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The Exeter Times, 1879-3-27, Page 6
**.N eox. 7. 5 s van. TIMES. o:o:o 'EW TURNIP SEED, 'N'E+W MANGOLD SEED, 'NEW CARROT SEED NEW TIMOTHY SEED, NEW MILLET AND HENG'ARIAN SEED, 'TARES, TOP ONIONS, 1DUT TTS, , WEANTS, BUCK -WHEAT, 'AND A GL+"NERA.L ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN 'AND FLOUR SEDDS. IN FACT ALL SEEDS .T.I 4T ARE TO ,D1<, ,FOUND STORE, DO NOT FORGET TO PURCHASE YOUR SEEDS WHERE THEY ARE WARRANTED NEW, AND FIRST-C7L'ASS:IN EVEB:Y.'AI,i,TICULA.B. SHOULD BY THEIR SEEDS AT 'THORNE & FARMER'S STAR GROCERY. NEW CLOVER SEED SWEET CORN IN A FIRST-CLASS SEED 1N FACT EVERYBODY TR TARIFF. the great remedy prepared expresfily to meet Notes and Contemporary Opinions The beauties of the new tariff are many •---London Adv'er'tiser, It is understood from reliable authority that steps have been taken in Detroit, by a promin- ent bustues man auticapitalist, to form. a joint stock company for the purpose of starting a mail manufactory on the Canadian side, pro- bably at Walknrville, 3Ir,Walker offering every inducement to the company to locate there ; and as \Valkerville has both rail and water • e"inmuilicatiell with all points, no more desire able location cemld well be selected. The pre - scut high protective duty of 40 pev cont. gives ample opportunity for rt:ttrgins. For five years past the Province of Ontario, in fact the whole Dominion, has been supplied with nails by 'unitedd States manufacturers, but the duty .aboveTr ( A erred to Will shut out mericau pro- duction•and throw the trade info the hands of the Ilmue manufacturers, which fact Detroit capitalists are quick to observe and take ad- vantage of. The works will, no doubt, soon be iu operation, and are expected to give employ - silent to 75 or 100 hauls. Detroit Evening News. So far as Sir John and his government are concerned, they have fairly fulfilled their ante- eleetiou promises. With a view ett, revenue purposes -alone, 'we now have a general tariff of 20 cent as against the former one of17x, while it would appear as if almost every Cauidian in- dustry er national product, was legislated for by means of special and in most ca es epecifie duties. No matter how mucic we may differ as to the advisability of a protective tariff, that was what Sir John A. Macdonald promised us and that is 'what has given us. We are anxious -to see a thorough test of protectieuist legisla- •tion,. which no Half -way measures could give ns. The new teriff •.is no ilalf-way measure. Let its not anticipate trouble. We have the National l'oliuy.. Let us give it a fair trial. ,..Parkhill. Gazette '(Reform). Professor Goidwin Smith writes a long let- ter to tbe..Tele Bram anent the new tariff, eon- . eluding with the following paragraph " As a whole the tarifinnty be said to be the necess- ary fiseal outcome of a political situation, to which Euglaud is the 'chief party and. from which she reaps the advantages of an Imperial -*N. position. That anything which has been done in the way of tariff legislation can have pro- eeeded from the want of kind and cordial feel- ing towards the Mother Country it would be preposterous to suppose. Such a feeling par- e -odes not only the Conservatives who have • framed the taxi% -but all Englishmen who i dwell here, and is not the weakest perhaps: iu the hearts of those who talk about it . least. The Governor General who claims credit for • cultivating it might as well claire credit for c'rltivating the tendency of the St. Lawrence to run towards the sea. At the same time the z new tariff. followiu close upon recent ovations, may serve to teach our English friends that the effects of mere rhetoric are not deep, or sufficient to make an industrial community indifferent to its bread." In. English Commons on Thursday night last, Sir Michael Hicks Beach, replying to Mr. Bright, admitted that Lord Lorne's instructions differed from his predecessor's. Lord Lorne was not instructed to reserve bilis imposing differential duties fere the Queen's sanction ; but this in no His' interferes with the Powers of reservation and disallowance, those powers being felly set forth in the British North Amer- ican Act of 1807. Ou Mr. Bright subsequently asking that if this meant that any proposal to exact differential (Wee moat be submitted to the Home Government before adoption, Mr. Beach said the fiscal policy of Canada rested subject to treaty obligations with the Dominion , Parliament. The News, commenting on the I sentence in answer to Beach to Bright Iast night, that "subject to treaty nbligations" the l financial pokey of Canada in to be settled by the Canadian Parliament says the Government • are right enough in thinking they can do little or nothing in the platter. It seems met of the question to think of any' interference of the Crown with the divisions of the Canadian Leg- 1 islature. We ninst do the Gnverntnent the justice of saying that the geuernl principal underlying the whole scheme is precisely that which they, • promised the electors, at least of Ontario, at • the last election.