The Exeter Times, 1879-4-3, Page 6THE TIMES IRELA.N D. This is the coldest winter remember - 'ed in Ireland, Birds hays been (Utmost- creel Ut mobereel eating each ether. A orowdi,'d meeting in support of the proposed Worhingmen'd Club for Dub- lin has been held, and rules submitted. Major-General Roberts, who has so highly distinguished himself in the af- ghan campaign, is a native of Water- ford. Marshal MaoMahon will probably visit Ireland during the coming sum - trier, in order that he may see the coun- try of his auoestors. The visit will be private. A. conference on the land question has been held in Dublin, at which resolu- tions were adopted declaring that fur- ther protection was necessary for the 000upiets of the soil. The engiueers' dispute has extended to Belfast. The masters some time ago gave notice of a reduction of 7} to 10 per cent, iu wages. The nothoe hes expired, and the men have struck work. The ceremony of the invesfitnre of the 1'arl of Portarlington as a Knight of St. Petrick took place on the 8th inst„ in St, Patrick's Hall, Dublin Castle, in presenoe of the Lord -Lieute- nant and a brilliant company. The Press Association has been re- quested to contradict a statement origi- nating in a London society paper that the Irish Roman Catholic Bisho): s dis• countenance the subscription for a tee- timouial to the Duke of Connaught. Tule Dublin correspondent of the Time telegraphs to that journal that Government has just resolved not to proceed at the next Assizes with the trial of the three men charged with the murder of Lord Leitrim. Au applica- tion will bo issued to admit them to bail. The report of Dr. Cameron, analyst to the city of Dublin, to the effect that he had traced several cases of typhoid fever in sorne fashionable localities to milk coming from a dairy owned by a person said to be suffering from that sickness, has created painful sensation. The Clommel board of guardians have forwarded' a petition to Parlia- ment praying to equalize the franchise in Ireland to that in England. 11r, Bagwell said there are 459 electors in Clommel out of a population of 11,000. In similar towns in England the num- ber of electors is double or treblo iu proportion. FAMILY MATTERS. Fish may be scaled much easier by first dipping them in boiling water about a minute. Fresh meat beginning to sour will sweeten if placed out of doors in the cool air over night. The ripe tomato will remove ink and other stains from white cloth ; also from the hands. Cleaning the skin thoroughly is the best way to keep off diseases from it and from the lungs and kidneys. Milk which has turned or changed may be sweeteued or rendered fit for use again by stirring in a little soda. Clear boiling water will remove tea stains and many fruit stains. Pour the water through the stain, and thus pre- vent is from spreading over the fabric. Kerosene will make your teakettle as bright as new, Saturate a woollen rag and rub with it. It will also remove stains from and clean varnished furni• ture. Bee moths can only be killed in large numbers by setting a pan of grease, in which is floating inguited wick, near the hive after dark. The moths will fly into the light. A colorless, transparent, cement,with which to mend glass, can easily be made by dissolving isinglass in spirits of wine; add a small quantity of water, and mix gently over a moderate fire. A small piece of paper or linen moist- ened with the spirits of turpentine,and put into a bureau or wardrobe for a sin• gee day, two or three times, is said to be a sufficient preservative agaiust moths. To Clean Furniture.—A shovelful of hot coals held over varnished furniture will take out spots and stains. Rub the place while it is warm with a °teen bit of flannel. The effect is instantan• 40118. Whooping Cough.—An excellent cure for whooping cough is simply this : Steep a handful of chestnut leaves in a pint of boiling water ; sweeten, cool and give as a common drink five or six times a day. Indelible ink stains may be removed by soaking them in strong salt water and then washing them with ammonia. The salt changes the nitrate of silver into chloride of silver, and the ammo- nia dissolves the chloride. Beeswax and salt will make your flat irons as clean and smooth as glass. Tie a lump of wax in a rag, and keep for that purpose. When the irons are hot rub (dem fir.t with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or cloth sprink- led with salt. Out -door Air.