generally ; Constlmpti,in I'lpilt.pfi\, •t x. Fits ; ,Iental and Physical Incapacity, etc. - 13 -Y ROBERT J. CULVILRWVELL, M.D., author of the "Green Book," &e. The :vend te00w110d author in this admirable Locture, clearly proves trona his own experience that the awfnia:onsequences of Self -Abuse may be effectually removed ,vithout medicine, ane with out dangerous surgical operations, bongics,instru- aout:s,.'ings, or cordials ; pointing Ont a 1(1,110 of mire at once certain and effectual, by which every silfferor, no matter what his condition may be may 011116111(118011 cheaply, privately and radically. t=c This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in it plain envelope, to any ad- dress, ou receipt of six cents, or two Hostage stamps. "dreg THE OIILWET,L•LTDICAL CO. 4] Ann st. New York. P. 0. Dox 4586 DO NOT READ THIS„ ving received a lot of new machineri., I 11 awould inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture all hinds of Horse Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc, and having secured Inc services of a first-class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING' on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on handl a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. 13y an immense practice nt the World's Dispen- sary and Invalids' Hotel, having treated many thou- sand eases of those diseases peculiar to woman, I have been enabled to perfbet a most potent and po61- tive remedy for these diseases. To deslo'uate tlda natural specific, I have named 111 Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescripti' The term, however, is but a feeble expression, et Fenn lobserry tion. I have ,while Witnessingitsits p si- tive results in the special diseases incident to the organism of woman, singled It nut ars the climax or erownlai awn or my medleal earcer. On its merits, ea a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for thls class of diseases, and one that will, at alt times and under nal circumstances, act kindly, I ani willing to stake toy reputation as a physician: and so cmdident am it that It will not disappoint the most saugtiineex- peetatlnns of a single Invalid lady who uses it for any of the ailments for "(Melt 1 recommend it. that 1 osier unci sell it under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (For conditions, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) „{ The following are among those diseases In IN Mehl my Favorite Prescription has worked circa, as if by magic, and with a eertalnty never before attained by any ntedlclue: Leucorrlin,n, Excessive Flowing, rebind l Monthly Periods, Suppressions when from unnatural causes, Irregularities, Weak Reek, Pre - lapel's, or I''ailing of tine Uterus. Anteversion and Stetroversion, Benring-down Sensations, Interim/ iert, Nervous Depresslon DcbIlity Despondency, Threatened Miseorrlage, Chronic congestion, la- aamniatloluand Ulceration el the Uterues,,Impotency. Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female Wtmkneet do tint extol this Medicine 86 a " cure. -all," but ,►i admlrabl•' NI611s a singleness of purpose, beteg fa, most perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual 6ysttm of woman. 1t will not disappoint, nor Will at de lutrn, In any state or condition. Those who desire further Information en these sail.' pets 81111 obtain It to Tali P Eorta'e CthtMON SEN )iEDIOAt Ai,V1SIllU. a book of over 400 pages, sent post-paid, On recelpt of 51.s11. 1t treats ndnrtelyOr Mom diseases peculiar to Female*, and /gees much Valuable advice in regard to We faaaagrlutei Gr !rose affoeuani. Fa arlte Prmerl nik ow sola b att/lMY. O )1t. V. PIERCE, Id. 14., r'regpNr,IjVo 1e'a 141604,..,141604,..,,a141604,..,,a1/ lead havrltdie Hotel, Beals, .1.