—Ifczran E.i'posttor. YELa,ow Ora. — This name 1s familiar throughout the entire Dominion,. and there are few families whohave•not found it at one tune or another au angel of mercy in. the household. It is the most popular and best tinimentt in this country, and no one wlio has • Tree used it Will bo without it. Mr. Fred PBills, of "Toronto, the genili1 civil engineer, gives, unsolicited, the annexed certificate:— Tonocro, Ontario, July 19, 1878. - .ereserc. 111ilbnrn,` Bnntleya. Pearson, GevxLEMr•.x,-Some twelve year ago I knnelc- ed. off the exp of env 1cn,re, -an.t since tint time have often suffered with a swelling in the knee joint, causedd Prime twisting the leg, I have used all kinds eflinnuonts, as well as medical attendauee 1. but on the Net two occasions have used Iiagyarda Yellow Oil. The result has been Iran—alloys; instead of lying up for a wee or ten ,days, 515 hens], all the melting has disappeared in three. days. I most hearti- ly recommend the Yellow nit. Make what use you like of this, and state it combs unasked for. .Your truly,. J9» Hereto. Forsaleby Mr. 0. Lutz, Exeter. Vrelemet: Hvral'ireseuxers extends its • irlfltt- enen into every part of the linneen. organism, nnrme0cing freta the, foundation, corroding diseased action, and restori.ug vital powers. meatiiyc�n s healthy formation and, pui.ifieation of thdr toed, driving oat disease, fend leaving native to perform its allotted part. It is• the fineetnervine remedy known, and .the greatest ^ebrui.n aud.ltlood food in the world. For sale by Mr, C, Lutz, Exeter. %van never gate so beevily'•on the agtei• as when they are ill, and depressed. ul heavy per- . eentage bf old people suffer front kidney com- e ,plaints, etc., brought , on by dornngevaeaee of a.thesecretory orgasm, .whso,.will :hail with 'ins their oases -VICTORIA Banta Alla "vA Deter. It eau be recommended with confidence, For sale by Mr, 0. Lutz, Exeter. According to the reiort of the Com- missioner of "Arts and Agriculture, the Mitchell Mocbanios' Institute has 140 members, 1,271 volumes in library, in their reading -room 29 newspapers and luagizines, and 89 pupils attending evening classes tau vht by Mr. .Nether- oott, Prinoipal of the Pubiio .School, and total assets. of $1,715. acurling match oittne off atWing- ham on Tuesday of last week, for 100 loaves of bread for the poor of the town, between the Conservatives and Reformers, and resulted in a vicsory far the Conservatives by one shot. Another match was played on Thursday afternoon between the same parties. resulting in a victory for the Grits by ten shots. A resident of Fordwioh, I11r. J. 'Uattllewe, lost his pigs a few weeks ago and "couldenL" rte117vhere to find them. He was on the point of advertising for them when he happened to pass near the Methodist Chapel, and hearing a peculiar noiso•inside, curiosity promp- ted him to push Open' the door,'and lo, and beilold'l•llis pigs grunting in per- fect content. It happened that a so- cial had been held in 'the ..ohurch a short time previous, and the door had beon inadvertently left open, and the pigs followed their natural instinct to get into mischief, walked in, the . door closing after them, making themselves prisoners. To make the best cf it, however, they proceeded to enjoy them- selves, some overhauling the carpet in- side the railing, others gathered up the fragments, and one who had an ear for music tried to master the organ, .while another, who had a taste for the sub- lime, devoured a whole copy of Wes- ley's Hymns. of fel Spring Shows. Spring Shows for the exhibition of Entire 1 Stock will be held as follows in this district : Stephen and Uaborne, at Exeter, on Wednes- day, April 16. South Huron, at Brumfield, on Thursday, April 17. West Huron, nt Smith's MU, on Thursday, April 10. East Huron, at Brussels, on Friday, April I1. Tnrnberry, at Wingham, on Tuesday, April 15. Hibbert, at Stain, on Tuesday, April 15. I+lanshard, at Kirkton, on Friday, April 18. Mitchell, at Mitchell, on Thursday, April 10. Hallett, at Clinton, on Friday, April 13, Crediton, at Crediton, on Monday, April 14. SALE REGISTER. Thursday, March 27.