The Exeter Times, 1879-4-3, Page 2THE TIME T,EIOUG HTS FOR SUGAR•MAKEiRS, As we are to have an excellent sap season the coming spring, both in re- lation to quantity and quality, sugar. makers will do well to oonsider the fol. lowing points, viz:- t�1. Sap, M its tnaziraum flow, about) .the first of April, on auaverage, will be the sweetest. so be in season, 2. Tap low down on the south side, if you wish to make the most sugar but, 3. If you wish to make the nicest quality thea tap on the same side, but :high up and shallow, 4 The largest quantity and the nicest quality .cannot be seoared by the same 2uethot?e. 5. The shallower we bore, the whiter the sugar, so the deeper we born the darker the sugar. 6, The shal'lwer we bore, the leas the sugar, and hence, 7. The deeper we bore the more the sugar. 8. Quantity of sugar is always at the expense of quality. 9. If you wish to get through with. sugaring as early as possible, thea tap early, on the south side, high up and shallow. 10. If, on the contrary, you wish to auger late, then tap low down on the Horth side, and deep. 11. From the heart -wood sap will not run in early spring, but later it will; therefore tap shallowlearly, aud deeper late in the season. 12. Sugar made from the sap -wood -which is white) makes white sugar, :chile sap from heart -wood (dark) makes dark sugar. 18. Sap commences to run at the surface, in the alburnum or sap -wood, and later in the season it runs from the park wood near the heart. This ex plains the variations in the color of su- gar mads early aud late. 14. The more borings we make, the more sap we get, but of a poorer qual- ity, 15. One bole near the ground will snake more sugar than five ur six holes directly above the lower one, equidis- tant from eseh other, reaching twenty or thirty feet above. Recording to Pre- sident Clark, of the Massachusetts Ag- ricultural College, but little sap runs from the maple above twelve or twenty feet from the ground. 16, The better the sap season the sweeter the sap. 17. Quantity of sugar depends not ao much on the quantity as on the quality. 18. A maple will run sap any time after the leaves fall, from November till May, when the weather is favorable. 19.The larger and taller the tree, the galleries, wbioh reflected everything on the sea. A oownlion tower now stands in its place. Sixth, the Walls of Babylon, built by order of Semiramis, or Nebuchadnezzar, and finished iu one year by two hund- red thousand workmen. These walls were of sufiioient thickness to allow six chariots to run abreast upon them, They were further finished with one hundred gates of solid brass. The last of the Seven Wonders is the Temple of Diana, at Ephesus,complet- ed in the reign of Sevius, the sixth king of Rotno. It was four hundred aud filty feet long, two hundred feet broad, aud was supported by oue hund- red and twenty-six marble pillars seven- ty feet high. The beams and doors were of cedar, too rest of timber was cypress wood. It was destroyed by fare in the year 865 B. 0. THE NEW TARIFF. On Tuesday the 25th the following changes in the tariff were auouuoed by Hon. Mr. Tilley in the House :- Paraffine caudles, to be 5o per lb, in- stead of 4c. Sperm and other dandles, not tallow, to pay 25 per cent., instead of 20 per cent. Babbit metal, to pay 10 per Dent. Buttons of all kinds, 25 per cent ad - valorem. Checked and striped shirtings, 2eeuts per yard and 15 per cent. Cotton, duck or canvas, or sail twine 5, per Dent ad valorem. Dried apples. to pay 2 cents per pound. All atter dried fruit, 25 per cent. Hats, caps and bonnets, 25 per Dent. Hatters' plush, of silk or cotton, 10 per cent. Canada plates and sheet -iron 12} per cent. Iron and steel wire reduced to 14 per cent. All iron castings to pay 25 per Dent. Gas, water, and sewer pipe, of oast - iron, 25 per vent. Rolled beams and channels, angle and Tyson, 15 per cent. Iron bridge and structural iron work, safes aud doors for safes and veldts, 25 per cent,. Wire work, safes and Iocks of all kiuds, 30 per mut. Lead pipe and shot to pay alike, 25 per cent. Gloves and mitts of leather, samt, as boots and