The Exeter Times, 1879-4-10, Page 2ANOTHER DELUGE COMING. A. Belgian professor has published a work in which he warns UR that we may bo on the lookout for another deluge of the world. At eertein regularly reour- riug intervals, he maintains, the waters clone ihemispbere are sudcleule precip- itated aorase the equator and flood the other. The last of the deluges, which FOR TEN DOLLARS WE we will insert a sever( -line advertisement one week in w list of 209 Weekly newspapers, or foul lines hi a different HAM 807 papers, or ton litres two weeks to a ohotee of either of four separate and distinct lists gon'tasiuing from 70 to 100 paper each, or four lines one week iu all foal of the small 'lists, or ono line one week in all six Este combined, being more than 1000 papers 1\ o also have lists of palters by Status throughout the United States and Canada. Sen$ 10 cents for our 100 page pamphlet. Address G. P. itttwii+ll,L ce 00., owsptaper Adyertisiue Bureau, 10 S.pruae `. Now Yon •. always flow from north to 6011th lay from P Bt—If you will sena us +ileo names of a half daze a n r6 i i 1611 'ou 1 ld d high plical 1t (, o n ells y you ad south to north, was that of Noall t3 vortiseJUSTNU1y, ifs satiefneto,tviudueelnant tunes, which wasfrom. the -north. Hence the explanation of the great preponder- ance of water in the sonthornherds. phare, and of the general southern tread of North and South America, Af- rica, and many minor peninsulas. The nest 'of these deingeswill low from the south.to the north. The cense, he argues:,, is the alternate increase and 'decrease of the ice caps at the pnlee, 'and, the consequent change of the earth's equilibrium. Since 1248 the south pole has been continually enlarg- itlg,'while the north pole has been pro- portionately diminishing ; to -day the eliateter of the southern glacier being about 8;000 miles and that of the northern 1,5004 When the two glaciers shall have arrieml+.at their maximum' an,tnir17Tnum extension 'then will the earth tilt over and be snbmerged by another great flood, the fifteenth of the hind that has 000urreda, HOW THE MO V.EY'WENT. The extrnordinteree outlay of money by the Ontario Government within the past few years ie something appalling,1 I S dfi'ld McDonald'st' th P Pre- is N14410, woWill submit a proposition, by return mail, which -ro th<nk will please yon, Money saved is enoney earned, Send copy of advertise. 'neat you will use and state in what paper yea you saw this. 7 .'! 111.Y to Agents canvassing for the l'I1t1tSIDk7 VISITOR I.'orn(e end Out. fit Free. Atltd'ross P, 0. yeenr1{Y, emeieta, Maine. GMAll Elegant Chromos, Mottoes, eze., or 25 as - (du sorted., Saowiiake, Dove,d.e.,or 25 Birds Card° 10e. 1\'ABsien CAiiD Co., Nassau, N.V. tearond Beautiful chrome oards, with name 10e., postpaid. Goo. L REND et 00, Nassau, N.Y. f25�+ Lovely cards, no 2 ailike.10 cts„or 18 chromes irJllcts. post-paid, J. B,�HusTED,NasBau, N. Y. mea month, and evttonaes gunranteedto agents outfit free, SIrnw it Co, Augusta, Matu.e. Teas! Teas!! Teas ! !! --AT-- . SPZCER'S, Try our 50o. Tea. NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (very chap) 111bs. splendid coffee �sugurfor $1.00. Choice syrups. Don't forget our 20o. Vinegar, atsw't cheap soap. No trouble to show goods. 11,(O Fr.Si'T11'r, In an E Gime a re- inier was satisfied with a salary of $4,•;1 TWO DOORS NORTH OF .POST CF'FRCF. '000 per annum, and: hie four colleagues' with $3,2,00 eeoh, making' a total of TE 1V 11IACIIINE SHOP. '$10,000 paid to 11.linisters, slut tile' "economical” Government of Mr. iIo-4 Wiia>.1i latching wilt, which is more high toned, re Wishes to inform the public that he is betto calves a compensation for their time to pre oared + to repair all kinds et the tnne of $23,000, or $5,500 to the Premier, and his four subordinates 'DewingMachines, 'Watches :$4,500, eXclua ve of $800 indemnity G1004, Guns, &c., than any pard each member. This is the hind ether person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- fher their owu nests first, and. their t1o11.. friends afterwards, leaving the oouptry MAIM STREET, EXETER. to