—Give your children plenty of out -door air ;; let them suiff it until it sands the rosy current of lite dancing joyfully to their cheeks land temples,. Air is so cheap and so good and so necessary that no child shawl be denied aooees to it. Burne. --Common balling soda—the bicarbonate --has been found to cure burnt, or scalds, affording immediate relief when it is promptly applied. For a dry burn, the soda should be made in to paste with water. For a scald or wet burned surface, the powdered soda (or borax will do as well) should be dusted on. '1'o Preserve Ginger. --Put your gin• ger, for a fortnight, every night and morning in fresh boiling water. Re- move the outside slain with a sharp knife, boil in water till quite tender, slice it thin. Make a syrup thus :— Oue pound of loaf sugar to half pint of water. Put the ginger into it, and boil till clear. Gray's Syrup cures tun \i Oran 1Ul'lnli UI vUubile and Colds, Gray's Syrup aures Sore Throat and hoarse- neSS. Gray's Syrup gives immediate relief in Bron- chitis Gray's Syrup is the best medicine for Asthma. Gray's Syrup relieves Croup and Whooping Cuugh. Gray's Syrup is invaluable in the last stages o' Consumption. Sold very where.Priee, 25 (sate. P.,xeter N Orth FLOUR, and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every accom dation possible in gristing and flouring. Flou and mill food delivered to parties leaving the orders before one o'clock at J. BELL'S Bakery, CO'BYRNE & C0'S, or at mil same day —o -- TERMS CA -SH. --a--� W M. ''. N W I C Ba, EXETER P 0. NEW MACHINE SHOP. Willia�a Itching Wishes toinform the public that he is bette prepared torepair all kinds of Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. MAIM STREET, EXETER. THE EXETER PlaningMill, Sash, DOOR AND HIRD r 0 ALL KINDS OF TUR NI1V C - Done to order. Remember theplace BFer (tt Ioward Eros. THE GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times Holloways Pills &Ointment Tb a Pills Purify the B lood,corroct al ldisorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys an(' Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliablere 9edy ter Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , of bow ever longstanding. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Colds, Gout,Rheuniatism, and all kind ofdisease it has no equal. BEWARE OF AMERICAN COUNTERFEITS. I most respectfully take leave to call the atten- tion of the Public generally to the fact, that cer- tain Houses in New York aro sending to many parts the globe SPURIOUS MUITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds hear on their labels some addresses in New York. I io not ..11ow my Medicines to be sold in any hereofMyy Medicines United estare only tes. I made by no mon at 533, :)xford Street, London. In the books of directions affixed to the spur - Ione make is a caution,warning thePublic against being deceived by counterfeit., Do not be misled by this audacious trick, as they are the counterfeits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased byunprinci- pled Vendors at one-half the price of my Pills sad are sold to you at, my genuine Medicines, I most earnestly appeal to that sense of j ostioe which I feel sure I may venture upon ageing from all honorable persons, to assist me, and thoPub- lic as far as me y lie in theirpower,in denouncing this shnn.ofillPined, Each Pot and Box of the (lenuine Medicines, bears the British Government stamp, with the words "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, Lon- don,"engraved theregqnn: On the label is the ad- dres., 533 (Word ionaon, where alone they are Manufactured, Holloway's Pills and Ointment bearing any other address are connter felts. The Trade Marks of these medioinos aro regia tered at Ottawa. Hence, anyone in the Brit- ish Possessions, who may keep the American C..unterfoite for sale, will be prosecuted Signed, THOMAS ,HOLLOWAY Cgs ():ford Ct„l W.C. Loudon Znttlaai NEW FALL GOODS. A. KELLY has justreeoivod alarge stook of rratcises Cto(r/es Jewellery, inn- ing String's, Spectacles, Landes) awl Gents' Pocet Boons. A large stook of Fancy Goods con- stantly on baud. NEW BUTCHER SHOP he undersigned wouldinform the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER S1 -10P ouedoor south of his Blaeirsmithshop andhopes thesamo liberal patronage that has bean au corded to him in the BLA0KBDIITII AND WAGON MATING line willhoexteudedtohim in his new branch of business, Isis moat wagon willoall at the resi- dents of the villagothroetimeseao3weekend FRESH M EAT all kinds kopt constantly on hand at his butohorshop, Blaoksmithing and wagon makingcarried on as usual in al) its branches R. DAVIS. esuannatneassessatsonesees Wonderful Discovery. EMPRESS RELIEF. THE FRIEPW OF'MAI KIND. An Internal & External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheumatism and Neural. and rah -7 ll� pule i•:sto utly, "l)en' v it with can” 51It is the only known remedy or lthoutuattom .on the American Continent, provadby others. n As €0011 as plied it gives instant eaeetotie unfortunate sufferer, It is rapidly absorbed, •ponetrates to t e verybono, enters the circuht tion, neutralizing all "liheiaatie Poison" car culsting in the blood, and expels it from the system through thee natural outlets. IT CURES 'Toothache, Earache, Headache, Nouralin Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, Ittflamation, Burns Cuts, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in ',Back, Pain in Must, Pain in shoulder, Coughs. Co1ds,Frost Bites, Chilidaius, Diarrhoea, Dys• `eatery, Summer Complaint, &c., &c. It will euro the most avulsing pain, inter nc1-or external, in one instant of time, Pocket your prejudice and give it a tris ; the invent mont is small and relief coitain.. The groat secret of its sucoess withall classes is owing to the