shoos. Oil cloth to pay 30 por cent, instead of 25 per cent. Pipe organs, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for oabioet orgens, 25 per cent. Pipe pulps, 20 per cent. instead of and the longer it has been tapped, I of 10 per cent. other things being equal, the more and Paiute and colors, ground in oil or sweeter is the sap. 20. The vitality of a tree lies at the surface, in the alburnum ; therefore a large external wound well heal sooner than a small deep internal wound, and hence a bore two in3hes deep will in- jure a tree less if made on the south side, high up, and more if made low down ou the north side. -New England Farmer. THE SEVEN WONDERS. The Seven Wonders of the world have justly called forth admiration for many ages and as many of our readers may not be acquainted with them, we take this opportunity of giving a short description of them. First, the enormous Colossus, of Rhodes, claims our attention. It was built by Cares, of Undue, a pupil of ,Lysippns, iu the year 283, A, D., and twelve years ware spent in its const'uo- tion. It was an enormous statue of Apollo, and was one bend, ed and twen- ty feet high. It stood across the har- bor of Rhodes for sixty-six. years, when it was prostrated by an earthgnalce. It was afterward bought by a Jew from the Saracens, who loaded nine hundred camels with the brass, Next in order a•e the Pyramids of Egypt, those wondrous mutun.ents of wealth and grandeur of the ancient kinds of that country. The ►argent of struetnres employed three hundred and 1 sixty thousand workmen for thirty years in its construction. The general opin.+ ion is that it was designed for the tomb of Cheops, the supposed fouuder of the pyramids, Next comes the aqueducts of Rome. Little is known about them except that they were constructed by Appius Claud- ius, the Roman censor. Fourth, the Labyrinth of Paammeii- ohue, on the banks of the Nile, contin- ued wall, one thousand houses and twelve royal palace9, all covered with- inarbfe,aud having one entrance, Ons` building was said to contain three thud- sand chambers ancl a hall built of mar. Me adorned with statutes of the gods.' Fifth, the Pharos of Alexaudria, a tow, or built by order of Ptolemy Philadel- plies, in the year 252, B. 0. It was erected as a lighthouse and contained 1naenifieent galleries of marble, a large lantern at the top, the light of which twee seen a hundred miles distant. Mir - ruin of euormous si&e wore fixed arouud any other liquid, 25 per cent. White and red lead, dry, and bis• moth, 5 per cent. Paper nangings, and paper, oalender- ed, 24per cent. Lead pencila, 25 per cent. Rolled silver, 10 per cent. Pruuella and cotton kuittings, for boats, shoes and gloves, 10 por cent. Wines to pay 3 ceuts additional for each degree of streu ith over 26 per cent. of proof spirits, instead of 6 cents for every five degrees or less. Cologne water to pay specific $1.90 per gallon and 30 per cent. ad v'tlorem, instead of 20 per cent. ad valorem. Steel ingots, bars, coils and ebeets, railway bars, and fish -plates to pay 10 per cent. on and after the lst January. 1881. Glucose syrup to half a Dent per pound, in addition to 35 per cent. ad valorem. Felt, far boots, shoes and glove lin. ins, 10 per pent. Barytes, brimstone, crude, chloride of lime, cream of tartar in crystals, aud several other unimportant items added to the free list. Small pipings of satin are placed in- side the brims of soma plain chip bon• nets. while others have eine with cords stitched in on the outside. .