look after itself. of legialatinn we have beengetting.from these so-called Reformers,, since they 'assumed the reins of power,, They fea- .ts. 4 THE EXETER THRILLING; ADVENTURE: Planing' Mill, Sash A merchant wishing to celebrate hie DOOR AND dangliter's wedding, collected. a. party of her young ootnpanions. They Morecled around her. wishing much happi- ness to the ,youthful bride and her 1.1 'ehas(sn one, The lather gazedaproudly on his 'favored ehild;,and hopedqllat as, ALL KINDS OF bright prospects might open 'for the rest of his children, who were playing •FTI -among the guests. Passing through the‘had'1 o'fthe base- ment he met a servant who was carry- ing a lighted candle in her hand with - mit the candlestick. He blamed her for such conduct, and went into the kitchen to ROO &bout the supper. The girl retuned, bid without the candle. The merchant immediately recollected that several barrels of gunpowder had been placed iu the caller during the day, and that one had been opened. ""Where is your candle?' heinquiretl, ill. the utmost alarm. 'I couldn't bring it up with me, for sly arms were full of wood,' said the gill. 'Where did yon pelt it ?' 'Wt=11, I'd no candlestick, So I Ptuc}h• it an son a blank sand that's in the sarid barrel.' Her ,neater dashed down the stairs; I the passage was long and darts ; his knees threatened to give way tinder flim, his breath w'ss choked ; 1 is flesh seemed ' dry and parched, as if be al- ready felt the suffocating blast of death. At the end of the °ell br, tender the ' cry room where his children and friends were reveling in felhcity, he saw �re xrlvaleable in ail complaintsincidental tc Done to order.. Remember theplace Dyer. lib llowart� za°Os. THE GREATEST' Wonder of Model n Times THE TIMES NEW FALL GOODS - Ann 10, in? A. 1K.ELLJL Y'" has just received a large stock of Watches., t;Zau&S, Jetve1'tery, lege- tVfl ,cfr•in s, Spt'ctaele. ,1Ladies', and Gtnta' t'ocit /looks. A large stook of Fancy Goode eon. stantly on (laud. NEW BUTCHER SHOP r ilhe undersigned wouldinform the inhabi- t tants of Exeter and vicinity that helms OPENED) A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ouedoor south of his Blacicamithshop audhopes the same liberal patronage that has bean se corded to him in the BLAOEBMITII AND WAGON MAEING linewillheextended tohini in his new branch of nosiness, Itis meat wagon willohll at the resi- douts of the villagethreetimeseachweekaud FRESH all loners kept oonstantih on hand at his butcher shop. Blacksreithin and wagon niakingcarriod on as nano! in all its brax.r.l.ee B. DAVIS. Wonderful Discovery. M?GESS E THE FRIEND ®FMAN KIND. An Internal & External REMED Y, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheumatism atlrl. Neuralgia nncli0 ial1771,1 lt•tiu 1••sttntiv.— It ny it' nn 'qlt is life ratty cumin remedy for litre n t ittt.:iu '. •onthe.lnerieauContinent lr,vedby otltets."'. f' \a boolt.ae apnli fit it gives instant ease to the uui(irtetiae to suller,,tn, It is rapicili absorbed, 1?eitotratttet tci die verybone enters the oireul . tion, neutralizing all. "RlieNn ttic Potemt ' cir eulating in the blood, auii expels it Erie(( tho4 a+esam+aeriy. gsystem through the natural outlets. IT CURES Tooth,ehe, 'earache, Sieadacho, Neurnlin lilionuiatism, Sprains Swellings, Tulle illation, irtttums Cuts, Bruises Phan in Side, Pain in i13ack,'k'nin in Chest Pathan shoulder, Cough.., li0'c1tle,FrostBites, Ohilblaitus, Diarrhoea,Dys- ' onnory, Summer Complaint, (fie„ &o. A7 It win cure the most aenuizing pain, inter b nn? or exteiaal, iii on instant of cline, i'oci.;ti yourprejudice and give it a trial; thelveet•' merit is small and reilof =tidal. The great secret of its success with all olasses is owing' to the fact it is safe and harmless pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and eau be applied :to'a wider range of disease in every day life. with greater success than any preparation .,1whicli research skill and " 9iodicalScience" • haasyet produced. A,•, ctnyHl person, oite matter wreat ho !t maywer idisease be, Itts:lt;ti or Poor, Old or Young, who