—Faun stock imple- ments, &c., the property of Mrs. Murphy, lot 30, con. 1, .Ribbert. Hodgson & Oke, county auctioneers. .BORN. SArnEus,—In Exeter, on the 2Gtlr incite the wife of Mr. Geo. Sanders, of a daughter. 'tirl.L.—In Usbornti, on the 22nd inst„ the wife of Mr. John 'Veal, jr., of a son MARRIED. GA1tNz•;n—Lsnxs. -- At the residence of the :bride's mother, on the.:25tlr inst., Mr. R. Garner, to Miss Sarah Lyonse all of Exe- ter. ..a -«-.t DIED. Onrn.-4t'Dashwood, on the 23rd inst., Wil- liam Henry, son of Mr. Henry Orth, aged 17 years, 1 month and. 26 days. FALL WHEAT. White vllrent Scott 04 to 006 -.. 24 to 0'05 siiLIyG'.w ,LT Pito ', ... ... ... 0 84 to 0 87 ited'Chaff " ... .. 0 Pio to 0 81 Barley ... •... •... ... . 0 40 to t 50 Oats ... ... ... ... 082to080 Clover Seed Peas Eggs Butter Flour par bbl. .. ... Potatoes', per nag ... ... i Alt�}mCfrs, per bag t t)rind Apples pr 1)... ' ..: Eloge, dressed per 100 ... Tf clices.. Sheepskins, each ... ... Hay per ton ... ... Onions per bush _... :3.4i to 3 757 ... 000to555 ... 0 li to 11 11 .., 010 to 014 ▪ -.. 5008o000 ▪ 0 80 to.0 00 • ... 75to380 ... 005to000 • 6 00 to 5 00 600to- 800 • 500to5 ,e • ... GO to 0130 ... 800 to 0 00 050to075 t.rd . ... -' 0 07 to 0 08 Wool, par lb ... 0 20 to 0 21 y Tarke' per lb.. ... ...... 0 07 to o 07 Geese 00))to0tt7 Ducks, nor -noir 0 50 to 0 00 'rEW ;MACHINE SIIOP. William Titoh ng Wishes to inform the public that he as butte propelled torepair all kinds 01 ,Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, G-i,iias, dm, than any other person in the. country, as h4;• cha,r es are moderate, and he• guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. ;glom .31XTn4. TIME TABLH, iL, H.& 13. R GOnMG NORTH. 11lixed Mail Express ... 8.05 a, ns. 8.3$ p. Iu, 7,85 p, n1. GOti7G 800TH Mail 8.49 a. m. Atixsd.........,.......,2.50 p. m. Express 8,25 p. m. Exchange Bank of Cana; HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. cagiitat paid tip, - - - 11,000,000 'eeelt '30T011S M, H, GA ELT, President. TEIO3t.1.8 CAVERHILL, Tice -President A. Iv. OGIL\ IE, M.P.P., E. K. (GREECN14 THOS. 1 II 1:'I N, ALIEN. I3UNTIN, J•i1IES C1tATHERN. THOMAS ORAIG - • - Cashier. sLO1tGE131318NS - - Inspector Exeter: Branch. OEENBEAL EANETNG BUSINESS TR-4N- S:1.OT13D. Money loaned to fanners on their own notes with goodonclorsers. Drafts issued on Now York. SAYINGS B,ANIC DEPARTMENT. 5 per cent. interest allowed on deposits of ore ollttr and tii)wartts. OFFIOL HOURS -From 10 to 8; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays, W.A. 'HASTINGS, Manager. Exeter, August 22nd, 1878, 51-1v. TrTF, ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM- PANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPH 7?FFT:11Y, President. ALEX JOHNSTON, Fico. -President. SAYINGS DANK Bi,ASCii. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS.—THE Ontario Gnnn and Saving Contpanv are prepared to receive deposits in the sum :.I $5 and upward, at the rate of SIX P3111 CENT. per an. num, FOR fixed periods, or Five per cent, epi de mond. All investments of this company are se- cured by mortgages on heal Estate, which affords to depositors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits. ,for farther particulars apply by letter, oratthe 0111e0 of the Company. Jan, 30-3m, WM..F. BULLEN, Manger. WITS[ ---0—•- PARTIES INTENDING TO PLACIIASE ORGA NS SROULD CALL AT FrImrCIMPS and Examine his Steele the Rest that are Made. DOMINION ..ORGAN CO.'S. I` ENGINES AND BOILERS. From i to x3 horse Powcr, for Far:{I- ers, Dairyn'en, Butter and Checyc ' Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or. burst: power. ht .t and cheapest n, the mnrkt,tt. Send fur circular and price Inc. 4 JJ ©hA11o'li:3.. Esplanade Street. fr TORONTO. 1)1 BYRNE & Col,. In returning our . customers our sincere thanks for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three years we have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we ' HAVE'REMOVED. To our New,Store,• next door to Samwell & Pial aril's, where we will be better prepared than ever t; supply the wants Of our Customers. We have, ctddcd largely to aur stock, and our prices Will be found tower than any house in the't'radu. and "the clttnlity of the sonde equal to the best. We would call your particular !attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, which is clesignecl specially for Fanners' use. The castings -are_ extra. Heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the beaten/id the prices arld itc:rms of payment will be found very reasonable. ;Next••Door 018er/ well & Pieltardfs, Main atreet. Fashionable