-'`- Mr. John I3.auu:tie Deputy -Reeve of Tuckeramith, has rented Mrs. Ramsey's f:trm for three years. Mr. Hannah pays $1,000 for the use of the place for that time. YELLOW OIL. - This name is familiar throughout the entire Dominion, and there are few families who have not found it at ono time or mealier au angel of mercy in the household. It is tho most popular and best linimentt in this country, aud no one who has once used it will be without it. 4r. Fred Hills, of Toronto, the genial . civil engiueer, gives, unsolicited, the anuexed certificate:- TOngNTo, Ontario; July 19, 1678. *Tani. Milburn, Bentley (C' Pearson, Gnereruitai,-Some twelve year ago I itnoek- ed off the nap of my knee, stud since that time have often suffered with a swelling in the knee joint, ennead from twisting the leg. I have used all kigds of liuunonts, as well as medical attendance; but on tho• last two occasions have need 1Iagyard's Yellow Oil, The result has been marvellous; instead of lying up for a week or ten days, as usual, all the swelling, has disappeared in throe days. I moat hearti- Iy reconunend the Yellow oil. Make what use you like of this, and state it comce unasked for. Your truly, FRED limes, For sato by Mr, C. Lutz, Exeter. A disease, entitled by the physicians "German measles," is exceedingly pre, valent in Govan just now, and is in al- most every case fatal. Many families have lost two and three children inside of a week, Whooping cougtl is also prevalent, and there are several oases of scarlet fever, Smuggling in the Orkney and Shet- land Islands is new to be put down with a strong hand. A special division of the coastguard service has been crea- ted, the members of which will be lo- cated in several cf the islands, and two cruisers, one a steamer, are attached to. the division. 10-444-4 VIceeere IIrpo irosearege extends its influ- ence into every part of the human organism; commencing from the foundation, correcting diseased action, aud restoring vital powers, creating a healthy formation and purification of the blood, driving out disease,;and leaving nature to perform its allotted part. It is the finest nervine remedy known, and the greatest brain and blood food in the world. For sale by Mr. 0, Lutz, Exeter. 'MEW BLACKSMITH SHOP sae AT WIN- CHELSEA. W. BUCKING HAM, late of Exeter, h as commenced bueinessiuthe r,. ,;. at'vebranoh abWhsohelsee and is pre- pared to do ail ^ .,,, ........ kind otblaok smithiugwork Horse shoe- ingspe:.tally attended to, Promptness, cheapness and good work,luarauieed, Acall solicited. 16-9m W, BUCKINGHAM. HENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for tine T- 1 Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder seek, twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is left iu, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No pork will be bought at any price if warm, S.A.-LTS AGES ----AND-- Pork Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting aright through breast to head, and ,Hams o`oned out to tail. G-. cos 3. PETTY. Mowers and Reapers. WE OFFER A TRIAL of ourcelebrated Single Mowers -AND- Singe Reapers n all kindsofGrass and Grein,and on all con itions of soiland serface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE We also after a Trial of our Wrought Icon Two Bar Fashionable Dressmaking.. Dresses cut and nicide to order r pt--- 13Y - _ c MRS. �7i'. ROSS, Main treat, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFFICE,. $50,000.®o At auction. To commence on Monday, Deo.16,18178 W. D. McGloughlin of 196 Dundee street, London, will on the above date, off or W8 1,01°10 stook, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at auction, and continue the stile every clay at two o'clock id the after- noon and at seven in the evening during the bal- ance of the month, --from the 14th to tho 91st' of December, Tis is the largest and bolt stook that hers ever been offered to tho public at their own pr100s; aud, as everybody knows, the good, are of the bout manufacture and every artielo will bo war- ranted the seine as if bought bathe orate .ry wiry. This is it rare chance to gat nue gold and silver wataltes, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and fancy goods at your own prices. Pornape never again will euoh an opportunity occur, Secure yourUhristmas and New Year's presents nt tide sale. Save your money for this auction --and mat emouoy. W. D. MoGLOUGHLIN, Dundas street, London' AT THE Standard Sash Door a Blind FACTORY, is constantly kept on hand, all kinds sof buntline material. Flooring hard and soft, Siding Mould use dm., sold cheap. Planing Jigging and 'leaning promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED FOR, and eatistaotion guaranteed. As