is• sufferingfro;u` Vary of the above named peim'ral complaints, .will call at the Office iu Toronto, aur day of ;the week, will get practical proof "Free of w charge," of its magical iiopver over puiu iii mel' apltheati0n Testimonials from aliparts of the Dominion axe o nsta'itly coming to hand, giving erpres-r" iron to the most grateful gratitude for as- are cures which it has performed, and '� kwe would be pleased to receive testimonials ,,frn;_+t all others who use it successfully. ▪ Physicians of the highest respectability re. "eornmend it as a most effectual domestic,. ,tremerly for th.e relief of Paras in cases of sad-.`" f don emergency 14 Carry at to your homes, and it/ri111jretvo a • b1essingtoyour family and afflicted Mends. • -Drnggi- fits s.ie gelling enormous wuantitieq- f it iv] aerove r introduced. I_italien e the world to produce±ts eq'i The Trade supplied through the wltolesnlo Drag and Patent Medicine Hcusesof 0ontro- ' al, Lo oronto,HamiltonandLondon. Price 25 Cents per Bottle!1 Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept, 19., ly. L�11oways Pills &Ointment ThePills i?nrifytheBlood,correctalldisordere ; 101114 of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant, Bowels and f �1000 ems es. 1 lie open barrel full to the top, the can- TheWu'ttnautis the entry-reliablereSoily for die stuck loosely in the grains, with a Bad rregs, Old Wounds, Sores and Teem , of how ever longstanding. For Bronchiti,a, phi tlithe'iat long red enufpnf burnt wick. The sight (lords,f+out,1111eumatisnl,antinail kintdofclieeaee Aeemed'to wither all his power., Tho it has no equal. laughter ef, the onrmparry struck his. BEurARE OF ear into the Tinel];of death. at, stood.) AMERICAN COUNTERFEITS. a rnohnent,.ranab'le to move. qr T inose reepeetfully take leave to call the atten- be mut& commenced above ; ills tion of the Public (morally., to the fact, that of the dancers responded with va- aiuHousosinNow Ytwit are set) ding to many parts the gln',e SPURIOUS IhIITAn'IONS of my Pills vaeity ; the floor shook, and the loose and Ointment. These frauds bear on theirlabels lmttles in the cellar jingled with the seine addresses in Now York, I 1n not„Mow my 1liecrte'nos tol,o sold in env motion, 1 e fancied the candle wa.t tarvrt of the United States. I have no agents there, My bines are only imide by Ise at moving—falling. With desperate en Gas, exfora street, London. ergy 11e sprang forward, but flow to re -In the hocks of lir•+ctions affixed to thespur- r ions *m attain a oaution,warning the Pahlio against inove it. The slightest tomb would bout clnwc:vett by counterfeit s. Do not be misled canes the Yen hot wick t(t ftll'linto the bythis audacious trick, asthey atgfxecounterfeits tee !l// pretend:4o danounoe. :powder,. With, unege tiled proreuoe of Thnge coneterfeits are tpurchaeril hyuuttrinci- pld [r nrlrlr+at sue -half the pritxe oftny Pills end nli fid lie •15Laeed a a incl: on sacra silo of .:are Bold to yo,t as my genuine ikfodicines. elle sandley,peie.ed towilrd the o1'ecta Ianostearnestlyappealtothettsenseofj',shoe .1 ywhichIfeeleweImayvoutnrcuponaxedngfrtuu of care, wllio}t, a4 fits,}lands met, wax nllhonorebleporgnns,trrassietjipo, andthoPub. Inc„as fit* asanaty lie in theirpci er,in clenounaing secured in the cuts}t of his fingers hide trate shoo eltu•"'band.' Nafely =well twee'from it . d n q fel alt Pct. rvncl T3ox of the tlosruane lifedianoe (foes p�not effect tine ow prices at which �q CJCi .8, . BI1� S.i7r� i are offoring their stock of TINWARE, 6xovES, Etc, & at .teeter Mensa which consists of ell tits latest and improved' styles or Kitchen, Cootx stmt! ,Parlor etoves,lfilk cans;,pans, and palls of t ' most approved pa ;qpm, and everything in+ a iva ; Also, at cod r e0 lop o handsome 7:'-Eri : s NO 301 ,B3AST !. Truth Concerns You, More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy its bort; siva, '1Vlleu I say 1 manufacture I11 own furniture 1 man prepared with my proni.sheet slant the people can limpact at any time by calling at ally Ware Towns where they will see a superb (1113 play of Furniture inAll Its Branches is +u'unnf•tattsred by myself and m v o't:n!ti•in l "rbiatia skill, wit's good workmanship. I (lee ?aro not tLeatiefying the people with amass of Fa llitnre that catmint be equalled tor quality o1` (idea In Jt',xober,all blowing to the'oottbrary, nutwitlxetaudiug. - WHEN YOU WANT 4 Y �'2iRRNiTU COY J. BRAWN A CA91L. Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, Dieter. ,m,...1,._..= :.* a...n.. ...�... C. & S. GIDLEY Undertaker., axd VTOULD SAY TO tploso who intend purohaslug to do so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sen again nntst necessarily have a profit. We claim to give the purchasers the benefit, winch cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers, Our eapeusoe aro less than tboo of eity manta laeturers consequent- ly t':'ot:an stile/loaner. 1:� 1 tl'Yl'LL.17] e Afalro.fbc` 'trer s T 4- WOULD. ^^ K —eeee � ' mill specinlattontion!. tno,itrvhinh iakmo depart e plotothan ever, Aswehave added everel new designs of ate The best eeilln.. caskets shronds,and every •uneral requisite at Otto lowest prices. Our new' Hearse is pronounced 1ty' oontpetent 7udge,r to ba mooed to nor e In the provinces Emblems of all the B.fferent Societies. THE EXETEF� 9C A r' *, , TOS' DEP 6 0 r MRS. S Sabseril+or begs to announce to the inhabitants of Bketer and the s"rronnding 001111 - try, that he has oprned a TIN and S rove, DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epnledto fill all ordois for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practiofll workmen. on the' premises.• Cave.-Tr'onghingdone to order, Carriage Plating a Snee.ialty. Coal oil Chimneys; the very best and none cheaper. 0 Intending parohasers will always find me fit my post, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat customers oourteonsly and supply them with a good and cheap arbic o. Depend npon is that nowhere eau you get bettor value for your money-. The very highest price 111 Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins. E H. SPA.0 i fAN. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. NE W GENTS' FURNISHINGS --AT— ANT ""`s New White Shirts, New Golorect Shirts, New Collars, New Scarfs & Ties; New Silk Hdkfs, t Gc., &0,, �'CC,, Etc, Headquarters for TIDE LATEST.NOVELTIES'! All bought itt right prices—will Lie sold cheap. ',A,NT®ZT .03, Eacrett's Block, opposite Samwell& Pickard's ,Exeter • Horsemen and others requiring printing done, should call at' The "Times" Office and obtain estimates before going else- where, as we are prepared to execute work =APEMS. TITAN W.�r$ EV, nIT0WN° O:O All kinds, of printing done neatly and at bottom figures. POSTERS, BILL HEADS 8 a gerolt, boars the British Govermnentt stawnp,.tvitli rho b' d 1 ' 't1h 1 p e posit"ran. Viten lie renob fl the h�'n$ worts"1lor,�nw. 'B P o d rf x110 st,I.il's hci smiled at' Iris p • adwr,n h t tl t t r v rr rats Ant, ------ tr+r 1 t' f l a ` revhow *tress, M Caxiord.Street T , 1 1 OQ jlt,ty- they are rifanixfactrlrndollnavrtyi's l+atts and amss, 533..* . thoregn • Un the label is the art ti' le reaction �vap COUNTER HEADS, Ione wit a Dna ,CARD 5 f erflil land' l e fell in 'lIto of the:• 1'1 gt vitt-: 02rrtrnent,Lrlma't+tp atiif othan• address aro (moiler cited for.prices that,will 1i 17>ali li cover cost Of paper. T Lieu:+iS i? jails, ,I t"76V� `�a;.OL7bnIlalltn� p p 1 y p lent laughter. t � The Trn.delFiarks of rhes i! i+ n aligh er. a was oonvey,eCl tU 1.45011 e mec medicines ore rests. ae t__,,q.,,+1eoeivett evel:yatientiotn, and iiti lJn Relhseless Apr] lrlali we" 1 f r y sin h(,T signed T1s jug opened out Se asttblifiltnent C�✓ i �' 2 ACL11iCTent to, allaa�t��, to reP 1llYd3 113H j trill ](, H()I u�j��T t u` [1 f r! ti h ht of (Jsions. 1•Iy>zrle, he in the 13rit• ah Possessions, who,tuay koap f•ho Anlerseno at thq ow et figures. 1.igl 11iP M ( r, a naafi, oust then e y ' that eov ioa'l. nod no blow. Call std bar convinced,. Ordc s by Mail ' C, ix *felts r n .,tit salea'ITheprosoautou. '. cl 'befrire his 'ayet,o•rM ;recovered �' '.. Oxford d W.0, •.r. euiotz}alapNan b fA1?plibC"4D t,arlortestnoin�c, Advertise lx,. payS'Olt..