fact it is safe and harmless, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and eau be applied to a wider range of disease iu every day life with greater success than any preparation which research skin and "Medical Science" has vet produced, As ti proof of its groat power over disease any person, no matter who it may be, Rich, or Poor, Old or Young, who is suffering from any of the above named pein'ul complaiuts,' will call at the Office in Toronto, auv day • ou the week, will get.practicallrroof "Free of;, chase,' of its magical power over pain in one apallic' a ion. L Testimonials from all parts of tb o Dominion aro 0 nstmotly coming to hand, giving expros-: ,ion to the most grateful gratitude for as tonishing cures which it has performed, and we would ho pleased to receive testimonials.: trona all others who a=e it successfully. Physinians of the highest respectability re• oommend it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sud- den. ouiergony w. Carry it to your homes, and it will a blessingt� toyourffauiily and afflicted friend, 'a Druggists are selling enormous quantitiies of `I it wherever introduced. I challenge the world to produce its equal, The Trade supplied through the wholesale Drug and Patent Medtoino Houses of Montro-._' a1, Toronto, Hamilton and London. Price 25 Cents per Bottle Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. ThohighPricoofrlou. does not eitect the ow prices at which R. & T. BSSSETT areoffering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES. Eta., at Exeter & Hensall whioh co/Witte of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stoves,Milk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved pattern, and everything in the lino ; also, a oodsoleotioh+ of handsome Fave troughing as neral, receives evsryattention, and at the lowest figures. strop Braving opened (uta brattish astablishmoat at Hensall, our friends fn that a.ighhurkeod eau be supplied un Cue shortest nutlet). ,AP11Ir, 3, I879 TIIIS IS NO :3OMT3..&Sr -.-_. .. Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, --0---- Therefore, road, purchase, and oujoy its bargains, When I say 1 manufacture rug own furniture 1 no prepared with my proof -sheet that the people can iwipect at any time by oalliug at my Ware mows where they will see a superb dis play of Furniture, inAll Its Branches is tuanufaoturod by myself and lay own blued artistic skill, with good workmanship. I der dare not lesatisfying the people with a close et 'Furuiture that cannot be equalled for quality or price in Exotor,all blowing to the contrary, notwltbstandl'ng. --0-- WHEN YOU WART ANY FURNITUR GIVE J. DRAWN A CA(t. Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, Exetes,. C. & S. GIDLEY Undertakory and F7 Lrniture Man-atacurers UTOULD SAY TO those who intend purohasing to de so from the manufacturer. The dealer who boys ie sell twain must uo' ossarily have a profit, We claim to give the purchasers tbo benefit, which cannot fall to meet the views of the Grangers, Our expenses are ]ess than those of city mann lteoturors coneegnont- ly we eau sellcheapor, TE WOULD call spootalatt.ntion to our undertaking depart mont,whioh is more core plots than a ver, as o have added ovoral new esigns of ate The best , cmos. caskets shrouds,anri every moral requisite at the lowest prices. Our : new Hearse is pronounced by con/potent judges to be soonnd to none iu the pravinoes Emblems of all the Different Societies. TI THE EXETER AND STOVE 0 SPOT TRE Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s' rronnding oonn- try, that ho has opened a TIN and SMITE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street, Exeter, where he is Nepal ed to fill all ordeals for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and maclo up by practical workmen on the premises. Euve-Tronghingdono to order, Carriage Plating. a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, tllc very best and none Cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always find me at my post, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply thorn with a good and cheap Artie o.Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get batter value for your money. The very highest price in Cash paid for. Hides and Sheep skins, • Exeter P 0, Octoeer 15 1877. E H. SPA CUMAN. N . W G-ENTS' FURNISHIN%S --A.T-- A TON EROS. New White Shirts, New Colored Shirts, New Collars, New Scarfs & Ties, New Silk Hdkfs, &c., &c., &c., &c. Headquarters for THE LATEST NOVELTIES! All bought at right prices—will be sold cheap. RA1\TTON 7E313.0S, }aaerstt's Blesk, opposite Barnwell &' Piekard's ,Baster' SPRING PRINTING. Horsemen and others requiring printing done, should calltat, The "Times" Office and obtain estimates befure going else- where, as we are prepared to execute work CIEEAPER =MAN W 1uS EVER IENOWN o:0 All kinds of priating done neatly and at bottom figures. POSTERS, BILL HEADS COUNTER HEADS, CARDS, &c., &c. printed for prices that will barely cover cost of paper. This is no blow. Call and be convinced. Orders by Mail RECEIVE PROMPT A-�• Advertise in The "Times." It will a ATTENTION'. you. TxO t