we have of Laud a large stock of dry lumber, we feel sure on satisfying those who may give us a can. ROSS BROS. & TAYLOR JOHNSTON'S COMBINED RSA"ER A; D N1JWER 11 ochiueesupplied with Two Pitmans, Two Drag -hers, Two Finger -bars. Four Knivee, Forked and Keyed, Nuts. Self -oilers, etc., to. can be changed from Mower -co Roarer AND REAPER' TO MOWER Byremovaloffourbolta, anliuloss altttnflfteeb iniliutoa' tilde... Please call at our walks and inspee our Machines before purchasing: elsewhere, Send for Catalognee. • THOnMPSON Yr WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Str^,.tfoed. KNOW By f'eadingner p.ecticrng the tnuctint i. I'. ruths con. tained in the ..Fs medical book ever istee .i. entitled t111¥SELFSEceonlyV. Se -TION Prier only' V. 8^m u}• mail on receipt of price. It treats of Exhnusted'Yltnlity Prenntture Decline, Nervous and Pityst:at Debility, and tite endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that resutt therefrom, and contains more than 60 original pre- scriptions, an • Ont of which is worth the price of the book. This book was written by the most ex. tensire and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, t o whom was awarded a gold and jaw. tiled medal by the National Medical Association. A Patnphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Engravings -a mar- ��� vel of art and bcauty- sent roes to alt. Send for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL• (� INSTITUTE, No 4 BM- f HYSEt7�a F• • tench St.. Boston. Buss. . Its great and thnrourh hlov1-purtfylr' er D. More.'.: Gobi, Itc.:h:^.' Dkcot •..n• . ,lunars i'I''nel 1n,„ went. Scrofula tot - .01 1.lelcty e'tmpie, or Erontton. Neretll'lal .:se :,!:neral Prmo:t y :111,1 their e:Tect •, tu•n eranleated. and 11:05.11, 11 'II alt :•n•• a snood vont:iLitten esr:th- 1i: be 1. Nrystpe!a., f:dl-rheumy Fever Soros, Scaly or Rough t+tan, itt shoot, all 111•.••est t cat. "Cit t,r Net I ond, are. cunyucred by nils powerful, ptu'ifying, ant: inciter:, hg; neteletn^. Tat,neL•tlly Met it mnntf ted its potency in curing Tetter, Pose Gtsth 11011!, C'nrh,uc',ts, Bare l.rco. Scrofulous Sres and Swellings, %v1,:to Swellings, Goltre or Thiel; Neck, ttn:l Enlarged Glands. 1f you feel dull, et otv^y, ,:Ctltttutet, have color of skin, or y,liow!rh-bror,0 spots on face or body, frequent headache or dinar nest, bud tn010 in nteuth. Internal heat or chills alternated with hot au,hes.low, piths, mut gloomyforebodingv, irregular appetite, aItt tot:irun roared. you are suffering front Torpid Liver, or ..Iti11ouanesn." In nt:my cases et Livor Cotsplutut" only part of these symptoms are experiences. Ana mua•dv for all -uclr cases, Dr. Pltn'r.'s tioldnn Medical Discovery has no cgaal, as it edicts perfect and ratle:11 rotes. At the cure of 13rouebttis. Bovero Coughs, and the early stages of Consumption, It has astonished the mctticul faculty, end eminent plty'sectitts prOltounee it the greatest nw,tisal diecorery of the age. While it curt t 1 I t'' reverent Cinch:,, l t rt rtvgthens the system nit purities the blood. St ld by druggists. I1.1'. I'1 i.tlltE, 11. D.. I'rop r, World's Dispensary and ltval[da' Ruta, L'utralo, N. Y. SIZE - 0 11 e .i" 1101.'4 1,lYTLE GtAN?IIG aNouse of taking the large, repul sive, nauseous pt1Is, composed of cheap, crude., and balky IngrudlensG9s 'three pellets aro ,a arccly larger than mustard eeede THE CA' w Being entirely vegetable noparticular care is rt, qutred while ruing them. o y operate without da. tut•banre to the constitntton diet. nr occupation For Jaundice, Medaehc, Constipation, Imam Blood, Puln In the Shoulders, Tlghtncse of the Cbest D1r¢lnoss. Sour Eructations from the Stomach, Bao Taste In the Mouth, Bilious attuetts. Putts in roriee or Kidneys, Internal Fever, Boated feeling about, Stomach, Rush of Blood to Lead, taste Dr. I'loreeh Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of tht great a remedial oof iseases ttrti y ho g,btt that thcl, netlon upon Ibe aminal economy 1s Universal, not , gland or tissue eseupvlug their sanative Impress. .A.J.4 does not impair the properties of Hansa Ptledj, They aro sugar-coated and