Dressmaking. Dresses cut and made to order -- BY— MR S YMRs . r 0 S S Alain treat, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFFICE. HAY PUMP WORKS. G. BOLTON, - PROPRIETOR. :having added to my pump machinery, and pro- cured a large quantity of nest -class pump loge, I am prepared to offer an article . Superior to any Factory in the County and at prides that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice, Before purchasing mall a 5 the Hay Pump Works . t . Shop--Ono-quarter mile north of Exeter Loudon Road. Hay P. 0 MILLINERY. JUST IN A NEW LOT OF JUST IN A NEW LOT OP JUST IN A NEW LOT OF BIACI ST.: tAli" ATS. THE VERYLATEST SHAPES FOR SPRING. THE VERY LATEST SHAPES FOR SPRING. THE 'VERY LATEST SHAPES FOR SPRING. MISS GART ICH Vain St. E seter. Ship Grocery. TE11. Tom& o TEA A TRY MY 75 ot. TEA 1 TRY MY '50 et. TEL! Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS.- GRANGES. LEMONS. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goode delivered to all parts of tho Village. —0— Agent for Great Western Stehp Co, New York to Bristol. Cr PT, . , " Pa JEWELRY ! JEWELRY ! ! JEWELRY! S. E. 0-0NE.s Hawn fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, Li all the latest styles, and at Prices to suit the Times -:o:-- CAAhL:,AND EXAMINE ! Before you buy elsewhere. Sjecial attention Maid to Repair- intr. S. E. JONES, Opposite Central Hotel. .131.4 ClICSMITIIIZTO NEW FRIM, INGIRAM'S OLD STAND.. Horse Shoeing, Wagon and Carriage Mkaing,Dia- niondFarrows, and Plows. GeneralBalch sin ith- Ing in n11 rte branches, at the lowest rates, and sat- guarantoocl, Gil0 us a can and examine 011r work before t_adtng elsewhere. MellflL; C AN (R; McBRIDE, King St.,Hansall. Hensall. Juno 20.1878. am Teas! Teas!! Teas! !! --AT-- Try our 50c. Tea. NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (very cheap) ll lbs. splendid coffee sugar for $1.00. Choice syrups. Don't forget our 20e. Vinegar, and cheap soap.. No trouble to show goods. 11.. & E. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDLI RY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF Royalmall Steamships. Tho favorite route between Canada and Great Britain. * I.rrT,aa ,.r,"uric.ia�. THE CASPIAN will sail on April 5. Shortest son passage). For speed, comfort; economy and safety are ognai oe any other Atlantic Line, and being a Canadian Liue,ebouli be patronized by all Canadians. For particulars as to passage or parties sending 'for their wee de, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. DO NOT READ THIS. Laviug received a Iot of now machinery, I would inform the /armors of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse hakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc„ and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL ,BINDS OF TURNING .on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. 'TIM GBEAT CAUSE OF HUMAN ° MIS- ERY. JustPubliehod, in a sealed Envelope, Price Hix units. Alecture on the Nature, Treatment ,su1.Radi- cal euro of SeminalWesnne1s, or Seer;, atornccea, induced by self -Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generallyConsumption EpIie.psy, afro Lits; Mental mud Physical Incapacity, cue.--. BY 1101.31)111' J. OITLVEJIWEL• L, Irl, D., author of the "Green Book," &c. The wo:lrl renowned author. in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his -own experience that the awful consequences of Self -Abase may be effectually removed ,rit:inut medicine, and with out dangerous stugiea1 operations, bougies,:jnstru- ments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once oortain and effectual, by whichrevery sufferer, no matter, what bis condition, nlax bo may dire himself cheaply, privately and'rndicnll . t=a„This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under. seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress,. on receipt of six cents,or two postage stamps. Ad res 1)mo Cy7LwELL'AIEnncAL f0, 41 Ann at, Now York, P. 0.330x 4080 .,Co 7:p1Qte Stool az . NEW and CilEAP FT,IRNITUILE at' W. BREWS. T BEG LEAVE TO, CALL .YOUR ATTENTIO i .1. to my new stock of Parlor and Bedroom I',t rnz- tiro, Spring Beds and `Mattresses, Pillows 'and ' Bol- stars. I have•ivado a very great redlictiohe fussily Prices, and etill being resolved to supply goods el the ir•st quality, I eontldontly hope to give you every sat- sfactioyr. My stock of Bede, Chairs, Cane -work , fn fact everything hi the Purnitneti Line is being dis- posed diet n discount ofr10 pee cent. for oaslt. The .Undertaking a 1npeeinity, at til„ cheapest pea sible rates. Feather and Wool Piltows for sale. W. DREW,