Inclosed in glass bettiels their virtues being thereby presmrvod unimpaired flu any length of time, itt tory citmtttc.so that they art always n•nsit tutu reelable. This is not the erne wet pills pat up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes For :dl diseases where a Luantive. Alterative, m Pnrestive, is Indicated, these ))rite Pellets will gtvt the mostperfect s:tt'rtction. Sold by cheerests. R. V. PIERCE, el. De Paor'n World's Dieee isari and Invalids' hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. • SYMPTOMS. -Frequent head. Oahe, dIsebtu•gefalling into tertnt tosometimes profuse, watery, th)c mucous, purulent, offensive, tie In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or inetentee eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pus sages, ringing In ears deafness, hawking and cough. In to flea r the throat. ulcera ions, se abs from altar•& votee altered mtsa1 twang, offensive breath, 1tupainee or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste rill. einem, mental depression loss of appetite, indulges. teen, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, tete. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to be presc'•art 1019 ease at one time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REtk OY produces radical cures of the worst team of Catarrh no matter of how tong stnntlinee The ltgnit) remail may be sttulted.or better applied by the ilea of tit meows This 1:t the only torte if Mister omit yet invented[ with which ihibl nu -Melee cin h( Carried 11 ion Or and r,1tnraceey APPLIED to tit parts of the affected meal passages, anti the. ddtttitr bars or cavities 0Mnmtmte.nth tttt9 01.0WI , its whirl sores and Ocoee" equently exiot, mid frons whet the catarrhal c,:echar t generally proceeds. Tut sat an ,e pie:Let and ,raspy understood. from dtreetiOlN aceom anyttig each instrument. )7t•. ;int74:4 Olt. tart'it Remedy cores mend stooks of aced as ibf Mad " liy a 19W npreleatlohs. It is mild rail pier ',nt to use containing no etrenger ennste urntn ill ++piteous. use, I cmety and Dormitesold bpdrus %weep'v 11504 I 'sills l oeetetet.1ttS 5LlIb.1. . ' 6t Arum 3,1 9 HAVE YOULOST THE SENSE 01? TASTE Olt SMl';LI,PIC so, away be fralrt the LEPROSY of the Nth century, C°•,t2'.trtnrl, Tiara coNsmen:tor14L CATAnlirl Itsureer will restore, you to enjoyable health. It not only cures Ca- tarrh, but all other diinoaires at the sante Ulna. price Si per Pottle. Pot sale by all druggists anal Medicine denlere Saud stump he. 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh, and certifi- cates of the mored to T. L B. HARDINU, Dowiu. ion Agent, Brookville, Ont. CONSTT1'UTIUNAL CATAXIREI REMEDY, The only certain, fief°, and effectual cure for Cat, rrh, builds up the eyatenl and urea all othe diseases at the saane tine. Aetltma, Role Cold,, Huy .Fever, Ncrvoue Debility, all leave together when the Coustitututionul Catarrh ltetnedy is taken au dUreetod. Trice $1 per bottle. For sale by all druggists aud Medicine dealers. ENGINES' AND BOILERS. From a ton Horse Power, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Batter aud Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse power. Best and cheapest m the market. Send for circular and price list. John Doty. .fotkvEsplanade Street.. Toronto. -STEW FIRM, 1NGRAM'S OLD STAND. Horse Shooing, Wagon and Carriage Mk ring,Dfa. mond yarrows, end Plows. General italekamith. login all its branches, at the lowest rates, and sat - guaranteed. Gita 119 n can and eeamino our work before t:adtne elsewhere. iirclflL7 AN & McbRIDE, King St.,Heneall. Hansell. June 20.1878. ane kin,: SARSAPARILLA The Great Blood Purifier. A genuine fluid extract of Red or Jamaica Sarsaparilla, combined with Iodine of Potas- sium, for the cure of all diseases arising from impurity of the blood: Nearly all the diseases that trouble the hu- man race are influenced by the state of the blood. It is indesponsable that this fountain of life be in alum and healthy condition. As a Purifier of the blood, a Renovator of the system, and Preserver of the powers of life, Carter's Sarsaparilla has no equal. For sale at the drug stores. KERRY WATSON & 00., Wholesale Druggists, Montreal. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- ERY. ile Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. \A lecture ou the Netnre,Treatment , and Radi- cal cure of SeminalWealtno s, or riper atoxnccea, induced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Frnissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, nett Inttredimonta to Narilsg° generally • Consumption Epilepsy, , ane Fite ; Hensel and Physical Iucul'acity, &a - BS ROBERT J. CULVER %YELL, M. D., author of the "Green Book," Sm. The wolld reuowned author in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his owe experience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse Luny be effectually removed without medicine, ano with • out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, ins tru- ruents, rings, or cordials ; poietin; out a mule of cure at 01100 certain and effectual, by which evory sufferer, no matter what his condition may be may turn himself cheaply, privately and radically. 1 --„This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands aril thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six cants, or two postage stamps. &dares TILE Ora:WELL MEDICAL 10. 43 Ann st. Now York. P. O. Box 4986 DO NOT READ THIS. L_T aving received a lot of now machinery, I .1 would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture ali kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, ore, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I ale prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. By an immense practice at the World's Disppen- sary end Invalids' Hotel, having treated many thou- sand eases of those diseases peculiar to woman, 1 have been enabler) to perfect a mostpotent turd posl- tive remedy for these diseases, To ale lgnato this natural specific, I have named it Dr. Pierce"s Favorite. Prescription. The term, however, is hut a feeble expression of may high appreciation of its value, based upon per- taonaal ehservation. 1 have, while witneesing its peal. • tive results In thespecial diseases Incident to the organism of women, singled it not as the ethane or erow,di,g gem of my medical career. On Its merits, its a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for this chess of diseases, and one that will, at all time and under on circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to stake ray reputation as it physician; and so conedentam 1 that it w111 not dlsappoiht the most sanguine ex- pectations of a single Invalid lady who uses it for any of the ailments for which 1 recommend it. that 1 ogee end sell 1t under POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (For Conditions, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) The following are tenon those diseases In 1. etch my Favorite Pi'eseriptton has worked cures, as 1f by magic, and with a certainty never before attained by any medicine: Lcueorrhtna, Sxceesive Matting. .'ninth) Mottthly Periods, Suppressions when from unnatural causes, Irregularitles, 1S'enk isuelc, Pro - !ensue, or Falling et' the Utt res, Anteversion and ltutroversion, Bearing -down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debluty Deep0ndettey, Threatened Miscarriage, Chrome Congestion, T.ts- itintonation :mid Ulceratlonet the Uterts Lnpoiettcy Barrenness, or Sterilityy, and Female'et:Onesa. le do not extol this medicine its It "erre-all;' but Jt admirably retells a singleness or purpose. tieing b most pertoet simile: 10 all chronic diseases of the sexual system 0f W Oinan. It will not dlaappolat, net will It do harlml, In any state or condition Those who dos: re further information en these stun. loots can obtain it in Tent PaOrLE'a COILNON Siot4 MEDIAD. ADVrsmle, a book of neer OM pedes, 8011 Pest -bald, on receipt or V" at treats minutely al dross diseases peculiar Irantul'ee, and .rives moa t valuable hdvlce In regard to the management O' rheas atroettoai. F'avorlte IMqurl tlon sold by prutt`Isi4. 0 est. V. PIERCE,M. tt, t'retr'r, \voile's Dieg,...,lat tall eseisear Lloe,etstattesei.x.. 1